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01x02 - The 13th Disciple

Posted: 04/17/24 10:10
by bunniefuu
Jaro! Jaro, do you hear me? Come on, move!

Jaro, come on! Jaro!


Come on! We have to go! Move! Jaro!



Jaro, are you okay? What happened?

- Somebody tried to k*ll us.
- The firemen say it was a gas leak.

Are you kidding?

"The flames are coming for you."
Sound familiar?

Caleb wasn't threatening us.
He was warning us.

Someone wants us gone
because we're on the right track.

And you are?

Right, sorry. Ida Heilman. Pleasure.

Two women k*lled 30 years apart,
both with anthracite on their faces?

It means someone's continuing
the rituals of the Écrins cult.

The same person who k*lled
your mother and took my father,

because they both realized, like us,
that Caleb didn't k*ll Roxane Vial.

Is she joking?

What do the cops think about all this?


- They don't know?
- No.

I bet I'm their prime suspect
for Emma's death.

It's just a matter of time
before they lock me up.

They won't listen
unless I can prove I'm innocent.

If my sister has you in her sights,
she won't let go.

- What do you mean, your sister?
- Lt. Giovanna DeLuca. She's my sister.

That's my brother-in-law.

Talk about a pain in the ass.
He's on another level.

I have to go.
I can't be involved in this too.

There's no time to waste.

- The priority is to go to the garage.
- I'd say go to the hospital.

What's the garage?

If they came after my dad, it must have
been because he found something.

So the person
we're looking for must be in here.

There must be hundreds of hours
of video in this mess.

We have to watch it all?

I already started logging
my dad's footage and documents,

but basically, yes.

- You sure you're okay?
- I'm fine. It's just the smoke.

Or dust mites.
Nobody's cleaned this place in 30 years.

You don't have to stay and help us.
We can handle it.

Do you know how long I've been waiting
for something interesting to happen?

- Since 2016?
- What?

The 2016 Cross Games
were held in Lévionna.

- The peak, and end of your career.
- How do you know that?

- Don't get her started.
- I did some digging in the car.

Your name shows up

Seems that you were
a kind of celebrity back then.

I found your interview

in the 2014 Motocross Junior
Championship issue of
Motor Star Addict.

It was all in there.

Growing up in Lévionna, your passion
for biking, your first trophies,

being a young prodigy, your ambitions...

And in 2016, bam!
You smashed your ribs and your knee.

I found a picture of you at the hospital
Lévionna Matin,

in a cast from head to toe
under the headline "Drama at Cross Games."

Your career was over. You wrote a rap
about it. It was poetic and bitter.

It was an obsession
I gave it all my attention

Wasted so many weeks

It was called "Never Again."
Thanks to the magic of the Internet,

I found your pal
The RealSebDelaPinta on Instagram,

and in 2020, he twerked next to
the sign of a canceled music festival

and you, bitter and rebellious, commented,

"Nothing's happened
in this lousy dump since 2016.


But, you...

So you completely stopped competitions?
That's too bad.

Sorry, that's what she does.
It's her thing.


We'll get hungry
if we have to watch everything.

I'll see if I can find
some chocolate treats.

Great, thanks!


I had to make sure we could trust him.

Too much detail?

Too blunt?

- Too intrusive?
- Too everything!


Shall we get started?

Testing, one, two...

We didn't mix, and that was fine. I'm not
surprised they all committed su1c1de.

That dead little girl is all you
care about, like all the other vultures!

But fighting to keep the mines open?
You don't give a...

su1c1de is a grievous sin
against the Lord.

They died as they lived,

flouting the word of Christ.

- What do you miss the most about Roxane?
- We told each other everything.

What would you tell her now?

That the nightmares came back.

What kind of nightmares are you having?

You know the Black Virgin?

It's an old superstition around here.

The miners say she appears
when a disaster is about to happen or...

when someone you love is about to die.

She comes to my room at night.

She watches me sleep.

And I can't breathe.
I can't move. I can't do anything.

Your mom was really beautiful.

The tortured type.

It runs in the family, the...

- She was so young. I barely recognize her.
- Do you have many memories of her?

I try to have as few as possible.

You know the unfinished
thoughts phenomenon?

The more you avoid a memory or a task,
the more it haunts you.

- You may be right.
- For your information, I'm always right.

Well, I have a very narrow
margin of error, like 5%.

I found something incredible.
You have to see it. Look.

The SWAT team filmed the as*ault
on the cult house in 1994.


There was a child in the cult.

And he survived the mass su1c1de.

Cause of death was drowning.
No surprise there.

The cranial trauma is severe.

She was probably knocked out
at some point,

but that's not what k*lled her.

You think someone hit her?

It's hard to say.

She could have fallen as well.

Any signs of sexual as*ault?

Not that we can tell.

I have a suspect who has a record.
Jaro Gatsi.

If you find DNA,
can you cross-check with his profile?

- Théo, make a note of that.
- Yeah.

- Jaro?
- Jaro Gatsi. G-A-T-S-I.

- Thanks.
- See these marks on her wrists?

They're from ropes.

The victim was tied up,
and she fought back.

There are also scratches on her hands
and face, as if she ran through the woods.

If I had to make a hypothesis,

I'd say that she managed to escape
from her attacker,

but he caught her
and threw her in the lake.

- What is it?
- Scalpel.

What is that thing?

Some kind of subcutaneous implant.

A biometric chip.

- Why would she have a chip?
- I have no idea.

- Where could it come from?
- You're ringing.

It's not me.

Not me either.

The girl's things for the lab.




Somebody called the cops again?

It's a public road.
We have a right to be here.

Nobody called me, Vincent.
But did you do the graffiti on the road?

Well, no. As you can see,
we're protesting peacefully.

If I search your bag,
I won't find any spray paint?


Take these, you'll freeze to death.

Don't worry, we have enough gear to stay
for a while. And we're taking shifts.

What are you doing here?


About time.

See you at the winter festival?

Say hi to Elias for me!

Lieutenant DeLuca, police.

Sorry, Lieutenant, nobody is allowed to
enter the lab without advance clearance.

I can give you contact details to apply.

This summons requires Arcacia
to give me the name of every scientist

working yesterday near La Valette.

A young woman was m*rder*d nearby,
and I need their statements.

If our employees had any information,
I'm sure they'd contact you.

They still need to come
to the station to testify.

It could cause quite a buzz
if your friends outside heard about it...

It would save time
if I could speak to someone in charge.

I'm afraid that won't be possible.
Management is currently off-site.

I see.

By the way...

I have something that belongs to you.

If you want to talk, you know where I am.

Come and see.

Is he doing it again?

Stop, Mani, stop.

Calm down, Mani. It's okay.

The family on the video couldn't bear it.

They brought him back
to his children's home.

-Poor kid.
- Yes, it's terrible.

But I don't understand
why he was sent away.

-Did his parents die in the mass su1c1de?
- No, on the contrary.

-What do you mean?
- We don't know where he's from.

We looked everywhere, we checked DNA...

He didn't match
with any member of the cult.

So where did he come from?
Was he kidnapped?

We looked...

But none of the missing persons
matched his profile.

So that could mean that
his parents were part of the cult,

but they didn't die with the others?

Wow, crazy.

Yeah, so the kid's parents were disciples
who survived the mass su1c1de,

and they're probably the ones
who've been reviving the cult's rituals.

They'd have left without their kid?

I don't know yet. That's why we need
to identify little Mani's parents.

I'll upload the video to iData.

We should talk to that cop
your father interrogated.

That's Denis Monnier.
He was the police captain here for years.

He was my sister's hero.

It won't be easy. He has
a degenerative illness, like Alzheimer's.

Still worth a try.
Does he live around here?

Ida, what's happening?

- You okay, Ida?
- No! I can't brea...

We have to take her to the hospital.



Stop it, what are you doing?


Pierre, stop it right now.

- Stop it.
- Hey!

I need three nurses and restraining
equipment in the common room. Right now.

What happened?

Don't worry, she'll be fine.

I know the doctor.
We went to high school together.

He built his career in Bordeaux,
then came back here about a year ago.

You'll see, he's the best.

What's the deal with you and Ida?
You like her?


Mind you, I get it.
You never get bored with a girl like that.

How is she?

Fine, she's stable now.

What caused this? The fire?

I suppose that didn't help.

You should have done
a complete checkup at the hospital.

- But it's more than that?
- Sorry, are you family?

- No.
- Sorry, I can't tell you anything.

Come on, just tell us.

We may be old friends,
but I can't breach confidentiality.

- It doesn't work like that.
- Excuse me.

So we're old friends?

What was I supposed to say?

We made out in the locker room
at the pool when we were kids?

We did more than just make out,
as I recall.

It was a long time ago.

I'll call you when
your friend wakes up, okay?


Hello, Daddy?

Malia, are you with Mommy?

You know what Gaspard said?

He said it's not true my great, great,
great, great-grandfather was a pirate.

- It's true, right?
- Of course it's true.

Can you tell him I'm not lying?

I'll tell him, I promise.



On my birthday?

Malia, who are you talking to?

- I'm calling Daddy.
- What are you doing with my phone?



Did Malia call you?

Yeah, but I wasn't going behind your back.

I know. I had no idea
she could even unlock my phone.

She's a smart girl.

Yeah, I think so too.

Sorry, I have to go. Bye.

You okay?


No use waiting here.

Hari will call us
if anything happens with Ida.

When do you think
we can meet the cop from the video?

At this time of the night,
we'll have to wait.

I'll call him in the morning
and see if we can stop by.

- Thanks for picking me up.
- Of course. No problem.

Sorry about your friend.
I hope she'll be all right.

Sorry for causing you trouble.

It will blow over.

You've got nothing
to do with that girl's death.

Did you know that my mom
spent some time with the Écrins cult?

Who told you that?

So you knew?

You have to understand
what it was like back then.

Today, everybody will tell you they stayed
away from the cult. But it's not true.

They threw parties at night,

with dr*gs and music...

It was exciting for local kids.

We all went there at least once.

But my mother didn't go there to party?

At first, she did.

Then Johansson took an interest in her.
She was fascinated by him.

They said he could heal people.

There were even rumors
about miraculous recoveries.

What did Juliette need healing from?
Her nightmares?

I don't know what she was looking for.
I was 20.

I was too wrapped up in kid stuff...

I'll never forgive myself.

What's going on?

Somebody's here! Somebody's in the house!

I heard them. I was downstairs.

He was upstairs,
rummaging through your mother's room!

- That's good.
- I'll prick my fingers!


- You okay, little miner?
- Let's try it on.

Grandma helped us
make costumes for the winter festival.

- Wow!
- They're incredible! Let's have a look.

- You both look great.
- Thank you.

I hear you saw her dad today.

What were you up to at Arcacia?

Word travels fast!

Come on, Louane.
I'll take you home. Go get changed.

Come, Titou.

Your trip to the lab, does it have
anything to do with the dead girl?

This is none of your business, Mom.

You need to calm your group down.

Vincent can't camp
outside Arcacia all winter.

We won't back down until they take
responsibility for Elias' deformities.

- Not to mention what happened to you.
- You're obsessed with this. Just drop it.

A miscarriage at five months of pregnancy?

- That's rare.
- Leave me out of your conspiracy theories.

These people need to understand

that their actions
have consequences on people's lives.

Just look at you.

The struggle you had with your depression...


She's ready, I'll drive you back with her.
Let's go. Now.

- You okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine.


I'm ready.

See you later.


- Erwan!
- What is it?

What is it?

Physiologically, she's okay,
but I'm concerned about her mental state.

She alternates between moments of total
apathy and very intense manic episodes.

We'll have to keep her
under observation longer than expected.

I've requested a psych consult.


My baby!



What have you done now?

I'm so scared.

Easy, sweetie. I'm here.
I'm not going anywhere.

I thought I'd never see you again.

I'm sorry we argued.

Me too.

But I can't do what you're asking me.

I can't sit back and watch you die.

You have to get better.

I can't take it anymore.

I'm sorry. It's too hard.

Besides, it's pointless. You know that.

Fighting is never pointless.


Is that me?

This girl's death is bad publicity
for a small town like ours.

- We must all be beyond reproach.
- Of course.

Of course Arcacia wants
full transparency on this case.

Their lawyers will send you
an official statement.

They say they know nothing
about Emma Marçais's death,

but that she was taking part
in a paid clinical trial with them.

What kind of clinical trial?

No idea. But all the paperwork
seems to be in order.

The trial was going well.
She was in good health.

We'll take a look.

It's not my place to tell you
how to run your investigation,

but I'm hoping you can avoid
any needless harassment.

- Of course.
- See you later.

See you later, Mayor.

We just got the results
of Emma Marçais's autopsy.

- Jaro Gatsi's DNA was found on the body.
- Well, well.

I'll call Giovanna. Can you bring him in?

Okay, will do.

Captain Monnier!

Unknown number, should I answer?

No, only telemarketers call that number.

- What's going on?
- There's somebody outside!

What do you mean, somebody?
I don't see anybody.

- There was someone! Wearing a mask!
- Denis, calm down.

- You know you imagine things.
- I'm not!

- I didn't imagine it!
- Denis...

- I'm not crazy! There was someone!
- Calm down. I'll go check.

It's happening again. Sandrine!

He's dangerous! Don't!

There's nobody there...

We can't stay too long.

Thierry wants us to hand out flyers
at the winter festival.

It's Ida. She woke up.
She found something, apparently.

Ma'am? f*ck. She's still breathing.

- Ma'am?
- Denis?

Can you hear me?

Be careful.


You won't get me, bastard!

Bastard! You won't get me!

What happened?

I think somebody att*cked him
and his nurse,

but he managed
to defend himself with his g*n.

- Where is he now?
- In the house.

I've managed to calm him down,
but he's talking nonsense.

What's he doing here?

Well, we wanted to talk to Monnier and we...

He can help prove
I wasn't involved in Emma's death.

Yeah? Can he explain
why your saliva was found on the body?

It's not what you think.

You and I are going to talk.
But I'll deal with him first.

Roméo, you come too.

Stay here and keep quiet.

- Denis.
- Giovanna!

We need the whole squad.
Send them up to the cult immediately.

Calm down. It's okay. You're safe now.

No! They k*lled that little girl, Roxane!

We have to go,
or something bad will happen.

It's not Roxane who died.

Denis, look at me, we're in 2024.

Come on, Denis, try to remember.

Someone att*cked you.
Were you able to identify them?

That's impossible.

They're all dead.

What? Who died?

You mean the cult members?

- Was your attacker one of them?
- I told you to keep quiet.


He had a mask on. A goat mask with horns.

- We'd found the same one in the cult.
- Did you see his face?

I don't know.

- I'm not sure.
- It's okay, don't worry.

Just get some rest.

Did he look like him?
But a few years older?

- Is he the one who att*cked you?
- Yes! That's him!

Who is it? Where did you get that photo?

In the video of Mani,
the boy in the cult, you hear him sing.

We isolated the audio,

but Shazam wasn't going to
help us identify it!

Luckily my forum has a collaborative
playlist for identifying sounds.

A Canadian sleuth's grandmother
sang it when he was young.

She came from
a small village in Siberia called Bolsho...


The name rang a bell
for one of my sleuths who works for BRSSG.

Not a bank. The Brigade for the
Repression and Study of Sectarian Groups.

It's a Swiss thing.

She remembered that in the '80s,

a shamanic religious community set up
in the mountains near Barboz...

Barbouzy... Bar...

We searched the Russian TV archives
and found this.

He kidnapped my son!

Let me translate. Basically, this woman's
husband is Vassili Derevko, a fanatic.

He dragged her and their son Mani
to this shamanic community in Siberia

but he decided the group
wasn't radical enough,

so he disappeared one day,
and poor Mom has no idea where they went.

But we know where they went.
To France, to join the Écrins cult.

So Caleb had a 13th disciple,
Vassili Derevko.

So you think that this 13th disciple
k*lled Roxane Vial back then

and came back to k*ll Emma Marçais?

Yeah, and he kidnapped my dad.

Maybe he never left,
and spent years living in the area

practicing the cult's rituals.

You have an issue with strange
disappearances here, right?

- Did you tell her about that?
- What? No!

It's a convenient story
to clear your name.

Come on, Gio, give him a break!

Monnier recognized Derevko.

There's a mad Russki
trying to k*ll us and...

Clock's ticking, right?

But that's just info off the Internet.

We'll have to check all this.
There are lots of gray areas.

- We don't even know what happened to Mani.
- Yes, we do.

He spent years in a home,
and ran away at 15.

He lived on the street, had mental health
issues, and froze to death in 2006.

There. Not bad
for information off the Internet.

From now on, let the police do their job.

I'll do some more digging
and send Derevko's description.

I don't want to see
the three of you again,

or I'll arrest you for obstruction.
Got it?

I love her!

By the way,
what happened to you yesterday?

I just breathed in too much smoke.

Why didn't they put you on hyperbaric
oxygen therapy or a ventilator?

You should have finished med school.

Let's do a quick pic.

What? You really want
to capture this moment?

We can't wait for Derevko to strike again.

We'll lead him to us.

- Have to show him where to find us.
- What?


- You were supposed to go on Rue du Four!
- Denis was att*cked.

- What?
- He's fine, but his nurse is in a coma.

What happened?

I'm not sure... He identified the attacker,
and I've sent in his description.

I can't believe this.

What about Jaro Gatsi?

I think we're wrong about him.

Gio, his DNA was on the body!

Dad! Mom!

- You good, champ?
- Are you okay?

One, two...

Good people of Lévionna,
welcome to your festival!

I just want to thank you all
for coming out in such numbers!

What the hell is Ida doing?

We have to find Derevko.

- Let's split up.
- Okay.

...and an extra special thanks
to the Arcacia laboratory...

who sponsored our festival

and does so much
for our town's prosperity.

And now, let's celebrate!

Excuse me.

Got a problem?

I don't know, do you?

- Sorry, I'm a little on edge.
- Yeah, I can see that.

Is it because of your new best friend?

The guy accused of k*lling
the girl in the lake?

That's bullshit. We're looking
for the guy who did it.

I see. You're a detective now?

I may not be a doctor, but that
doesn't make me some redneck loser.

I never said that. I don't want you
to get hurt, that's all.

What do you care, huh?

I don't know...

I care about you, I guess.

So why have you ignored me
since you came back?

I'm not ignoring you.

I'm just busy at the hospital
at the moment, that's all...

Oh shit. Sorry, I have to go.
But let's talk! Sorry...


What are you doing here?

Look who I found waiting for you
outside the house...


The fact she called you
behind my back like that...

We're not handling things right.
I figured we should talk.

Yeah, but you should have called me.

It was a spontaneous thing.

We were visiting my parents in Lyon,
and I made a detour.

- Aren't you happy to see your daughter?
- Of course I'm happy, Anaïs!

- It's just not a good time right now.
- Jaro, I saw him. He's here.

What's going on?

Marie, take them back to the farm now.

- Okay.
- No! I want to stay with you.

I'm sorry, baby.
But it's not possible right now.

Jaro, what are you doing?

I can't explain.

- But you can't stay. It's too dangerous.
- Dangerous?

What kind of f*cking mess
are you involved in now?

I don't even want to know. Come on.

- I don't want to go.
- Come, Malia, let's go.

Daddy! I don't want to go.

We need to find Ida, quickly.

What is she doing?

Being the bait.


Arcacia is poisoning our children!

The mayor is an accomplice!

They bribe them to look the other way
while we get poisoned.


The council, the police,
they're all corrupt!

They're lying to us, and to you!

All of them!

We're just guinea pigs to them!
We must act before it's too late!

For our families! For our children!

Gio, Sofiane,
we need to remove them gently.

Out of Lévionna!

Arcacia! Out of Lévionna!

Arcacia! Out of Lévionna!

Arcacia! Out of Lévionna!

Arcacia! Out of Lévionna!

Arcacia! Out of Lévionna!

Arcacia! Out of Lévionna!

Arcacia! Out of Lévionna!

Jaro, he's there!
He's just over there! Quick!

Move aside!

My son was the first,
but your kids will be next if you...


