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02x13 - It's My Party and I'll Gossip If I Want to

Posted: 04/17/24 09:12
by bunniefuu
[fire crackling]

[singers vocalizing]

[Deepti] Don't do it. Don't do it.

- Oh my God.
- [Mallory yells, laughs] No!

[Deepti] Don't throw out your back, bitch!

- [Natalie] I told you I could.
- [Salvador] All right.

- Cheers, bitch. Love you.
- Hey. Love you too.

♪ You know I'm bringing the fire ♪

[dramatic pop music plays]

- [Deepti] I could lift Kyle. Ready?
- You can?

Yeah, totally. [Squeals]

Oh my God!

- I'm strong. I'm very strong.
- You've done that before.

- [Mallory] Thank you, girl.
- [Salvador laughs]

Baby, I have a wedgie. Can you pick it?

[laughs] Okay, I didn't expect you
to actually pick it.

[Jarrette chuckles]

[Jessi] Oh, this is for me.

"Hug cup called sure."

"Hug cup called sure. Hug cup…"

First time I met Jessi, it was
at my sibling Victoria's birthday party.

And the minute we met,
there was something there.

- Hookup culture!
- You've played this before.

- [Jessi] No, I didn't.
- I'm kidding. No. Yeah, good.

[dramatic pop music continues]

She is such a firecracker.

If she is in a room,
you know that she is in a room.

Hookup culture, bitch!

And she will just put a smile
on everybody's face.

She is the nicest person
that I've ever met,

and honestly I've never had more fun
with anyone else.

It's not awkward, is it?

No, I just think
everyone's making it like…


"Starred if rums to pot 'em."

Started from the bottom!


Started from the bottom,
now we're here! Yes! [Laughs]

- [Danielle] There she goes!
- [Nick] At the bell!

[man] How long were you dating
before you showed her your ukulele?

Man… [chuckles]

I'm gonna break my ukulele after this.

I can't anymore. [Laughs]

- Salvador! Oh my God, that was amazing!
- Same.

Oh my God, seriously? [Laughs]

- [Deepti] Oh my God, I'm dead.
- We're up? No, your turn?

- [Nick] You're up.
- Here we go.

- [Nick] Let's call out the time…
- With pleasure. [Snickers]

"With pleasure."

[both laugh]

♪ You know I'm bringing the fire ♪

- [upbeat pop music plays]
- ♪ Testify… ♪

[Deepti laughs] Okay. Aww!

You guys look so cute!

- Oh, look at my curls!
- They're so cute. I know, you're welcome.

- [Kyle] What's the hint?
- "Urinating in hygiene."

- Oh, golden shower. Okay. Duh.
- Yes.

Well played.

[Mallory] No, we are. We are, 100%.

[Iyanna growls playfully, laughs]

- Your issue with saliva has changed.
- It depends on the mood.

She likes kissing me,
so that's why it's changed.

Let's be honest here.

[chuckles] It's not as much of an issue,
I'll say that.

But sometimes, it's like I'll be
triggered all of a sudden, and I'm like…

[shudders] "It's too much!"
You know? I freak out.

For the most part, though,
apparently it just takes the right person.

It took me.

- Yeah.
- [Jarrette slurps]

Why do you feel the need
to do it in my ear?

You like that. [Laughs]

Stop, 'cause if you start making me laugh,
my eyes are gonna start watering.

You're my nerd.

- Show me your room.
- Oh, yeah, I'll show you my room.

One and done.

- [Deepti exclaims]
- [Mallory] Are they?

- [Iyanna] Do you like my new boots?
- [Natalie] Yeah.

- [Iyanna] Jarrette got 'em.
- How was the ride up here?

- It was fine.
- Yeah?

We were more so talking about our theories
of the drama that might happen. [Laughs]

- Oh my gosh.
- Who's gonna do what.

That's all we were really talking about.
We don't argue, that's the thing.

- Did you move back in, or…?
- No.

I told him I'm not going to,
for my own mental health.

Kind of do my own thing.

I mean, of course, like, still married.
It's just I don't wanna live there,

because, like, it… it bothers me
to have to sit there for hours and hours.

- Waiting for him to come home?
- Waiting for him to come home.

I don't like feeling that out of control
and obsessive about it. That's not me.

- [Natalie] Yeah.
- We doing a tequila shot?

- Absolutely.
- [Nick] Mally.

[Iyanna] I think he's a good guy,
but, like,

as far as seeing him as my husband,

it's hard for me to see that
at this point.

Have you talked about, like,
what you need from him,

or how you're feeling?

I mean, general things,

but I think we do need
to have, like, a more specific talk.

Yeah. Before you get to that part of,
like, getting used to a life without him…

- Yeah.
- You've gotta get it all out there.

- Yeah.
- Um, you'll know exactly what to do.

- Sometimes I feel, um, not wise.
- Don't be too hard on yourself.

If I was in Iyanna's shoes,

I'm not sure if I could stay
in that marriage.

But I think it shows how strong she is
and how much love she has for Jarrette.

What I love about their marriage
is that they're so real and raw about it,

and so I have the hope
that they'll work through it.

I know him well enough
to know he's a good guy.

- I think he's a really good guy.
- He has a good heart. He's just an idiot.

[both laugh]

He's just an idiot!

[Kyle] It's nice to get away.
This is great.

Yeah, I need streetlights.

- I know, right?
- No kidding.

I drive in these neighborhoods
with my brights on

because I don't want any surprises.

- Yeah.
- [Kyle] So, all right.

Two married couples.
I feel like I'm the odd man out.

- You're not coordinating with anyone?
- [both laugh]

[Kyle] No, but how is it?
I mean, is it, like…

Is it exceeding your expectations?

It's definitely… Like, I've…

I've been struggling.

It feels like to her
that I just don't care,

and that's never been my intentions
or anything like that. It's hard.

[Nick] You have to change a behavior,
and that's hard to do.

That's the biggest struggle
I've been going through, like,

throughout this marriage.
Like, having to grow.

Because I was wired certain ways
for so long,

and it's like, "Damn. Now I have to take
into account someone else's feelings."

Especially as... Sorry.

As you get older,
you're so stuck in your ways.

[Nick] Dude, I'm 36. I know.

- I'm stuck. [Laughs]
- [Kyle] You have your life. Yeah.

I'm a grumpy old man.

- [Kyle] Exactly.
- [Nick] Right.

Archie Bunker is closer to you
than, like, young Nick.


You're already in your recliner like,
"What the f*ck?"

Seriously. I'm like,
"It's Monday night, I watch football."

- Yeah, exactly.
- That's what I do.

Here's growth. First half of the season,
I didn't miss a football game.

Second half of the season,
I maybe watched two.

- Ah, those weren't worth watching anyway.
- Yeah, I know.

[all laugh]

- Thanks for the insight. I can't wait.
- Are you getting ready to propose?

- [chuckles] No. Stop.
- You gonna get down on the knee?

Are you gonna live with someone?
Are you gonna room with someone?

- What?
- Are you gonna room with someone here?

This is a vacation for me.

[Deepti] I have so many feels.

We do get jealous if, like…

If he's talking to a girl,
or I'm talking to a guy,

like, we get jealous!

I literally see him every f*cking day.

Every f*cking day. We hang out every day.


[Deepti] There's some feels.

♪ Show me your devotion ♪

I do want to be
in a relationship with Kyle,

but it's frustrating
because I put up an emotional wall.

I'm trying to get better at,
like, regulating my emotion

and just telling people what I want,
but I feel like…

I don't know, it's hard for me
to be selfish in that way and just say it.

And it terrifies me.

♪ Got my eyes on you ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Today I ain't worried 'bout nada… ♪

[upbeat pop music plays]

[Deepti] Ready, go.

[Natalie] Wow, Kyle.
You're full of many talents.

- [Mallory] You're so talented.
- Wait.

You guys, don't blow his head up too much.
It's a little too much.

All right, hold on. I got it, all right.

- [Deepti exclaims]
- [Salvador] Hold on. I got it. Hold on.

- [Deepti] Can you guys do it together?
- [Mallory] Oh, there you go.

[Deepti and Mallory cheering and laughing]

You guys,
that is the best video I've ever taken.

- [grunts] Ow.
- [Jarrette groans softly]

Dude, I really like these boots.
Thank you.

You're welcome.

- Do my feet look tiny?
- Yes.

Coming up on a year…

Dude, isn't that crazy?

Is that comforting to you?


Can I be honest?

- [chuckles]
- [laughs] Can I be hon…

- What?
- Can I be honest?

- That scares the shit out of me.
- It doesn't scare me.

It's just, like,
that's not very comforting for me.


I mean, because we've been having
the same conversation repeatedly

for months.


I think you know at this point
how frustrated I am, for me to move out.

[Jarrette] Yeah.

They're f*cking growing pains.

Growing pains, baby?

Let me finish.

- Sorry.
- [chuckles]

I've recognized the damage that I've done,

and I'm doing…
everything that I need to do.

When you say "everything,"
what are you doing?

- Well...
- Like, what's the… what's the plan?

Because I've been telling you
what I've needed for a really long time,

and you've been like, "Uh-huh? Okay."

And then going,
doing your own thing anyway.

So at this point I'm asking you,
like, what's the plan?

All right, so I got the 60-day plan.

- Do you really?
- I got a 30, 60, 90-day plan. No.

Wait, I was like, "For real?"
That sounds like something I'd do,

and I'm like, "That does not sound
like anything in your character at all."

I didn't move out
because I don't care about Jarrette.

I desperately want
this marriage to work, um,

but in order to regain that trust,
I need consistency.

The hard part is, is that, like,

I don't ultimately
trust his words anymore.

It's all his actions.

It's so multi-layered.

Jarrette grew up
in a really strict household,

and he's the most social person
I've ever met in my entire life.

And all of a sudden he's married.

So I think if I can just see any form
of insight and understanding,

I think that would…

Oh God,
that would even be a small step forward.

I mean, first and foremost is


how much I drink when I go out.

I'm… I'm cutting down.

I'm pretty sure
I'm about to quit bar tending,

so this… the next step
is to quit the security job,

because that also is a…

Is a catalyst for why I be going out too,

because I'm working in the club,
I'm out on the scene,

- I get off at two in the morning.
- Yeah.

- Yeah. You're like, "I wanna go out."
- Yeah.

Bruh, you just be
so irresponsible sometimes.

I love you as a person,

but sometimes I don't see the value
of having you as a partner.

[Jarrette] Mm-hmm.

Me coming home from work
and seeing her packing her stuff up, like,

I was speechless. Like, what do I...
I didn't know what to say in the moment.

I didn't know how to react in the moment,
other than, "I'm sorry. Um, I apologize."

"Can we fix this? How can we mend this?
How can we repair this?"

Because I don't wanna see
my wife just leaving. Like, that's…

It's probably one of the biggest fears
that I'll ever have in my life.

As much as I want you to move back in,

and want you to be there in it
fighting with me together,

I understand that you've…
You're exhausted. I understand it.

Sometimes I think is this a mistake
that we made that needs to be corrected,

or is it something
that should be fought for?

[emotional pop music plays]

♪ So can we, can we, can we, can we ♪

♪ Can we go? ♪

[music fades out]

[upbeat pop music plays]

[toothbrush buzzing]

[gasps] Look, there's a gray hair!

- Pluck it. Pluck it.
- Where?

No, then you're gonna get so many more.

Oh no, that's a myth, beesh.

♪ I'm singin' how can I be down ♪

♪ When everything is going my way? ♪

- [Iyanna] You sure it's straight?
- Yes. The nape of your forehead is here.

- The what?
- The nape.

- I don't think that's how it goes.
- It's the nape of your neck. I know.

[Natalie] Hey, Mal.

So, this?

Or this?

- I like both, but you might...
- I like this.

- Like this?
- [Mallory] I'd take that.

Who do you think would die first
if this was like Scream?

- Uh, put... [gasps] Shit!
- [Natalie yelps]


- Totally.
- [laughs]

- Party foul!
- [Nick] It's too early.

- [Mallory] I talk too much with my hands.
- You're fine.

[Nick] Someone's had one too many mimosas.

Mallory's still keeping her distance.

But, at the same time,
I'm also not interacting with her,

because my focus, again, is Jessi.

And I just want to make sure
that she's okay.

I know I have to approach
Mallory at some point.

Jessi and I,
we're just kind of like, "Okay."

"This is gonna be okay." [chuckles]

- Wine time! Party time.
- [Nick] Buckle up!

- Are you trying to get me drunk?
- Yeah, I'm trying to get you drunk, Deeps.

[Mallory] Okay, here we go.

[Nick] It's frigid out here. Jesus.

Guys, the sun's not anywhere in sight.

♪ Would you light a fire? ♪

♪ Would you lose it all? ♪

[Nick] Wow!

♪ Would you light a fire… ♪

[Danielle] It's great to get, like,
the whole group back together.

I think wine tasting's always fun.

We got this cute little wagon
to bring us over there.

[Iyanna] I get really cold.
How am I gonna survive this?

[Deepti] It's so cold!

[Danielle] I should've checked
the weather before planning this.

I think everyone might k*ll me. [Chuckles]

[Natalie] The wine is turned into slushee!


I don't even wanna do it. [Laughs]

This is why it sucks being single.
No arm to hold. No body heat to have.

Used to doing things myself, it's cool.

[Nick] The closer we all sit together,
the warmer we'll be.

- Cheers!
- Cheers, baby.

Wait, so, Jessi, where are you from?
Tell us a little bit about you.

I, like, have been in Chicago like, a lot

for, like, theater and dance stuff,
so it's, like… I consider it my home.

- Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
- Welcome to the family.

- Yes, thank you.
- [Salvador] Thank y'all for the welcome.

What's your favorite thing
about each other?

I really love how open and honest Sal is.

- Yeah.
- [Jessi] He's my best friend.

Like, I just f*cking love him.

I just feel like
when we talk about anything,

even if it's a difficult conversation,

we just listen to each other really well.

I feel heard, and I feel like
we work at everything together.

- Yeah.
- [Salvador] And it's great.

She just is the one that makes life
more interesting, you know?

- [Salvador chuckles]
- [Jessi] We're just best friends.

[emotional music plays]

Well, you guys are both singers.
Are you guys gonna start a band?

Oh my God! Yes.

[Danielle] Could I get front-row tickets?

[sings high note]

- [Danielle] Is that opera?
- [Jessi] Yeah.

[Danielle] Damn, girl!

- [Kyle] Sonny and Cher.
- We are Sonny and Cher.


[Mallory] Jessi seems really sweet.

But, to me, I don't think
it's necessary to…

To really get to know
my ex-fiancé's new girlfriend.

I mean, I think anyone could relate.
Like, Sal moved on.

[Mallory] For me, it's like,
I don't have anyone like that.

It's just hard.

Dude, we're all getting hypothermia.


Fifty-nine miles left.

- [all laugh]
- ♪ Let's go ♪

["Gonna Do My Thing" by Louis II plays]

♪ Na-na-na, yeah ♪

- ♪ Na-na-na, yeah ♪
- ♪ Gonna do my thing… ♪

[Iyanna] Oh, my feet are cold.

- Look at this.
- This is cute.

- Can't go without our gold goblets.
- [Iyanna] The gold goblets though.

- [woman] How's everyone feeling?
- Good. Ready to drink some wine!

- [Danielle] We're excited.
- [woman] Good.

Welcome to Lemon Creek Winery.

We have a bunch of wines up for you today.

If you have any questions at any point
about anything at all, let us know.

[all] Thank you!

[Nick] Let's go.

[Jarrette] Pour that bubbly.

[Kait] If you don't like anything,
we'll put a dump bucket here,

or if you feel tipsy and rather spit it…

- I will drink the dump bucket. [Laughs]
- [Kait] Yeah?

- [Deepti] Cheese with your wine!
- [Danielle] This is triggering.

- I don't like that. [Laughs]
- [Natalie] What's that smell?

Last time I had Pinot grigio,
I was drunk off of one glass.

[man chuckles]

When you get me liquored up…

Hey, girl.

- Hey. You...
- [snickers]

Already you wanna be mushy.

Ew! I hate saliva.

[Jarrette] Physical touch
is my love language, so…

[Iyanna] He's just super touchy!

- [in disgust] I'm like, "Get off me!"
- Yes.

[indistinct chatter in background]

What is wrong with you? [Laughs]

Get it out of my face.

- Jarrette, Jr. coming soon. [Laughs]
- No, Jarrette, Jr. not coming soon.

Jarrette, Jr. still in the clouds
with the Lord,

looking down,

saying, "It's not my time."

Let's close this uterus up.

Oh, man.

What's the best wine to pair with tacos?

- [laughs]
- [Natalie] Pair with tacos?

- I really thought Shaina would be here.
- I think they're... They're coming…

- [Kyle] Later? For the party?
- For the '80s party, yeah.

- We're cordial in person.
- [Danielle] Yeah.

Uh, but in terms of, like…
We would never hang out. No.

- [Nick] You're past it.
- [Kyle] I'm so over, so far past it.

[Nick] You and Deeps are doing
whatever you're doing, which is what…

- What are you doing?
- We're just taking our own time.

And there's a lot of pressure
from everyone.

There's sexual tension and all that.
But we were like, "Okay."

"We have to f*cking explain
where we're at."

Otherwise, one of us is gonna be
on a different page,

and then there's gonna be jealousy,

and I… like, we won't be aware
of each other's feelings,

and then it will get messy, and then...

That's what I don't want,

'cause I don't ever wanna lose…

I don't ever wanna lose the friend.

Okay, well, one thing I wanna say to you,

f*ck the pressure.

If you don't make your move…

[Nick] I just don't want you to regret it.

[emotional music plays]

Deepti and Kyle care a lot
for one another,

but I think it's kind of scary

that if she were to jump in with something

right after going through that experience
with Shake and it not working out,

like, she doesn't deserve to have to
go through that heartbreak again.

It's gonna get harder and harder
to make a decision yourself,

and probably most importantly,
you're risking missing out,

and you've already had that regret.


[emotional music continues]

The thing that sucks is, like,
if you like a friend,

and then, it's kind of like a…

You know you have more emotions
and you're waiting,

and then you both kind of do other things,
that can also ruin the friendship too.


[Danielle] Makes me so sad.

[Kyle] It scares the shit out of me.

God, I need to go to the bathroom.

- Like, this stuff makes me so emotional.
- [Kyle] Mmm!

Every time I talk about Deepti,
I get emotional.

Because she deserves so much.

I know. I know.

And you do too, by the way.

- I want… Like, I want.
- [Danielle] I need to dry my eyes.

- I want you two to be together. Selfishly.
- I know. Selfishly, yeah.

- I have so much fun when we hang out.
- I know, I know.

I know.

[Nick] Let's go have this '80s party!

[all cheering]

- [upbeat pop music plays]
- ♪ My, my, my, oh my ♪

♪ I can't believe my eyes ♪

♪ Mirror, mirror, I know it's time ♪

♪ To live my best life… ♪

[static hissing]

[poppy synth intro playing]

["Got a Secret" by Nine one one playing]

♪ I know all your secrets ♪

- [static hissing]
- [song fades out]

[Danielle] Party time.

[upbeat synth music plays]

Let's go.

- Come on. Pour the drinks.
- [Nick] Let's start.

- Holy shit!
- Oh my God!

- [Natalie] This is so crazy.
- [Deepti] This is incredible.

- You guys are amazing! This is awesome!
- Back to the '80s.

- [Deepti] You look so good.
- You guys look so good.

- [Deepti] We take sh*ts on this?
- [Natalie] How?

- Is that how you do it? Oh my God!
- Put it through here.

You take a shot!

- [Natalie] This is amazing, you guys.
- [Mallory] Yay! Let's eat and drink.

[Kyle] What is up?

[all cheering]

- Hi. Look at this.
- My fellow rock star.

- Yes. Hi.
- [imitates guitar solo]

♪ 'Cause I've been tossed
Around and round… ♪

Look at this.

- The hair. The hair. The hair.
- Welcome back to the '80s.

- What's up?
- [Kyle] How are you?

- What's up? I know. What the f*ck?
- [Mallory] You know, just…

- [Iyanna] I like these leg warmers.
- [Mallory] Thanks.

[Danielle] It's Natalie's birthday,
and this makes me so happy.

Like, everyone is going all out.

[Nick] I seriously look like MacGruber
if he was a rapper.

[Danielle] But, oh my gosh,

like, everyone is dressed to the nines,
and that makes me ten times happier.

- Make some space. Make some space.
- [laughs]

["Who's Got Flava" plays]

- ♪ Who's got flava? ♪
- ♪ I do, I do… ♪

[Deepti] I need you to wear eyeliner
every day. I'm turned on.

And I have to say, Kyle, who of.

He looks great in his little jean cutoff.
That caught me off guard. Who of.

♪ I want the sweet, never sour ♪

- ♪ Who's got flava? ♪
- ♪ I do, I do ♪

- ♪ Who's got flava? ♪
- ♪ I do, I do… ♪

Can you turn the boom box up?
I can't hear it.

- [Natalie] Oh my gosh, I love that.
- It's out of batteries.


- You have a lot of red lipstick on.
- Let me just test it.

- This doesn't come off.
- Oh.

[Danielle] Should we do
birthday sh*ts for Natalie?

Look, you gotta put your mouth...
Oh my God, Kyle!

- Yeah, right?
- [Deepti] Kyle…

[Natalie] I regret.

[Jarrette] Pour me up.

[all cheering]


[Danielle] I don't believe it!

Vito, do you go
to the same hairdresser as me?

I did, I did.
I went to the same hairdresser, yes.

Thought so.

I miss you.
I feel like I've been gone forever.

[Danielle] Don't be scared.
It only hurts a little bit.

That f*ckin' hurt.


- I'm an artist. I am an artist.
- Oh my God.

[Natalie] I realize Sal's not here.

[upbeat '80s music plays]

♪ I've been messing around ♪

♪ Trying to find myself… ♪

Wow. So… [chuckles]

I am a lucky man.

I know that. [Laughs]


[Kyle] Whoa! What up?

[laughing and chattering]

[Salvador] She's like a dominatrix.

- [Jessi] I really like your theme, baby.
- [Deepti] Where's the whip?

- [Kyle] Yeah, where's the whip?
- In there.

[Nick] When you get here,
you have to do a shot out of here.

[upbeat '80s music continues]

[Nick] Here we go.



[Hope] Is that Sal's girlfriend?

- To be honest, if I could pull that off…
- Well, see…

Instead, I'm, like, covered. [Laughs]

Okay, I'm not gonna lie. Jessi looks hot.

But I think Jessi's personality
really is what bonds them.


She's gonna k*ll me for saying that.
Can you cut this out? [Chuckles]

♪ Won't you help me save my soul? ♪

[music fades out]

[upbeat electronic music plays]

- [Mallory] Let's party.
- [Danielle squeals] Oh God!

I have a heavy pour. Sorry!

[Danielle] Oh my God!

[Deepti] f*ck yeah!

[indistinct yelling]

[guitar solo plays]

The more drinks I have,
the more confident I get in my moves.

- Yes.
- And the worse the moves get.

- ["Life As We Know It" playing]
- ♪ Hold my hand while I perform for you… ♪

Danielle dances just like…

I'm not like Frankenstein! [Laughs]

[indistinct yelling]


- Kind of, actually.
- What?

It's kind of like…
No, I don't do that.

♪ It's life as we know it… ♪

I'm not the kinda girl who's gonna
get up on the wall and twerk,

but I'll head bang any day.

- ♪ Life as we know it… ♪
- [all yelling]

[Danielle imitates guitar solo]

I think she's so nice.
It was so easy to welcome her.

- Thank you, Nat. That really means...
- I know we're not a welcoming group.

No. [Laughs]

- It's just like...
- It's an exclusive... I'm just kidding.

[Nick] I'm happy for you too.
Sorry to interrupt. Cheers.


- You seem very, very happy.
- I am.

♪ I've never met a girl like this before ♪

♪ Premeditated to her central core… ♪

[Jarrette] Is it a little awkward for you?

[Mallory] I'm just like, "Hmm…"

♪ Yeah, I want to run away… ♪

[Salvador] I need to address
the elephant in the room and

talk to Mallory.

We've both been avoiding each other,

and that's okay if you're nervous,
whatever, like, I get it.

But it's, like, it takes more energy
to avoid each other,

so just make peace.

[indistinct chatter]

- [Salvador] Hey, Mal.
- [Mallory] What's up? How are you?

[Salvador] Can I talk with you?

[Mallory] Sure. Mm-hmm.

[Salvador] I don't know.
I wanted to check in and tell you…

I appreciate everybody as a group
being very welcoming of Jessi

and everything like that,
but I just… Yeah, that's all.

I just wanted to check in
and see how you were doing too though…

I'm totally fine, yeah. Like, I mean…

[indistinct chatter in background]

Being around your ex,
it's always a little uncomfortable, but…

I know.

[Salvador] It can be awkward
with your ex and whatnot,

and everything like that,
but there's sincerely no drama here.

Like, we are good, Mal.

Yeah. It's… There's nothing.

[singsong] Hello.

- [Jessi] Hi!
- [chuckles]

I just wanna talk to her one on one.

- Okay.
- Sure. What's going on?

No, I just wanted to...

I know this is, like, so weird, probably,

and a little uncomfortable,
but, like, I'm not coming in here

to, like, intentionally
make anyone feel bad.

This is just interesting
'cause it's, like, trying to like…

We're like…
Everyone's, like, reliving stuff.

I'm just, like, you know,
chilling with these... My friends.

Honestly, I'm, like, super chill
'cause, like, this happened so long ago.

It's, like, so in the past,
and, like, I was never worried about you.

Trust me.

- Yeah.
- I know. Yeah.


[chuckles nervously] Um…

So… [laughs]

This is so awkward.

[Vito] Your girlfriend
and your pod girlfriend?

- [Jarrette laughs]
- I don't know what to do right now.

You guys didn't even have to, like,
come up to me or say anything.

I'm very respectful
and give people their space.

- Right, yeah.
- So, like, that's…

And, like, I totally get that.
'Cause first coming here, I'm like…

- Yeah.
- "I dunno!" You know?

And you're, like, "Okay?"

[Salvador] Mallory's putting up her walls,
and that's okay.

- [sighs]
- [emotional music plays]

I don't understand why,
if Jessi and I are just coming in peace.

We're not waging w*r on anyone.

- Like, we're good. Awesome.
- Yeah, no, we're good.

Mallory has a lot of places
that she needs to grow.

After this, I feel like

I made the right choice at the altar

with Mallory 1,000%.

We weren't for each other.

[indistinct chatter]

I really appreciate you doing that,
just going in there and talking to her.

I just feel like I have your support,
and I feel like…



I love you.

I love you too.

[Vito] Have you met Sal's girl?
She's cool.

Yeah, no, I think, like…
I was just talking to her.

- She's a really cool person, and…
- Let's end it there.

- Huh? Yeah.
- Cheers. Let's end it there.

Having time to really think
and reflect, um,

I've realized that I make it really hard
for people to kind of get close to me.

And, um…

You know, I'm not the most
affectionate person,

I'm not the most,
you know, vulnerable person.


[Mallory] It really takes
a lot of time and trust

to really kind of, like,
get to that point with someone,

and just realizing that that is something
that is really hard for me,

and that I want to be better at,

and that I need to be better at
in order to have

a long-lasting partnership.


[Vito] These two are adorable.

Aren't I just adorable by myself?

More together, honestly.

- [Mallory] Duh.
- What?!

Sorry, I'm shipping it.
Is it "ship"? Is that how the kids say it?

[Mallory] I… I don't even know.

[Kyle] It's so unique.

Like, I've never felt so uncertain
about where I'm headed,

but I also feel so certain
on who I want to be with.

Wait, I have an extra banana.

[both laugh]

- Wait, I have two bananas.
- [laughs] I have to match the banana vibe.

Thank you.

Right now, I don't have any desire
to date anyone else,

and I don't think she does either.
So, yeah, it's kind of like

if we're not… seeing other people,

and we don't have any desire to,

then it's kind of like,
well, we need to try dating.

We should try dating.

We're getting too old to… to be unclear,

and we're kind of wasting
each other's time in limbo.

So, I just have to ask.

Are you happy, like,
how things are going between us?

- Yeah.
- Yeah?

Yeah. Obviously there's feelings there.

Like, I gravitate towards you,
you gravitate towards me.

We literally hang out, like, every day.
I talk to you from morning till night.

First and last text.
I'm having the best time.

- Are you?
- Yeah.

- The highlight.
- That's so sweet.

- You're the highlight of my life.
- Aww! [Laugh]

The highlighter outfit.

That was cute.

That was cute.

Right now, I'm so happy.

I care about you so much, and, like, I…

I have… I do have so much love for you.

And whatever problems you have,
they feel like my problems.

Like if there's something that goes wrong,

like, even when your tire was flat,

- I felt like I…
- [Deepti laughs]

Like, this is my problem,

I will help you,
I will take care of it for you.

Because… Because

I… I just care about you.

I have so much love for you, I don't want
anything to inconvenience you.

I don't want anything bad
to happen to you.

- [murmurs]
- I know that you would do the same for me.

And you would do it just because
of how much you care about me.

- [Deepti] Mm-hmm.
- And…

Like, people around us
notice things like that.

You know, they notice how much I…

Like, how… how far I'll go for you,
and everything.


You know, they keep…
They're always, you know, questioning us.

And I'm like, we're just…
We're figuring it out.

It's nice to have that bond
where we just know each other so well,

because it's so easy to be yourself.


It's like the most genuine connection.

[emotional music plays]

- I can tell that you're, like, scared.
- Definitely.

- I see it in you.
- Yeah.

- I'm… I know, I'm...
- Just, I can tell.

- Yeah.
- And obviously there's feelings there.

But, like, I value our friendship so much.

- Yeah.
- And that means a lot to me.

[emotional music continues]

It's like, on the one hand,
if we take it there,

it could be the best thing ever,
and it could be amazing.

[Kyle] Mm-hmm.

But then what if it doesn't work out,
and then I lose you?

[tense music builds]


[Deepti] Now I'm just, like,
more confused than ever,

because obviously there's feelings there,

but I can't live too long
in this gray zone

'cause it's just too unknown.

I wanna settle down,
and I wanna find my husband.

I wanna, like, you know, have kids,
and I wanna start a life,

I wanna start a family,

and I wanna build this empire
I keep thinking about.

So it's either we backtrack
and be friends,

or we move forward
and see where this relationship can go.

[melancholy music plays]

["Cry Baby" by Matthew Heath
and Gray Griggs plays]

[Iyanna yelps] I'll still get it!

[Danielle] Everybody!
Happy birthday, Natalie!

[all cheering]

[shouting] Happy birthday!

- [timer pops]
- [gasps]

- [Jarrette laughs]
- [Iyanna] I suck at this one.

We don't know if Shaina's coming.
This is Natalie's birthday.

No offense, like, I hope she doesn't come.

I don't know, I just, like…
My mind's f*cked up right now.

♪ Your face has been etched ♪

♪ In the corner of my mind… ♪

[Danielle] I thought I saw
her car pull up?

Well, I mean, if she's here,
it is what it is.

♪ You're gonna live in my head ♪

♪ Until the end of time… ♪

[Nick] It is what it is at this point.

If you need to talk to her, you can.
Otherwise, you don't have to.

Yeah, to be...
It's not that. I don't want anyone...

Also, if you need to tap someone in,
just do like a, "Ca-caw! Ca-caw!"

- Oh yeah, we got you.
- [Nick] Yeah.

♪ You walked away from it all ♪

♪ But you left your mark on me… ♪

Unfortunately, someone continued lying
and showed their true colors,

and I don't need them in my life.

[Kyle] Natalie has this
super professional front to her,

but behind the scenes,
she can be an instigator

and kind of, like, stir up the drama
between everybody

when we're all just on our merry way,
we're all living our own lives.

But it's like,

"Natalie, can you just enjoy
the moment we're having?"

Like, Shaina's living her own life.

Just, like, let it go, Natalie.

♪ And I'm sick of seeing you ♪

♪ Around ♪

[music fades out]

[Vito] Aah! Shaina!

- [all yelling]
- [tense music plays]

Hold on. Let me, uh, put my gloves on.


Seeing Shaina is tough.

Wait. I did not know
it was an athletic theme.

No, it's not an athletic theme. Hi.


- How's it going? Kyle.
- Nice to meet you.

- [Vito] Shaina.
- Hey!

[Natalie] Shayne and I were so close
to having forever love.

Then we actually talked about
giving it another chance,

but because of the flirtatious messages,

the door's closed forever.

Why am I not as cool as you?

- You are.
- No, I'm not. I'm not.

Beyond the flirtatious messages,
much more has happened.

I thought that keeping the truth in
would help me move on with my life.

But I think instead
it was really hurting me.

I need to tell my truth.

It's not fair that I'm lying
for people that

have lied to me.

Oh my God.

Oh, I'm good. Don't worry about it.

I mean, I think she was in
a secret relationship with Shayne.

She's continued to lie and be dishonest,

and when confronted with the truth,
continues to either deflect or deny it,

and… I don't need that anymore.

- This is, uh, my fiancé.
- Oh! So nice to meet you.

[mouths] Fiancé?

[Deepti] This is a nice color.

You're the first one I told.

[Christos chuckles]

- Gothic, right?
- [Deepti] Congrats!

[Shaina] We got engaged last night.

- What?!
- [Jessi] Congratulations!

I know, we're thrilled.

[Deepti murmurs happily]


- [Shaina] Thank you.
- Oh my God.

When Christos proposed, I was in shock.
I literally had no idea.

He did throw me off.

He's lucky that I had my nails done,
because, again, I had no idea.


[romantic pop song plays]

He's the love of my life,
and I'm so happy.

[Shaina] I want little babies
running around.

[woman] She said yes!

Two sounds good. We'll see about three.

I don't wanna be pregnant
all of my thirties, but we'll see.


[Deepti] They're engaged.

Last night.

Can we see the ring?
Can we see the receipt?

- [Shaina] Yes! Yes, yes, yes!
- [laughs] Okay. Sorry.

[Jessi gasps]

Oh, that's gorgeous!

- [Shaina] Thank you.
- [Jessi] Wow.

Did you say a prayer before you proposed?

[laughs] You're so stupid.

[Caitlin] No, just stay here. Don't move.

Of course I'm gonna have, like,
raw feelings towards Shaina.

In my eyes, she is the other woman
in that relationship with Shayne.

I wonder if he knows

that Shaina was, like,
messaging and touching Shayne. Like…

Do I tell him the truth?

Yeah. I mean…

[tense music builds]

I love you.

"Take You Down" by L'FREAQ plays...
♪ I'mma take you down ♪

♪ I'mma take you down ♪

♪ I'mma take you down ♪

♪ Dig you into the ground ♪

♪ I'mma take you down ♪

♪ I'mma take you down ♪

♪ I'mma take you down ♪

[song ends]