02x08 - Enough is Enough

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Hills". Aired: May 31, 2006 – July 13, 2010.*
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Reality series documented the lives of several students attending Laguna Beach High School as they completed secondary education.
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02x08 - Enough is Enough

Post by bunniefuu »

What if we go to Santa Barbara
for the weekend

and get away, just you and me?

I really need to start spending

more time with Lauren, though.

- 'You need more time for what?'
- Like, to spend together.

I don't see her that much.

You have a roommate that

looks at me like the plague.

I mean, I honestly, I really

think she's gonna come around.

Aah.. Yeah!

When there's a little more time,
she's just gonna be like...

"Look, I accept this."

Whatever, all these people
need to stop

worrying about us dating.



How cute are you today?

Come on, let's just
go to Santa Barbara.

- Mmm.
- Let's go.

- You wanna go? Ah.
- Yeah.

♪ First you save yourself ♪

♪ Then you save the world ♪

♪ But first you save yourself ♪

♪ You save yourself ♪♪



- 'How are you?'
- Good. Great.

I'm always wondering
why you guys are in spring

and I'm in fall.

Next week, you're going to be
working with Lawren Howell.

She does mostly Vogue, but she

covers for Teen Vogue
and Men's Vogue, as well.

'She's very particular.
She's very precise.'

She's somebody that
you will learn a lot from

if you pay attention.

- Okay.
- 'Okay?'

'You're going to do this young'

'Los Angeles
real children sh**t.'

I think Carlos has got, um

about three or four lined up

but if you have anyone...

...young, 15, 16...

I have a younger sister
who's a senior in high school.

'I mean, she looks like
she would fit kind of'

the prototype of
the Teen Vogue girl.

Then maybe she can
come in and meet us and

and, uh, we can
take a polaroid of her.

We'll do the proper casting.
Will she do that?

Okay... Yeah, she would love to,
I'm sure.

- We'll see how that works out.
- 'Great.'

- Okay.
- 'Okay. See you then.'

- Bye.
- 'Bye.'

That's so cool
if Jade gets it.

I know. I hope she does.

Have you ever worked
with Lawren before?

I don't think so.
I know I've met her before.

I hope that she's not, like

as strict as everyone's
making her out to be, you know.

- She, she worked for Vogue.
- And Anna Wintour, you know.

It's one thing to work
for Vogue.

It's another thing to work
for Anna Wintour, so...

Hmm...another photo sh**t.

I wonder how many
I've worked on.

How long did you work for W?

I worked for them,
I think, three summers.

- Oh, wow.
- 'Yeah.'

And then you did this
for two years?

- Yeah.
- You're probably so over it.

I'm just ready to have more
responsibility than just like--

- Hi, girls.
- 'Hey.'

- 'How are you?'
- 'Hi.'

I just wanted to go over
a few quick things.

We've got kind of a big sh**t.

There's six kids, which just

means a lot of clothes,
a lot of people.

And I need you guys to be
really, really organized.

'I don't want everyone
to be on top of each other.'

'Everything has to be
returned the next day.'

Nothing can come back dirty,
nothing can come back

with holes in it,
with tags missing, all that.

We'll just have to be
really organized.

Getting one kid dressed,
while we're sh**ting

another one,
have everything steamed.

I mean, that's kind
of a thing for me.

If I grab a dress
that hasn't been steamed

and, you know, you guys have
been standing there

that's kind of,
you know, a problem.

So, the call time will be nine

'so, we'll all need
to get there at eight.'

- Okay.
- Thanks, guys.



- I'll steam.
- You'll steam?

- Thank you.
- I don't mind.

I've done enough steaming
in my interning career.

I'm sure you have,
I didn't realize

you had done five years,
that's crazy.

I'm just ready to be something

other than, like,
someone's intern, you know?


[instrumental music]

- Hi.
- Hi.

- You doing some homework?
- Mm-hmm.

Look at you!

- Heidi.
- Hey-yo!

- Hey, what are you doing?
- Um, I...

Think I'm going to Santa Barbara
for a couple days.

Or for like, until Sunday.


Oh, are you packing now?

Stuffing it in. I think just
tonight and tomorrow night.

Um, do you wanna come
to Santa Barbara?

- Who else are you going with?
- Spencer.

Do you think
I want to go to Santa Barbara?

No, but I'm just putting out
the invitation.

Well, thank you,
I appreciate that.

So, Monday evening

we should have a whole
Heidi and Lauren alone night.

Uh, yeah.

Like, we can go get
our nails done

and get massages. Ha ha ha!

- Good times.
- 'Umm.'

I think I'm gonna
get out of here.

- I'll get out of your room.
- 'Shall we go?'


Call me if you need anything,
ever, any time of the night.

- Okay.
- Okay. Love you. Bye.



♪ I should say I like you ♪

♪ Way better now ♪

♪ Even if we can't tear... ♪♪

'Where's Heidi?'

She's in Santa Barbara
all weekend with Spencer.

I didn't tell you,
Chris is this guy

who works with me
at Epic Records.

He asked me out Friday night
after work

so we went, and we played pool
and had drinks.

And he has three roommates,
and one of them is single.

So, if you wanna come
with me and meet him.

It's kind of sad
I've become that friend

where it's like, "Well, maybe
they'll have a friend for you."

He's so nice, like,
he's not like any other guy

that I've dated,
like, he's into music.

He's a guy guy,
you know what I mean?

I was thinking that we should
all go out one weekend.

Do you wanna do it?

Just as long as
it's a group thing

not like a double date,
sit-down, awkward.

- It'll be a group thing.
- That sounds so cool.

- I'm kind of excited.
- What about Brody, though?



♪ It's another day ♪

♪ In California ♪

♪ In California ♪♪

Oh, my God.
That's a dolphin, or a shark.

Oh, my God. What is that?

They're called dolphins, Heidi.

I just don't wanna
go back to LA.

I know. It's so relaxing.

I promise you, Lauren would

not be going back to hang out
with Heidi.

If she was dating Jason and her
and Jason were in Santa Barbara

she would call Heidi and be
like, "Yo, Heidi

um, I'm gonna stay
with my boyfriend."

And you'd be like,
"Okay, see you Monday."

You are so right!

I love Santa Barbara.

♪ Keep it under control ♪

♪ Your drive's too ambitious ♪

♪ I feel like I been
following you around ♪

♪ Keep it under control ♪

♪ Your drive's so suspicious ♪♪

- Hey.
- Hey.

- How are you?
- Good.


- Oh, my God. It is Friday.
- 'I know. Are you going out?'

Oh, my God. I... Me and Audrina
have a double date tonight.

Oh, my God.

Did she tell you about that

guy Chris she worked with?


'It's him and
then his friend who'

his name is Blake,
and he's a hockey player.

'And that's all I know. But,
I saw pictures, and he's cute.'

I believe Jade is in there
right now meeting with Lisa.

- That's so exciting.
- Yeah.

- Thank you.
- Bye. Good luck.

Thank you.

- 'Hello!'
- 'Hi!'

- Guess what.
- What?

- I got it!
- 'Oh, my God!'

- Hi. Congratulations.
- Thank you.

- Are you excited?
- Yeah, I'm nervous.

- 'That's so cute.'
- Don't be nervous.

Okay, so,
should we go in there?

The reject pile's not even going
up to the thing, right?

- Hi.
- Hi, girls.

'This is my little sister,

- Hi, Jade.
- This is Lawren.

If you guys can just sort of
keep track once we try things on

remember which rack it
goes back to.

Let me just have
Jade try this on

and we'll find
some jeans for you.

Ah! This is so cool.

'So, guys, the other thing is
they're changing back there'

so if we could just make sure
all the clothes that's there

it's starting to get
a bit messy.

So, just keep order
so we can remember.

♪ I don't know if we're lost ♪

♪ Or if we're
just afraid of trying ♪

♪ It's just another day ♪♪

'It'll be fun tonight.'

I'm so excited. I can't wait.

I want to see
if you like Blake or not.

He's the hockey player.

That's kind of hot, right,
that he's a hockey player?

That's the best part of a hockey
game is, like, they fight.

- Like, they're tough guys.
- Yeah, he's tough.

You know he's not a wussy
if he plays hockey.

'Well, I trust you,
because you're the one'

setting me up on this one.

So, if it goes bad,
it's kind of your fault.

It'll be fun. I can't wait.

You'll end up making out with
Blake by the end of the night.

'I just want to meet
my Prince Charming.'

♪ It's just another day ♪

♪ It's just another day ♪♪

- Hi!
- What's up? How are you?

- Good.
- What's going on?

- Not much.
- Hi, I'm Lauren.

- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.

Lauren, how are you?
I'm Blake. Nice to meet you.

- Good to see you again.
- Good to see you.

- How are you guys?
- Good.

It's so nice.
I've never been here before.

- Have you guys?
- Yeah. Neither of us.

- 'Really?'
- Mm-hmm.

- This place is awesome.
- 'Yeah. I like it.'

- 'Little chandelier set up.'
- 'Yeah.'


'So, me and this guy,
we've known each other'

'since, like, sixth grade.'

- Really?
- Yeah.

- Middle school.
- ...school together.

Where are you from?

'Agoura Hills,
like a half-hour up north.'

- 'Where are you guys from?'
- 'I grew up in Orange County.'

- 'Where in Orange County?'
- Uh, Laguna Beach.

My parents rented a place
down in Laguna Beach

this last summer,
so I was down there.

It's nice, huh?

LA's the place to be.

'Do you guys wanna get
an appetizer'

'or should we just get
our own stuff?'

Maybe we should
just get dessert.

- Some French fries for dessert.
- 'Lauren's down for dessert.'

Cheers, by the way.

- 'Cheers.'
- Cheers.


'Nice to meet you.'

You too.

'So, Audrina, the other night,
I was at Area'

and I ran into
that guy Spencer.

- No!
- 'Who's Spencer?'

He's the guy that...

- My roommate's boyfriend.
- Oh, really?

Sounds like he's a great guy.

So, they are dating
seriously again?

- Yeah.
- 'Yeah.'

'Do you guys
really not like him?'


I wonder if they have one
of those dessert trays

like, where they come and
show you everything, you know.

You can ask.

I'm gonna ask as soon as
the guy comes back.

I'm kind of over my meal.
I kind of just want dessert.

I kind of do, too.

♪ You swim like you're on fire ♪

♪ Live like your last day ♪

♪ Drink like it's water ♪♪

- Bye.
- Girls, it was so nice--

- Thank you so much.
- Yeah. We'll figure it out.

Guys, we should go to
Cafe Sushi.

- We'll do it.
- Do it?

- Lauren, definitely.
- See you.

- Bye. Have a good night.
- Have a good night.


I, I'll put that down
as a successful date.

He was cute.

It seemed like
he was gonna ask you

for your number,
but he kind of, like...

He asked if we wanted
to go out again.

- That's good.
- Yeah, he wants to go out.

He seemed like he was into you.

I feel like we're getting
the hang of this.


I feel like I'm getting
better at dating.

'Thanks for setting me up,

No problem.

♪ You're the most colorful
thing that I've seen ♪♪

[instrumental music]

Do we have to pick up Jade
or is she gonna meet us there?

Jade's gonna meet us there.

Okay. She's so excited, huh?

Yeah, she's so excited.

[cellphone rings]

- Hello?
- 'Hi, it's Heidi.'

'What are you doing?'

I'm driving with Whitney

'to a photoshoot we have to do.'

'Are we still on for tonight?'

Yeah, are you back?

'No, I'm coming back tonight.'

Okay, um, yeah, I-I mean...

I don't think
the sh**t's going too late

so, maybe like seven-ish

'I'll probably get off, and then
I'll go back to the apartment.'

Do you want to
just meet me there?

'Okay. So, dinner tonight?'

- Okay. Bye.
- 'Bye.'

Heidi never came home
from Santa Barbara.

Heidi never came home
from Santa Barbara?

She was supposed
to be back yesterday.

You'll see her later.

'It's just, like, weird having'

to schedule dinners with her.

- Like it used to be--
- 'I know!'

It's one of those things that
when it means that much to you

then you make the effort,
you know what I'm saying?

- 'Like...'
- Yeah.

[instrumental music]

♪ I-I'm a jet ♪

♪ I'm a jet ♪

♪ I-I-I-I'm a jet ♪

♪ I'm a jet babe ♪

♪ I'm a jet baby ♪♪

- Hi.
- Hi, girls.

- Hi, Jade. How are you?
- Good. How are you?

So, you guys,
it's a really big day

and I need to count on you guys.

'It's just us, okay?'

So, Jade, why don't you go
in the other room

hair and makeup
with the other kids.

Get started there?
I'll be in in a minute.

Whitney, during the day,
why don't you be with me.

- Just stay by my side?
- 'Okay.'

'Have pins, tape, everything
ready to go from the prop kit.'

Lauren, if you just could stay
in here and make sure the kids

are dressed for each,
each setup we do, okay?

- Okay.
- Okay, thanks, guys.

- How was the date?
- Um, it was good.

- He's cute.
- 'Really?'

- Audrina's guy was chill too.
- 'Really?'

They were really,
like, cool guys.

They were like normal.
Know what I mean?

That's good.

It's, like, really refreshing
to meet people like that here.


Whitney, when you're putting
stuff on the rack

all the hangers
go this way so that you

see the front of the clothes
when you're going through it.


[instrumental music]

'Okay, you guys,
we're moving outside.'

'We're doing our first shot.
Let's go.'

[indistinct chattering]

Where's Whitney?

Whitney, I need a piece
of double-stick tape.

'Whitney, can you just get
Colton's Converse'

'and bring them to him?'

- Are you glad you did this?
- Yeah, of course.

I mean, it's like an opportunity

'that anyone would wanna have.'

I just think you're lucky
to be on...

- My side?
- On that side of things.

- Why?
- I don't know.

It's just hard to do
things for someone

when they're not really, like,
respecting your position.

I know she's really
good at her job.

Maybe I'm just being
a little pansy, I don't know.

No, well, I mean,
I haven't seen it, but I...

...can't imagine that
you're just making it all up.

Yeah, I don't know.

'I just want to wear
this dress.'

'Yeah, that one looked
really cute on you.'

If she gives you a preference,
or if you really don't feel

comfortable in that other one,
then speak up.

Not that I should really be
talking, 'cause I'm not really

speaking up, but...


'It's just like when you're
the one in the clothes'

you speak up.

I'm just ready to,
like, hold the reins.

You know, like,
I-I wanna style

and, like, I don't wanna just
be cutting tags off.

She used to be Anna Wintour's
assistant, right?

So you know she's gone
through it.

Obviously, I feel so lucky
to have this job and...

You know, it's,
it's what I wanna do

but at the same time, like,
as much as I love clothes

they're only clothes.

'Do you want us to start
packing up anything or...'

- Um, yeah.
- 'Cause I think this is--

Let's keep all
the accessories out.

Let's pack up the girls' racks.

Definitely pack up all
the stuff we've already shot.


And just to let you know,
I don't mean to be difficult

but, I have, uh

like, a farewell dinner
for my sister tonight

'so we have to leave
once Jade is gone.'

'Well, I'm gonna need
you guys to stay'

and to help me pack up
at the end of it.

The dinner is at six over in

over on the West Side.

Okay, well,
I'm gonna need you to stay.

Well, okay.

I can do it,
if she needs to leave.

- Okay. Well, it's a lot.
- I'll do as much as I can.

I mean, I don't mind staying
a little later.

- Okay.
- Thank you.

You're welcome.

♪ My heart is in my way ♪

♪ And I'm drowning
in this space ♪♪

- Hey.
- 'Hey, it's Audrina.'

'How was the photoshoot today?'

It was good, it was the one

Whitney's little sister was in.

- 'Oh, Jade?'
- Yeah, she's so cute.

'So, guess what, Chris called'

'and the guys wanna go
to Cafe Sushi tonight.'

Um, I promised Heidi
I'd go to dinner with her

because I haven't seen her
in a while.

'Okay, well,
maybe another night.'

I'll call you after dinner

but, yeah, I-I'm just gonna go

meet her right now, so...

'Okay, I'll talk to you later.'


[instrumental music]

[door opens]




Can we get, um, a large popcorn?

Red Vines and
a bottle of water, please.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

♪ And all the stars
didn't want to play ♪

♪ Don't waste the sun
on a rainy day ♪

♪ The wind will soon
blow it all away ♪♪

- Audrina.
- 'Hey.'

I just got home,
but Heidi's not here.

So, do you wanna go
to dinner still?

'Yeah, I'll call the boys.'

I'll be there in a little bit.

♪ When the days
all seem the same ♪

♪ Don't feel the cold ♪

♪ Or wind or rain ♪

♪ Everything will be okay ♪

♪ We will meet again one day ♪♪
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