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01x08 - Food for Thought

Posted: 04/17/24 15:09
by bunniefuu
[Elizabeth] Hello, Lillian.

I just got your house listing,

and I'd love to see you.

Will you please call me back?

[Kari] Tim is in love
with another woman.

What can we do to help?

Pray for us.

And try not to hate him.

Tim, our first baby
was a girl and...

Then God's blessing us again

with a different life.

Kari, God wants us
to celebrate.

And that's what
our baby needs, too.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

The Ashford Dash, Luke?

Why did you even come?

I really don't know.

♪ 'Cause life has a way
Of pulling us under ♪

♪ But we'll stick it out ♪

♪ If we got each other ♪

♪ When it all feels too much ♪

♪ I know you'll come running
For me ♪

♪ Through the highs and lows
We'll find our way home ♪

♪ Family ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Family ♪

[John grunts]

-In the kitchen.

Hey, Maddie!

Come here, you.

Hey, guess what? Guess what?

The toy room is all set up
for you upstairs.

So you guys
better get up there, okay?

Come on. Go.

Come on, girls, let's go.

Peter, no promises,
I'll try to save you
some turkey.

Happy Thanksgiving, Dad.

-Ah, hon.

[kisses] Thank you.

Hmm, something smells good.

Oh, yeah, that would be
my turkey.

I think, it might be
Mom's pies.


Where is everyone?

Ah, they're at church.

The supermarket
donated more turkeys

than ever before.

Thank you so much
for helping me

with the turkey drive.

Well, thank you.

I heard
so many wonderful things

about this community.

I didn't hesitate
when Pastor Mark
offered me the position.

I'll probably miss
the California sunshine
come February.

-But I think it is important

to challenge yourself.

Change is good.

Even when it's uncomfortable.

when it's uncomfortable.

Oh, Pastor Mariana,
this is my son, Luke.

-Nice to meet you.

And his girlfriend, Reagan.


Thank you
for helping out today.

Oh, it's our pleasure.

Pastor Mariana,
I just moved here

about a year ago,
so I can assure you

that you'll have
an easy adjustment.

All right.

I shall take this one
out to the car.

Are you sure?
It's pretty heavy.

You think your mom is weak?

Kind of, yeah.

All right. Well, I officially
stand corrected.

Yeah, they won't be making
that mistake again.

[Erin] We're here.




-Happy Thanksgiving.
-Happy Thanksgiving.

It smells so good.


Your husband
drives like a madman.

You think everyone drives
like a madman.

She can't help it.
It's the teacher in her.

[Erin] Okay, prepare
and prevent,

don't repair and repent.

That's my motto.

That's adorable.

Are you sure
we're even related?

Well, I am 99...

Well, I...

I think... I'm pretty positive
we are.

You hesitated.



This is a great space.

What is it used for?

[Elizabeth] It's just an
oversized closet.

[Pastor Mariana]
It has so much potential.

You're right.

[Luke] This one is off
to the Pearson family.

Thank you.

Hey, I have
an embarrassing confession.

Try me.

I'm nervous to be
with the rest of your family.


Why? You've already met
most of them.

Oh, no. Not Erin and Brooke.

What if they don't like me?

Not possible.

Sisters are very protective
of their brothers.

Okay, it's normal for me
to be nervous.

Especially considering,
my boyfriend has four of them.

Yeah. Well, look,

Erin and Brooke
are the easy ones.

Thanks. Trust me,

you have nothing
to be nervous about.

Once you've survived Ashley,

it's pretty smooth sailing.

[engine revving]

[breathing heavily]

Whoa, whoa. Watch out!

-[engine accelerating]

[crashing and clanking sound]

[Cole] Mommy, are we going
to Granny's soon?

In a little bit, baby.

Mommy's not quite ready
to go to Grandma's yet.

Hey, car's loaded.
Almost ready?

I don't like the cake.

What? Since when?

What if we just tell them

without all this hubbub?

Oh, what hubbub?
It's a cake.

It just feels like
this huge announcement.

Isn't it?

I just don't like the cake.

[inhales] No cake.

Got it.

[John] Baxter Bowl cannot start

without the official
Baxter Bowl jersey.

[all cheering]



Erin Baxter.

[all cheering]

[John] There we go.

Peter, where are ya?

Here we go. Sam.

Reagan, it's been a while

since we've had a new player.

I'm sorry,
but we're a jersey short.

Oh, no, it's no problem.

I'll just, you know,
have to earn mine
for next year.

Hey, why don't you take mine?

No, I can never. It's...

Do you think
I wanna play in this?

-Are you sure?

-Thank you.

Let's see.



[all exclaiming]

All right. Nice.

Thank you.

Thank you, guys.

All right, let's go,
everybody in.
Come on.

-Bring it in. Bring it in.
-Come on.

Baxter on three.
One, two, three...

[all] Baxter!



Ha ha.

[both] B-A-X-T-E-R!


[laughing and screaming]

Whoo! Hit it, boy.

[laughing and shouting]

[John] Time-out, time-out,

Happy Thanksgiving.

I don't know how much longer
we can wait for Ashley.

-Have you called her?

Called her twice.

Both times she said
she was on her way.

And if she's not?

Well, then,
we'll start without her.

I mean, she's grown up,

and she knows
what time we were eating.

Need a hand?


No, we got it.

Yep. We're almost ready
to bring the food out.


Before we sit down, uh,

I just wanted to say
how thankful I am

that you both have accepted me
back into your family.

My actions hurt you, too,

and that's something
I have to live with.

You didn't have to accept
my apologies

but you did.

And every day, I make a promise
to myself

to be worthy of them.

It's important for me
that you know
how grateful I am.

Without your support
there wouldn't have been
a second chance.

Well, I...

appreciate your courage, son.

And your humility.

[John] I know it can't be easy
coming over here

and facing everyone.



Believe it or not,

this is, actually,
the easy part.

Face myself...

That's been the real challenge.

One day at a time.

That's right.

[John] Dear, God...

Today we thank You

for Your amazing power.

[Kari] Go see Grandma.

[John] And we thank You
for this Earth

and our home.

And we thank You
for your goodness

and Your blessings.

Perfect. All right, come on.

[John] And we thank You
for Your love

and Your care.

And we thank You for...


Happy Thanksgiving.

[all] Happy Thanksgiving!

Hi, Cole.

Hey, Brooke,
why don't you take

all the kids
to the special table?


[Brooke] Why don't you...

[John laughing]

Glad you could squeeze us in.

[John] And Lord, we thank You

for our children.

All of them.

And our family.

And friends.

Bless them with Your grace
and Your hope,

and protect them with Your
truth and your strength.

And on this day
of new beginnings,

we celebrate You
with hearts filled with love.

And thanks. In Jesus' name.

[all] Amen.

Uh, speaking of being thankful
for children,

we just found out
we're having a girl.

-[all gasp]
-It's wonderful.

[Kari] Yep. It's a little girl.

[Brooke] Buckle up.

-[all laughing]

Well, that's terrific.

Congratulations, honey.

We have all the
you need.

Oh, yeah. Please, come
get them immediately.

[John] Okay, wait. Hang on.

I think I have to
make an amendment

to the prayer.

[all chuckle]

And Lord,

thank You for
our new baby granddaughter.

You are an amazing God.

[all agreeing]

Let's eat. Come on.

-Is that turkey?
-Mom, I love your stuffing.

I said I was sorry.

I'm not the one
you need to apologize to.

Cole needs you
to be accountable
and responsible.

And soon he's gonna
have to arrive at school.

He's gonna have to be
picked up from play dates

and all on time.

Once again this becomes
about me being a bad mom.



You're right. Okay.

I'm criticizing, not helping.

But I'm worried about you.

I wanna see you
building your life,


Maybe it's time you got a job.

This settlement money
won't last forever,

and it would help you get
into a practice of a routine,

What would I do with Cole?

Well, if you were working,

I would take care of Cole.



So, now I have to get a job

in order for you
to wanna watch Cole.

Whatever this is,
leave me out of it.

[Ashley] Mom's making me
get a job.


You didn't work for years.

[Brooke] I was
in medical school, Ash.

Okay. Well, I'm just saying

there is a double standard
in this family.

Like, no one nags you
about not going to church.

I go to the hospital
every Sunday.

And no one nags you, either.

Right, not out loud,

but I see judgement
in your eyes

every single Sunday
I drop Cole off.


I will never forget, uh,
coming downstairs

and seeing her standing
in front of the refrigerator,

eating sour cream

right out of the

That story again, really?

Wow. Whatever the baby wants,

the baby gets.

Kari, what about you?

Have you had
any weird cravings?

[Kari] I don't know about
anything weird,

but I do wake up
almost every night,

craving that
black garlic chocolate
coconut cake

from our honeymoon.

Here we go again.

It was the best dessert.

We know.

We all know.

Tim has been saying

he's gonna have it flown in
for years.

Trust me, buddy, do it now.

Pregnancy cravings
are terrifying.

Excuse me while
I go call Hawaii.

Oh, hey. Did you guys
see the flyer

about the Ashford house
being for sale?

No. Mom, did you know?

[Elizabeth] Umm...


I reached out to Lillian.



I had this idea

that I thought
would help bring Lillian
some closure.

Something that might bring
all of us some closure.


And by all of us,

you mean me?


So, there's this
really large room

down at the church,

and it's being used
mostly for storage,

but I want to turn it
into a nursery.

-Remember Pastor Mark?

...Always said that
young couples
in the community

wouldn't wanna walk in there
with crying babies.

So, I thought if we had a room
that was safe

and was fun,

then the kids could stay there

and the parents could come
into service together.

-That's a great idea.

There were so many Sundays

where either Peter or I
had to stay home

because the kids
were just too little to sit.

Oh, yeah.
When you guys were little,

we used to drag you
right into the church,

we tortured
the entire congregation.

[all laugh]

[Elizabeth] Exactly.

Anyway, I have this dream

that Lillian will help me
with the nursery.

Mom, why're you doing this?

Because I wanna help.

Mom, she hasn't
answered your calls,

so just leave her alone.

Ash, relax.

Kari, do not tell me to relax.

You know what Mom is doing.

This isn't about Lillian,
it's about me.

She's always telling me
to move on,

get over it, get a job.

Watch your tone, Ashley.

[Luke] Yeah.
Ash, I think you're forgetting

that Colton
was my best friend,

and that
this isn't just about you.

Okay. Well, I was the
only one driving the car
he d*ed in, so...

I'm sorry, everyone.

It's not your fault.

Why don't I
go get some ice cream

-for the table?
-Uh, that's a great idea.

Get a lot.

[blowing air]

You okay?


Not the first time
Ashley Baxter's
left the family meal.

I didn't know
that she was driving the car.

Colton had been
over here,

just hanging out
with me all day,

and Ashley actually offered him
a ride home.

Apparently, at the same time

some drunk guy
decided to leave the bar,

and drive himself home.

I'm sorry. We... we don't need
to talk about this.

No, no. It's okay, really.

But I've had a lot of time
to work through it

and pray on it.

Ashley has opted against that.

Poor Ashley.

"Poor Ashley"?

The pain and the guilt

that she's probably
harboring inside.

Between that, and Paris,
the amount of stuff

that she's been through.

[sighs] It's...

It's no wonder
she's so complicated.



Let me guess...

Taking a Baxter breather?

[chuckles] Yeah.

Something like that.


Well, my family
eats at 3:00 every year.

So, by the time
the sun goes down,

everybody's in a food coma.

And you decided to take a jog

through your ex-girlfriend's


Does it sound less bad

if I say
it happened subconsciously?

[Ashley chuckles]

Ashley's been gone for a while.

You think she's okay?

[Kari] She'll be fine.

I just wish she didn't do this
when we were all together.

She needs to learn
some self-control.

I know.

Aren't you freezing?

It's not too bad.

[Brooke] Your baby girl
might feel differently.



Kari, I've known you
my whole life.

Something's bothering you.

Off the record?

It's the fact
that we're pregnant

with a baby girl.


Kari, this pregnancy's
totally different.

Every pregnancy is.

I know, but...


I'm still scared.

I don't think I could survive
losing another baby.

Is Tim feeling the same way?

Tim is trying to be optimistic.

I think for me.

Probably for himself, too.

He's been praying a lot.

But I...

You can tell me anything, Kari.

I have been struggling

to talk to God about this.

To ask for His strength.


Because it feels like

if I say it out loud,

that I'm terrified,

it just makes it
that more real.

I know, it's horrible.

No, it's not.

It's honest.

Which is what
God has been asking from us

this whole time.

Will you let me pray for you
and the baby?

I don't have to say
anything out loud.


[Ashley] I don't know.

Sometimes I feel
like I'm on Planet Ashley.

Population: One.

I think, my parents
have officially

given up on me.

Are you forgetting
that I know your parents?

And they'd never give up
on you.


Sometimes I wish they would.

It'd save me from constantly
having to explain myself.


I don't know everything
that you're going through.

But I know the world
is full of people

that don't fit in.

And if you ask me...

They're usually
the most interesting.

Doesn't make it
any less lonely.


If you ever need anybody
to talk to...

I'm only a phone call away.


I'm sorry.

No, I'm... I'm sorry.

I, I ju...
I don't know why...

I should go.

I'll see you around. Okay, Ash?


[Elizabeth] Next time on
The Baxters...

[Tim] With God on my side,
I stand before you today

six months sober.

But it wasn't just God
next to me

giving me strength,

it was the woman
on the other side.

[Elizabeth] I have this friend,

her son was k*lled
in a car accident.

I know that her heart
needs some closure.

But Lillian hasn't returned
my calls for years.



[Luke] Come on, Ash,
talk to me.

You're here
trying to fix this,

like you can't look me
in the eye.

Ever since your
best friend d*ed,
and I did it.

[Elizabeth] Where's your mommy?

Ashley's, uh, run away, again.

Is Professor Jacobs home?

He's on his way.

-Then I'll wait.
-[g*n clicks]

[screams and gasps]

[theme music playing]