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10x22 - Starry Knights

Posted: 04/17/24 08:21
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: Tonight in
The Curse Of Oak Island

CHARLES: We’re getting
gold and silver signatures.

This is where the real
Money Pit could be.

- Absolutely.
- EMILIANO: Welcome to Italy.

RICK: We’re looking for a
possible Templar connection

to Oak Island.

Oh, Rick. Have a look at this.

- CORJAN: Look at that. Fantastic.
- Oh, wow.

We’re at the bottom,
where the timbers stop.

We’re about to boldly go
where no one’s gone before.

RICK: There is a direct
connection to Nolan’s Cross.

This is a very real
Templar connection here.

That’s amazing.

NARRATOR: There is an
island in the North Atlantic

where people have
been looking for

an incredible treasure
for more than 200 years.

So far, they have
found a stone slab

with strange symbols
carved into it...

man-made workings
that date to medieval times,

and a lead cross whose
origin may be connected

to the Knights Templar.

To date, six men have died

trying to solve the mystery.

And according to legend,
one more will have to die

before the treasure
can be found.

♪ ♪

- CHARLES: Hey, guys.
- ROGER: Hey, how’s it going, Charles?

Good. How are you?

Not too bad. Not too bad.

NARRATOR: The cold
North Atlantic fall season

has arrived on Oak Island.

Did you get your last set in?

The guys are in the
process right now

of getting that
set in, so it’s not,

it’s not done yet, and
we’re not quite ready

- to have anybody go down there.
- Okay.

brothers Rick and Marty Lagina,

and the Fellowship of the Dig,

their determination to make a
major breakthrough discovery

in the Money Pit area and
solve a treasure mystery

that began in 1795
has never been higher.

It’s still soft over on
that, over on that corner?

- That north corner?
- Yes.

So, that one, uh, north
corner, like you call it,

yeah, we-we... so we
punched a hole in there,

and the ground is much
softer than all three other sides.


I know we’ve got a, we’ve got,

uh, prime real estate over here,

where we’re getting
gold and silver signatures

- in the water, right?
- Right. Right.

NARRATOR: After nearly
three months of tireless work,

representatives from
Dumas Contracting Limited

have nearly completed
the reconstruction

of the mysterious

known as the Garden Shaft,

a potentially early

that has not only yielded
high trace evidence of gold

in both wood and
water samples...

It’s quite possible that over
there could be another tunnel.

Right, a-and that could be.

But which also sets

above a believed tunnel

at a depth of some 95 feet

that runs due west straight
into the so-called Baby Blob.

A zone where,
according to water tests

that were conducted in
previously drilled boreholes,

the highest indications
of silver and gold

have been detected so far.

Yeah, we hope to be able

to punch some
more holes in there...

- Yeah.
- And see if we get any more values

- like you were getting, so...
- Right.

Quite possibly,

this is where the real
Money Pit could be.

- Could be. Absolutely.
- Interesting.

- Yes. Yeah.
- Absolutely.

NARRATOR: Now Dumas is working

as diligently as possible

to safely finish the
shaft and find out not only

what may lie at the bottom
but also attempt to reach

the potential treasure
tunnel located below it

before the onset of
winter forces the team

to halt their search
activities until next spring.

MARTY: The Garden Shaft
could be very, very meaningful.

When we get to the
bottom, we get to start

exploring where, perhaps,
other people haven’t been.

And that’s where the
data becomes really useful.

I think it could really
help with answers.

The Garden Shaft, it presents

some very unique
opportunities for discovery.

Is there a tunnel
with those significantly

high gold values directly
beneath the Garden Shaft?

But we’re running
out of good weather.

We’re running out of time.

Well, Roger, I see you’ve
got a lot more work to do.

I’m gonna let
you, uh, get to it.

- ROGER: Sounds good. Thanks a lot, Charles.
- Okay.

CHARLES: Thank you.

MARTY: Lord Niven.

Hey, Marty.

Helen, deep in the pit.

HELEN: Hi, Marty.


located on the western
side of the island,

Marty Lagina
joins archaeologists

Laird Niven and Helen
Sheldon as they continue

investigating a
mysterious depression

covered by a layer of stones.

LAIRD: We put a
trench down below.

Helen’s standing in
the absolute bottom.


LAIRD: In this pit,

I’ve removed the
rocks from the ring...

- Mm-hmm.
- And I’m getting artifacts.

- Oh, really? Like what?
- Yeah, like that far down.

We have two pieces of pottery

that may have gone
out of style in the 1750s.

NARRATOR: While the
feature’s design is curious

for obvious reasons,

it is located in the same
general area where the team

recently discovered a half
coin and a lead barter token

that are both believed to
be more than 1,500 years old

and of Roman origin.

Why don’t we measure it?

ALEX: Sure.

week ago, when Laird

and Marty’s son Alex
determined the feature’s diameter...

- That’s 13 feet.
- It’s a bizarre measurement.

They were astonished to find

that it matched the
exact dimensions

of the original Money Pit
when it was discovered in 1795.

MARTY: For some reason,

this lot keeps giving up what
is probably the oldest stuff.

I mean, why this lot?

- We have no idea.
- I mean, if you...

Let’s-let’s try it this way.

How many circular...

rather massive features have
been found in Nova Scotia?

Like, none that I can recall.

- No. Nothing at all.
- MARTY: Hmm.

- It’s an oddity. It’s, uh...
- It’s weird.

A-And potentially
very significant.

We are on a treasure hunt,
and what I’m hoping for,

as these dates come
in older and older,

that there’s the clue
in here that could help,

that could really
help us figure out

- the treasure component of this. Okay.
- LAIRD: Yeah.

- All right.
- Here’s what I say: Carry on.

- Okay. See you later.
- Thanks, Helen.

- See you.
- See you later.

NARRATOR: As operations
continue on Oak Island...

[church bell tolls]

ALEX: Wow.

Camerano truly
is a beautiful town.

RICK: Oh, absolutely.
Okay. Here we are.

NARRATOR: approximately

DOUG: I see Emiliano.

- Hey, guys. Welcome to Italy.
- Emiliano.

- Hey, hey.
- Hey. Ciao.

- So good to see you.
- Good to see you.

Rick Lagina, along with
his nephews Alex and Peter,

Oak Island historian
Doug Crowell,

and researcher
Corjan Mol have arrived

in Camerano, Italy,
where they are meeting

with researchers
Emiliano Sacchetti

and Alberto Recanatini.

glad to see you guys.

I, uh, know

you’re interested in
the underground system

of Camerano because of
the Oak Island lead cross.

NARRATOR: Building
upon the research

that was shared with
the team back in 2016

by Rick’s late
friend Zena Halpern,

Emiliano has invited them
to visit the enigmatic site

known as the Camerano Caves.

A system of man-made
underground labyrinths

which date back
more than 2,500 years

and which features a
section that is shaped

nearly identically to the

that was found on
Oak Island in 2017.

EMILIANO: So, this is Alberto.

He’s been mapping and
exploring these caves for 50 years.

- RICK: Wow.
- And he is gonna be our guide today.

- RICK: Perfect.
- So, why don’t we go inside?

- There’s no better time than now.
- Awesome.

- After you.
- CORJAN: Let’s go underground.

NARRATOR: Although the town

of Camerano, Italy
dates back to 1198,

the first documented
civilization in the region

were the Piceni,
who are believed

to have created the
underground cave system

in the sixth century BC.

- Looks like the catacombs.
- It keeps going, huh?

NARRATOR: The area became part
of the Roman Empire around 290 BC.

- RICK: It’s huge. -ALEX: Wow.
- PETER: Keeps going.

NARRATOR: However, between
the 12th and 14th centuries,

it was reestablished
as a stronghold

for the Knights Templar,

who modified portions
of the cave system

for reasons that
remain a mystery.

The construct, it’s incredible.

It’s large, it’s massive.


The hope is that there will be

a part of the system

that Alberto can directly
connect to possibly Templars

or possibly to a belief system

that is associated
with the artifacts

that we have
found on the island.

You know, Emiliano,
when you first invited us

to this Camerano cave system,

I didn’t see it as
artfully designed as this.

Actually, this is the very
beginning of the cave system.

- Right.
- So, the model for this room

- is the Holy Sepulchre.
- Mm-hmm.

EMILIANO: So, what
you actually see here

is something
that is very similar

to what we have in Jerusalem.

- Oh, wow.
- ALEX: How old

is this part of the cave system?

[speaking Italian]

EMILIANO: Alberto is saying

the early 13th century.

[Alberto speaking Italian]

So, right after the Templar
order was dissolved,

uh, they start digging

underground places
to keep on gathering.

So they literally
went underground.


NARRATOR: The order
of the Knights Templar

has remained shrouded in
mystery since it was established

in 1118 in Jerusalem.

They were headquartered
on the original site

of King Solomon’s Temple

for the purpose of
protecting Christian interests

in the Holy Land
during the Crusades.

They became
extraordinarily wealthy

by developing one of the
world’s first banking systems.

But in 1307, they were
disbanded by the Catholic Church

and persecuted by
the king of France

for the alleged crime of heresy.

However, some believe

that the Templars
were actually targeted

because they had
come into possession

of many priceless
religious treasures.

EMILIANO: Let’s go to the...

- Venus Cave.
- RICK: Perfect.

- PETER: Follow you.
- ALEX: After you.

NARRATOR: Those sacred valuables

have never been found,

and researchers such
as Corjan and Emiliano

believe that surviving
members of the order

smuggled them throughout
Europe before ultimately

hiding them in the New
World on Oak Island.

EMILIANO: So we are now at
the mouth of the Burchiani Cave,

aka the Venus Cave,
and I’ll leave it to Marco,

who’s, uh, another
very expert guide.

- Mm-hmm.
- CORJAN: You know, the-the shape

- is why we’re here, right?
- DOUG: Yeah, exactly.

CORJAN: Uh, because we
think the-the shape of your cave

completely matches the
shape of the lead cross

that was found,
uh, on Oak Island.

- That’s exciting.
- ALEX: Mm.

MARCO: Okay.

I would certainly
love to see it.

- MARCO: Okay. -DOUG: Yeah, fantastic.
- EMILIANO: Me, too.

EMILIANO: We are at
around 20 meters below

- the street level.
- Wow.

town of Camerano, Italy,

Rick Lagina and members
of the Oak Island team...

- Check this wall.
- Are exploring a portion

of a 2,500-year-old cave system

believed to have been
reconstructed by members

of the Knights Templar
in the 14th century

and which matches
the exact design

of the 14th century lead cross

that was found on Oak
Island back in 2017.

- RICK: Wow.
- EMILIANO: This is what, in a church,

- you would call the transept, right?
- Mm-hmm.

We have the left
arm, the right arm,

and a-according to Alberto,
there is a slight difference.

This arm should be

a bit longer than this one.

RICK: Which is exactly
what our lead cross exhibits.

EMILIANO: I’d say so.

RICK: It really is quite
a feat of engineering.

- EMILIANO: Mm-hmm.
- I wonder

if it exhibited that when
they were carving it.

EMILIANO: Okay, let’s go
take a look at the head, the ring.

Perfect. Wow.

EMILIANO: Now we’re
talking about the eighth century,

- before Christ.
- [Rick laughs]


That is, that is...

- incredible history.
- Clay up there.

RICK: Mm-hmm.

- It’s amazing.
- It’s almost like a glue,

- holding the sand together.
- Yeah.

RICK: 2,000 or

it still stands.

Is there really an
intimate relationship

between the lead cross
found on Oak Island

on-on Smith’s Cove beach?

What that cross represents
and what this represents,

and are they aligned?

I think they are the
same thing, and...

Obviously, you know
my friendship with Zena.

Makes you get emotional,
right? Because...

I reach out and touch this
now, if this really is that,

she was the one who
guided us here, really.

- No, I... I understand.
- She helped us.

And now maybe, maybe this

will help us move
the story forward.

And that’s, that’s
why we’re here, really,

is to make connections.

To hear it from you
means something.

Yeah, I...

I don’t want to be
emotional as well.

[chuckles] Lead on.

- It’s amazing, the history.
- CORJAN: Hey, Rick.

I think you want to
have a look at this.

- Sure.
- You might even recognize it.

- Huh.
- Do you see that?

[chuckles]: Uh, I recognize it.

That’s the so-called goose
paw at... up in Nova Scotia.


Oh, wow.

NARRATOR: Earlier this year...

ISAAC: We just know it’s
been here for a really long time.

Rick, Corjan and
Charles Barkhouse

traveled some 50 miles
southwest of Oak Island

to Liverpool, Nova Scotia...

It comes to a point.

Where they were shown

a nearly identical carving.

CORJAN: To me,
this looks like, uh,

what we call a goose
paw, and if that’s what it is,

that would be something,
because that is the-the mark

of the Masons for the Knights
Templar in medieval Europe.

CORJAN: Looks like it.

It looks exactly like

- the goose paw.
- Our goose paw.

- RICK: Uh-huh. That’s amazing.
- That’s cool.

It is very cool.

CORJAN: So, we
thought that they used this

to mark their presence.

- Wow.
- I mean, this is a very real Templar connection.

You have to follow the
clues where they are,

but let’s see
where this leads us.

Okay, well, there’s a
lot more to see, so, uh,

- maybe we should move out and, uh, join the group.
- Yep. Yep.

- Let’s go.
- After you. Yeah.

RICK: Why? Why was
such a unique shape

put into a tunnel
system from long ago,

perhaps Templar-associated?

If it was just about
refuge or storage

or the need to hide, why
would you go to the trouble

of designing something
of such uniqueness?

Everything is a stepping stone.

You have to be creative,

and hopefully it will
get us to Oak Island.

- Hey, guys.
- PETER: Hey, guys.

- Hey.
- CORJAN: How are you?

So, there’s another cave system

that I would like
to show you guys.

And it’s in Osimo,

it’s a few kilometers
from Camerano.

And I’m pretty sure you’ll
find it very interesting.

- I’d say yes. Let’s go.
- Okay.

DOUG: It’s been an amazing day.

RICK: It has been.

NARRATOR: While Rick
and members of the team

finish their visit in
Camerano, Italy...

- GARY: Hello, Billy.
- BILLY: Hey, guys.

GARY: I’m glad to
see you’re here, mate.

Sill digging on
top of this ramp.

NARRATOR: back on Oak Island,

metal detection
expert Gary Drayton

and surveyor Steve
Guptill join Billy Gerhardt

in the triangle-shaped swamp.

All right, mate,
let’s get diggy with it.

are continuing efforts

to excavate a
believed stone ramp...

All right, fingers
crossed, Steve.

To determine

if it actually connects
the stone pathway

that runs along the
swamp’s eastern border

with the massive
stone-paved feature

in the center of
the brackish bog,

which has been scientifically
dated to as early as 1200 AD.

BILLY: Hey, Gary?

I’m getting kind of down to
some hard bottom, maybe.

What are you seeing, Billy?

It’s mostly all flat
cobbles, I think.

GARY: Okay.

BILLY: And it certainly
looks like the shape of a ramp.

STEVE: This, to me, looks what,

what a ramp would look like.

GARY: You’ve got
your stick, mate,

and maybe you can probe and see

- where it ends.
- Right.

Well, we see one there.

They’re there.

Yeah, they’re everywhere.

So, to give you an idea,

right along that water’s edge,
we’re a foot below sea level.

And as we’ve come
up where I’m standing,

I am four inches
below sea level.

So, it’s coming
up quite quickly.

I think we’re on
the ramp interface.

We believe we
found a ramp interface

that connects the paved
area to the cobble path.

Let’s get digging.

And we’re gonna hope
to connect these features,

and if we can do that,

we can start to piece the
story of the swamp together.

[device beeping]

- Oh, Gary, got a hit?
- Yeah, I got a hit, mate.

I think it’s in here.

- [beeping]
- Ooh.

Let’s see what we’ve got here.

- [Gary whoops]
- What is that?

GARY: It looks old.

- [Gary whoops]
- STEVE: What is that?

Some kind of fastener?

NARRATOR: While investigating

a believed man-made stone ramp

in the northeastern region
of the Oak Island swamp...

And it’s a
square-shanked fastener,

which means it’s
normally an older type.

Billy Gerhardt,

Gary Drayton and Steve Guptill

have just unearthed a
potentially significant clue.

I would say pre-1800s.

This type of iron fastener

would have been used for
securing, uh, wooden planks.

- Mm-hmm.
- Like a ship’s decking nail.

We have found parts
of an old ship in here.

- Yep.
- NARRATOR: Over the past several years,

the team has found not
only compelling evidence

that the swamp was
once an open harbor

but, given the stone
road... or ship’s wharf...

That was uncovered in 2020,

may have also been
used for the docking

of a large sailing vessel.

If Gary is correct that
he, Billy and Steve

have found more
evidence of a ship

on the believed stone ramp,

could that mean that the
ramp, which may be connected

to the 800-year-old paved area,

was created in order
to transport something

of great value off of a
ship and onto Oak Island?

It really seems
like a ramp here.

So, just to be sure, I
think we should hydrovac

to see, really,
what it looks like,

- and then we know.
- Yeah, I agree.

MARTY: A hydrovac
truck is just a truck

that pulls a very high vacuum,

like a big vacuum cleaner,
but it’ll pull up water.

It’s like a giant
shop vac, actually.

Clean of metals, mate.

MARTY: We’re
going to try and see

what this ramp looks like.

And we’re trying to figure out

how old it is and what it
could have been used for.

Well, I’ve done my work, I
think you worked on yours.

- Yep.
- All right, mate.

STEVE: We’ve had a good day.

GARY: Yeah, it’s
been a success, mate.

following morning...

BILLY: We’re getting a
little more water on that.

As Billy Gerhardt supervises

the hydrovac operation
to uncover more

of the believed stone ramp
in the swamp on Oak Island...

EMILIANO: So, we’re in Osimo.

NARRATOR: nearly

in the town of Osimo, Italy...

I want to introduce
you to Fabrizio Bartoli.

- ALEX: Pleased to meet you.
- A pleasure.

NARRATOR: researcher
Emiliano Sacchetti

and Professor Fabrizio
Bartoli, a historian

and modern-day member
of the Knights Templar,

meet with Rick Lagina and
other members of the team

just outside an ancient site
known as the Grotte Simonetti.

Here, there’s another amazing
underground cave system.

- It’s about 30 kilometers wide.
- Wow.

There are some interesting
carvings in these caves,

and Fabrizio will
show us and explain us

- the meaning of those carvings.
- DOUG: Well, we’re really

interested to see what we
might see in these caves.

- Why don’t we step in?
- ALEX: Yeah. Can’t wait.

CORJAN: Look at that.

RICK: Wow.

just five miles southwest

of the town of Camerano,

the Grotte Simonetti was first
created nearly 2,000 years ago.

- ALEX: Boy.
- RICK: Stunning.

ALEX: Everything
is just so well built.

- RICK: Yeah. Really.
- CORJAN: Wow.

NARRATOR: Around 1160
AD, it was reestablished

as a stronghold for
the Knights Templar.

However, after their dissolution
in the early 14th century,

it is believed to have been
used as a secret refuge

by surviving
members of the order.

- It’s quite remarkable.
- PETER: Mm-hmm.

I would never have
guessed the scale of the...

- of the work.
- ALEX: Yeah.

RICK: I mean, look at the
enormity of the material removed.

- CORJAN: Oh, yeah.
- You know, to me,

this is a most
impressive cave system,

but as you articulated
earlier, it’s kilometers long.

So, uh, why don’t we separate?

But remember that, you know,
the reason why we’re here...

The core, the focus of it...

Is to try to tie it
back to the island.

- Okay. Game ready.
- Fair enough?

- Okay.
- CORJAN: Great idea.

Oh, Rick. Have a look at this.

- Oh, wow.
- CORJAN: Wow.

I remember seeing something
very similar in Domme.

I remember this feature.

I remember the pyramidal base.

DOUG: Absolutely.

- NARRATOR: In 2017...
- Oh, wow.

Rick and his
nephews Alex and Peter

visited a 14th century Templar
prison in Domme, France.

There, they were shown
a number of carvings

made by members
of the Templar order

during their persecution,

including one that was an
exact match to the lead cross

that was found just a
week later on Oak Island.

There’s much more
to investigate here,

and I-I think we should
continue the search.

- There’s a lot to learn.

Oh, another cross there.


Oh, yeah, look at this.

- Ho-ho.
- Right there.

- Hey, Rick.
- RICK: Hmm?

- ALEX: Check this out.
- PETER: That’s cool.

We have seen
this symbol before...

- RICK: H+O Stone.
- On Oak Island.

PETER: Yeah.

We saw that at Fonte Arcada.

Now, that’s a direct
tie to Oak Island.

ALEX: We saw
that at Fonte Arcada.

- RICK: The H+O Stone.
- PETER: Yeah.

ALEX: That’s a
direct tie to Oak Island.

NARRATOR: In a cave system

known as the Grotte Simonetti

in Osimo, Italy, Alex Lagina
and his cousin Peter Fornetti

have just found an
ancient carving believed

to have been made by
members of the Knights Templar,

matching one found on
the so-called H+O Stone,

which was discovered in
the 1920s on Oak Island.

PETER: Haven’t we had some
people who have thought, like,

- this is a symbol for gold?
- That is true, yes.

possible that Peter and Alex

have found a symbol
in the Grotte Simonetti

related to the sacred
treasures that many believe

the Templar order
smuggled out of Europe

between the 12th
and 14th centuries?

If so, could the H+O
Stone be a critical clue

as to where they
are located today?

And what’s that, uh, down there?

- ALEX: I think that’s the crescent moon.
- Crescent moon.

- We saw that at Fonte Arcada, remember?
- PETER: Yeah. Absolutely.

ALEX: Yeah, and we
saw that at Domme, too.

- In the prison.
- PETER: Mm-hmm.

The Templar prison.

We’ve previously
explored in France

and in Portugal all
these Templar symbols

and Templar locations.

I mean, they’re both
here in these caves.

The symbols are here
that connect all the places

that we’ve looked at so
far, so there must be more.

And not only that, but back
to, back to the island as well.

The circle with
the dot, obviously,

is represented on the H+O Stone.

And the crescent moon, we
have seen that everywhere,

from Fonte Arcada in Portugal

to the Overton
Roadstone in Nova Scotia.

So, we are beginning to
draw some connective tissue

to, perhaps, Templar
involvement on Oak Island.

Kudos to both of
you for finding that.

It-it’s impactful. It is.

There’s a lot more to learn.

NARRATOR: The following
morning, back on Oak Island...

MacKENZIE: That’s a darker clay.

NARRATOR: while the reconstruction
of the Garden Shaft continues

in the Money Pit area...

MacKENZIE: Oh, geez, so that’d
be from the south to the north, eh?

IAN: So we just walked
over the cobble path, right?

Yeah. That top layer.

- IAN: Oh, okay.
- Yeah. And then,

slopes quickly into this.

Very interesting.

NARRATOR: Craig Tester,

Billy Gerhardt and Laird Niven

arrive at the swamp with
geoscientist Dr. Ian Spooner

to have him examine
the stone ramp

which has now been
cleared of water and mud.

IAN: The key to it all is,

if we can find stones like this,

and there’s wood
underneath them,

then we’ve got another
man-made feature.

- Yeah. Yeah.
- CRAIG: Yeah.

And if we can get, uh,

samples that-that say

- what time was this built.
- Yeah.

CRAIG: This area continues
to be very interesting.

If it ties into the paved
area in the swamp,

it could have been built
as long ago as 1200 AD.

A huge number.

So I don’t know
what that’s used for,

but we hope we
can find the answer.

IAN: You see something
like this rock here?

CRAIG: Yeah.

If we dig down,
right off the bat,

- we’ve got a stick.
- Oh, nice. Nice.

IAN: And the stick
is sort of crushed,

and it’s not a root.

That stick did not work its way

- underneath that rock.
- Yeah.

So it tells me this
rock was put down

- on top of swamp.
- Yep.

NARRATOR: With the discovery
of the stick beneath the ramp,

Dr. Spooner has not only
obtained strong evidence

that the feature is man-made
but may now be able to determine

just when it was constructed.

IAN: Yeah, there’s
another stick right there.

It looks like... an older.

CRAIG: Okay.
Yeah, it’s all good.

The first rock, we find a stick.

IAN: That was kind of a little
bit lucky, to be honest with you.

[both laugh]

that afternoon...

- MARTY: Hey. Hello.
- ALEX: Hey, guys.

- [overlapping chatter]
- DOUG: Everybody.

- Ciao.
- MARTY: We’re keen to hear

what’s going on
with our Italian crew.

- Talk to us.
- It’s been very,

very interesting.

and members of the team

gather in the w*r room

for a highly anticipated

with Rick, Doug, Alex and Peter

regarding their
search for clues in Italy.

ALEX: We went to
the caves in Osimo,

and there are
carvings in those caves

known to be made by Templars.

There, we saw these symbols.

And the one on the
top, I mean, that...

that’s one we’ve seen
on Oak Island before,

on the H+O Stone.

The circle with the
dot in the center.

But right below it,
you can see a symbol

that we saw in Portugal
and in France, in Domme,

which is the crescent moon.

So, that’s a, that’s
a concrete visual.

RICK: Yes. To me, it rounds back
to what Zena posited, that there’s

a possible Templar connection,

to come to the New
World to safeguard

information or treasure.

MARTY: I have to say,

you do see some commonality
between some of these symbols

that seems to be
surviving across centuries.

Great job, guys.

Well, here on Oak Island,

Billy has been very
busy in the swamp.

He’s been uncovering
a piece of the path

that we already knew about.

Well, Billy, tell ’em.

What-what do you
think you found?

For me, it’s-it’s a ramp.

And, you know, that really
makes the paved area something.

- So, there’s a drone shot.
- RICK: Wow.

So, the elevation of the
top of the ramp aligns

with the elevation
of the top of the path?

You could, you could wheel
a wheelbarrow up it easily.

LAIRD: It’s definitely man-made.

There’s a level difference
that’s quite distinct.

RICK: The bigger question
is where the stone path goes.

- Yeah.
- I think there’s,

there’s a lot more to
be learned in the swamp,

but time and
weather is closing in.

And then, going
over to the Money Pit,

Dumas is gonna keep
digging down to 82 feet.

So there’s plenty
for you to, to do, Rick,

and the rest of you guys
when you come back.

That shaft is about ready
to-to reveal its secrets.

RICK: I’m in. But I think

the next couple, three days

are gonna be more
than informative.

Doug found a, uh,
Professor Gaspani,

who has worked with the...

national observatory of Milan

and the National Astronomical
Society for 40 years.

And he believes,
for sure, there are

stellar alignments
in Nolan’s Cross.

MARTY: Well, Rick, that
would be incredibly important.

In the meantime,
we’re gonna let you go,

’cause you got lots to do.

- Yeah.
- We will get back out on our quest.

- Okey doke.
- Okay, guys,

thank you very much, ciao,

va bene, and we’ll
see you here soon.

- DOUG: Take care, everybody.
- BILLY: See you later.

NARRATOR: As a new
day begins on Oak Island...

- MARTY: Hey, Roger.
- ROGER: Hey, how you doing, guys?

Doing well. Thank you.

Lagina and Charles Barkhouse

arrive in the Money
Pit area to get an update

on the reconstruction
of the Garden Shaft.

ROGER: We had some
cracked timbers in there, so...

this morning when we went
down, we seen that there had been

- a bit more movement.
- Why do you think it’s pushing?

Why is it unstable behind there?

The issue now is, is
we know that we’re close

to something that
could be bearing water.

there be a flooded structure

some 80 feet deep just
outside the Garden Shaft

which is causing the damage
to the original structure?

If so, could it be related

to one of the
legendary flood tunnels

connected to the Money
Pit, and mean that the team

might be close to the
fabled treasure vault?

TONY: So, our plan at
this point was to use casing

to case the hole
ahead of time so that

- we-we can make sure that...
- MARTY: Actually, I think that...

I think that’s really
prudent, because we suspect

a tunnel right underneath you.

- Y-Yeah.
- And-and we do know when

you get into certain areas here,
the water’s unstoppable, so...

Yeah, so we want
to just hold it in place.

We put that steel
bracing in there.

Uh, the boys are in
there now, they’re...

we’re gonna be setting up
our last set this afternoon.


We think there’s a tunnel.

We don’t know who
made the tunnel.

We don’t see the tunnel
in the historical narrative.

And yet this tunnel is
right in the treasure area.

Right where the scientists
tell us that the waters

are full of metals that
shouldn’t be there.

That could be very,
very significant.

You’re about to boldly go
where no one’s gone before.

Oh, y-yeah, you’re
absolutely right.

- It’s true. You’re right. You’re right.
- It’s true. Yeah.

MARTY: All right, well,
carry on, keep us posted.

- ROGER: Oh, absolutely. Absolutely.
- Okay.

NARRATOR: As operations
continue on Oak Island,

over 3,700 miles to the
east, near Rome, Italy...

RICK: Professor Gaspani.

My pleasure to meet you, sir.

- I’m Rick.
- Pleased to meet you.

Rick Lagina, along with
other members of the team

and Italian researcher
Emiliano Sacchetti,

meet with author,

and astrophysicist
Professor Adriano Gaspani.

DOUG: Gentlemen, the
reason I think that this, uh, stop

on our trip is so
important is because,

on the island, we
have Nolan’s Cross.

And we’ve had several
researchers suggest that it has

a solar alignment

or a constellation
context to it,

so I thought, as
an astrophysicist,

he might be able to give us
his opinion on Nolan’s Cross

a-and whether those
alignments are true.

RICK: And I would concur.

I mean, Nolan’s Cross is
integral to understanding...

According to more
than a few theorists...

An understanding of who,
what, when, where, why and how

about Oak Island.

NARRATOR: In recent years,

some researchers have suggested

that the six boulders
on Oak Island,

which form the megalithic
feature known as Nolan’s Cross,

may have originally
been positioned to align

with certain stars
in the night sky.

That is to say
that with the stars

and, uh, archaeoastronomy,

we are able to date monuments.

Combining the disciplines

of astronomy, archaeology
and anthropology,

archaeoastronomy is the study

of ancient megalithic
stone formations

that are believed to
have been created to align

with specific
stars, constellations

and certain yearly events,

such as the summer
and winter solstices.

After conferring
with Doug Crowell,

Professor Gaspani has
been comparing the placement

of the boulders in Nolan’s Cross

with the position of
certain stars over time

to determine an
approximate era, or epoch,

when the feature may
have been created.

Capella, Arcturus, Antares,

Bellatrix, Alphard
and Fomalhaut.


- That’s crazy.
- DOUG: It’s amazing.

It’s amazing. It’s amazing.

Yeah. That means
that, also, the cross

was made around, uh,

- [laughter]
- RICK: Wow. Wow.


- That’s crazy.
- DOUG: It’s amazing.

It’s amazing.


That means the cross was made

around, uh, 13th century.

outside of Rome, Italy,

Professor Adriano Gaspani,

has informed Rick Lagina and
members of the Oak Island team

that based on the historical
alignments of certain stars

in the night sky, he
believes that Nolan’s Cross

was created approximately

This is really exciting,
Professor, because...

Let me give you a little bit
of context about the island.

- This-this is our island.
- Mm-hmm.

DOUG: This is the
orientation of our cross.

This area of the swamp here,

under the swamp,
there is a stone platform.

- [Gaspani speaks Italian]
- Yeah.

DOUG: Quite large.

And from carbon dating,

we’ve dated it to 1200 AD.



DOUG: If these
boulders were put in place

in 1200 AD,

along with the rest
of the work that seems

to have been done on the
island, that’s huge to us.

We thought, when
we got the carbon date

from the paved area, we
thought, "Oh, this, this is

too much of an outlier."

And yet here,

the stars are telling us
a different story, right?

The professor is saying,
"This is the best-fit scenario."

I mean, the stars are
fixed in a way, right?

That’s right in line
with Zena’s voyage.

The Templar voyage to
the New World in 1179.

NARRATOR: If Professor
Gaspani is correct,

that Nolan’s Cross, like
the massive paved area

in the swamp, was
created around 1200 AD,

could it offer evidence
to support the belief

of the late Zena Halpern,

that members of
the Knights Templar

really did make repeated
visits to Oak Island

between the 12th
and 14th centuries

in order to hide their
sacred treasures?

RICK: I think it is almost
irrefutable evidence

when he says these
five or six star alignments

are so precise and so accurate,

they only fit to a
certain time period.

And that was the aha moment.

Because then your mind goes back

to Zena Halpern’s research.

I think we have to follow

the suggestions
made by theorists,

i.e. a Templar treasure.

That’s astounding.

We need to continue
to analyze and to think

about what this may mean
and how to move it forward.

But I think it’s been
incredibly informative

- and-and quite fascinating.
- DOUG: Yep.

Professore, grazie.

- Grazie mille.
- [speaks Italian]

- Thank you very much.
- Thank you. -Thank you so much.

more than two centuries,

devoted searchers have
labored to reveal the answers

behind the Oak Island mystery.

Is it possible that the
Laginas and their team

are now uncovering the
truth nearly 4,000 miles away?

The journey for clues continues.

ROGER: Couple of
slings coming down.

is the ultimate proof

waiting at the bottom
of the Money Pit,

guarded by a deadly curse?

Next time on The
Curse of Oak Island...

RICK: We’re following all
the clues where they lead.

Hey, guys. Come
take a look at this.

CORJAN: Oh-ho. Fantastic.

Holy cow. This is
freakin’ impressive.

I’ve never seen anything
like this on the island.

DOUG: We found
this on Oak Island.

EMILIANO: It’s very old.

Probably a thousand years old.

- DOUG: Wow.
- Wow.

ROGER: We are at the
bottom of the Money Pit shaft.

MARTY: And very close
to the actual treasure

- of the Money Pit.
- ROGER: Absolutely amazing.

- MARTY: How about that?
- Wow.

Oh, baby.