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03x04 - Meet the Parents

Posted: 04/17/24 17:00
by bunniefuu
- Hi. How are you?
- Hello.

- How are you?
- Good, how are you?

How can I help you?

Um, I actually have
a ring I need to be sized.

'Yes, of course.'

- Beautiful ring.
- Thank you.

Very nice.

'Your finger?'

Or should it be this one?

Which hand
is engagement ring?

This one.

Thing is perfect.

- Alright, perfect.
- Give me a second, please.

Okay, thank you.

So, I was thinking maybe, um

you could come back
to Colorado with me

for the weekend, if you want

and meet my dad and,
you know, meet my sister

and my brother this weekend.

Um, this weekend...

...was the barbecue
we were doing, but...

Well, if there's a barbecue
you want to go to...

No-no-no, I would much rather

go meet your family
and go to Colorado.


[instrumental music]

- Whoo-whee!
- Damn!

Like a little kid
in a candy store.

These are all like Mercedes.

You don't wanna get
the BMW ones.

Oh-no, no. So, this weekend
I'm going to go meet

Heidi's whole
family in Colorado.

This weekend
is the barbecue

that we planned
two months ago

with Nick and Frankie
and all the boys

if you forgot about that.

I'm gonna be there in spirit.

Oh, we've been planning
this for two months.

It's like they're all...
Don't look at me like that.

You've known about it
for two months.

Check your little
Blackberry schedule.

How many barbecues
have we had?

There's a lot... Doesn't
matter, we planned on this.

Just stop flaking out.

If you're making plans
with me, then stick with it.

It's a lot like LC over there.

I understand that you're
in love, but it just sucks

when you just flake out
on the homies like that.

[instrumental music]

Isn't it nice being here
instead of Hollywood?

- Hollywood doesn't have this.
- I know.

It seems like you and Lauren
got off to a rough start

I hope you'd two
can get along.

It's all good.

- She's just worried.
- For you?

For me, because I've been
screwed over by so many guys.


She just, like, you know,
looks out for her friends.

She good.
That's being a good friend.


She doesn't need
to worry about it.

It did piss me off.

- Totally pissed you off?
- Yeah.

- Right, then it's all good.
- Thank you so much.

I'm telling you, you're cute.

You're looking really cute.

That's it.


[rock music]

I am very excited.
A tad nervous, actually.


Does all your whole family know
we're coming or just your mom?

Um, I think the whole town
knows we're coming.

Just kidding.

Do your parents know all
about our relationship?

Like, what do they know?

What do you mean,
"All about our relationship?"

Like give me some intel on.

- They know we live together.
- Okay.

I mean, I talk
to my mom every day.

Yeah, this is pretty much
the heaviest thing

I've ever done.

[instrumental music]

What are you guys
doing tomorrow?

Brody's having a barbecue
over at a house in Malibu

and he wanted me
to invite you and you.

Oh, that's fun.

It's our first
beach barbecue this summer.

It's gonna be fun.

So, you're friends
with Brody again?

I'm always friends
with my exes though.

I know you are good at that.

And the thing
with Brody and I is that

we really enjoy
each other's company.

You know, we get
along really well.

Do you think he'd mind
if I brought Justin?

No, no, no, he said you can
bring people, so...

Well, it's always nice
to have somebody like

'new and unique in your life.'

She went on and off
with him for two years.

I know, but every time he comes
back into your life

then all of the sudden,
it's like a party.

Justin Bobby is complicated.

He is a bit complicated.

And I think
that's why I like him

'cause he definitely
keeps me on my toes.

Justin Bobby.

[instrumental music]

[rock music]

Okay, time to meet
the parents.


Here we go, Crested Butte.

I wasn't kidding,
people are like

"I'm from a small town."

I'm like, "Oh, you have no idea
what a small town is."

Okay, we're getting close.
Homestretch, aren't we?

Oh, I'm so nervous
but so excited.

You're nervous?
This is your family.

- I never met them.
- I know.

You okay?
You up for the challenge?

Hey! Open the door!

- Hi!
- Hi.

- Hi.
- My darling.


What's going on?

- Hi.
- Hi.

Hello, family.

Oh, my God,
look how big you are.

- Pleasure.
- Welcome, Spencer.

- Good to meet you finally.
- Good to meet you.

- I'm so glad you're here.
- I'm so glad to be here.

- I feel like I'm hallucinating.
- So happy to have you.

It's a trip coming from
the city to this.

♪ Na na na na na na na na ♪

♪ Na na na na na na na na ♪

♪ Na na na na na na na na ♪

♪ Na na na na na na na na ♪♪

'Where's Mary boy?'

Pratt daddy?

Pratt daddy is, uh...

...with his wife in Colorado.


I'll bet you right now,
he's riding horseback

in the mountains.


♪ Na na na na na na na na ♪

♪ Na na na na na na na na ♪♪

[cell phone ringing]

- Who's calling?
- Oh!

- It's Pratt.
- Oh.

- Is he on right on the...
- Hello.

- Brody Jenner.
- 'What up?'

You having fun out in the,
in the outback?

It's surreal, she's from
a different world

than we grew up in, Mr. Jenner,
I'll tell you that.


We're all here at the barbecue.

'It's the most beautiful day out
in Malibu right now.'

'We're chilling. Some ladies.'

Oh, wait!
You don't care about that.

Yeah, well, you guys can, uh,
pretend I'm there.

'Well, you're blowing it.'

Tell Heidi's dad and mom
I say hello, okay?

"Cause I guess they're
gonna be my best friend's'

future mother
and father-in-law, so...

Uh, talk to you later.

[rock music]

While he's horseback riding,
we should go on the kayaks.

- Maybe I'll go on the kayaks.
- Hi!

- Oh!
- Oh!

Ah, Lo and Lala in the house!

- Hi, you guys.
- What's up, my lady?

- Good to see you.
- Good to you see you, too.

I'm glad you guys came.
We're about to go on the kayaks.

We're gonna get our fitness on.

You guys should get on the one
next to us and start racing.

I'm not going on the kayak.

- You're at a beach.
- I'm too afraid.

- You want a boogie board?
- 'Yeah, Serena.'

[instrumental music]


[music continues]

Ah, hutt.


Go, go, go.

'Oh, oh.'

'Go, go, go.'

Go, go, go.


Ah, my finger.


- I broke my finger.
- You alright?

Yeah, I'm fine.
Swear to God, swear to God.

- It's broken, trust me.
- It is.

It's broken, I know about that.

Yeah, Lauren did it.

[instrumental music]

This has really
nice stuff in here.

Did you want to go in anywhere?

I got to get a Crested Butte
T-shirt ASAP.

Let's go in
and get your T-shirt.

I tried to buy you one before
and Heidi was like

"Don't send him a T-shirt."

'What do you think
about Spencer?'


He's-he's polite.

And as long as that's
the person you like, then...

Yeah, I've always
said I wanted, you know

a guy like my daddy, so...

Well, if you think
he's that way, then

that's all that's
important to me.

'No, I love him a lot.'

I'll take it slow,
though, you know.

One day at a time.

I need to talk
with him and see how...

...see, you know, I haven't had
that talk with him.

Well, let me know
if you have that talk.

Yeah, I look forward to it.

[instrumental music]

[indistinct chatter]

That won't move past.

Oh, my God.

Here, let me see.
Isn't that bad.

I-I swear to God, look.

Was that playing football?

This part won't
move right here.

I'm just gonna go
get this checked out.

Okay. Bye.

- 'Thanks, daddy.'
- 'You're welcome, sweetie.'

- So good.
- Nice out here today, too.

- Yeah.
- Nice little breeze.

- Everybody good?
- We're all good.

- Can I get anything for you?
- I'm good, thanks.

Spence? Let's go have
a little talk.

What do you say, buddy?

Let's do that.

- Be back in a little bit.
- See you back, buddy.

If I'm not back, come get me.


Well, I'm glad
you came out and, uh...

I get a chance to meet you
and we can talk

a little bit and I can get to
know you a little better.

You know, I just want to
kind of build that trust

that I have with Heidi
with you somehow.

I mean, all I can tell you is,
in my whole life, I never

never thought I was gonna
be the kind of person

that wanted to
get so serious with a girl ever.

'Cause I was like, "Oh, I'll get
married when I'm 50."

'And it's like,
at the end of the day'

I just love spending

every second with Heidi, so...

But Heidi has been
this type of gal that

would be very social,
and then she would get

a boyfriend, and she would lose
all of her friends

because she would kind of, they
would become secondary to her.

And, I mean, now
all she has is you.

But if things were to go south,
what would happen to her?

I-I just hate to have her have
all her eggs in one basket.

[instrumental music]

'Look at him.
He's such a flirt.'

'He's been ignoring me
all afternoon.'

Serious, that guy should be
jumping to date you.


[indistinct chatter]

I mean, it's way worse. I got to
get surgery in ten days.

- What?
- Oh, my God!

That's all 'cause of you.
It's all 'cause of you.

Well, you won't believe,
I'll show you what happened.

'Oh, my God!
You've got an X-ray!'

Well, laugh it up, guys.


All they do is laugh.
Yeah, keep on laughing.

Can't wait till
it happens to you.

[instrumental music]

I'm so happy
that you're in a loving

'mature relationship.'

Spencer could be the guy
that ends up being

you know, your husband.

Could be,
that's who I want to be.

Well, he's made a huge effort
to come all the way out here to

Colorado and get
to know your family, and...

I can't imagine my life
without Spencer.

Like, he's my best friend.
He's my boyfriend.

He's my everything,
and I got no...

I know,
and that's kind of my concern

because I don't think...

You don't need to be concerned

this is my life
and what I'm doing...

My only concern for you is,
if, you know

that you guys
end up having trouble

where are you gonna go?

I have a lot of friends.

A lot of Spencer's friends,
and they have girlfriends

and hang out with
a lot of them, and...

What happened between
you and Lauren?

It seemed like it was just all
of a sudden...

She was upset that I was
spending time with Spencer.

That couldn't be the only thing,
there must be something...

It just seems to me that
there's a lot, I mean, if you...

I don't even want to talk
about this right now.

It just seems like
everything's getting magnified.

I just don't think we'll ever
be friends again.

And that's it.

[instrumental music]

[instrumental music]

I feel really bad.
I'm so sorry you got hurt.

I'm gonna tell him what
everybody said to him.

Because girlfriend of mine,
Lauren laughed at me

when I walked in.

It's kind of funny, though.

Just listen to me,
right now, if you were to

start laughing at me, it'd be
like, "It's kind of funny."

But when I first walked in,
for you to just laugh at me...

Brody, look at me,
look at me. If I was like...

"I hurt my finger and
I got to get my finger fixed."

And I came back with a full,
like arm cast to my elbow

it would be a little funny,
'cause it was unexpected.

You have to understand

I'm a little
insecure about this, [span style="bodyStyle"] okay?[/i]

'So please understand that.'

It's not a big deal,
but it's like, it kind of sucks.

Will you guys just
chill out, please?

God. See, that was nice.

[instrumental music]

I still can't believe you
painted this whole place.

'Every stroke.'

I would love to come
and help you guys.

I would love to paint
your apartment.

Heidi just repainted
our apartment.

- Heidi painted our apartment.
- A nice white.

It's a very beautiful color.

So, Spencer, I'm impressed with
your commitment with this ring.

'I just got it because
I wanted her to know'

I think of her as a wife.

I live together, you know,
with her.

'Wait, I think before you make
an ultimate commitment'

'with someone,
you need to go through'

'some really rough times,
you know'

'and bounce back
from those, and...'

I would marry her today,
so, I mean, it's...

she deserves the world, so...

'I'm ready when she is.'

[instrumental music]

Where's Whitney? She should have
been here at 8:00.

I was at work with her today,
and she was not feeling well

all day, so she went home.

Spencer's not here, either.

- You guys are good?
- Yeah. No, we're good.

- It's... We're good.
- I honestly...

He's just always
with Heidi constantly.

No, I know, I get that.

Because, honestly,
like, the last

whatever times I've seen you
out, never Spence...

I get it. I lost a best friend
last year, too.

'Now, I see
why she hates on every'

'other chocolate soufflé in LA.'

This is the real deal.

Excuse me.
I'll be right back.

'We'll be waiting.'

What an angel.

'So, Spencer, it seems to me
that Lauren saw'

'as Heidi getting
taken away from her.'

Why does there have to be
an either or?

It's literally like a
stubborn, immature, selfish

little girl who's like,
"I want Heidi to myself!

You don't share her."

It's literally like that.
That's what it's about.

Heidi could have benefited
from having her as a best friend

and you as a boyfriend.
There's room for everybody.

Especially with a heart
as big as Heidi's.

What are you talking about?

As a best friend, you know,
to be there

for two years, and to work
as hard as you did...

Why are we
talking about Lauren?

[rock music]

My mom, she's was like,
"I'm so glad you

have Audrina in LA
because I love Audrina so much."

And she's been
such a good roommate.

It's hard
to find good friends.

Heidi is just, she let
Hollywood go to her head.

It changed her, it turned her
into a different person

and she let a guy
influence her.

You know what I mean?

I know, but you don't,
like, understand.

I know guys do do that

but you just got to stick
with your friends.

But only to a point.
Like, Jason hated Heidi.

Like, he hated her.

And, like, he always said,
like, "I don't care

like, your friends like me."

You don't wanna let people in.
It's hard for you.

And once you let those people
in, you don't want to

let them go,
and when they...up you're like

"Why would you do that to me?

"Like I gave you my feelings.

I did everything for you,
and you screwed me over."

It's like...I wish Heidi
was a better person

but, I mean, you
have Lo, you have Jill.

You have all your amazing
friends, Lauren.

I love you to death.

I would do
anything for you, ever.

It's just hard
losing a best friend.

I know.

- I love you.
- I love you too.

I'm gonna go to bed.'

I'll be in there
if you need anything.

- Alright, I love you.
- Love you.

[instrumental music]

I'm gonna go grab us
a couple of drinks.

I haven't seen
Justin in forever.

I'm gonna try to call him.

He probably
won't even answer.

[instrumental music]

Hey, Justin left this
on the couch.

He put my helmet on the couch?

'He just left me?
He's gone?'

- Really?
- I'm sorry.

Seriously, I'm done.


- I'm done.
- I know.

- I can't do it anymore.
- Look at me.

Homeboy wore combat boots
to the beach.

I know you don't wanna call
that your boyfriend.

I know you don't.

Him leaving this on the table

not saying bye, like...
I'm done.

I'm over it.

Hey, baby.

Life's tough.

Both: We'll get our own helmets!

- I love you.
- I love you.

[instrumental music]

[theme music]