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03x06 - Second Chances

Posted: 04/17/24 17:01
by bunniefuu
- 'Hey.'
- Hey!

- 'How are you?'
- 'Good, how are you?'


What's going on with you?

Jason called me last night.


'No way.'

Where is he right now?

'He's over in Orange County
in a rehab center, so...'

He got out today
and he's stoked.

How long has it been since
you've spoken to him?

I don't even know when, like...

I feel like
the last time I really, like

like, met up with him
was to drop off his things.

So, what did he say?

He just want to see
how you're doing or...

He wants to, like,
meet and catch up.

So, do you want to?

I feel like he just
has a way of every time

I start to have
everything back together

and everything's good,
he's like...

- He slips right on in.
- He must have a pager.

That's like, "Everything's
going good in Lauren's life."

"Hmm, I got to call her."

Time to show up.


[instrumental music]

Back straight, Audrina,
let's go.

- Fifteen.
- Fifteen, keep it going.

Give me five more.

Good, Lauren. Two more.
You guys got good form.

You must have a good trainer.

We got to get you sweaty.

Push-ups. Finish the workout
strong. Let's go.

'Five. All the way down.'

- What's the matter?
- My phone just rang.

You don't have your phone
with you, do you?

- No. It's in my purse.
- Oh.

- 'Good.'
- You know, like, dog whistles.

Like, only a dog can hear 'em?

That's how I am
with my Blackberry.

No one will hear it, and I'm
like "My phone's ringing."

- Have you done boot camp?
- No.

- You haven't done it?
- No.

I teach boot camps.

Okay, I'm sorry.
So, you've never gone to it?

'No, I haven't.'

'Cause we were out last night

and some guy was saying that...

Ow! It wasn't that hard.

I have a buddy that
works over there.

- What's his name?
- Derek.

- Ah! That was him.
- 'Who Derek?'

- Mm-hmm.
- You met Derek?

- Yeah.
- What do you think of him?

He's a nice guy.

The four of us
should go out tonight.


[instrumental music]

- Where are we going?
- Lola's.

- Lola's.
- That's our favorite place.

- We go there all the time.
- We love it.

We're doing sh*ts, too.

What kind of trainer,
tells me to take sh*ts?

Once a week.

[music continues]

It's so nice out today.

So, was that Jason who called
during the workout?


Yeah, he wants to get together.

Has Justin called you yet?

He keeps calling me,
but I'm not answering.

Don't you hate that?
Like, bad guys.

You're like,
"I just want to get over you.

I just want you out of my life."

And as soon as you
stop thinking about them

they'll, like,
send you a text message

or they'll call you,
'cause they know

that you just stopped
thinking about them.

It's like a radar.


So, we're gonna go out
and have fun.

No more Justin or Jason.

- Only new boys.
- To us.


[instrumental music]

Brent told you how to
put them through the machine?

Yeah, but the stands, I don't
know how to mail them out.

And we still need to do
return labels.

- Good morning.
- Hi. Good morning.

Hey, what are you guys doing?

Oh, uh, not much.

Did you hear about
the new job opening?

No. What?

There's an opening for a new job

for, um, an events director.

- And I think that...
- Oh!

I know.

It comes with its own office!


- 'So much space in here.'
- I know.

It's like one of the biggest
offices here.

I'm dying for my own office.

Yeah, it's like a step up.

Yeah, a lot more
client interaction

and stuff like that, so...

I don't know
when they're gonna hire...

- Sounds like a big job.
- I know.

I don't know when they're gonna
hire anyone for it

but hopefully
they promote within.

Yeah, definitely.

I'm definitely gonna talk to
Brent about it.

- You should.
- Yeah.

I mean, I definitely think
that I'm ready

and I've worked here
for two years.

- That's it?
- Yeah.

Over two, a little over
two years.

So you started
right before I did?

A year before.

You know, I've worked
pretty hard, so

hopefully Brent will,
you know...

- Acknowledge it.
- Acknowledge it.

- When you gonna talk to him?
- I don't know.

I have to check his schedule
and then set up an appointment.

[instrumental music]

- 'Hello.'
- 'Hey, hey!'


I got some good news.

I love good news.

There's a position opening up
at Bolthouse.

I guess Brent's looking
for someone to be, like

the event director and so...

Event director? Very legit.

But, um, I think that Elodie
was saying she might want to...

You beyond deserve it.

And I think you should do
whatever it takes

to get that position.

'I'm ready to help you step up.'

- You're ready to help me?
- Whatever you need from me.

It would be amazing.
I'd get my own office.

And my own assistant.

And guess who I think
deserves it the most.

[music continues]

[indistinct chatter]

Back in Jersey,
there was dudes that would have

their heads shaved and then
they would have

like, no hair and just a tail.

That's a, that's a mullet.
What up, ladies?

- Hi.
- Hi! How are you?

- How are you?
- What's up? What's up?

- How are you, baby?
- Good to see you.

- How are you?
- Good to see you.

- You too.
- Good.

- That's a cool ring.
- Thank you.

Let me see that thing.

I should wear it
next time I work out.

Where're you from?
Are you from here originally?

I was born here but
raised in Orange County.

Have you ever been
to the East Coast?

Oh, I've been to New York.

New York's not bad.

How's Jersey different?

A lot of the construction thing
going on and, like, just...

- It's cool, I mean it's like...
- They build a lot?

We build, we're builders.

Why do you have a
Michigan state T-shirt?

'Cause it cost 40 cents
in the thrift store.

That's a good reason to wear it.

Well, now the thrift stores are
like 50, 60 bucks for shirts.

I was in one the other day
in Melrose.

It was like,
it's vintage. 70 bucks.

And like, I bought,
I have like nine shirts at home

that were all 40 cents.

Now vintage is,
like, more trendy.

That's why they can mark it up.
You know what I'm saying?

Well, isn't it weird that
I can buy a shirt for 40 cents

and then a year later, I could
probably find the same shirt

and it's gonna be 40 bucks?

- That's very weird.
- I know. I found that out.

That's why I got them all
before I got out here.

Good job.

[instrumental music]

No, you don't.


Be honest. You totally have
girlfriend issues, don't you?

'Cause I had a boyfriend
for like a year

and I have like
a million issues from that.

There's not a nice way of
saying, "That's your problem."

Yes, it is.

[music continues]

- Hey.
- Hi.

- What's going on with you?
- Just got back from school.

'How was school?'

Glad to be out of the classroom.

Are we working in here today?

Yeah, I'm supposed to

these clothes right here.

Give me my job, boss man.

- Basically, that's your job.
- Okay. Got it.

- I think I can figure it out.
- 'Okay.'

So, what's up? What's new?

I'm just tired 'cause
I was out late last night

and now I'm sleepy.

What were you doing
so late last night?

Me and Audrina went out with
Jarett and this kid Derek.

- Jarett as in our trainer?
- Jarett as in our trainer.

- And how was it?
- It was kind of brutal.

'Oh, God.'

Tell me all about it.

On the first date,
don't tell me that

you like me more than
any girl you've ever met.

- That's scary.
- Right? It's not just me.

I feel like a guy should know

not to talk about himself
for two hours straight.

At least you weren't there
with him by yourself.

- 'That would have been a...'
- Don't even say that.

That's not even funny.

Guys need to realize that

they may have to wait
a little while

and they shouldn't be
so desperate.

Do you know that every guy that
I've gone out with since Jason

I've only gone on
a first date with?

- Really?
- No second dates.

I have a one-date curse
that I need to break.

I think it's just one of those
things you have to go through.

Not everyone's gonna be like
your Prince Charming.

[instrumental music]

Hey, Heidi.
You want to come in?

I know you wanted to talk.

- How's it going?
- Um...

Well, I heard about
that job opening up

for the event director,
so, I was thinking maybe

I could be considered
for that position.

It's a team decision
'cause obviously you'd work

really, really closely
with Rob and Brian.

You'd work underneath them.

'And then there's also,
you know, Elodie.'

Well, I feel like
I've been here a long time

and I've worked
really hard and

I'd definitely be
up for the task

if I'd be able to be considered.

So it means a lot
bigger of a position

'than what
you're doing currently.'

- Yeah.
- 'Okay, interesting idea.'

Let me think about it.

[instrumental music]

Um, Jarett texted me,
he said that

we need to get our butts
in the gym ASAP.

We've been slacking.

[doorbell rings]

Come in! It's open.

- Hello?
- 'Hi.'

- Hola!
- 'Hi!'

- 'Hello!'
- It's party time.

So, what's going on?

Audrina, I heard you got
in a fight with Justin Bobby.

Yeah, but
I'm still gonna, like...

You know, I'm not gonna
go out of my way or anything

but I'm still gonna...

- Be friendly?
- 'Yeah.'

You're being paged.

[cell phone buzzing]

- Hello?
- Okay.

- You pick up unknown numbers?
- 'Hi.'

- 'What're you doing?'
- Um...

I'm cooking with the girls.

I'm with Lo and Audrina.

Oh, is that your daddy?

- Jason.
- No way.

I don't believe you!

I thought you were just
calling me to be nice.


Oh, I don't know.

'Okay, well, yeah. Okay.'

'Okay, bye.'

So, Jason's doing good?

You never know with him.

And I was like, I think
we're good as friends.

You can't just be just friends
with somebody like that.


Okay, Lauren, I'm gonna
ask you one of these.

"If, starting now,
you could have $500 a day

"until you next touched
your lover

how long do you think you would
avoid physical contact?"

You're not in a relationship.
That doesn't count.

Okay, "How many times
have you fallen in love

and allowed yourself to
just be swept away?"

- Once?
- Mm-hmm.

- Was that Jason?
- Yup.

[instrumental music]

Derek called me yesterday,
and he, like

he left me a message,
I haven't...

- He called you?
- Yes.

Oh! You should listen to it
right now.

I, like, kinda
don't want to know

what he's gonna say.

He'll probably be like...

"Hi, wifey.

Ready to go get married?"

That's not funny.

Is it just me?
Am I, like...

No, you just know
what you want

and you're, you know, you're
not gonna settle for any less.


Lauren, put it on speaker.

- I want to hear it.
- No.

- Please?
- No, he was like...

"I'm just calling to see
if you wanted to

get together tonight
for a drink."


Maybe I just have, like, too
high of standards in my head.

There's no perfect guy.
No one's perfect...

Obviously, I don't want
a perfect guy, like...

I like imperfection, but...

This is so random.

Last night, Justin called me.

He wanted to talk, and he
apologized and blah, blah, blah.

'Cause I hadn't answered
any of his calls

or anything for a week.


You know,
I answered the phone

and I wanted to hear
what he had to say.

So, he apologized
and said he was sorry.

And he never says sorry,
and he said sorry.

- And...
- So, how did it end?

It basically ended, like,
I told him, like

"Maybe we're better off
just being friends."

You're not just friends.

I just think that
you want to be with him

when he's the good Justin.


But he can't always be
the good Justin.

And you can't just like
half of who a person is.

[instrumental music]

- Hey, Lacey.
- 'Hey, Heidi.'

- How are you?
- Good, how are you?

Good, thank you.

- Morning!
- 'Good morning.'

- 'How are you?'
- Good, how are you?

- Morning!
- Hi, what are you doing?

- Congratulations.
- 'Thank you.'

So, are you gonna decorate it?

Um, yeah, definitely gonna
put up some picture frames

and stuff, but...

'Is that a new purse?'


Well, good for you.

- I mean. I'm glad.
- I mean, I'm...

- Yeah. Sorry it, didn't...
- That's okay.

- 'Work out...'
- No, that's fine.

I didn't want to
step on anyone's toes

and I said that to Brent
and I know that

I didn't want it
to be like that.

- 'You know what I mean?'
- Mm-hmm, yeah.

No, but good for you,
I mean...

As long as you appreciate it
as much as I would have.

- I do.
- But no hard feelings.

No, exactly.
It's not personal.

If we have to work together,

[instrumental music]

[music continues]

[engine cranking]

- Ready?
- I'm ready.

[music continues]

[music continues]

- How are you?
- Good.

Long time no see.

- How you been?
- Good.

Oh, my God.

I come bearing gifts.

No way! Give me these.

- Where'd you find these?
- My car.

- Did I leave these in there?
- Yeah.

- So, what's up?
- Nothin'.

- You look good.
- Thank you.

You cut your hair.

I like it.

How long do you have off today?

Just this time to come out
and have coffee?

I have, well, I don't really
have anything going today.

I already went to
my morning group.

This place is cute.
It's so quaint.

It's definitely different.

'It's kind of weird
how it happened.'

- What?
- The whole breakup thing.

It was just, like...

...we totally stopped talking.

Had to.

I had to make
a clean break from you.

I know. It was hard.

It was weird.

I was out of control.

I had some bad habits.

'It's good seeing you,
though, again.'

I, you know, I told you I'd be
your friend again eventually.

I just couldn't do it at first.

[instrumental music]

It was just hard to get over.

I know.

[rock music]

[theme music]