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01x05 - A Darker Shadow

Posted: 04/17/24 10:12
by bunniefuu
No! Stop it, for f*ck's sake! No! Stop!

- What is it?
- My dad!

- It's Caleb Johansson. He's insane!
- Calm down, please.

He's going to hurt him!

Wait, I'll get the keys!
Stay here. Don't do that!


He's awake.

Sir? Sir, can you hear me?

- He's awake. Go get the doctor.
- He's gone.


Step back, please.

Calm down, sir. Calm.

- It's your little girl.
- I don't want to see her! I don't want to!

Take her away. I don't want her. I can't.

You need to leave us a copy
of the key we gave you.

It's in the contract.

In case of a fire, the firemen
need to have access everywhere.

When will you be back for all this?

I don't know, but I'll pay every month.
Bank transfer, if that's okay.

You'll have to check with the boss.

I'm only here on weekends,
to pay for nursing school.

I'll call him. I need to go,
I have a long drive ahead.

He's so tiny. What's his name?

It's a girl. Her name is Ida,
like my grandmother.

What were the locals
seeking your advice for?

Here or anywhere else,
the pain is the same.

Man dreams he is a god,
yet lives like a cockroach.

That's the source of his suffering.

The perpetual cycle of his incompleteness.


I brought them relief.

For I can heal humankind,
which has made itself sick.

Juliette is our future.

She will give birth
to a newly-balanced world.

Light and darkness.

Each of us makes their choice.

The story will continue... And yet...
Inside ourselves...

Juliette is free.

Inside her womb, light and darkness
will become one to lead the world.



...every day, so nobody,
nobody must be left behind.

We must reach out our hand to them.

The rest of the way is walked alone.

Each of us must face our own shadows.

I'm here to check his vitals.

It's a medical procedure.
Can you wait outside?

You're not the usual nurse.

I heard we have a friend in common.

Jaro Gatsi.

Do you want revenge
for what he did to you?

I have some information
that might be of interest.

If you do me a favor,
I'll do you a favor in return.


This way!

Stay strong.

It was an attack with a bladed w*apon.
What happened down there?

- I don't know. I have no idea.
- What the hell is going on?

It was an accident, okay? We handle
expl*sives to reopen old tunnels and--

Stop taking me for a fool.
I'm sick of your lies.

Caleb was right.
There's something bad in this mine.

Not something, someone! We must stop them!

We have a lot to deal with. Excuse us...

- Bachelard, please!
- Handle this.

- You have to help me!
- Please, ma'am...

Okay, I get it.

I think it's serious.
But she won't see you, Dr. Fisher.

She won't admit she's totally lost it.
I don't know what to do.

I don't know, is there any way

to force her to go to a recovery center?

- Gio, I--
- Shut up.

- I'll crash at my brother's.
- Wait! La Muire
Psychiatric Hospital in Isère,

Caleb Johansson is still reported missing.

Locals should act with extreme caution.
The individual is potentially dangerous.

If you see him, do not approach him,
and immediately call the police.

Wait, stop!

Ida, are you okay?

Hey, Ida!

- Did something happen to your dad?
- Don't touch me!

What's going on?

I don't understand.

Tell me what's going on, Ida.

The VHS in my dad's bag,
the one he always carried with him...

- Juliette...
- What about her?

- She was pregnant.
- What?

She didn't know.

She gave birth, and my dad was there.

My dad,

who's not my dad.

He just picked up the baby and left.

- Do you understand, Jaro?
- No.

You're not my sister.

I saw it. I saw her giving birth.

I don't believe you.

Solal was interviewing her. She was...

It was grotesque.

We're grotesque.
My whole life is a f*cking lie.

And now you and me...

I can't.

I never want to see you again.
I'm leaving this place.

Caleb told me I was special.

What did people say?

You know that all the girls
who went up there were in love with him,

that we did things...

What did she do to me?

What is...


I know you don't want to talk to me,
but listen to me.

Don't get on my case, Roxane.

What's happening to you is too serious.

You have to talk about it.

Stop. You don't know
what you're talking about.

Yes, I do know.

I know.

Caleb, finally.

I've been dreaming
of meeting you for months.

You're the reason I took this job.

You should be out there,

guiding the world.

Tell me how to help you.

I'm at your service.

Spare your mouth and spare my ears.

I am where I belong.

I'm where my misguided ways have led me.


You're having doubts,
but I'm here for you.

To love you and follow you...

I'll do anything for you.

Zeal and ignorance,

the twin pillars of idolatry.

Zealous, yes.

A thousand times yes.

But ignorant?

These are the interviews
you gave to the journalist.

I've seen them all. I know them by heart.

I know you, Caleb.

I know your powers.
All your teachings. The world needs you.

Let me help you become yourself again.

Leave me alone.

I never want to see you again.


Nothing but cockroaches.

Zealous and ignorant.


Nothing but cockroaches.

I don't remember what happened.

I just remember leaving the garage,
Ida calling me,

and then, everything's blank.

Is it true, what Ida said?

That Juliette gave birth to her,
and you took her without telling anyone?

It wasn't planned.
It just happened that way.

And I did the best I could.


was completely lost.

I was talking to a girl whose belly
was completely flat. Almost...

Almost a child.
Then suddenly she was in shock.

She was refusing this baby,
she couldn't even look at it.

My wife had spent years
trying to get pregnant.

I don't know what came over me.

I didn't think.

You could have told Ida.

How would it have helped her

if she knew her mother was
an unstable, unhappy teenager?

That her father had
total control over her?

That he was her guru,

and maybe even worse.

She had a right to know.

And so did I.

I never saw your mother again after that.
I didn't know you existed.

All I wanted for Ida was a chance
to have a normal childhood.

A normal life.

So why did you come back to Lévionna?

- Why did you restart your investigation?
- I didn't restart the investigation.

I came back for Ida. She's very sick,
and refuses to continue her chemo.

Caleb Johansson was
my only hope for a transplant.

As her biological father,
he has a 50% chance of being compatible.


He said Ida didn't need a transplant,
and only her faith could save her.

He refused to do the test.

I checked their compatibility anyway,

but it was negative.

What about me?

I should take the test.
Maybe I'm compatible.

I had just spoken
to your family when I was att*cked.

I went to your uncle and aunt's house,
then I was going to contact you.

Wait. What?

You saw my aunt and uncle,
and told them everything?

I didn't see your uncle.
He wasn't at the farm when I went there.

But I spoke to his wife.

That's impossible.

Marie knew, and she didn't tell me?

She said she never wanted
to hear about those things ever again,

and refused to help me.

She wanted you to be left alone.





No! Marie!

The door was unlocked when you arrived?

And you didn't see anybody?

- That's my uncle.
- Want me to talk to him?


I should do it.

Fine. Come to the station tonight
so we can take your official statement.

I'm so sorry.

Ever since you came here,
all you've done is stir shit up

with your questions
about your mother and the cult.

We had moved on from all that,
and you dug it all up again.

And Marie paid the price for you!


We had so much life ahead of us.

We let you into our home...

our family.

But it wasn't enough for you.

- Get out of here.
- Wait.

You're just like your mother.

You never think of the consequences.

Get out of here. Go!

Oh no!

Your gifts, all your knowledge, inside me!

Juliette is nothing.

I'm the one who will carry your heir.



"Enola," the name she wrote?

There's nobody by that name here.
Any idea of what it means?

Why are you hiding things from me?

I just want to find out
who did this to your aunt.

What's so funny?

So you finally decided to do your job?

You didn't do shit after Emma's death.

If you'd moved your ass,
my aunt would still be alive.

So it's my fault?

That's not what your uncle thinks.

If you'd been straight with me
from the start,

instead of playing detective
with your pals,

your aunt would be alive.

You enjoy this, don't you?

Playing powerful cop
in a shitty little town.

- I'll pretend I didn't hear that, okay?
- Go f*ck yourself! Did you hear that?

Get out.

Get out!

- Calm down.
- Let me go!

Okay, enough! Let him go.

Here. Beat it. Get out!
Be smart and leave.

Beat it!

- Where are you going, kiddo?
- I'm sleeping at Hugo's. Bye!

Hold on. You dropped your flashlight.

- Where's Grandma?
- In the living room. Got to go, I'm late.

- No shenanigans, okay?
- Okay!




We have to do more banners.

The flyers are good,
but we'll need more signs.

Hello, sweetie.

You okay? Everything's good?

Vincent and his buddies beat me up,
and you have them over for coffee?

I already said I was sorry.

But you know,
maybe it was a blessing in disguise.

Hari isn't honest.
You shouldn't trust him.

Are you listening to yourself?

- Mom, how far are you going to take this?
- All the way. We have no choice.

This morning, two ambulances left Arcacia.

People got hurt,
and nobody will tell us what happened.

Why get so upset
if you don't even know what happened?

Because they'll cover it up like always!

If we don't do anything,

next time it'll be us
or our children in those ambulances.

Sweetheart, can't you see
I'm doing this for you all?

Ever since that lab came to this town,
terrible things have happened.

Little Elias, your sister's miscarriage,
that poor dead girl...

It has to stop so that things
get back to how they were.

How they were?

Like in the good old days when there was
a f*cking cult up on the mountain, right?

When everything closed with the mines?
When they beat me up for being a f*g?

Is that it, Mom?

- This town has always been rotten anyway.
- Stop it!

f*ck, I'm sick of this.
I'm sick of this dump. I'm leaving now.

Sure, run from your responsibilities.
That's what you do best.

Just look at your life!

In here.
It leads to the museum's mine tunnels.

You're such a liar.

- I didn't see anything in the mine.
- You followed the tour.

Somebody lives in the mine.
We'll see if I'm a liar.

Maybe it was a rat or a bat.


It was somebody with a weird mask
and black eyes.

What if it's the Black Virgin?

You know what the miners say.

If you see her, it means
somebody you love is going to die.

Maybe Louane.

Shut up, idiot.

- Let's go. There's nothing here.
- I'm not lying!

I'm telling you, somebody's in here!
You'll see.


Relax, I bet you he walks 20 meters
then pees his pants.

It would be so much easier, wouldn't it?

Terrible timing. I'm not in the mood.

Can you get lost?

I can't focus!

What the f*ck do you want?

We have work to do.

Together we must restore
balance to the world.

Go ahead! I'll catch up with you.

- No, stay back, or I--
- You won't jump.

Because deep down,
you know how important you are.

Isolate a psychologically
vulnerable person,

win them over with flattery and kindness,
promise them an extraordinary destiny...

It's textbook guru behavior.

Next you'll tell me you can cure me,
and ask me to smash somebody's skull?

Healing is only granted
to those who pass the test.

Those who refuse to take someone's life,
and turn toward the light.

The others are condemned
to eternal darkness.

I know the extent of my powers,

but also their limits.

- There's nothing I can do for you.
- Just as well!

I'm just a freak anyway.

Living the life of a freak.

From a family of freaks!

I never should have been born anyway!

I'm just a glitch in the Matrix.

- So you'd like to die?
- Yes.

Very well.

You're not a mistake.

You are his only hope.

What are you talking about? Whose hope?

Your brother.

You're not the one that death is stalking.

It's him.


Only you can save him.

Did you forget your...

Is Roméo here?

No, I don't know where he is.

Come on in.

What's all this?

A case I'm working on.

About Emma?

Among other things.

I'm checking a theory.

What theory?


- What are you doing here?
- You were right.

I'm stifled here too.

So if you were serious this morning,

and I hope you were,
or it will be very embarrassing...

Well, what I'm trying to say is that...

I want to leave too. With you.

And make a fresh start somewhere else.

- There you go.
- It really isn't a good time now.

I thought I heard voices.

Good evening, Ms. Faure.

Good evening.

Mom, do you remember Roméo?

Of course.

I didn't know you two were back in touch.

You kept that quiet, Hari.

Join us for dinner?

No. Roméo has things to do, you know...

- Not at all.
- You do.

No, I'd be delighted.

Perfect. Come in.

Thank you.

You told me that when you left Emma,
you were right here.

Less than 100 meters from a mine entrance.


Jean-Pierre Paillet
disappeared on 14 July 2011.

His walking stick was found here,

less than 50 meters
from another mine entrance.

Same for Armelle Lemaître,
she disappeared in 2014.

The last photo of her
was taken on this rocky outcrop.

Look, there's a mine entrance right here.

Whenever we have information
about the location of a disappearance,

there's a mine entrance nearby.

So what are you saying?

There's a k*ller hiding in the mines?

Some Arcacia workers were att*cked
in the tunnels this morning.

It was carnage.

He didn't stop there.

What do you mean?

He came for Marie.


She was k*lled.

I found her with anthracite
all over her face.

Like Emma.

I don't get it. Why Marie?

I think he was looking for me.

f*ck, this is all my fault.

It's my fault she's dead!

I swear, we'll catch this son of a bitch.

Wait. Stop, please.

What is it?

I can't do this.

I can't.

It's me, Erwan!

Open up, it's serious!
I need to talk to you!

Why aren't you answering your phone?
I called you 25 times!

Marie Chevallier was k*lled,
and I'm worried about Jaro's daughter.

What about Jaro?
What's going on with my daughter?


I'm talking to you!
What's going on with Malia?

Titouan, our son,

went to play with his friends at the mine.
Some kind of challenge or something.

He found this in one of the tunnels.
"Malia," that's your daughter?

Your phone. Give me your phone. Hurry!

- Hello?
- Hello, Anaïs? Who are you?

Can you identify yourself, sir?

Identify myself? I'm Jaro Gatsi.

I'm Anaïs' ex. Malia's father.

Is my daughter there with you?

We were called to a crime scene.

A man is dead,
and a woman is in critical condition.

We've just taken her to the hospital.

But we found no sign of any child.


They took her. They brought her here.

Listen, if your daughter
really is in the mine,

I'll call all the backup
in the area to find her, okay?

Cave Rescue are on a mission,
but they'll be here in two or three hours.

Cave Rescue?
My daughter is down in a mine!

I don't have time for that! We have to go!
Where did Titouan find the necklace?

He found it in a tunnel off Ruisseau Road.

But you can't in go there.
It's a maze! You'll never get out!

Jaro, wait! He's right.

There are miles of tunnels.
You'll get lost!

You told me there's a k*ller in the mines.
He's got my daughter!

What am I supposed to do?

Just let me get some equipment.
I'll come with you. Wait for me.

What are you doing?
This is su1c1de, and you know it!

I grew up here.
I know my way around the mines.


You'll just delay the rescue operation.
Don't be stupid. Stay here!

It'll give you a good reason
to have me committed.

Sorry if I'm imposing, I--

Not at all, I asked you to stay.

We have more than enough for three.

And I'm so pleased to see you.

You've grown so much.

You've become a handsome young man.

- Would you like some?
- Yes, thank you.

Even back in high school,
you were always very polite.

Your mother raised you well.
It's not easy for a single parent.

I should know.

It's a shame you lost touch
when Hari went away to study medicine.

But, well, at least your paths
ended up crossing again.

When fate has plans for you,

there's nothing you can do.

Isn't that right, sweetie?


Are we expecting someone?

No, that's just an old habit.
Just ignore it.

A memento from another life.

They're very simple words.

Words that we use every day,
without a second thought,

unaware of the deep truth
that lies within them.

- They govern the existence of all of us.
Look, it's Daddy.

- Everyone's life. All of mankind.
- Daddy.

Since forever.
These words are "darkness" and "light"...


At the dawn of times,
darkness and light were one.

They held the world in balance.





Which should we take?

We'll find her.

This is the first time
a child has gone missing.

They're using her as bait.
They won't hurt her.

You don't get it.
Caleb told me Malia is a target!

"The flames will come back
for all your descendants."

They started with my mother,
they tried with me, now it's my daughter.

We have to find her, or they'll k*ll her.


is everything okay at the asylum,
after what happened this morning?


It's all calmed down now.

We've got all of our residents back.

Well, nearly all of them.

Would you mind preparing
the cheese plate, sweetheart?

I'm full, thanks, but it was really good.

Have some cheese.

You have to forgive him.
He's just sulking.

I think he really likes you.


he knows what's best for all of us.

What do you mean?

How could you ever believe
that you were worthy of my son?

Hari saves lives.

And look at you.

An insignificant little nobody
who never left his hometown.

With his two flea-ridden mutts,

and his dreams
of becoming a scooter champ.

You really thought
he would go away with you?

That he'd give up his responsibilities,
and abandon me?

You hear that?

Hari is...

preparing the cheese plate like a good boy
because Mommy asked him to.

He knows you and I
are having this little conversation.

He also knows I'm giving you
one chance to leave now,

and forget him forever.

If you have any sense,
you won't be here when he comes back.

Nobody's cleaned in here for 30 years.

Deep down, you know I'm right.

So spare us all the embarrassment,

and yourself the humiliation.

It was just a fling.

Nothing serious.

Do you think I'm stupid? I know you.

He wanted to distract you
from your mission.

You're the light.

You're the keeper of the balance.

It's over. He's gone.
I won't see him again, I promise.

You can't let yourself
be distracted like that.

You're too important.

I'm sorry. Forgive me.

You do this to me now?

Right when we're at a crucial moment?
The usurpers are ready to strike.

We have wasted enough time.

We have work to do.

You must return to the teachings
and find the path again.

I'll handle the rest.

It's true...

I take them to the edge of the precipice.

But I can't choose for him.

The one who chooses love
will receive peace and healing.

The one who chooses poison
will receive madness and putrefaction.

And it's probably obvious.

Even the one who has been
crushed by the turmoil of life.

The one who thinks he's become worthless,

adrift in the meanderings
of their own existence.

He has no idea that he, too,
will add his weight one day.

He will add his weight to the big scale
that balances the world.

If we accept it,
if we welcome it into our hearts,

if it becomes part of our daily lives,

then nobody, nobody must be left behind.

We must reach out our hand to everyone.

But the rest of the way is walked alone.

Each of us must face their own darkness.

"I am a child of the prophet."

I am a child of the prophet.

I am a child of the prophet.

I am the child of light.

I am a child of darkness.

I am the child of light.

The miracle will come from me.

The sacrifice will come from me.

There is no light without darkness.

There is no darkness without light.

I am nothing but light.

I am nothing but darkness.

- One life for another.
- One life for another.


It's a natural cave.

The mines have a few of these.

You hear that?


- No.
- Shit.

Is that Malia?



I recognize them.

That's Armelle Lemaître.
She went missing in 2014.

That's Mathieu Tibis, from 2012.

I was right.
There's been a k*ller down here for years.

They're all here.

- What?
- Behind you!

- You okay?
- Yeah.


Erwan! You came!

Now they can commit us both.
Let's leave before he comes back.

No, wait! You might hit
a pocket of gas, it's dangerous.

- Help me.
- Come.


You're injured. Let me see.

We have to get you to the hospital.

What are you doing?

Finding my daughter. I have no choice.

- We'll send backup.
- Be careful.

Come on, get up. Hold on to me.

This is it.

Come with me,
if you want your brother to live.

"The first blood spilled by
the child of darkness shall be her own."

"Then, once she's a woman,
she will be able to start her duty."

- No!
-"She shall become the darkness."

"And shall live forever
in an even deeper darkness."

No! Let me go!

"This was the prophet's will
for his children."

"Thus they shall
keep the world in balance."

"Whenever the child of light
performs a miracle,

the child of darkness
shall respond with a sacrifice."

"He shall save lives,

and she shall take them."

-"One life..."
- For another.


You should have left.

Now get rid of him.

The warrior for the symmetry
of the world, against chaos

and disorder.