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16x12 - Week 9: Fantasy Suites

Posted: 04/16/24 17:17
by bunniefuu
‐ Tonight, the dramatic
two‐night season finale

of "The Bachelorette" begins.

‐ No!

‐ As Tayshia's journey
to find love

reaches its
shocking conclusion...

‐ Fantasy Suites are this week.

I am falling
for all three of the guys,

so that time alone
is so crucial.

‐ I am undoubtedly
falling in love with you.

‐ You're making me feel a way

that I haven't felt
in a long time.

‐ An engagement ring means,

"You're gonna be
mine forever."

Today's the most important day
of this entire journey.

All I want is to give you
my whole heart.

‐ She's gonna stay up all night
with another guy.

‐ Just the elephant in the room.

‐ It's tough knowing

that you're sharing
these moments.

Am I ready to give Tayshia
the commitment?

I don't know.

‐ What?

He was the last person

I thought was gonna be
at that door.

Oh, my God.

‐ It's the emotional two‐night
"Bachelorette" finale.

‐ Tayshia, you know,
I've seen you hurt before.

I don't want you to be making

the biggest mistake
of your life.

‐ Will Tayshia finally
find her soul mate,

or will she lose
her chance at love forever?

‐ The shocking
two‐night season finale

starts right now.

‐ I'm still riding the high
of Hometowns last week.

It could not have gone
any better.

This week,
which is Fantasy Suites,

is a really big week.

Fantasy Suites are so important

for seeing how you connect
with someone

just being you two,

whether it be
through communication,

but also, intimacy is
definitely an aspect of that.

I think this morning,

the stress and anxiety
just kind of hit me.

As much as I think
I'm doing the right things

and I'm taking the right steps

and I'm confident
in all my decisions,

it's just a lot to think about.

Thankfully, I couldn't have
three better guys,

to be honest with you.

I know these guys are good guys.

I know they have great hearts.

I've met their families.

They're honest, loyal.

They're sweet,
respectable, kind.

They're all the things
that you would want

in a future husband.

And that time alone

is so crucial.

Engagement is
right around the corner,

and I just wanna go into it
extremely confident.

‐ It's definitely getting
harder to be around you guys.

‐ Yeah.
‐ I mean, it's like...

‐ Oh, yeah, after this week,
it's gonna be weird.

‐ Yeah.
‐ It's just gonna be weird.

‐ Yeah, you know, it's just a...

strange dynamic at this point.

‐ Yeah, we've essentially
been dating the same woman

for whatever weeks it's been,

so with each day
that passes here,

we get one step closer to,

you know,
what we all showed up for.

‐ This is difficult for someone
who's been married before,

someone who's been through
a divorce before.

If I do this again, clearly,

and I'm sure you agree,
you don't wanna‐‐

we're not trying
to get engaged, married,

and then for it not to work out.

‐ I don't think there's anybody
that wants to stack divorces.

‐ ‐ You know?

‐ How are you?

I feel like so much has
happened since I've seen you.

‐ That's good.

That means real stuff
is happening.

‐ Yeah. I don't know.
It's just been insane.

Fantasy Suites are so important

that being able to bring
JoJo in for one last girl chat

and talk about
what I can kind of expect

just to kinda calm my nerves

and get a little bit of clarity

is something I need right now.

‐ Okay, so we have Brendan,
Zac, and Ivan, right?

‐ Mm‐hmm.
‐ Okay, yeah.

Tell me how you are
with all of them right now.

‐ There are a lot of positives
and a little bit of hesitations

for each of the guys.
‐ Mm‐hmm.

Are you starting to feel

like you could fall in love
with more than one person?

‐ Absolutely.

Yeah, it's been hard
to navigate.

It stresses me out.
‐ Yeah.

You just can't help it
at the end of the day.

I told myself going in
that I don't think

I'll fall in love
with more than one person.

You can fight feelings all day,

but it's gonna happen
how it's supposed to happen.

‐ Yeah.
‐ And I'll be honest.

With overnights,
like, it gets harder.

‐ Were you
really stressed about‐‐

‐ Oh, my God. Overnights?
‐ Yeah.

‐ With the Fantasy Suites?

It totally took

all of my relationships
to the next level.

‐ Yeah.

‐ But it also brought clarity
in other instances.

You, I'm sure,

can see your life
with more than one person.

‐ I can.

‐ It's honestly such a good time

to talk about things that‐‐

"If we end up together, am I‐‐
are you moving to Dallas?

"Am I moving to Orange County?

Like, what does that
look like?"

‐ Absolutely.

‐ Jobs, relocating,
family, kids,

like, all the things that

are kind of weird to talk about
early on.

‐ Yeah.
‐ But I will say that, like,

when you're in those moments
of, I mean,

Fantasy Suites
and what that means,

you will feel something...
‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ That'll be a sign for you.
‐ Yeah.

‐ But it's so, so hard, Tayshia.

I mean,
you're about to know, but‐‐

‐ Oh, my gosh. I know.
And I can feel it.

‐ But it's so‐‐ ‐ I can feel it.

‐ It is so rewarding
when you get to the end

and you are so clear

on who you're supposed
to be with,

and it's such a good feeling,

and I know you're gonna
feel that, so...

‐ Yeah.

You got this, girl.-

‐ What's up, Chris?
‐ Hey, fellas.

‐ Chris, how are you doing?
‐ How're you doing, man?

‐ Look at this.

31 guys,
and now we're down to three.

- Congratulations.
- Thank you.

‐ Last week was a big week,

but this week is even more so.

And I know it's hard to believe,

but it is more serious,
it's more emotional,

it's more intimate.

This week, if you guys choose
as a couple

to forego your individual rooms,

spend the night
in the Fantasy Suite.

And that means
you guys can really have

those conversations
that need to be had before

you get down on one knee
and propose.

So if you're really not ready
for an engagement,

that's something
you need to realize real quick,

because her heart is
on the line just like yours is,

and she isn't
taking this lightly.

All right, first overnight date.

Right here.

Good luck.

‐ Thank you.
‐ Thank you, Chris.

‐ It's the most important week
in my life.

This week means everything

to my relationship with Tayshia.

Getting the first
Fantasy Suite night,

that would just continue
to validate my feelings

that Tayshia and I have
for each other,

and for us to figure out

if an engagement is
something we can get to

by the end of all of this.

‐ "Ivan, our love is timeless.

Love, Tayshia."

Today is big‐time.

‐ Yeah, just, like, don't,
like, screw it up or anything.

‐ I'm fired up
and ready to go, man.

Chris just hyped me up

and now I'm ready to go
for sure.

I'm gonna make the most of it.

‐ I mean, it's like...

just the elephant in the room
kinda thing.

You know what I mean?

‐ Yeah.

‐ Well, I got a date
to go get ready for.

I'll catch you guys later?
‐ All right, buddy.

‐ Later, Ivan.
‐ Peace.

‐ We all know
Ivan's a good dude.

‐ Yeah.

‐ I would let my sister
date him.

I don't know how I'd feel
about my girlfriend dating him.

You know?

‐ I mean, not going first is

even, like, more so weird
for me.

Not having that first potential
Fantasy Suite with her...

I don't know.

‐ Hearing the other guys
talk about where they're at,

I just think
I'm in a different spot.

There's just been nothing
to this point

that has made me question
what we have,

and I trust that.

This week is not really about

Ivan and Tayshia
or Brendan and Tayshia.

It's about Tayshia.


‐ I got the first
overnight date today.

I was kinda putting that
out into the universe,

like, hoping I would go first,
so I'm super pumped.

I'm super excited.

This is the most important week

out of this whole process.

It's the time to figure out,
like, if an engagement can work

at the end of this.

I am falling in love
with Tayshia,

and I've been ready
to just settle down

and build a family.

This really could be the start
of all that happening.

So it's literally
the most important date

of my life.

There she is.

‐ Hi.

‐ You look great.
‐ Thank you.

How are you?
‐ There she is.

‐ Feel like I haven't seen you
in forever.

‐ Right?

‐ So are you excited for today?

‐ I'm very excited.
‐ Mm‐kay.

Well, I can see
you're a little hot and sweaty.

‐ I'm extremely hot, yeah.

‐ I might have a way
to cool us off.

‐ Perfect.

‐ But I'm gonna need you
to be really ready for it.

‐ I'm ready for it.
‐ You excited?

- Yes. Let's do it.
- Okay.

‐ Let's go.

‐ I definitely know
who Ivan is at this point.

Ivan has always been someone
that I could lean on

and has been real
and vulnerable with me,

so it just feels good.

‐ Thank God.
‐ What?

‐ You have something
to cool me off.

That's what I need.

I know he's not gonna see
this one coming.

It's gonna take both of us
out of our comfort zones

quite a bit,

but hopefully it's romantic.

It is hot outside.
‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ And I'm gonna help
cool you down a little bit.

‐ Okay.

An ice bath?
‐ Yeah.

‐ Oh, this is gonna be freezing.

‐ This is, like, freezing.
‐ Oh, my God.

‐ But it's not just an ice bath.

That's the thing.
‐ Okay. Oh, God.

‐ So not only are we going
into an ice bath,


We're also...

‐ Going for a record?
‐ Yeah!

‐ Oh, heck yeah.
Let's do it.

‐ We're gonna get in there...
‐ Oh, yes.

‐ And we're gonna see how long
we can kiss each other.

‐ Okay.
‐ We're gonna break the record.

‐ Mm‐hmm.
‐ Are you into that?

Let's do it.-

‐ This is gonna be awesome.

‐ Hey, hey.
‐ What's up, Chris?

‐ How you doing?
‐ Doing good.

‐ Why do you look so scared?

‐ 'Cause I don't know
how this is gonna feel.

They always say it's like
you're being stabbed

by a bunch of knives, so...

‐ But in a loving way.

‐ Yeah, in a loving way.
‐ Yeah.

‐ Welcome to the world's
longest, coldest kiss, Ivan.

‐ Yeah.

‐ Look, if this relationship's
gonna last,

we gotta put it to the test,
and this is the test.

‐ Yeah.

‐ But we're not just
messing around.

This is a world record
we're going for today.

‐ Let's go.

‐ The current record stands
at 5 minutes, 16 seconds.

‐ Oh, my gosh.
‐ Let's do it.

‐ Go get changed,
and when you come back,

get ready to set
a new world record.

‐ We're ready.
‐ Okay.

‐ This is
the most important day,

so I'm gonna show up

and I'm gonna put
everything out there.

I want Tayshia to know

that I'm gonna support her
through anything.

Not just the good times.
It's the hard times too.

'Cause that's what love
and a partnership is about.

It's about being there
for your partner

through whatever
the situation is.

‐ Hello, everybody, and welcome

to the world's longest,
coldest kiss.

I am Chris Harrison.

Joining me today,

Bachelor Nation favorite,
Big Paulie.

Paulie, this is gonna be one

for the record books, hopefully.

You think
they're gonna pull it off?

‐ I think they are.
I really do.

‐ Well, they're behind us.
They're changing.

I think we're about ready to go.

Tayshia, Ivan, let's do it.

‐ Here come
the combatants today.

So today, Tayshia and Ivan
have to get in this bathtub.

Tell me what they're gonna
be going through today.

‐ Well, I think they're gonna be

going through a lot of pain,
is what I see, sitting there.

‐ I'm so scared.

Are you ready?

My body might be numb,
but I can guarantee you,

my lips are gonna
be burning hot.

I'm such a dork.

Are you excited?
‐ I'm super excited.

- I'm nervous.
- Let's go.

‐ Okay, Ivan, Tayshia,

when you're ready,
get in the tub.

‐ I'll help you
get in there first.

‐ No, no, no.
You're going in with me.

At the same time. Ready?
‐ Let's go. Let's go.

‐ Oh, my gosh!

‐ Let's go.

Mind over matter.
Let's go.


Oh, my God.

‐ I'm gonna cry, actually.

‐ Oh, this is gonna be
the bad part.

Three, two, one.
Let's just go.

Let's just go.

‐ Okay, they're in the tub.

Once you start,
you cannot separate.

‐ Oh, my God, this is‐‐

‐ Five, four, three...

‐ I'm gonna cry.
‐ Two, one.

‐ The clock is going,
and so is their heart rate.

Paulie, you were an orphan boy
that was found on a glacier.

You are no stranger
to ice and ice baths.

What is the secret
to getting through this?

‐ I think the secret is,

your body parts are gonna start
falling off slowly,

piece by piece,
and you just accept that.

‐ Ivan's on
a white knuckle ride there.

He is holding on
to that tub tight.

But so far, so good.

‐ To try to hold that kiss
was extremely tough.

I know my core temperature's
freezing right now.

I could barely move my legs.
My toes were literally frozen.

I just had to focus on the kiss,

focus on breathing,
and focus on Tayshia.

‐ Paulie, how's this gonna
affect his performance

in the Fantasy Suite
later tonight?

‐ I think this might have

some devastating effect on it,

That's some pretty cold water
there, Chris.

‐ We are coming up now

on the 1 minute, 20 second mark.

By the way, the water,

recorded at 40 degrees
before they entered.

You can get hypothermia

in just under 90 seconds
at that temperature,

so they're going through it.

I'm not gonna lie,
I made that last fact up,

but it sounded cool.

‐ It is freezing.

We're both freaking out

Like, I truly don't think
I can actually do this.

At that point,
I actually started

to kind of, like,
go completely numb.

Next thing you know, we were
in synchronized breathing,

so it made it a lot easier.

‐ Tayshia has now become
very relaxed.

I don't know if it's
the calming effect of Ivan,

but they are doing
very good here.

Is it just me, or are these
cold tubs becoming a hot tub?

‐ Yep, and I would say this
is definitely romance, Chris.

‐ When we really could've
given up a lot sooner,

we kind of held in there

and were kinda there
for one another.

That was, like, really hot.

While being really cold.

‐ Paulie, they look like
they're doing great.

Look like they've calmed down.-

‐ I have to agree with you.

I think they're in it
to win it, Chris.

I think they've got
the nerves down

and I think
they're very, very focused.

‐ What Tayshia and I have
is real,

and it's exciting
and we can both feel it.

‐ Paulie, we are coming in
on just 30 seconds

to hit that record.

‐ I really just feel like
the luckiest guy in the world.

I can't really imagine anybody
really being close

to the connection that I have
with Tayshia at this point.

‐ Five, four, three,

two, one.

We have a new world record.

‐ ‐ Longest, coldest kiss.

Ivan says, "Oh, no.
I want more."

‐ Can you believe this?
This is going for it.

‐ Man, I'm pumped right now.

We just set a world record.

For us to accomplish
this amazing feat

I think really brought us
closer together.

‐ They're not just gonna
hit that record.

They're gonna
obliterate it today.

‐ 100%, Chris.

‐ We are now
6 minutes and 17 seconds.

We are a minute over
the world record.

‐ Wow.

‐ I'm so happy
I was on the first date

and got to do this with Tayshia.

It just proves to me
that, you know,

if Tayshia and I set our minds
to do something,

I really feel like
we can accomplish anything.

‐ Oh, damn!
‐ Oh!

‐ That's it.
‐ Oh!

‐ 6 minutes and 35 seconds.
‐ Oh!

‐ We have a record!

‐ We did it. We did it!

‐ Congratulations,
Tayshia and Ivan.

Paulie, the official trophy.

‐ Oh, my gosh.
‐ There you go.

‐ We gotta raise it.
Raise it.

‐ We got a trophy!

Ivan just makes me happy.

Like, he's just so easygoing,

and I feel like I could do
anything around him.

I think it's a really good way

to go into the rest of our date.

Wait, that was
so freaking awesome.

‐ It's definitely
a little strange

envisioning Ivan and Tayshia

potentially spending
the night together,

but it's, like, outta sight,
outta mind for me.

Letting your mind drift off
to something else

and not dwell on what could be
happening tonight with Ivan.

‐ Right.

I mean, for me, it's less
outta sight, outta mind,

and it's more

trusting Tayshia...
‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ That she is going to do
whatever she needs to do

to get clarity on who she wants
to be her husband.

‐ Yeah.

Looks like we got
a little something at the door

for the boys.

Date card going on.

"Zac, let's explore each other.

Love, Tayshia."

‐ All right, all right,
all right.

‐ I don't know
if I like that one,

but works for you.

Yeah, I'll take that.-

‐ I'm just excited.
It's probably gonna be epic.

We're gonna have
the best day ever,

then the best night,
and then the best overnight,

if that's offered to me.

‐ "Explore each other."

It's a strange thing
to wrap your head around,

knowing the woman
that you're dating

is having an experience
with another man.

That's what's giving me
a little bit of trouble.

‐ Oh, yeah, we even got
a little breeze going too.

‐ I know.

The weather tonight
is literally perfect.

‐ Yeah, for sure.

This is the most important
day and night

that we've had together so far

for Tayshia and I
to really figure out

if, like, this could work.

I'm hoping that everything
progresses into, you know,

us spending the night together
in the Fantasy Suite

and we'll be able to just have
a ton of uninterrupted time

to continue our conversations.

Here you go.
‐ Thank you.

‐ Of course.

I am falling in love
with Tayshia,

and I can't deny it
at this point,

so I definitely wanna let
Tayshia know how I'm feeling.

I'm definitely a little nervous,

but I hope she takes it well

and I hope she feels
the same way.

Oh, boy.
‐ Today was actually a big day.

‐ It was a record‐setting day
today, yo.

‐ We set a world record today.
‐ Right?

You realize that, right?
‐ We really did that.

‐ Yo, we did great.
‐ I'm proud of us.

‐ We did great.
We gotta celebrate.

Literally felt like we won
a championship.

‐ Right?
‐ I love that.

‐ I will say you were shivering
way more than I was.

‐ Oh, for sure.

‐ You were.
‐ For sure. Yeah.

‐ But also, I feel like we can
literally take on anything.

‐ Yeah.

‐ That's how I want,
like, our relationship to be.

‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ Constantly, like,
setting a goal

and then accomplishing it
and celebrating.

‐ We can really do
whatever we set our minds to.

Like, there's no limits.
That's the thing.

And that's what I love
about us, you know?

Like, you with my family,

like, that whole day was,
like, so emotional.

‐ Yeah.

‐ And real and good
and I love it.

‐ I know.
‐ But yeah.

‐ I see us doing exactly that,

like, back home,
you know what I mean?

Like, making lumpia
with your family.

‐ Oh, for sure.


It's been special
to this point, for sure.

‐ You've been truly a rock
throughout this entire thing,

in the sense of, like,
I can count on you

to be someone
I can have a good time with,

but be comfortable
and vulnerable with.

I feel like you were truly
the first person

I was able to kinda, like,
break a wall down with.

‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ I even, like,
cried in front of you.

I don't cry to people.

‐ We've both cried
in front of each other.

‐ Yes, we did.
‐ So yeah, that was real.

That was real, for sure.

‐ But it's like,
I am not like that typically.

And, like, since then,
it's just been like...

I feel like I have
something special with you,

because that's not common.

‐ For sure.

‐ And you want that
in a relationship.

‐ For sure.
‐ You know?

‐ I felt the exact same way.

Like, I still feel the same way.

I can share anything with you.

I really feel that way.

But the word "love"...

it just means so much to me.

It's something I don't
take lightly whatsoever,

and I don't wanna just
throw it out there.

When I love someone,
I love hard,

and I'll love them
for the rest of their life

and I'll do anything, you know,
for that person.

‐ Yeah.

‐ It's just hard for me
to, like,

really, I guess,
show my feelings so much,

and I know I told you, like,
I've had feelings for you,

and that I like you,
and I really like you,

or whatever else I've said.

‐ But I probably started
falling in love with you,

like, a couple weeks ago,

And it's more than that
at this point.

I could really, you know,
see this all working out.

And I just love
looking in your eyes

and just being able to stare
at you, you know?

Like, I could do that all day.

But, Tayshia, I am undoubtedly

falling in love with you
right now.

I'm sorry
I didn't tell you sooner,

and I have kinda glossed
over it in the past.

‐ Ivan.

I feel like you have
glossed over it a little bit.

‐ I definitely have.

‐ And I haven't really, like,
known where you are exactly.

But I definitely have been
falling for you too.

I've been wanting to hear
those words from Ivan

because I have been
falling for him as well.

And I think
it's the breakthrough

that we needed to have
in order for us

to really take that next step
in our relationship,

and I am so excited.

I have something for you.

‐ All righty.

‐ If you would like to read it.

‐ Let's see.

"Tayshia and Ivan,

"this has been
an incredible journey for you

"here in Palm Springs.

"You two have really
embraced the heat

"in more ways than one.

"Should you choose to forego
your individual rooms,

"please use this key
to stay as a couple

"in the Fantasy Suite.

Chris Harrison."

‐ Do we have a key in here?

‐ Do we?
‐ Oh.

What do you think?

‐ That's up to you.

100% yes.-

‐ No, but, like,
I really do wanna use tonight

just to, you know,
be able to talk more

and just to have some good,
you know,

uninterrupted time
between the two of us

and, you know,
make it a special night.

‐ Absolutely.

I think we're on
the same page with that,

and I am so excited.

‐ Let's do it.

‐ It was a really freeing moment

to be able
to finally just open up

and tell Tayshia that I am
falling in love with her,

and then the fact that she was
able to say it back to me‐‐

I think getting that validation,

it means the world to me,
it really does.

Oh, this is funny.

‐ Surprise!

‐ ‐ It's our home!

‐ This is great.
I love it.

‐ And of course,
everything has to come

with champagne and doughnuts.

‐ Of course, yeah.

‐ Isn't it pretty out here?

‐ Yeah, for sure.


I just feel like
everything's lining up

for the two of us,

and, you know, we are both

falling in love with each other,

so this is really serious.

It really feels like
we're made for each other,

honestly, at this point.

So last week, during Hometowns,

my dad, he was, like, asking me
about my feelings, right?

‐ Yeah?

‐ And I was like,
"Oh, I really like her.

I have strong feelings,"
all that kinda stuff.

And he, like,
kinda called me out.

He was like, "Son,

I feel like you're a step away
from love."

And I think that was, like,
the little push I needed

to really just embrace
my feelings.

So cheers to my dad
for recognizing the real Ivan

and what's really going on here.

‐ Cheers to Dad.

I really am falling in love
with Ivan.

I do see myself with Ivan
at the end of this.

I feel like we could
take over the world,

especially after tonight.

I feel like we would just have,
like, a really good life.

Are you ready?
‐ Let's do it.

All right.

‐ Look how cute this place is.

‐ Oh, wow.

‐ So in the morning, we'll have
breakfast on our nook.

‐ Okay.

And this is the...
‐ It's the bed.

Let's see‐‐okay.
‐ The master bedroom.

This is awesome.

‐ I have that connection
with Ivan.

He just, like, understands me,
and I feel that comfort.

We can make this work, right?

Of course.-

He's the perfect guy.

He's genuine, sincere,
honest, kind,

driven, ambitious.

He's everything.

He's literally everything.

Hold on.

Last night was awesome.

‐ I don't know what happened
on Ivan's one‐on‐one.

‐ Wait, don't tell me anything.
I don't wanna hear it.

It's tough knowing
that you're sharing

these memorable moments.

‐ I just wanna be with Tayshia.

‐ To know that she's gonna
stay up all night

with another guy...

‐ What?

He was the last person

I thought was gonna be
at that door.

Oh, yeah.

‐ Last night was awesome.

I 100% enjoyed my night
with Tayshia.

It couldn't have gone better.

I'm honestly feeling
on top of the world right now.

We were outside
on the little bench there

in front of the Airstream

until the sun was
literally rising.

We stayed up all night
talking about stuff,

so we are, like, dead tired.

What do you want?

‐ Mm, I want a honeydew.

‐ We both put ourselves
out there

and told each other
we're falling in love

with each other.

I have no problem
proposing to Tayshia.

I feel like I could do that
now already.

That'll be, you know,
one of the greatest days

of my life.

What we have is
truly something special.

I feel like we were both able
to be just super honest

and super vulnerable,
and I love that.

‐ Yeah.

‐ And that's what's gotten us
this far

and that's what, you know,

could propel us into the future.

And I really am falling in love
with you,

and I mean that
to the bottom of my heart.

‐ Ivan and I had a great night.

My first Fantasy Suite
was incredible.

I had a good time with you.
‐ Yeah. For sure.

‐ We'll talk soon?
‐ I'll see you soon.

‐ Okay. Bye.
‐ All right.

‐ We laughed and just bonded

about the things
that we had in common,

but also learning,
like, the little things

about each other was just‐‐
it was really fun.

We're able to have
silly conversations,

but also really serious ones.

You know, conversations
that we needed to have

in order to know how big
religion is to both of us

and, you know,

what our future goals
and plans are.

I know that I'm falling
in love with Ivan.

We have a type of relationship

where we can be open and honest
about anything.

And having that comfort
and vulnerability

with my partner is everything.

I feel like
Ivan and I could have

a really beautiful life

‐ I'm sure Ivan's feeling
on top of the world.

‐ Yeah.

‐ It just probably matters more

how Tayshia's feeling after.

‐ Right.

If they ended up
going into the Fantasy Suite

and spending
that night together,

I'm sure he's gonna be pumped.

‐ Yeah, I think he just...

well, there's that boy.

‐ There he is.
‐ Hey, guys.

‐ What's up, buddy?
‐ What's up, Ivan?

‐ What's up, what's up?
‐ How you doing?

How you feeling?
‐ What's up?

‐ I'm feeling good.
I'm feeling good.

‐ Good, good.

‐ Had a great day,
and it was a great night.

‐ Good.
‐ Had a ton of fun.

Had dinner at night,
which was awesome.

Then she offered me
the Fantasy Suite key,

and, you know, had a great time.

Great night.
So yeah, it was really cool.

‐ That's great, man.

‐ Did you guys get, like,

time in the morning together,
or was it just‐‐

‐ Yeah, we saw the sunrise,
actually, so it was‐‐

‐ Oh, sh**t.
‐ Yeah.

‐ Didn't get much sleep?

‐ Didn't sleep, so...

‐ Geez.
‐ We had a long night.

‐ It's tough knowing
that you're sharing

these memorable moments.

It's a weird balance

of wanting to know what they did

and if they had
a great time or not,

but at the same time, like,

"Wait, don't tell me anything.
I don't wanna hear it."

You guys pretty excited?

Yeah, we don't know
who's next yet, right?

‐ No, it's Zac.
‐ Oh, you are?

‐ Yeah, yeah.
‐ What'd the date card say?

‐ "Let's explore each other."

‐ Okay.

‐ I mean, I'll take it,
whatever it is,

you know, at this point.
‐ Yeah.

Yeah, for sure.

‐ Well, I got a date to go on,

as much as I wanna hang out
with you guys.

I'll see you later.
Ivan, good to see you.

‐ Have a good time, buddy.
‐ Peace.

‐ I'll see you, buddy.
‐ See you, brother.

Never in my mind

would I ever think
I would be in this position

where the day after
I fall in love with a girl

or tell her
I'm falling in love with her,

she'd be going on a date
with a different guy.

It's tough to think
that she's gonna be open

and share her emotions
with Zac and Brendan.

‐ That's, like,
the scariest thing

about all of this
is just the unknown

of where all the other
relationships really stand.

‐ So good to see you.

‐ I really do believe

in my relationship
with Tayshia and what we have,

and to know that she's gonna
potentially stay up all night

with another guy, it's tough.

It's very tough.


This is just, like,
the weirdest dynamic sometimes.

‐ Yeah, yeah.
‐ For sure.

Especially at this point
in the game

when two people, like,
really care about each other.

I'm not walking anymore.-


‐ What's up?
‐ Hi.

Oh, my God.-

‐ So good to see you.

‐ I know.
It's good to see you too.

You excited for today?
‐ What's up?

Yeah, I'm with you.
‐ Okay.

‐ The shoes!
‐ How do they look?

‐ Amazing.
‐ Yeah?

‐ Yeah.
‐ You like 'em?

‐ Perfect.
‐ Good.

I thought we could get

a little creative with you today

and see how we express
ourselves, shall we?

‐ Okay.

‐ In the form
of, like, our bodies.

I'm‐‐whatever it takes.-

Okay, let's go get changed.

‐ When I'm with Tayshia,
she makes me feel like

I'm exactly where
I'm supposed to be,

and if there's a real chance

that we're going to be
getting engaged,

every minute
is gonna be important.

And today, it's pretty simple.

I just wanna be with Tayshia

and I just wanna hang out
with her

and hug her
and look into her eyes

and talk and laugh,

and that's it.

And I guess
we'll do some exploring.

I can't wait to explore.

Maybe that.

I can't wait to explore.

That's the one thing
I can't wait to do today,

is just explore.


So today,

we're actually gonna paint
ourselves and make a canvas.

‐ Okay.

‐ So we can explore each other
in a different way.

‐ Let's explore.
‐ Here's our paint.

On that note...-

How should we do this?

‐ We should probably
do some black eye, like,

just to, like, get ready
for the game, right?

Just like‐‐
‐ Wait, you're joking.

‐ What do you mean?
‐ Put mine on.

‐ Yeah.

‐ I think today is gonna be

all things Zac and I are.

‐ Hot.

‐ Which is fun,

a little messy,
a little bit awkward,

cute, and sexy,

and yeah, by the end
of today's date,

we'll have created
a beautiful canvas of our love.

Wait, you look really good
like this.

‐ The color combination
is actually amazing.

‐ It's actually great.

So now what
I'm gonna need you to do,

you have to roll a little bit.

No, keep going.

That looks really good!

Do it again.

Wow, it looks so good!

‐ All right, so you're up.
‐ Okay.

I feel so good

about my relationship with Zac.

‐ I've never been happier
in my entire life.

‐ I probably wouldn't have
enjoyed this date

with anybody else.

He's just, like,
the biggest dork

and, like, we just laugh.

That's what you want, you know?

Okay. How many times? This way?
‐ Come on.

I'll roll with you.
Come on, ready?

‐ Okay.
‐ Let's go.

Just roll.
‐ Oh, my God.

On top of that, Zac is
extremely attractive and tall

and, like,
confident in who he is,

and I don't know
what it is with me

and, like, a little bit of swag,

but Zac has it, and, like,

I noticed it since night one.

Oh, my God, it splattered
into my...

It has been, like,
a slower, natural progression.

He comes out
of his comfort zone,

I come out of my comfort zone.

My biggest hesitation is that

I'm just getting caught up
in the moment.

‐ Yes.
‐ That was dope!

That looks good.

‐ Oh, my God!

Oh, my God.
‐ Really?

Oh, my God!
You know what?



This works.

You need some more paint.

Are you good?
‐ Am I good?

I'm great.
How are you?

‐ I'm fabulous.

Oh, yeah.

Zac makes me feel

like I'm the only person
in the entire world.

It's actually really soothing.

I want someone
to be that vulnerable

and someone to be that real.

I actually could start seeing
a future with us together.

‐ Okay.
We're dreaming.

Day in summer.

‐ If you're taking the lead,
we're probably...

‐ In Orange County.
‐ In Orange County.

‐ Okay. So we wake up.
‐ Uh‐huh.

‐ We're gonna run
a couple miles.

‐ Got it.

‐ And then we'll go
straight down to...

the café down the street
from my house.

‐ I'm all in.
‐ Then we go out on the boat.

‐ Uh‐huh.
‐ And we play music

and we have fun and we dock
and we just stay there all day

and then we just, I don't know,
watch the sunset

and then we go out
for sushi after.

I don't know.
I just got excited.

I thought we were really going.

‐ Perfect day.
I'm in.

‐ How did I actually get
to this moment in my life?

Do you love our masterpiece?
‐ I love it!

What do you wanna call it?

‐ "Clarky and the Queen."
‐ "Clarky and the Queen!"

That's really cute, actually.

‐ I mean,
I can only speak for myself

and tell you that I'm falling
in love with the girl.

I can't speak for her.

‐ Jackpot, baby!

But today's
the closest I've felt

to feeling like
she's gonna be my wife,

and I want her to know that.

If she plans on being intimate
with me later tonight,

she should know
and she should see

that I have that side of me.

And maybe she does know,

but she just wants to hear it.

And I can say that
in the current state I'm in,

I'm covered in paint,

that I'm pretty certain
of those feelings.

‐ Wait, this is cute.

‐ Is this for us?

Wow, this looks so pretty.
‐ I know.

Very pretty.

‐ I can confidently say

I've never felt this strongly

this quickly this easily.

It's like there was a wire

that was disconnected inside me,

and Tayshia took the wire
and she went‐‐

And it, like, turned me on.

Look at the bell.

‐ I never noticed
that bell before.

Have you?
‐ I know. No.

The only fear in all of that is,

she might not know
exactly how I'm feeling.

It's like, tonight
is possibly Fantasy Suite,

a few days from her parents
being here,

and a few more days
from proposing,

so now might be the time
to stop being a jackass

and actually tell the girl
how you feel.

‐ Well, I had fun today.

‐ I loved the daydream.
I keep thinking about that.

‐ Really?
‐ Yes.

That was my favorite part.

That's, like, another reason
I'm just so attracted to you,

because I was like,
"All right, you go first."

You're like, "Okay, cool,"

and you, like,
did the whole thing.

Like, you just say yes.
You just, like‐‐

"Get in the fountain."
"Sure, let's do it."

‐ ‐ Like, it's just‐‐

‐ Well, I put up
a little fight sometimes.

‐ Well, not yet, so maybe
that's a good thing for me.

‐ Maybe it's a good thing
for you.

I think we have, like,
this level of comfort

with each other, and I feel like

I wouldn't trade any of this
for the world.

Especially my time with you.

‐ I feel the same way.

You just landed here
and, like...

‐ ‐ Swept me off my feet.

And the first night we kissed,
you said two things to me.

You said I was trouble...

‐ I said you were different.

‐ You said I was different.

And when you said that, I said,
"Okay, I have a sh*t."

‐ Really?
‐ Yeah.

Because I think it takes
a certain person

to understand that.

‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ That I'm, like,
a little different and‐‐

in the best ways.

‐ In the best ways.

‐ As far as I can tell.

‐ Yeah.

I actually have something
I wanna bring up to you.

‐ What?

‐ Well, it's just‐‐
I don't know.

I'm just thinking.

You know how we were talking
about having conversations

with your family this week?

‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ I was actually talking
to your mom, and...

you told her
that you didn't want kids.

‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ But, like, I told you
I wanted five kids,

and you've been on board.

‐ Yeah.

Well, early on,

I was telling myself a lie
for a little while there

that I just wanted to be
the cool uncle,

I didn't wanna have kids,

and that I just wanted
to be single.

‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ Because I just, like‐‐
it was the easy thing to say,

'cause love is hard
and it's hard to...

‐ You're protecting yourself

'cause you were hurt
at some point.

‐ Yeah, walls.

And what I realized coming here

and putting every other area
of my life on hold

is that I do wanna be a dad.

‐ You do?

‐ And I do wanna have kids,

and I know
that I'll be a good dad

and that I'll be a good husband

and that I deserve
all those things.

And I think part of being
in a partnership

or, like, a marriage is, like,
having those conversations

and working together.

‐ Mm‐hmm.
‐ So that doesn't scare me.

Those things don't scare me.

‐ That's good.
‐ Yeah.

But I appreciate you asking.

‐ What are you thinking?
‐ I'm not thinking anything.

Why are you looking at me
like that?

‐ Because!

I feel like there's‐‐
there's something else.

‐ So I'm‐‐all right, I'm gonna
talk here for a second.

‐ Okay.
‐ Let me get through this.

Tell you something.

‐ It looks like you're stressed.

‐ No, I'm not stressed.
I wanna tell you something.

‐ Okay?
‐ I wanna tell you something.

‐ Okay.

‐ So I...

made a promise to myself
when I came here.

‐ Mm‐hmm.
‐ Be honest.

Be authentic.

And then meeting you,
spending time with you,

and I've told you several times
about this whole idea

of, like, this light
that you've turned on

and I'm happy and that
I'm feeling something...

‐ Mm‐hmm.
‐ Very strong.

And I...

You know, Tayshia,
I think it's‐‐

I don't think,
I know that I love you.

I love your smile,
your strength.

I love how you treat
other people.

I just love
the human being that you are.

Like, I just see it,

but I think it's important
for you to know that,


‐ I don't know.
It's just wild.

'Cause I love you too,
and it's only‐‐

I've, like, known
that I love you though.

That's the thing.

It's like, I don't think
I've ever felt this way before.

‐ I don't think I have.

‐ And it's like,
I'm trying to figure it out

and I'm trying
to, like, find things wrong

and I'm trying to, like‐‐

‐ But what if
there's nothing wrong?

‐ And I'm just like...

I'm just so happy.

‐ You deserve it.

And I mean that.

How do you feel again?

That I love you.-

‐ It was much easier that time.

‐ I think what feels the best
is, like,

the sincerity behind
him saying "I love you."

Like, the way he says it
is just so intentional

and natural and organic

and it's just like‐‐
it's been amazing.

This is for you.

‐ Wow.

"Tayshia and Zac,

"should you choose to forego
your individual rooms,

"please use this key
to stay as a couple

"in the Fantasy Suite.

Chris Harrison."

I mean, I'm completely fine
foregoing my individual room.

‐ You didn't wanna take a pause
and think about it?

‐ No, I'm in.

‐ That's the quickest decision
you've made thus far.

Well, then, it's time to go.


‐ Let's get outta here.

There is no doubt

about how Zac Clark feels
about Tayshia Adams.

‐ Are you excited?

‐ I've never been more excited
for anything in my life.

‐ Same.

‐ Number one, I'm in love
with this girl.

And two, how am I...

even worthy of this?


‐ Nice.

Tonight gives us the foundation

to keep moving forward
and seeing if this is gonna be

a relationship
that can carry on forever.

‐ I'm living in a dream.

‐ The best dream I've ever had.

All right.-

I just honestly feel like
this is all a dream.

Everything's been,
like, so romantic.

Tonight, I just want
that validation

that my heart is right

and that he's right.

Zac loves me and I love Zac.

‐ An engagement ring means
you're gonna be mine forever.

‐ Don't get nervous.

‐ It is such a scary step
for me.

Am I ready to propose
to Tayshia?

I don't know.

‐ What?

I am so confused.

He was the last person

I thought was gonna be
at that door.

What do I do with that?

‐ ‐ Okay.


‐ We actually can keep it going.

‐ Of course we can.

Once you have,
like, the movement‐‐

‐ I'm a big elbow guy.
Watch out, so‐‐

Oh, no. Oh, God.
That's your move.


‐ What?
‐ You're such a dork.

‐ I am totally

spun outta control on this girl.

I've never danced on a bed
with anyone.

‐ The last 20 hours of my life
have been unbelievable.

There was definitely
moments of passion

and kissing and closeness.

‐ Oh, my goodness.

‐ But also just really
digging in with each other

and saying, like,
"Oh, could you be my husband?

"Could you be my wife?"

‐ I already told you.

Told you day one.

Tell it to you again.

You're trouble.

‐ Trouble's good.

Different's good.

Good morning.
‐ Good morning.

Are you ready to make
some breakfast?

‐ Yup.

I feel as confident as I have
about our relationship.

‐ Thank you.

‐ I know it's gonna get hard
for her‐‐

her family coming in,
other guys being here,

a potential engagement coming.

It's scary,
but at the end of the day,

we've chosen
to trust each other,

and that trust will allow us
to get through anything.

‐ Coffee cheers.

‐ To an amazing day, night,
and morning.

‐ Yeah.

‐ I'm just gonna keep trying
to make her feel like

the most desired person
in the world.

For a very, very long time.

‐ What?

‐ I just feel very lucky
to be here with you.

You're making me feel a way
that I haven't felt

in a long time,

and it's pretty simple.

It's that I love you.

‐ It sounds so good.
Say it one more time.

I love you.-

This feeling that I have
right now is just amazing.


he loves me.

‐ Wow.

I won't be sad.
I'll be happy.

'Cause we had fun.

‐ Ready?
‐ Yeah.

I mean, no, but yes.-

He's, like, so intentional,

and you can feel, like,
there's so much emotion

and meaning behind it all.

You know
he doesn't take it lightly.

He's not just saying it
just to say it.

As much as I care for Zac,

I do have feelings
for Ivan and Brendan as well.

Brendan's had my heart
since day one.

So it's been hard to navigate
the fact that you can love

more than one person
at one time.

I can see myself ending up

with, honestly,
any of these men,

and I'm gonna have to say
some really tough goodbyes

pretty soon.

‐ All right, where is Zac at?

‐ I'm sure he's gonna come in

Like, you know,
not smirking at all.

Like, strictly business.
‐ Yeah.

He's gonna be like, you know,
"I made the most of my time,

"and, you know,
it was a great time.

Tayshia's great."
Like, that's about‐‐

‐ Yeah, yeah, yeah.
‐ That's what I'm expecting.

‐ There he is.
‐ What up, Zac?

‐ What's up, guys?
‐ Sup, brother?

‐ What's going on?
‐ How are you?

‐ Doing pretty good.
‐ How you doing, buddy?

‐ Doing pretty good.
‐ Hey, good. You look good.

Ready to go.


‐ How was your day yesterday?
All right?

‐ Yeah, it was a good day.

We had an awesome time.
The day was intense.

We created some art.

That was the exploration part
of it.

Not easy to, like,
leave this morning,

but I think
the moral of the story is that

she's the real deal.

‐ Mm‐hmm.
‐ You know?

Did you get a date card? Yeah?
‐ Yeah.

Date card said, "Let's see
what the future holds."

So looking to pick up
where we left off and...

yeah, excited to have a date
with Tayshia for sure.

Just hearing Ivan and Zac,

knowing how they felt

about their dates
and their overnights

and how great they left
that moment,

definitely puts
a little pressure on me,

but I can't concern myself
too much with that.

I have to focus in on Tayshia

and continue to make her
the top priority.

This date and potential
overnight would be

one of the defining moments
in my life.

‐ Going into today,

I have certain nerves
and feel a little anxious.

Preparing myself to be ready
for that next step in life

and that next engagement
and next marriage

is a concern of mine.

I'm hoping that today
is gonna allow me

to take a big step forward

to be able to feel
really confident

and really ready
and really at peace

with the decision of proposing.

But I'm excited.

I know Tayshia and I
are gonna have a great day.

I know we're gonna have fun.

Whatever our future holds,
I think

today's the most important day
of this entire journey for me.

You look amazing.
‐ Thank you.

‐ How are you?
‐ Hi.

‐ You look beautiful.
‐ Thank you.

‐ You smell amazing as usual.
‐ I do?

‐ You do. You do.
You look great.

‐ Why, thank you.
You look good too.

I have a friend of mine,

that I would love
for you to meet.

‐ All right.

‐ Just to kinda have fun
with us today

and show us
a little something‐something.

‐ All right.
‐ Are you ready?

‐ Yeah.
‐ Are you excited?

‐ Let's see who this friend is.

‐ Okay.
‐ Let's go.

‐ I'm really excited for today.

Brendan was my first
real connection here,

and I really feel like
he's husband material

and someone
that I can see myself

at the end of this with.

In fact, I think he was
the first guy

I started falling in love with.

I mean,
after our first one‐on‐one,

I was like, "Brendan's it."

'Cause he literally is it.

Like, I love everything
about him.

I felt great with Brendan
last week meeting his family.

So today's date with Brendan
is going to be

a little look into our future,

and he is gonna meet a guy

that he's going to want
to be friends with.

Oh, look who it is.

‐ Oh. Hi.
‐ Hi!

‐ I'm Neil.

‐ Brendan?
‐ Yeah.

‐ This is Neil Lane.

He's a very important man.
‐ That's amazing.

‐ But he's most known
for the diamonds,

the glitz, the glam.

‐ Yeah.
‐ You're the diamond guy? Okay.

‐ I'm the diamond guy.

I'm the guy that does the rings
for the show.

So don't get nervous.
‐ Okay.

‐ It's really important
that Brendan knows

who Neil Lane is.

Neil is a huge part
of the "Bachelor" franchise,

and getting a diamond ring
at the end of all of this

is in the near future.

It's the symbolism of that love.

‐ So, jewelry.

It's really an important aspect

of walking down the aisle.

You know,
when a bride comes down,

first you see her earrings,

so that's why I made
these glamorous earrings,

and these are
really, really beautiful.

‐ Those are stunning.
‐ We designed them.

I make everything by hand.

These are really cool.

Look at that.

Come here.
‐ Okay.

‐ Usually, it's very romantic
on a wedding,

and pearls and diamonds
really go well.

These jewels, this is
the 19th‐century jewel.

Over a hundred years ago.
‐ That's beautiful.

‐ This is Neil Lane.
‐ Oh, this is Neil Lane.

‐ We can load you up.

‐ I mean, a girl can never have
too many diamonds, right?

‐ Nope, never can have
too many diamonds,

especially on your wedding day.

‐ Mm.

‐ How does it feel?
‐ Feels amazing.

Are you kidding?

I don't think I've ever felt
so glamorous,

I'm not gonna lie.

‐ So don't get nervous.
‐ Yeah.

‐ We have a lot
of diamond engagement bands.

‐ Okay.
‐ For women.

‐ Beautiful.

‐ Then we have a lot
of men's engagement bands.

‐ Okay.

‐ Well, let's look
at some gold bands.

‐ Okay.

‐ Um...

‐ Let's decide
what I like exactly.

‐ Those are French‐cut diamonds
in the middle.

Oh, my God.

‐ This is round diamonds.

That's a very powerful
wedding band.

It's strong.
It's big diamonds.

It's platinum.

Again, handmade.
‐ Gosh.

‐ Which is not machine‐made.
It's handmade, hand‐set.

‐ At first, I liked this ring.
‐ Because it was big.

‐ Because it's big

and it's stunning,
catches your eye,

but now that I have
this ring on,

I think it's just much more me.

It's delicate, it's dainty,
it's just‐‐

‐ And it's still sparkly.
‐ It is.

‐ Very sparkly.
‐ It's stunning.

‐ Looking at wedding rings
and engagement rings

and all these pieces of jewelry

that symbolize
a future commitment

and a future decision

that really should mean forever,

it is such a huge step
and a scary step for me.

‐ I would love to see
some men's band.

‐ So now we're gonna do that.
‐ Yeah.

‐ Whoo!

Let's do something
a little blingy.

This has black diamonds in it.

‐ Ooh.
That's kinda cool.

‐ I've been here before.
I've looked at rings before.

But when I propose to someone

for the second time,

that person is gonna be my wife

for the rest of my life.

‐ These rings,
they're always circular.

They're never usually broken.

It's called an eternity.

And so when you slip
this eternity

around your finger,

you're saying "I do"
with this person,

this significant other,
this love of your life forever.

‐ An engagement ring means
you're gonna be mine forever

and we're gonna be
together forever,

and that means so much.

But am I ready to give Tayshia

the commitment of forever?

I don't know.

‐ This is kind of a trip
to sit down with you guys.

‐ I know.

‐ I don't usually do that
on the show.

‐ First time for everything.
‐ I'm usually with the guy.

‐ Mm‐hmm.
‐ You know?

And it's been an amazing journey

and it's taken me to places
which I never would've been,

and I know everybody,

and now, like, I go
to some of the reunions.

‐ Yeah.

‐ And then all the girls,
they go like,

"Hey, Neil, look.
Look at that."

You know, "Look at that."
And it's‐‐wow.

And now they have babies.
‐ I know.

‐ I think Catherine and Sean
have two or three.

‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ And I've kept in contact
with them.

An amazing couple.

And now here with you guys,

and I wish you,
like, lots of success.

‐ Oh, thank you.

‐ You know?

So how does it look
the next few weeks?

‐ You know, it's been amazing,

but it's also been
a little tough,

and I feel like

if I didn't meet Brendan

so early on, I would've
probably been so skeptical,

I'm not gonna lie.

So the next couple of weeks
are gonna be a little tough,

but there's a light
at the end of the tunnel.

‐ So I wanna give a toast.

First off, it's my pleasure
to be here

with Tayshia and Brendan.

Whatever path you take,

I hope you find love.

- ‐ Aww.
- Thank you.

- ‐ Appreciate that.
- Cheers.

‐ I am really interested
in Brendan

and he makes me very excited,

but now, all of a sudden,
it seems like

there is some type
of, like, disconnect.

I just can't read him.

I just don't know where he's at.

So it's kind of a weird feeling.

I hope that there isn't
something wrong.

‐ Going into tonight,
I'm hopeful.

Brendan has been in my heart
and on my mind

since the very first day,

and I definitely see
me and Brendan

building a life together.

But I feel like
there is something

that he was
still struggling with.

I don't know.

‐ Keep outdoing yourself
with the dresses here.

‐ Hi, B.

‐ You look amazing.
How are you?

‐ How are you?
‐ Good.

‐ I genuinely feel like
Brendan cares.

Maybe he's just not aware
of how I feel

and I need to let him know.

‐ You're gonna sit here?
‐ I'm gonna sit right here.

‐ Okay.
‐ Thank you.

I'm hoping tonight,
we can really see

if we have something to grow on.

Today was really fun.
‐ Yeah.

‐ Were you surprised with today?

I guarantee
you weren't expecting that.

‐ No, I wasn't.

But the biggest takeaway
for me was just,

like, seeing you happy

and seeing you,
you know, all blinged out

and with the jewelry on and‐‐

yeah, so it was
really fun for me.

‐ So today was fun.
‐ Yeah.

‐ And I'm glad I had you...
‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ To experience
that whole thing with,

just because... I don't know.

I feel like...

I'm gonna be honest, okay?

‐ Okay.

‐ I feel like this whole time
that we've been here,

it's, like,
been quite a journey.

‐ Yeah.

‐ But you were
my first one‐on‐one,

and I feel like
we had a connection,

and I'm not gonna lie,
I thought‐‐I was like,

"I could totally see myself
marrying him

at the end of this."

And that made me so excited.

‐ Yeah.

‐ But I just feel like
I've been kind of lost

in the sense of, like,
I don't know where you are.

And I feel like I've just been‐‐

I've been stressed.

‐ Yeah.

I completely agree with you,
as far as,

you know, the moment
you stepped in front of me

and I laid eyes on you,

this entire experience for me

completely shifted,

and it brought me to the place
where I'm like,

"Yeah, this woman could be

someone that I could envision
as the mother of my children."

But today definitely...

reinforced the gravity

of, you know, that moment

and, you know, giving someone

that engagement ring is...

is, you know,
giving them eternity with you,

in a certain sense...
‐ Yeah.

‐ And this is
the forever moment.

Like I've always said to you,

I don't take that lightly
at all,

and I'm not gonna lie.

This has been challenging
past couple days

and past few weeks for me.

When I came here,
I thought I was ready

and I knew I was ready
in my own mind,

and I even expressed that
to you.

‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ But knowing you're ready

because you want something
so bad

and, you know,
I want a wife and...

I'm sorry.

‐ It's okay.

I want a wife and kids
and a family

more than anything
on the face of this earth.


But then coming
to the realization that

there's a big part of me
that's still broken.

There's a big part of me that

still needs time to heal.

There's a big part of me that

needs time to grow.

Because I still think
there are...

pieces of myself
that I need to pick up,

and all I want is to give you
my whole heart.

But as I sit here today,
my heart isn't whole,


And it really breaks my heart

You deserve a man
that is complete.

And you deserve a man who...

is healed from his past, and...

And unfortunately, right now,
I'm not that man.

So I'm so sorry.

‐ Um...

I feel like...

I mean, sure, maybe in‐‐

you know, a younger version
of me would've been, like,

really pissed off at you,
but also, at the same time,

I know what you've gone through.

‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ Because we've both
been married before,


As much as, like, I would love

to be with you
at the end of all of this,

if you're not ready,

that's not something
I'm gonna push you to do.

I've already fought for someone
to try and love me once.

I'm not gonna do it again.

You know?

I don't know what else to say.

Can I walk you out?

‐ Yeah.

‐ I'm sad.

I mean, Brendan is definitely
someone I saw a future with,

and I really thought
I was gonna be with him.

I really thought I was gonna
end up with Brendan.

He's been a person
every single day

that I've been like,
"It's Brendan."

Every single day.

Bye, Brendan.
‐ Bye, Tayshia.

Thank you so much.

I wish you every amazing thing
that life has to offer.

I really do.

‐ Thank you.

Since our first one‐on‐one,

he's the one that made me
put my walls down.

I just felt, like,
safe with him.

‐ Thank you, Tayshia.
‐ Yeah.

‐ God bless you, okay?

‐ You too.

‐ Bye, Tayshia.

‐ Oh, my God.

‐ Tayshia told me

that she really could picture me

as her husband
at the end of this.

She could picture
a life with me.

And, I mean, that is
really the first time

she's expressed that to me,

so it makes it that much harder.

‐ Oh, my God.

‐ Me not being ready
comes at a huge price.

Giving up the opportunity

to have a future with Tayshia

and me ending something
really special

before it even started.

Seeing Tayshia that upset
was devastating.

It was absolutely devastating.

‐ Oh, my gosh.

‐ Waking up this morning,

I've been in a whirlwind
of emotions

'cause I said goodbye
to Brendan last night,

and Brendan was someone

I was falling for,

someone that I really saw myself

bringing home to my parents.

And so I have a lot on my mind

that I'm trying to sort through,

and these are
very big decisions,

so I wanna talk to someone

who's been
in this position before

and can help me navigate
these next few weeks.

‐ I'm happy to be here today
to talk to Tayshia,

because I remember
what it's like to get down,

you know, to your final three.

You're meeting families,
they're meeting your family,

and it's just a lot
and it's overwhelming.

Basically, I'm just here to be

the big sister
that she never wanted.

I don't even know
where to start.

‐ I know.
‐ How are you?

That's how I should start.
How are you?

‐ Okay.
We'll start there.

I actually had a Fantasy Suite
last night.

‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ It was actually my last one,
so I've already had two.

‐ Mm‐hmm.
‐ And this was my third one.

‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ But actually, it didn't
really go as planned.

So it was with Brendan,
and Brendan happened to be

a guy that I noticed
since night one.

He was my first one‐on‐one,
and after my first one‐on‐one,

I walked away being like,
"I'm marrying him."

But last night, we had dinner
and he was like,

"You are the person I want,

"and it's weird that I have
everything that I want,

but I can't get there."

‐ Mm.
‐ So it just‐‐

‐ I'm sorry.

‐ 'Cause he's a really good guy,

and it just‐‐it does suck.

I didn't really sleep‐‐

but in the sense of, like,
I'm happy he told me now.

Could you imagine
if I were to leave with him

and then he'd be like,
"Tayshia, I'm not ready"?

‐ Exactly.
‐ Then I'd be really upset.

‐ Exactly.

Do you feel like
you were thorough

and you got the questions
and the clarity that you needed

from each Fantasy Suite?

‐ I do.
‐ Okay, good.

‐ 'Cause I feel like
I actually left

the first two feeling...

I got the feelings
that I needed.

‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐I got the validation I needed.
‐ Okay, good.

I'm so glad you had
these conversations.

‐ Absolutely‐‐well,
I've already been married.

I'm not doing it again
just for the hell of it.

‐ Right, but people don't‐‐
they get scared, right?

‐ Absolutely.
‐ Like, you're scared of,

"What if he says something
that I don't agree with,"

and then
you're in a relationship

that's, you know‐‐
it's the beginning of the end.

‐ Right, right.

‐ Okay, so tell me
about each guy‐‐

‐ Okay.
‐ That you have left.

‐ So Ivan is someone
that has been here,

and he's just been,
like, a solid,

like, a constant,
like, this whole time.

‐ Uh‐huh.

‐ And we had
a lot of similarities,

and I feel like we just
understood each other.

Zac has been very interesting
in the sense of...

I feel like he kind of‐‐

he wasn't someone
that stuck out to me night one.

‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ But we've kinda had, like,
little moments each date,

and it's to the point

where our one‐on‐one,
like, really propelled us.

‐ Mm‐hmm.

So two guys are gonna meet
your parents.

‐ Correct.
‐ Are you nervous?

‐ I am nervous,
but in a good way.

‐ But you know what you have.
‐ Yeah.

‐ You know‐‐you trust your gut.

You have to be confident
in the decision that you made,

and that's what will
carry you through.

So, like, you're okay.
No regrets.

'Cause I know, like,
when you get to this point

where you're down to two now,

you start thinking
about some people

that you left behind.

‐ Yeah.
There was a guy named Ben.

‐ Ben.
‐ And Ben. Ben, Ben, Ben.

I liked Ben.

I mean, aside from the fact
that he was, like, really hot,

but he was just really sweet,
and he cared a lot.

But Ben was in the m*llitary
for ten years,

and I feel like
that in itself has made him

kind of, like, hardened
towards showing any emotion.

‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ But once, like,
I finally got him

to start opening up, it was like

he was an open book,
and it was amazing.

‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ But saying goodbye to him,

like, he kinda really didn't
give me any emotion.

‐ He probably was like,
"I finally opened up to her"...

‐ "And then I got sent home."
‐ "And then she sends me home."

So his defense mechanism...

‐ It just...
‐ It left you wondering.

‐ I know
there was something there.

‐ Yeah.
‐ You know?

So it sucks.

‐ But now you're like‐‐
it's the end.

You're down to two people.

Are you already thinking
about the proposal?

Because you've been
proposed to before.

‐ Yes.

‐ So, like, you know
what's at stake.

‐ You know what?

It's more of, like,
an excitement.

‐ Good.

‐ This has been an extremely
big, important week,

and, you know, I went first
with the Fantasy Suites.

We were able to both express
to each other

that we're both falling in love
with each other.

And I think we are
the most natural together.

I think we could really
take over the world

or do whatever we want,

and, you know, I don't think
that's the same thing

she could really accomplish
with the other guys.

And we have
a Rose Ceremony tonight,

and it's gonna be
a great feeling

when Tayshia calls my name.

‐ I don't know
if Brendan's still here.

I don't know what happened
last night.

I don't know what happened
on Ivan's one‐on‐one.

I know what happened on mine.

I fell more in love with Tayshia

and we looked each other
in the eye

and said "I love you"
to each other.

If I really think
into, like, my future

and being with someone,

are we gonna be able to create
our own magic?

Are we gonna be able to create
our own fun?

And with her,
it's a resounding yes.

I'm all in.

There's a Rose Ceremony tonight,

and it's exciting,

but it's also scary, you know,
at the same time,

because, like,
anything can happen.

‐ The last time
I interacted with Tayshia,

she didn't give me a rose.

I was so caught off guard.

The way that I saw
the relationship going,

I was gonna marry her
at the end.

It was gonna be me and her.

How's it going?
‐ Ben. Hey, bud.

What's going on, man?
‐ It's good to see you.

‐ Good to see you.
‐ How are you?

‐ Come on in.
I'm good.

‐ The way that that ended,

my brain couldn't work,


I wish I hadn't shut down
in the moment.

‐ What's going on?

I heard you had something
on your mind.

‐ The last interaction
I had with Tayshia was so...

not like the relationship
that I had with her.

I honestly don't even know
if I'm asking

to be, like, back in her life.

I just feel the need
to express myself.

‐ How do you feel about her?

‐ I'm in love with her.

‐ You're in love with Tayshia?
‐ I'm in love with Tayshia.

And I need to tell her.

In the moment of the breakup,
I didn't feel it appropriate

to be like, "Oh, by the way,
I also love you,"

or, like, "Please don't dump me
because I love you,"

and when things get emotional
or confusing or tough

or difficult for me,

I often just, like, shut down.

But I've thought about it
a lot since,

and I'm like, "Maybe she did
feel the same way,

and she was just concerned
that I didn't feel that way."

And, like, I think that might
be a real possibility.

I'd love to just be able
to resolve

that really weird breakup
that happened.

I just think
I need to talk to her.

‐ Okay.

‐ I need to talk to Tayshia
because I need

to finally tell her how I feel.

I kinda regret not saying it
at the hometown date.

I'm in love with her,
and I know for sure

that I'd like to have a family
with this woman.

I need to tell her how I feel,
and so I'm excited

to tell Tayshia that I love her

and to see how she responds.

Hopefully, she's, like, happy,

but I don't know
what's gonna happen.

‐ Tonight is a Rose Ceremony,
and I have two roses,

and I only have two men,
Zac and Ivan.

But I still feel like
it's important

to have a Rose Ceremony,

because I care for them both
very deeply

and I could see a life
with each of them.

They're completely different,

but I could see kids,
I could see‐‐

I could paint the picture.

And it's completely wild to me

that this is where we are.

So I'm feeling really good
going into tonight.

I'm so excited because

I can be engaged soon.

‐ Can I come in?

‐ Hi. Yeah.
‐ Please?

I know I'm catching you
off guard,

and I'm sorry.

I just really need to talk
to you.

Is that all right?
‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ Is it?

Can we go inside?
‐ Mm‐hmm.

Of course.

‐ How are you?

I'm good, Ben.
How are you?

‐ I've been better.

Can we sit?

‐ Yeah.

‐ No, I know
I'm catching you off guard.

And I'm supposed to be
long gone,

and I know you sent me home

The way that that ended,

I was so completely
caught off guard,

I just, like, didn't even know
what to do or say,

and I'm sorry for that.

I know that was just‐‐

it was horrible, and I‐‐

for, like, two days after,

all I've been saying is,
like, "How the"

or "What the
just happened?"

Like, I didn't even
see that coming.

And... the feelings
that I've had for you,

I've been describing
this entire time.

I just didn't know,
like, what it was.

But I'm in love with you.

‐ Ben...
‐ I have been in love with you.


and now I'm starting
to get nervous.

I blew it by not telling you
in the moment.

I've never felt this feeling,
and so I was just terrified.

But I am in love with you.

Like, the life
we could have together,

the thought of that, like,
it keeps me awake at night.

And I'm not sure what to do
right now.

I'm not sure
what I'm asking for.

I don't even know
what I'm doing.

I just‐‐I couldn't leave.

But I just had to tell you.

Like, I see a life with you.

‐ Ben.

‐ Yeah.

And I know‐‐ ‐ Hold on a second.

‐ Are you all right?
‐ No, I'm not all right.

‐ Okay.

Come here.

Come here.

‐ I'm gonna need a minute, okay?

‐ Yeah.

‐ What?

‐ I mean, I just wanna cry.

I don't know what to do.
‐ It's up to you.

There's a Rose Ceremony.

What do I do with that?

‐ Coming up tomorrow night...

‐ Now this is what
it's all about.

‐ It's the dramatic conclusion

of Tayshia's journey
to find love.

‐ I am falling in love with her

and she's falling in love
with me.

‐ There's no way
that anybody has

a better connection with her
than I do.

‐ Our chemistry and our love
is stronger than ever.

But anything can happen.

‐ Will Tayshia end up
with the man of her dreams?

‐ I've seen you hurt before.

Your mom and I
don't want you to be making

the biggest mistake
of your life.

‐ Oh, my God.

‐ I'm in shock right now.

‐ Why did I do that?

‐ I'm blindsided.

‐ This could be the b*mb
that just explodes everything.

‐ Oh, my God.

‐ It's the emotional ending
you won't believe.

‐ Don't miss the season finale

tomorrow night
on "The Bachelorette."

‐ We're actually gonna do
some portraits of each other.

‐ God, didn't you already see
my art skills?

‐ This is a nightmare.

Come on.

‐ All right.
‐ Are you ready?

‐ Sure.
‐ Okay.

If you need any help,
let me know.

I need help.-

‐ Honestly, I don't know

that I can paint a circle
to make a face.

‐ I don't have an orange
over here.

‐ You know how to make orange,
though, right?

Red and yellow?

‐ Sure.
‐ Yeah. Okay.

What's your favorite color?

‐ Me?
‐ Yeah.

‐ I thought you remember

‐ You know what?
You told me this the other day.

‐ No.

‐ What is it?

‐ Red and black.
‐ Oh, that's right.

I do remember that, actually.

It was similar
to my white and black.

‐ What's your favorite color?

‐ Really?
I just said it.

‐ I missed it.

- I was thinking about myself.
- Yeah.

I believe it.

‐ I'm done.

‐ She's really cute.
‐ Yeah.

I swear she's much better here.