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26x08 - Week 8: Hometowns

Posted: 04/16/24 17:10
by bunniefuu
on "The Bachelor"...


Much like falling in love,

the first step is the hardest.


How's it going?

Knowing that I'll be meeting

four families
certainly will help

make sense of my feelings.

I'm falling in love
with you.

Like, bringing you home
is such a big deal to me.

- Oh!
- I'm so excited for him

to get to know, like,
where I came from.

Clayton could be
my husband,

and I hope my family can see
the person that I see.

Tonight could change

I told him I was falling
in love with him.

I don't know where
his relationship's at

with the other three.

Who's gonna be here
to pick up the pieces?

Do you think
you love Susie?

Proceed with caution.

You better be good to her.

I don't give a damn
about anything else.

As a father, people always

have to prove their selves
to me.

What are you gonna do
to not hurt her?

It is Hometown week,

and this is the most
important week for me

in my entire journey.

I have
four women left with me,

and I haven't said
I'm falling in love

with any of these women

just because saying the words
holds a lot of weight.

But knowing that I'll be

meeting four families
this week

certainly will help me
make sense of my feelings.

Today, I am
in Poquoson, Virginia,

to meet Susie's family,

so I am so very excited.

Oh, there she is.

This is a woman that has

so many great
characteristics about her.

And what I really love
about her is

how her family
is so important to her.

- I'm gonna come to you.
- Bring it to me.

In Croatia, Susie told me that
she's falling in love with me.

And it could be very well

that I've already
begun to fall in love.

So today, I'm excited to see

how much farther we can take
this relationship.

- Welcome to Virginia.
- Mm-hmm. I'm excited.

- Look at this view.
- I know, it's pretty, right?

Yes, what do you
have in store today?

I'm excited to introduce
you to my family tonight.

- Yes.
- But before that,

I have a really fun day
planned, some surprises.

- You ready to go?
- I am, I'm so ready.

- Good.
- So let's bring it.

- Okay, let's go.
- Okay.

Clayton's a man that
I'm falling in love with,

and after today and, like,
seeing how he is

here in Virginia
and how he is with my family,

like, I feel like,
if everything goes well,

we'll be one step
closer to like,

truly being in love.

But before that, there's
one thing that I need to know.

So today we're gonna find out
if Clayton likes being choked.

Oh, my gosh.

Jujutsu is something
that I'm passionate about.

It's something that I love.

I started
training jujutsu in Japan,

and I think it changed
my life.

I used to struggle a lot
with body image,

and I feel like,
training jujutsu, like,

I see my body as a w*apon.

And, like, I'm really excited

that I get to share this
with him.


Hey, Susie.

a former coach of mine.

He's now
a professor in jujutsu.

He's a black belt.

So he's gonna teach us some
moves today and have some fun.

Can't wait
to get my ass kicked.

So why don't you guys
go ahead.

We got Gis over there for you,
go get changed out,

and we'll meet you
back here on the mat.

- Let's do it.
- All right, let's go.

I'm really excited.

Didn't think I would be
throwing on a jujutsu outfit,

but here we are.

Ow, ow!

- Look at you.
- I'm ready, let's go.

Did I tie it right?

I don't even know
if I tied it right.

- It's really close.
- Do you want to fix him?

Yeah, okay.

is k*lling it in the Gi.

I actually was like,
most thrilled about, like,

forcing him to wear one.

But he looks good,
and like, he's...

he's, like, ready to roll.

All fights start on the feet.

But they
don't end there, right?

Unless you get the perfect
throw, the fight keeps going.

So the first thing
that she's going to do,

she's gonna take her butt

and she's gonna
put it over here.

So it's called shrimping.
She gets her hips away.

- It's called what?
- Shrimping, all right?

- She makes that shrimp motion.
- It's called shrimping.

This is it.
We can't make this up.

We just can't get away
from shrimp.

Yeah, I mean,
I've had shrimp follow me

this entire journey.

It's ridiculous.

It's never going away,

I try to push in,
she hips away, she shrimps.

Brings the leg through.
And then she wraps her legs.

And now she's in a good,
safe position.

- Got it?
- You can stay there.

At the end of the day though,
I'll shrimp with Susie

any day of the week.

Hip away.

Knee to elbow.
Collect, wrap the guard.

- Good.
- Nice.

All right,
so we got that position.

So she's gonna get one arm in,
one arm out.

Leg goes over, locks the shin.

And then she's gonna
pull down on my head,

hip up and pinch her knees.

Like I said,
today we're gonna find out

if Clayton likes being choked.


Are you okay?
Are you okay?

I'm good, no, no,
I wanted to see.

Turns out he does.

Am I in your element?
Virginia Susie.

- This is Virginia Sue.
- Virginia Sue.

So far today
has been so much fun.

I can't wait for Clayton
to meet my parents and, like,

see what my family is like,

because family's
truly so important to me.

I aspire to have a
relationship like my parents.

So it's important
for Clayton to meet them

and just to, like,
see where I come from.

And I want him just to, like,
know why I am the way I am.

I was nervous to bring
you like, home-home,

to be honest, as you know.

What are you...
Were nervous about?

Like, were you nervous
that I'm just gonna, like,

look at this and be like...

No, like,
I think I'm just really

different from, like,
where I'm from.

My town, like, I don't know,
I guess I just, like,

wanted so bad my whole life
to get out of where I was from.

And with my dad
getting sick, like,

a lot of it kind of made sense.

And I was like,
I'm certainly meant to be here.

Like, my dad is the man
that I've looked up to

my whole life.

And when he got sick,
like, one of like,

the most
heartbreaking things for me

was like, um...

Oh, God, I didn't want say it,
but just like,

the thought of him,
like, not being there

to, like, walk me down
the aisle one day.

Like, he set such a standard
of like, what a man should be.

And, like,
I want him to meet my person.

I want him
to be there on that day.

And like, I don't know,
I just, I don't even like

to think about it, but to be
feeling what I'm feeling

and to be feeling like
I'm falling in love with you,

like, bringing you home to meet
him specifically is, like,

such a big deal to me
and, like, so important.

Yeah... yeah.

I mean, I can only really
like, sympathize with how

tough going through
all that would be.

I think I'm, like,
really excited obviously

to meet him because, again,
if, like, that's the standard

you hold for, like,
what a man should be,

you know,
then it's like, okay, like,

I want to, like,
see what that is.


And hopefully live up
to that expectation.

So I hope to, yeah,

I really hope to just
make the most of today,

and I know we will,
and I'm excited.

- Me too.
- So thank you.

I'm excited.

It's a big deal for me
to introduce somebody

to my dad like this.

My dad means
so much to me and, like,

I can't even imagine,
like, a world without him.

So, like, for me to bring
Clayton home and for him to be

someone I am potentially
going to marry, like,

it's very serious
and it's very much real.

All right, well,
should we go meet the parents?

- Let's do it.
- All right, let's do it.


- Ooh, here we come.
- How are you feeling?

I'm a little nervous,
but that's okay,

because that just means I care.

Right now, I'm about to meet

Susie's mom, Jean,
her dad, Tom,

her sister, Barbara,
and her best friend, Lauren.

It's very important for me
to be able to get the approval

of her family because
with that, that takes us

one step closer towards,
you know,

finding that everlasting love.

- Hello.
- Hi.

How are y'all doing?

Oh, my gosh.

Clayton, this is Lauren.

This is my best friend.

- I'm gonna hug you.
- Yeah, I'm a hugger too.

Your ears
must have been burning.

We were just talking about you.

You can tell
the second that Susie

walks in the room that,
like, her father,

like, they have this
incredibly strong bond.

So I really do want
his approval.

Like it means so much to me,

considering, like,
how important he is to her.

- You brought me flowers too.
- I did.

- Awesome, thank you.
- Always the jokester, Tom!

This is a really big step
for Clayton and I.

And it's a really big deal
to my parents.

I'm not, like, worried
about my parents

not embracing Clayton,

but they're, like, the most
important people in the world

to me and like, their opinions,
like, definitely matter.

- I'm so glad you're here.
- Who, me or her?

- Both of you.
- I need to hear every detail.

Where did you go,
what did you do?

We have went through such
an incredible journey together.

- I can't even imagine.
- Tell us about it.

She shocked me out the limo.

- A little buzzer.
- Oh, yeah.

Wait, what did you do?
You did that?

Then she was
the first one-on-one date.

She was the first
one-on-one date, yeah.

And we were... we... we did it big.

Like, I felt like after that,
I even, like,

thought after the first
one-on-one date

I was like, man,
I feel like we've been dating

- for like, over a year.
- Oh, wow.

- Yeah, it's so crazy.
- That's good.

'Cause it was
so natural, yeah.

Well, I'm excited
that you guys are here.

I'm excited to get to know
Clayton, and I'm excited.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

- Susie, let's go have a chat.
- Let's do it.

I'm excited to talk
with my dad and just kind of

check in on him
and see how he's doing.

I've missed my family
so much this whole time,

and it feels good to be home.

Like, I feel happy.

Are you... I wanted
to ask you like,

is everything going well with
you since I've been gone?

- Yeah, yeah, I...
- Like, your health

- and everything?
- I have an MRI tomorrow,

- but I'm expecting good results.
- Okay.

And I'm getting
stronger every day.

I shared with him like,
when you got sick, like,

one of the things I thought
about that, like,

broke my heart, and I'm like,
I don't even like to

talk about it was, like, the
thought of you not being there

on, like,
the day that I get married.

Hey, I'm gonna be here
for that... I'm gonna be here.

I told him today,
I was like,

my dad is, like,
the golden standard of, like,

what I expect in a person
and, like, in a partner.

- Thank you.
- In a man and like...

Yeah, like, you've just really
set the standard really high.

And I think that's why
I've been so tough on people

in the past in relationships
and stuff, like...

- Because of me?
- Kind of a savage.

'Cause you're just
such a good person.

you're just such a good...

- Thank you.
- Man, and like,

I think that's
what's scary in this is that I,

like, I do believe everything
that he's shown me and stuff.

But like, if he's not, like,
I know I won't stand for it.

I do think that Clayton
and I have something special.

It doesn't feel like,
any other kind of relationship

that I've had before this.

So I just hope that my dad,
like, really likes Clayton.

I just
want you to know, like,

if you choose Susie,
what you're getting.

And I don't know if she...
I know she's talked to you

about it, but I got really sick
last year.

And on one of the worst nights,
she slept next to my bed

and would not leave
my side all night.

And that's the type
of person you're getting.

She's... she's special.
You know that, right? I mean...

I figured that out
so early on.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

I'm surprised someone
hasn't nabbed her yet.

- Well, that's what...
- You've got her on the line.

All you gotta do
is reel her in.

I asked her that, I said
the guys that you've apparently

talked to before this, like,
are dumb as a box of rocks.

'Cause I was like, I don't
understand how you're here.

But I'm not gonna question it.

I said, because like,
if I even tried to find

a yellow flag,
I couldn't find one.

My wife and I look up to her

because she sets examples
for us all the time.

Just how nice she is.

What a good person she is.

I mean, she's amazing.

And the thing I see
is that when you guys

walked in the door,
there was definitely

something there with you guys.

And I felt really
comfortable just having

you come into my house,
you know?

I mean, you seem like
a really good guy.

And I know this too,
I know Susie would know

if you were a bad guy or not.

You know,
so I defer to her judgment.

- Thank you so much.
- And I'll tell you this.

If Susie loves you,
we'll love you.

You know,
it's a major thing to get

the blessing of Susie's father

knowing how much
he means to her.

And it's a great step
in the right direction

to know that there's
nothing holding us back.

I'm so blown away by who
Susie is and her character.

- Yeah, she is incredible.
- It absolutely blew me away.

And if you guys
do end up together,

you know, she will be loyal.

- Yeah.
- As long as you're loyal.

If you're not loyal,
then she's outta there.

- And rightfully so.
- Yeah.

Um, you know, do you think
you love Susie?

So I will say
that I have very,

very strong feelings for Susie.

And to fall in love to me is...

it's very sacred and like,
and I...

And I know that I will...
I will get there.

There's a part of me that
is trying to make sense of it

in my head with...
Just to be honest with you,

with other women around,
I'm like, I don't necessarily...

Like, I kind of guard myself
'cause I'm afraid to like...

I'm like, I don't want to fall
in love with, like,

four people...
That doesn't make sense.

And so... but when I look
at Susie and I'm like,

I don't... there's...
There's no question in my mind

that, like, I will get there.

Speaking with Susie's mom,
I can understand her concern.

You know, I have these
feelings for Susie,

and they're extremely strong.

But I also have these feelings
for these other women as well.

And it's like,
my head is spinning.

It's like,
can I fall in love with

four women at one time?
And I just don't know.

I can see
that there's definitely

a connection
between the two of you.

I feel really good
about where I'm at.

Do you think
you want to marry him?

I think I could
marry this man.

But it is still very scary.

Because I feel like
Clayton is somebody

that could, like,
break my heart.

I think
that you're on the right track

- to be cautious.
- Mm-hmm.

You know,
I came right out and asked him,

you know,
"Are you in love with Susie?"

He didn't say that he's
in love with you, he said,

but he can see that
he could get there with you.

And that he would
never want to hurt you.

So proceed with caution.


I think my mom
being concerned is, like,

something I will, like,
keep in the back of my head.

Proceed with caution,
I think is what she said.

But I think she sees
that he's a good man.

So it didn't affect
how I feel about Clayton.

I'm so glad we got
to meet you, Clayton.

- So glad.
- I really just wanna

say it again...
You're so awesome.

I hope
we get to see you again.


I think tonight, like,
brought us a lot closer.

Having Clayton
meet my family...

like, that in itself
is a big deal.

I feel like my family
could see Clayton

becoming a part of the family.

I obviously will be
waiting for the next time

that we can be together,
so don't forget about me.

I won't forget about you.
Don't forget about me!

That's not going to happen,
I can tell you that.

- Okay, good.
- That's not happening, so...


I think I'm really just,
like, putting myself

out there and putting
my heart out there.

I feel like I told Clayton
how I feel,

that I'm falling
in love with him

and that with every
interaction, every, like,

day we get together, it just
becomes more and more real.

- See you later.
- I'll see you soon.

I want Clayton to feel like

he's falling in love with me,

and I want to Clayton
to get there with me.

We'll just
have to wait and see.

We're in Denver, Colorado,

in the beautiful
Rocky Mountains

for my Hometown date.

Denver means so much.

It's where I learned
to become a nurse

and I was a Denver Broncos
cheerleader for five years.

I've really just done
so much growth

and coming into myself
as a woman.

All right here, baby.

So I'm excited to be back

and to be able
to share it with Clayton.


How's it going?
Oh... oh, here we go.

These last couple
of weeks have been,

like, monumental for us.

It's good to see you.

Every time we see each
other, we keep growing

and discover a new part
of our relationship,

so bringing him home
to meet my family

is just kind of, like,
the icing on the cake.

I can't wait for you
to meet my family later.

We gotta make it there first,

You know,
I don't know what you have

in the wilderness here.

You have to cut down trees
and fight bears to meet them.

Oh, okay.
I'm here for it, you ready?

- Yeah, let's go.
- All right, let's go.

We have a surprise!

Okay, our first surprise.

I am kinda stoked
that I get to surprise you.

Ooh, we get a little...

You can't hike
without a backpack.


Colorado's just like the mecca
for, like, outdoorsy stuff.

- Hold on now.
- That's for later.

- Who am I fighting off?
- I don't know.

Maybe a bear... there's
bears around these parts.

There's wildlife
all around us.

Which is kind of scary,
but I know he can fight off

whatever comes our way.

Do you know what
you're supposed to do

when you see a bear?

If you see a black bear
you're supposed to,

like, scream at it and get big.

Yeah. What if
you see a grizzly bear?

You play dead.

Oh, my God,
how'd you know that?

Can't you tell
I'm, like, Mr. Outdoorsy?


What I love about Gabby
is that she makes me laugh.

Everyone knows that she
is the funniest woman alive.

Gabby, stop!

Your pants aren't
going to cover them.

- Okay, okay, okay...
- The other one's laced up.

- So it only makes sense.
- Okay, I'll do it!

Oh, my God.

you just don't know, like,

the next word that
comes out of her mouth.

It's always a wild card.

- I'm the bear...
- Yeah.

And then you do
what you would

to scare off the bear.

- All right.
- Okay.

- Ready?
- Yeah.

Oh, my God!

Throw you down.
I'll throw you down.


Gabby stands out because
not only has she shown me

her humorous side but,
like, in the last few weeks,

she's trusting me,
she's opening up.

It's just so easy with her.

Every time we see each other,
it's, like,

our relationship just...
It skyrockets.

Can you handle the altitude?

This looks promising.

Just wait.
I did this all for you.

that's actually really cool.

And it's called
Proposal Rock.

So did you bring my ring?

Okay, hold on now.

So look in your bag.
There should be a ring.

And it needs to be a size
at least 22 to fit over these.

Proposal Rock
was just a subtle hint.

If he decided to propose there,
like, I wouldn't say no.

Scenic and romantic?
Gabby's being romantic?

- I know.
- What?

Don't tell anyone,
I'll k*ll you.

- Is that even possible?
- No.

How's it feel?

I've been looking forward
to this day for so, so long.

It just feels, like,
meaningful in a sense

that we can just jump in
right where we left off,

and it's like
no time has passed.

Do you see anything else?

- I'm not looking yet.
- Okay.

Oh, I see a...

A hot tub!

- A hot tub?
- Yeah.

Okay, I love hot tubs.

- Me too.
- Yeah.

I really have
high hopes for tonight.

I'm just excited to show off
my family and to show off

Clayton and watch
how they get along.

Hoo-hoo! Ooh, that's cold.

I have feelings for Clayton,
and I really want to tell him,

but I know in the back
of my mind,

like, I just have to wait
for the perfect time.

And I think that will come
after him meeting my family.

- So okay... so I am curious.
- Yeah.

Like, with tonight,
who all will I be meeting?

- So my Aunt Julie is coming...
- Okay.

And then my Uncle Rich
and then their daughter Keira,

my cousin, and my grandpa.


There is, like,
some kind of family stuff

going on at home.

My dad's girlfriend of, like,
ten years was recently

diagnosed with cancer,
so because of COVID,

he's not gonna be there,
which is, like, hard for me.

It's just not
a good time for him.

And I can't really,
like, ask him otherwise,

because, like, health stuff
always comes first.

Absolutely. And no, I mean,
obviously I wanted to...

meet your dad
'cause I knew how much...

- Yeah.
- Like, he means to you,

but when it comes to, like,
a family member being, like,

not in the best health,
then, like, that makes sense.

Just hoping that, like,
by the end of this,

that I can, like, see myself
being a part of the family.

- That's what's so important.
- Yeah, totally.

It makes me, like, really
excited, you know,

- for the future.
- Yeah.

- It's very exciting.
- Yeah.

There's a lot on my mind,

talking to Clayton
in the hot tub.

I'm just, like,
really kind of excited to

let it all out on the table
and let him know

that I do think that I'm
falling in love with him

and, like,
I'm excited to tell him that.

But I really wish
my dad was here tonight

and I wish I could just
get some feedback,

because he's normally
the person I turn to.

I have skin showing.

- I'm so excited.
- I'm very excited.

This is the moment,
like, we've been talking about.

- So here it is, so...
- I know.

- You ready?
- I'm ready.

Yeah? So remind me again
who I'm meeting.

My Grandpa John
and Aunt Julie,

Uncle Rich, cousin Keira.

Okay, all right,
you take the lead.

I'm so excited for Clayton
to meet my family.

My dad couldn't be here
because of COVID

and the safety
of his girlfriend,

but I'm so grateful the rest
of my family is here.

They just step right in,
no questions asked.

Is that them?

Oh, my God!



Hey, Clayton, I'm Julie.
Nice to meet you.

You've got to be
the guy, huh?

This is Clayton.

Good luck to you, man.
Good luck to you.

- Are you telling me I need it?
- Yeah, oh, yeah...

I mean, I'm falling in love
with Clayton,

and telling him that
is terrifying.

And I know my dad would
have a ton of questions.

So it is hard not to have
him here for this huge moment.

So I am nervous.

Thank you for inviting us.

Oh, my God, no,
thank you so much for coming.

And being a part
of this journey with you.

They're all from out of town.

And I'm so glad
you guys are here.

Like, I just feel so
fortunate, and if anything,

like, I'm glad he
gets to meet you guys now

and then we can, like,
build our relationship

with Dad later.

- Yes.
- Of course.

So how has it been?
Tell us all about it.

Tell us about your adventures.

It's been crazy.

All the way back
from night one at the limo,

- your little...
- Clayton.

- So what was your line?
- No!

Okay, we gotta hear this now.

- We gotta hear it.
- Is Clayton blushing?

Yeah, you'll understand
why in a second.

Ugh, I had, like,
this pillow made

with his face on it.

I was like, I'm Gabby,

and I know my feet
are gonna get tired later,

so I'd really like
to sit on your face.


I think it's great.

has a good sense of humor!

I'm not gonna blush,
I don't think.

Going into tonight,
I wasn't sure what to expect.

When I saw Gabriela
and Clayton together...

they looked really happy.


Clayton, would you,
like, to talk with me

- for just a few minutes?
- All right, let's do it.

But what
I really want to know

is enough about Clayton
to feel that

he was good enough
for Gabriela

and that he felt
an honest feeling for her.

I don't give a damn
about anything else.

With Gabby, I guess...
I'm curious, like,

so how was she growing up?

Like what kind of...
Has she always been kind of...

She's always been a dingbat.

She's been a lovable dingbat.

She... you know
what's so fun about her

is she keeps me on my toes.

But, like, that's what I love
is, like, a sense of humor

is so important to me.

And, like, there was a whole
side of, like, being able

to talk about
the emotional side of things.

And I think at first
she was a little more reserved,

but then she's really
opened up a lot

since the beginning
of the journey.

Obviously I care about
my granddaughter a lot.

So she's a good kid.

- You'd better be good to her.
- Yeah, I know what I have

- in front of me, absolutely.
- Okay.

I would certainly advise her
and you to not be in a hurry.


You really need
to get to know a person.

So I encourage you
to not run into it.

And I'm certainly going to tell
Gabriela the same thing.


And so far,
I like what I've seen.

Of course, it's early, so
I may change my mind about you.

I know you know,
but it means, like,

the whole world
to have you here.

Well, you know, we would
always be here for you.

- This is a big deal.
- Yeah.

This is
a big journey for you.

So we're excited.

So tell us about it.

- You nervous?
- Yeah.

Like, I feel like,
I'm just, like, in a blender.

Like, I can't really,
like, sort out my emotions

or, like, what's right or wrong

or, like,
think about the future.

I mean, do you feel like you

see a long-term
relationship that, like,

Clayton could be
your life partner?


Have you
told him you love him?

No, and I've been
very cautious

with my words and my feelings.

I wanted to see him
with you guys.

I'm actually happy
that you guys

haven't leaped forward
with that too soon.

- You can't rush to "I love you."
- Yeah.

See where this
relationship goes, you know?

Well, you know,
we just want you to be happy.

You know, I love the fact

that you're getting to be you
around him

and you're not trying to be
somebody different.

I mean, the fact that
he can goof around with us

right off the bat.

I'm like, okay, that's good.
Yeah, that's really good.

Gabby feels like
she can be herself,

she can be open,
she's let her guard down.

She's not one
to throw out the I word.

But I think if she were
to tell him

that she's falling
in love with him,

they might have
a great connection

and a future together.

And I'm very excited
for the two of them.

So what do you think
of this guy?

What do you think
of this guy?

Well, then
I can be honest to you?

Yeah, of course.

- I think he's full of.
- Oh.

Anybody that could
possibly like you

is obviously full of crap.

- Yeah.
- I am excited for you.

You know what you want
and what you like

and what you think you love.

All I have to say is make sure

before you make
that final step and say yes.

Because it's gonna be for life.

'Cause if it isn't for life,
I'll be really pissed.

I'll come back and haunt you.
You know that.

I hope you do,
no matter what.

I'm sure that I will.

I don't think I could love
anybody as much as I love you

and my wife and...

well, you know...
You know I love you.

I love that you still
wear your wedding ring.

I miss Grandma so much.

I've thought
about taking it off,

but I kept saying,
why would I want to do that?

Proud of having been married
to the same woman that long.

So that's why I wear it.

Every marriage has problems.

It's just the ones that last,
both people involved

have gotta be willing
to be flexible

and be willing to be forgiving.

You just have to
keep on loving.

It's so nice that I'm having
all these conversations with

my family, but they know
and I know that there's, like,

a huge piece missing,
which is, like, my dad.

Oh, don't you dare cry on me,
for crying out loud.

I'm falling in love
with Clayton,

and I do
really want to tell him,

but I still feel so torn.

And my dad's normally
the person I turn to.

So I wish, like,
more than anything

that he could have been
here with us tonight.

You guys know, like, how much
you mean to me and just,

you know,
like, Dad's relationship and I.


Obviously we wish
he was here but...

You know he really
wants to be here, honey.

You know he loves you.
He really wanted to be here.

Yeah, no, I know.

Do you hear that?
What the hell is that?

What's happening?

♪ ♪

What's happening?

I think she's got
a special visitor,

maybe her dad?

I know he wanted to be here.

I can only imagine.

Thank you, Dad.

Seeing my dad tonight,
when I kind of, like,

needed him most and, like,
expected it the least...

And for him to, like,
come and... and do what he could

given the circumstances,
it gave me like,

more encouragement
to keep going.

If there's, like, a word bigger
than love, then I would use it.

It was like the best surprise
I could ever, ever ask for.

- That was exciting.
- I know.

Huh? Yeah.

Are you good?

- It's just emotional.
- Yeah, no, it's a lot.


It was a lot, but I think,
like, I'm so excited

to see that he was able
to be here,

- if only for a moment, like...
- Totally.

It means a lot
and I'm happy, like,

that you got to have
that moment.

Yeah, thank you.

It's so very obvious
how important

Gabby's dad is to her.

And being able to have
a surprise visit

from her dad at the end
was so very special.

Obviously, I could see it
through her emotions.

Oh, my gosh, hi!

What the heck
happened out there?

- What happened?
- Uh, oh, it was just Dad.

- Aw.
- Just Dad!

Just Dad!

- Oh, my goodness!
- I know, yeah.

- What?
- Good, good.

Oh, hon... oh, honey.
I'm so glad that you could...

Mom, you're gonna
make her cry more!

Aw, I'm just so happy that he
was able to come and see you.

Aw, wow.

He's really a good guy.

I... I think that you're
gonna get along just fine.

Bringing Clayton home went,

like, as well
as I could have imagined.

Oh, thank you so much
for having me.

I love you so much.

So nice to meet you, I really
appreciate everything.

Oh, my baby!

And seeing my dad
was something that I

never, like, planned for.

And then getting
a blessing from him

is, like, huge.

It makes me, like,
really excited

to finally tell Clayton
how I feel about him

and how much he means to me.

I think tonight, honestly,
like, went so well.

I did feel like I was
a part of the family,

which is so important, like,
that's what I was hoping for.

Like, I really do feel like,
we're in a really great spot.

Thank you for, like,
obviously coming and just,

like, how much you, like,
have never asked me

to change
and it means, like, so much.

I would
never ask you to change,

I like you for who you are!

I definitely feel like... like
I'm falling in love with you.

There it is!

You're cute.

I might have been
waiting on that a little bit.

You know? And, I mean...

But you know,
like, my words have weight

and, like, I don't say them
unless I mean to, and I've,

like, felt it for a while,
but I think seeing you

with my family just,
like, solidified things.

Oh, yeah,
I'm just so happy now.

I can't stop smiling.

My smile's just gonna
freeze tonight.

Oh, my God, I'm so happy.

I told Clayton that I
am falling in love with him,

and he's smiling from ear
to ear and, like, so giddy,

which is so reassuring and
makes it, like, so worth it.

Okay, bye.

My heart
is so full after tonight.


It was just, like,
so special to see, like,

another kind of huge
stepping stone

in our relationship go so well.

I'm so ready to be engaged

and share our lives together.

I'm back home
in Oklahoma City,

and Clayton's here too.

It feels so good to be home.

- Serene.
- Oh, my gosh!

It's so good to see you.
I feel like it's been forever.

It has been forever!

How you doin'?

It's just so sweet to get
to bring Clayton to the place

that I grew up, and he gets
to meet my family today which

is just crazy to think, but I'm
just so excited for that.

You look
more beautiful than ever.

Aw, thank you!

And I am so ready
to not be in charge today

- so I'll stop talking.
- Yeah!

All right, fill me in,
what are we doing?

Are you afraid of heights?

- How high are we talking?
- We are going up there.

Oh, we're gonna be
climbing across that?

You've gotta work
for all things great.

Oh, so I gotta
work for it today.


Yeah, that's what
this is about.


It is something that I've never
done before but have always

wanted to do, and I thought
what better way to bring

Clayton to my city than to try
something new together?

My gosh,
are you ready for this?

Today we get to take
a leap of faith,

and I didn't know if he was
afraid of heights, heck,

I didn't even know if
I was afraid of heights.

But it's just, like, a huge
step in the right direction.

There's no way that you
could do this without holding.

Hey, just let go!

Let go... go without holding on!

Oh, my gosh!

Just doing
the obstacle course

can kind of tie into like,
a relationship.

I laugh when I get nervous.

Yeah, I'm doing the same.

You have obstacles
throughout a journey,

like, as far as when
you're falling in love

and getting to know somebody,

and as you go higher
and higher up

and farther into the journey,
it becomes a little bit

more scary because the emotions
do become involved.

Oh, my gosh.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no.

You're not making
me feel that good about this.


Oh, my... oh,
I don't even wanna step on it.

It's just getting more...

Oh, I can't even
take another step.

Oh, my gosh, I'm literally
gripping onto this thing

above me, like, if my life
depends on it, 'cause it does.

Oh, gosh.

Okay, there's...
It's almost done.

Oh... oh, my God.

- Okay.
- All right, good luck!

All right, good luck!

Okay, you being that
freaked out by this scares me.

My heart is racing... you will
see when you get across it.


Oh, you're really
gonna do that to me?

You're... you're gonna
punk me like that?

You're gonna punk me...
You're gonna stand there,

even just to, like,
really rub it in?

What was that?

Explain yourself.
What the hell was that?

Are you... are you for... are
you for real right now?

- Are you for real?
- I'm for real.

- You're for real?
- That wasn't that bad!

With every interaction
with Serene, our relationship

grows stronger and stronger
and it took another step today.

Do you see what I'm doing?

Do you see... this is what...
This is... these are the lengths

I'm willing to go
for this relationship.

We continue to be by
each other's side and push

each other to be better and to
rise above, like, our fears.

I don't wanna
be someone who steps away

when it gets tough
or when it's scary,

like, I wanna be someone
that steps into those moments

and makes the most of them.

Oh, my gosh.

Oh, man.

There is only one way down.


- You got it.
- Ugh!

Oh, come on!

Whoo! Yep!

Oh, here we go, baby, three...

I don't wanna count
myself down.

Oh, my gosh!

It was hard making
our way up that tower

and stepping off
of that 80-foot ledge.

Ohh, come on!
Come on, Clayton!

- Ah!
- Much like falling in love...

Three, two... oh, all right,
hold on.

Hold on.

The first step
is the hardest.

One step.

One big step, baby.


Oh, my God!

- You okay there, man?
- Oh, I'm so fine.

I'm so much better now.

We both show fear
very differently.

But I was, like,
freaking out on the inside.

But taking the plunge...
You can't take it back.

- Okay.
- Just take a step!

Don't even think about it.


Oh, my God!

You didn't even scream!

You know,
I panicked a little,

but I'll never forget him

freaking out
at the top of that thing.

Oh, my gosh.

I got to see him going through

all of the emotions
and being human.

Like, I don't want him
to feel like he can't

be scared in front of me.

Which today he showed me
that he very clearly can, so...

Today was
a lot of fun and I feel like,

kind of conquering that
together and just, like,

seeing how you handled it,
it's just, like, more

of a testament to how
I am falling in love with you.

And I'm just excited for you
to go meet my family now.

So speaking of, who
all will I be meeting today?

And who do
I need to keep an eye on?

Yeah, so today you'll be
meeting my mom, my brother,

Roland, and then my
best friend, Melanie.


My dad, unfortunately,
will not be there.


My mom and dad
divorced when I was two.

And for like,
a lot of my childhood,

I didn't know what marriage
looked like at all.

I think for that reason,
I'm so much more, like,

cautious about, like,
people meeting my family,

and that's why people
haven't met my family.

Well, I am so excited that
we've gotten to that point.

From the first time
we met until now, like,

I was, like, watching you

become more confident
and, like,

being able to talk about
your emotions, knowing that,

like you said, it wasn't
something you did growing up.

And I feel that, yeah,
we've knocked down, like,

all those walls, and so I
think that that'll be apparent,

as we walk in tonight.

I think they're gonna love you,

so I think it'll be
a good night.

Yeah, okay.

To give someone all of me
and be hopeful that

that's my person, I have
to feel really comfortable.

And with Clayton, I've been
really comfortable, which is,

like, really strange, and it's
a new experience for me.

Clayton meeting my family
will make this

even that much
more real to me.

I hope tonight goes well,
they see the Clayton that I'm

falling in love with,
and I think they'll see

that I'm really happy.

Yeah, ready?

- It's exciting.
- I know.

It's been at least ten
years since I've introduced

somebody to my family,
which is crazy to think about.

But yeah, I'm ready for it.

I'm excited.

- Hi!
- Hello, how's it going?

could change everything.


A big piece to getting
who I am is meeting the people

that matter the most to me.

- What's going on man?
- I'm Clayton.

My mom, and my brother,
and my best friend,

you know, people
that I talk to every day.

- Hi, I'm Melanie.
- Hi.

Nice to meet you.

If my brother has ever
been super protective of me,

normally, he's like,
"Oh, I'm cool,

I'm your brother,
like, I don't... I don't care."

But, like, he
really cares deep down.

And so if it happens,
it'll happen

in a conversation
between he and Clayton.

First off, I'm really excited
to be here, really, truthfully.

Like, I know we were both
anticipating getting to this

point, and today, she... first
off, she put me through...

Tell us.

She tested me
with everything that I had.

What did you do?

You're not gonna
believe what we did.

Tell us, tell us!

You guys... you guys
know the Riversport thing?

- Mm-hmm.
- Yeah.

At the top,
there's an 80-foot, not jump,

but... but you have to step
off of it and just fall.

And we both did it!

If... if there's
something that she

hasn't done before,
even if you're scared to death,

it's like,
"No, I'm doing this."

Well, we've had a lot of

firsts, actually,
since it started.

For our first one-on-one date
we were in Houston

but went to the Galveston Pier.

- We went to the Pleasure Pier.
- Yeah.

Clayton said, you know,
I feel like, there might be

something that, like,
you're holding back.

And there, I was able
to tell him about, you know,

dealing with so much loss,
you know, Grandma and Shanaya.

And like, you guys know,
I haven't, like, talked

much about any of it.

And so that was,
like, a huge, like,

I feel like turning point
for both of us.

I was anxious
to talk to Clayton.

I know my sister,
and she instantly seemed

really, really happy,
which is bittersweet for me,

because the higher you are,
the harder you fall.

And I'm really,
really scared for her.

Clayton, you ready
for the big brother talk?

- Let's do it.
- All right.

I know
how bad she's been hurt,

and when things get hard,
will he stick around?

Will he leave and disappear?

I don't know him.

All right.

Well, how's it going, man?

Good, man, good.

I've never had...
I've never had to do this

in such a short time, so...

I've gotta base a lot
of my feelings off of

- how she's acting.
- Yeah.

And I'm not listening
to her as much as I'm

- watching her body language.
- Yeah.

It takes her a lot to be
vulnerable with her family

that she's grown up with,
and she just met you.

I was shocked when she said,
like, for example,

my grandma...
That happened two years ago.

Our cousin...
That happened like, two,

maybe three months ago,
somewhere in there.

The fact that she told you
about that is huge,

because that's still an open
wound for her, for sure.

So that lets me know
that she sees something

- special in you.
- Yeah.

So please,
be really careful and fra...

It's... it's really fragile.

As we've been together, like,
she's continued to open up,

and it's, like,
for me that's attractive

because it's, like, wow,
like, this is someone

who's trusting me
and continues to open up,

and I don't even have to ask
for it at this point, like.

It feels crazy
that I'm asking you this

because I just met you,
but again,

it's possible that
the next time I see her

outside of today,
she might be engaged.

- Absolutely.
- So do you love her?


Um, to tell you
the truth, like,

I haven't told anybody
that I'm in love with them.

I'm not there yet.

What you thinkin'?

Um, I told him
I was falling in love with him.

And I definitely am.

And when I told him that,
by the way,

he was like,
face lit up like a little kid.

It's kind of surprising

hearing that
you can get there so fast.

Yeah, I think... I think from
the jump, we've had a very good

connection, like the spark, you
know, that people talk about,

and I feel pretty comfortable
telling him anything.

And he always,
like, really listens.

And so obviously, like, the
most recent thing is Shanaya

and how, you know, I didn't
have, like, a sister.

And she was really that
for me growing up, and I told

him about the fireflies, and...

He got me this jar.

He had two of them
and was like, I know,

you know your cousin
was very important

to you and that you
think of her.

Now, part of her is with you.

Like as we travel,
you can have fireflies.

- That's so cool.
- It was really reassuring.

He pays close attention.

And I was like,
I don't think anybody's

ever done anything like that.

Hearing Serene say that
she was falling in love

with him was... it was
a pretty big deal

because important emotions
she really holds close to her.

So hopefully
he appreciates that,

because it's
a really big deal for her.

Do you feel like you're
in a group of four girls?

Or do you feel like,
he sees you as Serene?

I've felt like he's seen me
the entire time.

Have you thought about...

If this actually happens?

How would that feel to you?
What would you think?


I gotta put a lot
of big brother stuff aside

because this is so fast.

Because of
how y'all are looking

and acting with each other,
it makes me really happy

but it also scares me the most.

I don't want you to get hurt.

I have seen you hurt
in a lot of ways.

Been up on the phone
with you with you crying

till 3:00 in the morning.

I don't... I don't want
you to feel that anymore.

I've seen you trust
people before.

Are you comfortable that he's
not gonna break your trust?

The real truth of it is
as, like, more feelings grow,

like, things get scarier.

Yeah, it could be, like,
what if I fall?

But to me, it's like,
what if I fly?

I'm so here for it.

That's what scares me
is that you're here for it.

You ain't scared of nothing.

You're not
afraid to be hurt again.

When you jump
off of 80-foot stuff,

you ain't
afraid to break your leg.

I was afraid,
you should have seen it.

But you do it anyway.

So I'm not saying
I don't trust your judgment.

I do, but be careful.

Make sure you're
thinking everything through,

and I trust you, I love you.

I really, really do.

I love you too, thank you.

I've never seen my brother
emotional like that ever,

but for him to say those
things to me was good to hear.

All right, man,
it was great meeting you too.

For as little time
that Clayton got to spend

with my family tonight,
I feel really at peace

because I definitely
feel like I have Mom's approval

and I feel
really good about it.

I feel secure in our connection
and our relationship together.

That went really well.

It felt so comfortable

and, you know,
saying they've, like, never

really seen me, like,
be so open

about, like, my emotions
before, and like,

I don't, like,
want to freak you out at all,

but I can say that after today,
like, I am not, like,

falling, in love with you,
like, I am in love with you.

And seeing you, like,
with my family, like,

really solidified
that for me, and...

I don't think it could
have gone any better at all.

It's, I mean... yeah.

I can't stop smiling now.

This is so... it's just so many
feelings but it's like...

It's just, like,
but it feels so good.

♪ ♪

You're full of surprises.
The best ones though.

Yep, I'm in love
with Clayton.

He was so shocked.

He didn't think that
that was coming at all.

I will see you
in a few days, okay?

- All right.
- Okay.

You know,
obviously I can tell that

he's scared a little bit but
I would rather let him know

how I'm feeling and leave
it all out there than not.

And I'm willing to be
patient with him

because I am in love with him.

So we are here in my
hometown of Clermont, Florida.

- Oh, look who it is.
- Hello!

And I can't wait to, you know,

make more memories here
with Clayton.

- Are you gonna jump?
- Am I jumping?

- You're not gonna catch...
- Are you gonna jump?

- Are you gonna jump?
- You are not gonna catch me.

- You're jumping.
- Let me catch you.

You know
you'd come crashing down.

Clayton makes me so happy,
and he is just absolutely

incredible, and I haven't
met anyone like him.

- I missed you.
- I missed you too.

Our relationship
has just exceeded

every expectation
I've ever had.

I am falling
in love with Clayton.

- I'm losing my voice.
- It's okay.

And despite
how I might sound,

I'm so excited to get
this day started.

Are you ready to see
what we're gonna do?

I'm ready let's go.

During this journey,
it's all just been

about him and I
and our connection.

Oh, I see I see.
I see what we're doin'.

So today I'm excited
for him to meet my family

and friends but also
just see a little part of me.

So this is
what we're doing today.

We're going kayaking,
and it has a clear bottom.

So you can
see what's under it, right?

Yeah, do you see how clear

- the spring is?
- Yeah.

We're in Central Florida,
and there's alligators here.


And there are some
black bears here.

Oh, really?

- So we're not safe on...
- And snakes.

We're not safe
on water or land, okay.

No, it's gonna be
very adventurous.

You know, what I really
like about Hometowns

is, again, I don't have,
like, any control.

I have no idea
what we're doing today,

which is actually
very refreshing.

Wait, I'm nervous.
Should I, like, hold this?

You gonna hold this?

Wait, my seat's down.

I don't want to be in charge,
like, at all times.

So today I don't have to be,
like, this is all on Rachel.

She gets to decide
what we're doing,

like, she gets to keep
all the surprises.

Whatever we're doing,
we're gonna have a great time.

I'll tell you what,
we are, like, sitting ducks

for a gator.

I know.

It's so quiet, like, whenever
you're, just, like, sitting.

This is what happens
right before some...

Something comes popping out.

Everything is so extreme and...

What in the is that?

I don't know what that is,
but it doesn't sound

like anything
I've heard in Missouri.

So we better get out of here.

Oh, my God!
Look at that spider!

- Oh, my...
- See that?

- Wait, go back, go back.
- Oh, my... no!

- Yes.
- Holy hell, get me outta here.

When's the next plane?

Wait, did you see
how big that...

- That thing was huge.
- I've never seen one that big.

- Oh, my God.
- Oh, my God.

That thing could have
taken out Godzilla.

That thing was massive.

Just for the record, though,
I mean,

I totally handled that
reaction like a man right?

I don't know
what they're feeding

these insects down here,

but I thought that thing
was gonna jump in the boat

and have us, you know,
each for lunch.

Here we go, here we go.

Now I'm wondering what's
coming around the corner next.

- Oh.
- It's crazy.

- The kissing tree?
- Yeah it's a tradition.

- You have to kiss me.
- It's a tradition here?

- Mm-hmm.
- Okay.

Clayton and I have
a playful relationship,

which is something
I've always wanted.

Someone who could make me
laugh and I could joke with.

And every time I'm with him,
I just feel like

we pick right back up where
we were, if not better.

I think it's very obvious

that Rachel and I
have a connection

because we can't
keep our hands off each other.

We can't not kiss.

It's like we have this really,
really strong connection.

We're very intimate
and I definitely hope

that her family will like me.

I hope they can see that
the happiness that Rachel has

is because of what we have,
the two of us.

I truly feel that Clayton
could be my husband.

And I hope my family

can see the person
that I see tonight

and they can see
how happy I am.

I'm falling in love
with Clayton,

and I want my family
to also fall in love with him.

I really enjoyed, like,
all of today,

and just spending
time with you.

It feels like it's been
forever since I last saw you.

And so to be able to meet
your family tonight,

like, this is, like,
a huge deal.

Okay, so you're gonna be
meeting my mom and my dad,

and my best friends
Sam and Nate.

Um, I think my dad is gonna
be your toughest, um, critic.

He has never really liked
anyone I brought home,

so there's never gonna be
someone he's like,

"That one's a good one."

Like, he's gonna just
be very skeptical.

And I get
where it's coming from,

but sometimes it can
come off a little bit harsh.

So I just want you
to be prepared

- going into tonight.
- So he's pretty blunt.

- That's what you're saying.
- He's very blunt, yeah.

- Okay.
- He's just, like,

a tough Italian guy.

Is he gonna give the firmest
handshake when I walk in there?

Should I try
to out-squeeze his hand?


No, honestly,
I think, like, you telling me

that he's gonna be tough.

Like, when you first said it,

I am almost welcoming
of the tough questions.

I have to also earn their trust

the same way
I had to earn yours.

If anything, I just hope
that I can shake his hand

by the end of the night
and he can be like,

"All right," you know,
"you're not that bad."

If I get a
"You're not that bad, kid..."

Then we'll be going
in the right direction.

"You're not that bad, kid,"
then we're solid.

So just know, like,
I understand.

This answer
is making me so happy, like,

you have no idea.

'Cause I have been
so stressed about it,

and I just don't want it

to, like, affect the way
you see me,

should it not go well.

Because I am falling
in love with you.

And I'm so excited
to introduce you to them.

Just so happy that you're here.

It's going to be great.

It's coming around
the corner.

- And I'm so excited.
- I know.

I just want tonight to be
as perfect as today was,

and I'm just hoping tonight
my dad doesn't, you know,

put him in a position where he
can't see himself fitting in.

I am very scared
because I do know much

one conversation
can affect things.

I really just hope
my dad doesn't get in his head

and change his mind.

We're actually
at your parents' house.

I am so excited.

Tonight, I'm meeting
Rachel's mother, Mary,

her father, Tony,

and then her two friends
Sam and Nate.

I hear voices.

Rachel has told me
multiple times

that she's falling in love
with me.

She also told me that
it's really important

that her family
accepts who she's with.

And so I know
that what lies ahead

is going to be
a challenging night,

but hopefully it's gonna
be a very productive one.

It's gonna be good.

It's gonna
be a really fun night.

Just... you know,

just be on my side.
Don't be drifting off too far.

I do want to hopefully
win over her family,

especially her father.

And Rachel said
that her dad was tough.

- Hello.
- Oh, my God.

How's it going?

My baby girl!

Oh, my God,
I missed you so much.

- I missed you.
- Oh, my baby.

How you doing? Tony.

Tony, Clayton,
it's nice to meet you.

My dad has always been
the most welcoming presence

for anyone I've brought home.

I think I've prepared
Clayton as well as I can

to meet my father.

But still,
I am incredibly nervous.

- So beautiful.
- I can't wait to hear

everything you guys have done.

I can't wait.

Oh, my gosh.
We had an adventure.

Tell me about it.

Okay, we were in LA for what,
two weeks, three weeks?

- Was it two?
- I'm scared.

- So much happens every day.
- Yeah.

And then we went to Toronto,

and I got the group date Rose
in Toronto.

- Oh!
- Yeah.

And then after Toronto,
we went to Croatia

and then in Croatia,
I got the group date Rose.

Aw, Clayton, good guy.

Clayton, you like this girl
or something?

Just a little bit, you know.
But I had to, uh,

I told her, like, I can't pump
the ego up too much

'cause she starts
giving me this look,

like, the smile starts.
You get this little...

I don't have a look.

You have a look...
She has a look.

I get the one
that's like I have you

wrapped around my finger.

That's the one I have.
I get that a lot.

I am going to cheers

because I have never seen you

this actually glowing
and happy.

- I know.
- Seriously.

I am serious.

I haven't seen you
glowing like this.

And if you hurt Rachel,
I'm gonna hurt you.

Here it comes.

But we're gonna cheers
to just family coming together.

- Yeah.
- Cheers.

- For sure.
- I love you, thank you.

do you want to go talk?

- I do.
- I love it.

Rachel is glowing in a way

that I've never seen her,

and that's great to see,

but there's still
three other girls,

and I don't want
to see Rachel hurt.

As happy as you do seem,
you know,

like, how are these
other people feeling?

He's never given me
a reason to doubt him.

Every time I'm with him,
I truly do feel like

I'm the only person there.

How do you feel about, like,
Fantasy Suites?

There's still
other people involved.

I know.

You don't wanna be played.
No one wants to be played!

I don't know.

I don't know where
his relationship's at

with the other three.

And it's something you have to,
like, push out of your mind.

Because for me,
I'm thinking about, like,

two months from now,
who's gonna be here

to pick up the pieces?

- I know this girl well.
- Yeah.

And I've never seen her...
Like, to be honest, straight up

with you, I've never
seen her like this, like, glow.

That means a lot to me
to see her like that.

And I told her,
before she left I said,

don't get your heart
broken because, you know,

I don't... I don't
wanna deal with it.

Like, you're... it's gonna...
It's gonna be tough on her.

And, you know,
I'm... I'm afraid that

there's four girls left,
that might happen to her.

And I... oh, my God,
I'm gonna start crying.

I don't... I just don't
ever wanna see her

get like that again.

Like I don't.
It's really... it's really sad

to see her like that,
it's just not who she is.

And she's... she's gonna
lose her trust in people again,

and it's really scary.

You know, we're Italian
people over here,

we're very protective
and her dad's gonna be

a tough, tough guy on you.

- I'm letting you know now.
- As he should be.

Tony doesn't like anybody.

She's told me about him
and... but my thing is

is like, I told her,
I said, I'm gonna be myself,

I think that's the best
way to approach this.

Yeah, you don't need...
Just do what you gotta do.

- Yeah.
- Be yourself.

And then if he doesn't
like you, he doesn't like you.

Yeah, you know, Rachel told
me that her dad is gonna

not skirt around any subject.

He's gonna ask the tough

Like, he's going to be
hard to win over his approval.

So I'm keeping that in mind,
I'm gonna go in this

a little bit more cautious
than I normally would.

I'm an old-fashioned guy.

People always have
to prove their selves to me

that they're good people.

As a father, you're protective.

And no matter how old you get,

you would do anything
to protect a daughter.

Even with her last boyfriend,
when they were...

Had an argument, and I said,

"Do you want me
to beat him up?"

So I'm looking forward
to seeing what he's all about.

Thank you for taking the time
to sit down and talk with me,

and, you know, I'm sure you
might have a lot of questions

and... and I wanna be able to
answer any and all them and...

I do have a few.

So I wanna know first
of all, you're happy?

I am very happy.

I can see it in your face.

I haven't seen this
in you Rachel, seriously!

This is the first time
I've seen you like this!

I really, really think
I could see him as my husband.

I really do.

That makes me happy.

I know.

I did talk to him about Dad.

- I'm not kidding, I'm nervous.
- What did you say?

I just said
he doesn't like anyone.

Is it wrong?

Yeah, no, that's pretty true.

My dad
is outside with Clayton,

and I am terrified.

I want the conversation
to go well.

And I'm just hoping
my dad can be civil with him.

Nothing to me
is off limits, like,

I want you to feel as
comfortable as possible.

And... and again, like,
I also have questions as well,

and I think it's just
great to be able to open that

dialogue up and be transparent,
and... and I would

love to, yeah,
to be in that conversation.

So whatever it is...

Well, you know,
one of the questions

I have for you is what do you
know about Rachel besides...

- The exotic locations.
- The exotic locations.

All the... all the pizzazz.

Do you know her dreams?

Well, we have talked about
her past relationships

and how she has these
aspirations, obviously,

she's in pilot school,
she wants to be a pilot.

I love that she's independent,
I love that... like

she's passionate about
being a pilot, I mean...

- Right.
- She loves it.

Has been since eighth grade.

So if she wants to work
in Europe for a year,

what would that do to you guys
and your relationship?

I'm not gonna waste
this opportunity.

Like, I'll do
whatever it takes.

Like, I'll move.

I'll go wherever
it makes sense to go.

And if that means going
to Europe, because,

you know,
Rachel wants to go to Europe

and that's... for her work,
then like, then why not?

The number one thing
that a parent

doesn't wanna see
is their daughter get hurt.


And, you know,
you're in this and you still

- have three other girls.
- Yeah.

And I watch you
interact and, you know,

it almost... to me looks, like,
there is nobody else.

But that's the part
that's concerning me right now.

Absolutely. The thing about
it is I will hurt somebody.

You're gonna hurt three other
people, or two other people.

I'm going to,
and it makes me sick,

but it's... it's... again, I...
People say "I don't envy you,"

and I'm like, yeah,
I don't envy myself either.

Because, again, like,
dating, you know, from start,

30 women is not fun,
actually, it's really not.

It's... but it's like you...
You end up meeting

someone like Rachel, where
you're like, it's worth it.

And if Rachel isn't the one,
what are you gonna do

to not hurt her?

I have no intention
of... of hurting Rachel.

I don't have a crystal ball
as far as what it looks, like,

at the end of this journey.

But I know that I see
a future with her.

I've had thoughts,
I've dreamt about, like,

getting down on a knee,
proposing to her,

like, what life would
look like outside of this.

If I didn't
see a future with her,

I would not
be sitting here before you,

and all I can do
is continue to just keep taking

these steps, this being one
of them, meeting her family.


My hope coming here was
to hopefully walk away saying,

"Hey, I could see myself
being a part of the family."


Well, I really can't
give my blessing...

because I haven't
talked to my daughter.

You know, right now
you're just another face,

you know, until she says,

"Dad, this guy's
really special to me,"

is when I would change
in my mind, you know?

Her word's
everything to you.

- Yeah, exactly... exactly.
- Yeah, absolutely.

That makes complete sense.
I think it's just...

So if she gives me
a good word when I shake

your hand when you leave,
I'll pat ya on the arm, okay?

That's... that's...
I'll take that.

Nice meeting you,
nice talking to you.

Absolutely, it was
great talking to you as well.

Rachel's father not
giving me his blessing

is totally understandable.

He needs to talk with Rachel
first, and I respect that.

With a father that,
I mean, that cares so much

about his daughter,
wants to be protective,

wants what's best for her,
it all makes sense.

But it's still disappointing
to not get his approval.

You know
that I would not be here.

I know you, baby.

I would not be putting
you guys through this.

- I know this.
- If it wasn't real.

And when we were in Croatia,
I did tell him I was

falling in love with him,
and I really am.


I know.

The thing about him is, like,
I've never met someone who,

like, truly, I feel like, sees
me and, like, has showed me

that there's a possibility
of someone who could...

Be with you instead
of in front of you.

Yeah, but everyone
I've ever brought home,

you were not that nice.

I am not, I am not.

- You have been so mean!
- I know.

Did you like him?

Like, what did you think
about him?

Yeah, I think... thought
he was very nice.

And, you know, he seems
like, he agrees that you would,

you know, that he would
stand next to you, so...

I just, like, feel like,
you know, that, like,

your opinion has always, like,
meant the most to me.


- And I've always just...
- I love you, baby.

I've always wanted you
to be proud of me.

I'm very proud of you.

I'm only afraid
of you getting hurt.

But if he's what you want,
I'm all for it.

I just feel, like,
very grateful that

you guys are, like,
accepting him and, you know,

you're not... you're
not being mean to him.

That's why I'm the happiest,
because I really

thought you were
gonna be mean to him.


You're like, yeah, I
know you probably thought that.

I wasn't mean,
I was a really good guy.

Well, I seen my daughter

happier than I've seen her
for a long time.

You know, she said that I was
different, and I was,

because, you know, you...

Your whole life
is around your children,

and she was happy, so I
wasn't gonna do anything

to spoil the party.

- It was nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you as well.

It was really great
talking to you.

Yeah, I'm not a hugger,
but nice meeting you.

It was really great
talking to you.

Rachel's dad did say,
you know,

if I speak with her
and I feel that, you know,

you are someone that's worthy
of marrying my daughter,

like, I'll shake your hand
and pat you on the arm.

And that's what he ended
up doing, so overall,

like, the day
was a huge success.

Bye, guys. Have fun.

I see a future
more than ever,

like, than I ever have
with Rachel, like,

I don't know if today
could've went any better.

I just want you to know that

I truly feel like tonight

makes me feel even stronger for
you if that's even possible.

But to be able to see you
with, like,

my friends and family,
you truly have like,

no idea
what tonight meant to me.

And for them to meet
you and see me

and just know that
what we have is different.

And that's what I felt
the whole time.

It just means so much to me,


if I was falling for you

I'm falling even harder
for you now.

And I would never
bring you here

or put you through that

if I truly didn't see us
at the end of this,

and I told them that.

I truly do.

Yeah, being able to meet
the people

that mean so much to you,

it meant so much to me,
more than you know.

So thank you.

Thank you.

Rachel and I
had a phenomenal day

and then a great night.

And I think both of us
were really surprised

by how well it went.

Rachel is someone
that I see a future with.

I know what we have
is... it's one of a kind,

and I love that
she's really all in on me,

and she's been all in
for a long time now.

absolutely could be my wife.

Nights like tonight
make me realize that I am

so fortunate to like,
have such strong connections,

but I also
realize that I can't carry

all four connections
into my future life.

Like this... three of them
end at some point.

Hearing Rachel's
loved ones say

this is the happiest
we've seen her in a while,

if she were to go through
another heartbreak,

we don't know how
she'd be able to handle it...

Like, this is the same
conversation that I've already

heard before in a previous

and it's not really great
to hear.

And it doesn't
make me feel good.

- Bye.
- I don't want you to leave.

You almost wish
the feelings weren't as strong

so that it would be
easier to cut ties.

- Night.
- Night.

It's just kind of, like,
right now it's where I'm at,

it's like break three hearts
to make one happy.

Right now, I am heading
into the Rose Ceremony.

I am feeling nervous.

I genuinely am worried
because I think

we do have a strong connection.

But Clayton told my mom
that he wasn't in love with me

and he wasn't falling for me.

So it's hard to know exactly

what's going through his mind
right now.

After my Hometown,
I know how confident I feel

in our relationship
and our connection.

I truly want to end up
with him at the end of this.

And the thought of not,
it's just terrifying to me.

There are still three
other women here and when

things are this serious
and feelings are this strong,

it's gonna be definitely
a difficult decision for him.

- Clayton, how you doin'?
- Hey, Jesse, how's it goin'?

Good, man, you look like,
you got a lot on your mind.

Yeah, it was a lot this week.

Meeting the families was very
insightful, like, eye opening.

So where's
your head at right now?

How are you feeling
about all this?

I realized that I've
had these women really pour

their hearts out to me
and continue to be vulnerable,

but I was
in a place of protection.

I was afraid to allow myself
to open up because it wasn't

making sense in my head, how
I was feeling about four women.

But what I know is that
I have very strong feelings,

I'm falling in love
with all the women

in a different capacity.

- Wow.
- Yeah.

Yeah, I mean, I...

Clayton Echard,
as you stand here right now,

you're falling in love
with all of these women?

I think I might be, yeah.

I mean, it's... it's exciting,
it's scary, it's overwhelming,

but I don't
wanna hold back anymore.

I just wanna allow myself
to... to be able to love.

I don't want to try
to protect myself.

And I think it's only right
that I do give them my all.

'Cause they've certainly
given me their all.

Thank you.

I don't want them to start
questioning where I'm at.

They've already told me
they're falling in love,

and it's like I haven't
said it, and as time passes,

there's a chance they
could start putting up walls.

And that's
the last thing I want.

I just am going to
continue to speak from my heart

and navigate
to the best of my ability,

but, like,
it's gonna be painful.

This is uncharted territory
that I'm entering.

But I know I have to make
the tough decision tonight

to let someone go,
that I... that I care about

and it's gonna be really
hard conversation to have.

You know
what you're gonna do?

- I do know what I'm gonna do.
- Sounds like you have a plan.

- Yep.
- Good luck man.

All right, appreciate it.

I feel really peaceful
in the fact

that Clayton knows
100% where I'm at.

I'm not falling in love

Like, I am in love.

And that does
make things scarier,

but Clayton's my person.

I would be absolutely shattered
if I had to go home tonight.

Thank you.

I finally felt comfortable
telling Clayton that

I'm falling in love with him,

and it's the most
vulnerable I ever have been.

I completely shed

every one ounce of the guard
that I had left.

So if I didn't get a Rose
tonight, it would be, like,

more than disappointing.

It would just
be like a failure.

You all look absolutely
so beautiful tonight,

and this week,
to be in your hometowns,

meeting your families,
it was so special.

I went into Hometowns
hoping to find clarity,

and what it comes down to
is just following my heart.

And it is the toughest decision

that I've made
up until this point.


Susie, will you accept
this Rose?

Yes, of course.


Gabby, will you
accept this Rose?


Ladies, Clayton,
it's the final Rose tonight.

When you're ready.


will you accept this Rose?

I will.

Serene, I'm so sorry.

Please take a moment
and say your goodbyes.

Love you, girl.

- Can I walk you out?
- Yep.


I'm shaking right now.

What a crazy night.
What a crazy week.


Wow, I...

I just wanna... I don't...
I know, like, this is gonna be

a lot, but again I... I
just want to say I'm sorry.

I don't really know
what to say.

Can I ask you, like,
what it was?

Because you said you had
no reservations about me.

Was it just, like,
what I said to you

and you just, like,
couldn't feel it back or?

No, it wasn't that at all.

It wasn't something you said
that, like, changed it,

it just came down to
I had to look back and reflect

and say, where... where
do I stand with my heart?

And I just have
stronger connections.

♪ ♪

All right.

Thank you.
Seriously, thank you.

I wanna see nothing
but the best for you.

Thank you so much.

I'm shocked.


I literally told the man
I was falling in love with him

and in love with him.

And if that doesn't
do something for him

then, like,
there's nothing I can do.

It sucks, it really does.

And I wish it were different.

Clayton was able
to break down my walls.

But, like, I gave it my all.

So I can feel myself
closing back up,

and that's why I have, like,
nothing else to say to him.

Coming up next week...

It's a dramatic
"Bachelor" two-night event.

This is Fantasy Suites.
The stakes are high.

What happens
on the overnight dates...

I am in love with you.

Will change everything...

- I love you!
- I love you too!


I just don't wanna
hurt anybody.

But I'm going to.

I am in love with each of you.

And I also was intimate
with both of you.

This is exactly
what I was afraid of.

He told me he was
falling in love with me.

I shouldn't have to ask
my future husband

to not sleep
with somebody else.

I never thought he could
be in love with three of us.

In love.

I don't know
what to do right now.

It's the most shocking

and emotional ending ever.

I'm so broken.

And then...

it's an expl*sive
"Women Tell All."

You're fake.
You're two-faced. I'm done.

Shut up.
Like, hush.

is a lying whore.

Your favorite
women are back...

Game on, b*tches.

To talk about each other.

- You're so defensive.
- Well, you're still a liar.

You've done atrocious things.

This is.

- Shanae...
- You're toxic.

- And you're lying.
- Why is she a liar?

Don't point your finger at me.
Oh, my God!

She said she wasn't
in the hot tub.

And shrimp.

The Gulf of Mexico called.

They'd like their shrimp
back, please.

This isn't about shrimp!

You're not listening.

I don't care about
the shrimp!

It's the dramatic...

Keep my name
out of your mouth.


I'm not sorry, hos.

"Bachelor" event.

You're not listening.

That's the whole problem.

Girl, that's a damn lie.

You're not gonna tell me

how to apologize to you.

I'm speaking, I'm speaking.
Can I please speak?

I'm done.
Talk to yourself about it.

Next Monday and Tuesday.

Let me see your feet.

You wanna see my feet?

I wanna
see the shape of your toenails.

Oh, they're well-groomed!

Thank you!

That's surprising.

- I take care of myself.
- Do you get pedicures?

I don't...
I've never gotten one.

Oh, that's a shame.

I looked... we...
I passed by it

in the airport
and thought about it.

I was like, why not?

You know,
just for the fun of it.

Well, you should shave
those toes.

No, that's real...
It's a real man.

Real men have hair.

You like to have
furry feet like a hobbit?


We're learning
a lot about each other.

I've had my feet out in front
of you before, do you just...

I've never seen your
feet that up close.

They were underwater.

How do you feel about them?

I think you could
shave your toes.

But other than that,
I think they're fine.

Is it a deal breaker
if I don't?

- Yeah.
- Okay.

Yeah, if you don't get
them sh... shaven,

then I don't know if this
is gonna work out, sorry.