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01x07 - Green Light Fight

Posted: 04/17/24 06:53
by bunniefuu
♪ MTV. ♪

♪ ♪

-DIRECTOR: And cut.

This is the moment
you've been waiting for.

This is a season wrap
for all our folks.

But we want
to acknowledge... Let's see.

-What's his name again?

Let's hear it
for Sylvester Stallone.

[cheering and applause]

Thank you!

I never worked so hard in
my life and had so much fun.

Seriously, you guys are pros.

And I think what we came up with

is something extraordinary

and life-changing, for me.

So, keep punching.

Love you guys.
See you next season.

[cheers and applause]

We're all happy that it's over
because it's strenuous.

It was hot.
It was pretty brutal

'cause I didn't want
to be away that long

and it was...
it was quite taxing,

so I couldn't wait to get home.


If I think really
outside of myself,

what keeps driving you?

What keeps moving you forward?

Is it ego?

'Cause there's not much left
for you to conquer.

But there is in relationships.

I want to stay around
the people I love.

I don't want to be away anymore.

You have to say enough. Enough.


This is the toughest gig ever.

♪ ♪

JENNIFER: Thank you, everybody,
for coming out today.


Today, my wife Jennifer

is launching a huge new
skincare line that she's been

developing with her
business partners for months.

She is a doer.

She gets things done.

I've been in the skincare world

My company has grossed
over $2 billion in sales.

-SISTINE: Yeah, girl.
-It came out beautiful.

-I love it. We should do one

with our whole team
and get everybody behind here.

Yeah. Yeah.

My father passed away
when I was 11 and my mom

never even knew how to write
a check or pay a bill.

So I've always
made my own money.

Well, this one...

There's a fortune to be made.

And you got to slow down, too.
Enjoy this life.

Yeah. I want to do
everything with my family.

-That's all I give a shit about.

I learned such a lesson
to never rely on anyone

to take care of you

and I want to pass it
on to my daughters.

I'm writing a book right now
and so it's just like,

struggling to become a writer.

I always say that
my mom is Superwoman,

because this lady

had really a hard upbringing

and was able to build

an incredible career at my age.

It's definitely
really intimidating.

You were raised
by a woman who actually

is giving you these insights.

-I know.
-We're so lucky.

That's why we get her ambition.

She's such a good role model.

SOPHIA: Sometimes I have
a really hard time

comparing her to me.

I know that we're different,

but it's hard not to,

when it's your mom.

And Sly, would you like
to say a few words?

-Yeah, I would.

-Uh-oh. Uh-oh.
-Here we go.

Jennifer, you are fantastic.

Seriously. You're so
inventive and creative.

It's really aggravating,
it really is.


And I'm so happy
with these beautiful girls

that you've raised
to also be entrepreneurial.


But anyway, baby,
I'm so proud of you.

-Thank you. Thank you, Sly.

Just keep doing
what you're doing.

Anyone want to top that?


♪ Come on now,
roll with the crazy ♪

♪ Dance like 1980 ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Roll with me, baby ♪

♪ You ain't gonna save me ♪

♪ Ooh. ♪

♪ ♪

Where is he?

-Sly, let's go.
-SLYVESTER: Who's ready
to rumble?

Jesus Christ.

You got to get rid of this car.

-It's too f*cking small.


-Why not?
-I'm good.

What's going on with your book?

I'm like a quarter-ish
way through it.

What is your subject?

Um, so I'm writing fiction,

romance and historical fiction.

But writing is just so tough.

-Like, I-I love doing it...


It's so tough because
there's days where--

-What have I been telling you?
-No, I know.

It is so hard, Sophia.

When they were very young,
I wanted to have my daughters

participate in every
facet of the arts.

-Just scream.


So I would have them

try to write a little bit,

recite poetry, anything that
would get their juices going.

Of course,
no surprise that Sophia

is working on a novel.

And Sistine wrote
a horror movie script

that's picking up traction.

SISTINE: I'll be devastated
if they want it to be a PG-13,

-I will be devastated.

I actually Googled today,

"ways to die in a pool."

Oh, yeah. Been there.

I've been working
on this script,

Scavenger Hunt, since 2018,

when I wrote my first
treatment and pitched it.

I've gone through
countless meetings.

Pandemic hit,
had to restart again.

So it's just been
a long process.

The pool k*ll.

-ELLE: Oh. Yeah.
-I'm excited
to discuss this one.

We probably have
interviewed 40 to 50

different writers and directors,

and I landed on
this brilliant mind

named Elle Callahan.

We are just about done
with the script

and it's going
to be sent to MGM.

So, I'm really happy
it's happening now.

What is time line
looking like for you?

Because I know MGM, like, really
wants to get their hands on it.

Right. I think, you know, within
the next couple of weeks,

I can get these implemented.

You're a rock star.

-I don't know how
you do it, girl.

Writing is great, though.

-It's really good for your mind.

Like, I want this book to work,

but I already know that people
are gonna want

this to look stupid

and people are probably
going to say it's shitty.

I just have this added
pressure that's so un--

N-No one's pressuring me,

but I'm pressuring myself, now.

And I'm just shutting
down a little bit.

I feel like I'm held
to a standard,

and I think people
expect me to do

a certain thing
or be a certain way because of

what I was born into.

And so I have
a huge fear of failing.

It's completely hindered me from

pursuing anything.
I've quit piano,

I've quit singing,
I've quit theater

because it wasn't perfect.

It took me 20 screenplays

-to finally get one that sold.
-Right. Right.

-See what I mean?
-Totally. Yeah.

But each one got better.

-Very few people, on
their first venture...


Both my daughters,
Sophia and Sistine,

the difference is that

Sophia, being a Virgo,
is very analytical.

She... Everything must be
precise and well thought out.

she overthinks things.

Whereas Sistine,
she'll just ram it.

Full steam ahead

and consequences be damned.

And hopefully it'll turn out.

Well, what's the name
of the book?

Weight of Her Words.

-Like the weight. Like weight?
-Like a weight.

Like it's heavy on
this main character's life.

Any monsters?

-No. No.
-[Sylvester chuckles]

Oh, my God.

You're k*lling me.


♪ ♪


Is it happy hour?

-[bartender speaks indistinctly]
-[gasps] Good sir. Thank you.

Scarlet is home for the weekend,

and I'm craving that
sisterly bonding time.

Cheers. You can't cheers
with water. It's bad luck.

-It's a candle.

-Okay, drink your candle.

I thought it would
be fun to, you know,

go to some fun restaurant,
bar, have a fun night out.

Oh, man, that's spicy.

Ooh! Mama.

You know what
I've been thinking about?

And I know it sounds
a little bit...

I'm gonna take a drink
for this because...

I don't know what you guys
are going to think about this.

Oh, God, she's got
to take a sip for this.

Am I supposed to be
somewhere more?

Like, at 26,

like, do you think that
you're going to be

so much farther ahead
of your career and like...

That's insane.

No one knows what
the hell they're doing.

Come on.

I really want you to not put

so much pressure
on yourself, though, Sophia.

-I know, a lot of--
-Because you really do.

So, you, you do.
Every time you start--

You know what it is?

I feel like people in my
position are so much farther

ahead in their career.

And I'm not saying
that I'm in a rush,

but I feel like what if
the things I want in life

don't work out for me?

Like what?

I think my book is
kind of stupid all the time.

It's weird, because I feel
like when you're younger,

you have this expectation
that when you're 25

you'll be at
a certain place, and...

I'd hoped that my novel
was going to be finished

in the last year.

And there's nothing
more in my life

right now that
I've actually wanted,

because this isn't something
that I'm doing with my sister.

This is not something
I'm doing with my dad.

This is something
that I'm doing for myself.

And it makes
it kind of difficult,

and sometimes it makes me
a little insecure.

I do think that putting
a timeline on your--

No, it's insane, like--

Like, every year
mapped out, like...

It just stresses you out

-so much more.
-SISTINE: Oh, beyond. Beyond.

SISTINE: At this point,
I decided to not tell Sophia

about my deal with MGM

because I just don't want her

to feel discouraged in any way.

I know she already puts
so much pressure on herself

that she feels like
she's behind in life.

I didn't want
to rub anything in her face.

Brain-wise, body-wise,

we're at our peak, ladies.

-Going downhill from here.
-So, cheers.

I feel, like,
a little tipsy right now.

I do feel it, I'm not gonna lie.

-I can see it in your eyes.

-I swear I'm a lightweight.

-Another round.
-I need to like
chug, chug, chug.

You guys can sleep on my couch.

I don't want to sleep
on your couch.

-I have contacts, my--
-She's 26.

She's can't sleep
on a couch. [laughs]

I'm sorry, wait,
what was the question?

There was no question.


If I keep laughing,
I'm gonna start peeing.

You are so cringey.

-Can we get the check?

Ooh! [laughter]

Your sisters are tipsy.

We've had too much.

For tonight's dessert,
an assortment of lovely

selection of Milkbone maca--

I dare you.

Sophia, will you put
some guac on it?

No, don't. I'm not eating--

Sistine, stop.

-Do the test. Do the test.
-No, no, I'm gonna be 26.


♪ ♪

It's so pretty out here.

It is.

Finally, we have some downtime.

It'll be like drown time
If I fall off of this thing.

[Jennifer laughs]

I'll get a fishing line
and a net.

SYLVESTER: The end of my careers
have been so crazy for so long.

I'm looking forward
to a new chapter of life,

slowing down for a change,

to spend some time
with my girls.

I won't be around,
you know, forever.

And I certainly
want to leave them

with fond thoughts
of their father

that he did the best he could
to make their life

as fruitful as possible.

Well, I'll tell you,
I miss being around here. Uh...

being in Oklahoma,
they're very nice people,

-but it's not home.
-It's nice to be home.

-But it's also nice
to have you home.
-Aw, thank you.

-Thank you.
-You know, it's like,
all right...

It's like we can start
living again.


-We have cavapoo v*olence here.
-Yeah, we do.

The other day, there was

-a manatee in the water.
-SYLVESTER: Girl. [kisses]

[barks] Come. Winnie.

JENNIFER: And they almost
jumped in the water

-to get the manatee.
-Good girl.

And I was freaked out

'cause I'm like, uh...

I don't know if I want
to go in, I saw a shark.

Manatees need friends, too.


♪ ♪

We have to share a menu.

Look, they have a casserole.

It's like an old person food.

Remember you got the peanut
butter and jelly last time?

I would like a chicken sandwich
with a live chicken.

-Is that possible?

For you, sweetie?

Oh, my God, those guys are cute.

Um, can I get the chicken melt?

-JENNIFER: Oh, they are so cute.
-SISTINE: They're really cute.

-With extra pickles on the side.
-Oh, they left.

And a tall glass of him.
No, I'm just kidding.

JENNIFER: Can I just change
the subject a little bit?

Sistine, aren't you...

Don't you have a meeting
when you get back?

With MGM?

Oh, that's exciting. I didn't
know you had a meeting with MGM.

up her film.
-SOPHIA: I didn't know that.

Jennifer always has to be...

the town crier.

She can't keep
her mouth shut, man.

Sophia's gonna k*ll me.

Are you choosing your,
like, director and stuff

-at that meeting?
-SYLVESTER: I'll just
have the toothpick.

-You can have the rest.
-Already did.

-SOPHIA: You have a director?

-A woman.

Wait, why haven't
you told me any of this?

Sistine, we live together.
I'm actually pissed.

Like why haven't you
told me any of this?

SCARLET: I'm a little
uncomfortable because

Sistine told me about
her script a week ago

and Sophia didn't know,

I mean,
Sistine should've told her.

But she told me.

So, I'm okay with that.

I tell you everything.

Like, what was your reasoning
for hiding that from me?

There's no malicious intent

behind me not sharing that.

Like, you're getting very...

-heated at me for no big reason.
-SOPHIA: Yeah.

You also don't tell me
everything, either, Sophia.

-I don't have a lot of things--
but if you don't get a job,

like the speaker thing,
you didn't tell me until--

-Yeah, that's not true.
-SISTINE: Mom told me--

Yes! So, like, give me a break.

How'd I get on The Housewives
of Beverly Hills?

How did this happen?

-I just transferred.
I'm now in the...

Like, what do they call
the year-end show?

We're just unloading
on everybody.

Reunion. [laughs]

Why are you laughing?

He made me laugh.

The hell do you...
Why are you bitching with me?

All I did was laugh, I did
not say anything wrong to you.

It sucked finding out this way

that MGM was interested
in her script,

rather than her telling me
the moment it happened.

And, look, I-I can be nosy
and I want to know everything

that's going on
in everybody's life,

but this is a really big part

of my best friend's life

that I wasn't a part of
until later.

Doesn't feel really good.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

SOPHIA: I'm so proud
of Sistine as a sister

that she's doing something

that she's really,
really excited about.

But I hate the way

that I found out at a restaurant

after it's actually happened,
so that kind of sucked.

JENNIFER: This is getting
to be a little much.

The two of you are best friends.

-You're great sisters.
-I know, but, like...

I don't honestly feel like
talking about it right now.

I can totally feel...

this, like, dark cloud

when Sophia and
Sistine aren't talking.

I have to intervene.

What is this,
like, The Parent Trap?

Like, are we...?

Do you want to sit over here
with your sister?



She asked you guys
to bring us here together?

Well, I think,
first of all, we got to...

-turn the temperature
down a little bit.
-I don't know why you're so mad.

Sitting out in Oklahoma,
I couldn't wait to get home.

And I just want to relax.

Now I come back to a w*r zone
here with these girls.

I just don't understand
why you're so heated

about me not sharing
one thing...

I'm surprised--

...when we share everything
in our lives together.

Well, apparently not.

You're making my moment
about you right now,

which is absurd.

We celebrate everything

And what I'm upset about
is that I wasn't able

to relish in that moment
with you.

And everyone kind of knows,
I'm sitting there going,

"Okay, I'm not sure
what's going on."

That's a valid point.

Because you do share everything.

But it wasn't intentional.

-I know, but you--
-What is this, Judge Judy?

No, but it-it's...

SYLVESTER: I don't think
it was intentional.

SISTINE: It's not.
Listen, all I was doing

was trying to protect
your feelings because I know

sisters, in the same business,

jealousy can happen.

And that's all
I wanted to avoid.

You both have a valid reason.

I think that
it came as a surprise,

but it's pretty nice
that she has something going.

-I'm extremely proud of her.
-You have something going, too.

I do seriously regret not
telling Sophia from the start,

because I ended up hurting her
in the long run,

so I should've just been honest
from the beginning.

I think both of you
have a valid point.

But you're kind of, like,

you're not landing this plane,

so I think the thumb wrestling.

Would you be interested in

-bringing your thumb?
-JENNIFER: In a thumb wrestling

-Let's do this.
-Sophia, please. I'm begging
you. Bring your thumb here.

-This is dumb.
-I need your thumb.

-Here we go.
-You know what?
Actually, comedy--

Give me your red fake nail,
I got this.

-SYLVESTER: Let's go, ready.

-See this strong, real...
-Those are fighting words.

-Come on.
-Those are fighting words.

-We're trying
to make up right now.
-Come on.

-SYLVESTER: One, two...
-Ugh, just do it, Sophia.

Three. Go. Go, go.


-I'm sorry.


"Ahh." [laughs]

Sophia wins.

That means
we're calling it a truce.

SOPHIA: Even though
it hurts, I love her.

And I'm proud of her.

And now I want to, like,
celebrate the success with her.

But she better not do it again.

How many chapters
have you finished?

Uh, I have done 15 chapters.

That's amazing.

But I just don't like
talking about it

-just because I get--
-SYLVESTER: You should pitch it.

Finish enough of the chapters

that you have
kind of a blueprint

of where you want to go
and then pitch it.

I'll always take
my dad's advice.

And this entire situation
with my sister

has really lit a fire under me.

I'm finally feeling
the motivation

to get this book
to a publisher even though

this is a little bit
out of my comfort zone.

-Okay, I can do it.
There you go.

I love that.

-Let's hug, let's hug, Sly.
-SOPHIA: Okay.

Okay, I'm gonna go.
I'm gonna go inside.

-We're good,
we're good, we're good.

♪ ♪


I'm Sophia. Nice to meet you.
-I'm Tobi.

-Nice to meet you.
-Thank you for having me.


I have a meeting today

at Red Hen Publishing.

It's only
an introductory meeting.

So I know that this is
just the first step of many.

But this book means
everything to me, so...

I'm a little nervous.

-Um, I'm gonna open
my crappy computer.
-TOBI: Yeah, please.

As you can see, I'm nervous,

I've been picking at the side
of the thing. But...

So, the book is YA,
it's also historical fiction.

-Oh, great.
-Um, and romance. And, um...

Let me think how I want to...

So, the sorry--

"The sorry..."
Let me start again.

I was fine this morning

practicing because I actually
spent the night

rewriting and rehearsing
everything that I was gonna say,

but now I'm here
and it feels like

all of that has just flown
out the window

because I'm freaking out,
I have stage fright,

I'm bad at presenting,

and I-I really need
this to go well.

Let me start again. The story
is called Weight of Her Words.

The girl is named Spencer.

And she's a hopeless romantic.

And she is living in Brooklyn.

Nearby is her favorite
vintage store.

She notices a journal.

And for some reason,
she has to pick that one.

We cut. Now, I want the middle
of the story to be

a completely different story,

historical fiction
in the 1920s, in New York.

And we follow
this woman named Alice.

-That's the store,

that's the book, and that's
her reading the journal.

And there's Alice writing
in her journal.

I don't know what
just came over me,

but I'm feeling really... calm.

Because I thought in my head,

"No one else knows
this story better than I do,"

and I-I don't know,

maybe I'm starting to actually
believe in this story

as much as I should have
in the first place.

You talked a lot about her
living through others

and sort of trying
to make decisions

-based on other
people's decisions.

One of the ending feelings
we should get

is that she's no longer
living through someone else.

Yeah, I think when
she gives it away,

that's kind of her
last moment of going like,

-"I don't need to hide anymore."

Wow, excellent, well, that...

that-that sounds
like a great story.

-I mean, honestly...
-I'm glad you like it.

Yeah. Next,
I would recommend, of course,

first finishing the book.

I assume you'll be
looking at agents,

but at the point that you have
a complete manuscript,

-I would be very happy
to look at it again in full.
-That'd be great.

I think this meeting just went

really, really, really well.

I k*lled it because
my foot wasn't shaking,

my hands weren't quaking,

I wasn't mumbling over my words.

I think I was able to capture

the essence of the book

and they were able to be
a part of it with me.

And it's showing me
that I actually could do it.

-You've been amazing and thank
you and I've learned so much.
-Yeah, thank you very much.

I-- It's like a whole new
industry I've never been...

-Never known about, so there's
so many steps to it.

Yeah, thank you so much.
Great to meet you.

I will definitely
talk to you soon.

♪ So close I can taste it ♪

♪ Things will never be
the same again... ♪

Oh, my God, it's here!


Oh, my God.

[gasps] Wait, let me
get the binoculars.

Oh, this guy looks
like he's rocking.

-He's waving.
-Oh, he's waving.

Oh, my God, he's so cute.

It's party time.

It's party time, Sophia.

-Tiki boat.
-Mom, it says "group therapy."

-Party's here.
-BARTENDER: Here we go.

[bell ringing]

-[cheering and whooping]
-SISTINE: Yeah, set sail!

-Cheers, Mama.
Thank you for doing this.

You're very welcome.

MGM loves the script.

I got the green light

and Sophia was
the first person I told.

She created a movie
that MGM bought.

Well, congratulations.

SISTINE: And in true
Jennifer fashion,

she got us a tiki boat
to celebrate.

♪ Memories ♪

SISTINE: Why go bar hopping
when you can hop on a bar?

♪ Right back to me ♪

So you have a book deal
going on?

Yeah, she's a writer.

I think actually pursuing things
I'm passionate about,

I feel better now,
which is nice.

A bit more confidence.

So, I'm kind of
just going for it.

Sometimes, I expect everything
to just be perfect.

And, you know,
that's not how life is.

And everyone has
their own time line.

So you do things that
you feel good about doing...

-Yeah, exactly.
-...and you kind of don't
care if someone judges you.

-And you live your life.

I'm glad I was able to stop
caring what other people think.

And I'm here for the ride.

Let's go. [laughs]

-I want to cheers.

To Sophia.

-I love you.

Love you, Sophie.


Party on.


♪ Just riding the ride ♪


♪ Riding, riding ♪

♪ Just riding the ride. ♪

I have a strong affiliation
with Philadelphia.

Mom and Dad want you to come
to Philadelphia this weekend.

This weekend?

She's pretty adamant
about not going.

She has to come.

When I walk up that steps,

I feel like I can do anything.

It's magical to me.

I feel so sad
that Scarlet's not here.

I think we should disown her.

[over phone]:
It's Dad.

♪ Come on now,
roll with the crazy ♪

♪ Dance like 1980 ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh ♪

♪ Roll with the crazy ♪

♪ Dance like 1980 ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Roll with me, baby ♪

♪ You ain't gonna save me ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh. ♪