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19x04 - Week 4: France

Posted: 04/16/24 18:01
by bunniefuu
- Tonight
on "The Bachelorette"...

Gabby and Rachel!

We're the Bachelorettes!

- Paris is romantic.

There's something in the air.

- Paris just does something
to you.

- There's gonna be
two separate groups now.

We're on two separate journeys.

- You bring sunshine

to rainy days in Paris.

I never thought I would
be able to find someone.

And, like, now it's
right in front of my face.

- If you can't find
the romance here,

take that long flight home,

- It feels like a fairy tale.

And I wish I could just
hang out here forever.

- Rachel gave me a rose.

But every time I'm in

the same room
as Gabby and Rachel,

I realize my feelings
toward Gabby.

- He made a vulgar comparison.

Something about,
"I don't trust these b*tches."

- I've tried hard
to put my feelings aside,

but the heart
wants what it wants.

- I want someone who
is going to fight for me.

- Every single day

is like a roller coaster.

- Why does she look pissed off?

- Do you know why I'm
talking to you right now?

The shock on their faces.

No one even knew
what it was coming from.

- Rachel was given
some information

about some things said
that was really disturbing.

- I hate every single day
having to get to the point

of wanting to leave.

I'm just so over this.

I'm so done.

- So who here is with Gabby?

- Team Gabby.

- Okay, who here's with Rachel?


- And who's here
for the right reasons?

- Yeah, who's here
for the right reasons?

- The guys are split
amongst two Bachelorettes.

Going into
the last Rose Ceremony,

the girls picked
their group of guys,

so it's a lot easier
for us to deduce,

like, where we stand
in the house.

I'm team Gabby all the way.

- I think that last night
was pretty intense.

- That was a lot for me.

I'm still trying to digest that.

- Yeah, I feel lucky
to still be here.

Rachel has given me
a second shot.

- Last night,
drama kind of ensued.

Rachel was upset

because three guys
declined her rose.

And then from my understanding,

there was a...
An issue with Hayden.

I think he said some
untoward things about Gabby.

- I used the word
"rough around the edges."

And what I meant by that was...

- Oh...

- But I gave context behind it.

It wasn't just, like,
a single word.

- Mm, that's...
- All right?

- That's kind of rough,
though, bro.

- Hayden's in the hot seat
because of, like,

the last Rose Ceremony.

He got a rose from Rachel.

But Gabby brings up
hurtful things have been said.

Maybe there is something
he possibly could have said

a little bit differently.

Hey, Hayden.

Good luck, dog.

- Gabby's the one
that used the word

"rough around the edges."

- She said that?

- Twice.

- Oh, really?
- And I used that word

to describe her.

And that's what they threw
back in my face.

- Mind if I slide in here?
- Yeah, buddy.

- Thanks.

- Like, I would hope that Gabby

is a little bit more mature
than that.

I don't think I said anything
wrong, to be honest with you.

My dumb ass uses
the same verbiage

that Gabby uses
to describe herself,

and she didn't like that.

Well, bitch,
maybe you shouldn't use

that word
to describe yourself then.

- Oh, my God.

I'm definitely seeing Hayden

in a totally different light.

You know,
he's saying things like

they overreacted,
both Gabby and Rachel.

He called them b*tches.

It's disturbing,
and it's not how

you should treat
or speak about women at all.

- Yeah, dude.

And... and that happened,

and so, like,
now I've been comparing, right?

I've been comparing my ex

to, like... like, this, right?

They don't hold a candle to her.

And I don't want to just settle.

I can tell you right now,
I don't see

how any guy in here
could be, like,

"I'm marrying
these girls."

- Hearing this from Hayden
is shocking,

and that doesn't sit well
with me.

You know, Rachel gave me
a second chance,

and I want to be as honest
with her as possible.

If he's not totally invested
in Rachel,

then he should go home.

- Jesse.

- Hey.
- Jesse.

How we doing?

What's up, fellas?

All right, well, I hope
you all got some sleep.

You're gonna need it,

because today,

a whole new part of this journey

is about to start
for all of you.

Gabby and Rachel have moved
out of their mansion.

And they've left Los Angeles.

Right now, Gabby and Rachel
are on an airplane

somewhere over
the Atlantic Ocean,

and they are heading
to a country

that is world-famous
for romance.

Gabby and Rachel
are headed to France.


- Yes, all of you are gonna
be joining them there.


- Here's the thing.

Not all of you
are headed there yet,

and that's because two
lucky gentlemen from this room

are gonna be joining
Gabby and Rachel

in one of the world's
most famous cities.


- Ooh!
- To have two incredible dates

to start the week.

- There's nothing
I would want more

than to be on a plane
to go see Rachel in Paris.

I mean, that just validates

she really wants
to get to know me,

really wants to talk to me.

- I want that one-on-one time,

so I hope I get a date
with Ms. Gabriela.

Oui, oui. Oui, oui.

- So Gabby and Rachel,
they thought

long and hard about this.

And for this first
amazing date in Paris,

Gabby wants to spend it with...


- Wow.
- Damn.

- Ooh.
- And Rachel's decided

that she wants
to spend her date...

with Tino.

- Ooh!
- Yes, sir.

Tino, Tino.

- All right, so, Tino, Jason,
say your goodbyes.

Car's waiting for you outside.
It's taking you to the airport.

You're flying to Paris
to meet the ladies.

Good luck, fellas.

- And for the rest of you,
go pack your bags.

Wheels up in an hour.

I'll see y'all in France.

- Yeah!
- Let's go!

- Let's do it.
- All right, guys.

- Whoo!
- Whoo-hoo-hoo!

- Yes!
- Let's go!

So fired up right now.

I'm, like...
I've been dying for, like,

this one-on-one time.

- This is so sick.
- Can't get over it.

I got a one-on-one with Gabby.

Dream girl, dream city.

I'm feeling it in my stomach.

Just, like, butterflies.

- Jason got the one-on-one.

Wish that could have been me,
but for now,

we're headed to France!

- I don't even know
how to feel right now.

Like, this is crazy.

- What do I know about France?

They eat a lot
of croissants there.

And it's a good love story

to fall in love in France.

Like, "We always have Paris."

- Au revoir, Bachelor mansion.

I'm coming, France.

I'm coming!

- Paris is romantic.

There's something in the air.

There's little tiny
cobblestone streets,

beautiful architecture.

So much history.

It's so beautiful.

So I feel incredibly grateful.

- I can't believe
we're in Paris.

- I know.

Especially after last week.

- The last Rose Ceremony
was the most unexpected thing.

I really just didn't
see it coming at all.

It's just really difficult
to be so vulnerable, like,

offering someone a rose,
standing up there,

and having them tell you no
multiple times.

I just...

- Like, rejection just hurts.

- That's the thing.
- Like, yeah.

- In that moment, I'm like,
no one wants to date me.

Like, why am I here?
- Mm-hmm.

- It was really... like,
that was probably my...

I thought I had
my lowest moment.

- Yeah.
- That was my lowest moment.

- Yeah.


- At the last Rose Ceremony,
three men rejected my rose.

It's really, like, hurtful
and embarrassing, frankly,

to have that happen.

It really was
the most embarrassing thing

that's ever happened to me.

You feel rejected and you think,

well, what's wrong with me?

You just start to question

why anyone accepted your rose.

It has been a challenge
for Gabby and I

to have our insecurities
brought out

as being compared
to one another.

- There's always, like,
high highs after the low lows,

and I'm glad it happened
when it did.

- Mm-hmm.
- Because I feel like I have

so much more room
and space for other men now.

- That you know
are here for you.

- Yeah.

- I have a huge fear

that the men in my group

might not even
be interested in me

and will want to switch over
to pursue Gabby.

Or that they might feel like

they are in the loser group.

Oh, no, I'm nervous.
- Did you just see 'em?

- No.

Paris is supposed
to be romantic.

I don't want my insecurities
to ruin everything.

This date with Tino might be

the most important date
I've had.

Hopefully, we're able to
kind of get this back on track.

Oh, I see him.

You do?

- Because if it doesn't,
I just don't really

see a point in moving forward.

- Yo, we're in France right now.

- Fellas!
- Jesse.

- Hey.
- What's up?

- Welcome to France.



Anybody speak French?

- No.
- Uh.

- Better to go back to English?


- Welcome to the port city

of La Havre, France.

We are a very short
distance away

from the incredible city
of Paris.

Now, you're not actually
gonna be living here

in La Havre because you're
going to be staying on a ship.

The Virgin Voyages'
Valiant Lady.

And she is a luxurious
state of the art ocean liner

that is gonna be your home base

while you embark on this
international journey

towards finding love
with Gabby or Rachel.

As we go,
you're gonna be stopping

to go on some
unbelievably romantic dates

in some of Europe's
most world-renowned cities.

All right,
I can tell you're all jonesing

to get on board
and check out your new digs.

So, guys, have at it.

The ship is yours.

- I just can't believe it.

The biggest thing I've
ever been on is a kayak.

- Wow, look at this, huh?

- They've got bars,
they've got stores,

they have a tattoo shop.

Everything is brand new.

It's pretty wild.

I wasn't expecting this.

- It's like no other
cruise ship I've ever seen.

It's more like a yacht.

It's, like, unbelievable.

- Let's go.
- Hey!

- Whoa, look at this!

- Bro, what?
- Look at all this.

- We're completely separated
in these two groups.

A Rachel group, and there's
gonna be a Gabby group.

We live on different floors,
we're segregated.

We have our own,
like, hang out groups.

It's gonna be
a way different experience

than it was at the house.

- Let's go.
- Whoo!

- Whoa!
- Oh!

- The rooms are incredible.

The hang out room, the bar

is a lot better
than the mansion.

Not even a question.

I love it.

- Ooh, a leather couch?

- We went straight from
that crazy Rose Ceremony

to a flight to Paris.

And now we're on a cruise ship.

I'm excited and I'm ready

to get a date with Rachel.

Bonjour, Rachel!

- You know,
Gabby's out right now.

The date's probably
going fantastic.

- I mean, if you can't
find the romance here...

- Yeah.
- In Paris.

- Then you can't find
the romance nowhere.

- Take that long flight home,

- I feel so good
going into this date.

Oh, I see him.

- Hello!

- What's up, ladies?

- Oh, my... hi!

Rachel and I being able
to start over

in a new country
with Tino and Jason,

we're both really excited
for our opportunities

to go our separate ways.

- We're going that way.

- This could really be

the start of the rest
of our journey.

- Bye.
- And really change things

for both of us.

Bye, bye!
- Bye, guys!

- Wow.
- Oh, this is epic.

- It's so beautiful.

We're in France.
- I know.

- Started at
the Bachelor mansion.

- I came in
confident and all that,

but I didn't think it
would take off like this.

- Oh, you didn't think so?

You didn't think
you would like me?

- Well, I didn't think
you'd like me as much

as you do right now, okay?
- I don't like you.

- Well, then, I'm gonna keep
working on it, so good luck.

- Last week brought up
more fear and anxiety

than I ever thought
I could handle.

- Where's your hand?

- I was pretty low last week.

I really need Paris
to bring me back on track.

Tino's always made me
feel comfortable

and confident
in our relationship.

What do you think
about chocolate?

- Bring it on.
- So hopefully Tino's

the perfect partner
to experience Paris with

and to help me put
that fear behind me.

- I got you, you're good.

- Ooh!
- Bonjour.

- Bonjour.

- Jason.
- Jason.

Jason, oui, oui.

That's all I know how to say.

Oui, oui.
- Oui, oui.

I picked Jason for my date today

because he is really,
really shy.

And I did want to wait
until I felt

he was in a comfortable position

so he could really
open up to me.

Are you having fun, though?

Do you hate it here?

- No, I actually love Paris.

This is the best thing
that could have happened.

- Really?
- Yeah.

- Yeah, 'cause where else
have you been?

- I've been to France,
actually, but not Paris.

- Oh.

The last time we went,
I was with all my girlfriends,

and we have a picture
in front of the Eiffel Tower.

There's, like, eight of us
with matching Paris shirts.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

- This is my first time
in Paris.

I'm so excited.

- Jason is a man of few words.

That's one of the first things
I noticed about him

and one of the things that
I was really attracted to.

He's never been
to the most romantic city,

so I feel grateful that
I get to share that with him.

But I also hope today
he could try in his own way

to break out of his shell
a little more.

- We need hats.
- Bonjour.

- Hi.

How are you?
- Fine, and you?

- Good.

They're gonna measure our heads.

- Yes.
- I'm so stoked for this.

- Is that big or small?

So you're a small.

- 56 centimeters.
- Oh, my God, I'm flattered.

- Oh.
- You're an extra large.

Exactly, exactly.


- You pick one for me.
- This is a hard decision.


I feel like I need a baguette


- What is this thing?

- Oh, no!
- Okay.

- I don't know about this.
- I think you need a cap.

- Can you fit it
over this thing?

I'm gonna look bald.

- It's more like a hat,
you know,

it's a big beret.
- Oh, no!

Obviously, I didn't wear
the right hairstyle

to look good in a beret.

I look like maybe a bald baby,

that queen from "Snow White."

A chef.

Anything but good.

- Now you look French.

- Perfect.
- Actually, I like this one.

I actually like this one.

- Have you had a crepe yet?
- No, this looks so good.

- This is so hard to eat.

This'll look really sexy.

You look really cute.

- Oh.
- Do you want to go make one?

- Definitely.

- Absolutely.

It's cold.
- I got you.

- Oh, thank you.

Press it.

- Press it.

Rachel, you want to go for it?

- Okay.

- Two fingers like this.
- Okay.

- Perfect.
- It's burning.

- Being in Paris
and getting to explore

such a romantic city in the rain

with literally, like,

the most amazing girl
I've ever met,

I mean, I'm just, like,
I'm on cloud nine.

I just... I can't imagine
a better day.

To see her get hurt last week
by people sitting on the fence

or not as sure as me, like,
it's just... like, it sucks.

I hate seeing her sad.

She's the most stunning girl
I've ever

gotten to spend time with.


After you, beautiful.

I don't want her
to ever not be happy.

- Bonjour.

- It's weird,
it's been so long, like,

kind of being like this,
like, with somebody.

- Really?

- Like, this, like,
excited about it, yeah.

- Why?

- 'Cause you're so charming.

- Ooh, I like it.
Tell me more.

- Have you been told
that you're charming?

- No.

- You make
the rainy days in Paris...

- More rainy?
- Sunny, sunny!

You bring sunshine
to rainy days in Paris.

- Oh, oui, oui.
- Cheers.

I was hoping to have
a date with Gabby

away from a big group.

And the fact
that the stars aligned

for Gabby and I
to come to Paris together

and get this date
is everything to me.

That one, this one!

- No, no, it's going so fast!
- Go, go!

- Jason and I just
have fun goofing around

and act like kids together,

which I personally love.

Jason is somebody that I
can kind of feel their warmth

and we don't always
have to be talking.

But I do kind of need him

to open up
a little bit more to me

because we don't have
a ton of time

to learn about each other.

And that's what these
one-on-one dates are for.

- This is, like,
the cutest little street.

- Oh, my God, I love
little bookstores like that.

Kissing Tino in the rain,

I feel excited again
after a really hard week.

I see why they call Paris
the city of love.

It does something to you.

I can't explain it.

I really don't want this day
to end at all.

It really feels like
a fairy tale.

- How was your date?

- It was good!
- What'd you guys do?

- We tried on berets.
- Carousel.

Oh, we got hats.
- That was second.

- Did they measure your heads?

- Yes, she's a medium.
- He's an extra large.

I'm a medium.
- Small.

I got, like, a star hat.

- Gabs, do you have to go
to the bathroom?

- Yeah.
- Okay.

- Okay, good. Okay.
- Bye.

- Please move.
- Sorry, sorry.

- Okay.
- Oh, my God.

- Tell me.
- How was it?

No, you go first.

I'm in love.


- What do you...

- It went well, man.

Like, it went really well.

I haven't had that much fun
in a while.

- Yeah.
- Like, she's just fun,

and, like,
effortless to be with.

- Yeah.

- Yeah, I'm feeling good
about it, so.

- Same here.

- Hmm.
- I love that.

- Me too.

It really was, like, magical.

- But that's so good.

- Yeah, it is, but we
didn't get into anything deep.

- Mm-hmm, same.
- We, like, talked about

surface level stuff,

so I'm excited to just,
like, know more about him.

But tell me about you.

- I already liked him so much.
- Yeah.

- We had such
a great connection.

And then today,
it was just so amazing.

- Mm-hmm.
- And I'm so scared.

- Yeah.
- I was not

expecting today to go
as go... like,

Paris is just insane.

It does something to you.

- Yeah, it really does.
- Mm-hmm.

- But it's okay to be scared.

Like, I feel like
he likes you so, so much.

- Tino and I had
such an amazing date.

I think it
was absolutely perfect.

And so now I am feeling
really strong feelings for him,

and I'm not sure
how to handle them.

To feel feelings this strong
this early on,

it's terrifying
because I have been through

so much rejection in the past.

And, like, if Tino does
the same thing to me,

that would be ten times worse.

Of course,
I don't want that to happen.

So tonight,
I'm really looking to see

if we do fit into
each other's lives,

because I want to make sure
that going forward,

every single rose I hand out
is to someone

that I genuinely could see
being my husband.

- Before we jump in,

I know the Rose Ceremony
was hard last week

and didn't go smoothly
by any means.


No, thank you for checking in.

It truly was, like,
the hardest moment

I've had as the Bachelorette.

And... ah, it's, like,
so hard to talk about.

It's like, you stand up there

and you are so vulnerable,

and to have people
just so blatantly

not care about
how it would affect me.

And I think it has to do
with me being, like,

a little insecure, I guess,

because no one really wants
to feel...

- Yeah.
- Like they're rejected.

And obviously,
I've had some, like,

tough relationships in the past.

- I mean, it's... it's never easy,

like, hearing any sort
of news like that.

And I'm sure that was,
you know, uncomfortable

or, you know,
probably a little bit scary.

- Yeah, it was definitely...
It was tough.

But I did kind of want
to talk today about

aligning, like,
on career and family

because it's kind of, like,

a reason my last relationship

- Mm-hmm.
- I had a boyfriend

who just wasn't supportive
of my career,

which is a really big fear
of mine.

I feel like when people
first meet me,

it's, "Oh, you're...
That's so cool."

This is, like, a job
that not a lot of people have.

And then when you get into it

and they start to realize,
like, okay...

At least my last boyfriend,
when things got serious,

he would get,
like, really scared.

Like, he would be like,
"Well, pilots cheat,

"and you will be away.

"And there will be times
where I'll have to

"take care of the kids for,
like, a day that you're gone

and you're not
always gonna be there."

- Right.
- And of course, kind of

reaffirmed what
everyone's always told me,

which is that when you're
a woman in this field...

- Mm-hmm.
- You can't have

the traditional family life.

But I think it can work.

- I totally understand that.

I mean, that is...

It's really tough.

In my industry, a lot of people
get married young

and then, like, the tolls of
long hours and stuff like that.

- Yeah.

- But your passion
for your career is just,

like, it lights me up inside

because like, I need somebody
who has that kind of devotion,

like... but equal to, like,
the relationship working.

And that's what, like,
I want to be for somebody.

- And you do want a family?

- Yeah.

Is that a deal breaker for you?

No, I do.

- That's something that's, like,

really important for me.

- It's kind of what I was hoping

for you to say.
- Yeah.

It does make me really happy.
- I couldn't agree more.

I mean, this was, like,

a conversation I was, like,
really scared of

'cause, like,
I don't... I don't know,

like, I mean,
you could have said,

"Oh, I don't want a family."

And, you know, we just had,
like, an amazing day,

and I would've been like...
- I know.

- Oh, wow, that's a lot, yeah.
- No, I really do.

- So...
- Like, I really want a family,

and I really want
to get married.

Like, I really want both.
- 100%.

I mean, I can't... I can't,
like, promise you

it'll always be easy.
- Mm-hmm.

- But I totally see it
being possible.

Like, I always had parents

that both worked full time

and made sacrifices
and commitments

to me and my little brothers.

I mean, there was so much
partnership when I was

growing up where they always
supported each other.

That's, like,
the only thing I know.

My dad did work the long hours,
but he would get up early

to make us lunches and stuff,

and, like, that... those kind
of little things

really speak on, like,
how I'm programmed

that there's always a way
to make it work.

- Yeah.

- And I mean,
with the right person,

I mean, there's just
no other way around it.

- Yeah, I can... I really
can tell you're serious,

and I really think
I needed today

to get back on track
and truly feel like

this is working for me.

And I really, really do.

I really like you,
and that scares me,

'cause it is really early,
and I want to make sure

that we're on the same page.

- I wouldn't keep
accepting roses from you

if I wasn't, like, willing
to go... go to w*r for it

and didn't see that potential.

- That means a lot.

- Happy to say it.

It's terrifying for me, too, so.

- Yeah, I know.

It's... it's really scary.

I truly did not know

if I could get to this point
last week.

You truly have turned
this around for me,

and this is the easiest rose
I've had to give.

So, Tino...

will you accept this rose?

- Always.

Today has been
absolutely perfect,

and tonight somehow
has even been better,

because this rose means
that she sees a future with me.

And I really do think
I was meant

to find this girl
and make her happy forever.

So it's like falling
in love with Rachel

is coming faster than I could
have ever imagined.

- This is perfect.

- It really is.

- Paris with Tino was definitely

the restart that I needed.

I had high hopes for our date,

but all my expectations
were exceeded.

He's just so amazing.

I think I'm definitely going
to fall in love with Tino.

- What do you guys think
of the ship?

- I like this.


- We got our own bar here,
we got our own

bachelor pad down here, kind of.

- Yeah, yeah.

Kind of like a little clubhouse.

- Yeah, we have our own...
- Rachel clubhouse.

- Balcony over there.

We can kind of go outside
if we want.

- Yeah.

- The reality is, like,

now it actually starts.

- Yeah.
Definitely a new chapter.

- And now there's nine of us.
- Nine of us.

We all get to be intentional
with Gabby.

- The date card.

- I got it.

It's really interesting
to see this group

compared to Rachel's because

I think we are significantly
more competitive.

I don't know how the group
dates are gonna work,

but I think it's gonna
get intense very quickly

because we're all
laser-focused on Gabby.








And Johnny.

"Love conquers all,
but not without a fight.

Love, Gabby."
- Oh!

- Oh!

- Big fight.
- Something competitive.

- Not without a fight.

- We're fighting
for Gabby's love.

- Yeah.
- I mean,

I'ma bring it, I guess,

whatever we're doing, but...

- Let's see some blood.
- Yeah.

- We're probably gonna get
down and dirty tomorrow,

but all I know is Gabby is
absolutely worth fighting for.

- Did you have a good break?

- Yeah, I took two showers.

- These European showers

are sometimes hard
to figure out.

They always stop at 38 Celsius.

And I'm like, hotter!

- I think Jason and I
are more alike

than what we seem,

which is why
I am so drawn to him.

There's something about him

that makes me feel
really at ease.

Oh, thank you.

Going into tonight,
I'm just hoping

that we find some solid ground

to bond us together
to help me decide,

are we as compatible
as I hope we are?


am, like...

I feel like
you're pretty reserved.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

- Yeah, no, I was... yeah,
it's like, really...

Like, I'm typically
a pretty private guy.

- Yeah.
- And it's hard for me

to open up unless I'm in, like,
a comfortable situation.

- Yeah.
- And this is, like, completely

out of my comfort zone.
- Yeah, yeah.

- Like, like,
to be honest, like,

I got here
and was seriously overwhelmed.

- Yeah, I bet.
- And I didn't realize

how crazy that house
would be and, like,

I didn't eat for... or sleep
for, like, three days.

- Oh, totally, yeah.

- And then I was like,

I can't do this.

- Yeah.
- And, yeah, it was like,

I almost had, like,
a breakdown... or I did.

Oh, you're telling me, yeah.

- And, um, yeah.

And I think I'm,
like, a highly sensitive,

like, person in terms
of energy because like...

- Yeah.
- Um...

I feel like growing up,
I was always, like...

Like as a kid, I would look
at my friends and, like...

I don't know, I just always
felt like I wasn't

good enough, in a way.

It was just kind of hard.
- Yeah.

- And then I would try
to prove myself

with, like, tennis and, like,
try to win and stuff.

- Yeah.
- And then I started

to hate tennis and then I quit.

- Yeah.
- So that kind of, like,

I think is why it takes me,
like, a little bit more

to open up to people.
- Of course.

- 'Cause, like,
I think I, you know,

took ev...
Took everything personally

and just, like, kept it
inside of me because of that.

Years and years of that.

- Totally.

- And now as, like, an adult,

through therapy,
I've, like, figured out

to, like, speak up
for what I want.

- Yeah.
- And, like,

it's like, helped
with everything

in my life from, like, work,
friends, and relationships.

Every aspect of my life.
- Oh, that's amazing.

- Like, I have my power again.

- Yeah.
- And feel... and, like,

it's something, like, as a kid

that I wish I knew
and, like, wish I had, and...

- Yeah, but...
- I don't even know

if I'm making sense.
- No, you are, and I...

- I'm in this environment,
I'm like,

what do I even say?
- No, you really are.

And I think, like, I have, like,

a little bit
of a similar experience.

My, like, mom and I
are estranged.

She didn't have the capacity

to kind of, like,
love me as a kid.

And she was, like,
really quick to take away love.

Like, oh, you know,
if you don't do this and that,

like, you'll have to go
live with your dad.

And it's like, I don't
ever want to lose my mom.

Like, that was so scary for me.

And then when I left
for college,

she, like,
washed her hands of me

and didn't want anything
to do with me.

- I'm sorry to hear that.
- It's okay.

But through a ton of therapy,

I've kind of had to learn

how... really how to allow
people to love me,

because I never had an example
of receiving it as a child.

And, like, I think
the hardest part

is, like, I, like,
love her, like, so much.

But, you know,
you can't always...

Like, she just can't
be in my life.

She just doesn't have
the tools to love me back.

- Damn, I'm sorry.
- It's okay.

It's honestly, like, I've had,
like, so much anxiety from it,

but from that, I've built,
like, a ton of humor,

and I think I have a lot
of grace for other people.

- Mm-hmm.
- But it's really hard

with dating, and I have, like,

a lot of fears, honestly.

- Have you ever heard
of, like, inner child work?

- Yeah, like,
to reparent yourself and stuff.

- Yeah, exactly.
- Mm-hmm, yeah.

- It's changed my life.

- It's really rare to meet a man

who appreciates therapy.
- Yeah, I know.

- Because I feel like
you understand.

So, like, when Hayden was like,

"You're rough around the edges,"

I was like, to you, yeah, I am.

- Because...
- Yeah.

You're a ass bitch.

But, like,

that is what
I was terrified of hearing.

Like, something about me
is wrong,

and I am too rough and tough.

- Yeah, and, like,
he doesn't deserve

for you to open up to him.

Like, those are his issues...
- Yeah.

- He's projecting onto you.

- Yeah, absolutely.

Honestly, I knew there
was something about you,

and that was, like,
my intuition, I think.

And I'm really glad,
like, I listened to it,

and I feel like this is, like,
all the validation I need.

- Yeah, I'm...

I'm glad you listened to it.


- 'Cause I had good intuition
about you too.

Like, sometimes you just
have to trust even though...

- Yeah, yeah.

- It's hard.
- It is so hard.

- Yeah.
- But this is, like, so good.

- Yeah, I agree.

- Tonight, Jason tells me that

he has been in therapy
to just help him through

some things that he's
been through in his life.

It feels really good
to know that he is

kind of on the same,
like, life path as me.

Do you want to go outside?

I'd love to go outside.

- I see a lot of myself
in Jason.

A lot of things
that I didn't know

I would ever see
in somebody else.

I feel really grateful
that it was you today.

I don't just, like,
want to give you a rose.

I want to give you that belief
that this could go somewhere.

So, Jason,
will you accept this rose?

- Of course, I would love
to accept this rose.

- This was just what I needed
to keep moving forward.

It's, like, I never thought

I would be able or deserving
to find someone.

And, like, now it's
right in front of my face.

It is, like,
such a beautiful moment.

Like, I never thought
this day would come.

I just can't believe
I'm so lucky.

- One, two.

- Oh, we definitely
throwing hands.

- Oh.
- Oh, my goodness.

- Oh.

- This is my first
group date alone

where they're all my boyfriends.

I'm just excited
to spend time with them

and have this new experience
with them.

They chose me.

Hi, everyone.

- Hi.
- How are you?

- I see Gabby atop
this boxing ring,

and she's, like, throwing
some kicks and punches.

And I'm just like, oh, my God.

One, she's beautiful.

Two, definitely makes it
worth the wait.

- Today,
we're actually going to be

practicing the art
of French boxing, or savate.

I brought two friends in
to help.

Haifa and her husband, Kareem.

- Gabby is looking for someone

who's willing to fight
for her love.

You will be competing,
one against another.

- Oh, God.
- Head to head

in a boxing match.

We will ask you
to share with her

why you are
the perfect match for her.

- All right.

- Gabby?

- I've decided that tonight,

there will be
a special dinner with me

and just one other person.

And there will be
a rose as well.

- All right.

- Breaking the g*ns out
today, baby.

I think it's time to finally
get that one-on-one time.

Gabby, this is for you.

- Allez, go, go, go!

- Punch, punch, punch, punch!

- Two!


- Oh, it's burning!

- 20 seconds, don't give up.

- The last time
I talked to Gabby

was the second Rose Ceremony,
which was...

Like, it's been a long time.

- Jump!
- I don't... I have absolutely

no clue where I stand.

I need to go as hard
as I possibly can.

I want her to see
how serious I am

and hopefully get
that one-on-one.

- Pom, pom, pom, stay up.

- Oh, god, no.

- Pom, pom, pom.

- I'm trying
to stand out for Gabby.

I'm a competitor,
so hopefully she notices today.

Only one person is gonna get
that time with her tonight.

I know guys are gonna be
putting in 100%.

- I think it's much better

that you can focus on, like,
a select group of guys

instead of trying
to go through people

who are, like, wishy-washy,
which isn't fair to you.

- Yeah, Totally.
No, thank you.

I didn't, like,
want to be too dramatic,

but Rachel and I have just
been going through

so much last week, but...
- Yeah.

- But I'm excited
to kind of explore.

- Same.
- I think it'll be fun.

- Me too. I miss you.

- I think I'm worth
fighting for,

and I'm seeing men fight for me

in their subtle
and different ways,

and it definitely
doesn't go unnoticed.

- It looks like you guys

are tickling each other.
- Oh, I know.

- And I think they are
in it for the long haul.

They're here kind of
for the right reasons,

that they're dedicated.

- I need an oxygen t*nk.

- Right now,
I just feel so hopeful.

My date with Tino
went really well.

He truly has
turned it around for me.

And now I'm so excited
to see my guys.

I haven't seen these guys
in at least a couple days,

so I've got
a little surprise today.

- Whoo! Bring out the boys!

- Bring on the men.

- I'm taking them
on Gabby's date.

- Let's go.
- Let's go.

- It's a chance to have
a little interaction

or a little conversation

before our own group date

- So we do our walkouts,

and they've got people
in the stands.

And then there's all
Rachel's guys down there too.

- Whoo!

- And Rachel's there,
like, oh, my God,

this is, like, ridiculous.


- Let's get it on!

- Whoo!
- Whoo!

- It's good to see you guys.

- Hey.
- Miss you guys.

- Good to see you.

- My boys are being so aggro.

Not one of them looked at me.

Look at them.

Look at the eyelines.

Someone look at me.

One of you look at me.

I'm trying... I'm literally
trying to look at them.

Tino's up,
jumping in the corner.

- No.

- Yes!

- Ladies and gentlemen, please
welcome Nate versus Erich.

- I've had to go a couple days

without this amazing lady.

And there's a few things
that I've realized

that I can't bear to miss

Like the way you cross
your legs when you stand.


- How you look down
when you think pensively.

- And the way you do
this cute little head shake

when you start to talk.

I pay attention to everything.

And that's something
I will continue to do.


- All right, Gabby.

When I love, I love
unconditionally and deeply.

And I don't let
a lot of people in...

- Gabby's guys

are professing
these feelings for her

and giving her
these big speeches.

And the whole time, no one

can make eye contact with me.

As much as Gabby was having
a moment with her guys,

I wanted to have a moment
with mine

or, like, just say something
or make eye contact.

No one looked at me, no one
sat by me, no one did anything.

- Erich working the body.

A lot of body blows.

- I did not think
I would end up here

watching some of my friends
duke it out.

You know,
I am happy to see them.

But also, it's the first time
I've seen Gabby in a while.

It definitely brought up
some old feelings.

I'm worried that I find myself

still kind of looking
to the other side.

- Johnny versus Michael!

Oh, big headshot!

- After the last Rose Ceremony,

watching man after man
reject me...

- Michael!

- I think everyone
should have been

trying so hard
to have a moment with me.

- Quincey and Mario.

- Dude!

- It really just does
feel like a big insecurity

that continues to reveal itself.

The wanting to have someone
who makes you feel

like you're the only person here

and that they're
100% invested in you.

- Gabby, if I get down
on one knee for you,

I have to get back up and fight.

And that's
what I'm gonna do today.

- I've been through
so much rejection.

It's really easy to get down
on yourself and feel unwanted.

- Gabby,
I would love to laugh together

for a lifetime with you.

- No one cares.


- Today just made it that much

more apparent to me that I just
have no idea where anyone is.

- Tonight, I'm awarding
this big fat belt...

- I'm by myself
as Gabby's up there.

Feels like
no one's trying at all.

- To Spencer.

- I'm having too many
of these moments.

It's like, how much more
can I take?

No one cares.

- Wow.
- Hey!

- I'm proud of you.

- You did good out there,
you did good out there.

- My boy.
- Appreciate you.

- I'm so done.

- I really appreciate you,

like, choosing,
like, me to come.

- You tried really hard,

and that's what matters.
- Thank you.

That is what matters.
- That's why you're here.

Tonight, I'm spending
the evening with Spencer.

He's tall, dark, and handsome.

And he's been in the military.

Coming from a military family,
I find that pretty attractive.

- I really enjoyed,
like, my... my service.

- Mm-hmm.
- I don't... I think...

Did your dad, right?
- Mm-hmm.

- There's a lot of things
people can do to better,

you know, the world around them.

And that was just
kind of my path.

You know,
I felt kind of indebted to...

- Wow, not a lot of people
feel like that.

That's really special.

- I appreciate you saying that.

- Growing up
in a military family,

I feel like
it really is special.

- Yeah.

- After the group date,

I feel kind of just rejuvenated.

I feel like I'm truly building

these really strong connections.

- Right now, I feel
so disappointed and hurt.

Today was Gabby's date and it
was all about her and her guys.

But my guys
were totally ignoring me.

They were in their own world
with their own friends.

- Spencer came out hot.

Two big punches,

and then Kirk just... was just
like, what is going on?

- And after that last
Rose Ceremony,

like, it really is
tough because I just

genuinely feel like
no one's here for me.

- Yeah, it just feels
li... it feels like a lifetime

since we've actually had

some real time with her.
- Yeah.

- Last time we saw her
was what, in LA?

- The Rose Ceremony.

- Yeah.
- In LA.

- We saw her tonight, didn't we?

- Oh, well, not tonight,
before that.

Before tonight.

- At this point,
I want to feel chosen.

I'm not here to beg these guys
to act like they want me.

- I think walking into the room
after last Rose Ceremony,

I kind of felt
kind of elated in a sense.

- Yeah.
- I felt having been chosen,

which I feel really,
really lucky.

And that means a lot.

- I'm just so over
feeling like this.

It's, like...

I don't know why
I feel more insecure,

more desperate on the side
of being the Bachelorette

than I did on the side
of being a contestant

on Clayton's season.

Truly, he made me feel
more wanted

than these guys make me feel.

- You know, seeing the rest
of the guys was really cool.

- Yeah.
- Looking forward to tomorrow

and kind of compete and get in
after with you guys.

- I hope
it's something competitive

like the other guys did.

- Truly, it hurts your feelings

'cause you're supposed to be
the only thing they care about.

I feel like Gabby's guys get it.

This is such a roller coaster.

Like, every day, it's like

a really good day
or a really bad day.

And I don't know how
I'm supposed to fall in love

when I'm having mostly bad days.

I don't feel like I deserve
to be the Bachelorette.

- We've all been
in the doghouse,

a Rose Ceremony not
going great, you know.

We're in a new country,

a new chance for everyone,

So I'm excited.
- It is, and that's a good...

That's a great way
to look at it.

- Oh.
- Wow.

- Oh.

- Whoa.

- As you guys can see,
I'm pretty upset.

I think I went through a lot
at the last Rose Ceremony

and I was really looking forward

to the next time I saw you guys.

You did accept my rose,
you did tell me

you want to be here,
and I do want you all here.

But you really made me feel
hurt and unseen.

I want you guys to want
to be here for me,

and I didn't feel that tonight
at all.

I felt like I was trying so hard

to just make eye contact
with someone

and no one was looking at me,
no one came over.

And every single moment
you get...

We don't get that many.

So any chance you get
just to have a little moment

could have meant
a lot to me tonight.

I feel like my feelings
are just extremely hurt

and it's hard for me
to sleep on it tonight

and go in tomorrow and pretend
like this didn't happen

because I was upstairs
crying about it.

I just genuinely do want
to have these moments with you

and I haven't seen
a lot of you guys in a while.

And it's good
to have you guys here,

but it's just hard for me,

especially after kind of
what I went through.

At the end of the day,
this is what we're here for.

So I want to, like,
remind you guys,

because it did hurt my feelings.

The shock on their faces.

No one even knew
what I was coming from.

No one knew.

- There was definitely
an opportunity.

Yeah, I think we that one up.

- I'm just so over this.

I'm so done,
and I hate every single day

having to get to the point
of wanting to leave.

- Tomorrow's a huge day now.

Even bigger than it was before.

- Today, we are going
on a group date with Rachel.

Last night,
Rachel was very, very upset.

Seeing her that disappointed

and sad last night, I mean,
that just was a gut punch.

- Hi, guys.

- Get in there, dude.
- Absolutely gorgeous, really.

- Thank you.

- It's not a good feeling

seeing the person
that you're dating

with tears in her eyes,

feeling like she wasn't noticed.

It was a poor reflection
on everybody,

and I take full fault for that.

You got to be better.

- In LA, I gave
each one of you a rose

to come on this journey with me,

and I just really want
to feel chosen back.

And I didn't yesterday,

and it was tough for me today
to show up.

And I really want
to move forward

and I want to get past this.

And I really hope that today,
you guys can prove

that you do choose me
and you do want to be here.

So you guys want to head inside?

- Yes.
- Absolutely.

- All right, let's go.

- After seeing Gabby
at the fight,

it put a different context
on today's group date.

I need to find complete clarity

that Rachel and I have
that kind of

lightning bolt connection
that can stick.

- Oh, my goodness.

- There's this French couple.

They just kept making out.

We just stood there
and were like,

"Do they know we're here?"

Have no idea what we're doing.

So this will be fun
and interesting.


- We didn't see you there.

- Bonjour.


- Bienvenue.

- So, guys, these are my
two friends, Flora and Boris.

And they are experts
in all things romance.

- Gentlemen,
the French are the most

romantic people in the world,

and today, we get to experience

the art of romance.

- We're gonna take you
through a series of tasks.

- And everything
is for seducing Rachel.

Don't forget.

- Today's date is all about

the art of romance
and pursuing your partner.

- Take a seat.

- And I think today
will put these men

to the test, French-style.

- Flirting is
an very important step

in any romantic relationship.

- So let's get started.

- I'm up? All right.

- Thank you.

- The first task we have to do

is to flirt with Rachel.

I want to make this
just as perfect as I can.

- Oh!

- Sorry.
- What are we doing?

- We're gonna dance.
- Okay.

But is this how you
approach people at a bar?

- Uh...

- Is this how
you flirt with them?

I hope not.

- Okay.
- Eh...

- What do you guys think
about this?

- What is that?

- I... you guys can stop me...
- Is he choking me?

- Oh, am I choking?

Oh, this is bad.

We flirted.

Not well, but it happened.

- Ooh.

- A lot of guys were
kind of grabbing Rachel

and dancing and holding her.

- Oh!
- I don't know.

I don't think
Rachel was that into it.

A little awkward.

- Peter?

- Oh, okay.

You're only in France once,

showing off
your flirtatious abilities,

so you gotta go all out.

- What?
- Oh.

- Ethan's crawling up to her.

He's giving a lot of energy,

a little sex panther
kind of look going on.

- Even though I made
a total fool of myself,

just seeing her smile and laugh,

it made me feel really good.

- The second test is one by one,

we have to put on a show
French kissing our own fists.

- Oh, there we go.

- Tongue, lips, teeth.

There was noises.

It was disgusting.

Oh, okay.

- So the next task
was the armpit smelling.

And what the actual hell
was that?

- There you go.

I don't know.

- No, no, don't... don't do that.

Oh, come on.

- Rachel almost fainted.

That's none of my business
what he's got brewing

in that armpit stew.

- Okay.

It's a little different,
but good...

I feel like.

- Definitely didn't expect to
be doing that ever in my life.

You just got to embrace it.

And I think everyone's
pretty much on the same page.

Just trying to make this day
as special as possible,

make her feel
as special as possible.

- Next one is you will write
a love letter to Rachel.

Writing love notes is the most
romantic gesture you can do.

- "At the end of all this,
I hope I'm your guy.

I just love how we both grew up
watching planes fly."

- "I want to be someone
you can count on,

"someone you can trust,

and most importantly,
someone you can love."

- You guys,
you make me feel so special.

I came into today
feeling super low

and having a really rough night.

But these guys really did
turn it all around.

- "Our adventure's coming.

"There's no need to rush.

From Logan with love."

- It's really showing me
how much they care.

I could tell that they
want to change

and they want me to feel better.

- Last night, I wrote something

and I was hoping I would
get an opportunity today.

"I'd wake up happy at
just the thought of her smile.

"My plans for the day,
making sure

"she always knew
I'd go that extra mile.

"I finally felt like I had
a purpose in this world...

and I'd do whatever I could
for this girl."

"Though I may
get hurt once again,

"it's worth every second
to feel again.

Mi amour."

- So sweet.

Right now,
I feel noticed and supported

and uplifted
by all of these guys.

And I feel wanted.

It just is such
an incredible feeling.

Thank you all, I can tell
you guys seriously put

so much effort into it

and that's all I asked for

So from the bottom of my heart,
thank you.

I do have a dinner tonight,

and there is going
to be a rose there,

and the decision
is so difficult.

I'm gonna take
a little bit of time

to decide who I want
to take on the date tonight.

- It would really mean the world

if I got that one-on-one.

There's a lot more I want to say

and, you know, a lot more
I want to know about her.

- I'm a bit torn at the moment.

I've gotten to know Rachel
as this wonderful person,

but I didn't feel a strong
spark and connection.

And I walk away
from the group date

thinking about Gabby.

- Today was really crazy,

because I started off
really emotional,

but the guys really did
step it up

and I got to make
a tough decision tonight,

which was
to bring someone over...

And to have some one-on-one
time with them.

- Oh, my gosh.
- Hello!

- Hello, how are you?
- Welcome.

- You look absolutely gorgeous.

- I truly think having
Tyler over tonight

is the best decision.

He really stood out to me today.


That was perfect.
- That was good, right?

- I'm just really excited
to get to know him

because I feel like
something could be there.

I'm happy you're here.

- I am more than happy I'm here.

- I think today,
you were extremely vulnerable.

Everything you did
truly touched me,

especially down to the poem

and the fact that you just
had it in your pocket!

- I know, I know.

I just... I just had a lot
of feelings from last night,

and I wasn't sure
if I was gonna get a chance

to read it today.

But I was really glad
I got the opportunity.

- Well, me too.

Cheers to you.
- Cheers to you,

are you kidding me?
- And to France.

- And to France, absolutely.

- But kind of like you said...

- Mm-hmm?
- I am very curious

to hear more.

- With the poem.
- Mm-hmm.

I wanted to know more about it.

- Yeah, no, absolutely.

In the beginning,
you know, kind of, like,

talking about a past
relationship that I had.

- Mm-hmm.
- It was deeper than,

you know, anything I've
ever experienced before.

I... I was ready to commit fully.

I bought a house for us.

- Wow.
- Mm-hmm.

And out of nowhere,

kind of, she just said
she couldn't do it.

Said that, you know, she...

She couldn't be with me anymore.

That, you know, she was
going through her own stuff.

- That must
have been really hard.

- Yeah, it was tough.

But the thing was
that I took from it,

I knew the pain that I went
through and it hurts like hell.

But the love,
that unconditional love

that I was able to feel,

was the best feeling
in the world.

And I want to give that
to the right person, you know?

- Mm-hmm.
- I'm not scared

of getting hurt again
because, like I said,

that feeling is ten times
better than the pain.

- Yeah.
- And it's worth every second.

- I feel like I see
so much of myself in you.

- Yeah.
- Like, you seem like

you're just so willing
to just love and be hurt

because love to you
is just the ultimate thing.

- Yes.
- And that's exactly how I am.

And I haven't met
many people like me.

- Neither have I.
- Not even saying that, like,

I'm special, but I just
feel like getting hurt

is so worth it to feel love.
- Yeah, absolutely.

It's the best feeling
in the world.

- Mm-hmm.
- It's what I want

at the end of the day.

I want the unconditional love.

- Me too.
- And, like, the hardest part

was trying to find somebody

who can love as hard as you can.

- Mm-hmm.
- And it seems like you

really, really love hard.
- Mm-hmm.

- And that's when I was just,
like, oh, my gosh,

I would do anything
to meet this girl, you know,

to have a conversation
with her, at least.

Like, I came here for you.

And you know that.

So prime example, like,

when I knew how passionate
you were about

being, like, a pilot.
- Mm-hmm.

- And if I had to take care
of the house,

I'd be doing the cooking
and the cleaning,

whatever I had to do
just for my wifey.

- So you're okay with that?

- Absolutely, yeah.
- Okay.

- 100% okay with that.
- Yeah.

- So...

- You're saying
all the right things.

- That's what I want in life.

I want to be somebody's rock,
you know?

- I love that.
- Yeah.

- And I want you to know
that when you walk into a room,

you're the only person I see.

So, yeah.

- I am so excited about Tyler.

He is so unafraid of love.

He truly did make me realize
that this was working for me.

I think that fear
is definitely behind me.

It's such a good feeling.

- So what's on your mind?

- Every time I'm in the same
room as Gabby and Rachel,

I realize
my feelings toward Gabby.

At the first group date,

we had a great connection.

It was like fireworks at first.

- Mm-hmm.
- But after that night,

I never got to talk
to Gabby again.

But then Rachel gave me a rose.

- These roses are extremely,
extremely important to me.

It truly means that I do
see a connection.

- Yes?

- Will you accept this rose?

- Absolutely,
I will accept that rose.

- You accepted
the rose from Rachel

at the last Rose Ceremony,
knowing that you were

then expected to date her
and only her.

- I've loved
getting to know her,

but I... I don't see
how I can move forward

without bringing it up
in some way.

- What do you think
she's gonna say?

She had a lot of guys
reject her rose.

- I'm terrified to think
that I could be someone who

could add to the laundry list
of disappointments.

I'm more excited,

are you kidding me?

All right,
so I'll make a cheers.

- Okay.
- All right?

- I mean,
do you think it's real?

I mean, do you see a future

with you and Gabby?

- I need to know first if she
felt what I felt that night.

There was a lot of unanswered
questions and feelings there.

- Yeah.

- I need to talk to Gabby.

- Hi!

- I missed you.

It's been kind of a tough week,

but also one of
the best weeks I've had

where these guys
were really able

to let me know
they're here for me.

Ad I feel really, really good.

I'm so excited for tonight.

- Coming into tonight
with no rose

gives me encouragement to kind
of get that one-on-one time

and see if we can build
this connection.

- For me,
this one is all about honesty.

It's time for me to come forward

with some honest truths.

So looking forward to that part.

Tonight at the Cocktail Party,

I'm going to have
a conversation with Gabby

and express my feelings for her.

I want to know if Gabby feels
the same thing I feel.

No matter how wonderful
Rachel truly is,

the heart wants what it wants.

- Here you go, ladies.

Thank you.

- Hi, guys.

I'm really happy to be here

with you all today in France,
finally all together.

And a lot of you really
stepped up this week.

I had a little bit
of a rocky start,

but I appreciate
all of you guys.

As hard as it has been
to be away from Gabby,

I feel as if we finally
are on our own journeys.

- It's been crazy
without Rachel.

I think we miss each other
every day,

but I think we're finding
our footing.

I feel like connections
have been flourishing

at, like, rapid speed.

It's honestly been insane,

but I'm incredibly grateful
for all of you guys here.

So cheers
to a great end to the week.


- Well, shall we?

At the group date this week,
Nate really had

a sweet sentiment
before his match with Erich.

How are you?
- Oh, I'm doing good.

He's so mature
in so many ways and just

isn't afraid to make me
feel special.

Knowing that he notices
the little things

makes me feel so, so good.

- So how...
- I know.

- How have things been for you?

- They've been good.
- Really?

- Yeah, this... this week

was actually pretty good.

- Okay.
- And I wanted to say

thank you so much.

What you said in the boxing ring

was so sweet.
- Really?

- Yeah, like, I always feel like

I'm being seen by you,
which is so nice.

- I appreciate that.

I was so nervous going in.

Like, I'm not really, like,
the most eloquent with words,

but I do care about you
and you are important to me.

- It was so nice.
- Yeah.

- So I wanted to share something

that's very important to me...

- Yeah.
- With you.

So this is Rambo.

And, um...
- Oh, my goodness.

Oh, my gosh.

- I want to show you
a few pictures of him.

Oh, my gosh!

- Yeah.
- Oh, my God, look at that one.

- The other day
when we had the group date,

I didn't get any one-on-one
time with Rachel,

and I didn't
get the group date rose.

It makes me
a little bit nervous,

especially going
into a Rose Ceremony.

- You look so happy there.

- I'm telling you,
he's... he is one of the most

important things in my life.

- Yeah.
- My main goal now

is to get
that rose tonight from Rachel.

And I have something
to share with her,

something that will take
our relationship

to another level.

So this is kind of where, like,

it starts hitting

a little bit differently now.
- Yeah.

- About eight months ago...
- Yeah.

- He, um, got diagnosed

with a brain tumor.
- Mm.

- And, you know,
it happened within 48 hours.

- Mm-hmm.
- I mean, it was just...

I mean,
his entire head caved in.

- Oh, my gosh, I'm sorry.
- And, you know,

the doctor kind of
said... he goes,

if you do the radiation...

"if you don't do it, he can
have four to six months left.

And if you do it, you know,
he could have a year."

- Oh, my... so, he only... so
you think he only has a year?

- He... at this point, probably
only has a couple months.

- Oh, my gosh.

I'm so sorry.
- And... and I'm obviously

telling you this because
I want you to understand

that, you know,
I wouldn't be here

if my intentions weren't to try

to obviously further
our relationship, right?

- I definitely can tell
how much he means to you.

And I do appreciate the fact

that you're sharing this
with me.

I know how much
it probably takes

for you to be away from him.

I definitely feel for Hayden.

It's genuinely sad
how much he does love his dog

and how hard it is
for him to be away.

- This is his cancer duck
that went through,

obviously, all the radiation
appointments with him.

- Oh, my gosh.
- Obviously, I can't

carry that around,
but what I do carry around

is one of his duck paws.

- Oh, my goodness,
that's so sweet.

- Well.
- Oh, my gosh.

- Yes, so...

- I can't imagine how much
this means to you.

- When you all have a moment,

I would love some time
with Rachel.

- Yeah, of course.
- Are you doing all right?

- Yeah, yeah.

- Thank you so much...
- Appreciate it.

- For sharing this with me.
- Of course.

- I appreciate it.
- Thanks, Rachel.

- So good talking to you.

- It's very tough to see
Rachel's response to that.

What I would have expected

from Rachel is to, you know,
give me a minute,

let me finish this conversation.

Not get up
quicker than she sat down.

It's very difficult
for me to feel okay

walking out of that conversation

and feel comfortable saying
that's the person for me.

- Hearing this from Hayden,

you know, Hayden's got
a history of saying,

you know, mean,
hurtful things behind her back.

It's just unacceptable.

- My dumb ass uses
the same verbiage

that Gabby uses
to describe herself,

and she didn't like that.

Well, bitch,
maybe you shouldn't use

that word
to describe yourself, then.

- Oh, my God.

- I've been comparing, right?

I've been comparing my ex

to, like... like, this,

They don't hold a candle to her.

Man, and I don't want
to just settle.

- Rachel gave me
a second chance.

You know,
she's very honest with me,

and, you know, I want to be
as honest with her as possible.

Do you want to sit down?
- Yeah.

You know, Rachel needs...

Needs to know that.

How you doing?

- I'm great.
- How's your night been?

- No, it's so good.

I'm so happy to see you

- I'm so happy to see you too.

- You finally are
out of the doghouse.

- Thank you.

- But...

- On a serious note...
- Okay.

- There is something
I need to tell you.

- Mm-hmm.

- I do really like you a lot.

You know, I respect you.

You're very honest with me,

and I want to be
very honest to you.

There was a conversation
that I had with Hayden...

at the mansion,
and it was pretty unpleasant.

It was after the Rose Ceremony.
- Hayden?

- Yeah.
- After... in LA?

- In LA.
- Okay.

- He said that you and Gabby

were both overreacting
to what he said.

- Hmm.
- And then

he made a vulgar comparison
about you and his ex.

It was something about breasts.

And he also said that,
"I don't trust these b*tches."

Referring to you and Gabby.

- I really appreciate you

bringing this information to me.

And, yeah,
it's definitely upsetting,

but I think I'm gonna have
a conversation with him,

if you don't mind.

- Mm-hmm.
- Is that okay?

- Yes, absolutely.
- Well, thank you again,

for bringing this to me.

- Yeah.
- I really do trust James.

I don't think
he would be a liar.

I trust his character.

It's just, like,
so disrespectful.

Especially the morning after
I give you a second chance

and then call me a bitch.

- It just hurt because of how
much I sacrificed to be here.

- Yeah.
- He's got a brain tumor.

He could die at any moment.

- Why does she look pissed off?

- I don't know.

- And, you know, to have it

not completely
received that way, I...

- Hayden.

- Do you know why I'm
talking to you right now?

- No, Rachel, I don't.
- You don't know.

- I'm assuming it's about Rambo.

- About the dog?

- I think so.

That's what I would have said.

- Hayden, do you...

- I've spoken to a few people

about how our conversation went.

- Mm-hmm.
- And, um...

you know, to be frank,
I think our conversation

got interrupted with Tino.

- That's what you think
is happening?

- I think so.
- Okay.

I really... I appreciate you
sharing it with me,

but I had some more information
brought to me tonight.

And I'm actually
really upset about it

because I feel after what
was said about Gabby in LA,

I was willing to kind of
move forward this week.

And the next day
you went and said,

"I can't trust these b*tches"?

- That's not what I said.
- I just don't believe you.

- Well, that's fine,
but it's not what I said.

- Okay.

Did you make comments

comparing me to your ex?

My boobs to your ex?

- No.

- You didn't.
- No, no.

I did not say anything...
I did not compare anyone

to you.
- Okay.

This isn't conversations
between us.

- Okay, I'm not talking
about the guys either.

- I'm just, like,
I'm having... oh, my God.

Oh, Hayden, this is just
hard for me because

I feel like it's something...
One thing after another.

- It is very upsetting
that anyone

would even come or say that.

I don't speak like that.
- Okay.

- That's not my character.

- The person
who brought it to me,

I really just don't feel like
would make this much up.

I really feel like I gave you
the chance in LA.

- Yeah.
- I'm giving you

the chance now to own up to it.

- And Rachel, explicitly,
I'm telling you right now,

that's not what I said.
- Okay.

I just really feel like

this is kind of
the end of my rope.

I'm hitting roadblock after
roadblock after roadblock,

and I can't keep doing it.

I can't really
keep dealing with it.

Can I walk you out?

- Yes.
- Okay.

I feel really stupid
for giving Hayden

the benefit of the doubt.

He just lies, and I feel
very taken advantage of

because this last Rose
Ceremony was really difficult.

Only the next day,
call me a bitch

and say you couldn't trust me
after I was trusting him

to bring him into a second week.

At this point,
I'm just extremely ready

for Hayden to get
the out, to be frank.

- Rachel,
I respect you as a woman,

and I just... I heard you.

- Thanks.
- Okay, so...

- Thanks, Hayden.

- She walked him out,
like, it's that simple.

I don't want
to see her upset again.

Like, she was upset
two nights ago with us

for some other stuff.

- He said that...

"I don't trust these b*tches,"

- Hayden didn't say anything
too kind to Rachel.

I don't ever want
to see Rachel hurt,

so... pisses me off.

- I really wanted this to work,

I want Rambo more.

I know right now for a fact that

no one has the amount of love
that I have for Rambo

and that Rambo has for me.

I am blessed that I have Rambo,

who loves me unconditionally.

Rachel, I hope you find
someone that is going

to treat you the way
that Rambo treats me.

I'm ready.

I'm ready to see Rambo.

- I'm just, like, over this.

I'm tired of having to, like,
deal with this

every single time.

It's, like,
I'm tired of having to do this

over and over
and over and over again.

Can we have one day
where someone doesn't act

like a?

I feel like I keep having
great days and then

something will happen.

And I just feel
really exhausted.

It's just so hard because I know

that this is working for Gabby.

I think she has
some amazing guys

who really, really
care about her.

- All I could think about
was you the last three days.

- Mm-hmm.


No matter who it is,
even if it's someone

you're not, like, this is my
husband, it's rejection.

You just want to sit there
and be like,

well, this isn't working for me.

I'm a failure.

It's hard to every
single day be like,

I feel so good,
then I feel so bad.

It's like every single day
is, like, a roller coaster.

I'm having too many
of these moments.

Just, I'm done.

- This night took quite a turn.

I'm at a loss for words.

- Gentlemen.

Tonight, Rachel was given
some information

about some things
that Hayden said

that was really disturbing.

She was really hurt.

We're gonna cancel
the rest of the cocktail party.

See you at the Rose Ceremony.

Good luck, gentlemen.

- There's a lot of people
that didn't get time.

- I didn't.

- You didn't get time?

- No.

Yeah, I definitely
had a couple of things to say.

I'm pretty frustrated.

I want to tell the truth.

I want to be honest
about my feelings with Gabby.

There's no way I can
move forward with Rachel.

I don't know exactly
what I'm gonna do.

Should I keep accepting roses?

Pretending like everything's
cool when it's not?

- Tonight, I made a decision

that Hayden just
isn't here for me.

He's not the man for me.

But thank you so much to those
who continue to trust me.

And I'm really excited
about my connections here.

So thank you, guys.

- Yeah, and same.

Thank you guys as always.

it was such a good week.

I really am deepening
so many connections,

so I just want
to thank you guys, too,

for trusting me on this journey.


Nate, will you accept this rose?

- Yes.

- Hey, what's up, guys?

- Big dog.
- Here it is.

Come here, man.

What's the scene out there?

- Two people are going home.

- Really?
- On both sides, yeah.

Hayden's already gone
for Rachel's side.

It's gonna be a trial.

- Aven.

Aven, will you accept this rose?

- Of course I will.

- Aven!

What's up, fellas?
- I believed in you.

- What's going on, man?
- Tyler didn't believe in you.

I did.

- Erich.

will you accept this rose?

- Yes, of course.

- I'm here for Rachel,
and I think what we have

is something pretty special.

Honestly, like,
when I'm with her,

time stops and, um...

I have incredibly strong
feelings for her.

So getting a rose tonight
would mean the world.

- So you're thinking Zach next?

Who are you thinking?

- Yeah.
- I'm... I'm thinking that too.

- Yeah, for sure Zach.
- Yeah, Zach, for sure.

- No way.

- What's up, dude?
- What's going on?

- Good to see you.

- Johnny.

Will you accept this rose?
- You know I will.

- God, the anticipation.

It's nerve-racking.

- It hasn't been
an easy week for Rachel,

so I have no clue
how she'll react

about my feelings for Gabby.

This could be an argument,
this could be a disaster.

It's gonna be devastating.

The longer I wait,
the more damage will be done.

- Zach.

Zach, will you accept this rose?

- Absolutely.

Thank you very much.

- Michael.

will you accept this rose?

- Yes, I will.

- Who would shock you guys
the most

if they didn't get a rose?

- Logan.
- Logan.

- I think Logan too.
- Yeah.

- It's just interesting that

he didn't get time tonight.

I don't know if he's
trying hard enough.

I feel like we're gonna be
shocked on this one.

- Yeah.
- It's gonna be Logan,

for sure.
- Sheesh.

- Wow.

- Gabby, Rachel, gentlemen.

It's the final rose tonight.
When you both are ready.

- So we got one more rose.
- One more rose.

- Just curious to see who
comes through that door next.

- Why they gotta make it
so stressful?

- Mario.

will you accept this rose?

- I will.

- No one yet.

- So it's... now
it's Logan or Jordan.

- I don't know
who doesn't get it.

- I'm nervous.

Do I keep accepting roses?

I'm on really
dangerous waters here.

Do I say yes?

I'm just at a loss
at this point.

- Logan.

Will you accept this rose?

- Yes.

She gave me a rose,
and I feel like the bad guy.

- Oh, my God.

- And the last one.

- I feel selfish,
but I would be a fool

not to accept a rose...

- Hey!
- Hey!

- If it means I get
to talk with Gabby.

There's still hope,
there's still time.

I'm gonna get it all out there.

- I think that everybody here
has very good intentions.

There's no doubt about that.

- We've got to also
try to avoid, like,

upsetting her for one week,
you know?

- Yeah, like...

- Let's have a good week.
- Let's have a good week.

- Everyone on Rachel's side
is worried.

It hasn't been
an easy week for her.

And now I have the daunting task

of telling Rachel that
I've wanted to pursue Gabby.

- To Bruges, Belgium.

- The air is thick.

People are tense.

I'm just terrified.

- There's our girl.
- Hey, guys!

I think a celebration
is in order.

- There's a chance
that this isn't

received at all well.

This could be a disaster.

Could totally
blow up in my face.

Like, blaze of glory.

But you know what?

Fortune favors the bold.

- Next week
on "The Bachelorette"...

Cheers to Bruges.

I feel like I'm riding a high
being here in Bruges, Belgium.

Do you like it?

I am just so excited
to see where things go.

- Every moment
I spend with Rachel,

the connection is just there.

- I love that feeling
of seeing you smile.

- At the end of the day,
when we look at each other,

we just know that we want
to be together.

- You make all of this so easy.

- I feel so happy.

- I care about Rachel,
but I can't

put my initial feelings
for Gabby aside.

This is humiliating.

- Yeah.
- Humiliating.


- What is going on?

- Is Logan coming in?

- That's just a huge wild card.

- Is Gabby questioning her

connections with the rest of us?

- That's like what's kind of

going through my head.
- Yeah.

- You know,
actions carry consequences,

and this really affected Rachel.

- It's gonna cause a stir.

I quit.

I don't want to do this anymore.

- Okay, now, this one.

Champagne, over the top.

- Down.
- Because it will be

your champagne.

- Oh!

- What?
- We're gonna stomp grapes.

- Yes.

Oh, stop.

- Oh, no!

- Oh, God.
- It feels so good.

- Is this how
you make champagne?

Because I don't want this
kind with dirty feet.

- You're drinking it.

- Jason, try harder.

- Honestly, dream come true.

- This is.

- How do we call this champagne?

- Feet.


- My glass is...
- Do we drink it?

- Yeah.

- Oh!

You just drank foot wine.

- Mmm, that's good.

That tastes like your feet.

- Mm-hmm.