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03x07 - They Meet Again

Posted: 04/17/24 17:02
by bunniefuu
- Hi!
- Hello, there.

- You're back.
- I know.

- Yay!
- Hello!

Come sit.
Tell me about your trip.

- It was so much fun.
- So what did you do?

We had, like good talks and just
fooled around and silly and...

- 'It was fun.'
- Fooled around, eh?

Where do you and Justin stand,
like, now after your trip?

You know how I said,
it would make it or break it?

Make it.

Ooh! Audrina has a boyfriend!

It was fun.
I think we needed that.

To get out of LA. It was fun.
What did you do?

- What have you been doing?
- Not too much.

I went to get coffee
with Jason yesterday.


'Did anything happen?'

Lauren. Oh, my God!

'I can't believe Jason's back.'

[instrumental music]

Oh, look who put
the toilet seat down.

- Ooh! Do I get an award?
- Yes, you do.

Does that mean we get to go
to breakfast before work?

I don't think I have time.

'How's your friend Elodie
handling your big promotion?'

'She's fine. It's business.
Nothing personal.'


- Very cute, hey.
- Lip gloss.

I don't care.

- Ooh!
- Hmm. Cute.


So, anyways, I got to get
goin' to work pretty soon.

Can I come with you today?

I gotta get going
'cause I have a lot

of responsibility
to handle in the office.

- Will you call me from work?
- I will.

- I'll miss you.
- I'll miss you.

[upbeat music]

- Hello. Hi. Hi.
- Hi.

This year, the young
Hollywood party

'is taking a whole new look.'

Amy Astley has decided that she
wanted a fashion house involved

'and Marc Jacobs
is showcasing Marc by Marc.'

And I want a lot more
people this year.

Normally we have 800 names.

I'd like to see 1,500.

'It's the first time Marc Jacobs
is doing a show in L .A.'

Amy's really
passionate about it.

So, we're kind
of being out of the box

doin' something new make it
a really fun party.

If we can narrow
the location down to two options

to present to Amy,
that would be ideal.


[instrumental music]

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

Hey, you have some messages.

- 'I'll bring those in to you.'
- Okay, great.


'One guy, his name is Jake'

'and he said
you knew who he was.'

And then a guy from
the Sweet Nothings place

wanted you to call him back so
I took down all their numbers.

But, um, like, the calls
that will always get through

are Spencer, Brent, Jen.

But, yeah, other than that

these are pretty much
just, you know...

So I'll patch them
through for sure.

And the rest I'll just
write down for you.

Thanks, Lacey.

[instrumental music]

This is the dining room
on the right.

And then here,
you have the living room.

And then, next to that,
you have the library.

So, if you have a logo
or something from "Teen Vogue"

you can project
it on the three plasmas.

Right, and maybe even while
the fashion show is running

we can like put
the fashion show on here

so people can watch it
upstairs and downstairs.

All I'm just gonna go make sure
the terrace door is unlocked.

And it's okay. I'll leave you
guys here to take a look around.

Take pictures if you want to.
I'll be right back.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

I'm gonna take
a picture of this place.

So, guess who I went to get
coffee with yesterday.

- Who?
- Jason.

Jason as in ex-boyfriend Jason?

- Mm-hmm.
- Oh, my God!

That's, that's like, a big step.

- 'How was that?'
- Good.

- 'It was good?'
- Yeah.

'Like, what kinda good?'

Good like, it was like good
to see him again, obviously.
- Yeah.

'Cause he used to be the
one I told everything to.'

- You know what I mean.
- Mm-hmm.

You don't get that
many people in your life

who you can
just tell anything to.

- Yeah.
- He's like a different person.

- That's good.
- Hopefully.

[instrumental music]

[instrumental music]

There's another place
that won't work.

Yeah, not at all.

I definitely think that
it was too small

'for the young Hollywood party.'

It's difficult 'cause
she wants so many people.

We have to fit the band
and the runway show.

I feel like we should
look outside of hotels

because I don't think a hotel
is gonna have the space.

I don't think so either.

So Audrina went away
with Justin this weekend.

I didn't know that
they were back on.

Well, they probably worked it
out on their own.

No need for anyone else
to get involved.

- Nope.
- No.

- Bad news.
- Yeah. Uh-huh.

- 'Lesson's learned.'
- For sure.

Stay out of your friend's
love life.

- Never do it.
- 'Mm-mm.'

[cell phone rings]

- Hello?
- 'Hey, Lauren.'

- Hey, Jason.
- 'How're you doin'?'

[Lauren] 'Good, how are you?'

[Jason] 'I thought we could get
together for dinner at Ketchup.'

Mm-hmm. Yeah. Come pick me up.

'Okay. Give me a call
when you're done with work.'

- Okay, I will. Bye.
- 'Bye.'

That was Jason?

He wants to go to dinner
over at Ketchup.

[Whitney] 'That's romantic.'

Catching up on old times

or catching up on recent times.

[upbeat music]

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

Um, I just got a new phone.

Would you mind transferring,
like, the Bolthouse contacts

and all that contacts from
this phone into the new one?

- Not a problems. No problem.
- Thanks, Lacey.

[cell phone rings]

Hi. Heidi's phone.

Yes, hold on one second.
I'll get her for you.


- 'Hello?'
- 'Hey, beautiful.'

'How are things
goin' with the new job?'

'Um, it's going pretty well.'

'So I was thinkin' tonight
we'd go to that' new place'

'Ketchup and celebrate
the big promotion.'

[instrumental music]

[Jason] 'Hola. Oh, my God!'

- 'After you, madam.'
- Thank you.


This place is sick.


It's good. You should
do that when you meet people.


I really wanna have, like,
red lights in my room

'cause red lighting makes...

- Jason...
- What?

You think I was
checkin' her out?

- Yes.
- You know me too well.

I know you better than anybody.

[indistinct chatter]

- 'Excuse me.'
- Jason.

It's great to see you guys
back together.

It's heartwarming.

That is just too funny.

Oh, my God!
I just can't believe that.

Go say hi to her.
She's your best friend.

Best friends don't yell
at best friends.

I just hate him.

Did that really make
you that mad?

I just don't like the kid,
like breathing near me.

Don't let it bother you.
Who cares?

Maybe she picked him up
at rehab.

Maybe she picked him up
out of jail.

[laughing] Oh. I wouldn't know.

Maybe they're back into
movie-making action.

That is crazy.

I just don't like them at all.

- I know.
- I don't think anybody does.

I'm gonna send over a drink.

My name is Cindy,
if you guys need anything.

Yeah. What should we send them?

Uh, bottle of water for him.

Yeah, and a drink of whatever
she's drinking.

And a Shirley Temple.

- 'Okay.'
- Thanks.


I can't, like, help it.
I just wanna, like, stare.

If you're my friend,
you'll just sit here

and you'll talk to
me and you'll behave.

Bottle of water for you.

'Shirley Temple.'

We're actually fine, thank you.

[Jason] 'Yeah.'

They just sent the drinks back.

[indistinct chatter]
Wow. That was rude.

'I think there's gonna be
some serious beat-downs.'

'I so want to right now.'

Look at me. Them. You.

You're above it.

Besides, if you get hurt
or something happens

I got no driver so...

- Me get hurt by big mouth?
- 'I'm kidding.'

I'm kidding. I know.
I'm kidding.

You know, what I find
actually disturbing?


That after everything

she's really been through
with Jason. Every...

That she's even sitting
here to have dinner him?

And not me,
who was there for her

through all of that hell
is the one she won't talk to

because of you.

I mean, it's just baffling.

It's like, are you-are you
really, are you kidding me?

I wanna go home.

Let's go.
Are you in a bad mood now?



Have a good night.

[instrumental music]

She found her perfect match,
though, that's for sure.

'Honestly, I just feel bad
for the girl.'

'I just knew from day one
that the chick was shady.

'You can't really reach
a higher level'

of betrayal than she did to me.

- And it's like...
- What do you mean to you?

- She did it to me too.
- I know. I know.

The other thing
that was super annoying

is like dude, I've never
met the kid, first off.

- Why would you like...
- Never would wanna meet him.

It's like, what was the point
of coming up and saying that?

It's like, you, you didn't know
us when we were dating.

Don't be like, "Oh, I'm really
glad to see you back together."

It was just like,
unnecessary, like...

"Glad to see you guys
are back together?"

[indistinct chatter]

Sorry that it was a little
bit interrupted but...

Oh, it's okay.



[instrumental music]

[instrumental music]

- Hi.
- Morning.

- You look so adorable.
- Thank you.

Lisa agreed we should scout
some places other than hotels.

[Lauren] 'Go ahead.'

What's goin' on?

So I made dinner last night.

With Jason?

'How was it?'

Um, it was good until Heidi
and Spencer showed up.

[Whitney] 'What do you mean
they showed up?'

They went
to the same restaurant.


So you didn't, like,
have an encounter?

- Oh, no, there were encounters.
- 'There were?'

Did they came,
did say hi to you?

First they sent us drinks
and we sent them back.


Homeboy would poison my drink.
Are you serious?

Okay. Okay.

Then, next? Next encounter?

Spencer, who...

...has never met Jason before

feels the need to
walk by and be like

"I think it's really great you
guys are getting back together.


Like, so rude and I'm like...

[Whitney] 'That's so strange.'

Did it end with you guys
just walking out and...

Oh, no, um...

They, like, yelled goodbye
across the restaurant.

So, what did Jason say
when they came up to you guys

or when they
sent you drinks? Was he...

He doesn't like them.
I mean, obviously.

- He never liked Heidi.
- He never liked Heidi?

He always was, like,
"I really don't like her.

"I don't trust her as your
friend, like, I don't think

I think she's gonna
screw you over and..."

So he had a good intuition
about her.

[instrumental music]

- 'Hey.'
- Hey, Heidi, what's up?

Ugh! You'll never guess
who I ran into.

I went to dinner at Ketchup

and guess who was there
two tables away from us.

'Lauren and Jason.'

So, first of all, we walk up
and they're sitting there.

I just can't believe
she's talking to her

crazy, abusive ex-boyfriend,
who went to rehab and jail

'and she can't forgive me?'

It's like,
is she out of her mind?

So we try to send them over
drinks to be like

"Let's feel out the water."
Like, you know.

So they send them back.
So we're like, okay.

So what exactly
did you do to her

that makes her not even
wanna accept a drink?

And also, you know, you were
also friends with Audrina

and now she doesn't
talk to you anymore.

'You were
friends with Whitney too.'

You don't even know

what's wrong and
what's right anymore and...

It's so sad.

Well, I'm gonna finish up
on this so see ya.

[instrumental music]

- Hey.
- Yo.

- What are you doin'?
- Just checkin' out places.

- 'Have you found any yet?'
- Not that I like.

I'll help you find places.
I get the weekend off so...

Well, there's a couple places.

There's a place in Santa Monica.
It's right by the beach.

I wouldn't mind being close
to the water again.

If you live with someone, it
needs to be someone who's sober.

None of my friends are sober.

I'll have sober nights with you.

We can go bowling
and we can go to movies.

We should go to,
like a comedy club.

Exactly. That'd be really fun.

[Jason] 'Nice purse.'


Thanks. My, uh, loser
ex-boyfriend gave it to me.


You're such a jerk.

[instrumental music]

- Oh!
- Ah, right table.

So excited!

They need to get us a little
plaque right here that says

Spencer and Heidi's table.

I know.


I'd like to propose a toast

to my favorite event
director, Heidi Montag

the love of my life,
who reached out

and got what she deserved.

I told you
you wouldn't regret it.


I'm so tired.

I went to bed at three.

What were you doing
up that late?

I couldn't fall asleep.

I've been stressing out
a lot about my job.

I've been doing this job
for two years

and I just feel like

I really deserve this promotion.

And Elodie has to understand.

It's just business.

It just kind of sucks.

[instrumental music]

[music continues]

[theme music]

[music continues]