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09x24 - On the Road

Posted: 04/17/24 08:09
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: Tonight on
The Curse of Oak Island...

It's the last caisson
for the year.

If we're gonna take
a shot at this,

we're gonna take our best shot.

This is the holy

of holiest of the Templars.

- Wow!
- Oh!

CORJAN: I think we're gonna
find some real answers here.

That is incredible.

- We're looking for the extension to the road.
- Yes.

LAIRD: Whoa, whoa,
whoa! Look at this.

There's a lot of cobble there.

Yeah, I'm wondering
if that's it already.

- ALEX: Wow.
- CORJAN: It is spectacular.

It's stunningly beautiful.

There's nine platforms.

That's exactly the
Money Pit story.

NARRATOR: There is an
island in the North Atlantic

where people have
been looking for

an incredible treasure
for more than 200 years.

So far, they have
found a stone slab

with strange
symbols carved into it,

man-made workings that
date to medieval times,

and a lead cross whose
origin may be connected

to the Knights Templar.

To date, six men have died

trying to solve the mystery.

And according to legend,
one more will have to die

before the treasure
can be found.

♪ ♪

- JACK: Last can for the year!
- GARY: Yeah.

- JACK: I feel good about this caisson.
- TERRY: Absolutely.

GARY: Hopefully,
we've saved the best

- till the last.
- TERRY: Hopefully, some

of the great mystery

- will be revealed today.
- Yeah.

another brisk fall morning

gets underway on Oak
Island, the anticipation

for a potentially historic
breakthrough discovery

in the Money Pit area
has never been higher

for brothers Rick
and Marty Lagina

and the members of their team.

- Top of the morning, gentlemen.
- Hi, Sam. How you doing?

Oh, very best. So, our current
depth of hole is around 57 feet.

Super. We're starting
to get into full mouthfuls

of the maroon till.

- Yes, sir.
- We need to go

- from that to gold.
- That's right. -That's right.

First, through the wood maybe

and then into a
chamber, let's hope.

It appears, to our research,

- that there is some tunnel here.
- Yeah.

location just five feet north

of Borehole C-1, the
team is excavating their fifth

and final ten-foot-diameter
steel-cased shaft for this year.

Dubbed "B4-C," Rick, Marty
and their partner Craig Tester

are especially
hopeful for this dig

due to the incredible clues

that they've already recovered

in this area over the
past several months.

These finds include evidence
of mysterious wooden tunnels

at a depth of some 90 feet,

which have been carbon-dated
to as early as the 15th century.

But even more
compelling were the results

of water testing in
existing boreholes

and core drilling
across the area

that was conducted this year.

Both operations yielded
high-trace evidence

that vast quantities
of silver and gold

lie buried somewhere deep below.

RICK: Our expectations
are exceedingly high

for the final can.

The data strongly
suggests there's a tunnel,

and the tunnel perhaps
means treasure,

or proximity to treasure.

The other thing, of course,
is that at 150-foot level,

where in 1897 the vault
supposedly was drilled into.

There was a number
of intersections

that were confirmed by
two or three drill holes.

the first suspected tunnel.

So, we're getting close.
We're sneaking up on it.

- Yup.
- And hopefully, we'll open up into a chamber.

All right, fellas. We'll
be... we'll be in touch.

- All right then. -Thanks.
- Keep on rocking.

- Take care.
- [Sam laughs]

NARRATOR: Although it could take

as much as one more week

for the B4-C Shaft to
reach its target depth

below 150 feet,

geologist Terry Matheson

and members of the team will
continue searching the spoils

for valuable clues
that could help solve

the 227-year-old
Oak Island mystery.

So, we're in very dense,

tight material that
hasn't been disturbed.

So, that's great, and it just

bodes well for
tunnels, or an off...

Cross your fingers... an
offset chamber and some

silver and gold perhaps.

Here's to hoping.

the excavation continues

in the Money Pit area,

later that morning...

- MARTY: Hey, Rick! Doug!
- SCOTT: Hey, guys.

- Hello, chaps.
- Hey, everybody.

NARRATOR: Marty Lagina
gathers members of the team

in the w*r room for
a video conference

with his brother Rick

and Oak Island
historian Doug Crowell,

who are currently
in Tomar, Portugal.

I got these guys all teed
up for a fantastic report.

So, have you got one?

I think an unqualified "yes."


It's been a very
interesting trip.

From the moment we arrived,

there was something
to be learned.

Finally, we're chasing
real historical information

as it relates to Oak Island.

And you cannot separate Portugal
from Templar, in my opinion.

Please, inform us.

- Let's go to church!
- Let's go to church.

past week, Rick and Doug,

along with Marty's son Alex
and his and Rick's nephew Peter,

have been investigating the area

around Tomar for clues

that might support
an incredible theory.

One connecting members
of the 12th century

medieval military order of monks

known as the "Knights Templar"

and their 14th-century

known as the
"Knights of Christ,"

to the Oak Island mystery.

Okay, let's see
what we can find.

NARRATOR: So far, working
with researcher Corjan Mol...

Every one of them has a symbol.

NARRATOR: they have
not only seen Templar carvings

at the historic church
of Fontarcada...

You might be interested
in this one over here.

NARRATOR: matching
symbols reportedly found

on the legendary

There's a circle and the
dot in the center of the cross.

well as the H+O Stone.

CORJAN: The circle and the dot

is an early alchemical
symbol for gold.

NARRATOR: But also,

in Alqueidaão da Serra,
an ancient stone road

and pathway that appeared
eerily similar in design

to those that the team
has recently discovered

in the triangle-shaped swamp.

RICK: Isn't that spectacular?

Yeah, it's cool.

RICK: That is 2,000 years old.

DOUG: Unlike other
areas or other countries,

here in Portugal,

they seemed to have
embraced that design,

and they've carried that
forward through the centuries.

They have kept building
roads in this manner.

One of the things that
Jorge, the archaeologist,

told us was that

this construction type would
be suitable for hills and swamps.

We walked all the way
up the mountainside, and

they looked exactly like
the stone path we have.

- No kidding.

Yeah, that's fantastic.

Okay, well, that's
all good information.

Real interesting stuff,
guys, and it looks like

you're having an
interesting time.

Hurry back because
there's a lot of work

gonna be commencing up in
the Money Pit, as you're aware.

And, um, we look forward to
getting you back on the island.

We will do that.

All right, guys. Thank
you. See you later then.

We're going to get back to work.


that afternoon...

- MARTY: Hey, gents!
- BILLY: Hey, Marty.

NARRATOR: Marty Lagina

joins Gary Drayton,
surveyor Steve Guptill,

and Billy Gerhardt on Lot 15,

located just east of the swamp.

If there's a road, that's
what we're after today.

- And clues.
- Yeah.

I've been wanting
to dig this ever since

we were out here
delineating this thing.

NARRATOR: In light of Rick
and Doug's report from Portugal,

Marty has just obtained

permission from the authorities

to continue investigating
a mysterious feature

discovered earlier this year.

First scan, coming up.

NARRATOR: While conducting
a ground-penetrating radar scan

just east of the stone road

in the southeast
corner of the swamp...

I think the stone road

- might be under us right here.
- Oh, that's interesting.

Alex Lagina and his
cousin David Fornetti

were stunned to
obtain possible evidence

that buried portions
of the feature

may continue somewhere
into the uplands.

- I have survey plans for everybody.
- Yay!

it is Marty's hope

that he and members of the team

can not only prove
that the stone feature

does continue out of the swamp,

but also determine
just where it might lead.

If we're going to
take a shot at this,

we're going to
take our best shot.

- GARY: Yeah.
- All right.

- Positions, everyone.
- All right. -All right.

MARTY: This is
about the right width

and the right depth
to be the road,

and it's showing a
consistent anomaly

where we think the road is.

These things all add up. So,

it's risk-reward ratio:
it costs almost nothing,

and it could be a huge reward.


STEVE G.: Whoa,
whoa, whoa! Look at this.

That could be the road.

- You may want to take a look.
- MARTY: Really?

NARRATOR: On Lot 15,

Marty Lagina and
members of the team

may have just found
promising evidence

that the mysterious
stone pathway

believed to be of
possible Portuguese origin

does, in fact, continue
into the uplands.

STEVE G.: There is
a lot of cobble there.

- Oh, yeah. It kind of looks like down there.
- It does.

- Yes, it does. Yeah.
- MARTY: Yeah. All right, well,

- I'm gonna go dig over there.
- BILLY: Yeah.

- That's a good start.
- Okay.

MARTY: This new
area looks a lot like

it's the beginning
of yet another road

going off to the east.

The obvious thing to
do is follow the road,

see where it leads
us, keep digging.

GARY: This is getting
interesting, Billy.

BILLY: Yup. Really exciting.

- There's some cobble.
- Yeah, there they are.

You got one, two. This
one, three, four, five.

- That's flat, too.
- Yeah.

The question is, what do we do?

BILLY: Right. It certainly looks

very typical to other
things that we saw down

on the edge of the
swamp and in the swamp.

The people that built
the path, obviously,

probably built other roads.

STEVE G.: Another
piece of information

that makes this more likely,
or probable, to be a road is

that it's the same width as
the stone road in the swamp.

It's-it's about 20 feet wide.

This is exactly how the
road in the swamp started.

And I wonder if-if it's
carefully excavated,

if there'd be some more clues

that that's Portuguese

Of course, we've got
a team in Portugal.

So, we might want to
get Laird to look at it.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

NARRTOR: Now that
Marty and the team

have found evidence
of a potentially

ancient structure that has
never been documented

by previous searchers,

they will enlist
archaeologist Laird Niven

to join the investigation

in order to help
identify important clues

that may be critical in solving
the 227-year-old mystery.

If we get the archaeologists
in to uncover this

and show us exactly
what it looks like...

Yeah, or at least tell
us what they think.

- Yeah.
- In the meantime,

I do want to cut
a cross-section,

so let's try down there.

- STEVE G.: Yeah.
- MARTY: Okay, let's do it!

NARRATOR: While Marty
and members of the team

continue their
investigation on Lot 15...

TERRY: Hopefully,

some of the great mystery
will be revealed today.

- Yup.
- Let's hope we, uh, come

into something very interesting.

as the excavation

of the B4-C Shaft continues
in the Money Pit area,

some 2,800 miles away in
the city of Tomar, Portugal...

CORJAN: So, here we are.

Welcome to the
Convento de Cristo.

JOÃO: The castle
of the Templar Knights.



JOÃO: Built in the

ALEX: Wow.

and Alex Lagina,

along with Doug Crowell
and Peter Fornetti,

meet up with historian
JOÃO Fiandeiro

and researcher Corjan Mol
at the Convento de Cristo,

a location that
served as a stronghold

for the Knights Templar
more than 800 years ago.

- RICK: Oh, wow.
- ALEX: Beautiful.

RICK: It certainly is.

JOÃO: So, we're here, and now,

I'll show you the most important

places where Templar
Knights left for us.

And I'm quite sure that
you will see the links

and the connection
to the Oak Island.


CORJAN: I think we're gonna find

- some real answers here.
- RICK: Then I'm ready

to go look at them.

- JOÃO: Let's go?
- Let's go.

RICK: Is it possible that
somewhere in the building

there will be a testament to
the fact that they went west?

That they did indeed
come to Nova Scotia?

That's the hope.

CORJAN: After you, gentlemen.

- So, welcome to New Jerusalem.
- Oh, wow.

-Oh. -Wow. That's incredible.

RICK: Oh, it's...
It-it defies words.

When you think speechless,

- you see this.
- Exactly.

CORJAN: This is 12th century.

ALEX: You said
this is 12th century?

- 12th century.
- In the 1100s, this was built?


the Crusades in 1160 AD,

the Knights Templar lost control
of Temple Mount in Jerusalem,

leading their grand
master, Gualdim Pais,

to establish a new
headquarters in Tomar, Portugal.

Within the Castle
of Tomar, he built

the Convento de Cristo, their
most sacred Catholic convent.

It would remain the
order's stronghold

for centuries to come, and
where they were rebranded

as the Knights
of Christ in 1318.

CORJAN: This is
the heart of the heart,

the holy of holiest of
the Templars in Europe.

RICK: What this
is a testament to is

that nothing was beyond them.


- Nothing.
- Yeah. That's true. -Yeah.

RICK: This just
defies imagination.

CORJAN: Okay, guys.

- Let's move on. There's a lot more to see here.
- Hmm.

This was also a
functioning building,

a functional community.

We're on top of a hill,
and they needed water.

So, they built a huge
aqueduct to bring water...

- Is that why?
- To this place

so they could
sustain themselves.

And the waterways
are underground.

So, there's tunnels under this
castle and under the convent.

And they had a very
special way to indicate

where the aqueducts
are underground,

and I think you're going to find

an interesting connection
there, perhaps, to Oak Island.

Are we allowed to
go underground?

I'll show you now.

JOÃO: Watch your step.

CORJAN: I'll show
you how they indicated

the underground water stream.

For the first time I was here,
I noticed this hand on the wall

with this strange,
extended middle finger.

- RICK: Mm-hmm.
- It's clearly a hand.

This, as far as I know,
there's five or six of those

in the convent, and they
indicate the aqueduct.

-Oh. -So, these hands

actually indicate
how the water flows

beneath the Convento,

which reminded me a little bit

of the-the finger
drains on Oak Island.

On Oak Island, the so-called
finger drains were rock.

- Yeah.
- And then a cap rock over the top of it.

- Is that how these are formed?
- JOÃO: Yes.

Under these, you
have a-a square pipe.

- CORJAN: Like a squared gutter.
- JOÃO: Yeah.

- Are they capped?
- CORJAN: With a... with a...

- with a cap stone.
- With a cap stone.

- ALEX: From stone? -From stone.
- RICK: That's exactly

the way it's described, right?

- As a finger drain.
- Yeah.

On the island. A finger
drain. There you go.

NARRATOR: The print of a hand?

Representing an
underground drainage system?

In 1850, members of the
Truro Company discovered

that the beach at Smith's Cove
had been artificially created.

After building a massive dam
composed of earth and rock,

they drained the cove

and uncovered
five finger-like drains

buried beneath layers of
eel grass and coconut fiber.

Constructed of flat stones
and covered with cap rocks,

these drains appeared
to converge at the beach

into a single tunnel,

heading due west
toward the Money Pit.

Is it possible that the
team has just found

the same kind of drainage
system at Convento de Cristo?

CORJAN: Shall we
follow the hands?

- Yes.
- Cool.

RICK: If there was ever a
connection to Oak Island,

this is it.

Finger drains in this Convento

built by the Templars, or
at least Templar influenced,

exactly as we understand
them in Smith's Cove.

It doesn't get any closer
connection than that,

at least not yet.

You saw the hand there,

you know, at the bottom
of the... of the wall,

and then... it lands here.

You see, the stones here,
then the next hand is there,

indicating the
flow of the water.

Finger drain.

RICK: This is an
exact representation

of the finger
drains on the island.

- Cap rock.
- Mm-hmm.

CORJAN: They were
engineers as much as, you know,

religious monks.

Engineers extraordinaire.

- Yeah. Yeah.
- I mean, from what we've seen.

Okay, guys. Let's move on.

Step through that door there.

- Right through here?
- Yeah. -Yup.

CORJAN: I'd like to show
you a number of things.

So, we're going to
walk back in time again,

all the way to the
original gate of the castle.

RICK: Can't wait.

CORJAN: Straight
down here, guys.

So, we're now going to the
more medieval part of the property.

To the original gate.

Convento de Christo

in Tomar, Portugal...

This would have been
the grand entrance.

researcher Corjan Mol

and historian JOÃO Fiandeiro

are showing Rick Lagina
and members of the team

clues that they believe
connect the Knights Templar

to the Oak Island mystery.

CORJAN: Now there's
a couple of things

I would like to show you here.

To start with,
now over the arch,

the big Templar cross.
This was their trademark.

Now, maybe even
more interesting,

and it's worn, but if you move

your eyes down to
the yellowish stone,

I believe there you have
a cross with four dots.

- Like the H+O Stone.
- Oh!

What I mean is this cross
here with the four dots.

RICK: Wow.

NARRATOR: A cross inscription?

Matching a symbol found
on the so-called H+O Stone?

Discovered on the northern
shore of Oak Island in 1921,

the H+O Stone was a fragment
of a much larger boulder

that was blown up with
dynamite by searchers

who mistakenly believed

that it marked the
location of buried treasure.

JOÃO: This is the
thing that the Templars

would use to mark
something of their own.

NARRATOR: One week
ago, while investigating

the ancient Knights Templar
Church of Fontarcada,

in Póvoa de Lanhoso, Portugal,

the team discovered
a Templar cross

featuring another
character on the H+O Stone.

CORJAN: The circle
and the dot is an early

alchemical symbol for gold.

possible that the H+O Stone

was a marker for buried treasure

somewhere on
Oak Island after all?

A treasure hidden there

by Portuguese members
of the Knights Templar?

So, what do youthink
that represents?

I think it's a Templar cross,

and Knights Templar, here,

continuing into
the Order of Christ,

perhaps in possession
of something awesome

from the Holy Land,

that brought holy
relics to North America

and Oak Island.

ALEX: I think we've
kind of seen that

there is a thread that runs
through the Knights Templar,

and it's plausible that they had

something in their possession

that they may have
wanted to hide.

It's plausible that they
could have reached America.

Yeah, I think that's
exactly what it is.

RICK: We've heard this before...

The suggestion that

The Knights Templar
had in their possession

precious items.

What's impactful is that
we're seeing symbology

that we know once
existed on the island.

And could that
have something to do

with westerly exploration,

perhaps even to Nova Scotia?

- We always seek connective tissue.
- Yeah.

The most interesting
puzzles of all are those

that are difficult to solve.

- That's it.
- And we have one here.

- Yeah.
- That's it.

But surely, we have more pieces

because of these efforts.

So, all the more reason
to continue the search.

- Absolutely.
- Yeah.

RICK: Okay, let's go meet Doug.

and members of the team

continue their investigation
in Tomar, Portugal,

some 2,800 miles to
the west on Oak Island...

MARTY: Here's the man.

- Hey, fellas.
- Hey. You called?

archaeologist Laird Niven

and project manager Scott Barlow

join Marty Lagina and
other members of the team

to continue uncovering
the believed stone pathway

between the swamp and
the Money Pit on Lot 15.

MARTY: Yeah, here's the deal,
Laird. Here's the background.

We ran the OKM, got
several lined-up cross sections

of 20 feet across.

We dug the best one up there,
which I'd like you to look at.

LAIRD: Okay. We're looking

- for the extension to the road, right?
- MARTY: Yes.

- Yup.
- You guys walk on up.

I'll bring the machine,
and see what you think

of that spot right up there.

- Okay.
- All right.

MARTY: The stone
road is clearly man-made.

I mean, I don't think
there's any doubt.

But I don't know really
what to make of it.

The road has to go somewhere,
and it has to go somewhere

for a reason, and maybe we
can figure out what that reason is.

GARY: This is the area, mate.

Two scoops there,

and started hitting all of
these rocks and boulders.

Well, Laird, do
you see anything?

LAIRD: They're angular.

Billy's observation is that

these don't look glacial because

- they're so angular.
- Mm-hmm. So angular.

And they're slate. We
don't see much slate

- on this side, right?
- Yeah. I mean, all of 'em.

This-this seemed like what
we were looking for right away.

And we spent a lot of
time on that stone pathway,

- and this reminds me of that.
- Yes.

GARY: It's rocks and
cobbles. Small cobbles.

BILLY: Just take a peek.

This is our very first
bucket, but if you look here.

- Oh, yeah. Yeah.
- Right?

- You got a lot of rocks here, Laird.
- Yeah.

There, there,
there. There, there.

- And they're loose, too, right?
- They're loose.

- They're not packed in.
- Yeah. It's the size.

- Like, they're not huge.
- Yeah, yeah.

- And the placement.
- Right.

They look like they've
been put in there.

MARTY: How do we do this?

How do we do... ascertain

whether there's
something going on here?

LAIRD: If we just
take the excavator and

just kind of roll it over,

when you feel the rocks,
just come up and go along.

The purpose is to find

no rocks, rocks, no rocks.

- That may define a road.
- MARTY: Okay.

You show Billy
where to cut one more.

We got Laird here
so we can do it.

Maybe it'll tell us its secrets

without having to do
a bunch of excavation.

All right, let's quit gabbing
and start digging. Ready?

- STEVE G.: Let's do it!
- GARY: We're ready.

NARRATOR: As a new
day begins on Oak Island..

JACK: The game's afoot.

the excavations continue

in the Money Pit area,

and on Lot 15...

All right. Moment of truth.

NARRATOR: nearly 2,800 miles

across the Atlantic Ocean...

RICK: Bom dia.

NARRATOR: Rick Lagina
and members of the team

arrive at the renowned Military
Museum in Lisbon, Portugal.

Nice to meet you. All of you.

NARRATOR: Here, Corjan
Mol has arranged for them

to meet with Sergeants
Ricardo Lopes and Carlos Magro,

both of whom are experts
in Portuguese military history.

RICK: So, the reason
why we're here is,

we have some artifacts
that we have found

on the island,

and we were hoping

that you can affirm that the
stone shot which we have

is an exact match to what you
may have here in the museum.

Well, we've actually
brought along replicas

- of the stone shot we found on Oak Island.
- Okay.

All right, there's one.

Yes. 3.9 centimeters.

the past two years,

the team has found
two small cannonballs,

or stone sh*ts, one
of which was recovered

from deep in the Money Pit area.

But even more compelling
was the recent analysis

conducted by geology
professor Dr. Robert Raeside,

who believed the stone
that they were composed of

may have originated in
Portugal's Azores Islands.

DOUG: Could we
expect our stone shot

to be made in the Azores
or here on the mainland?



Yes. Yes.

- Oh, wow.
- ALEX: Is that a general rule

that smaller caliber on ships?

- Okay.
- Yes. Yes. Yes.


RICK: What they
call a swivel g*n?

If we could see a cannon
that would sh**t that stone shot

such as that, we
would love to see it.

RICK: Love to.

We puzzle now over why
was that stone shot found

down in the Money Pit?

This one could
be used on a ship.

RICK: Are they

an artifact that was absolutely
connected to Oak Island

and perhaps here to this land?

- ALEX: So, this right here?

This is... 15th, 16th century

with a four-centimeter
caliber and fires

a, uh, half a Portuguese
pound iron ball.

I've got one of
the replicas here.

Um, we can try it. It's-it's
pretty corroded here, so...

CORJAN: Oh, look at that.

It's pretty close.

So, I would say
that's a match to this.

But that pretty much
confirms that that is a ca...

a known caliber of shot.

From the 14, 1500s.

RICK: But there's a
possibility that if you were

doing something,
say on our island,

you needed to protect
what you were doing,

to keep people away,

remove this g*n from the ship,

mount it in some
fashion on the island.

- That's big. That's huge.
- CORJAN: Good.

NARRATOR: Could the team
have just found an explanation

for how one of the potentially
Portuguese stone sh*ts

was found deep in
the Money Pit area?

There's quite a bit
of corrosion in there.

NARRATOR: If so, could
it be related to the evidence

of wooden tunnels
discovered earlier this year,

which could date
to as early as 1488?

And also, the
high concentrations

of silver and gold?

DOUG: I think we
have a new, strong

possibility that we really
have to give consideration to.

And I'm very, very hopeful,
but it couldn't happen

without people like yourselves.

We're most appreciative.

NARRATOR: Later that afternoon,

nearly 20 miles
west of Lisbon...

JOÃO: Welcome to Sintra.

You are in the heart of
this very romantic town.

Lagina and his team

arrive at an early

known as "Quinta da Regaleira."

Here, Corjan Mol

and Templar historian JOÃO
Fiandeiro have arranged

to show them one final
structure that they believe

may be directly connected
to the Oak Island mystery.

JOÃO: The Templar
Knights came to here,

and they managed
the land for a long time.

Everything you see was
built in the last century

to create this magical
Masonic wonderland.

But it's based on
much older ideas.

NARRATOR: In 1147,
during the Crusades,

following his
conquest of Lisbon,

the first king of Portugal,
Afonso Henriques,

also captured
the town of Sintra.

In 1154, the town

and its administrative
duties were transferred

to the Knights Templar,

who utilized it as a stronghold
for centuries to come.

However, in 1904,

a wealthy Freemason

named António Augusto
de Carvalho Monteiro

purchased this property

and established it as
"Quinta da Regaleira,"

a vast palatial estate
where he is believed

to have hosted secret
Masonic and Templar rituals.

There's indeed something here

that, uh, will remind you
very much of Oak Island.

The Initiation Well that
is the masterpiece here.

- Let's go.
- RICK: I'd love to.

The focus of
today's visit is really

any possible associations
we can make to Oak Island.

There might be some sort
of connection, some sort of

"aha" moment.

But we'll see as we
experience the Quinta.

So, the well is actually in
this megalithic formation here.

Oh, here!

- JOÃO: Yup.
- CORJAN: It's easy to walk past.

JOÃO: The beauty is inside.

RICK: That's remarkable.


ALEX: Wow. It's deep.

What is this dimension,
the diameter?

- Which is...
- That sounds awfully familiar.

That chamber at the bottom...

I mean, it's very
Masonic at its core.

What I can't help
compare it to is

the design of the Money Pit.

NARRATOR: In Sintra, Portugal,

at an estate k

Rick Lagina and
members of the team

have just arrived at an early

known as the "Initiation Well."

JOÃO: The Initiation
Well has nine platforms.

PETER: The nine floors
sounds like something

that we have
possibly on Oak Island.

- RICK: Yeah, the Money Pit.
- ALEX: Yup.

[camera shutter clicking]

Okay, let's go down.

Smooth and easy.

Guys, watch your steps.

RICK: When you look at
the well, there are nine levels.

We know there were nine
levels in the original description

of the Money Pit.

We know that the
original Money Pit

was 13 feet in diameter.

It's curious.

If that is not a coincidence,

and it seems as
though it is not,

then where was that
information derived?

And why was it
important to replicate it?

What does it mean? I don't know.

CORJAN: It is rather
spectacular, isn't it?

ALEX: Yup.

DOUG: Remember,
the Restalls thought

there was a spiral staircase

- around the Money Pit?
- RICK: Mm-hmm.

NARRATOR: In 1963,

while conducting a
lateral drilling operation

deep in the Money Pit,

Oak Island treasure
hunters Robert Restall, Sr.

And Bobby Restall,
Jr. reportedly drilled

through a series
of mysterious voids

at oddly descending angles

beginning more than

This discovery led them to
the astonishing conclusion

that a spiral tunnel
encircled the Money Pit,

potentially leading to
the fabled treasure vault.

almost there, guys.

NARRATOR: Is it possible
that the Initiation Well,

with its nine levels,

and which was constructed
nearly six decades

before the Restalls'
discovery, is in fact,

a replica of the Oak
Island Money Pit?

CORJAN: Oh, man. So, you would

perfectly see that oak
tree from here, right?

RICK: The branch of
an oak tree over the well.

That's exactly what the
Money Pit story is about.


CORJAN: It's like staring up

from the bottom
of the Money Pit.

NARRATOR: In 1795,

when Freemason Daniel
McGinnis and his two friends

first discovered the Money Pit,

they were not merely
intrigued by the 13-foot

diameter depression
in the ground,

but also, by a block and tackle

hanging from the branch of
an oak tree directly overhead.

Could this oak tree's
position, directly next

to the Initiation Well
in Sintra, Portugal,

simply be a matter
of coincidence?

We now start the
path in the tunnels.

RICK: The whole point
of the Initiation Well is to

create a representation
of the influence

of Templars, possibly
the influence of

Masonic beliefs and ideals.

And here we are.

Back into the light.

JOÃO: Back in the light.

Initiation done!

RICK: There may
be some correlation

between the Initiation Well

and the Money Pit on Oak Island.

We have to take
the information back

and-and see what it tells us.

What we've seen here is a...
a vision that was not inspired,

but instructed

by knowledge from the past,

which is being carried forward

from the Knights Templar
into the Order of Christ,

into the Masonic thought,
leading all the way up to this.


ALEX: It shows that the ideas

have persisted throughout
time even to today.

And that means that they must
have been worth preserving.

I truly believe in what we
have learned in Portugal.

It only enhances my
belief that Oak Island

is part of this legacy.

I think we continue

to persevere in
that... with that hope.

And for that, we...
we thank you.

- RICK: Sempre Avanti.
- JOÃO: Sempre Avanti.

NARRATOR: While Rick
and members of the team

conclude their visit
in Sintra, Portugal,

back on Oak Island,

just east of the
swamp on Lot 15...

STEVE G.: Well,
there's your cobble.

GARY: There we go.
There's the cobble rock.

Lots of cobble.

members of the Fellowship

continue unearthing the
mysterious stone pathway,

hoping to identify
just where it leads.

You found the cobble,

which happens between
the OKM anomaly,

which is the blue
tape there and there.

LAIRD: Below the stone
should be an organic layer

- where the original surface was, right?
- Right.

As you say, that'd
be very telling.

Yeah, exactly.

Well, we'll go a little deeper.

So, so far does this
look placed or natural?

It looks placed to me.

MARTY: I'm kind of the
guy who would like to dig

on almost any
information on Oak Island.

The anomalies line up,

and it looks like the
road, if this is accurate,

might be actually heading
towards the Money Pit.

So, it could be an
important discovery.

- That's funny. It seems much shallower over here.
- Yeah.

What we can do is cut a profile

to take a look at the
stratigraphy, right?

STEVE G.: What
do you see, Laird?

The horizon is
pretty distinctive.

See, it's kind of dipping down?

SCOTT: Yeah, I'd
say it's much shallower.

GARY: Think this could
possibly be a road, Laird?

NARRATOR: On Lot 15,

members of the Oak Island team

have just uncovered
another large section

of the mysterious stone pathway

between the Money Pit area
and the triangle-shaped swamp.

See, it's kind of dipping down?

STEVE G.: It's
filled in with rocks.

BILLY: Yeah, so you start

filling your ruts in, right?
You don't need to fill

- the whole road.
- Yeah. Yeah.

LAIRD: You can see the
soil definitely dip down,

and the cobbles fill that.

So, I think the layer
difference in the path,

the thin layer of
cobbles on one end

and thick layer of
cobbles on the other end,

just shows us that they
were filling in certain areas

to level it off, uh,

to make transportation
a-a little bit easier.

You'd constantly be
putting more cobbles on.

- Yeah.
- Bit like fixing potholes today.


NARRATOR: Is it possible

that the team is
uncovering a structure

that might lead them to a
breakthrough discovery?

And if so, given its nearly
identical construction

to what Rick Lagina has
recently been shown in Portugal,

could it prove to be related

to the medieval order
of the Knights Templar?

- All right, guys.
- LAIRD: Hey, Marty.

- What have you found?
- STEVE G.: Uh, we're dead center

on where we project
the potential road to be.

And it was nothing but cobble.

LAIRD: And it dips,

which led us to speculate,

you know, maybe
it was a low area

- that people filled in.
- Yeah, well, that makes sense.

SCOTT: I'd be curious
to see if there's any

- consistency in width.
- Yeah.

MARTY: I'll tell you what
we're going to do then.

How about I jump back in there?

- Yeah.
- And, um, we'll-we'll try and dig this

a little bit and try and
find out where the edge is,

- which would be meaningful.
- LAIRD: Yeah.

Okay. All right, let's do that.

You know, the
stone road is still

a mystery as to
what its purpose was,

and even when it
was constructed.

Seeing any change,
or is it all the same?

STEVE G.: Still lots of cobble.

MARTY: So, my thought

is the same thought I
always have after a discovery.

Keep going, find some more.

BILLY: Just wait,
Marty. Just for a sec.

The edge of the road
is right, right here, right?


That makes sense
based on the data

that Alex collected, so...

Well, what's the plan here now?

LAIRD: The best way
to uncover a road is take

that much of
the soil off, right?

You'd have to do it by hand.

- Yeah.
- MARTY: Okay.

I think we've seen enough
to make us investigate further.

We're not finished with this.

No. I think there
was a road here.

Uh, whether it's ancient
or not, I don't know.

What it was used
for, I don't know.

- But we're aimed to find out.
- Yeah. -Yeah.

MARTY: You have to
follow even minor clues.

So, if we follow this road,

we may find something
hitherto non-discovered.

I'm gonna drive this thing off.

Why don't you guys go
get set for that next step?

- Sure.
- Okay.

- MARTY: Thanks.
- SCOTT: See ya, Marty.

while another harsh,

North Atlantic winter closes in,

the trail of clues that
may soon help Rick,

Marty and the team solve
a 227-year-old mystery

grows warmer by the day.

Could the ancient
Templar structures

and the cryptic Masonic symbols

located halfway across the globe

really be a testament to
what took place on Oak Island?

Or what the team might unearth
from deep in the Money Pit?

The answers may be
closer than ever before.

NARRATOR: Next time on
The Curse of Oak Island...

- Today's the day, Gary.
- Oh, yeah.

NARRATOR: It's the
groundbreaking season finale.

- This is what we saw in Portugal.
- Mm-hmm.

Yeah. It's incredible.

- Wow.
- [laughs]

RICK: We can actually image

the entire island
underground to find a target

- in the Money Pit.
- That's great!

- GARY: We've hit the tunnel, mate.
- Whoa!

That tunnel will lead
us to the treasure.

Yeah. There you go.

Oh, look at that.

- What have we got here?
- Oh, what the heck is that?