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01x01 - Still on Fire

Posted: 04/17/24 10:09
by bunniefuu

Police! On your knees,
and hands on your head!

On your knees, hands on your head!

I said, on your knees, hands on your head!

Caleb Johansson, you're under arrest
for the m*rder of Roxane Vial.

What the f*ck is that?

Go get him, guys.

Secure the building.

Events have taken a tragic turn
in the Alpine village of Lévionna.

Twelve bodies were found this morning
by police at the home of Caleb Johansson...


...the Écrins cult's charismatic leader.

It all started last week when Roxane Vial,

a 17-year-old high school student,
was found m*rder*d...

According to sources,

she'd been stoned to death
and her face was covered with anthracite.

The grisly ritual the young woman
had been subjected to

soon led investigators to the Écrins cult
and its guru, Caleb Johansson.

The guru is the sole survivor

of what the police
are now calling a "mass su1c1de."

But with Caleb Johansson
refusing to speak,

the mystery remains about what really
happened behind the walls of this house.

How could such a terrible tragedy
strike in such a peaceful small town?

In Lévionna, there is a palpable
sense of shock among the locals.

Yes! You finally picked up.

Dad, why'd you leave without a word?

I'll be back in a few days.
It's for work. Don't worry.

Your team knows nothing about it.
Didn't think I'd call them?

What are you doing in the Alps?
What's this town, Lévionna?

Ida, I told you to stop tracking my phone...

Since when do you keep secrets?
We tell each other everything.

I'm on an important investigation, sweetie.

Okay, so I'll come help you.

No. I'll be back soon. I promise.

Dad? Hello?




- What's going on?
- Ida, don't come!


Dad! What's going on?



I figured a Parisian like you
would be hitting on the seasonal workers,

but no, you're actually shy.

Sure, whatever.

There's a big party tomorrow night,
so if you want to meet some people...

Thanks, but I'm going to lay low.

If you change your mind,
you know where to find me.


- Hello!
- To rent equipment, talk to my colleague.

No, thanks. Maybe later, it seems cool,
but I have to find my father first.

You're welcome to wait for him
on the bench over here.

- No, that's not--
- Excuse me.

These are too small.
Do you have them in a size 45?

- Let me check.
- Okay.

The skis are great.

How much for the week,
with the helmet and poles?

My dad's name is Solal. Solal Heilman.
He's a journalist. Do you know him?

No, I don't. 150 euros.

Remember the Écrins cult?
The mass su1c1de?

- The m*rder of Roxane Vial?
- I remember. A horrible story.

- No, not you. Do you remember?
- A little. Like everybody.

- I have a pair in size 45. I'll get them.
- Great, thanks.

I'm so clumsy!

My colleague can help.

Roméo, can you get the gentleman
a pair of Allspeed in a size 45, please?

Thank you.

My father investigated
the cult 30 years ago.

He came back here last week,
and was kidnapped.

I don't know how to help. Call the cops.

- Ever watch true crime documentaries?
- No.

Cops only get involved
two times out of three. For real.

I don't need them. I need you.

Look, I found this in my dad's hotel room.
That's you, right?

It was in his cult investigation folder.

Jaro, I can't find the Allspeed.

I don't know why your dad has my photo,
but I have to work.

- You'll get me into trouble.
- Right. Sorry!

You have to lie low
because you're on parole.

How do you know about that? Who are you?

I realize I'm not handling this very well.

Sorry, I'm not used to
real-life social interactions...

- My name's Ida. I do web sleuthing.
- What?

Web sleuthing.
Participative investigating online.

I created a forum called iData. Ida-ta!

My subscribers and I pick an investigation
and collect information on the web.

With hundreds of us,
we find clues quickly.

Nobody knows about my record,
and I don't put info online.

People have no idea
how much private data about themselves

and their family
they're constantly giving out online.

Follow me. First I googled your name.

There isn't much.
Your social networks are private. Good.

But you have a Copains d'avant account
you haven't used in years.

That's how I know
you studied Ophthalmology.

You're not an ophthalmologist,
so something went wrong.

It may be connected to the pictures
on your student association's Insta

showing you partying in a state
we can describe as... "pitiful."

You're in photos with a student nurse,
Anaïs Aymard, who tagged herself.

It must have been serious,
because I found her on a midwife's blog.

You're both attending a prenatal class.
So cute.

What's less cute is your T-shirt
with the weed leaf on it.

But interestingly, your T-shirt also
has the logo of a nightclub called NUX.

They have 2,072 reviews,

so I asked my sleuths to investigate,
and they dug up a comment from 2022

criticizing a tall,
biracial barman named Jaro

who doesn't know how much vodka
goes in a Sex on the Beach.

So you became a barman.

From medical student to working the bar
at trendy parties to renting sleds?

Quite the fall from grace!

Why sabotage yourself?
Some kind of trauma?

It seems that things fizzled out
with your girlfriend too.

She has public playlists.
She made one two years ago

called Breakup Songs
with too many sad songs.

Still, it didn't explain
why you're in Lévionna.

The Internet couldn't help me there.
But my community did!

One of my sleuths' exes has a cousin
who works in Isère

and said that your ski shop is accredited

to help ex-convicts return to work.

So one plus one equals...
suspended sentence.

Hey, Jaro! I can't find the Allspeed.

I've got to go. But I swear,
you're mistaken. I've never seen your dad.

Oh no!


Not now, please. Not now, no...

Jaro! This lady was on a chairlift
and dropped her board in the woods.

- Can you go get it?
- Which woods?

It's all the way up there.
I'll go with you, it'll be easier.

Okay, go on.

I work at the day camp
down in the village.

I'm here for the season.
You're new here, aren't you?

- Where are you from?
- Paris.


Usually Thierry hires the local misfits
who just got out of jail.

Is it far?

Well, no, it's... just there.

I don't understand.

Yeah, well...

I just really wanted to talk to you.

And you're busy all the time, so I...

I told a little lie.

Yeah, but... I can't now, I'm working.

Well, working...
Can't you spare a few minutes?


You're stunning. I really want to.

But I have to go to work. See you tonight?

I'm working tonight.
It's a shame, don't you think?

I can't afford to lose this job.



What a weirdo.

No, girl, forget it.

He's a total waste of space.
I don't want him anymore.

Wait, I think he changed his mind.

Call you back.

Thanks. See you tomorrow.

Yeah. But you need a car
or you'll die out here.

Especially if you have to go
up to the station every day.

Yeah, I know.
But cash flow is a little tight right now.

I work at a garage too.
I'll see what I can do.

Does everybody here have three jobs?

That's how it is. You have to be flexible.

Anyway, thanks a lot.

What happened?

A wolf attack.

Let's go.

Can I help?

- Doing what?
- I don't know.

Third time this year. I'm sick of it.

Don't hold it against him.
It's a difficult time.

The fact that I'm here doesn't help.

You're wrong.
We're very happy you're here.

But obviously for your uncle...

it brings back the memories
of what happened to your mom.

And I guess it's not easy
for you to be here either.

I'm going to bed. I'm exhausted.

You have to stop calling me, Jaro.

You can't stop me
from talking to my daughter.

I already told you I need time to think.

Think about what, Anaïs?

About what's best for her.

What'll happen if you go to jail?

I already told you,
I'm done with all that.

I'll watch my step
and be back in Paris in six months.

But you'll never be done.

You have other issues. As long as
you refuse to see a therapist, I--

Give me a break with that.

I've hired a lawyer.

What do you mean?

I'm applying for sole custody.

You can't do that to me.

I know it's complicated between us,
and I screwed up, but...

I'm a good father, Anaïs. You know that.

If you were a good father,
I wouldn't have to lie to Malia.

I wouldn't have to pretend
you can't pick her up from soccer

because a judge forced you to leave Paris.







you should've brought me the boy.

- Who are you?
- Bring me Jaro.

- How are you, Marie?
- Fine, and you?

Sorry to bother you. I heard
Claude's nephew was staying with you.

- Yeah.
- Jaro Gatsi.

- Can I talk to him?
- Is there a problem?

It's okay, Marie. You're looking for me?

Jaro Gatsi.


You're on a six-month
suspended sentence for dealing narcotics.

You're lucky the judge
didn't send you to prison.

I worked at a club and helped
with some services I shouldn't have.

Is that why you reported the drug ring?

A customer had to die from an overdose
for you to find a conscience,

but better late than never.

I guess your suspended sentence
combined with a restraining order

from your place of residence
is why you've come to our lovely region.

I'll be your parole officer.

I'm here working. I don't want trouble.

A little late for that.

Do you know this woman?

She rented a board yesterday
from the shop.

Is that all?

You left together around 5:00 p.m., right?

Yeah, to find her board.
Why, what did she tell you?

Nothing. She never came home.

As the last person who saw her,
I was hoping you could help us find her

by telling me exactly
what happened between you.

Nothing happened between us.

I don't even know where she is.

Bad karma, right?

You've been here what, two days?

And someone goes missing.

What time did you last see her?

I don't know.
It must have been six o'clock.

But she was fine.

- What do you think happened to her?
- No idea! I swear!

Lieutenant, there's a young lady outside

who claims to have information
on the missing girl.

Stay here. I'll be back.

- Hello.
- Hello, ma'am.

I came because I have some information...

Hey! What did you tell them?

That I was out for a walk
and saw you talking to that missing girl.

I was following you,
but I didn't tell them that of course.

Come on!

You serious? What are you playing at?

Relax, I told the truth about the rest.
You went your separate ways.

A man of color with a record,
they'd have kept you there for ages.

If something bad happened,
they shouldn't waste time with you.

I need you to help find my father.
I have no other options.

We have to be at the asylum in 1.5 hours.

- What? What asylum?
- I know why my dad was interested in you.

Caleb Johansson, the Écrins cult's guru,
he's been locked up in there for 30 years.

He called my father's room last night,
and I traced the call.

- What does that have to do with me?
- Sorry. Caleb Johansson asked to meet you.

What? Why would he want to meet me?
How does he even know me?

That's what this meeting is about.

Wait! This has nothing to do with me.

You want me to meet a psycho in a facility
when they've linked me to a missing girl?

- When you put it like that...
- There you go.

But nobody has to know you came with me.

- You know what? Good luck.
- No. Wait!

- You're my only lead. Help me.
- Let me out. It's not funny.

- Jaro, I need you! No! Jaro, stop!
- Get off me!

- Get off me!
- Stay!

Sorry. I'm really running out of time.

How was the interrogation?

He's got an alibi, but I don't buy it.

Where are you going?

To meet Charlène up at the resort
where the girl went missing.

- Wait.
- What?

Did you call the canine unit for an adult
who's been missing less than a day?

- I have a bad feeling.
- Gio. Please.

- Not your same old theory again?
- It's not a theory.

What do you call two or three
unsolved disappearances per year?

National statistics.

Our region is in the average range.
You have no evidence.

- I have no resources to investigate.
- No, you don't have a case.


Just go easy, will you? That's all.

I don't want another Fournier case.

I don't want the helicopters
and all that for a guy who left home

without telling his wife.

I wasn't in my right mind. You know that.

I'm fine now.

I'm just saying you should let
Sofiane handle Emma Marçais...

I'm fine. Okay?

Pick up Titouan from camp at six.
I won't have time.

What's happening?

Great, you're awake. How are you?

I was worried
the taser voltage was too high.

I read the manual, but it was
my first time using it. Are you okay?

Just f*cking untie me!

Untie me, for f*ck's sake!

That was close.

Be careful. I didn't know
you need snow tires here.

- She's crazy... This girl is crazy!
- No.

It'll be fine. You go into the facility,
ask Caleb about my dad.

- One hour tops, and we're done.
- I told you I wouldn't do it.

I was worried about that.
I hope the cops will be understanding.


When I retract my statement.

Go ahead. Do that,
and you'll end up in jail before me.

You think?

I didn't know, Officer. I'm sorry...

He forced me to do it. He said that
if I didn't do what he said, he'd k*ll me.

So I did as he said, I feel so terrible...

Not bad, huh? I watched
a lot of crime shows as a kid.

I learned all kinds of stuff.

You think you can just
walk into a facility?

No problem. Don't worry.

The Regional Director owes me a favor.

I found his dog. He contacted iData
because he lost Loki in the park--

I don't care!

It's a shame because it allowed us
to uncover dog trafficking in the park--

I don't give a shit! Untie me now!

- I'm talking to you. Stop and untie me!
- So sensitive.

Just relax. Enjoy the scenery.

Your client took quite a walk...

What is it, ET? Seek!

Good boy. Seek! What did you find?

It's an old mine entrance.



What was that?

Prof. Chavant told me
that you were researchers in psychology?

Yes, we're studying the resurgence
of the cult phenomena since Covid. It's...

It's very...


Honestly, I was surprised

that Prof. Chavant gave you access
to Mr. Johansson.

He's a very special patient.

Is he dangerous?

After 30 years of antipsychotics,
nobody is dangerous.

- She has a Taser, anyway.
- Pardon me?

He's joking! I left it in the car.
I'm not crazy.

You have 15 minutes.

Mr. Johansson?

Look. I believe you know my father.

What happened to him? Tell me.

Why did he come to see you?

Why did you want to see Jaro?


I was right.

I can see her soul in your eyes.


The same struggle
between darkness and light.

Despite my teachings,
the darkness took her.

Who do you mean, Mr. Johansson?

The flames...

The flames that consumed Juliette
are still burning.

How do you know my mother?

I often dreamed of you.

The son of the chosen one.

Maybe it's not too late.

- Your mom was in his cult?
- No... I don't know!

If you want to live,
you must fight darkness with true light.

- If I want to live? What is this?
- The flames will come back for you.

They'll come for all your descendants!

What did you say?

- Are you threatening my family?
- Jaro, let him go!

- The flames will return.
- You threatening my family?

Jaro, stop it!

Happy now? You got what you wanted?

Now forget you ever met me.

I can't cure you. Not anymore.

Did my father tell you I was sick?

It's my father... Tell me where he is.
Please. I'm begging you!

Enough! Get out!

- My father, Solal, tell me where he is!
- Get out!

Tell me where he is, Mr. Johansson!
Tell me! No!



The ice is perfect. Incredible!

That's beautiful!

This one will get us
more than 10,000 views!

All good, did you get it?

Wait, there's something weird. The ice...


Emma Marçais?

They just pulled her out.

I told you I had a bad feeling.

Anthracite on her face.

Don't get carried away.
No hasty conclusions.

Just like Roxane Vial in '94.

How many drunk kids have you locked up
who put anthracite on their faces?

- It's practically become a tradition here!
- They weren't found dead in the lake.

Do we know what happened to her?

She had cranial trauma,
but she could also have died by drowning.

We don't want to create a panic
two days before the Winter Festival.

Let's follow procedure and wait for
the pathologist's report from Grenoble.


What about your suspect this morning?

I'm checking the statement
of the girl who gave him his alibi.

And the canine search?

The dog led us to an abandoned
entrance to the mine near La Valette.

- Did you feel the earthquake?
- The earthquake?


I know what it is. It must be Arcacia.

They got authorization
to reopen some parts of the mine.

They're using expl*sives.

I think they're searching
for more coal or something.

And why wasn't I informed about this?

After what happened last year,

the higher-ups
need to learn to trust you again.

Hey, calm down. He's a friend.

- Hey, what's up?
- Is the party still on tonight?

- Yeah, but I thought it wasn't your thing?
- Let's go.



This town is so depressing.

Yeah, I know.
But it wasn't always like this.

Actually, it was always like this.

But when I was little, it was more lively.
Before they shut down the mines.

At least the landscape is incredible.

And the ski resort is pretty cool, no?

How come you never came here before
if your mother's from here?

Like on vacation?

We lived in Paris with my father.

My mother committed su1c1de
when I was seven.

She set fire to our apartment.

Oh, shit.

I'm sorry, man.

Look in the glove box. Go on.

The little round container.
The black and white one.

We live in a sh*thole,
but we can forget about it.


What do you think?

Isn't this place insane?

Do you know what happened here?

Thirty years ago, a cult moved here,
and they were all found dead inside.

Pretty cool, right?

What's going on?

No, it's nothing. I don't give a shit.

Hey, nobody comes in
without the sign of purification.

Ms. Heilman, this is Dr. Guillon.

I'm calling one last time to try to
convince you to continue your treatment.

The chance of remission is low,
but I promise that chemotherapy

could prolong your life expectancy
by several months, even a year.

Call me back when you get this message

so we can discuss
what procedures we could implement.


Okay, it's time to sleep now.

Oh no, please. Can we watch just one more?

No, you have to sleep,
and I have to get up early for work.

But I'll come back tomorrow night,
as always.

All the elements of a detective movie
are there, a corpse...

I know it's hard
to spend so much time alone,

so I've got you a little present.

A computer.

I asked to get you an Internet connection,

so we can see each other
even when I'm not here.

And you can talk to people
all around the world, whenever you want.

Thanks, Daddy!

The reverse image search came up empty.

It's an old Austrian brand.

The serial number shows
that it was made in Korea in the '80s.

The company's called Belmart.

On their site, they've listed
three projects in the Rhône-Alpes region.

And there's one in Lévionna.


How did you get in here?

You scared me.

Are you on your own?

Everyone abandoned you? Me too.

Have you seen my dad, by chance?

This looks like his storage unit,
doesn't it?

Any idea where he is?

Obviously, he didn't come here
just to sh**t a TV report 30 years ago.

It looks more like an investigation.

The question is,
why did he never finish it?

Yeah, you're right. Why did he come back?

The son of the chosen one.

The flames that consumed Juliette
are still burning.

I recognize her soul in your eyes.

The same struggle
between darkness and light.

The flames are coming back for you
and all your descendants.

Look, a giant one! It won't let go.

I'm sure I can catch it.

What the f*ck am I doing here?

Look, it's him!

- You dare show your face here?
- Give me a break.

You k*ll a girl, throw her in the lake,

then you come out to party?

You're out of your mind!

What did you say? She's dead?

Get out of here.

Get off me!

Jaro! Come on, let's go.

You piece of shit!

Ida, I'm in deep shit.
Emma, the missing girl, is dead.

Help me. They're gonna pin it on me.

Probably. Especially
if you don't wash your face.


Emma was found
with anthracite on her face too.

It's not a good look.

How do you know?

It's your web thing?

- What's it called?
- Sleuthing.


I found hundreds of my dad's tapes.

It's a gold mine of information
on the Écrins cult.

He interviewed everybody involved.

It's my mom.

Do you know who her best friend was?

Roxane Vial.

The high school girl from 1994.

The first victim.

I can't believe it.

It's not possible.

That's nothing. Look.

It was Roxane who first had the idea

to visit the community
up at the lake house.

They had nice parties there. We had fun.

But pretty soon, I realized that...

something very powerful
was going on up there.

Caleb told me I was special.

So I kept going there, alone.

Yes, I loved Caleb,
but not like people thought.

What were people saying?

That all the women who were
going up there were in love with him,

that we did things...

The police say
that's the reason I'm lying.

But I'm not lying.

Caleb didn't k*ll Roxane.
He couldn't have.

Nobody believes me. They think I'm crazy.

I don't think you're crazy, Juliette.
Not at all.

I think the same way as you.

So my dad and your mom both thought
Caleb was innocent. Can you imagine?

If Roxane's k*ller has never been
arrested, he could have k*lled Emma.

- It's possible.
- Why didn't your dad say something?

I don't know, maybe he needed more proof.

But if he came back here to check
his old VHS tapes and see Caleb,

he must have found something,
or at least he was following a new lead.

That's probably why they came for him.

Maybe they came for your mom too.

My mom had depression.

She k*lled herself years after all this.

Are you sure it was really su1c1de?


Jaro! Come on, we have to get out!

Come on, Jaro!


