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19x01 - Week 1: Season Premiere

Posted: 04/16/24 17:27
by bunniefuu
[dramatic music]

[all cheering]

- I still can't believe
that I'm the Bachelorette,

Rachel's the Bachelorette,

we get this
amazing experience together

to truly find love.

[all cheering]

- [screaming]

- There's really no rule book
for this,

so we're just going with it.

But I have absolutely no doubt

our future husbands are here.

If you could kiss one of us,
which one would it be?

- Both?
- Absolutely.

- Good answer.


- I'm having so much fun

getting to know the guys.

- So what do you think?

- Yeah, he's a piece of [bleep].

[both laugh]

- Oh!

Love is in the air,

and I'm so excited

to see where things go
from here.

- I'm so crazy about you,

and I don't want a future
without you.

- I'm so happy right now.

- What's up, Gabby?
What's up, Rachel?

What's up, Gabby?
What's up, Rachel?

- Meatball, will you accept
this rose?

- I'm sorry. I cannot.

I'm here for Gabby.

- Meatball [bleep] rejected
my rose.

Like, this is the most
embarrassing thing in my life.

- No one's really ready
to pick a lane and stay in it.

- Having two Bachelorettes
has provided struggle,

and I think it's all coming
to a head.

- I do have my intentions
solely for Rachel.

- It's just, like, validating
all my fears.

- Things have obviously taken
a turn.

What do you wanna do?

- I need to tell her
this full truth.

- [sobbing]

You change your mind?

Why am I even doing this?

Life is so hard.

I'm so done.

It's just so crazy

that this is, like,
the way it ends.

[dramatic music]

- [sobbing]

- It's the most shocking season

of "The Bachelorette" yet,

and it starts right now.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

Hi, I'm Jesse Palmer,

and welcome to this
extraordinary season

of "The Bachelorette."

What makes it so extraordinary?

Well, for the first time
in Bachelor history,

we're gonna have not one,

but two Bachelorettes,

both looking for love

and both hoping
for a romantic proposal.

And let me just tell you,
it's going to be a wild ride

all the way to the end.

Rachel Recchia
is a flight instructor

who's not afraid to put
her heart on the line.

Gabby Windey is an ICU nurse
with a sense of humor

that's had
all of America laughing.

And personally, I am so thrilled

that these two amazing women

will get a second chance
to find love

right here on this show.

So two women dating
one group of men.

How's that gonna work?

Which woman gets to date
which guy?

Who chooses?

And then what happens
if both women

fall in love with the same man?

Honestly, I'm not really sure.

But I am confident that Gabby
and Rachel can figure it out.

The most important thing
is that the women come in here

with a plan of their own,

and then they support each other

on this unusual quest
to find love.

Rachel and Gabby are
on their way here right now,

but before they arrive,
let's take a quick look

at these two most
deserving women.

[cheers and applause]

- You deserve this.

You deserve this.
- No, you do.

Oh, my God.


I'm the Bachelorette!

One of two.

- [laughing] Insane.

Like, am I being pranked?

We're the Bachelorette!
- [laughing]

- Oh, my gosh, together.

- Double the trouble.
- Double the...

I just feel so lucky.
I feel so lucky.

Oh, my God.

Gabby, how is this happening?

I'm so thankful and so happy,

because we are gonna find love.

- [laughing]
- Hi!

- Gals!

- I couldn't be more excited.

Just seeing my family,

knowing that I have
such support,

is more than I feel like
I could ever ask for.

- You're gonna do fine,

- I love you.
- I love you, too, sweetheart.

- I can't believe
I get the opportunity

to find love.

I'm ready. I'm ready.

[all cheering]

- [laughing] This is crazy!

Me and Gabby are
the Bachelorettes!

- We love you guys!

- We're both
so deserving of love,

especially after everything
we went through.


It was just
really heartbreaking.

Clayton broke up
with us together

because he was scared
to let us go

when he knew it was over.

I've never felt pain
like this before.


- He told me he was
falling in love with me

and he told Rachel.

[somber music]

What we went through
with Clayton,

it was t*rture.

And we were strung along.

- I didn't want you to leave.

- But now you do.

So what the [bleep]
is the difference?

Except that one time,
it was gonna be my decision,

which you didn't want it to be,

and now it's your decision,
so it's easier.

- No.
- Yes, it is.

- I tried so hard.

I gave you everything,

I fought for this
every single day,

and you never once
fought for me.

You never did.

I was really heartbroken,

but Gabby and I really picked
up the pieces for each other,

and I'm so ready to start
this new chapter with her.

- Just got back to Colorado,

and I have to prepare
for "The Bachelorette,"

so I need to pack,
get my [bleep] together,

organize, say goodbye to my dog,

all in a matter of 24 hours,

which seems insane,

but I'm so ready to do it.

[uplifting music]

Come give your mom a kiss.

I love you. I'm gonna miss you.

- As crazy as this all is,

I feel like I'm packed,

I'm ready to go,

get a good night's rest,

get on the plane,

fly to LA, and see Gabby.

♪ ♪

- Being the Bachelorette
hasn't even sunk in yet.

And I don't want it to,

because I think
the second it sinks in,

then I'll take it for granted.

[engine roaring]
Oh, my God.

I think that's her.

It's all starting.

Having Rachel by my side

is truly the best thing that
I ever could have asked for.

It's Rachel!

It's like going out
on a night on the town

with your best friend.


Oh, my God!

- I am so ready
to find love again,

and I'm so excited.

We're the Bachelorette!

- I can't believe it.

[both grunt]

- I don't think there
is a doubt in my mind

that Gabby and I are gonna find
our fiancés.

- Whoo!
- Whoo-hoo!

- Oh, my gosh.

This is where we're
gonna be living,

I can't believe it.

It's like a castle.

Oh, my God.

- Oh, I'm so happy
to be here with you.

It's gonna be so good.

- [gasps] Oh, [bleep].

- We've been through
the lowest of lows together,

and I can't wait
for us to experience

the best moments
of our lives together.

- To us.

And finding love and enjoying
every second, hopefully.

- With each other.
- Yeah.

- I love you.
- I love you.

I feel grateful
that two of us women get to be

on this journey together
for the first time.

I have a ton of questions,
but I'm so glad

that it's Rachel by my side.

It's gonna be crazy
and a weird journey,

but I've never been more ready.

Both: Bring on the men!

- So it's time to turn the page

to the new season
of "The Bachelorette."

There's just one
important question.

Who will the next
Bachelorette be?

- Come on, Jesse.
- It's Gabby and Rachel!

[all cheering]

- Let's go!
- Double trouble!

- That is crazy!

- Yes!

- Wait, there's two Bach...

There are two Bachelorettes?


[upbeat music]

- I'm warmed up and ready
for a match made in heaven.

- This is amazing...
I have two opportunities

with two beautiful,
stunning women.

- Two Bachelorettes,
first season.

I don't know
how it's gonna work out,

but we gon' be there, though.

- I have to try to impress
two women.

- I cannot wait to come meet
the both of y'all.

Rambo, are you excited?

We're both really excited.

- Bye, guys. I love you.

Both: Bye, Mom. Love you.
- Have a great time.

- I'm on my way to meet
Gabby and Rachel.

Here we go!

- What if I like both the girls?

Like, what if both the girls
like me?

Like, I hope.

So many questions.

- Gabby!


- I'm excited,

but there's two Bachelorettes.

How is this gonna work?

- I'm so ready
to meet these guys.

- God, me too.

We're gonna be
on, like, cloud 11.

- I know.
But how do we do it?

- Especially when
there's so many men

at the beginning.
- Yes!

- I don't know if they're
gonna go in

with an idea of maybe who...

- Yeah.
- They aligned with more,

watching our journey,
and then moving forward.

I am curious to see which guys
we like in the beginning

and see if things will change

'cause I'm sure there's gonna
be overlap in the beginning.

- Of course, 'cause we have
to get to know everyone.

- Wait, okay,
so what's your type?

- I was just about to ask you.

I normally go for, like, guys
who are, like, taller,

more athletic.

But yeah, it really just
depends on personality.

I've never really dated
a guy who has, like,

made me laugh.

So I feel like sense of humor,

I know for you,
is really big too.

- Yeah.
- What about you?

Like, do you have, like, a type?

- I've dated them all.

I've dated the short kings,

the tall ones, the funny ones...

- [laughing] Short kings.
- The plain ones,

the smart ones, the dumb ones.

It really... I've done it all.

But I want to be with someone
who can make a decision.

It was clear Clayton didn't
know what the [bleep] he wanted

and was bouncing,
bouncing, bouncing,

and I know what I want,

and you know
what you deserve too.

We've learned so much
and just got so much stronger

by going through
what we did go through,

so I think it'll only benefit us

and having each other
moving forward.

- And I'm so happy
to share it with you.

- Me too.
- I'm so ready

to be standing on that driveway
with you,

meeting... how many guys?

- Yeah.
- Like, how ma... 30?

- Maybe they'll play 40.

Both: 60!

- [laughing]
- The sky's the limit.

Too many is never enough.

[upbeat music]

I need options.

- I really love
having Gabby by my side,

but I just don't know
how this is gonna work.

How are we supposed
to navigate feelings

when there's two people

If they're saying
the same things to us,

like, what do we do then?
- To both of us?

- Yeah.
- I'm sure someone's

gonna try and play our ass.

I have no doubt.
- Mm-hmm.

- I don't trust men.
- [laughs]

- Not all of them, anyway.

After everything with Clayton,

men have rightfully earned

not being able to be trusted.

Shall we?
- Let's go get ready.

- But I'm a romantic

and I do want
a happily ever after,

and I hope that I can meet
my future husband tonight.

♪ ♪

- Dating the same guys

is definitely
gonna be challenging.

This has never been done before,

but with two of us,

I guess we're just gonna
have to figure it out.

Both: Oh, my gosh.

- You look incredible.

- You look amazing.

- Oh!

I am so ready
for this chapter in my life.

I'm ready to have a family,

to meet my partner,

and I hope
that all begins tonight.

- Should we go?
- Let's do it!

- Should we go
meet our husbands?

Let's do it!

- Hopefully I meet my husband,

and hopefully
it's not the same one

that Rachel wants.

- Look out, Bachelor Mansion.

- That's right.
- We're coming back.

[both screaming]

[light music]

- Tonight is the night.

We've got two Bachelorettes.

I have no idea
how this is gonna work,

so I'm going into it
with a super open mind.

- I'm just down to see
who I connect with.

There's nothing I can control
with all these unknowns,

so I might as well just enjoy it

and see what happens.

- Rachel, Gabby,

I'm gonna shimmy
into your heart tonight.

It's gonna be a challenge,

but I couldn't have asked
for a more wild ride.

♪ ♪

- We are literally going
to two women right now.

- Two gorgeous women.


- They're two different

- Two different personalities.

- How is this gonna work?

- I think it's definitely
gonna be unpredictable.

- It's gonna be
a little chaotic, I think.

- I think it's gonna be awesome.

- Rachel and Gabby are
about to arrive,

and they'll be meeting
all of the men together,

right here, tonight.

And I'm really hoping
that they've talked about

how to make
this unusual journey work

for the both of them.

I guess we'll see
what they've come up with,

but what I do know

is that there could not be
two more deserving women.

So please welcome not one

but two Bachelorettes,

Gabby and Rachel.

[both cheering]

both: We're the Bachelorettes!

[glasses clink]

[both cheering]
- There he is!

- Jesse!
- Jesse!

Oh, my God.

- Okay, let's go.

- Oh, my gosh.

♪ ♪

- You both look fantastic.

Both: Thank you.
- Rachel, so good seeing you.

How have you been?

- So good to see you.
- Welcome back.

Gabby, how are you?
- Good.

How are you?
- So great seeing you.

I'm doing amazing.
How are you both doing?

- Excited.
- Yes.

- Nervous.
- Incredibly nervous.

But we're ready.
- Is one person

making the other one
more nervous?

- No, I feel...

- She's giving me
more confidence.

- Yeah.
- You're both here

as Bachelorettes.

How crazy is that?

- I think the best-case
scenario was, you know,

being the Bachelorette
after everything.

But knowing Rachel is by my side

and having a friend
was icing on the cake

and something I didn't
even know to ask for.

So I'm so excited

and so grateful.
- Me too.

- You're both gonna hold hands
the entire time too?

- We're not gonna let go.

- I was gonna say,
you're holding on tight.

- Yeah.

- So obviously, you know,
we've never done

anything like this before.

Two Bachelorettes
for an entire season.

How is this whole thing
gonna work?

- We're just gonna be learning
along the way.

Of course, we're gonna make
some mistakes,

but I have her to help me, so...

- Yeah.
- Think we'll be okay.

- You're about to date
the most men...

- The most?
- We've ever had

in a single season.
- This is crazy.

- Wow, I like the sound of that.

- Does that sound okay?
- It sounds okay.

I still don't believe it.
- Think you can handle it?

- I can handle it, maybe.
- I think we're ready.

- Yeah.
- We're ready to go.

- All right.
Well, the time's finally come.

The first limo's pulling up.

- Oh, my gosh.


- Gabby...
- [screams]

- Rachel...
- [giggles]

- Let the journey begin.

- [laughing]
- Let's do this!

Oh, my God.

- Oh, my gosh.

- How do I look?

- Good.

- [laughs]

- All right.
Anxiety att*ck, here we go.

- Wow.
[all cheering]

- Yeah!
- Come on, now.

[all cheering]

- Yeah, tick, tick, tick, tick!

- Let's go, baby!

All: Gabby and Rachel!

- [screams]

- Come on.

[soft music]

♪ ♪

- Hello.
- Hi.

- Hello.

- How's it going?

- [exhales]

Couldn't be better.

- [laughing] Yeah.
- That's good to hear.

- Couldn't be better.
This is so exciting.

And I just have to say,

you two look
absolutely phenomenal.

I feel like the luckiest guy
to be here,

and I can't wait
to get to know you both.

- Does the luckiest guy
have a name?

- He does.

My name is Zach,
and it's an absolute pleasure.

And I can tell you this.

We're gonna have
a hell of a time together.

- Yeah, we're excited.
- Excited.

- I'm gonna go for a hug
'cause I'm a hugger.

- Nice. We're huggers too.

- Okay, perfect. Perfect.

- Nice to meet you, Zach.
- Nice to meet you.

Well, it was awesome
meeting y'all,

and I can't wait to continue
this journey.

- See you inside.
- Sounds good.

We'll see you soon.
- See you.

Both: He's cute.

- Yeah.
- Very cute.

We're off to a good start.

[both laugh]

[refined music]

♪ ♪

- Hi.
- Hi. I'm Jason.

- Gabby.
- So nice to meet you.

- Jason, Rachel.
- So nice to meet you.

So there's something
I gotta get off my chest.

I've got something in common
with Clayton.

- Oh, no, that's not

what we want to hear.
- Yeah.

- I'm in love with three women.

- Uh-huh.

- My mom,

my sister,

and my dog, Kiera.

- Oh, what kind of dog?
- That's okay.

- Husky.
- Oh, my gosh, how sweet.

- Yeah.
It's so nice to meet you guys.

- You too.
- So excited to see you inside.

- Yes, we'll see you soon.

- We're excited
to see you inside.

- You girls look beautiful.
Both: Thank you.

- He's my type.

- He's cute.
- Yeah.

- Ooh. Wow.

- Hello.

- Hi.
- How are you guys?

- Good. How are you?
- It's nice to meet you.

I'm Aven. How are you guys?
- Gabby.

Nice... oh.
- So nice to...

Rachel, how are you?

So nice to finally
meet you guys.

I just wanted to say, you know,
when I found out

it was gonna be the both of you,

I could tell that you both are
really close to family,

which is very, very
important to me as well.

So I wanted to say,

to each one of you,


I promise to do right by you

throughout this whole journey

because I want to make
your grandfather proud.

And I really mean that.
- You're so sweet. Thank you.

- And Rachel,
I promise to do right by you

because I definitely
don't want to end up

on Big Tony's bad side.

- You do not.

- It was so nice to meet you.

- So nice to meet you.
- I'll see you inside.

- You look gorgeous.
- That's great.

You guys look amazing.
- Yes. Thank you.

- Awesome.
I'll see you guys inside.

- Sounds good.

- He was cute.
- That was cute.

Nice work.
- [chuckles]

- Hey, ladies.
- Hi.

- How are you?
- Good. How are you?

- I'm doing fabulous.
My name's Jordan.

- Gabby. Nice to meet you.
- Jordan, Rachel.

Both: Nice to meet you.

- So when I found out there
would be two Bachelorettes,

I got a little nervous.

I wasn't quite sure
how I was gonna speak

to two beautiful women
at the same time.

So I brought these.

- Okay.
- Oh.

- Uh-oh. Okay.

- I know family is a big part
of your life.

And I only live
about an hour from you.

So if we end up together
in the end of this,

maybe you won't have
to move too far.

- Oh, wow.
- Yeah.

- Gabby, it's your turn.
- Oh, are you done?

I didn't hear a thing.


- I know
you're an excellent nurse.

I've broken plenty of bones,

so I spent my fair share of
time in the hospital as well.

So maybe you're my all-star
nurse that I've never had.

- [laughs] Yeah.

- This is so crazy

having all these guys get out
of the limo for us.

I was nervous
coming into tonight.

No one knew what this was
gonna be like

with two Bachelorettes,

but they're really going
out of their way

to make Gabby and I
feel special individually.

- I think you two are
absolutely wonderful women.

I feel so fortunate to join you
on this journey.

- There has never been
two Bachelorettes before.

And I'm sure
it's not easy to know,

who do I hug first?

Who do I look at first
and address?

- This is surreal.
- They look stunning.

I was kind of thrown off
a little bit.

- I didn't know who to talk to.


- So welcome to a night
you'll never forget.

I'm here to meet
my Bachelorette.

- I mean, it has to be
extremely intimidating

to walk up to not one of us,
but two of us.

But they're doing
a really great job.

- Rachel and Gabby, okay.

- Oh, we have a dancer
on our hands!

- Rachel and Gabby, okay.

- Having two females
is interesting,

but I think just making sure
they have their own

individualized experience
is important.

It's all about
that first impression.

- Oh!
- Oh!

- [grunts]

Clearly I'm not good
at juggling two women.

However, I promise you,

I could be quite the catch.

- These guys knew
that they had to step it up,

and I am not disappointed.

- You gotta give it
everything you got,

'cause this right here
is our time.

So let's go out and take it.

[both cheering]

- So far, the experiment
of two Bachelorettes

is going really well,

and we are off
to an excellent start.

- Let's go.
- That's right!

- Get those boys in there
pumped up.

- Let's go.

[both laughing]

- All right, here's the deal.

This is gonna be a long season.

Two girls.
- Yeah.

- It's gonna be fun, though.

You can't even imagine
something better.

So you've got to go at it

with everything you got.
- All right.

- Because right here,
this is what matters.

- Hey, cheers to that.
- Cheers.

- Cheers to that, Coach Kirk.
- Yes, cheers to that.

Both: Cheers.

- Yo, we're here.
- Hey!

- Oh, my gosh.

- Let's go. Let's go.
It's game time

all: [chanting]
Rachel! Gabby!

Rachel! Gabby!

Rachel! Gabby!
- Oh!


[indistinct chatter]

- Let's go.

[chicks chirping]

- Thank you, sir.

[playful music]

Hello, ladies.

- No.
- Oh, my God.

- Oh, I thought that was a rat.

- How are you doing today?
- Good!

- It's good to meet you.
Before I hug you,

I wanted to introduce you
to a couple of my friends.

When I heard there was gonna be
two Bachelorettes,

I figured I should practice
hanging out

with a couple of cute chicks
all the time, right?

- Aww.

- I love it.
- So here they are.

This is Mary Beth.

- Is it sweet?
- Yeah, she's great.

- Mary Beth?
- This is Alejandra.

- Alejandra.
- Alejandra's had an attitude,

but she's doing great now.
- Oh, that's my girl.

An attitude.
- My name is Logan.

- Logan.
- Oh, [bleep].

Can they fly? [bleep].
- [laughing] No, Gabby.

- No, they can't.
- No, no, no, no!

Sorry. I'm so sorry.
- I'll take Alejandra.

No, it's cool.
It's cool, it's cool.

You know what,
we're so happy to be here,

all three of us.
I'll see you inside.

- You look great.

- Can I give you a hug?
- Of course.

[laughing] [bleep]
I'm so sorry. I don't know why.

- Good to meet you, Logan.

- Great to meet you.
I'll see you inside.

[chicks chirping]
- Cute, cute.

- I know. Bye, birdies.

[both laugh]

[upbeat music]

- Ooh.

- [bleep].

- Hello.
- As to you.

- Hello. Wow.


My name is Quincy,

AKA Prince.

- Prince. Okay.

- And, you know,
based on everything

that's happened to you,
I'm a person

that is very intentional.

And just, you know, a little
background story of me,

how intentional I am, is,

You know, I haven't had sex
in a year and almost a half,

so I've been saving it
for the right person.

And I can't wait to see

where this journey
kind of takes us from here.

But I would def love
to give you guys a hug.

- So nice to meet you.
- Thank you, Prince.

- Thank you.
You girls have a nice one.

- We'll see you inside.
- You too.

He hit the word intentional.

- Yeah, he was like,

"I haven't had sex
in a year and a half,"

I was like,
"That makes one of us."

- [laughs]

Do you know
who you're talking to?

- [laughing] Yeah.

[both laughing]

- Hello.

- Y'all look so pretty tonight.

- Thank you.
- Of course.

I'm Hayden.
- You look great too.

- Nice to meet you, Gabby.

- Hayden, Rachel.
- Rachel.


So my name's Hayden.

And I know that does sound
a lot like Clayton.

[both laugh]

But what I'm gonna do
differently is,

I'm gonna be thinking
with this head

and not that one.

- [laughing] Oh!
- We appreciate that.


Hayden gets me with the joke

'cause I'm 12 years old,

but he makes a nod to Clayton,

and it is pretty funny,

but this is the beginning
of our new journey,

so it's just
the wrong time for it.

- Hear me out.
I know what it looks like.

I am not Clayton.
[both laugh]

Gab, Rach, come here.

- But the guys, I feel like,

feel like they need
to bring up Clayton

because it's so fresh.

And hearing
all this Clayton stuff,

it's kind of like...

- ♪ Hopped out a limo
in a all-black suit ♪

♪ I'm 25, chillin',
girls say I'm cute ♪

♪ I heard the last man
you dated ♪

♪ He was kind of a fluke ♪

♪ I think his name was... ♪

♪ He's a piece of [bleep] ♪

- These guys
keep bringing up Clayton,

and I think Gabby and I are...

okay with not hearing
Clayton's name again tonight.

All: ♪ Clayton sucks,
Clayton sucks ♪

♪ Clayton sucks ♪

♪ Clayton was in love
with both of you ♪

♪ That's what he said ♪

[both laugh]

- Did you guys write this

All: ♪ But maybe he wanted
to just mess with your head ♪

- Whoa.

All: ♪ We hope you're not
feeling too down ♪

- Never.
All: ♪ To say you're not ♪

♪ Engaged to that clown ♪

♪ Losing you
will be his regret ♪

♪ But not yours, 'cause now
you're both Bachelorettes ♪

- Whoo!
- Aww.

All: ♪ Gabby and Rachel,
it's your lucky day ♪

[upbeat music]

♪ We have someone for you ♪

♪ And he is right this way ♪

[both cheering]

- Oh, are you gonna jump in?
All: ♪ This is Alec ♪

♪ And he's your Mr. Right ♪

- Hello, hello.
Both: Hi!

All: ♪ So give him a rose ♪

♪ At the ceremony tonight ♪

- Might be a good idea.

All: ♪ A toast to love
that is true ♪

♪ Hey, Alec,
we're rooting for you ♪

And remember...

♪ Clayton sucks,
Clayton sucks ♪

♪ Clayton sucks ♪

- Amazing!

- Thank you.

- Hi, I'm Alec.

- Gabby. Nice to meet you.
- Gabby? Nice to meet you.

- Alec, Rachel.
- Rachel.

Nice to meet you. I'm Alec.

- I just want to let y'all know,

I'm really happy
and grateful to be here

on "The Bachelorette"
with y'all,

and I hope this was
a first impression

that y'all will never forget.

- I don't think we could.
- It was. I know.

They were great.
We appreciate it.

- Alec definitely made
an impression.

The choir was probably the
most creative entrance so far,

and probably the only time
we're okay

with hearing
Clayton's name tonight.

- I don't know if y'all saw,
I had a little choir come out.

They were clutch.
- That's what that was?

- Yeah.
- Are you serious?

At first I thought my chickens
were, like, a big deal,

but now I really don't know
how I'm gonna measure up.

- Oh, it's a meatball sub.
- You like meatball subs!

- I hope you're hungry.
- Holy [bleep].

How many meatballs
are on that sucker?

- You both look incredible.

- Thank you.
- You look great,

especially with a large
meatball sub in your hands.

- Oh, yeah.
- Have you done this before?

You look like a natural.

- Thank you.

Well, my name is James.
I'm from Chicago.

They call me Meatball.
It's my nickname.

But anyways,
I'm just glad to be here

and very excited
to meet you both.

[both laugh]
- Nice.

- So I'll see you inside.
- Okay.

- See you.
- We'll see you inside, James.

- Nice work, James.
- Oh, no.

- You handle those balls
so well.

- You think you can get it
through the door?

- I got it.
Don't worry.

- [laughing] Yeah.

- I can't wait for
the other guys to see it.

- Whoa! Is that a hoagie?
Look at that thing.

- I got dinner
for tonight, guys.

- That's the hugest thing
I've ever seen.

- MVP of the night.
- Look at that thing.

- Meatball sandwich.
- Bringing that's impressive.

- This is... this is a...
This is a big sub.

The meatball sandwich
is a little odd,

but it's different
and it stood out.

- Oh, yeah, Meatball.
Hell of a meatball, Meatball.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Let's go, baby.

- I feel like all these dudes
are trying super hard

to, you know, have some sort
of clever first impression.

- I know tonight
is a very exciting night,

and with that comes
a lot of nervous energy.

So I decided I would show up
a little extra grounded.

- I mean, we got a lot
of unique characters

in the building.

- Lost your sneaks out there?
What happened?

- Somebody stole them, you know,

just before I came in.

- Hopefully,
you get 'em back, man.

- Yeah, right?

- But not quite sure he put
his best foot forward,

if you know what I mean.

- Whoa!
- Oh, my God.

- Wow!

Is that the Blue Man Group?

You're really working that suit.

[both laugh]

- That's different.

Wow, people are definitely

throwing out all the stops.

- The reveal.
- Yeah.

- Oh, wow.

- What's up?

- You know,
really creative stuff.

- Ladies, yes, as a magician,

I was thinking of starting
with a card trick.

But honestly...

- Oh!
- Oh!

- I'm not quite sure
I want to do magic right now.

I just want to spend the time
to get to know you both.

So hello. I'm Roby.
- Oh, wow.

- I mean, the way
you come in matters.

First impressions matter.

- Can you please do
a trick for me?

- No pressure, Roby.

Let's do it.

Oh, [bleep]!

- That's nice.
- [laughs]

- There's definitely magic
in the air.

I mean, hopefully they keep me
around long enough

so that I can do
more tricks for them.

Because getting out of that limo

is so nerve-racking.

- Hey, y'all.

- Hi.
- Hello.

- Hey, Rachel.

I'm sorry, Gabby.

- No worries.

Yeah. Yeah.
- What's your name?

- Oh, my gosh.
I messed up their names.

I think that's
a great first impression.

I mean... no, actually, it's
a terrible first impression,

but I think it could...

It's a big impression.

It's a big impression.

[horn beeps]

[lively rock music]

- Oh, my God.

[horn beeping]
- What the hell?

- Wait, what the... what?
- Oh, snap. Hey.

- What is that?
- Oh, my gosh.

- Hello!
- Wow.

[horn beeping]

- How's it going?
- Couldn't be better.

♪ ♪

Let me just say...

you two look "forking" gorgeous.

- [laughing]
- Thank you.

- Hi, ladies.
- Hello.

- Hi.
- I'm... do we hug?

- Yes!
- Yeah.

- It's a pleasure
to meet you both.

- Do we have a name?
- Nice to meet you.

- So I'm Tino.

I do work in construction,

so that means
I'm good with my hands.

- Okay.
- And I'm just

so excited to be here

and build something
really special with you guys.

- Aww.
- I like it.

- We're excited too.

- It was so nice to meet you.

- Yeah, absolutely.
- Yes.

I can't wait to talk to you
guys on the other side.

- Yes, have fun.
- Yeah, we're excited.

We'll see you soon.

- I've been waiting
for a handyman.

- Yeah.

- He's my type.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

I'm immediately attracted
to Tino.

I don't really think anyone
can top Tino's entrance,

but we have no idea
what's to come.

So I'm ready for a surprise.

[horse whinnies]

Oh, my goodness.

- What?


- It looks like a romance
novel over there.

Is that Fabio?

[horse snorts]

- Oh, my goodness.

Is that Fabio?
- Yeah.

- Nah, what?
- What is going on?

- I think I just saw this guy
on a commercial.

- Is this the Old Spice guy?
- [laughs]

- Oh, my gosh.
- Wow.

- Ladies.
- Hello!

- Wow!
- Hello, hello.

[horse snorts]

I know this looks like a cover
to a romantic novel,

but I'm only here
for a happy ending.

[horse whinnies]

- Um...
- We're here for that.

- Yeah.

- All right, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa.

- At least he's fit.

I like the hair.

He gonna get chilly.

- Nice to meet you.

- Hi.

- I'm a little bit, uh...

- Oiled up?
- Oiled up!

- You know what, I could...

I could use some...
- Yeah.

Wipe some on!
- Yeah!

I could use some of that.

I'm kind of dry these days.

- Me too.
- [laughing] Yeah.

- So my name's Jacob,

and I'll see you guys inside.

- We'll see you inside.
- Sounds good.

- Nice to meet you.
- Thanks, Jacob.

Are you gonna take
your horse with you?

- Uh, Blanco?
Come with?

No? All right.
- Blanco, quick, quick!

- I'll see you next time, okay?

- He doesn't follow commands
very well.

[horse snorts]

[contestants clamoring]
- Oh, [bleep].

- Yeah.

[with Australian accent]
Ah, down under!

- Oh, my God.
- I didn't choose this life.

This life chose me.

- Ah.

- Wow, this dude rides in
on a horse.

He looks like
he came out of, like,

some romance novel.

- We don't need no more men.

I think there's a lot
of masculinity inside.

- [laughs]
- I mean, where does it end?

There's so many of us.

- Seriously,
you both are stunning.

Absolutely beautiful,
and I can't wait

to get to know you guys inside.

- We can't wait either.
- So yeah. Absolutely.

- Right when I think
we're wrapping up,

more roll in.

- You familiar
with this material?

It's husband material.

- Oh!
- Oh!

- How many more people
you guys think are coming?

- It's the unknown.

- Twins!
- Hello.

- Hello.
- Amazing.

- This is perfect.
- Hello. How are you guys?

- Hello.
- I'm seeing double.

- How are you?
- Twins?


- All right, y'all... hey.

- So I'm wondering
when it's gonna stop

and when they're gonna,
you know,

cut us off here.

- Oh.
- Oh. Oh.

Mic drop?

- Yeah.
- Okay.

- That's right, I did that.
- To the floor?


- It's gonna be a long night.

- So I know that
a long night in heels...

- Oh, thank you.
- Can be...

- This might be the best
introduction we've seen.

- Yeah, of course.
- A front-row seat.

- Yeah, I have a mother
and a sister,

so I know
how long nights can be.

Both: Thank you.
- Yeah.

I'll see you both inside.
- Oh!

Can we keep these chairs?
- Yeah.

- That was it?

- That's it.

I just wanted
to give you guys a breather

from being on your feet.
- Oh, that's so nice!

- Oh, thank you.
We appreciate it.

- We'll be taking these chairs
with us everywhere.

Bye, Spencer.

- See you guys.
- See you soon.

- I liked him.
- What a gentleman.

- He's my type.

- Oh, he's cute.
- [laughing] Yeah.

I think Spencer is really cute

and he has great style.

- Cute, cute, cute.

- I know.

- Good limo.
- Yeah.

I hope Rachel's not into him

because I want
to get to know him.

But, you know,
there's so many men,

there's two of us,
and it's clear that

we're going to be attracted
to the same guys.

- I honestly feel like
the luckiest guy

in the world right now,
standing in front of you two.

And I can confidently say two
is definitely better than one.

- [laughs] Yeah.
- Of course.

- I mean, it's gonna get
pretty tricky,

and I think
there's going to be hardship

with dating
the same pool of men.

- You know, this is history in
the making, two Bachelorettes.

Like, how is this gonna work?
You know what I'm saying?

- If two of them ultimately
end up being into, like, one,

that's gonna be, like,
a real interesting scenario.

- This morning, I woke up,

I opened my eyes, and...

both: Oh!

- I see you, Rachel,

and you, Gabby.

- Nice!
- Yeah, it's pretty good.

But now that I have met
you guys,

I will say the real thing
is much better.

- This is crazy.

I have no idea
how this is gonna work.

It worries me a little bit

because I definitely feel like
Gabby and I

could fall for the same guys.

- I am a professional
race car driver.

- Oh, wow.

- So you could say
that I'm used to

some wild and crazy rides.

- I mean, we only have so many
guys here we can date.

We're gonna, obviously,
both like a couple of them.

- Do either of you guys know
how to tie a tie?

Please help me.
- Oh, I can maybe...

- Give it your best sh*t.
- Should I try?

- I really hope
that doesn't happen,

but of course
I want to remain open.

- Oh, perfect.
- Yeah.

- Just fold it down,
fold it back up.

Rachel, please help.
- [laughs]

- Well, I look pretty good.

- At the end of the day,
it is an individual journey.

We both are here to find
our own individual husbands,


- All right.
Rachel, Gabby.

You've now met all 32 men.

I mean, that's a lot of guys
to meet in one night.

- It's a lot,
but we have each other.

- Right, we're willing

to take on the challenge!
- Divide and conquer!

- Yeah.

- It is a lot of guys, though.

For real, a lot of people here.

- The more competition,
the better, right?

- The guys are all here
and it is crowded

and hot in here,
that's for sure.

- You guys have a strategy

how you're gonna divide
and conquer?

- Yeah.
- Hopefully we can just

figure it out on the way.

See where the night takes us.

- This is going to be wild.

There's two girls.

There's two.

I can't even anticipate
what's gonna happen.

- I don't know
how these two Bachelorettes...

How this is gonna go.

There's a lot of questions
that's gonna happen

down the line for all of us.
- Yeah.

- There's no precedent for this.

There's no basis for this
at all.

- Having the two Bachelorettes
is legendary.

It's also gonna create
some drama, for sure.

- Naturally, as men,
we're territorial,

but we got two Bachelorettes.

It's a different ball game.

- It's definitely gonna be
double the fun,

you know, double the action,

double the chances
to find love, I feel like.

- So you gotta make it known
that you're a contender.

And guess what?
You're talking to Mario.

Hey, we ready for whatever.

We ready for whatever.

- To history in the making here.

We got Gabby and Rachel.

"Bachelorette" season 19.
Let's do it, gentlemen.

- Whoo!

All: Cheers.
- Let's go!

- My heart has been
pounding nonstop

ever since I've seen them both.

- Same.

I'm just excited to talk,
get some words out there.

- Like, rolling up in that limo,

and there's two out there,
it's like...

- Both beautiful.
- Both gorgeous.

- I didn't even know what to do.

- They're gonna marry
one of us, you know,

whether it's, you know,
it's out here...

Obviously me... or in there.


- We're excited.
- Yeah.

- Well, I know all these men
are so anxious

to meet you all and get
a chance to sit down with you

and get to know you better.

I know you're also
very excited too.

But before we get to that,

I do want to talk you through
what's gonna happen tonight.

So obviously, you're both gonna
go into the party.

You're gonna have a chance,
both of you,

to speak to every single one
of the guys,

just like any other
Bachelorette would do.

Now, later in the night,

there'll be
a First Impression Rose.

- That's awesome.
- And you're gonna

hand that out
to that special someone

that you feel a really strong
connection with.

- Oh, my goodness.

This is crazy.
- Yeah, I know.

- Get ready for the night
of your lives.

Head on in.

Gabby, Rachel, good luck.
- Let's do it!

- Bye, Jesse!

- Oh, my God.

- Having two Bachelorettes
is crazy.

I have absolutely no idea
how this is gonna work.

How does the First Impression
Rose work?

What if we want to give it
to the same person?

There's so many questions
moving forward.

- Who are you guys gonna talk
to first, Gabby or Rachel?

- I just want a chance
to showcase who I am

to one or both of them,
honestly, on the first night.

- You can't go wrong
with either one of them.

[indistinct chatter]

[all cheering]

- Finally!
- Whoo!

- Wow, you guys look incredible.

Thank you so much.
- Of course.

- Oh, thank you.
- You're welcome.

- That's that
Southern hospitality there.

- All right.
- Oh, my gosh, well,

we are both
so excited to be here.

- Yeah, we know what it's like
being in your guys' shoes.

We were just there
not that long ago.

- I think I was standing
right back there.


- And we just want to say
thank you so much.

We know, like, how much
of a sacrifice

it is to be here.

There's so much unknown,

but the more you lean in, truly,

the more you do get out.

So I hope you guys can
trust us along the way.

- Gabby and I,
we're both really confident

that if you guys are open
and vulnerable

and give us all
good communication,

that love is here.

- Yeah, as... I don't know
if you guys know,

but this is the most men
we've ever had here.

- We noticed.

We noticed for sure.

- The testosterone is flowing.

- It feels good.

- Yeah!

- But we are breaking new ground

with two Bachelorettes
and with all of you guys,

so I hope we're patient
with each other.

- Yeah, we just look forward
to this journey.

It's gonna be a wild ride.

I'm ready.
- Let's do it!

[all cheering]
- Should we cheers? Yes!

- Cheers!

- Cheers.

- We'll get better at that.

We'll get better at the cheers.

- Yeah, it's a lot at once.

I honestly have no clue

how the night's gonna work
having two of us.

I kind of just have
no expectations right now.

I just want to have a good time,

almost, like, get my feet wet

in the sense that I'm dating,
like, multiple guys.

- Do y'all want to see
a couple of magic tricks?

- Would love.
- All right.

Do you guys remember my name?

- Roby.

- How do you remember it?

- 'Cause...
- Magic.


- Here. Grab one.
- Oh, do it. Okay.

- I'll keep going.
- Got it.

- Look at it, both of you.

- Ooh.

- Good, good, good.
Say "stop" at any moment.

- Stop.

- Put your card down
right over here.

[whimsical music]

So I just rub down the pants,
and I get a bit of color

from the pants...

into the pack, like so.

- Oh, God.
- Oh, yes.

Now, that color could
have gone anywhere.

It went to that seven
of hearts, yes?

Both: Oh!

- The magician.
He pulled a Houdini.

- I feel like, honestly, like,

yeah, you can give them, like,
tricks and stuff like that,

but at the end of the day,
how long is that gonna work?

- I don't want it to be
the Roby Show.

I want it to be the Rachel...

This is the Rachel
and Gabby Show.


How is it like being
on the other side

of the table right now?

- It's refreshing.
- Yeah?

- Yeah.
- Yeah, it's crazy.

- It's like you're in
the position of power.

You have the authority.
You have the control.

You know, you can say
that "no."

- Yeah. Yeah.
- Yeah, absolutely.

How are you feeling?

- I'm so nervous.
It's frenetic.

- That's normal.
- Yeah.

- We've been there.
- Yeah?

- Yeah.
- Definitely normal.

- What was the scariest
moment for you?

- Um, all of it.

- All of it?
- [laughs] I mean...

- Where are they?
I want to find them.

That's what I'm saying.
- Yeah, we have to.

- She's still over there?
- No.

- Are you gonna sneak in there
and steal some time?

- You've got to be sneaky.

Just a little bit.
- But do you want to step

on people's toes?
I don't know, 'cause...

- Not on your toes, for sure.

You're at the most...
You're most vulnerable!

- Might have to be aggressive
to really get that time

and actually make a...
I guess, like, an impression.

- Double the trouble.

- [laughing] We love it.

- We wanted to meet
you guys together

'cause, obviously, we're twins,

but we want you to see
the differences between us,

'cause our personalities,
I feel like,

we're very different.

For me, for instance,
I feel like

I'm a little bit more
of a laid-back,

reserved kind of person,
a little bit outgoing.

He's more of a bold,

out-there type person.
- Bold...

- Yeah.

- So that's how we kind
of differentiate

between each other
and who we attract,

who we don't attract, like,
so that's how we...

- Okay.

- Yeah, so, definitely.

- How does it feel
coming in together?

- You guys definitely
make us feel calm, though.

I could tell that energy,
that... yeah, exactly.

- You bring
such positive energy.

- So you guys...
- That's so nice.

- Yeah, yeah.
You're... so, okay.

You guys said you have
your differences.

- Yes.
- So what is

the differences
besides personality-wise?


- No... honestly, not a lot.
- Or same hobbies?

- Everything.
- So we're all the same?

- Yeah.
- Went to the same school.

- Oh, so you guys
never separate?

- Well, we didn't live together
all throughout school.

We did, like, a couple
of years and then we, like,

separated 'cause we wanted to do

our own thing and be individual.

- Absolutely.
- We had to, you know.

- Yeah. Kind of...
- Like job-wise,

we do the same job.
- Yeah, what's job?

So we're... medical
advertising's what we do,

but both
separate companies, though.

So, like,
that's the only difference.

- The conversations
with the twins

and Rachel and I

is... just ain't working for me,

kind of, romantically.

I feel like I can't,
like, build a very strong bond

with either of the twins.

Yeah, it's just, like...

I don't know.

It ain't doing it for me.

Do you feel like you guys
can read each other's minds?

- Like, across campus
in college,

I could spot him
from miles away.

- Oh, wow.
- Stuff like that.

Do you guys experience
any of that,

you know, being together?

- We weren't
in the womb together, so...

I think it's much different.

- We can read
each other's minds.

- Yeah.
- Never know.

- There's me, there's Gabby,
there's both the twins.

I don't know if they're
trying to get us to go

on double dates,
planning for the future,

but definitely hard
to form a connection

when there's multiple people
sitting here.

I'm not into it.

- The one thing I want
to get across is,

I'm here for something real.

- Okay, me too. Awesome.

- And I want to be here.
I want to be super open.

And whenever I found out both
of you were the Bachelorettes...

- Yeah, what were
your thoughts on that?

Were you nervous?
- It was a little scary.

I was a little nervous.

Like, I came into this,

I kind of showed you guys...

I wanted to, like,
separate you two.

That's how I did
the earphone thing.

- And we definitely
noticed that as well.

- So I wanted to,
like, show you that,

like, I had
the Florida vibe with you.

And then I didn't want you
to hear what I said to her.

- I heard.
[both laugh]

But no, I appreciate that,
because it really does mean

a lot for, you know, someone
to come in and give us both,

individually, like,
our own attention.

- You two are very different.

But I understand, you're, like,
on the same journey,

but you have
your own separate journeys.

So, like,
I wanted to come in and be

able to show you
that, like, I recognize you,

I recognize her
in different ways.

- Yeah.
- And, like, that's

kind of how I came up
with what I did.

- It's perfect.
- Yeah.

- Tonight, at the beginning,
it was a little awkward

just because me and Gabby really

don't want it
to be a competition.

Of course, Gabby and I are
in this journey together,

but little moments like that
where the men are able

to make me feel like
I'm the only girl there,

it's important, I think,
for Gabby and I

both to feel different.

- All right,
so if I'm gonna ever

bring you home, to Boston,

to meet my friends and family,

you're gonna stick out
like a sore thumb.

- Oh, why? Okay.
- Unless...

unless we teach you the lingo.

- Oh, God.
- I know you know English,

but this is different.

- Barely.
- All right.

So I'm gonna be a teacher.
- Oh!

How did I miss that whiteboard?

- If you're walking
down the street

and you want to say "hi"
to someone...

- Uh-huh.

You write like a five-year-old.

No, that's pretty good.
"Hello, good"?

- Will you chill?

Can you let me finish?

- [laughing]

- "Hello, good sir. How..."

- You don't say "good sir."

- So we're being very proper.
- Is Boston in like, the 1800s?

- If you wanted to say this,
super proper...

- People say that
with a straight face?

- Gabby, Gabby, zhh, zhh.
- No, they don't.

Okay, okay.
- Gabber, Gabber.

Look at me. Look at me. Shh.

- Okay, I'm done.

- We're gonna say it
in Boston...

- Uh-huh.
- This is what we do.

- Ryan is really fun.
I feel like

we have great energy
right off the bat.

[with Boston accent]
Hey, guy, how are you?

I could do that.
- Beautiful.

- He's super easy to talk to.

We can just kind of, like, give
each other a little [bleep]

and just, like, overall,
enjoy his company.

Do I have a booger?

- No. Do you? No.

- [laughs]
- You have something...

- No, do I have one?

- Oh, my...
- No, stop!

- Gab, Gab, you gotta go.
- Do I?

- Cut, cut...
No, I'm just kidding.

You don't have anything.
You have nothing. Nothing.

- Knowing that Ryan
is already so invested

is such a good feeling.

- I was so pumped to meet you

because you're
absolutely hysterical.

- Oh, my gosh, thank you.

- I can't wait to see what
the rest of the night brings.

- I can't pick who I like more.

You know, I'm really excited

to just get one-on-one time
with both,

get a fair sh*t with both,
and just see

who I have
a better connection with.

I think that's important.

- They both have different
qualities that are amazing,

so it is possible that you could

fall for both
and not even know it

until you, like, wake up
one day, and like,

"Man, what do I choose?"
- Especially there's two.

- What do I choose?
- Yeah.

- Oof!

- We'll warm you up out here.

- Yeah, we need a blanket
or something.

The night started off
a little bit awkward,

but since we've
been able to separate,

getting to talk to these guys
individually is almost

like meeting them again
for the first time.

- I went to UCF.

- No way.

- And so I live in Tampa now,

- My brother lives in Tampa.

I am really hopeful
that I'm gonna start

making more romantic connections

with these guys,
because that's why I'm here

and that's what I'm looking for.

- I know that
a couple of weeks ago,

it was your birthday.

- It was!
- Okay.

So I had plenty
of time to do this.

- Oh, my goodness.

Oh, my... [laughs]

- I had plenty of time.
- Can I read it?

- Yes, I would love for you
to read it.

- "Happy birthday, Rachel.

"I know your birthday
was a few weeks ago,

"but it's never too late
for best wishes.

"I hope your life is filled
with an abundance

"of love, joy,
and most of all, me.

Love, your co-pilot, Hayden."

Oh, my gosh, I love it.

This is so special.

Oh, my goodness.
- Well, that came from heart.

- Hayden is so cute.

He really went out of his way
to let me know

that he's interested
in being here for me,

and that makes me
feel so special.

I definitely feel
a spark with Hayden.

- I've had this
for a long time, basically.

It's just a list
of, like, attributes

that... about a future wife.
- Aww.

- I'm not sure
if you have one of these.

It's kind of cringy,
but then I'm like, all right.

- No, that's okay.
No, I appreciate the effort.

I feel like it's important
to think about these things,

for sure, especially going into
something like this where...

- Oh, my gosh.
- You know, you don't really

know what you're going into.

- Well, I don't know,
at the same time,

like, are we gonna be good

- Totally.
- Is there things

that are going to, you know,
branch out for us?

this is not just a first date.

It's, like, almost like
a first everything.

So I'll kind of go over these.
- Right, right.

- So the first attribute
of a future partner is,

is open and honest
with her feelings.

They are intentional
in everything that they do.

Takes care
of herself physically.

So hopefully you take care...

[both laugh]
I mean...

- Shirtless Jacob,
his pecs are rock-hard.

- Lives a very passionate life.

- I can't stop looking at 'em.

- Yeah, and then has
a good sense of humor.

So obviously, I think
we're good on that part, maybe.

- Yeah.

He's great.

He came to our conversation

very intentional,

which is nice, but he was
way more shy than I thought.

I thought they were
gonna be kissing

all over the place,
but they haven't.

- I guess, isn't afraid
of physical touch.

- Yeah.
- So, I mean...


- I'm terrified. No.

- Yeah, yeah, of course.
- Yeah.

I think physical chemistry means

so much,
especially when you're dating,

in order to, like,
keep the attraction.

So I feel like kissing
is really important.

- Like, you think
anyone's kissed them yet?

I'd kiss both of them, but I
don't know how that would work.

- Yeah.
- Before I kiss one of them,

I gotta figure out
which one I like.

'cause I'm not gonna play.
I'm not gonna play with them.

- It's a delicate process
where you can't

come on too strong,
but you have to be a little bit

selfish and just be you
to figure out, like,

is there that instant chemistry?

- You know, one thing
I definitely wanted

to let you know up front is,
you know what you said

inside about kinda opening up
and vulnerability?

- It's very important to me.

- It's very important,
yeah, I know.

But it's like,
it's always been kind of tough

for me to do that early on.
- Okay.

- But I want you to know that,
you know, I'm here for you.

- Yeah.
- And I'm willing

to kind of meet you there.

And it might
take me a little bit

longer than some
of the other people...

- We'll work on it.
- We'll try.

But, you know,
I'm gonna give it my absolute,

100% best when it comes to that.

- I really liked Aven
right off the bat.

Kind of wearing your heart
on your sleeve,

even when it's scary.
- I know.

- He definitely was inching
a little bit closer to me...

- I'm just... I'm like,
oh, my gosh,

I really, really hope
this experience is

so much better
for the both of you.

- Yeah.

- That must have been a lot.

[romantic music]

- But there was no kiss.

- It was so great
to talk to you.

- Maybe it just wasn't
the right moment.

Maybe he was nervous.

I'm not sure
what's going on with him,

but I, at least for me,

thought it was
a good conversation.

- So I understand
that you're a pilot.

- I am.
- Right, and that's super cool.

So me being a race car driver,

I might have brought
my actual race car.

- Oh, my goodness!
- To show you.

- Whoa!

- This is what's called
a Top Fuel dragster.

- Oh, my goodness.

- So this is the car
that I drive.

- So you sit...
- Right in here.

- Oh, my God.

- So that's where I sit.
- Whoa!

- Here's my controls
in here, so...

- Okay.

- So these two levers right here

are the parachutes, so I go...

- Wait, so you go,
like, really fast

and then the parachutes
go out the back?

- I've gone 330 miles an hour.
- Are you serious?

- This thing goes
330 miles an hour.

- Oh, my goodness.

- It's pretty big, though,
isn't it?

With you being a pilot and all,
you know, you spent hours

and hours learning
how to fly a plane, you know,

learning the controls,
all that sort of thing.

So, you know,
I kind of did the same thing.

And so when you drive
one of these things,

you have to learn
what the controls are,

all those kind of things.

So hopefully one day,
you can show me

how to fly a plane,
and one day I can

show you how to drive
this thing.

- Absolutely!

- Jordan V.
Really surprised me.

I enjoyed our conversation,
and I feel like,

in a way,
we do have a lot in common.

Wow, I'm very impressed by you.

- I'm impressed by you.

- Oh, thank you.

- I came here for you, so...

- Oh, for me? Really?

- Yes.

I don't know if you're
familiar with horsepower,

but it makes
11,000 horsepower, so...

- Oh, my goodness. Wow.

I was a little bit surprised
that Jordan didn't kiss me.

I thought the moment was right,

but, I mean,

it is only night one, but...

Clayton kissed me on night one.

- I noticed
when you guys were in there,

one of the things you said,
you were like,

just to kind of be
more open and honest

right now,
like, to be vulnerable.

And that's, like,
a part of the journey.

And then you guys were like,
"Cheers up to that!" right?

And I was like "Oh, okay."
- Yeah. Do it now!

- But, like, what does that,
like, look like for you?

Considering, you know,
Clayton was like, "I love you."

- Right, right.
- And then you fell through.

How has your lens
changed in that area?

- For me, it took me...
I definitely got there,

but it took me
a little bit of time

to be more vulnerable

and kind of share my story

and have faith in myself

and the relationship
that I was building.

- Yeah.
- I think it's so important

to just, like, trust your gut

and know what you have to offer.

- Absolutely.
I just want you to know

I'm coming to you
with a open heart.

I think, naturally,
as, like, a man,

you know, I think
in our culture today, like,

there's this stigma that,
like, men are just closed off,

like, you know,
they have walls up,

but I'm willing
to be vulnerable...

- Yeah.
- And to just be

present-minded with you,
you know what I'm saying?

- Totally.
And that's a good sentiment.

- Just not, like,
going through the motions.

You know what I'm saying, right?

It's like, "All right,
hey, you take care."

You know what I'm saying?

- You just hit my reflex
in my knee.

- Wow, did, like, your leg
just kick off?

Also, I'm a doctor.

But no, I'm just saying, like,

I do look
for that connecting point.

- Yeah, I appreciate that.

- No problem.
- Yeah.

- Yeah, but you look
very beautiful, though.

- Oh, thank you.
You as well.

- Thank you.
- Yeah.

[sentimental music]

♪ ♪

- I was just...

- You know, I'm glad you did.
- Okay.

I was like, I just
really want to kiss you, so...

- Yeah. Aww, I appreciate that.

- Yeah, no, but I look forward
to connecting more with you...

- I know. Me too.

- Over the course
of several weeks.

- Yeah, yeah. Thank you.

I was really excited
to talk to Mario.

He's a great kisser.

He's kind of giving me

These first few guys
are really amazing.

It's truly surreal to know
that they're here for me.

I'm enjoying the hell out of it.

But I want to know
who Rachel is kissing,

if they're good, if they're bad.

I feel like it's not weird.

I mean, she's my friend.

- We're gonna sit right here.

Yeah, so I figured, you know,
you might have a little bit

of a troubled past
with the stairs.

So maybe we could...
- No!

- Maybe we could get together

and make a better memory
out of it.

- Not the stairs.

- Ah, you know,
we could tackle it and,

you know, maybe you'll remember
the stairs really fondly now.

- I'm really excited about Tino.

He brings me to the stairs,

which... I had a little bit

of a time on the stairs
on my season with Clayton.

And he tells me he wants
to make the stairs,

you know, a little bit better.

So I am really curious
to see what he has for me.

- I mean, it's incredible
that you went on that

journey you did, and now you're
back, like, running it back.

- I know. It's...
- I think that's incredible.

- Crazy to be here.

How do you feel?
Are you nervous?

- Yeah, I mean, I totally was,
you know, like, driving up.

I actually did feel a little
bit more at home on that,

because I'm
a general contractor, so...

- Okay.
- Yeah, so like, I mean,

that actually did feel
pretty comfortable.

I was like, "All right, cool,
this is kinda, like, normal..."

- Every day,
you're on the forklift?

- No, no.

Like, I get excited
every time I get to go on it.

It's that rare.

- You needed the helmet.
- So getting to do it

in this situation,
yeah, I mean...

- I mean, there's some
creative entrances.

Yours was one of my favorite.
I really liked it.

- Really?
- Yeah.

I appreciate the driving skills.


- Well, I came
to make you laugh,

so I'm glad I can.
- Well, it's perfect.

You're off to a great start.
You took me to the stairs.

- Would you let me kiss you?

- Yes.
- We can go on the cheek

if you want.

[romantic music]

♪ ♪

- The stairs are
already getting better.

- Yeah, I was just gonna say,

you better smile
when you see stairs now.

'Cause I know I'm going to.

- Already better.

Can we just stay
on these stairs then?

I'm so happy to finally
get a kiss tonight.

Tino is definitely
the romantic connection

that I've been hoping to have,

and it's what
I've been waiting for.

I feel better than ever about
finding my future partner.

I can't wait to see how
the rest of the night goes.

- What a night.

- I know.

How's it going?

- Oh, my god, it was so good.

- Do you think they're watching
right now?

- Yeah.

- How many people
have you talked to you?

Okay, tell me, tell me, tell me.

- Mario, I really like.

I feel like we had
a really good conversation.

He was, like, so nervous.
It was cute.

- Oh, my gosh!

- And I talked to...
Both: Jacob.

- Yeah.
- How was that?

- We were laying on a fur rug

by the fireplace
with him shirtless.

- [laughing]

- How about you?
- I talked to Hayden

and he made me a birthday card.
- Oh, my God.

- Because my birthday was
two weeks ago.

It was so sweet.
- Oh, that's so sweet.

- And then I talked to Jordan,
the race car driver.

- Okay.
- He surprised me.

- Oh, good.

- Yeah.
And then I talked to Tino.

- How was that?

- [whispering] We kissed.

- [squeals]

- Have you kissed anyone?
- I kissed Mario.

- [gasps] [both laugh]

- They're all so different.

- I know. It's so true.

- And you, like,
are attracted to different

qualities in each person.

- It's, like, different
being with them

separately than it was
when they were, like,

introducing themselves
to us both.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

- Now I kind of understand
how you can

have feelings
for multiple people.

- Are you saying you're falling
in love with three women?

- I'm in love with everybody!

- "I'm in love,
and it feels so good."

- Yeah.

I think tonight
is going really well.

These guys have already made
such good impressions,

so I'm really excited
to see how the rest

of tonight goes
and see what happens.

[indistinct chatter]

- My man, my man!

- Gentlemen.
How are we doing?

How are we doing?

A little something
for Gabby and Rachel.

I'll put it right there.
Enjoy the rest of your evening.

See you guys.
- All right.

My man Jesse.

- Oh, there's two. Yay.
- There's two.

- Two is better than one,
you know?

- Makes it a little more real.

- Makes it a lot more real.

That thing's staring me
right in the face, you know?

- I think hearts kind of drop
a little bit, you know,

go into the stomach.
I know for me it did.

If you don't make an impression,

you know, those two roses
or any rose

might not be yours and you
might be going home, so,

you know, I think it made it
all real for everybody.

- The clock is ticking.
- So many guys.

- You have to be a little
cocky in this situation.

You have to kind
of get yourself out there.

- Gotta get in there.
- Yeah.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- Should we have our
whole conversation like this?

- It would make it
a lot easier for me.

I'd be a lot less nervous
if we did.

I'm going for it.
I'm going for Gabby.

You know what I'm saying?

- I'm gonna try
to talk to Rachel right now.

- Putting your flag in early.

- I think the First Impression
Rose is everything.

I think that
would really set the tone

for the rest of our journey.

I'm nervous.
My heart... you gotta feel.

It is pounding out of my chest.

- You should have more to drink.

- Yeah, I should.

- Obviously, at some point,

they're gonna end up
liking the same person.

- It's gonna happen.
With 30 guys?

- And then
how is that gonna work?

It could be awkward.
They could get in a fight.

You never know.

Like, it's interesting
to think about.

- Pressure is mounting
a little bit just to get

that conversation,
I'm not gonna lie.

- I would love
the First Impression Rose.

I am gonna try and get time
with Gabby and Rachel.

I think I would rather talk
to the real chicks

rather than continue
to talk to these two.

The bird just pooped in my hand.

So I wanted to get
something out of the way.

- Okay.

I'm dying to know
your biggest fear.

- My biggest fear?
- Your biggest fear.

Okay, on three, ready?

- Yeah.
- I'm gonna say mine too.

- Okay.
Both: One, two, three.

- Clowns.
- Sharks.

- Sharks?

- Okay,
I've heard there was, like,

a couple clowns, like,
during the entrances today.

So were you just terrified
out of your mind?

- Wait, you're smooth.
That was a good one.

I am very attracted to Logan.

He made me laugh.

I think
we're both very spontaneous.

This is my first time
really out in California.

- Yeah.
But I've always kind of wanted

to see the Pacific Northwest,
as well, Washington...

- Seattle.
- Yeah.

- You busy in the next
couple weeks?

- I don't know.
- You think we can make time?

- Maybe.

- I think maybe we could, like,
figure something out.

I was really happy
the way it went with Rachel.

It felt like we had
a real connection.

But navigating
two Bachelorettes,

this is a really
difficult process.

- I'll see you inside.
- Absolutely.

I need more to go off of
before I can make

a decision
on who I want to pursue.

- Did you speak with both?
- No, gosh.

If I spoke with both,
that'd be pretty impressive.

I don't think anybody has.

- How are you tonight?
- I'm good. How are you?

- I'm doing so well.

- Where are your chicks?

- The chicks.
- Did you ditch them for me?

- They had
a little too much to drink.

I had to call them a cab home.

I still have a lot
to, like, learn about you.

- Yeah.
- But you seem so fun.

- Oh, thank you.

- Like, when Shanae got
kicked out of the house

and you just
double bottled up...

- [laughing] Yeah!
- I'm like...

- That's my hidden talent.
- Yeah.

Okay, so are you the type
of person who goes into a movie

and buys candy
at the concessions stand?

- Oh.

- Or do you bring,
like, a trench coat...

- Right.
- And, like, stuff everything

in the pockets
and kind of sneak in?

- Yeah, the trench coat.
- The trench coat?

- Like, a whole sandwich.
- God, I'm so relieved.

- Yeah.
Logan's great.

He's super endearing.

I feel like we have
similar senses of humor.

- I'll put corn dogs in there.

- Yeah.
- Like, burritos.

- Full... totally.
Like, hot dinner food.

I am excited
to see where things go.

We did have so much fun
and he's somebody

that I have my eye on
for the future.

- What are you
looking forward to most?

- I'm looking forward
for it to be over...

No, just kidding.
[both laugh]

[chicks chirping]
- What do you think, guys?

Gabby, Rachel, any preference?

Yeah, I don't know.

- You look beautiful tonight,
by the way.

- Oh, thank you.
So do you. Beautiful.

- Even with this tie?

- Not that, but...
- Okay.

What do you think
about the mullet, by the way?

- But it was...
Oh, I love a mullet.

- You do? I was concerned.
- Uh-huh.

One of my best friends
has a mullet.

She's a girl.

- Okay, that's... [both laugh]

- No, it looks good.
- Thank you.

- Yeah, and you have,
like, a good natural curl.

- Wow, this is just so nice.
Thank you so much.

- Yeah, I'm not this nice
all the time,

so don't get used to it.
[both laugh]

I'm quickly thinking of a way

to insult you, but it's not
coming fast enough.

[both laugh]

- Okay, well, I will
give you a compliment.

- Oh, yeah, I'm here for that.

- You look absolutely stunning.

- Thank you.

I have fake hair, a fake tan.

- Do you really?
- No, I'm just kidding.

Yeah, just a little bit
but you can't tell

'cause boys are dumb.
- I know.

You could have fooled me easily.

- Yeah, it's just a little bit.

Just a little volume
in the back, you know?

- The mullet's not real,
to be honest with you.

It's also fake.
[both laugh]

- Those are also extensions.
- These are extensions.

- You can feel it up here.

They just, like, clip in.

Ah! No, I'm just kidding.

- Stop!

I don't know you enough
to trust that.

- I really like Erich.

It's just so easy with us.

I feel like we were
making each other laugh.

I could really
be myself around him.

I honestly hate
groomed chest hair.

- You know what?
I shaved my chest hair once.

- Oh, yeah?

- Will never do that again
in my life.

- Yeah.
- It's the worst.

Have you ever shaved
your chest hair?

- All the time.

Let me see? Yeah, you're good.

[both laugh]

- I wax.

- It gets prickly.
It's disgusting.

You know exactly
what I'm talking about.

- No, and, like, men are
allowed to have hair.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

- Can I kiss you?

- I think so.

[romantic music]

♪ ♪

- I'm on cloud nine.

I had a fantastic
conversation with Gabby.

And then we shared
an amazing kiss,

which is unbelievable.

It feels awesome.

- I was thinking about this,
I was like, man,

if I'm gonna talk to Gabby

and she's gonna offer me a rose,

but then I go and have a great

conversation with Rachel,
like, what...

Is there gonna be
jealousy involved?

I don't know, it's like...

- Yeah, I was thinking
the same thing.

Like, how that...
If you get a rose

from both,
how you gonna deal with that?

- Or are they gonna just say,
"We don't like this guy.

He's playing both fields,"
you know?

- Yeah.

- So how's your night going?

- It's great.

You settling in well? Nerves?

- Yeah, I made some friends.

I'm doing okay.

- Good. So you're from...

- I'm originally
from New Jersey.

I grew up in a town
called Bedminster.

Like, a very small town.
- Okay. Yeah.

- It's, like, actually,
like, equestrian,

New Jersey,
like, middle of nowhere.

- Wow, I've never been
to New Jersey.

I've been to New York,
like, a minute.

- New York's amazing.
I'll take you around New York.

So, like, this is Manhattan.

- Okay, we got that...
We have a map.

- Yeah, yeah.
- All right, I'm following.

- So, like, Central Park,

you get, like, Midtown,

you have East Village,
West Village.

This is fun. All this is fun.
- Okay.

- So I lived on the West Side.

- Oh, so you were
right in the action.

- In the mix, in the mix.
- Right there.

- Yeah.
- Right on the edge of my mole.

- Literally right there.
- I lived right there.

- Actually, that's me.
That's literally me.

- That's me in my apartment.

- Ah, that's too funny.

Rach and I had
a fantastic conversation.

We were hitting it off.

In through this. Yeah.

Yeah, yeah.

- Oh, is this not good enough?

- There it is, yes!
Let's go.

I thought about going in
for a kiss and I was like,

you know what,
I don't want to force anything.

I want things
to happen organically.

So I am looking forward
to talking to her more.

I'm hoping that I made
a good impression today.

I think I did.

There are obviously
two Bachelorettes,

and they're both amazing.

So I can see
how this is gonna get

complicated very quickly.

It's gonna be interesting.


- What if they give
the First Impression Rose

to the same person?

- The odds of that are
like hitting the lottery.

- You never know though.
You never know.

[soft music]

- Hello.
[all greeting]

- Hi.
- Hi, guys.

How are we doing?

- Doing amazing.
How are you?

- I'm doing well.

I'll be back.

- Securing the bag.

- Okay.

- There we go.

One down.

It kind of sucks that...

she came right in,
went right out.

Rachel comes, like, charging in

and grabs
the First Impression Rose.

I was thinking,
maybe I might get this,

and then it didn't happen,
and then I was, like,

a little bit upset
and I was, like,

kind of, like, disappointed.

- Whoo.

It's cold now.

- The First Impression Rose

is a huge deal to me.

Hi, guys.

How's it going?

It has been something
that I thought

about all night,
and the decision is not easy.

♪ ♪

Tino, can I talk to you?
- Yes, ma'am.


- Congratulations.

- Let's just get going this way.

- Oh, okay.

- There you go.
- There you go.

Knock one out.

- See, now it feels real,
doesn't it?

- Yeah, it just hit.

I'm a little gut punched.

- A little sting.
That sunk in a little bit.

- So...

tonight has been
a whirlwind for me,

and this is a really big deal,

but I have been
thinking about you

for a while,

and I really enjoyed
our conversation.

You made the stairs

a better place for me
on night one.

And I really look forward

to getting to know you more.

So, Tino,

will you accept this rose?

- Absolutely.

[romantic music]

- Looks good.

- Yeah, it looks good on me?

- I think so.

- Well, thank you.
I really appreciate that.

I really liked
our conversation too.

- I'm glad.

- Yeah.

I mean, I'm gonna try
to milk this

as long as I can to talk to you.

- You should.

- I'm here to make you happy.

[uplifting music]

♪ ♪

- I feel so awesome.
So relieved.

I'm so glad that me
and Rachel had time

and it was meaningful,
and I just... I have no doubt

in my mind
that we can build something

really special here,
so I'm so stoked about that.

- Seems like Rachel had
more of a...

She knew who she wanted,
like, whoever that is.

- Maybe Gabby's still
exploring everyone that's here

and she's still trying to talk
to as many people as she can.

- The rose is still in play.

[tense music]

- I'm like, okay,
there's one more rose left.

My time with Gabby was amazing
and the First Impression Rose

would be the best-case
scenario, but you never know.

So we'll see.

- It's literally
do or die kind of vibe.

- I'm feeling
a little nervous, right?

I think everyone wants,
at least, some time to talk

with either one of those
two beautiful girls, right?

- I talked to Gabby early,
and I feel

like it could be a possibility
I could get the rose.

- Hey, man, if I get one rose,

I'll be happy,
you know what I'm saying?

One will be good for me.

- Whoa!
All: Whoa!

- All right,
who wants to give me

a dirty look?
I'll sit right here.

- Tino got Rachel's
First Impression Rose tonight.

You know, I would have loved
for it to be me,

but there's still Gabby,

and hopefully I'll still have
my opportunity.

- We still got
one more rose here.

- Yeah.

- How's it going?

- I just gave out
my First Impression Rose.

- Oh, my God, to who?

- Tino.

- Oh, I love that.

- I know.
- Oh, my God.

- How are you feeling?
- Good.

- Okay, so what are
your thoughts?

Like, the first rose
of the season,

this is huge.

- Yeah, I know.

So big.

I feel like they are just such

a great group of men.

Like, everyone's been
super honest

and open and just, like, really
wanting to get to know us.

- Absolutely.

I'm here for this decision

and I'm really excited for you,

'cause it's really insane
giving out the first...

Like, the first rose
of being the Bachelorette.

- Oh, my gosh, I know.

- [squeals]

- Okay, I think
I'm gonna go do it.

- Go.
- Wish me luck.

- Good luck!
- Thank you.

I haven't been able to talk
to as many men as I hoped,

but there is a First Impression
Rose on the line.

I have had
such good conversations,

but one guy is really
standing out to me.

- I got some time.
- You got some time?

- I got some quality time.

I feel confident that I had

enough quality time with Gabby.

- How'd it go?
- It went amazing.

I'm in a position
where I would love

to get
the First Impression Rose.

[tense music]

- I got time with both women,
but I'm wondering if I made

a big enough impression
to receive that rose.

- All right, here she comes.

♪ ♪

- Mario,
can I take you for a second?

- Ooh.

- Hi.

Oh! [laughs]
- You okay? You good?

- Yeah.
- Careful with your dress.

- I think 'cause he's a dancer

and, you know,
she likes that... you know,

kind of, like, that,
you know, goofy kind of vibe.

- I mean, I guess.

Definitely disappointing.

Her and I, like,
had a great conversation,

we even made out
and, like, I was

feeling pretty good
leaving there.

Honestly, I thought I had
a sh*t with that.

Not gonna lie.

Then I watched both those
First Impression Roses go,

and I was like, oh, damn.

I'm kind of pissed,
to be honest.

- Well, obviously...
[laughing] I have this.

- Oh, thank you... no.


- Oh, thank you. See you later.

But I just wanted to tell you,

I think, you know, you led
with really good questions

and you're, like, so sweet
and genuine.

I feel like we got off
to a right foot.

- Yeah.

- Mario,
will you accept this rose?

- I will.
- Yeah?

- Oh, perfect.

Thank you. I appreciate that.
- You're welcome.

[tender music]

♪ ♪

- I'm excited that Gabby and I
got off on the right foot.

You know, as the weeks
go on, hopefully

we can continue
to build that connection.

I'm pumped.

I gotta keep
that momentum going.

And I'm gonna continue to look

for opportunities
to build on top of that.

So I'm feeling really confident.

First Impression Rose.
Y'all see it. Yeah. Hey.

First Impression Rose,
I says, y'all see it.

Let's get it.

- Well, we have
a Rose Ceremony in...


Time's running out.
- It is.

I have had zero time
with either of the women.

I'm starting to panic.

I would be devastated
to go home,

you know, without the chance

to at least speak
with one of them.

- I feel really good
about the guys that are here,

but I do feel so bad that we
didn't get to talk to so many.

There's just... I mean, it's
the biggest group of guys ever.

- I feel the same way.

- I don't know.

- Yeah.

- This is, like, confusing.

- How you guys all doing?

How we doing?

Well, gentlemen, look,
of course I understand

you're having a great time,
but it is that time.

The party is now over
and we do now have

to get ready
for the Rose Ceremony.

Gentlemen, thank you,
we'll see you soon.

[tense music]

- I mean, I think we can agree

there's people we don't
feel a connection with,

but this is our journey

and it's never been done before,

we've never had this many men,

so I don't see
why we couldn't bend the rules

at least a little bit.

- Yeah.
- Let's do this.

- This was something that
I did not even think would be

a possibility
that I would come here

and not even get to say
more than just, like,

"Hi" or a couple words
to Gabby or Rachel.

So I have it in my mind
that I'm about to go home.

- All right, what's going on?

Are you ready?

- Well, we're
kind of wondering...

- That's the problem.

- If there's a different way
of going about things.

- You guys can do
whatever you want.

Listen, your journey,
you call the sh*ts.

- Yeah.
- Here's what I would tell you.

- Uh-huh.

- If there are people
here tonight

that you know in your hearts
you don't have a future with...

- Mm-hmm.

- Do you really want
to string them along?

♪ ♪

- My heart's pounding.

There's not gonna be 30 roses

given out, I know that.

I'm just wondering
how many of us are going home.

- It's definitely
a tough situation right now.

Some guys are
going home tonight,

and that's the reality
of the deal.

I just hope it's not me.

- Feel like you know
what you're gonna do?

- Yeah.
- All right.

- After talking with Rachel
and kind of deciding

how we want to move forward,
I'm sure that the guys are

probably gonna have
their own questions

and be really shocked.

But we do know
what we need to do.

♪ ♪

[tense music]

♪ ♪

- All right. Hi, you guys.

We know it has been
an incredibly long night,

and we appreciate
you all being here.

But for the sake of time,
we were not able

to, of course,
get to all of you tonight.

- Yeah,
it's definitely bittersweet.

Like Rachel said,
we know it's such a long night.

We've been
in your position before,

like you know,
and it's not ideal.

So I really am sorry

for everyone
we didn't get to talk to.

- With that being said,
would Roby, Justin, and Joey,

would you mind talking
to us for a second?

[pensive music]

- Thank you.

- Interesting.


♪ ♪

- There are
so many incredible men

that I was looking forward
to talking to tonight.

Some guys who really caught
my eye coming out of the limo.

But the night is coming
to a close

and I still haven't talked
to a majority of them.

It's really nerve-racking,
but I think

being able to talk to Gabby
and really bounce ideas

off each other, I feel confident

in the decision
that we made tonight.

First of all, we really

appreciate you guys coming
and joining us tonight.

- Appreciate it, yeah.
- Yeah, thank you

so much for your time.

I know how hard it is.

- But I think moving forward,

being able to talk
to you guys tonight...

We've kind of come to a decision

that there might not be
a connection there for us.

So we really, really appreciate
you guys coming.

Can we say goodbye?
- Sure.

- Yeah.
- We appreciate it.

- Yes, of course.

Thank you, guys.

This is a really,
really hard moment.

This is the first time
that we are

having to break up with someone.

It is so hard in the moment
to know that we can

inflict pain on other people
and that it is a part

of the role
as being a Bachelorette.

[somber music]

- Gabby and I have been
in their shoes before,

and we know how scary it is
to put yourself out there,

but there are gonna be
many times where Gabby and I

are gonna have to make
difficult decisions.

And I think we need to be
assertive tonight

and really show the guys
that we are serious,

and when we don't feel
a connection, we don't.

Because it is
Gabby and I's decision

at the end of the day.

- Thank you guys
for being so patient.

We know tonight has been
such a long night.

- And just keeping
with the theme

of open communication,

we did also want to let
you guys know that we were both

able to talk to Roby,
Joey, and Justin tonight,

and although
they are incredible,

we felt as though

we did not have
a connection with them,

so that is why they're
not here with us right now.

- And tonight,
we felt like we didn't

have enough time
to really get to know you all,

and that would be doing ourself

and you all a disservice.

So we are asking you
to move forward with us

next week and cancel
the Rose Ceremony tonight.

- 1,000%.
- Absolutely.

[all cheering]

- Yeah!
- Oh, my God.

- Coming to the decision
with Rachel to cancel

the Rose Ceremony is the first
glimpse of what we're getting,

that this journey
is going to be really hard.

- Thank you guys
for being patient with us.

And for those of you
we did not speak to tonight,

we look forward to getting
to know you better next week.

- But I feel like
I really could start to build

relationships with just the few
conversations that I've had.

Whoo-hoo, champagne.
- Ooh!

- I feel like we're starting off

to a really good start

that will set us up for success

and truly finding our husbands
at the end of this.

But there's never been
two Bachelorettes before,

so who knows
what's gonna happen?

Both: To love.

All: To love.
[glasses clink]

- This season,
on "The Bachelorette"...

all: Gabby and Rachel!

Both: We're the Bachelorette!

- What more could
two best friends ever want

than to travel the world,
fall in love,

and experience the best
moments of our lives together?

Let's do it!
- Bring on the men.

[all cheering]

- No one has any idea
of how this is gonna work.

So we're figuring out things
as we go.

- We have decided
we are gonna switch partners.

[both laugh]

- I feel
like we're two teenagers.

- Falling in love in Paris.

- [with French accent]
Ho, ho, oui, oui!

- I can't wait for us

to get engaged
on the same day...

- Yeah.
- And have matching houses

next to each other.

This is crazy!

- Oh, my gosh.
She's an athlete too.

- They're both amazing,
beautiful women

wanting to find love.

- They both everything
that I want in a wife.

- Like, how do you choose
between those two?

- Oh!
- [laughs]

I have never felt
like this before.

You truly are
the man of my dreams.

- [screaming]

There's our ride.

- Oh, that's amazing.

- I am definitely
falling in love.

- We're getting engaged!
- [screams]

- Do y'all have a preference
of Rachel or Gabby?

[dramatic music]

- [sighs] Yeah, it's gonna be
tough to decide.

- There's gonna become a point

where they're gonna want us
to choose.

- A lot of guys are
on the fence.

- No one's really ready
to pick a lane and stay in it.

- They have the control.
- Yeah.

- And they, like, know it.
- This is my nightmare.

- Will you accept this rose?

- I'm sorry. I cannot.

I'm here for Gabby.

♪ ♪

- It seems cruel for both of us

to be put in this place

- I am gonna have to decline
the rose.

- I don't know how
I'm supposed to fall in love

when no one gives a [bleep]
about me.

- I'm sorry.
- It's okay.

This is not supposed to be
like this.

- I do have my intentions
solely for Rachel.

- He said he can't love me.

Am I not good enough?

- They're ruining everything

trying to decide what they want.

- And here we are,
a big [bleep] mess.

- Both women are being played.

- I'm into him
and she's into him.

- He told the guys,

"I can't trust these b*tches."

It's just, like, validating
all my fears.

- [sobbing]

Am I too broken
for anyone to love?

♪ ♪

- Things have obviously taken
a turn.

- Yeah.
- What do you wanna do?

- I need to tell her
this full truth.

- [sobbing]

I just don't understand.

You changed your mind?

- What's going on?

- I still have feelings...

on the other side.

- Why?

Why me? Why now?

- I'm such a failure
as a Bachelorette.

I don't wanna do this anymore.

I would rather be alone.

- What if I'm not ready?

Why did they pick me to do this?

I don't know what to do.

This journey
finding love together,

it's messy.

I just hope that,
for both of us,

it's worth it.

♪ ♪

- Blanco, what do you think
about Jacob?

Can we pet him?

- I want to pet Blanco.

- I'm 'bout to hop on a horse
and meet them again.

- Go steal it.
Go steal it.

- Blanco.

- Come here, Blanco.

- Shake.
[horse's stomach gurgles]

Oh, no... oh, no!

- Blanco has diarrhea.

- Oh!

- Is that a bad sign?

- [laughing] Oh, my God.
- That can't be good.

- They got the horse
out here pooping

in the middle of the limo spot.

- I've seen it all.
I'm outta here.

- That's gnarly.

- I'm out of here.
- That's gnarly.

- I just seen a whole horse...

- That's gnarly,
like, right here.

- That is not it.

That is not it.

- Aww, poor Blanco.

- Think I'm just gonna
shovel it.

- Way to go.

- Did not know this was
in the job description.

- We appreciate you.

- You got it.

- There you go.

That's good.

Okay, be careful
where you fling it.

- Blanco,
this is all your fault!

- Blanco!
[horse whinnies]