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09x23 - Follow the Cobblestone Road

Posted: 04/17/24 08:08
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: Tonight on
The Curse of Oak Island...

- CORJAN: Welcome to Portugal.
- ALEX: Thank you.

If there is
a Portuguese connection

to the construction
of the road in the swamp,

- maybe this is the blueprint.
- DOUG: Yeah.

That's exactly what we have
on Oak Island.

- Wow!
- Oh, man.

Oh, my God. That's brilliant!

- All right!
- That's a trophy find, mate.

- The 90 Foot Stone definitely has this symbol on it.
- CORJAN: Oh, wow.

- It looks the spitting image.
- ALEX: Yeah.

- It's perfect.
- You're looking right into it.

Whoa! It's not English?

-No. -Portuguese?

- Yeah.
- That is amazing.

NARRATOR: There is an
island in the North Atlantic

where people have
been looking for

an incredible treasure
for more than 200 years.

So far, they have
found a stone slab

with strange symbols
carved into it...

man-made workings
that date to medieval times,

and a lead cross whose
origin may be connected

to the Knights Templar.

To date, six men have died

trying to solve the mystery.

And according to legend,
one more will have to die

before the treasure
can be found.

♪ ♪

- DANNY: This is gonna be a good day.
- ANDREW: Oh, yeah.

- TERRY: Another one in the ground.
- BILLY: Yeah.

Last can of the year.

- Feeling good.
- Absolutely.

NARRATOR: The chilly
North Atlantic fall season

has arrived on Oak Island.

- Marty. How you doing, brother?
- Good morning.

brothers Rick and Marty Lagina,

as well as their team,

the burning will to solve

a 227-year-old treasure mystey

has never been stronger.

GARY: Here we go.
Back to where it all started.

- Where we saw that shiny gold thing.
- BILLY: Yeah, I always said

a lot of our finds have
been in C-1, right?

- GARY: Yeah.
- So it's only logical

- to go around it, right?
- Yeah.

only three weeks left

before all search operations
will need to be halted

until next spring,

they are excavating their fifh

steel-cased shat this year

in the Money Pit area,
which they have dubbed


Where's the water, Andrew?

We're down 14 feet now

- since this morning with the water level.
- Okay.

Well, let us know if you
see any drastic changes

- or whatever. Okay. Thank you.
- Yep. Yeah, yeah.

NARRATOR: Located in
the so-called C-1 cluster,

just five feet north
of Borehole C-1,

this is the same
general location

where the team has
recently recovered

not only high traces
of both silver and gold

through water testing
and core drilling...

but also evidence
of believed tunnels

at a depth of some 90 feet

that could date to
as early as 1488.

When the B4-C shaft surpasses

that approximate depth less
than two weeks from now..

That looks like first
hammer grab is going in.

Marty and the team

hope to not only
confirm the location

of the original Money Pit shat

but also recover the
legendary treasure vault.

MARTY: When we dug C-1,
odd things started to turn up.

We thought, based
on all the records,

that there shouldn't
be any activity

from searchers up by C-1.

And yet, every time
we drill, we find stuff.

I mean, it shows evidence
of potential depositor activity.

So, between the old
wood and the gold,

I am full of expectation.

The Money Pit's been producing.

I mean, you can't
argue with the data.


TERRY: The gold in the water

and the flecks of gold on
some of the metallic pieces

that we took up
out of this area,

- that-that makes the area hot.
- Of course. -Yep.

GARY: Okay,
guys. This is the day!

- JACK: Yep.
- Okay, here we go.

- Let's get ready, Jack.
- Okay. Let's go.

GARY: Let's go
find some treasure.

NARRATOR: While Marty Lagina
leads the team's efforts on Oak Island..

[bells tolling]

- NARRATOR: Rick Lagina...
- DOUG: Yeah, right there.

nephews Peter and Alex

and Oak Island
historian Doug Crowell...

- Corjan.

- Good morning. Welcome to Portugal.
- Thank you.

traveled some 2,800 miles east

to the city of Póvoa
de Lanhoso, Portugal.

Can I introduce you to Joao?

He's a historian,

and he's an expert, uh,

in the Knights
Templar Portuguese.

Welcome to Portugal.

NARRATOR: Upon the
invitation of researcher Corjan Mol,

Rick and the team
are here to investigate

potential clues
that Corjan believes

could tie the 14th-century
set of the Knights Templar,

known as the Knights of Christ,

to a number of discoveries
that have been made

over the last two
years on Oak Island

and which are believed
to be of Portuguese origin.

These finds

include the stone road or whaf

uncovered in the
triangle-shaped swamp,

a fragment of a ship's cannon

and two stone cannonballs,

one of which was found
deep in the Money Pit area.

RICK: I have
always said to myself

that this Oak Island mystery

is incredibly complex.

And the only way, in my opinion,

to find some answers

is to look outside
of the island.

That's the reason why
we're here in Portugal.

We may learn something that we
wouldn't otherwise have learned.

So, I have... I have
high hopes. I really do.

NARRATOR: To begin their
investigation, they have arrived

at the historic
Church of Fontarcada.

So, is Corjan correct?

He tells me that
this is the first land

granted to the Knights
Templar in Portugal.

Yes. It is documented
that in 1126,

the mother of our
first king, Lady Teresa,

donated to the
Templars Fontarcada.

Probably one of
the oldest church

- that we have in Portugal.
- DOUG: Is that right?

JOAO: Ye... From
Christian times, yes.

Because they needed
to have, like, a stronghold,

a force here for the reconquest

that was ongoing.

And at the same
time, crusading was

being established to Holy Land.

NARRATOR: In 1126,
during the Crusades,

members of the
military order of monks

known as the Knights Templar

arrived in Portugal

at the invitation
of King Afonso I.

In exchange for their service
in battle against Islamic Moos

across the Iberian Peninsula,

the king granted
the order both land

and great wealth that would
help expand their influence

across Europe and the Holy Land,

where they are believed
to have later obtained

priceless religious treasures.

Treasures that some
researchers suggest

are buried today on Oak Islan.

We might be looking
at what I think is

the oldest Templar commandery
or place, uh, in-in Portugal.

- Maybe in Europe.
- DOUG: Wow.

RICK: What that tells me, then,

is whatever the
earliest understandings

and foundations of
who the Templars were

might reside within the church.

JOAO: Correct.

Uh, we will not
find written things.

We will find symbolism in
some details of the church.

That was what
they did at the time.

- Cool.
- RICK: You know, the-the church

presents a unique opportunity
to-to learn something today,

and I-I propose
that we go visit.

- Let's go to church.
- Let's go to church. -After you.

- ALEX: Oh, wow.
- RICK: That's impressive.

DOUG: Wow.


CORJAN: It's the
real deal, Doug.

Ah, this is cool, Corjan.

CORJAN: It's a solemn place.

- DOUG: A sanctuary.
- CORJAN: A sacred place.

RICK: It's incredible.

This looks like, castle-like.

JOAO: It is...

In-in a sense,
yeah, it is a fortress.

- Yes.
- It's God's fortress, in a certain way.

That's the-the general
idea at the time.

Why don't we split forces?

Peter, Alex, why
don't the three of us

look for symbols on this side,

and you can look for
symbols on that side?

- ALEX: Okay.
- CORJAN: Yeah.

CORJAN: Okay, let's
see what we can find.

ALEX: Every one of
them has a symbol.

CORJAN: This is
unbelievable, how many symbols

there are on the wall here.

- DOUG: So many different ones.
- Yeah.

RICK: At Fontarcada,

you're immediately impressed

at the antiquity
of the building.

You can literally breathe
history out of the air,

and I-I find it fascinating.

But it has to be more than that.

Our hope is that we'll
see some symbology

connected to Oak Island.

Joao, is this, is this
an ankh right here?

- Like that?
- JOAO: Probably not.

Not relating with
Egyptian mythology.

- But it would be a cross and a hat.
- ALEX: Oh, a cross

- with something on top.
- Something on top.

JOAO: But these are mainly

mason marks, mason signatures.

Who... The mason
who made this stone.

- Yes.
- Okay.

NARRATOR: Leaving mason's
marks, or maker's marks,

was a common practice
dating back to the 12th century,

wherein stonemasons
would carve their initials

and sometimes cryptic symbols
to memorialize their work.

A number of believed
Masonic and Templar symbols

have been found over
the years on Oak Island,

such as on the
so-called G-Stone,

the H+O stone

and the legendary 90 Foot Stoe

that was found deep in
the Money Pit back in 1804.

ALEX: The people that
actually did the work...

- Mm-hmm.
- Would they go on to become, or-or... they-they certainly...

- Oh, yes.
- Would go on to be governed by the Templars.

Yes. The only Templars
were foreigners.

- They were not locals.
- Okay.

- So they arrived.
- Yeah.

They may have
arrived to local people

using these symbols
as their mason's marks.

- JOAO: Yes. Yes.
- Okay.

DOUG: A lot of symbols,
but I haven't seen anything

- that ties to Oak Island yet.
- CORJAN: Not yet, huh?

- Let's keep looking.
- Absolutely.

RICK: If we are really
tracking the Templars

or Masonic connections
to Oak Island,

we need to look at
the masons' marks,

and see if they actually
mean something.

It may only take
one, just one clue,

one strange symbol that says,
"Here. Here is what you seek."

ALEX: Hey, guys?

You might be interested
in this one over here.

- DOUG: Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.

DOUG: Oh, that's interesting.
I can see it from here.

So, this symbol is definitely
on the 90 Foot Stone.

RICK: Wow. That's pretty cool.

ALEX: So, I know what we have is

of the inscription on
the 90 Foot Stone,

but it definitely has this
symbol on it, right there.

de Lanhoso, Portugal,

Alex Lagina has just identifid
a potentially important clue

related to the
Oak Island mystery

in the Church of Fontarcada,

a church that was
once a stronghold

for the Knights Templar
dating back to the 12th century.

- I actually, yeah, I have a copy of that picture right here.
- Oh, yeah, right there.


ALEX: Yeah, look at this.

- Right there.
- That's perfect.

- Yep.
- NARRATOR: A symbol found on the walls

of a 12th-century
Templar church?

Matching one from the
mysterious inscription

that was reportedly carved
on the legendary 90 Foot Ston?

You know what's curious?

It's-it's even got
the same slant.

I know. I know.

This is the only one of these
makers' marks we've seen.

This is unique, right here.

RICK: Did the person who
carved the 90 Foot Stone

have a connection to the
Knights Templar and Portugal?

We know that that
type of symbology

has the potential to
tell us many things.

So the first thing to do is
do a comprehensive study

of the mason's marks.

DOUG: One of the things
about the 90 Foot Stone

we've always tried to
evaluate is, is there a clue

to who wrote it in the
symbols that were used

- to formulate the cypher?
- Mm-hmm.

- PETER: Yeah.
- DOUG: Now we have another option to consider.

- ALEX: Yeah.
- Makers' marks.

RICK: But what
did that mark mean

to the person who carved it?

CORJAN: Right.

We're not certain
of the characters

on the 90 Foot Stone.

But as we understand it,
that symbol is on that stone.

We should check outside.

We think there is something
you should see there.

- Yeah.
- RICK: Love to.

RICK: You have to
take that information

and think to yourself, "Okay,

"is this part of a mason's mark,

"and does that
make it imperative

"that we understand
what these mason marks

possibly are telling us?"

CORJAN: So, here
we are, at what I think

is one of the most interesting
features of this church.

Big Templar cross...

and it's configured
with the sun to the left.

The crescent moon to the right.

Uh, this to me, screams, uh,

Knights Templar
commandery, very early.

DOUG: The circle and the dot,

in the center of the cross,

that's one of our
symbols on a stone

we call the H+O stone,
that was on Oak Island.

I've never seen it on
a cross like that before.

It is a-a symbol
used by the Templars

- in Portugal.
- Okay.

CORJAN: And I-I think
the circle and the dot

is an early alchemical
symbol for gold.


NARRATOR: A symbol for gold?

In 1921, a massive boulder

featuring a number
of carved symbols

was found on Oak
Island's northern shore.

Believing it might be a
marker for buried treasure,

searchers blew it
up with dynamite

so that they could
dig beneath it.

Unfortunately, no
treasure was found,

and most of the fragments of
the boulder have gone missing.

However, one piece
that was photographed

has come to be known
as the H+O stone.

Is it possible that the team
has just found another clue

potentially connecting the
Templars to Oak Island?

And if so, could
it also be related

to the high trace
evidence of precious metals

that the team has recovered
in the Money Pit area this year?

I'm curious,
y-your take on this.

Your interpretation, Joao.

Do you feel that the H+O stone
could be Portuguese in origin?

It's very interesting.

[laughs]: It could be,
definitely, European.

And if we are saying
the Portuguese were

in Oak Island,

it would be something
made by them.

RICK: Seeing the O symbol

on the H+O stone represented
on the wall of the church,

that means something.

That represented
something. It's not decorative.

And I think there is a direct
connection to Oak Island.

So, there's some
information there,

I just don't know
what it is at this point.

ALEX: From what we did today,

it sounds like this is maybe,

this is the infancy
of the Templars.

We may have found
some connections here.

- Yes. Yes.
- CORJAN: So, I believe, if I'm not mistaken,

we have the identical symbol

over the original entrance
to the castle of Tomar,

where the Knights Templar
and later the Order of Christ

had their headquarters.

JOAO: Yes.

Tomar is from the 1160.

The capital of the
Templar Knights in Portugal.

So, if we're looking for
evidence that the Templars

were connected to Oak Island,
either-either through symbolism

or anything else, that's
where we need to go.

CORJAN: And that's significant,
because the Portuguese

Age of Discovery
was completely fueled

and driven by the
people in Tomar.

CORJAN: Yes. So, any
journey that would have

landed on Oak Island
in the 16th century

would have departed
from, uh, from Tomar.

To me, it's pretty
simple, right?

We also must take a
voyage. A very short one.

We need to go to
Tomar and figure out

how it might affect our search.

- Yep.
- We do.

- So, off we go.
- All right.

NARRATOR: As Rick, Corjan
and members of the team

proceed with their
investigation in Portugal,

- back on Oak Island...
- SAM: I think he's gonna grab

another bucketful, so the
boys can have a look at it.

That'd probably be good.

NARRATOR: while the
excavation of the B4-C shaft continues

in the Money Pit area...

MARTY: Let's dig up
these things around here.

GARY: All right,
mate. Let's go for it.

- MARTY: Okay.
- See what we got.

NARRATOR: Marty Lagina and
metal detection expert Gary Drayton

arrive on Lot 8, located West
of the triangle-shaped swamp.

One time, I'd like
to be with you, Gary,

when we find the
spectacular find,

so I can show it to Rick
and say, "Look what I found."

-[beeping] -I guess
that's a little brother thing.

No, mate, it's gonna come.

MARTY: Lot 8 is
really interesting

because we find things
that seem out of place.

So I want to go
back with Gary to see

if there are more clues

that might lead somewhere.


How come you're
getting two different kinds

of sounds there, Gary?

Scratchy tones like
this are normally iron.

- It's not a good two-way...
- It's right there.

- Just there.
- Yep.

- GARY: Pattern?
- This digs easily. Thank you.

Yeah. That forest stuff
is compacted, isn't it?

I can hear you hitting
the rocks underneath.

MARTY: There you go.

- I'll bet it's in there.
- Let's see.

- Still in there?
- Just... Yep, we're just missing it.

GARY: Look at that.

MARTY: Oh, man.

GARY: [whoops] That's weird.

What the heck?

There's some big chunky
pieces of iron around here.

NARRATOR: While searching
Lot8 on the western side

of Oak Island, Marty
Lagina and Gary Drayton

may have just found
another important clue.

What do you feel?

I have no idea what that is.

GARY: That makes
two of us as well.

Maybe it's, uh, off a...
kind of like a gate or a door?

- MARTY: Piece of a hinge, you mean?
- Yeah.

- Yeah, there's gonna be a story here.
- Yeah.

possible decorative hinge,

found where the team has
already unearthed evidence

of heavy cargo being
transported to this area?

MARTY: Gary and I actually found

a triangular-shaped
piece of metal on Lot 8,

and of course, it's corroded.

It's been in the
soil a long time.

I think we just need
to find somebody

that knows what the heck it is.

All right, let's
get the next one.

GARY: Okay.

- All right.
- Next flag's over there.

- Let's see what this one sounds like.
- I'll be Captain Obvious.

Ooh, let's have a coin.

- [beeping] -Ooh.
- Whoa.

GARY: Got a two-way
repeatable signal.

Definitely a big
target, mate. Just there.

Reveal your secrets,
as I often say.

- GARY: That went...
- There we go.

GARY: All right.

[exhales sharply]


Another chunk of
iron, by the feel of it.

Musket! Lock plate!

- Is it really?
- Musket! We found a musket, mate.

- All right!
- That...

- Is that, is that what that is?
- GARY: Yeah!

GARY: That's
what it's got to be.

- Hey, and I was involved.
- [whoops]

That's the first really
cool thing I've dug.

- Yeah, baby!
- Brilliant.

That's a... Oh, my God,
that's a first for Oak Island.

So, that is a... very
dateable, then, is it not?

Yeah, this, this would be...

It's called a lock plate.

And that would be the frizzen,

and that would be the hammer.

So it's a flintlock?

Yeah! Look, the flint
would have gone in there,

and there would
have been more of this,

- but it's a musket, mate!
- [laughs]

We found a musket on Oak Island.

Brilliant! That has got to be...

- That's fabulous, Gary.
- Oh, that is fantastic.

- Ah...
- So, this might have been an entire g*n,

- and just all the wood and everything's gone?
- Yeah.

- Yeah?
- Uh, this is the lock.

And then you've got the stock,

- which is the wood part, and then the barrel.
- Mm-hmm.

- The barr...
- So the barrel could be around here.

MARTY: Gary's
positive what it is.

It's the action piece
of a flintlock musket,

the firing mechanism.

And to find it on Oak
Island is-is really cool.

These things just weren't
discarded, they were kept.

So it is a really cool find.

Uh, and it might... better yet,

it might tell, uh, a
pretty major story.

Well, Gary, buddy,

I am glad I was here when you
found what you were looking for.

- Yeah. Give me...
- I've always wanted to find one, mate.

- And we are the Two Musketeers.
- [both laugh]

- Brilliant.
- Fantastic.

MARTY: Let's go. Let's
go back to the shop.

GARY: Okay, mate. [Woo hoo!]

- That is a trophy find!
- [laughs]

NARRATOR: Following
their search of Lot 8...

MARTY: Hey, Laird.

and Gary arrange

to meet with
archaeologist Laird Niven

in the Oak Island
Interpretive Centre.

- I recognize that grin.
- MARTY: Yeah.

A first for Oak Island, mate.

- Yeah.
- Long time coming.

Here we go, mate,
what I believe is a, uh,

- flintlock musket.
- Oh, wow.

- MARTY: Isn't that cool?
- LAIRD: That is cool.

That's not something
you see very often.

I don't think I've
ever found one.

- MARTY: Really?
- Wow.

LAIRD: Well, I'll put it
in the scanner and, uh,

it'll pretty much tell
us everything about it.

- All right, well, let's see what the magic machine can do.
- All right.

NARRATOR: In order to better
assess the believed flintlock,

Laird is utilizing the
SkyScan 1273 CT scanner.

The device emits
nondestructive X-ray radiation

that penetrates corrosion
and encrusted soil on artifacts,

producing high-definition,

images of them.

This process can identify
not only microscopic details

but also the materials that
the object is composed o.

All right, guys.

- Got it?
- It's all done. Yep.

All right, let's have a look.

MARTY: Whoa.

That is amazing.

- GARY: Yeah, that is beautiful.
- LAIRD: Yep.

LAIRD: So there it is.

MARTY: Explain to me
what I'm looking at, Gary.

You see where the,
uh, the front part,

that's the frizzen.

That is what covers the pan,

- where the gunpowder is.
- Mm-hmm.

GARY: And at the back,

we've got the hammer,
sometimes referred to as the cock...

all the way down.

GARY: And I love that
stylized hole in the middle.

I-I think that's unusual.

- That'll tell us something.
- LAIRD: That was styled.

GARY: This has certainly
got some style to it.

- MARTY: It sure looks like it.
- LAIRD: Yeah.

- Huh.
- LAIRD: Do you want to see the really neat thing?

This is a series of really,

really thin slices
put together...

- Mm-hmm.
- To create a three-dimensional space.

You're going through the metal.
So now you're starting to see

- internal parts...
- MARTY: Oh, my goodness.

- GARY: Oh...
- that you couldn't see before.

MARTY: Fantastic.

- So you're looking right into it.
- Mm-hmm.

And this...

- Wow.
- This is what's gonna help us identify it.

The configuration of the screws.

MARTY: One, two, three,
four, five, six, seven, eight...

- LAIRD: Yep.
- Nine, ten, eleven, twelve

- screw holes, holding that thing together? Wow.
- Yeah.

And I love the way
you can literally dissect

this solid piece of metal.

GARY: These types
of flintlock muskets

were popular from mid-1500s

all the way to the
middle of the 1800s.

But this looks like
it's an older style.

This has got something
special about it.

It's probably not a
British military issue.

So that leaves, uh, French.

- Hmm.
- Or Portuguese?


MARTY: There's a lot
of clues on that thing.

LAIRD: Yeah.

- All right.
- Yeah.

- Gary Drayton, good find.
- [chuckles]

- GARY: Good find, Marty.
- Yeah, I...

- I was a great digger.
- [Gary laughs]

NARRATOR: As a new day begins...

GARY: We could do with an
Hail Mary find now, couldn't we?

NARRATOR: and while the
excavation of the B4-C shaft

continues on Oak Island,

some 2,800 miles to the east...

- CORJAN: Gentlemen.
- RICK: Hey, man.

- Who ordered the beautiful day?
- CORJAN: I did.

NARRATOR: Rick Lagina,

his nephews Alex and Peter

and Oak Island
historian Doug Crowell

join researcher Corjan Mol

and Knights Templar
expert Joao Fiandeiro

in the town square
of Tomar, Portugal.

And welcome to the
Templar city of Tomar.

CORJAN: Y-You've landed
in-in the Templar heartland.

Tomar is a-a city
on seven hills,

like Rome, like Jerusalem,

so it's a, it's a
really special place.

RICK: Beautiful.
Absolutely stunnin.

CORJAN: So, this
is the town center.

This is the church of
Saint John the Baptist

who was patron saint
of the Knights Templar.

RICK: I see the sun is shining

on the statue that
we've come to see.

- Correct?
- CORJAN: Yes.

NARRATOR: In 1157, after a
successful military campaign

in the Holy Land,

where the Templars
were headquartered

during the Crusades,

Gualdim Pais returned
to Tomar, Portugal,

where he became the fourth
grand master of the order.

There he would make Tomar
the new Templar headquarters

in Portugal and, according
to some researchers,

the temporary hiding place

for their priceless
religious treasures.

CORJAN: On... to the left,

you see the first castle
that Gualdim Pais built there.

So at the time that
Gualdim started,

there were Knights Templar.

It was 1307 when King Philip

and the pope actually
brought them to their knees.

- JOAO: That's right.
- But the official abandonment

of the Knights Templar
organization was 1317.

JOAO: Was 1317.

NARRATOR: Although
Portugal would remain

a stronghold for
the Knights Templar

long after the efforts
of Gualdim Pais,

by 1307, their headquarters
had been moved to France

and was now led by Grand
Master Jacques de Molay.

But on Friday the

in a shocking act of betrayal,

King Philip IV of France
conspired with Pope Clement V

to disband and
persecute the order.

Thousands of Templar Knights,
including Jacques de Molay,

were arrested,
tortured and ex*cuted.

However, it is believed
that several hundred knights

escaped with their
sacred treasures.

Some went to Scotland,

while others fled
back to Portugal

and were renamed
the Knights of Christ.

But to this day, no
one knows for sure

what became of their
priceless treasures.

CORJAN: The Portuguese king
Denis did something very clever.

He just rebranded the
Templars into the Order of Christ.

So what he did, he invented
a new name and a new logo.

So instead of the Templar
cross that we will see

on the shield of Gualdim,
he made a square cross

with the flattened edges and
another cross in the middle.

This is the cross that
you will see, for example,

on the ships that
went to America.

And then, over time,
it got a little bit longer

until it ended like this today.

So, on the church, you see

- the elongated cross...
- RICK: Oh, yes.

Of the Order of Christ.

DOUG: Wow.

So, when we look
at that representation

- that you have... Yes.
- This one here?

RICK: When I look at
Nolan's Cross, on Oak Island,

and I see this representation,
the longer part of the stem,

Nolan's Cross, possibly could
indicate Portuguese influence.

Can we make that assessment?

DOUG: So it's kind of
like a fingerprint, then.

If they created Nolan's
Cross, it would be in the form

of the elongated cross.

Rick Lagina be correct

that the megalithic cross
formation of boulders

that was discovered in 1981
by Fred Nolan on Oak Island

is a representation
of the symbol

for the Portuguese
Knights of Christ?

RICK: The long-stemmed
Templar cross

and Nolan's Cross,
they are quite similar.

The stem is much
longer than the arms.

There's something to this.

An actual connection between
Portugal and Oak Island.

The thing we've
found on Oak Island is,

even the most subtle
clue might have impact.

Right? Might have import.

And that's why
we're here, right?

- CORJAN: Absolutely.
- Looking for clues.

and the team continue

their investigation
in Tomar, Portugal...

back on Oak Island,

while the excavation of
the B4-C shaft continues

in the Money Pit area...

MARTY: Carmen Legge,

this one I'm pretty
sure I know what it is,

but you might be able to
shed some light about it.

But I will just hand it to
you, see what you say.

Marty Lagina and
his partner Craig Tester

are meeting with blacksmithing
expert Carmen Legge

in the research center.

They are eager to get
Carmen's assessment

of the mysterious
triangular object

discovered on Lot

- Well, it looks like a hinge, don't it?
- [chuckles]: It sure does.


this is something unique.

This is something you
don't see every day.

It's a spade hinge.

You can see the little
spade on the end of it.

But it's a very,
very small spade.

Looks like on a suit of
a deck of cards, right?

A lot of hinges were made
with spade tips on the end.

- Oh, just for decoration, that part?
- Also, if you look

at this one here,
you can see a little bit

of a groove and a band
around the bottom of the spade.

- MARTY: Hand-made then, no doubt.
- Oh, yes, very..

Very well made, too.

This looks really, really old.

This would be, uh, early 1400s.


Yeah. It's, it's

very, very old.

- How sure are you of that date?
- How sure?

CARMEN: I know it would
fit in the middle of the 1400s

up until about 1690, 1670.

- Okay.
- Cool.

the research center,

expert Carmen Legge

has just given his assessment

that the decorative
hinge found one day ago

on Lot 8 could predate the
discovery of the Money Pit

by as much as four centuries.

CARMEN: You can look
it up and you'll see a lot

of Spanish hinges
with spades onto it.

MARTY: Okay, so Spanish,
that's Iberian peninsula.

A-Any chance it's Portuguese?

Yes. Could be from that area.

- Seriously?
- Yep.

CARMEN: This would have
been off a very strong box.

- MARTY: Okay.
- Nothing light like clothes

or-or wooden items
or anything like that.

It would be more valuable items,

so china dishes,
tools, valuables...


- Wow.
- Anything valuable.


Carmen Legge's belief

that this hinge
was part of a chest

designed to hold valuable
ites and possibly be

of Spanish or Portuguese
origin, be correct?

If so, could it be related to
the large metallic anomaly

that still lies buried
some 20 feet deep

in the same area on Lot 8?

- MARTY: That's way more significant than I thought.
- CRAIG: Yeah.

MARTY: Carmen, thank you
very much. It is very helpful.

And we appreciate
when you come down.

- We will find you more, so... cheers.
- Very good.

- I'll see more.
- Yep. -Take care.

MARTY: See you
next time. Thank you.

and Craig conclude

their meeting with Carmen Legge,

some 30 miles west
of Tomar, Portugal,

in the town of
Alqueidao da Serra...

ALEX: Corjan texted me.
It should be just up here.

Lagina, along with Alex, Peter

and Doug Crowell
have arrived at the site

of a 2,000-year-old
Roman construct:

a stone road that researcher
Corjan Mol believes

may further connect the
Portuguese Templar order

known as the Knights of
Christ to the Oak Island mystery.

Look at, look at how
beautifully constructed...

I mean, rough and raw,
but look at the curvature.

Look at... the degree of
slope remains constant.

It's beautiful.

If there is a
Portuguese connection

to the construction of
the road in the swamp,

maybe this is the blueprint.

God, look at that.

That looks exactly
like an old Roman road.

since the Oak Island team

unearthed the
mysterious stone road

in the triangle-shaped
swamp one year ago,

they have worked
with numerous experts

in order to determine
its possible origin.

This is the type of road

that was built in
Europe in the 1500s.

NARRATOR: To date, the
strongest opinion offered

has come from
historian Terry Deveau,

who also serves as the president

of the New England Antiquities
Research Association.

What comes to my
mind is the Portuguese.

RICK: During our
stewardship of the mystery,

the stone road is probably one

of the most significant
finds we have made.

A road in a bog? To what
end, for what purpose?

It looks a lot more
similar to what we have,

- that's for sure.
- DOUG: Yeah.

RICK: We now have a
very unique opportunity

to visit a very early
stone construct of a road

that goes back to Roman times.

And maybe there's a possible
connection to Oak Island.

We were gonna
drive up in a chariot.

- We changed our minds.
- I'm so glad to see

- the show is finally on the road.
- [laughter]

RICK: And it is. It's beautiful.

- How are you? Welcome.
- Good. How are you?

NARRATOR: To shed light

on the 2,000-year-old construct,

Joao has asked
archaeologist Jorge Figueiredo,

who is currently restoring
the ancient feature,

to join their investigation.

We were talking on the way
up how impressive this is,

and how very much similar to
the road we have in the swamp.

CORJAN: Isn't it?

RICK: How was this built up?

Like, what are the stratigraphy?
What are the layers?

It would be in the base,

putting big stones.

And then another
layer of smaller stones

to make the compact.

RICK: What about in
a wetter area than this?

Say, our swamp?

Yeah, it's already in another
medieval constructions

in swamps, where
they use bigger,

bigger stones on the
base and the foundation.

Once... Once the Romans
created roads like this,

did any other culture
copy the technology?

- Did that become the method?
- JORGE: Yes.

ALEX: We're looking for
similarities between this

and the style of
construction of our road,

because if we know there's
Roman roads in Portugal,

then we know that the
Portuguese would be able

to observe the
technique, learn from it,

and incorporate
it into their own.

And if they have done
that, then we can look

for the same signs
on Oak Island.

That's very exciting
because we're actually startig

to connect the-the
Portuguese exploration

directly with Oak Island.

CORJAN: I'm not sure
if you've seen the road

- on Oak Island, but I believe we have pictures.
- JORGE: Yes.

- Yeah, okay.
- But...

- DOUG: Great. -JORGE: Okay?
- CORJAN: Okay.

- Let's see it.
- ALEX: After you.

DOUG: I'm gonna go
get the video set up,

show Jorge our road.

- I'll meet you back down below?
- Perfect.

- All right.
- We'll be down, shortly.

RICK: Just think, you're
walking on 2,000 years of...

- history.
- CORJAN: Yeah.

- PETER: That's true.
- Isn't that amazing?

ALEX: Looks a lot
like the stone path.

- CORJAN: Yeah, it looks the spitting image.
- Yeah.

RICK: Just fabulous.

ALEX: The stone path,
it looks exactly like this.

- Yeah, it looks the spitting image.
- Yeah.

NARRATOR: In Alqueidao
da Serra, Portugal,

archaeologist Jorge Figueiredo

has just shown Rick Lagina
and members of the team

a stone feature that is nearly
an exact match in design

to a pathway that the team
found in the Oak Island swamp

just one year ago.

- RICK: It does.
- CORJAN: Yeah, however simple it is,

it looks so purposeful,
and it looks really,

really close to what
is on Oak Island.

NARRATOR: When the Oak Island
team uncovered the stone pathway

just adjacent to the
massive stone road,

they were struck by the
fact that they had also found

pieces of cargo barrels
in the same area.

The pathway also appeared
to be heading in the direction

of the Money Pit.

I think we have a few
areas that might be in-in...

I don't want to say
"better condition,"

but there's more rocks.

That makes sense.

possible that Rick

and members of the team
have just seen evidence

to explain who may have
built the stone features

in the southeast
corner of the swamp?

RICK: You could have
taken a snapshot of this,

and you could have taken
a snapshot of the stone path

on Oak Island, and you
wouldn't tell the difference.

To me, that
matches up perfectly.

My opinion is, the
stone road we have

is an adaptation of
constructs such as these.

So, uh, we have some
things we'd love to show you.

- Yeah?
- And I think we should go take a look.

- Yeah, let's see.
- Yeah, let's do that.

CORJAN: Let's be rolling stones.

JORGE: Yeah.

DOUG: Jorge, we
have some stills.

RICK: This was in the
bog, covered by about

- two feet of water.
- Okay.

And off to the side here,

in the swamp material, we
found a piece of milled plank

that carbon-dated to the 1500s.

- Okay.
- RICK: So, would the Portuguese,

during that time frame,
choose that type of construct

for purposes of
crossing a swamp?

Is it possible

the Portuguese
were on Oak Island?

Here you have a trained
archaeologist who is saying yes.

Definitely, this is
something interesting

and needed of a study.

RICK: Is it probable?

I'd say we're, we're
approaching that,

but there's more work to do.

Yeah, so the technology
must have come from outside.

RICK: We are certainly making
some progress here in Portugal.

- JORGE: This is great.
- RICK: It's about seeking out

and finding information,
and we have made

some interesting discoveries.

I think we've found an
avenue of-of continued search,

or research.

Then you can start

connecting the dots between
Portugal and Oak Island.

The key question
is, always, why?

- "Why?" -"Why?" That's true.
- Why build that?

But every piece of information
is exceedingly helpful,

and for that, we-we thank you.

- JORGE: Yeah.
- JOAO: Yeah.

Well, we really
appreciate your time.

ALEX: Yeah, thank you.

- Did you want to come back to Canada and have a look at it?
- Yeah.


- Muito obrigado.
- Thank you so much.

Thank you.

NARRATOR: A mystery that
has confounded treasure hunters

for more than two centuries

may now be on the
road to a resolution.

As Rick, Marty and their
team recover each missing piee

of the puzzle, just what
will they ultimately reveal?

A vast treasure that
includes priceless objects

of divine inspiration?

Ancient, lost knowledge
about the history of mankind?

One thing is more
certain than ever:

as the dig continues,
the answers

are getting closer
to the surface.

Next time onThe
Curse of Oak Island...

- It's the last caisson for the year.
- STEVE G.: If we're gonna take

a shot at this, we're
gonna take our best shot.

CORJAN: This is
the holy of holiest

- of the Templars.
- Wow.

CORJAN: I think we're gonna
find some real answers here.

That is incredible.

- LAIRD: We're looking for the extension to the road.
- MARTY: Yes.

STEVE G.: Whoa,
whoa, whoa, look at this.

There's a lot of cobble there.

Yeah, I'm wondering
if that's it already.

- ALEX: Wow.
- CORJAN: It is spectacular.

Stunningly beautiful.

There's nine platforms.

That's exactly
the Money Pit story.