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11x15 - On Target

Posted: 04/17/24 08:32
by bunniefuu
Tonight on the
curse of oak island...

That is part of a larger
human-made structure.

A rock like this came
from an excavation.

Nolan's cross was
created to locate

the treasure in the money pit.

This drilled stone is
perfectly half the distance

to Nolan's cross.

Things are starting to
line up. It makes sense.

- You ready?
- There you go.

Yeah, baby!

That's like the
original money pit.

There is an island
in the north Atlantic

where people have
been looking for

an incredible treasure
for more than 200 years.

So far, they have
found a stone slab

with strange
symbols carved into it

man-made workings that
date to medieval times,

and a lead cross whose
origin may be connected

to the knights templar.

To date, six men have d*ed

trying to solve the mystery.

And according to legend,
one more will have to die

before the treasure
can be found.

So, Ian, this is
one of the reasons

why we asked you to come down.

- Sure.
- It's this relationship,

if there is one, between
the stone and that little,

stone walkway, we'll call it.

As another day
begins on oak island

for brothers Rick

and Marty lagina and
their team, they are hoping

that a recently
unearthed discovery

in the triangle-shaped swamp

might offer new critical clues

that will help them solve
a 229-year-old mystery.

So what are your thoughts
upon initial observation?

Yeah. This feature that
bill's uncovering, that...

Is very suspicious to me,

especially the
angularity of the rocks.


Rick, there's something
curious about this Boulder.

One week ago, while
digging just north

of the potentially

Or ship's wharf... in
the southeast corner

of the swamp, the team uncovered

what appeared to be
another stone walkway

leading to a massive Boulder.

And this Boulder
is about the size

of some of those other
Nolan's cross rocks.


Curiously, the Boulder

at the end of the
believed walkway

bears a striking resemblance

to the five cone-shaped boulders

that were discovered in 1981

by the late Fred Nolan,

which form a
perfectly symmetrical,

megalithic cross.

I think what we should
do is get Billy to wash this.

- Okay.
- That would help us

understand if this
is human-made.

The why is gonna
be very difficult.

- Yeah.
- Billy, you're up.


Now the team is hoping

that geoscientist
Dr. Ian spooner

can determine not
only if this feature

was indeed constructed by man

but also when it may
have been created

and what sort of function
it might have served.

There is part of what I call
the book about oak island.

Some of those pages
are yet to be written

about what the swamp holds,

what the mysteries are within,

and why that work was done.


That should be
fine. Just let it drain.


I don't think you'll ever come

to a conclusive
answer to this mystery

without understanding
what happened in that bog.

What stands out
to me is this stone

and this stone, this
stone and this stone,

all in a line.

When there's nothing
over to the right-hand side.

That's not natural.

I-I'm pretty confident it's
a human-made structure.

But what I do know is,

a rock like this didn't
come from the beach.

And my contention
is, a lot of the rocks

from this came from an
excavation, not from a beach.

From excavations, like
the digging of the money pit.

Something like that.

The rocks that form
the mysterious walkway?

A geological type
that would have come

from deep underground?

Could Jack's notion
that they were placed

in the swamp by
those who created

the original money
pit be correct?

Or, since the team
has found evidence

throughout the swamp
suggesting that it may be

an entirely artificially
made feature,

could these rocks have
come from a deep excavation

that was conducted in
order to hide something

of great value
right in this area?

The more you dig, the
more you look in-in the body

of the swamp proper,
you find human constructs.

Why are they there?

They imply purpose, intent.

I do believe that we
can connect these dots.

- Hey, guys.
- Hey, Steve.

- Hey, Tom.
- Good to see you.

So, what you see is
what you see, but

I'll let the two of you
describe what you know.

Yeah. What we know is, the
stones are placed by people.


It's kind of almost a little
bit like a mini stone road.

Well, that's what I'm
seeing. The similarity. Yeah.

You have a grade elevation, so

to me it looks like at
least a ramp of some sort.

I think the next steps
are to leave this.

And we haven't
gone to the other end.

We need to continue

- looking for features.
- Yeah.

For now, that shoreline
is the most important area.

That's where people traveled.

Well, now let's just
take a look over there.

And we let Billy loose
and keep digging.


Let's keep digging.

I mean, who knows what else
we're gonna find around here?

While the investigation proceeds

in the triangle-shaped
swamp... Hey, Scott.

Hey, Charles.

So where are we today?

So, as you can see here,

the boys are just
working on deepening

- the shaft here right now.
- Okay.

In the money pit area,

Scott Barlow and
Charles barkhouse

are supervising the
operation to deepen

the mid-18th century structure
known as the garden shaft

down to a depth of some 95 feet.

- That was a good grab there.
- Yeah.

An operation that may soon
lead the team to the valuables

that people have
been trying to find

since the treasure
hunt began in 1795.

They're probably
within a foot or two

above where the top
of the tunnel should be.

- Wow.
- So, they've been

making good progress.
They're excited today.

I can't wait to see it.

Yeah, you and I both.

In the coming days,

representatives from
dumas contracting limited

will finish installing
the final set

in the garden shaft extension,

where they hope to breach
a seven-foot-high tunnel

that may not only be as
much as 400 years old

but which leads to an
area that has been dubbed

the baby blob.

It is in this region where
the team has obtained

water samples from
previously drilled boreholes

that indicate a
large cache of silver,

gold and other metal
objects could be buried

between depths
of 80 and 120 feet.

At this stage, based
on what we see,

it is quite
possible that this is

not a searcher tunnel,
meaning a depositor tunnel.

And we still have
the anomalous metals

in the water near
the garden shaft.

So we have to get
to the bottom of that.

Shouldn't be too much longer

before they, reach
that top of the tunnel.

I'll see what they have to say.

Hey, Ronnie. Can you hear me?

How is it down there?

Okay. Well, we'll let
you get back to work.

You're doing a great job.

We're really looking
forward to it, thanks.

As the search operations
continue on oak island

later that afternoon...

These field trips are
usually quite rewarding.


This is the prints hop.

Scott Barlow

and oak island
historian Doug crowell

have traveled some

to halifax, Nova Scotia.

Hey, Joe.

- Hi.
- Good to see you again.

- Good to see you.
- Here,

they have arranged to
meet with ancient documents

and leather expert Joe
Landry at Dawson print shop

to have him examine part

of a potentially ancient
shoe that was discovered

two weeks ago in the
southeast corner of the swamp.

So, we uncovered a stone
road, if you will, in the swamp.


And this was found
just off to the side of it.

It was found by Rick and Gary

when they were out
there metal detecting.

It'll be curious to see what
Joe thinks of this shoe leather.

Hopefully, he can
confirm that that is

what it is and give us
an idea of the age of it.



Well, this is hand-stitched.

I mean, it's very fine work.

This is a shoe or light
boot, by the looks of things.


And it would have
been a gentleman's boot.

- Interesting.
- Yes.

Does the leather
itself tell you anything?

Well, it appears to be
a vegetable tan leather.

When you say a
vegetable tan, that's just,

basically they were using
a vegetable to color it?

That's right. That's
one of the earliest

- forms of tannage.
- Really? - Really?

- Yeah.
- Can you tell anything

from the stitching what age
this shoe may have come from?


You're talking late

- Wow.
- That's great.

- Wow.
- That's great.



Well, as you can
see, this is amazing,

something like this still
intact after all those years.

- It is well preserved, I'll say that.
- Yeah.

At the Dawson print shop
in halifax, Nova Scotia...

That, that's beautiful,
beautiful work.

Leather expert Joe Landry

has just given his assessment

that the piece
of a leather boot,

which was recently
found near the stone road

in the oak island swamp,

could date back
more than a century

before the discovery
of the money pit.

Who would have
worn a boot like this?

Well, it would
have been an officer

you know, who could
afford a fine boot like this,

rather than a
general crew member.

Well, I find that
very interesting

because it speaks to somebody
who wasn't doing the work

but probably dictating the work.

Yes. And this, it's,
quite plain to see,

was, was hand-stitched.

This would have been more
likely done in Europe and brought.

- Really?
- Really?

Yes. Yeah.

It speaks to me of French work.

Although, you know, it
was practiced quite widely.

So, at this point, we can't
rule out the Portuguese,

the French, or the British.

- They all remain suspects.
- Or even the Spanish.

I mean, they did fine
leather work as well.

Joe's observations are pointing

to pre-discovery
of the money pit.

I mean, this is
important for the search

because we're always
trying to figure out

what to investigate further...

It's a possibility
that this was the toe.

What needs further testing,

and this lines up with
so many of our artifacts.

Has the team found another
critical piece of evidence

that could help them
narrow in on the identity

of those who
created the stone road

and the recently
uncovered walkway

and Boulder feature
in the swamp?

If so, could it also help reveal

who was responsible for
the high-trace evidence

of precious metals
that have been detected

in the money pit area?

We knew when it was leather

that you were the man
to come and see first.

Yeah. We really
appreciate your input on this.

- Yeah, you're quite welcome.
- Until next time.

- That was interesting.
- Very.

As Doug and Scott
begin their return journey...

Miners reporting for duty.

Back on oak island... Yeah.

Coming down.

The boys are calling
you the silver fox.

Rick and Marty lagina

are about to join the operation

to help dumas reach the
potential treasure tunnel

located just below
the garden shaft.

What are we gonna do?
Explain to us what we're gonna do.

So, we got to excavate
a little bit more.

We got to chip
some of that Clay.

- Right.
- And then we can put another set in.

- Okay.
- We're now at 90, 93 feet.

You've got to be within two
feet then, something like that.

- Yeah, somewhere around there. Yeah.
- Yeah.

Well, let's get suited up

and have a go at
this, big brother.

Before dumas can
finish construction

on the final wooden set

that will extend the
garden shaft into the tunnel,

several feet of hard
Clay must be removed.

It is a task that Rick and Marty

are more than eager
to help complete.

Well, it's gonna be exciting.

To go down in that shaft
and actually do some digging

and maybe be part of
unearthing an original tunnel

would be incredibly gratifying.

All kinds of thoughts are
streaming through my head.

I mean, you can't help it.
This is an exciting moment.


We're gonna go down deep

into the garden shaft,
big brother and I.

- All set.
- Let's go.

My brother and I
are gonna be miners.

And our heritage is mining.

Our grandfather came
here in order to work

in the mines out of Michigan.

It's really an amazing
thing that's happening here.

A confluence of heritage.

Very good.

That's right. Now we can begin.

Marty, that's gonna be
your corner over there.

- That's your baby over there.
- That corner over there? Okay.

Yours is called the destroyer.

- Mine is?
- Yeah. Yours is the destroyer.

- All right.
- You got big Betsy.

- Cool.
- Well, here's the deal, Rick.

You could be standing
a couple feet above

the tunnel we've
been looking for

for at least two years.

- Right there.
- More than could. We are.

Okay. Well, let's get busy.
How do you work this thing?


A little bit at a
time? Yeah. Okay.

- Pump going on.
- Pump on.

Silver fox and his
brother are ready to go.

In order to break up the
hard Clay below the shaft,

Rick and Marty are using
a pneumatic jackhammer.

Then, representatives from
dumas contracting limited

will use the three-ton
hammer grab tool

to remove the materials.

- Yeah, baby!
- There you go.

There you go. You're
getting the hang...

Work your way around.

This is no job for old men.

Jackhammers themselves
weigh 60 or 70 pounds.

They tend to get
stuck in the Clay.

It is some of the hardest
work I've done in many years.

All right. Break time.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

In the moment,

I'm an eyes and boots
guy. I'm down there.

I want to get that
Clay out of the hole.

I want to find the tunnel.

I, I didn't think of much
else, to be honest.

What do you think you hit?

The last spade bit,

I thought I hit
something different.

See that?


Try digging right up there.

Look at that. It's nothing.

It's really soft. Get me a bar.

- Do you have a bar down here?
- Yeah. Right there, Rick.

Right there by your hand.

The other one's right there.

I thought, at the
bottom of the spade bit,

that I was on top of something.

And I thought, "wow, wow,
maybe, maybe I'm on a tunnel."

Could Rick lagina's speculation

that he may have
reached the mysterious...

And potentially ancient...
Tunnel be correct?

If so, the team may
be closer than ever

to the answers and
reward that they've worked

for more than a
decade to uncover.

Yeah. "Right there"
is a relative term,

though, isn't it,
with this stuff?

"Right there" is
a relative term.

All right, well, we got it
all loosened up for you.

So, now the hammer
grab is gonna come down?

Yeah. We'll hammer
grab. We'll clean that hole.


Wood, delineates
man-made things,

obviously, when it's
way underground.

So we need to keep going.

We could be closer
than we've ever been

to this actual treasure, or
to where it was deposited.

So, when we start
doing the tunnel,

you guys are gonna come
down for a day or what?

Yes! Yes.

- Try to keep us out.
- That's gonna be an experience.

That would be cool.

We got to be really
close. We got to be.

Yeah, we are.

As a new day begins
on oak island... One, two.


While representatives

from dumas contracting limited

finish extending
the garden shaft

down to the believed treasure
tunnel in the money pit area...

So, gentlemen, I have no need

to introduce Chris
morford to everyone here.

Rick lagina along
with other members

of the team meet once again

with author and 32nd
degree freemason

Chris morford in the w*r room.

In recent years,

Chris and his research
partner corjan mol

have assisted the
team both on the island

and in numerous
destinations across Europe

to investigate the
incredible theory

that the medieval order
of the knights templar,

and their believed descendants,
known as the freemasons,

made repeated
visits to oak island

between the 12th
and 18th centuries

in order to hide items

of great historic
and monetary value.

I very much look forward
to the presentation.

I think it's going
to be informative

and-and quite interesting,
so please proceed.

Thank you, Rick.
Thank you, everybody.

What I'd like to discuss
today is an alignment

that I found with Nolan's cross.

Now, in light of the
team's ongoing efforts

to locate the source of precious
metals that have been detected

in the money pit area...

So, you can see
here Nolan's cross.

Chris has conducted new research

that he believes could
help them pinpoint it

using the megalithic
boulders of Nolan's cross.

Now, who placed the
stones there as well as why

is a question that has been
nagging all of us for decades.

So, why go through the trouble

of moving these enormous stones

into such an arrangement?

I believe this structure
was built by the templars.

And the templars may have
used the alignment of Nolan's cross

to guide us to the treasure.


This treasure is said to be
no less than the holy grail itself.

This goes back to the research
that corjan and I have done.

I do believe that the
original temple menorah

was safeguarded here

to make way for
the new Jerusalem

and the new temple.

Between the 12th
and 14th centuries,

the m*llitary order of
the knights templar

fiercely battled for
Christian interests

in the middle east and Europe

during the holy wars
known as the crusades.

After building their
headquarters on the site

of the original temple of
king Solomon in Jerusalem,

they accumulated vast riches

by establishing the
world's first banking system.

However, some believe
that their great treasure

also included priceless relics

that they discovered
during excavations

beneath the temple ruins,

including king Solomon's
golden menorah

and the holy grail.

In 1307, the order was disbanded

and persecuted by the
pope and the king of France

over controversial
charges of heresy.

Many were imprisoned
and ex*cuted.

However, their believed
sacred treasures

have never been found.

Is it possible that
some of these relics

are buried on oak island,
as Chris morford believes?

And could Nolan's
cross hold the key

to locating where
they are buried?

Now, I spent a lot
of time wondering

what clues would
these knights have left

for the future brothers
to locate the treasure

so that their enemies
or the uninitiated

would not be able to find it.

Nolan's cross
could be the answer.

I needed a first step, and
the most obvious to me

was stone c, up on the beach.

This would be the only
stone visible from a ship.

As you leave cone c,

of course, you will hit cone a.

They actually have a nice
sight line to each other,

and straight to the money pit.

But still you would need markers

to help you get from
that point to the money pit

because it's pretty easy
to wander off course.

I saw, on some updated
maps you have, that

there were two drilled stones.

Remarkably, they
were right on that line.

It seems to me they
were intentionally

put there as markers.

Yep. We had one on lot 15

and the other one was
on the Nolan property.

Well, remember now, there
was another drilled stone

in the money pit area
that Frederick Blair found.


In 1895, treasure
hunter Frederick Blair

discovered a mysterious drilled
stone in the money pit area.

Although the stone was moved

during future
searcher excavations,

its original location
was marked on a survey

conducted by Charles
roper in the 1930s.

More than three decades later,

Fred Nolan noted two
additional drilled stones

during surveys that he conducted

between the swamp
and the money pit.

Could Chris morford be correct

that these drilled stones
were related to Nolan's cross

and placed as markers
in order to help pinpoint

the location of the fabled
oak island treasure?

So, when you get
to the money pit area,

I would think that there
was a marker there,

and then from there you
would know where to dig.

We should get
proper measurements

and see if we can have it
align through the money pit.

'Cause what are the
chances we run into

these two drilled stones right
through cone a and cone c?

And maybe we can project
where the money pit was.

That could be highly relevant.

Chris, do you believe that
templars or descendants

or versions of the templars

came and did the work here?

Either is plausible.

It's so romantic to think

that the templars come to
this tiny, nondescript island,

they do this incredible
amount of work,

and then Chris has taken that

to help put an "x" on
the ground on oak island.

It doesn't prove anything,

but the line created by cone c,

the drilled stones, and cone a

may ultimately
assist us in finding

the original money
pit, and that's the goal.

Chris, I certainly
believe that research is

a huge component to figure
out what happened here

on this island long ago.

So the debt of gratitude

lays on our heads and
our shoulders to you.

Thank you so much.

We should check that
projection of Nolan's cross.

It's always important
to put eyes and boots.

- Okay.
- Having said that,

- let's get back to work.
- Thanks, Chris.

Thank you.

So, Tom, I suppose
you're wondering why

we asked you to
come out today, right?

Well, I know roughly
where we are here,

- as I look at that.
- Exactly.

- Cone c of Nolan's cross.
- Yeah.

Following their meeting

with 32nd degree
freemason Chris morford,

Rick lagina and Steve guptill

join fellow oak island
landowner Tom Nolan

on his property at cone c,

the northernmost
Boulder near the shoreline,

which marks the so-called
left arm of Nolan's cross.

We had a theorist
come. Chris morford.

- You're quite familiar with him.
- Yep.

He made an association
between cone c, cone a,

drilled stones, and alignment

- to the money pit.
- Wow.

It is Rick's intention
to have Steve,

a professional surveyor,

track the line from cone c

through several drilled stones,

as well as cone
a of Nolan's cross,

and, finally, to
the money pit area,

where Chris morford believes

the precise location of the
fabled oak island treasure

may be buried deep underground.

- Okay. Let's go.
- Let's go.

We're all excited.

We want to measure it ourselves,

we want to walk the line,

and hopefully we corroborate

what Chris has suggested.

We have to find
out where it goes,

specifically in the money pit.

All right, so this is

- our first drilled stone.
- Yep.

And for reference,
I'll tag it again.

Okey doke.

All right, let me
take you to cone a.

- Okay.
- Okay.

So, I'm gonna do my best
to actually walk the line.

As we walk that line,

we know the
elevation will change,

thus the reason for
the drilled stones.

The purpose is to draw an
alignment between cone c

and perhaps the
location of a treasure.

All right, so, I mean, we
all know this is cone a.

- Yep.
- I'm gonna tag it

and then calculate
the next point.


Got it.

- Got it.
- Thank you.

All right, we've got it there.

- Follow me through.
- Okay.


So, I'm currently on the line.

- I guess we'll go through here.
- Yep.

As we walk the line,

we're getting closer
to the money pit.

I'm excited to
see where it goes.

So, here's the
next drilled stone.

It's right on line.

Can I just see that?

Sure can. I'm gonna
tag it while you're here.

You see how they would
have turned the chisel?

- Yes, as they were...
- Yeah, as they were going.

So, here's an observation.

This is the exact half point
from cone c in the water

to lot 15, and the next
half is the money pit,

so this is almost
perfectly half the distance.

What are the odds of that?

I don't know. For Chris
to make this observation

and then have these measurements

lay out as they are?

- Right.
- Quite remarkable. Really is.

I'd be very curious

if it... half again,
the measurement

- to the money pit.
- Let's find out.

- Let's find out.
- Follow me.

It's quite remarkable that
the drilled stone on lot 15

is exactly halfway from
cone c to the money pit.

So, now, what we need to do

is walk the other
half to the money pit.

So, the next stop
is our end point,

so I'll take you
to the end point.

- Okay.
- Okay.

Watch your step here.

So, the final location
of the other half

of the distance from
lot 15 is right here.

My goodness.

As you can see, it's
not perfectly on the shaft,

but what it is on
top of is the tunnel.


- Yeah.
- Wow.

The bingo point, if you will,

is almost exactly where

the tunnel under
the garden shaft is.

Now, that's quite remarkable.

- That's pretty close.
- That's pretty close.

That's pretty darn close.

Remember, the reason
why we're there is

because of the high
gold and silver values,

but to have that line,

based on two of the
stones of Nolan's cross

and two drilled stones,

land on that corner
of the garden shaft,

that's... dramatic.

Now we have to
expose the bottom of

the structure and
exploit that information.

We have to come to a
further understanding

of what this tunnel

- potentially represents.
- Yep.

- We're a ways from that yet.
- Yeah.

But for right now,

there's a lot of work
to do, so let's get to it.

Okay. Sounds good.

As the operation to deepen
the garden shaft continues

in the money pit area

I'm really interested
to see what we dig up

over here as we continue
digging along the stone path.


Jack begley along
with Gary drayton

and Billy gerhardt
are proceeding with

their excavation to the north of

the newly uncovered
stone walkway or ramp...

Let's go.

Where they hope to find

additional evidence
of man-made structures

and buried valuables.

Yeah. Well, let's
get back, mate,

'cause we're
running out of room.

There we go. Look.

Look at the size of that.

That's a big stump.

That's a big tree.

Makes you wonder how
big the trees used to be.


It would've took a big
fella to get this down.

This is giving me hope.

Every time I see a
trunk like that coming out,

that means the
woods, the forest,

there's more in there.

Like Dr. Spooner
said, this did not

- used to be a swamp.
- No.

It used to allow trees to grow.


The stump of a tree,

unearthed from the
deepest area of the swamp?

Because trees cannot
generally grow in bodies of water,

the team has found
more evidence to support

Dr. Ian spooner's belief
that the swamp was

at least a partially
man-made feature.

No. No metals.

We're metal-less.

But the wood more
than makes up for it.

It's about the context,
and the wood was found

at the very bottom of the swamp,

and it wasn't thrown in later.

This is, this is wood
from a very old source.

If Dr. Spooner can successfully

date this stump, could
it help the team confirm

when the swamp
was artificially created?


This was perfect timing, mate,

getting these interesting
pieces of wood out.

We know that that storm's
coming from down south,

- and we are gonna get drenched.
- You can feel it.

- The air is changing.
- 'Cause, I mean,

the swamp's
gonna fill up for sure.

Those stumps are pretty unique.

We should get Rick down
here to take a look at 'em.

We will. Yeah.

Yeah. Great work, Billy, mate.

- See you later, mate.
- See you, bill.

What a glorious day to
be in the swamp, Rick?

New day.

A fresh dig.

As another day
dawns on oak island

Rick lagina has
joined Gary drayton

and Billy gerhardt to
continue their investigation

near the middle of the
triangle-shaped swamp.

There might be a story
here that we're standing on

and don't even know it.

Yeah. Right.

Let's find some good stuff.

Because a heavy
overnight rainstorm

has partially refilled
the brackish bog,

the team is now excavating
several feet to the north

of where they discovered
a large tree stump...

And possible evidence
of ancient human activity...

Just one day ago.

Pulling up another stump.

Billy, hey!

- That layer there, - that's a change.
- Right.

A significant change.

How did it go from
forestland... and when...

To a deep water cove?

I think it might prove

when somebody
did something here.


We know that,
according to Dr. Spooner,

and certainly the
evidence is there, that...

At one point, the
swamp was forested.

Well, now the key question
is, was that manipulated?

Hopefully, Dr. Spooner can
provide us with some answers.

Is that a trunk and
a notch there or not?

It's all uneven,
like it was axe-cut.

If that broke off, the log
should be laying right there

beside it, I think.

- Absolutely.
- Right?

And it's not...

- It's not there.
- It's not there.

It's just not there.

- Somebody took the logs...
- Yep. -Yeah.


For something. Maybe
to build the money pit.

Could Billy gerhardt
be correct, that long ago,

trees were removed from
this area when it was dry land...

In order to construct the
nine wooden platforms

of rounded logs that
were reportedly discovered

more than two centuries
ago in the original money pit?

Yeah, I don't know.

- We need Dr. Spooner to weigh in...
- Yeah, for sure.

To see if he can date
when that event happened.

Okay. For right now,
I've got to take off.

You guys are in charge.

Hopefully you'll find
some more things.

- Okay, mate.
- Thanks, Billy.

- Yep.
- Good luck.

As Gary and Billy
continue their excavation

for answers in the swamp

later that afternoon...

So, it seems like we
hit your target. Finally.

- You found her.
- Yeah.

Rick lagina, Scott
Barlow, and Craig tester

have just received
long-awaited news.

After extending the garden shaft

to an approximate depth of

representatives from
dumas contracting limited

have finally reached a
believed seven-foot-high tunnel

that leads toward the baby blob

and perhaps a vast
cache of buried treasure.

We can actually see wood.

- Okay.
- But it's either collapsed or whatever.

- Who knows what the...?
- Yeah.

Yeah, until we
uncover more of it.

- Okay. Get us dressed.
- Well.

- Let's get going.
- Okay.

Hey, finally, we can actually

put eyes and boots on
the tunnel that was found

by the Sonic drill program.

You get a little bit of chills.

Let's go take a peek.

It's been frustratingly slow
at times, but it's exciting.

- Good luck, guys.
- We'll take you a pic...

- We'll take you a picture.
- Thanks.

If it was original,
it's our belief

that we're talking
hundreds of years ago.

Now, that's...
that raises the bar.

There's hope. There's promise.

There's... You might
find the one thing.

So I think there are
some answers here.

There you go.


Okay, so what are we
looking at here, Paul?

So that's where we got
the sample out of the wood.

Do you feel anything?

Yeah. There's definitely
wood right here.

- I see your bar here.
- Yeah.

So, we drove that bar

- that was just, for guiding.
- Yeah.

So here's a round log, there.

- Okay.
- Okay?

Right here, that's wood?

- That's wood right there.
- Really?

See that?

See, there's some
wood right there.


- But that's right here.
- See that right there?

That looks like wood there, too.

Well, now it gets
exciting, right?


It is a historic and
exciting moment

for Rick and Marty lagina,

their partner Craig tester,
and their entire team.

You got the crowbar
right there behind you.

At the bottom of
the garden shaft

in the fabled money pit area,

a wooden tunnel that may lead

to a legendary cache
of buried treasure

has finally been reached
at a depth of some 95 feet.

You know there's
something going on there.

You hear that?

Doesn't that sound hollow?


Listen to that.

That's, that's one of the beams.

This beam is not
hollow like that.

There's only so much you can
see between the Clay, the water,

but it's real.

And that's the important part.

There's a wood
structure down there.

And at that point,
it becomes "okay,

we can't stop now."

If you want to
expose more of it,

we can add one more
section and then go deeper,

- and that'll give us another 32 inches.
- Yes.

You-you have to,
you have to go deeper.

- Absolutely.
- Because the board this way,

if you pound on it,
sounds hollow to me,

like there's air and
empty space below that.

- Right.
- And that would be,

to me, that would be indicative

of the top of the tunnel.

We did probe the logs

that were in line
with the projection.

It seemed hollow underneath it.

Hit that. Hit that one timber.

It sounds hollow to me.


And the hope is
to extend the shaft

to explore this further.

We'll excavate, squaring off,

and then keep digging.

It's exciting seeing
round timbers down there

'cause, to me, round timbers are

a great indication,
it's potentially old.

You, you have to go back
to the original story, right?

You know, logs every
ten feet in the money pit.

Logs. That's the description.

It's an interesting
possible connection.

Round timbers associated
with the original construct

of the money pit and
a round timber here.

When I look back
and think about reading

the reader's digest article,

it does bring your
mind back to round logs

in the original money pit,
round logs in this feature.

And so, I don't have to believe

that we're making progress
at solving the mystery.

I know we are.

If we only saw square
timbers down there,

I'd think that we're more... into
more modern searcher times.

So we'll just square
off the-the excavation

- and we'll add another section on top.
- Yeah.

And then we'll be ready
to dig for another three feet,

and we'll be right on
top of the structure.

I mean, you can't help
but let your mind go on this.

After 15 years,

we may be just a few
feet above original works.

It could be it. It
could be the thing!

I am very excited

that this is going to
lead us to a treasure.

Yeah. It's gonna be,
it's gonna be quite a day

when we set eyes
on it completely.

Let's get it done.

Let's figure out

what that tunnel
represents, right?

- Yeah.
- And where it's going.

We're gonna find
that out in time.

You know, it's right below us.

I think we need to get

- out of their way, Scott.
- I think so.

You guys stay safe
down here. Okay?

Yeah. Thanks for stopping by.

For Rick and Marty lagina,

what began as a childhood dream

may soon be
fulfilled by a discovery

that could rewrite
history as we know it.

Do the ultimate answers of
just who and what was behind

the oak island mystery

lie at the end of a
mysterious tunnel

below the garden shaft?

Perhaps one more
dig is all it will take.

But as they proceed, they must
also prepare for the unknown,

for the unforeseen and
the unforgiving forces

that have guarded oak island's
secrets for hundreds of years.

Next time on the
curse of oak island...

That's deep.

If it dates 1200 on those logs,

that's the same
as the paved area.

The money pit samples are

the most interesting
samples that we have.

Where do you think
that sample comes from?

Southeast France.


We're on it.

I see something round, mate.

- It's got a design on it.
- It does.

The hurricane is coming.

There's no denying it.

This could be the most
dangerous day on this island.