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03x01 - Welcome to Love Is Blind!

Posted: 04/17/24 09:14
by bunniefuu
[dramatic music plays]

[Brennon] I'm engaged
to somebody I never met,

somebody I've never seen.

Being loved for somebody
who you are on the inside

feels like nothing else in the world.

I do wholeheartedly believe that
we're engaged because of the right reason,

which is that we are in love.

[Alexa] The goal of this experiment
is to find someone that loves me for me.

And that I find someone
that I love for them.

Just what's on the inside.

[dramatic music intensifies]

I've opened my heart,
and I really hope that he just doesn't,

like, stomp on it.

What the f*ck? [chuckles]

[softly] Yes.


- Oh my God.
- Thank you.

[romantic music plays]

♪ I hear you when you whisper… ♪

[Alexa] Oh my God.

[Brennon] God, you smell so good.

♪ Hearts beating together… ♪

My God. Like, wow.

♪ And now we are complete ♪

♪ 'Cause you ♪

[Alexa sighs]

♪ Are the one who lights up the night… ♪

- Okay.
- Okay.

Got you a rose.

- Okay. Thank you.
- Um…


[Alexa chuckles]

[Brennon chuckles] What the hell…

Will you marry me?



- [Brennon sniffles]
- [Alexa chuckles]

Oh my God. Okay. I'm really shaking. Okay.

I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine.


♪ Oh, with you, babe ♪

- [Alexa laughs]
- [Brennon sighs]

Oh my God. Like, wow.

I have… zero words.

I'm, like, obviously really happy.

♪ I live for you and more… ♪

It's a lot. It's all the emotions.
It's literally all the emotions.

♪ Fly through the sky to you ♪

- ♪ Fly and not use my feet ♪
- [Alexa sobs]

Yeah. And, like,

I'm really excited for, like…
to spend the rest of my life with you.

- I am too.
- Yeah.

God, you're gorgeous.

- Let's do it right away. Maybe?
- [laughs] Maybe. Yeah.

Okay, cool, cool.

I'm really glad to look at this
for the rest of my life.

We'll make beautiful children.
Like, I'm really excited for that.

- Oh, yeah?
- [Alexa chuckles, sighs]

You're an incredible person
and, like, I'm really happy I found you.

- I am too.
- So happy.

I love you so much. I…

I really didn't think
I was gonna find anybody.


- No matter what…
- Yeah?

…I'm in with you 100%.

[gasps] Oh.

- I love you.
- I love you so much.

♪ So when you find the one
Tell them that you love them ♪

[song fades]

[emotional music plays]

[Colleen] When it's rejection
and then rejection right after,

of course I'm gonna feel,
"Am I doing something wrong?"

He ended things. [chuckles]

I kind of went through a whole mental,
like, breakdown a second ago.

With Brennon and with Cole,

they have said they don't see
anything serious with me in the long run.

- [Zanab] How you doing?
- I was excited.

But after my, like, past two rejections,

I'm nervous.

I feel like they're just judging me
as, like, a super shallow person.

I'm not saying I don't wanna talk
about being super deep with our feelings.

I'm just really learning
how to grow up just a little bit,

open up and be clear on what I'm feeling,
what I'm… what I'm thinking.

I will say, um,
there's one guy who I, like…

The first couple conversations,

it wasn't great compared to, like,
other conversations that I was having,

but, like, I was like,
"There's something there."

"Like, I know there's something there."

I wanna find, you know, my person,

but I also wanna dig
a little deeper into… into myself.

♪ Somebody throw me a line… ♪

To see if I can fall in love with somebody
for who they are, their heart,

and if they love me for me.

♪ Send me a sign… ♪

- I've been a little emotional over here.
- What's getting you emotional?

- It's the fear of rejection.
- [Matt] Yeah.

Um, I'm not used to being vulnerable,

and it's so scary, like,
being completely yourself.

[Matt] The big "V" buzzword.

- Vulnerability.
- Vulnerability.

[Matt] Right? You gotta have that
to build a relationship.

[Colleen] Would you say
it's hard for you to be vulnerable?

If you asked me this question
five years ago…

- [Colleen] Uh-huh?
- …I'd have a different answer.

[Colleen] Okay.

[Matt] So, I actually was
in a ten-year relationship.


[Matt] We actually got married
when we were 18

and got divorced
when we were about 24 years old.


[Matt] It was way shitty,
and it was tough.

So I just felt hopeless,
you know what I mean?

It is what it…

- Listen, it put a lot of walls up for me.
- Yeah.

[emotional music plays]

- Life throws… shit in your face.
- Yeah.

And, like, it's tough
to become vulnerable again

- after something like that happens.
- Mm-hmm.

[Matt] But going forward,
I want that person

that can take it
getting thrown in your face,

and find the one positive thing
about it and turn it into something good.

- Yes.
- What you need in a partner.

Somebody who wants to bring the best
out of you. You know?

And if they see you down
because of something that happened,

they're gonna find a little bit
of positive to try to bring me out of it.

- Yeah.
- You know? And that's what I need.

That's what I have to have,
is… is someone that can do that.

Looking for the positives in life
rather than harping on the negatives.

Like, that's just always been who I am.

I like that.

And I think it's just, I'm…
I'm not picking the right people.

I'm already kind of, like… [chuckles]

- This is gonna sound cornball.
- Say it.

But I'm already kind of, like…
kind of hearing your voice,

your little…
your Matthew McConaughey voice over there.

- [chuckles] Yeah.
- Being like, "We're fine."

- [Matt] Yeah. Yeah.
- You know, "You got this."

- Uh…
- Absolutely.

- And that's what I'm looking for.
- 100%.

To imagine or think of that voice
to be like, "You're good."

- [Matt] Yeah. Yeah.
- "We're good. We're fine."

Listen, my positivity
might even annoy you at points. [chuckles]

- Okay.
- [Matt] Yeah.

So I wouldn't annoy you at all?

- [Matt] No.
- Or, you know?

I think you're perfect. [chuckles]

- Really?
- [Matt] Absolutely.

- Okay.
- Are you kidding me? You sound so cute.


I could sit here and talk to you all day.

I will say, you… [chuckles]

You completely turned my whole day around.

[in Southern drawl] All right, all right.

[normal voice]
I'd say typically, my type is…

I don't know, I guess they're feisty,
I guess they're challenging.

They challenge me.
They don't take any shit.

I want somebody that, 40 years from now,
we're still… we're still cracking jokes

and being somewhat immature
at an older age, you know?

Just enjoying each other's time
and having fun with life.

- [Colleen] Talk to you later.
- Can't wait.

[Matt] Colleen's voice is…
It's a cute little, uh…

It's a cute little voice.

♪ I'm holding my breath with you ♪

- ♪ Holding my breath with you ♪
- [song fades out]

- I'm good, I'm good, I'm good, I'm good.
- [Zanab] I'm good!

♪ If sex is just a motion
My emotions are f*cked ♪

♪ 'Cause I knew we'd be here ♪

♪ To me it's loud and clear… ♪

- Hello?
- [Andrew] Meow.

[Nancy] "Meow"?

[both laughing]

Oh, so I thought about you last night.


[Nancy] Do you feel that
being that you've had experience

of traveling in general,
that coming to a life that is,

let's just say,
quote-unquote, typical, right?

Like, you get married.
You have a job. You have kids…

Does it worry you, or do you fear
that that's gonna get boring for you?

[Andrew] Of course it's a fear. Right?

Um, I think that's the fear that drove me
to start traveling in the first place.

In 2019, I'd landed on this new project
at work which was… pretty cool.

I flew to Paris.
The expense account was real flush.

I was renting nice sports cars every week.

I was stacking up a bunch of cash,
and then I was like, "f*ck it. Let's go."

[playful instrumental music plays]

Three months plus in South Africa,
and, like, a month in Namibia.


And then, three months in Bali,

a month in Singapore.

[Nancy] Oh…

I was looking for an avenue of growth.

Alain de Botton has a… has a…
He writes on marriage and love.

He says that compatibility
is a desired outcome of love and marriage,

not its precondition.

He says that two people are ready
to get married when they realize

that they're fundamentally
incompatible for each other.

It's funny because the idea is
that every human is imperfect,

every human will get on your nerves,
and so the person you marry,

the person you love
should be the one that you can

negotiate, uh, these differences

and incompatibilities with,
uh, with grace and kindness.

[emotional pop music plays]

- I thought it was beautiful...
- It's beautiful. I'm sitting here like…

[both chuckle]

Like a… Like a… [laughs] Like a…

What is it? Those... Yeah, mannequins.
Where they're just, like, frozen.

- [Andrew chuckles]
- [Nancy] I'm totally processing that.

Like, damn, that's deep.

Marriage is this life-changing decision.

And with Andrew,
it's hard for me to envision

what our life would be like

because he is so fluid in his life
of just, "Oh, it's not a big deal."

"Oh, it's this."
He's so relaxed and goes with the flow.

And so I need to know more.

When I envision my life with Bartise,

I know that he's six years
younger than me,

but there's just something so

safe and… warm.

♪ You caught me in a loophole… ♪

So I'm, like, confused.

♪ I wanna wade in the water… ♪

Who would've thought, man?
I'm fall... I'm falling hard.

[men chuckling]

- [Bartise] Damn.
- I love it, man.

- Crazy. I mean, I know I'm falling.
- [Matt] Right.

But I can see myself falling for two.

[Matt] It's exciting, man.

Nancy on… on this hand,
is very comfortable. Reminds me of home.

Makes my heart feel full
when I talk to her.

We're giggly. We're having fun.
We always get each other's jokes,

and we can talk about anything
for any amount of time.

She's happy like,
oh my goodness, like, best friend.

And then Raven is like…

We have the same common interests
with fitness and healthy lifestyle.

And she's funny. She's smart as hell.

She's probably smarter than me,
which is a little intimidating.

But I'm definitely...
I'm leaning towards Raven right now.

[Raven] How was your night?

It was good. Been honestly
thinking about you a lot, so…


Yeah, I know, I know,
I know, I know, I know.

Thank you. I also was thinking about you.

[soft guitar music plays]

I don't know how you feel about, like,
the last two or three conversations

we've just had, but, um…

that was a lot for me, that last one.

I guess it is something that, um, like…

I'm kind of insecure about, maybe.


I feel better.

I feel great.

Okay, good. 'Cause then I'm like,

"Oh, I don't want him being like,
'It's a no for me.'" Like…

- No, it's definitely not that. [chuckles]
- Okay, okay, okay.

It's a "hell yeah" for me right now.


[music fades out]

I feel like you are a very confident man,

like, from the other…

from other things
that you've told me, like,

comfortable and confident in yourself.

So, um,

I did have a long-term relationship
with one guy.

- [Bartise murmurs]
- [Raven] Um…

And, like, we talked about
getting engaged and stuff like…

- It was, you know, for real.
- [Bartise] Mm-hmm?

But he was, like, an older guy
and successful.

If that, like, tells you
where I'm going with this.

- I have no clue. [laughs]
- [Raven laughs] Okay.

Well, I'll just say, like,
in our relationship, we had a great life.

And, um,

like, I still have some of the things
from that relationship.

- Mm. Okay.
- Like, I don't…

- That wouldn't be weird for you.
- [Bartise] I don't think so.

Depending what the thing is.
If it was a f*cking…

I mean, if it's a house,
I don't know. Maybe I'd be like, "Huh."

- [Raven] A house?
- Yeah.

Like, another man
that loved her bought it. I don't know.

'Cause that's something
that you might see as a reminder of him.

Okay. It's not a house.

[Bartise] Okay. I don't wanna live in a…
I don't know. I'd feel wei…

I think I might feel weird about that,
but that's probably, like, the only thing.

How do you feel on the other side of it,
since you dated an older man

and we've established that I'm younger
than you. I am not gonna be…


…like, buying you f*cking
Rolex watches, or like, you know.

- Okay. Yeah.
- [both laugh]

Also, that's not saying I'm broke.

- You know, I have a f*cking career.
- [Raven] No!

But I was just saying,
like, "Hey, that ain't me."

Not yet at least. So…

[Raven] No, I do not expect that.

Like, clearly I go and,

like, make my own money
and do that for myself.

And if I was just someone

who wanted someone
to pay for me or whatever, like,

I probably wouldn't be here.

- Yeah.
- [Raven] So, yeah, that's not an issue.

Okay, good.

I've never talked about
any of this stuff with anyone,

and that's probably my problem.

[Bartise] Definitely life-changing
in many ways.


I have a crazy story.
I don't know if I told you,

when my mom met my dad, she was engaged

to another man all these years ago.

And so then, when I was in high school,

we were in the Cayman Islands
on a family vacation,

which is where my mom used to live
for three or four years

when she was engaged.

And we were going to
all sorts of different spots

that my mom used to hit up
when she lived there.

We went to this bar,
and there's a live band with a singer.

And the singer came up and said hi
to my mom, and he kind of just walked by.

My mom was just being silent.

We were just like,
"Okay, what the hell's going on here?"

And then he clears the dance floor
and asks me, my mom, and my sister

to… to be the only ones on the dance floor
'cause he wants to sing us a special song.

And my dad was with us.

I'm like, "What the f*ck's going on here?
Like, what is this?"

Essentially, the whole group of us
had put it together

that this is the man
that my mom was engaged to.

My dad, when he found out,
threw a f*cking fit.

And so that was the beginning of the end
for my parents' relationship.

This is crazy that I felt
comfortable enough saying that.

I would never have thought
I'm gonna share that f*cking story.

- I can't believe I just did. Man.
- Oh, that's good!

- [Bartise] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- That's not even bad.

But I see that that was hard for you, so…

- [Bartise] Yeah.
- Thank you.

Yeah, yeah. While you do jumping jacks.

- You can hear it?
- Oh yeah!

Oh, damn. Why is it...?

I heard it
during that monologue I was telling.

I was like, "Oh my God, Bartise gets
as deep as he's ever gotten in his life,

and the person that's listening to him
is doing a f*cking workout."

- No. That's funny.
- [Bartise chuckles]

[dramatic music plays]

We are literally living here
trying to find love.

And I'm sharing all this stuff,
and I'm becoming vulnerable.

And you're just working out?

What if my gut's telling me
the wrong girl…

- ["Lies" by Syence plays]
- ♪ Tell me, baby ♪

♪ You'll be waiting… ♪

[SK] When you think of a Nigerian guy
in the pod next to you,

- what comes to mind?
- [Raven] Oh.

- I'll say, like, on our first day…
- [SK chuckles]

…I definitely was like,
"Oh, like, f*ck. Like, he's a square."

[SK laughs]

But do I feel that way anymore now? No.


[Raven] Um…

But, like, very smart, well-dressed.

Like, a hat or, like,
an accessory for sure.

- [SK] Oh my God. This is crazy.
- It's the accessories for me.

[SK laughs] Oh my God.

[Raven] Like, but it looks good,
but it definitely is a style.

[SK] Let me give you, like,
a clear picture

of the kind of Nigerian that I am.

So, like, I come from a very large family.

Seventeen kids total.


[SK] My dad was a very major
patriarchal masculine figure

in our family.

In my country,
polygamy is still very much a thing.

I don't think we've talked about this yet,

but I come from a

polygamous family.

My dad has more than one wife.

Um, as fluid and as

not so abnormal as it was
for us back then growing up,

like, I've never really, for once, ever
even thought about, like, doing that.

I believe in equal partnership
as opposed to,

you know, just gender roles,

or one person having
a particular set role.

Just, like, living through
that experience and seeing, like,

you know, the complexities
that come with it…

Um… [chuckles]

All the logistics that's involved…

It's never really something
I would even wanna wish on someone.

It's already so hard just being
in a relationship.

- [SK laughs]
- Who would want, like,

literally two of this?

Some men actually legitly desire that.

Yeah. Yeah.

[SK] And some women are okay with that.

Yeah. Yeah. No, I know. Yeah.

But it's just, like, for me,
it's never really something

that I've ever even considered.

[emotional music plays]

Thank you for sharing that.

[SK] You're welcome.

I honestly have to, um, commend…


…your patience
and graciousness in wanting to

get to know me.

I really appreciate
your non-judgmental attitude towards this.

You know, every day,
I feel closer and closer to you.

I've always sought
something really intentional in a woman,

and I have to say
that I have not found that

in any other woman but you.

["Gold in the Valley"
by MitiS and Elle Vee playing]

♪ Oh, you never know ♪

♪ Who you're talking to ♪

♪ What things they've been through ♪

♪ So just please be kind… ♪

Thank you.

That really meant a lot to me.


[voice breaking] It was so sweet.
So thank you, really.

If I could choose,

I would've chosen
to kind of start my, like, journey

of, like, working on myself sooner.

Practicing more presence, and…

Living in the present.

Yeah, 'cause I feel
like it… it has impacted me.

Don't be too hard on yourself on that.

I hope we get to a point
where you're comfortable enough

to be able to say, like, "You know what?
I wanna know this man more."

♪ Gold lies in the valleys ♪

♪ And all I have… ♪


[song fades out]

- [upbeat pop music plays]
- ♪ Wanna be, wanna be, wanna be ♪

♪ I'm a freak, let's see… ♪

[Zanab] What you doing?

[snapping fingers]

[Cole] Can you tell
I never get bored with myself?

[Zanab laughs]

What isn't it about Cole that I'm into?

Everything that comes out of Cole's mouth
is my favorite thing.

I like how he just breaks out in song
from time to time.

I love that he matches my energy.
I love that he says such sweet things.

Cole makes me feel… stupid.

[laughs] Like a lovestruck idiot.

[Cole] I'm officially assuming
a comfortable position.


So good.

[Cole] I thought
about you being a flight attendant.

Will you tell me a story
about somewhere you've flown?

[Zanab] Mmm…

So Thailand was my absolute best trip
I ever took.

But just energy, busy, dirty, street food.

Like, such good energy.

- Yeah.
- So you know what a tuk-tuk is?

It sounds like something really dirty.

[laughs] Okay. A tuk-tuk is like a little…

It's like the three-wheeled
scooter things that you ride around.

- They're like taxis.
- Mm-hmm?

[Zanab] But we rode
around on those. Super fun.

And then I went to an elephant sanctuary
'cause that was, like, on my bucket list.

So I got to bathe an elephant
and feed an elephant. It was amazing.

Oh my gosh, you're an expert traveler.
You're a risk-taker.


[Cole exclaims]

I know. I can take you
to Brazil for the night for dinner.

We can go have a nice steak
and drink good wine,

then come right back the next day.

[Cole] You wanna go to, like, Vietnam
and live like royalty?

[Zanab] I love Asia.

You would literally just be like,
"Hey, I wanna go,"

and I'd be like, "Perfect. Let's do it."

Oh my gosh.

We can go to Rome.

Ah! We can go all over Italy.

Zanab, how are you here?
How did I meet you in here?

For me, in marriage, I'm absolutely
looking for fun and adventure.

I'm super freaking stoked
about the prospect of traveling with you.

I think that's, like,
probably one of the things

that I am most excited about for marriage.

[chuckles, sighs]

- You are what I need, Zanab.
- [Zanab] I love it.

- This is what I need in my life.
- Then, need me, Cole.

[affecting sad voice]
I'm super lonely sometimes!

[Zanab chuckles]
This is why you need a dog.

Can you just see me sitting
in my studio apartment by myself?

And I don't even have a couch.
I just sit in, like, a camping chair.

Don't tell me that.
Do you not have a couch?

I have a couch. It's there right now.

And I didn't get to assemble it
before I left

because it was delivered late.

[Zanab] But, to clarify,
you do have all your furniture now?

[chuckles] Oh, is this…?
Is this a deal-breaker?

[Zanab] I'm just trying to
figure out how you live. [chuckles]

[Cole] How old are you?

[Zanab chuckles] Thirty-one.
Wait, how old are you?

- [Cole] Twenty-six.
- Wow.

[Cole] Five years age difference.
Is that a big deal to you?

[Zanab] It doesn't bother me.

I mean, it'd be a thing
if you weren't there, like, maturity-wise.

Something you should know
about me that I'll just tell you.

I've been married and divorced before.

- [dramatic bass line plays]
- Wow.

[Cole] Yeah. Dated a girl for two months,

and then we were only married
for four and a half months

when she filed for divorce,
and that was the end of it.

- Okay.
- I learned a lot from that experience.

So if you want someone
who wants to be married

and you want someone
who wants to be a father,

you're talking to the right guy.

[music fades out]


Are you truly ready
for a committed relationship?

[Zanab] Yes.

Sickness, health, poor, rich?

[Zanab] Yep. Sarcasm, squeaky voice.
All of it.

- Aww.
- [romantic music plays]

I've done a lot of this life alone,

and I just don't wanna
do it alone anymore.

I like that answer.

[Zanab] I hope to have, like,

a prayerful relationship with you
that we can talk to God about it.

- Me too. You're gonna pray with me?
- [Zanab] Absolutely.

[Cole] That's a foundation
for me in marriage.

And the fact that you brought that up,
and I didn't even, like, ask,

and you were just like,
"We're gonna pray together in marriage,"

like, means the world to me.

I prayed for you last night.

♪ Sometimes I don't know
If I feel right-side up ♪

♪ Or upside down… ♪

[Cole] Wow.

[sighs deeply]

Wow, wow, wow.

- ♪ 'Cause I got you… ♪
- [chuckles]

- [Cole sighs dramatically]
- [chuckles]

- [Zanab sighs]
- ♪ 'Cause I got you… ♪

- [Cole] Do you…
- [Zanab] Mm-hmm?

[Cole] Do you wanna be my girlfriend?

[Zanab] I would love
to be your girlfriend.

- [Cole] You'll be my girlfriend?
- Yes.

♪ 'Cause I got you ♪

[woman vocalizing]

I think…

I think I'm falling in love with you.

I think I'm falling in love with you too.

[Cole gasps] Mmm!

Be still my heart!

♪ 'Cause I got you… ♪


[Cole] OMG!

♪ Make it through, make it through
Make it through ♪

♪ 'Cause I got you… ♪

[Cole] She's such a beautiful person.

Like, I actually, actually, like,
really believe it can work

and I, like… I dunno,
I got all the feelings for her.


[upbeat pop music plays]

There is just something with you, Matt.

I love talking to you,
and I'm loving getting to know you.

[Matt] Absolutely.

I've opened up more than I have
in the last ten years, so… [chuckles]

[Colleen] Because of your
past relationship,

does, like, marriage
scare you to do it again?

- [Matt] I feared getting hurt again.
- Yeah.

[Matt] 'Cause that shit was brutal.

She was my high school sweetheart.

Straight out of high school,
we ran to the justice of the peace

and signed the paperwork
to become legally married.

We were best friends.
We just had so much fun together.

You know what I mean?
And so I trusted her.

And I… I had no reason
not to trust her, right?

- Mm-hmm.
- But, uh…

You know, she ended up betraying
that trust and stabbed me in the back.

I found out she cheated on me. Um…

And then, two weeks later, roughly,
we were just gonna hang out

and just kinda try to talk through things
and see if we could kinda work on things.


[Matt] So she called me
before she came over.

And right when she called me,
I heard it in her voice.

I knew something was wrong.
I knew exactly what it was.

She told me she was pregnant.

- Oh.
- Pregnant by the other guy, and that was…

That was the last time
I ever heard from her.

[Colleen] Oh boy.

[somber music plays]

I'm so sorry that happened.

- [Matt] Yeah, it was, uh...
- That's so shitty.

[Matt] It was. It was way shitty.
It was tough.

[Colleen] But that says
a lot about your strength.

And that you're willing
to put yourself out now,

and you don't completely shut off love.

Like, you still believe
that love is out there.

Yeah. Because I know…

- I know what it brings to your life.
- Yeah.

I know how much better the quality of life
is whenever you have that other 50%.

- Mm-hmm.
- You know what I mean?

It's so much more fun traveling
with your partner,

or calling after work and going to get
a glass of wine with your partner,

as opposed to… to the boys
or the friends or whatever it is.

[upbeat music plays]


Just know, I've never,
never cheated on anybody

and… Because I wouldn't
be able to hold it in.

- Yeah.
- Or even, honestly, do that to somebody.

I love that.

I think trust is one of the key values
that I have to build on

to go forward in a relationship.

With Colleen, I don't know what it is,
but it's natural,

and I've opened up more to her
than to anybody in the last ten years.

- ["Nothing Left to Hide" playing]
- ♪ My heart is open wide ♪

♪ Got nothing left to hide ♪

[music fades]

- [chuckles]What?
- [Bartise] Hey, Raven.

- [Raven] Hi.
- [Bartise] Oh! There we go.

Oh my God. [chuckles]

I am actually dead.

- The money all over my room?
- Oh!

I said, "Do your thing, girl!"

[Raven] Yeah, it's a stripper for me.

[Bartise] I think she'll think it's funny.

- [Raven] Oh, it is so funny!
- If not, she'll walk out, whatever.

But I was like,
"Girl, do your thang, girl!"

No, I'mma pick it up
and throw it on the girls.

Oh, shit. [laughs]

I got something I gotta say.
I just, like, hope you can sit there

and listen to me while I try and, like,
explain my heart and everything.

- Okay, go for it.
- [emotional music plays]

Obviously, we've formed,
like, a crazy connection

through this experiment so far.

And I feel like it's real.
And I hope you feel like it's real.

I've been having fun,
and you've been having fun…


[Bartise] Um…

- You over there doing jumping jacks?
- No, I'm eating chips. What... [chuckles]

I fully expected you
to be doing jumping jacks right now.

I'm trying to be serious
and f*ckin' open up and shit.

- No, I'm listening. [laughs]
- [Bartise] Okay, okay.

Like, in the real world, me and you…
I mean… I mean, I can't confirm,

but it seems like
me and you have the same problem

where we get, you know,
a lot of attention from the opposite sex.

- We both work out.
- [Raven] Mm-hmm.

[Bartise] You're physically attractive…
You know, I think, right?

So I feel like, you know,
you probably have… Hopefully…

I'm not gonna say I'm, like,
hot over here or anything,

but I think we would be a great couple.

And this is, like… This is tough.
This is, like, me realizing

me being in the pod on a date with you

and just, like, having a burning desire
to be with, like, another girl.

- Right? So…
- Yeah.


- I'll say it. With f*cking Nancy. So…
- [chuckles] Yeah?

[Bartise] This is so f*cking hard.
I have, like, a...

[Raven] I don't… I don't even…

You just said it. Like, you really
wanna be with Nancy. Like...

[Bartise] Right. But I'm…
I'm trying to explain it to you

because I have a f*cking heart.

Like, I don't go looking for girls
just to, like, hang out for a night.

I go out there looking for girls
that make me feel better.


Like… that is so amazing
you just said that.

I also made the same decision as you.
Yeah, it's a no for me.

Um, 'cause, like, I prob...
I would never be that person, you know?

To make you feel better.

Like, I feel guilty about that, almost.

I have a different value,

um, of what I want in a partner
and in a relationship.

- You know?
- Yeah.

Like, I have been in a position
to be treated differently.

And my other date is just,
like, very emotionally reassuring.

- You know?
- Yeah.

[Raven] We, like, connect
on a deeper level.

And maybe this…
this is like a revelation for me.

But I, on the inside, feel guilty,
'cause I feel like guys always love me

more than I love them,

or, like, care about
our relationship more than I do.

Okay, Raven, like, you know,
you usually are, like, attracted to…

Whatever. Like, a guy
who I'd meet in the gym, for instance.

But, like, for me, it boils down to,
like, what am I more attracted to

versus what do I, like,
more need in a person for real.


Honestly, like, I feel like
we both have a lot of clarity.

[Bartise] Yes. [chuckles]

[Raven] It's been real.

[Bartise] Hey, good luck
on the rest of your journey.

- [Raven] Okay.
- [Bartise] Bye.

♪ I want a higher love ♪

♪ A higher love ♪

♪ Ooh… ♪

Have you guys started working
on your actual spiel for the proposal?

You know what's f*cked up?

Yesterday, I was working on it
for a different girl.

- [dramatic music plays]
- Really?

- Damn.
- [Bartise] Yep.

And then we had some dates.
And shit… [blows]

Yeah, you, uh… you were all about Raven.

- I was all about Raven.
- [Andrew] Right.

- Yeah, before the...
- Yesterday I was all about Raven.

Wow, this shit is tough.

Raven, as you know, probably is a…

probably a very attractive girl.

Very smart.

But I'm falling in love with Nancy,

and there's nothing I can do
to help the way I'm feeling.

We had an incredible
two-and-a-half-hour date,

and I was feeling love, I was like…

- [Dakota] Wow.
- "Holy shit."

I can feel it in the way
she's talking to me.

In my stomach and my core, I was burning.

I was just like, "I want Nancy."

Bartise and I are both very much
falling in love with Nancy.

And one of us, uh,
will hopefully marry her.

Bartise is gonna follow his heart,
and I'm gonna follow mine.

In life and in love,
and especially in my marriage,

I wanna live it passionately.

With Nancy,
I'll be damned if I leave it here.

I'm gonna sh**t my shot.

Well, good luck, bro.

I know, man. I know, man.

I'm 100% certain that Nancy's the one.

When I get in there,
I'm gonna try and just open up

and talk from my heart
and show her that I love her.

[Bartise laughs]

Miss Nancy?


[both laughing]

- [Nancy] Hey!
- I was waiting for your noise...

Oh my God, what is this?

[Bartise] What is what?

[Nancy squeals] Oh my God!

These flowers are so beautiful.


- It's like hella f*cking white roses.
- Yeah!

- Ermahgerd!
- [Bartise] I know.

[Nancy] Thank you, thank you!

You're welcome, you're welcome,
you're welcome.

[squeals, laughs]

They are so beautiful...

Thank you for everything,
and all of our incredible experiences.

- And let's keep moving forward.
- [Nancy] Yeah.

I'm very happy with where I'm at,
at this point of the process.

Um, I don't remember,

but did we talk about, like, not wanting
to share our physical attributes?

Do you wanna know? Like…

[Bartise] I am up in the air.
How do you feel about that?

I've trusted the process to this point,

and I feel like I would rather
continue to stay true to it.

Okay. I respect that 100%.

I think I know enough about you

to where I was like,
"This could definitely work."

I wanna say that
I wanna keep the experiment true.

- So that's good.
- Me and you have something special.

I hope you see that. I think you do.
I definitely see it for sure.

Actually, let me talk to you
about something serious.

Because I've had a day today.

- Yeah.
- I wanna fill you in where I am right now.

Okay, I'm listening.

Okay. So I've had,
basically, like my top two, or whatever,

and I realized that in my date with Raven,

I just had a fire in my stomach
saying like, "Damn."

"I just don't wanna be here.
I wanna be with Nancy."


[Bartise] "I just cannot stop
thinking about Nancy."

- "Nancy's the one."
- [laughs]

And I feel so strongly about you,
and I freaking care about you so much.

And the way that I was able
to identify my feelings for you

in my pit and in my core
speaks volumes to our relationship

and what we can be going forward.

I just feel like
a completely different man.

This is crazy how much I've grown

and matured emotionally in this.

I have no idea what you look like.

But I can see myself falling
in love with you,

because that's what I feel like I'm doing.

Like, I'm literally
falling in love with you.

[dramatic music plays]

First of all, like,
I cannot be any happier,

like, just to hear you be so honest.

I feel like there's
this genuine interest, connection.

Like, there's this genuine love
between this f*cking wall.


[Nancy] It's not that
I don't wanna say I love you.

It's that the logical side of me
is telling me to not.

'Cause I could definitely see my life
at least with two people.

Like, I just, I'm still
working through, like,

what the two paths are gonna be like.

[Bartise] Yeah.

["Holding on to You"
by Bleeding Fingers plays]

I don't know.

♪ Everything about you, I gotta have it ♪

♪ You're drug and, baby
I'm your addict… ♪

I'm feeling confused,
feeling hurt. [sniffles]

And I ask myself, "Who would be the most
amazing match for me?" And that…

It's clear it's Nancy.
But what scares me most is that

what if I'm wrong?

Good night, Nancy.

♪ Holding on to you ♪

♪ You ♪

♪ You, you ♪

I made a connection
with Andrew and Bartise.

I think my concern with Bartise at first
when I heard 25 was,

"Okay, like, this is it." [laughs]

"This is the ball drop,
that you are 25 and I'm 31."

Is it, like, sexy triggering?

Do your ovaries, like… [squeals]
…have a dance party

when a man says
he sees himself as a father?

Does that do something for you?

Yeah, that's really sweet.

'Cause I... In a perfect world,
I would have ten kids.

I wanna have kids probably starting…
like, 33 at the earliest, 34 for sure.

- Mm-hmm.
- By then, Bartise would be like 27, 28.

But as I was processing too,
I was obviously thinking, like,

"Are you ready for kids?"

"Like, what is it to say
that you are ready for kids?"


In the real world,
I have the criteria of older than 33

because my assumption is
that at least you'll have your career,

- your life together.
- Yeah.

You were married,
you've already done that. Whatever.

But, obviously, it didn't work
for me to even have those criterias

'cause that's
why the f*ck I'm here. [laughs]

I haven't found anyone
using my "rule book."

You know?

- ["I'll Stop When" by 5 Alarm plays]
- ♪ I'll stop when the tower ♪

♪ Falls on all the callous ones ♪

♪ Who won't give up… ♪

You ready? So let me put my headphones on.

[laughs] Hey, DJ. Play track number two.

- ["That Thing You Do" by Phoronique plays]
- Yo! Here it comes!

[Bartise] Silent disco time?

- ♪ That thing ♪
- ♪ That thing I like ♪

- ♪ That thing, that thing you do ♪
- ♪ That thing I like ♪

- ♪ Yeah, you got me going crazy… ♪
- [Nancy] I love it!

[Bartise] Crank that up, DJ.

[Nancy squeals]

- The beat's gonna drop!
- Yup.


[up-tempo music playing]

[Nancy] I see Andrew in my future.

Andrew makes me happy.

And whether it's his ease, his sexy voice…


I think of Andrew as being so complex,
I heard it in his music.

His level of intellect is so sexy.

I haven't done what he's done.

And I'm intrigued
by the level of experience that he has.

But I deserve the best,
and I know that for me,

it's not settling for whichever guy.

It's the one that's gonna be
the right one for me.

Yay! [laughs]

[Andrew] If this is indicative
of the type of music you listen to,

I'm gonna be happy
with you managing all the playlists.

We listened to music growing up as kids.

Well, we listened to
a lot of rancheras, cumbias. Like…

It was just Mexican music.
'Cause we were talking about family,

when 50 people come over…

Actually, a lot of people
bring an instrument.

Yo, you guys came together
and, like, made music together?

Hell yeah. Yeah.

Wow, what a family unit. That's cool.

- [Nancy] Yeah.
- Yeah.

[Nancy] How do you feel about family
living with you and your spouse?

My mom is a little bit more like,
"I like traditional values."

And so my parents did that
with their, uh, parents.

- If there's space for a person, why not?
- [Nancy] In-law in the back?

- [in low voice] Yeah.
- You sounded like an alien.

- [mimics Andrew] "Yeah."
- Yeah.

[Nancy] I actually saw a UFO as a child.

[Andrew] Shut the f*ck up.

I'm telling you, like, straight-up.

- [Andrew] Describe it.
- [Nancy] So it was a flash.

It came from the middle of the sky.
Just, like, lit up.

And then it was like a saucer
that, like, came flying down.

- Oh my God.
- [Nancy] Yeah.

[Andrew] I've never seen
anything like this, but, like,

- I believe in aliens watching us.
- [Nancy] Oh yeah.

- They're totally watching us.
- [Andrew] Yeah?

You know, Andrew,
there's, like, something,

like, very unique about you.

[dramatic bass line plays]

You would think that with
your sexy voice that you would be,

like, saying sexy things.

- [laughs] And, like, you're not.
- [chuckles]

You're actually, like…
You have content. [laughs]

And so the fact that we're doing this,
like, I'm just, like…

- I love this so much.
- [Nancy] Very…

Not confused in a bad way, but like,

"Oh! Oh, oh! Okay, Andrew."

Like, I'm discovering
a different side of you.

So this, I feel like has,
like, brought us so much closer.

[seductive pop music plays]

♪ They got a hunger ♪

♪ Yeah, all the boys around me
Want my number… ♪

[music fades out]

- Okay, I feel like I have a lot to say.
- [SK] All right.

For me, opening up
about feelings that I am feeling, like,

are unchartered territory for me.

No one has ever gotten any of this
out of me in my whole life.


[SK sighs] Whoo!
We're starting with the heavy stuff today.

[Raven] I know, but I do wanna just
get it out of the way.

[SK chuckles]

I'm not attracted to,
like, simple, straightforward.

I just seek something
that's, like, you know, deeper.


[SK] So maybe I come off,
like, too deep sometimes.

[Raven] I don't think "too deep."

We agree on a lot of, like,
morals and principles.

And we have the same values.


To me, this is more meaningful.

- Yeah. I like complicated.
- [Raven] Mm-hmm.

[SK] I like complex things.

[Raven] I was questioning, basically,
what kind of love that I love.

[SK] Mm-hmm.

And I'm like, "I love this kind of love."

Yeah, I might not say, like,
"Oh my God, like, I love you."

But I'm saying,
"Hey, I'm a grown adult woman,

and I have never had this type
of feeling before."

["Breakthrough" by Jeff Lewis plays]

I see myself getting there.
In my own way, of course.

[SK] So right there,
when you say in your own way,

I wouldn't want it any other way.

I want your love,
and I want it in your way.

♪ I know that if you wanna love somebody ♪

♪ It don't matter what you got
Standing in your way ♪

♪ Baby, we can break through it ♪

♪ Break through it ♪

♪ Don't you let 'em break that ♪

♪ This is our love and if it's real love ♪

- ♪ Then nothing's gonna hold us down ♪
- [song ends]

- Zanab!
- [Zanab] Hi!

[Cole] Hi.

I… could not be happier
to be in this pod right now.

I… I could go on and on and on about

how I'm falling in love with you.

I could talk about the life
that I see with you,

of us traveling together
and having kids together.

I could tell you
how damn attracted I am to you

without ever even seeing you.

I definitely wouldn't have
found you outside of here.

I don't think you're the type of girl
I would've gone for,

but I feel like you're exactly the type
of girl that I needed to go for.

I love that.

[emotional piano music plays]

[Cole] Oh, I love you.

I love you.

[Cole] If I love you this much
and I've never seen you,

I can't even imagine how much more
I'm gonna fall for you when I can see you.

I know we're boyfriend and girlfriend
and stuff, but…

I wanted to ask you
if you'd be my wife instead.

[emotional music swells]

[Cole] Will you marry me?

[laughs softly]


I don't care what you look like.

I would love to be your wife.

- Really?!
- Yes.

[Cole] Are you sure?!

I promise!

Do you know
what you're getting yourself into?!

Uh, I hope, like,
a very long life together

with, like, just so much
happiness with you.

- Yes!
- [Zanab] Yay!

[Cole] I love you.

I love you!

- [yelling gleefully]
- [Zanab chuckles]

[Cole] We're engaged!

- I'm losing it over here!
- [laughs]

We're engaged!

This is my engaged dance.

I'm engaged, you guys! [laughs]

♪ You know what it takes ♪


♪ I know what you're made of… ♪

- [Julian exclaims, laughs]
- [Dakota] Yeah!

[all laughing]

[Julian] That's awesome, bro.

- [upbeat pop music plays]
- ♪ I'm thinking I found my paradise… ♪

[Colleen] With Matt right now,
I'm just so happy.

And I'm so shocked
that I'm feeling this way. Like, I…

Did I meet him last week?
I don't even know.

In less than a week,
I'm waking up smiling about him.

I'm just so up in the clouds.

And so when I'm not with him,
I start, like, thinking too much.

I overthink.

I'm like, "Oh, well, are we getting deep?
Are we talking about our feelings?"

"Are we, like...
Do I… Do I know who this person is?"

And then I get in there and I'm like,
"Yeah, I do."

- [Matt] How you feeling?
- [Colleen sighs]

I'm over here… Like, I'm just… pacing.

[emotional music plays]

It's scary, like,
having these serious conversations

and being so vulnerable.

- Yeah.
- [Colleen] But also having these feelings.

[Matt] I can understand that.

[Colleen] When I'm with you,
I'm scared that you're gonna be like,

"Uh, it's… it's a no for me."

But I think that's, like,
a perfect reflection

on my past relationships.

I have been falling just for guys

that are not ready
for that serious relationship,

and they'll leave after a few months.

- [Matt] Are you ready for that?
- [music halts]

- [Colleen] Yes.
- [Matt] You are?

[Colleen] 100%.

[Matt] Um…

- Me too.
- [laughs]

[gentle guitar music plays]

I mean, I'm ready.

And now I'm thinking
about taking the next step.

I'm tired of being single.
I'm tired of being… by myself.

I'm ready to, uh, expand with somebody
and then… and then

build a family.

- You know what I mean?
- [Colleen] Mm-hmm.

I wanna throw the football
with my kids like my dad did with me.

- Yeah!
- [Matt] That's key, you know?

I wanna take my kids golfing.
I want us to go on road trips together.

I want us to make memories.

And that's what I see
in the future, you know?


The feeling… I mean, I… I've fallen.

And it's crazy.

I have fallen in love with you.

- [romantic pop song plays]
- ♪ I love you no matter what ♪

♪ No matter what… ♪


I love you.

[sniffles] Wow.

This is insane. Oh my gosh.

I mean, I'm so confident
in that I love you.

Oh my gosh. What a feeling.

- I'm, like, shaking.
- [laughs]

[Colleen] But, like, I love you.
And I, like, just wanna keep saying that.

- Like, I love Matt.
- [Matt laughs]

Oh, that sounds so good to hear.

I don't think I've felt like this before.

You know, even in my long relationship,
I… I haven't felt like this.

God, I just wanna hold you right now.

I've fallen in love.
I've absolutely fallen in love

with her personality, with who she is.

I… I really couldn't care less
what she even looks like.

She's an incredible personality,
she's an incredible human being,

and I've absolutely fallen in love.

God, that sounds f*cking crazy. Holy shit.

- [Colleen] I'm over here dancing, like…
- [Matt] Good.

- Good.
- ♪ I love Matt ♪

[Matt] Hey, hey.


- ♪ No matter what ♪
- [chuckles]

♪ We've been through it all ♪

♪ Still standing strong
Not giving up ♪

♪ We're in another world ♪

[song fades out]

- [upbeat pop music plays]
- ♪ I'm finding it hard to breathe ♪

♪ I'm on my knees ♪

♪ Won't you pull me up? ♪

[SK] Raven's patience and grace
in getting to know me,

that is really one of the biggest things
I find most attractive in her.

She has a kind soul and spirit.

And even though
I haven't met her in person,

I feel like she believes in me.

And I feel like, you know,

I haven't gotten that
from a lot of people before.

And that is why I'm going to ask her
to be my wife today.

♪ Never felt like this before… ♪

[SK] If Raven says no,
I'll be disappointed,


but at the same time,
I'll also understand.

She's not a simple person, but…


If Raven says yes,
first I'm gonna do, like, my happy dance.

Like… [laughs]

It's going to be
a feeling where, you know,

I don't know
if I can describe it, honestly.

♪ Never felt like this before ♪

[song fades out]

[SK] Hello.

[Raven] Hi.

[SK] Coming into this whole experiment,

I didn't really know what to expect.

I feel closer and closer to you.

[emotional piano music plays]

[inhales sharply] Oof…


I'm fascinated by your mind,
and the way you think,

and the way you see the world.

I am very intrigued by your mystery.

I wanna thank you
for treading uncharted path with me.

Your uncharted path.
Places you've never been before.

I wanna thank you for…

[inhales sharply, exhales]

I wanna thank you
for being so patient and gracious enough

to look beyond the fence

and see what's on the other side
of this square called SK.


And above all, I really wanna thank you
for letting me love you the Raven way.

[SK] Can you please get up
and walk toward the wall?

Oof. [sighs]


will you marry me?

[dramatic music plays, fades out]

[emotional music plays]

[clicks tongue]

Yes, sir!


Yes, I will!

- Oh…
- [dramatic music plays]

Yes! Yes.

It's a hard yes for me.

I'm engaged to a man that I've never seen.

And it's more than mind-blowing.
It's just like…

It's like a…

Like something's coming up. Like…

Maybe it's love,
but it might also be vomit.

That's me. [laughs]

But I'm also really happy.

[groans] Oh my God.

Are you ready to come into SK's world?

I'm ready for Club SK.

[both laugh]

I will see you soon.

[Raven] Whoo! [chuckles]

- [upbeat pop music plays]
- ♪ My future looks like ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪


♪ You, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ My future looks like ♪

♪ You! ♪

♪ My future looks like you… ♪

[Zanab] I have absolutely
fallen in love with Cole. [chuckles]

Cole is so energetic.
He's so vibrant. He's a man of God.

I know he loves his family.

I mean, he is husband material,
like, top-notch.

[laughs] So, um…

I haven't even seen the guy,
but I know all these things to be true.

[music fades out]

[emotional music plays]


The first thing I wanna know
about someone is like,

"Do we enjoy being together?"

Are you a life-giving person? Are you fun?

After the first day of this experiment,
I would've never, ever,

ever seen myself marrying Zanab

because there were so many other girls
that I thought made more sense.

But now that I'm learning
about myself in this experiment,

it's like, what kind of depth
do you have to yourself?

Is that where it ends?

'Cause for me and Colleen,
that's where it ended.

But with me and Zanab, I was like,

"Holy cow, there's so much more to you
than just you being witty."

I'm just gonna say it 'cause it's true.
Like, Zanab, I love you.

[emotional music builds]


The really, like, old,
dark side of me wants to say,

like, I don't even deserve
to feel this good

and just feel this happy.

But, like, I know I do deserve it.

[sighs] But I feel stupidly happy!

Oh, I know I'm crying, but I'm happy!

[emotional music swells]

- [yells gleefully]
- [laughs]

- I can't run any faster to you in this!
- You're beautiful!

Hi! [laughs]

[both laughing]

Oh, I got the girl!
We can get out of here now, right?

Oh my God. Hi.

♪ I just wanna love ya ♪

[upbeat pop music plays]

- Look at you!
- Look at you!

[laughs] Oh my God,
I'm so glad you finally came!

- Hi.
- Hi.

[Zanab moans]

- Just…
- You're beautiful.

- Thank you. I dressed up for you.
- [chuckles]

- I love the dress.
- [laughs]

Thank you! [laughs]

[both cooing]

Oh my gosh.

[gasps, sighs loudly]

She's gorgeous. She's, like, super-hot.

Put her in a magazine!
She legit looks like a model.

And she has bigger boobs than I expected.

That was a good surprise.

[Zanab chuckles]

- Hi.
- Hi!

I have something for you.

Oh, what do you have for me?

I don't think I've ever been
this nervous for anything in my life.

[squeals] Look at this!
Put it on my finger.

- [Cole] This is the correct one, yeah?
- Yes.

- Okay.
- [laughs] Thank you.

Ooh, it's pretty. You did good. [laughs]

- [Zanab laughs]
- [Cole squeals]

[both laugh]

Thank you.

- Now you're getting the full thing.
- I love it. I love all of it.

Look at you.


I can work with this.

Well, on the other hand,
I can work with this, so…


He's gorgeous.
Did you know he had blue eyes like that?


That is a beautifully crafted man.

I mean, we're gonna look so good together.

People are gonna have to see that
and be like,


- I got stuff all over your suit.
- That's okay.

So sorry.

Can't promise that's the last time
I'll do that. [laughs]

Ah… I probably will.

[sighs, murmurs]


♪ It just takes two… ♪

I'm happy.

I am so happy.

♪ You can feel it in the air… ♪

- [Zanab] What do you think?
- Do it again?

- [laughs]
- ♪ It's me and you ♪

♪ Against a world that doesn't care… ♪

Mmm. I wanna kiss you more.

[both laughing]

- Bye, Zay.
- [Zanab] Bye!

- I'm not turning around.
- Okay.

- I'm looking at your butt.
- I hope you are.

[both laughing]

♪ Put her in a magazine! ♪



[music fades out]

["Moment in Time" by the Born Love plays]

♪ Deep breath, gonna take the first step ♪

♪ So now here we go… ♪

The goal for me in this experiment
was to find someone

to spend the rest of my life with.
My best friend.

And I made a connection
with Andrew and Bartise.

I came here for amazing,

and if I didn't have amazing…

[hesitates] …I would walk away.

So it's scary knowing that this could be
the biggest mistake of my life

or the best decision I've ever made.

And I am so proud of myself

for listening to Nancy.

And I'm happy with my decision.

♪ It’s a perfect moment in time ♪

♪ I’ve never felt so alive ♪

[song fades out]


- Meow.
- [Nancy laughs]

I was like, "Should I meow?
Should I wait for the meow to come to me?"

[Andrew] If you meow for the wrong person,

at least it's, like, they won't know
what you're doing.

So it wouldn't be as embarrassing
as just yelling out a wrong name.

[laughs] I know.

- How'd you sleep?
- Oh. Very, very well.

- [Nancy] Yeah.
- Yeah. Thank God.


When I first heard your voice, you know,
come through this wall,

it, uh, it filled me
with happiness and energy.

It made my heart giddy.

From just the witty banter
to our vague conversations

about anatomical parts
that, uh, shall not be named.

- [Nancy laughs]
- [chuckles] Um…

[Andrew laughs]

Uh, I've fallen more and more
in love with you.

[gentle piano music plays]

Would you stand and approach the wall?

Stand and approach the wall.


I envision a future together
where we inspire each other,

where we push each other.

We build a family,
build an empire, and explore the world.

That future makes me smile.

When I think of what our life could be,

the life that we could have together,

it's a great life.

[Andrew] Nancy Rodriguez.

Would you make me
the happiest man in the world,

and, uh, would you marry me?

[music swells, fades]

[dramatic musical stinger plays]

["Change in Me"
by Izzy Warner and Stevie Gold plays]

♪ 'Cause now there's a change in me ♪

♪ I won't waste my precious time ♪

♪ Now there's a change in me ♪

♪ 'Cause I don't wanna waste one moment ♪

♪ No, I don't wanna miss a thing ♪

[song fades out]