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25x01 - Week 1: Season Premiere

Posted: 04/16/24 17:04
by bunniefuu
‐ Hi. ‐ You look incredible.

‐ Thank you.
You look really great.

I'm Katie! Let's just hug.

‐ Hi, Katie. I can do that.
‐ Hi.

Nice to meet you.

‐ Nice to meet you too.

‐ So I brought
something from home...

‐ Okay.
‐ That's really special to me,

and I thought
I'd share it with you.

You know, this pandemic
was really hard for me,

you know, social distancing,
being alone,

and this just really
got me through a lot...

‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ And I was hoping
to pass the torch to you.

‐ Stop! ‐ Vibrator?

No, she did not!

‐ I strategized,

and some of those girls

are gonna lose their mind

because they didn't plan ahead.

‐ The new season
of "The Bachelor" starts

right now.

Hi, I'm Chris Harrison,

and welcome to a new season
of "The Bachelor."

And by new, I mean really new.

It's a new year,

we're in a new
and spectacular location,

and most importantly,
we have a new Bachelor

whom Bachelor Nation
is about to meet

for the very first time.

His name is Matt James,

and he wasn't on
"The Bachelorette."

He wasn't in
"Bachelor in Paradise."

In fact, he wasn't on
any television show ever.

But as the saying goes,
when you know, you know,

and when we first met Matt,

we knew we had to make him
the Bachelor,

and it turns out, we weren't
the only ones feeling that way.

After announcing Matt
as our Bachelor,

we received a record‐breaking
number of submissions

from women who wanted to date
this handsome guy.

Never before in the history
of "The Bachelor"

has there been such intense
interest in one man.

So who is Matt James,
and what's he all about?

Well, just as the women
will have to find out

who Matt really is, so will we,

but the women aren't here yet,
so here's a sneak peek.

‐ My name's Matt James,

I'm 28 years old,

and I'm the Bachelor.

‐ Nice.

‐ Weird to say.
Still weird to say.

‐ Yeah.

I love that smile, man. ‐

I would've never thought
that this was in my cards.

I grew up in North Carolina,

but now I'm a commercial
real estate broker

in New York City.

When I'm not doing that,

I'm working with kids
in the inner city,

trying to expose them
to different experiences

in their neighborhood.

50% of the kids that we work
with are homeless.

They've never done
these different things

that we all take for granted.

How was it? ‐ It was good.

‐ It was good?
‐ It was so awesome.

‐ We'll take them
to our favorite restaurants

and some sort of fun
fitness activity.

Great job, great job.

I love working with kids,

and it's been one of the best
experiences of my life.

I've been waiting all year
for this moment.

Flying over Nemacolin,
it's beautiful.

What a perfect place
to fall in love.

I'm grateful
for this opportunity...

And that's what's humbling
about being here.

The way that I view life

is nothing happens by chance,

and everything is a blessing.

From the moment I found out

that I was gonna
have the opportunity

to potentially meet my wife,

it's been a mix of emotions.

I'm nervous and I'm anxious

because it feels real.

It feels real now.

This is crazy.

Come on. That was a joke.

Are you serious?


Oh! Oh!


Well, it's still comfortable,

I grew up with my mom
and my older brother, John.

My dad's Black, my mom's white,

and it wasn't something that
I saw as out of the normal.

my parents split up

before I could remember.

It was hard growing up
in a single‐parent home,

but my mom raised us
in a Christian household,

and that foundation
was everything for me.

I've seen all the sacrifices

that my mom had made in my life.

She put aside everything

so that I would have opportunity

to be a man that she knew
I was capable of being.

You look good, Ma. ‐ You do too.

‐ My mom did a great job,

but growing up
in a single‐parent home,

I feel like I missed out
on a lot of what it takes

to be in a good relationship.

In the past, I've struggled
with opening up

and being vulnerable.

‐ When do you think
you were last vulnerable?

It's been a while. ‐ It's been‐‐

It's been a while.

‐ ‐ It's been a while, yeah.

Anytime it gets to that point

where you need to take
the next step,

I've kind of fallen back

just because I've seen
everything that's happened

with you and Dad. ‐ Mm.

Is there one thing that you
fear more than anything else?

‐ Just having my heart broken,
you know?

But as I'm getting older,

like, there's never gonna
be that perfect situation.

There's gonna be ups and downs,
but I'm gonna embrace it, so...

‐ What happened
to make you decide

that maybe you don't have to
have everything in place?

‐ Nothing‐‐we live in‐‐
‐ You may not ever...

have everything.
‐ Yeah, look at 2020.

Like, it's just like,
nothing you ever plan on,

it doesn't go according to plan.

The perfect love story
is your love story.

Like, the perfect life
is the one you live.

Like, there's no perfect family.

‐ It's just, whatever your
family is, it's perfect,

and you just make the most
of it and care for each other.

‐ Yeah.

‐ You said something
that was kind of neat.

You said you don't want
to have your heart broken,

which gives me hope

in that you must think
that there's gonna be somebody

out of these women
that can break your heart.

You feel like this process
could work.

‐ I think it can.

‐ I feel like you are ready,

and I want the best for you.

I want you to meet
your one and only.

‐ Thank you for coming, Mom.

‐ I love you so much.

‐ I love you too.

The strongest love I have
are for my friends and family,

and I'm ready to share that
with somebody else, you know?

It was something
that I reflected on

during quarantine.

Figuring out life with
somebody isn't a bad thing,

and I'm done
making excuses for stuff.

Personally, I know what I want,

and I know what I'm looking for.

Someone who's weathered storms,

who's resilient, who's strong.

It's a partnership.

I've got so much hope
in this process

because I've seen it work.

When I meet these women, I'm
gonna be ten toes on the ground

and ready to give them

I'm ready to start that
next chapter in my life...

And nothing can stop me.


‐ It's time
for the adventure to start.

‐ Matt, I'm here!

‐ Wow. She is beautiful.

‐ That is so cute.
‐ Who's gonna top that?

‐ It's impossible to figure out
what's gonna happen next.

‐ The queen has arrived,

‐ Wow. Okay.

It looks like
you got your hands full.

‐ What?

‐ Welcome back
to the exciting premiere

of "The Bachelor."

You've now gotten your first
look at Matt James,

and judging
from the overwhelming response

we received from women
all over the country,

I'm sure this season will
be filled with a lot of drama,

tears, and hopefully
a lot of love.

So who are the women
that Matt's gonna meet

for the first time
right here tonight?

Well, before he arrives,
let's take a look.

‐ Ah! The best sound.

‐ I'm shook.

I still don't believe it's real.

‐ Matt, see you soon.


‐ I'm officially on my way
to go find love.

‐ I can't stop smiling.

I can't stop just being ready
for this.

‐ We are here at Nemacolin.

I'm all good to go, quarantined.

I'm speechless.

‐ This is so pretty!

‐ So I didn't know
what to expect,

but I sure as hell
did not expect this.

‐ I'm definitely
a perfectionist,

and the thing that I do love
about ballet

is that ballet's so meticulous,

and you always strive
to be perfect,

and so you're always constantly
working to be better.

Matt is tall, dark,
and handsome.

Very chiseled body.

Looking at him, I'm like,

"Yeah, he's definitely my type."

He's very handsome,
so he's my type.

I know that he works with kids.

That's something in a spouse

that I definitely
am looking for,

because not only am I
a professional ballerina,

I'm also a ballet teacher.

I love being around kids,

and I can't wait
to have kids one day.

‐ My name's Abigail,
and I'm from Portland, Oregon.

So I was born completely deaf.

So if I take
my cochlear implant off,

I can't hear anything.

It's kind of an awkward thing
to bring up,

like, on a first date,
and so it's just like,

"Hi, nice to meet you.

Let me, like, overshare
this one thing really quick."

I mean, I love when people
ask me questions about it.

I think it makes me feel better.

But I am really excited
to meet Matt.

I've heard
that he's really nice,

he's really engaging, like,

he'll be interested
in having a conversation,

and he just seems very grounded.

‐ Matt, I'm here!

I feel like there's like
a version of everybody

that they don't always show
to everybody.

You know, I'm a lawyer,

and you have to always
be on your A‐game,

and there's a certain level
of professional

that you have to be,
and so, you know,

sometimes it's just like,
"I just wanna go out."

I do love a rooftop bar.

I do love a good drink.

I do love a good, you know,

Cardi B,
Megan Thee Stallion song.

Like, you gotta let it out

So I need them
to let me out of this room,

like, today.

‐ Hi, Matt.

I am so glad
you are the Bachelor.

I am originally from Ethiopia.

I was born and raised there.

I just moved to United States
nine years ago

to get my doctorate in pharmacy.

I graduated last year, actually.

Matt, like,
he's really amazing guy.

You know, he has
the most important qualities

that I like in a man.

He has them.

He is kind, respectful,
and works hard.

I am super ready to be in love
and to meet my future husband.

‐ How bougie is this?

Silk robe, white bed,
room service if I want it.

So I'm actually
like a caffeine fiend‐‐

well, I used to be.

I'm a little better now.

I work in advertising

as a copywriter,

and then at night,
I work at a bar.

Like, I've always been known
as kind of bubbly.

I think it comes
from the caffeine, but...


Matt James is, like,
1,000 on the hot scale,

and like, I'm totally, like,

chill about this whole situation

until I start
thinking about it too much,

and then I'm like, "Holy."

And then I get a rash.

‐ Room service? Yes.

Can you please send Matt James
to room 511?

I'm a broadcast journalist.

I worked at a TV station
in Palm Springs.

We've all heard it before,
and it may sound cliche‐‐

"Turn around, don't drown."

I'd always been
so career‐focused,

but then taking a step back
to move home

and be a caregiver was the best
decision I could've ever made.

My dad has ALS,
Lou Gehrig's disease.

I was 19
when we got that diagnosis,

and it was completely shocking.

Like, how do you
wrap your head around

that your dad
has a terminal illness?

Fortunately, he's still alive,

and he's still in good spirits.

‐ I am so grateful for my
wonderful friends and family.

‐ My parents are just
such amazing role models

for commitment and loyalty

and just how to love
one another.

That's like
all you would ever want.

You know, that's
what I want to find with Matt.

‐ Today is my final day
of quarantine.

The anticipation is so real.

Matt, I can't wait to meet you.

‐ Yay!

How soon is too soon
to be wearing white?

‐ Tonight is the night
I actually get to meet Matt.

I am very excited.

A little bit nervous.

‐ I feel like he is top‐tier.

Matt James.

That diversity, seeing yourself
represented on‐screen,

as any person of color,
you don't always get that.

I'm just really excited
to take that leap with Matt.

‐ Ready or not, here I come.

‐ Game time, ladies! ‐ Yes!

‐ Tonight's the night.

There's nothing keeping me
from heading to the chateau

right now to meet these women.

My heart's about to burst
out of my chest.

I'm, like, super nervous.

It builds up to this moment

when you've been
thinking about it in isolation

just waiting for everyone
to get here.

It's like I'm finally
allowing myself

to feel all those emotions
I've been kind of suppressing.

I don't know
how to put it into words,

how I feel
about what's about to happen.

There's a person out there
for everybody,

and I've been waiting
for a long time.

Appreciate you.

It's happening.
I've got game‐time jitters.

In a matter of moments,
I could very well meet

the woman that I'm gonna spend
the rest of my life with.

‐ Welcome back, Bachelor Nation.

You've met Matt,
and you've met the women

that have traveled here
from all across the country.

Now it's time for them
to meet each other.

I'm pretty sure we're gonna see
some romantic sparks fly

right out of the limo,

but first, here he is,

our new Bachelor, Matt James.

‐ Matt James.
‐ What's going on, Chris?

‐ Really good to see you.
‐ Likewise.

‐ Damn, you're tall. ‐

‐ I mean, jeez.

‐ No, I get that.

‐ How you feelin'?

Feels surreal... ‐ Yeah.

‐ To finally be in this moment,

meeting these women
getting out of the limo,

I'm starting to feel it;
It's starting to feel real.

‐ You're new to all this.
You're new to "The Bachelor."

‐ Never‐‐you know, I never went
on "The Bachelorette."

I had intentions of doing that,
but being in this spot now,

I feel like I'll be able
to relate to these women

just as we're both
going through this

for the first time, so...

‐ So?

Deep breath.

The first limo
is about to pull up.

It's time to meet the ladies.
‐ Oh, my gosh!

‐ Oh, my God,
I am so fricking nervous now.

‐ We got this. We got this.

‐ ‐ Matt, good luck.

‐ You know, this is my
first time doing this.

I'd love to ask you a few things

before they got here,
if that's okay.

‐ You don't want to meet
the ladies yet?

‐ I do, but I'd love to ask you
a few things.

Is that‐‐is that okay?
‐ Absolutely.

- Let's go inside and chat.
- Let's do it.

‐ Step in my château.

‐ We had this place built
last year,

just a little
knock‐around place.

‐ It's pretty spectacular,

‐ Yeah, I've never seen
this many chandeliers before.

‐ ‐ Wow.

Thank you.

‐ Grab a seat.

Well, I sense
that you're nervous.

‐ Yeah, I am.

‐ I sense that you're
kind of apprehensive

about all of this,
so what is it?

What's making you so nervous?

‐ I, uh‐‐I've‐‐
I've thought about this

since I found out that
I was gonna be coming out here,

what I would say to these women,

what I was‐‐
how I'd carry myself,

how I'd go about
the whole experience,

and when you get out here
and you see that red carpet,

everything kind of changes.

‐ It's intimidating.
‐ It's super intimidating.

Having never experienced
the Bachelorette side,

I just wanted
to kind of get your take

on what to expect,
especially night one.

‐ There's a phenomenal chance

that you're gonna meet
the woman of your dreams.

You're gonna be engaged.

I know it's crazy to think.

You just stepped
out of the limo,

you've never done this before.

‐ I just got here! ‐ I know.

It sounds crazy. ‐ Yeah.

‐ But it's true.

If you are genuine
and honest about this

and you give it a shot,

you will find out if this works,

and we're gonna
go through it all, man.

There's gonna be times
when you wanna choke me out.

And you want‐‐you know,
you're mad, and you're‐‐

‐ Yeah.
‐ But that's the point, man.

If you're not emotional
about this,

then you're probably not
doing it right.

Another thing I wanted
to talk to you about


pressure that I've put on myself

just being the first
Black Bachelor.

‐ In what way?

‐ You know, it's like...

people want you to end up with
a certain type of person...

‐ Yeah. ‐ And... I get that.

‐ What does that mean?

‐ So my mom is white,

and my dad's Black,

and I experienced
what it was like

to be a product
of an interracial marriage,

and it's tough,
because you've got people

who have certain views,
old‐school views,

and what a relationship
and what love looks like,

and you've got people who are
cheering for you to find love,

and then you've got people
who are cheering for you

to end up with
a specific person,

a specific person
of a specific race.

‐ I see.
‐ That's something that‐‐

that kept me up at night.

It's like, I don't want
to piss off Black people,

I don't want
to piss off white people,

but I'm both of those,
you know what I mean?

It's like,
how do I please everybody?

‐ That's a lot to carry.

‐ It's a lot.

‐ The most important thing is,

if you come out of this
with joy,

peace, love,

and you have this amazing woman
who shares those things...

‐ That'd be a dream come true,

and that's what I'm looking for.

This is the first time

I've dove into any type
of relationship like that,

and never with 30 women, so...

‐ Well, have you ever
been in love?

‐ You know, I thought
I had been in love,

and the older I've gotten,

my thoughts and views
on what love is has changed.

That's taken a lot
of self‐reflection.

I didn't grow up
in the perfect of situations.

‐ Yeah.

‐ A lot of the things

that my mom dealt with
is kind of

how I've maneuvered
the dating world

in terms of how her
relationship with my father

affected my relationship
with women,

and anytime I've gotten
super close with a woman,

and you're getting to that
point where it's like,

"Should I say I love you?
Is he gonna say he loves you?"

I kind of feel myself
backing up...

‐ Mm‐hmm. ‐ Because, again,

I've seen how being vulnerable
in the past

has led to just heartbreak
and letdown.

But part of this process for me
is gonna be

letting my guard down
and letting my wall down,

and knowing what I know now

and what it means to love
and be loved,

I think I'm ready
to offer that to somebody.

I've been running from it
for a long time,

and I'm done running.

‐ They call it a leap of faith
for a reason.

‐ Right. ‐ You gotta jump.

‐ Right. ‐ So, with that said,

Matt, it's time
to be the Bachelor.

You feel better?
‐ I feel better.

‐ Okay.

Wanna go meet the women?

‐ I'm ready.

‐ Let's go. ‐ Let's do it.

Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt!

‐ One of these women
could be my wife.

‐ There's a lot of really
amazing women here.

‐ Get your game face ready!
‐ I'm impressed.

‐ Everybody has something
to bring to the table.

‐ I brought something from home.

‐ What is it?

‐ ‐ No, she did not!

‐ So here we are, man.

‐ I got chills, Chris.

‐ You okay?

‐ I don't‐‐I‐‐ ‐ Come here.

Come here, man.
‐ I'm at a loss for words!

‐ Come on, man, loosen up.
‐ It's like...

I don't know
how to prepare for this,

so I'm just gonna try
to be myself,

and hopefully that‐‐
that works out for me.

‐ In the next 20 minutes,

you could meet your wife.

‐ And you said
you've never been in love.

‐ I haven't.
‐ My job is to change that.

‐ Let's do it. ‐ All right.

It is happening, and in fact,

first limo pulling up right now.

‐ Oh, my gosh.

‐ Matt, good luck, my friend.

‐ Thank you.
‐ Let the journey begin.

‐ Thank you.

Oh, boy.

‐ He looks so handsome.

‐ This is crazy.

It's happening,
and I'm extremely nervous.

What did I get myself into?


‐ Hi.

‐ Hi. ‐ How are you?

‐ How you doing?

‐ I'm nervous. ‐ Likewise.

How are you? ‐ I'm doing well.

What's your name? ‐ Good.

I'm Bri. ‐ Bri?

‐ Yes. What's your name?
‐ Nice to meet you.

I'm Matt.

‐ So I've heard so much
about you,

and everyone speaks
so highly of you,

and I don't say that
to make you nervous,

but just know that I am here

for this opportunity
to get to know you.

‐ I appreciate that. ‐ Thanks.

‐ Thank you.
I hope I don't let you down.

‐ Nice meeting you.

‐ Look forward to getting
to catch up inside.

‐ I'll see you inside.

Wow. She was incredible.

Off to a great start.

‐ Hi. ‐ Hello.

‐ Oh, my gosh.

I'm in trouble.

‐ You made it. ‐ I made it.

I don't know how, but...
‐ Can I give you a hug?

‐ You are more good‐looking
in person.

Oh, my God. ‐

‐ I'm so nervous.
Can you feel me shaking?

‐ Yeah, I'm feeling it
a little bit, too, though.

‐ Okay, good.

I just wanted to say

that you are the reason
I'm here,

and I love that we
get to do this whole thing

for the first time together,

and I think that you and I

are gonna have
a lot of fun together.

‐ You think so? ‐ Yes.

Definitely. ‐ I think so too.

‐ All right.
It was so good meeting you.

‐ Likewise.
‐ I'll see you inside.

‐ I'll see you inside.

She was beautiful.


‐ Hello, handsome.

‐ How you doing? ‐ Hi.

I'm Sarah. ‐ Let me get a hug.

‐ Nice to meet you.
‐ You look great.

‐ Whew, I just wanna, like,
take a moment

to let this all, like, soak in.

‐ Just, like, say
how grateful I am to be here

and to meet you in person
and call this place home

for the next couple weeks,

‐ It's crazy, isn't it?
We're here now, right?

‐ It's so crazy.

I know, at least for me,
I'll be, like,

missing home a little bit,

like, feeling
a little homesick...

‐ Yeah.
‐ Away from friends and family,

but I'm hoping one day home
will feel like it's with me.

‐ I like that. ‐ Yeah.

‐ Nice to meet you.
I'll see you inside.

‐ Nice to meet you as well.

‐ All right.

‐ Hi.

‐ Hi. ‐

‐ How you doing?
‐ Oh, my gosh. I'm great.

How are you?
‐ You look incredible.

‐ My name is Jessenia,

and I'm so excited
that you're the Bachelor,

and really what I'm looking for
in a partner

is someone who can be my rock,
just like I would be for them,

so... ‐ I love that.

‐ Yeah. ‐ Thank you.

‐ Oh, gosh.

Long time coming, for sure.
‐ Yes, ma'am.

‐ Hi. ‐ Hey.

How you doing?
‐ Good. How are you?

‐ You look incredible.
‐ Thank you.

Nice to meet you.
‐ Nice to meet you as well.

‐ So everyone knows
you're making history

as the first Black Bachelor,

and I'm just really excited
to get to know you,

and hopefully,
we can make history together.

‐ I like that.
What was your name?

‐ Chelsea.

‐ You look great. ‐ Thank you.

‐ I'm‐‐I'm really happy
you're here.

‐ Thanks.

‐ I'll see you inside? ‐ Yes.

See you soon.

‐ Wow.

She is wearing that dress.

‐ Hi. ‐ How you doing?

‐ I'm Mari. ‐ Can I get a hug?

‐ Nice to meet you. Yeah.

‐ Good to see you.
‐ Good to see you too.

‐ How you feeling? ‐ Good.

A little nervous, but I'm ready.

They say that love
makes the world go round,

and even though we can't
travel the world right now,

I'm looking forward
to this journey with you

and seeing where in the world
we end up together.

‐ Me too.

‐ I'll see you inside.
‐ Likewise.

You ever meet somebody

and you just don't know
what to say?

That was that moment.

Trying to be smooth,
but you can't sometimes.


‐ Hey! I'm Mari.

‐ Mari. ‐ Hi.

‐ How was meeting Matt?

‐ I was, like, super nervous
on my way out of the limo,

but as soon as I got up there,
I was just like...

‐ Yeah. ‐ He seemed like

he was kind of nervous too.
‐ Yeah.

‐ Yeah!
‐ And that made me feel better.

‐ I was like‐‐I was shaking,
and I could feel

that he was shaking. ‐ Yeah.

‐ So we were both shaking.

‐ If he's nervous, I think
he's handling it really well.

‐ Yeah.

‐ Oh, my God.

‐ Whoo! ‐ Okay.

I'm, like, so nervous.

‐ My heart is racing
a mile a minute,

and like, I'm trying
to come across

as like I got it all together,
but I really don't.

‐ Oh, my God.

What a stud!

‐ He is so handsome.

‐ And I'm trying to breathe

because it keeps me in control.

‐ My name is Mearg Tareke,

but you can also call me Magi.

‐ Okay.

‐ I came all the way
from Ethiopia

just to meet you. ‐ Wow.

‐ Yeah. ‐ I'm honored.

‐ Pleasure is all mine.

‐ I feel like I'm more nervous
than the women,

and everything
I thought I was gonna say

or how I thought I was gonna act

just, like, completely
went out the window.

‐ My mom knew I was really,
really nervous...

‐ Mm‐hmm. ‐ And so she sent me

some lavender from her garden.

‐ Oh, okay.

‐ And I figured
I could give you some

just as, like,
a little good luck charm.

‐ That would be great.

They're super confident,

and they're bringing it,

and I'm just trying
to keep up, you know?

‐ I just have to let you know,

you are...

the hottest human being
I have ever met!

‐ ‐ I'm so excited it's you.

‐ I'm happy you're here.

You're meeting
a million different people,

you're trying
to remember everything.

It's‐‐it's impossible.

‐ The verdict is in,

and you have been found
so guilty

of being incredibly fine.

‐ Nothing is normal
about this process,

and nothing
can prepare you for it.

‐ I got you
a little survival kit.

‐ Okay. ‐ I got, like,

a little stress ball...
‐ Love that.

‐ 'Cause I know
this can be stressful.

‐ Yep. ‐ And I know some girls

might give you, like,
a little red flag here or two,

so just, like, stick 'em
in their hair or something.

If I wasn't serious
about the process,

then I wouldn't be nervous,

so I'm just trying
not to mess this up.

I mean, it's a lot
of pressure on you

just to deliver.

What's going on? ‐ Hi.

‐ You took your own wheels
tonight, huh?

‐ Yeah, you know,

gotta drive up in style.

‐ I like that.

‐ Hi. ‐ How you doing?

‐ Good. I'm Khaylah. ‐ I'm Matt.

‐ Nice to meet you.
‐ Nice to meet you too.

You cr‐‐so you pulled up
in this nice whip.

‐ I know,
and she's a tricky one...

‐ I'm like, "Who is that? How‐‐
‐ She's a tricky one,

but I got it.
‐ You look great, too.

‐ Thank you.

I rolled up in a pickup truck

because I want it
to be that reminder for him

of home.

She's old...
‐ Now, where are you from?

‐ But she's still kicking.
North Carolina.

‐ You're from North Carolina?
Oh, okay.

Khaylah's beautiful, and she's
a North Carolina girl.

Is that stick,
or is it a*t*matic?

‐ It's stick.

‐ All right. Respect it.
‐ Put some respect on my name.

‐ Hey, I respect that. ‐ Okay?

‐ Anytime you find
common ground with someone,

it kind of puts you at ease.

‐ 1,000 times less nervous.

I'm starting to catch my stride.

I'm relaxing.

I'm coming into who I am
in myself,

and as this process continues,

I'll step into it more and more.

‐ How are you? ‐ Good.

You look incredible. ‐ Thank y‐‐

Ooh, ooh! ‐ You're good.

‐ Okay.

‐ Everyone's just as nervous
as I am,

and it's very comforting.

‐ Oh, my God,
it's been five seconds,

and I'm already
trippin' off you.

What the hell?
‐ Hey, I like that.

I mean, there's no

perfect way to go about this,

because none of us
have ever done it before,

and because of that,

it's gonna make it
unique and special.

‐ So my name's Serena... ‐ Okay.

‐ And I heard
that you're very tall,

and I'm only 5'2",
so I brought a little something

to help me get on your level.

‐ I like that, I like that.
‐ Yeah?

‐ Oh! Oh. ‐ Oh!

‐ It's a step stool.
‐ Are you kidding me?

I almost did that.
‐ That is so cute.

‐ I think we've got
a very dynamic group of women,

and we're all trying to make
a good impression on Matt.

‐ Oh, wow.

I'm impressed.

‐ Everyone wants to stand out
and do something

that Matt is gonna remember.

Like, that's the name
of the game, you know?

‐ I think you are
the greatest of all time.

‐ Thank you.

‐ And I hope you'll also think

that I'm... the "goat."

Everybody has something
to bring to the table,

so I hope he remembers those,
at least,

but it's pretty memorable,

‐ Will you hold this?


You're gonna take this end,

and I'm gonna take this end...

‐ Wait.

‐ What is she doing? ‐ Oh!

‐ They kissed. ‐ Excuse me.

‐ Whoa! ‐

‐ It was, like,
face‐to‐face there.

‐ Nice to meet you.
‐ Nice to meet you too.

I'm happy with what I did.

It was playful. It was cute.

It was a way to break the ice.

‐ I don't even know
what to say about that.

‐ I didn't want to stick
my tongue down his throat.

You know, I like to save

a little bit
for the imagination.

‐ Oh, my gosh.

‐ Oh, man.

‐ Well, hello.

‐ What?

‐ Wait. ‐ What is it?

‐ It looks like
you got your hands full.

‐ Is she wearing lingerie?
‐ Yes.

‐ She is not. ‐ Holy.

‐ Oh, my God. ‐ My God.

‐ My name is Kaili.
I'm gonna give you a hug.

‐ Hi, Kaili. ‐

‐ Hello. ‐ Hi.

‐ It's so great
to finally meet you.

‐ Likewise. ‐ My name is Kaili.

I'm gonna give you a hug.
‐ Hi, Kaili.

I've been sitting
in my hotel room all day

trying to figure out
what to wear,

and I realized I don't know
anything about you,

so... ‐

‐ What better opportunity
to figure out what you like

than to ask for your opinion
on what I should wear?

‐ Oh, my God. That's ballsy.

‐ ‐ Yeah, that's a word for it.

‐ I mean, I think you'd look
great in anything you wear,

but I kind of like
the strapless.

‐ Okay. ‐ Yeah, I like that.

‐ I mean, like, she is
literally in bra and underwear.

‐ At least she has a robe on.

‐ Well, I'm looking forward
to seeing you in that inside.

‐ Likewise. I will see you soon.

‐ Take care.



I appreciate anybody
going out of their way

to make a gesture.

You gotta love a woman
with confidence.

Walking up in your lingerie,
like, you own that.

Like, I love that you did that.

‐ Hi, friends, hi!

‐ ‐ I'm Kaili.

‐ Work it!

‐ Please help me choose a dress.

Here we go.

‐ What is going on?

I've never felt more un‐sexy
in my life

when there's lingerie and, like,

all these sexy dresses,
and I'm in goat feet.

‐ An impression
is an impression.

‐ A girl just
walked into here naked.

Like, it's a party now.

Like, whatever. ‐ I know, right?

‐ Oh, my God!


‐ Hi.

‐ How's it going? ‐ Good.

How are you? ‐ I'm doing well.

‐ I'm Abigail. ‐ I'm Matt.

‐ Matt, nice to meet you.

Oh, my God, I'm, like, shaking.

- I'm so nervous.
- ‐ Don't be.

‐ So there's something a little
bit different about me.

‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ And that is I'm deaf.
‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ So I'm gonna be reading
your lips a lot tonight.

‐ Okay. ‐ But thankfully,

you have really beautiful lips.

‐ So I'm not complaining.
‐ I love that.

I'm gonna enunciate for you.

I'm gonna make‐‐ ‐ I love that.

‐ ‐ I appreciate that.

Well, I can't wait to
talk to you more inside.

‐ Likewise.

‐ Awesome. Thanks, Matt.
‐ I'll see you in there.

She is gorgeous.

I'm blown away.

Meeting these women
is just reassurance

and why I came out here,

and I'm just trying
to be as present

and in the moment as possible
so that I can take it all in.

‐ I'm super excited to be here.

I'm blessed to be
in front of you right now,

and I wouldn't be here
if it weren't for you.

‐ It's humbling, you know,
to think that

the women who are here
wanted to be here

because they knew
I was gonna be here.

‐ I honestly just want
to let you know

that I feel like everything
in my life

has brought me here to meet you.

‐ That doesn't go
unnoticed by me,

and I really appreciate them.

‐ I think this is crazy.

‐ Did you ever think
you'd be here?

‐ No.

‐ I'm the luckiest guy alive
right now.

‐ I just want you to know

I don't settle for anything
in my life,

and I'm glad I haven't,
because if I did,

I would not be about to take
this journey with you.

I'm very hopeful

because I've met
a lot of incredible women

that I can see a future with.

‐ My dad always wanted
my sisters and I

to keep our last name,

which is James.

‐ Wow.

‐ So I am very happy
to be meeting you.

The reason I came out here
was to find my wife,

and there's a long way to go,

but it's gonna be a great ride.

I thought that was a pizza car.

All right.

Oh, man.

This should be interesting.

‐ Oh,.

‐ So that didn't go as planned.

Hold on. One second.

First impressions
are everything, and like,

things just blew up in my face,

but that's life, though.

One door doesn't open,
go to the next, right?

I know this is cheesy, but...

the fastest way to a man's
heart is through their stomach,

so this is my gift to you.

‐ I love it.

‐ You just have to laugh
at yourself.

Sometimes that stuff
is just funny,

and there's definitely gonna be

a lot more laughs to come, so...

‐ Hi. ‐ Hi.

You look incredible.

‐ Thank you.
You look really great.

‐ Let me help you up.
‐ Thank you so much.


I'm Katie! Let's just hug.

‐ Hi, Katie. I can do that.
‐ Hi.

Nice to meet you.

‐ Nice to meet you too.

‐ So I brought
something from home...

‐ Okay.
‐ That's really special to me,

and I thought
I'd share it with you.

You know, this pandemic
was really hard for me,

and this just really
got me through a lot...

‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ And I was hoping
to pass the torch to you.

‐ But after seeing how you look
and knowing that

the Fantasy Suite
is so far away,

I actually might need it

just for, like,
a little bit longer.

‐ A vibrator? ‐ Stop!

‐ A vibrator? No, she did not!

‐ I'll see you inside.

‐ I will see you inside. ‐

‐ Has she been using it
all of quarantine?

‐ Stop.

‐ Pulled out a freakin'

‐ I strategized,

and some of those girls
are gonna lose their mind

because they didn't plan ahead.

‐ What's behind your back?

‐ Oh, um, well, this is, um...

‐ Oh, my God! ‐ My friend.

‐ Oh, my‐‐that is your friend?

‐ Yes.

It's very nice,
and it's sparkly.

It dressed for the occasion

‐ Wait‐‐
‐ Do you have a name for it?

‐ Um, no, I don't have a name.
‐ You should name it.

‐ Well, we should name it. ‐ MJ.

‐ MJ.

‐ No. No, no, no, no, no! Wait.

‐ Stop, is your name MJ?
Oh, my gosh!

‐ It's an iconic name.

Like, it deserves it, honestly,
at this point.

‐ Damn, this is crazy.

The night's already pretty weird

with all these girls coming in,

doing all of these gimmicks...

‐ Oh, man.

‐ And some girls that, like,
had something planned

and then it didn't go
as planned...

‐ I brought something for you.

‐ Nice. ‐ Can you catch?

‐ I can.

‐ Ahh!

‐ Oh!

This thing is kind of heavy,

‐ So I am wondering

if the night's
gonna get weirder...

‐ So I know
you're probably nervous

'cause there's a million people
in the stands,

but you don't have to worry,

'cause you've got
your number one fan.

‐ But I'm pretty confident
the answer is yes,

it's gonna get frickin' weird.

‐ I've been dying
to ask you a question.

‐ Uh‐oh.

‐ Can I put my balls
in your mouth?

‐ He's laughing so hard.

‐ Does she have something
in her hand?

‐ Take a little bite.

All right.

So what do you think
of my balls?

‐ Not bad.

‐ They're my meatballs!

‐ I feel like,
as the night progresses

and more women arrive, like,

things get crazier and crazier.
‐ Yeah.

‐ It's like one‐upping
each other.

‐ Mm‐hmm. ‐ Okay.

‐ One brought a dildo.
"Oh, yeah?

Well, I came in lingerie." ‐

‐ Who's gonna top that?

‐ Ooh.



‐ sh**t...
‐ What kind of car is that?

‐ That looks like
a really nice car.

‐ Hi, Matt. ‐ Hi.

‐ So nice to meet you.
‐ Likewise.

You look incredible.

‐ So I thought...

the limo was giving me a little
bit of a rideshare vibe...

‐ Okay. ‐ And I thought,

"It's night one.

Let me at least
order my own car."

‐ I like that. ‐

Um, yeah, so I'm Kit,

and K‐I‐T
stands for "keep in touch,"

and I would love
if you would find me inside.

‐ I will not have a problem
finding you inside.

I love being
the center of attention,

and I feel like
I set the gold standard

with the Bentley.

I think if you're not
going big with your entrance,

then you're definitely
wasting your time.

Oh, man.

‐ Oh, there he is.

‐ Wait. Hold on. What's‐‐

I see someone sparkly
being carried in.

‐ Ooh. ‐ There's another girl.

‐ Well, that's a bit dramatic.
‐ Oh.

‐ She has a tiara on, friends.

‐ She definitely sparkles.

‐ Is this like Cinderella vibes?

‐ Thank you so much.

Hello. ‐ Hi.

How you doing? ‐ Good.

‐ What an entrance.

‐ So I'm Victoria,
like the queen.

‐ I see that.

‐ And I'm looking for a king
with a good heart.

So I heard that's you,
King Matt.

‐ Queen Victoria is here.

I know I'm so confident
and I'm so fun,

and I know I made
a good impression,

so I just want to, like,
put my best foot forward.



You good? ‐ I'm good.

It's all good.

He's so sexy,

and my nerves caught up to me.

It's a lot to handle,

but, you know, I am
the queen of this kingdom.

The grand finale,
save the best for last.

The "yes, queen!"

The queen has arrived, b*tches!

‐ Ooh, okay.

What was your name? ‐ Victoria.

‐ Okay. ‐ Yes!

‐ Queen Victoria, basically.
‐ Yes.

‐ Queen Victoria. Look at this.

‐ I thought that
there was gonna be

competition, for sure...

‐ So I'm Victoria,
like the queen.

‐ Oh.

‐ But you can be the queen
of your little thing,

but, like, no.

I'm the president, king, CEO.

‐ Okay, well, I'm ready
to, like, talk to him.

Like, get this show on the road.

‐ I know. ‐ When is he coming?

‐ I don't know, I keep being
like, "Where is Matt?"

‐ Can I have everyone's
attention, please?

‐ Yes! ‐ Oh, boy.

‐ Tonight is gonna
be a long and hard night...

‐ Yeah. ‐ We love that.

‐ But we need to remember
to have fun.

So let's cheers to Matt tonight

and making new friends.


‐ I gotta find out
who Miss James is.

It's not gonna be easy.

‐ Everyone
is out to impress Matt.

The First Impression Rose
is on the table.

‐ At this point,
I'm almost expecting it.

‐ I know I made
a good impression.

‐ That's bold.
‐ Go big or go home.

‐ Why would it not be mine?

‐ In a season full of drama...

‐ All my worst insecurities
are coming out.

‐ ‐

‐ I feel like
I'm losing my mind.

‐ I'm about to explode.

‐ You okay? ‐ No.

‐ No, I'm not.

‐ I was so nervous,
but he's so calming.

When he talked to me
and holding my hands, okay.

‐ He's almost, like,
larger than life too.

Like, walking up to him...
‐ Yeah.

‐ And, like, hearing his name
for so long.

‐ Yeah.
‐ He's even hotter in person.

‐ He is even hotter.
‐ 10 out of 10.

He is the perfect Bachelor
I've ever seen.

‐ Yeah!

‐ Matt, you just met 32 women.

‐ It doesn't make my job
any easier,

but I'm very excited.

‐ The way these women showed up
tonight, they're ready.

‐ I think I'm ready too.

‐ All right,
about to send you inside,

but before you do,
I want to let you know

that I will be bringing in

the first rose
that you'll be handing out.

‐ Okay.
‐ It's a First Impression Rose.

So you should give that
to the one woman

that just really blew you away.

Maybe it was out here.

Maybe it's after you have
a conversation inside.

For whatever reason,

you definitely want
to keep her around.

‐ Okay.
‐ By giving her that rose,

she is safe.

‐ I've got my work
cut out for me.

‐ You ready to go inside?
‐ Let's do it.

‐ Because you're not gonna find
your wife out here with me.

‐ No, let's head inside.
‐ All right.

Go inside.


It's all yours.

‐ Thanks, Chris.

It just feels unreal,

and now I'm starting
to feel the pressure,

the pressure
to impress them all,

and I am beyond nervous.

My heart's pounding
out of my chest.

‐ All right, where is he?

Matt! Matt! Matt! Matt! Matt!

‐ Let's go!

‐ I wanna know what he's doing.

‐ I think he's coming now, guys.

‐ Oh, my God.

Thank you, thank you.

How we doing? ‐ You're here!

‐ Yes!

I've had‐‐

Oh, man.

I've had so long to think about

what I'm gonna say to you all,

and I'm gonna take
a different approach.

So if everybody could just bow
their head really quick,

I'm gonna pray for everybody.

‐ Aww. ‐ I'm gonna cry.

‐ Dear Heavenly Father,

thank you for bringing us all
together, healthy.

‐ Mm. ‐

Give these women the courage

to get through
these next few months.

‐ Amen.

‐ You said that
you work all things

for the good
of those who love you

and are called according
to your purpose, Father God,

and I feel like that's
why I'm here, and I feel like

that's why these women
are here, Lord.

‐ Amen. ‐ So bless this time

we have together, Father.

In Your holy name I pray, amen.


‐ ‐ That was so good.

‐ Okay, Reverend Matt!

‐ You'll‐‐what you'll
get to know about me

is anytime I'm feeling nervous

or I'm just constantly
sh**ting up prayers

just to put myself at ease...
‐ Yes!

‐ That's good.
‐ Because just as you all

are experiencing this
for the first time,

I'm experiencing this for the
first time with you all, so...

‐ You got this.

‐ Bear with me,
you know what I mean?

‐ Yeah. ‐ Doin' great.

‐ One of the things
I struggled with

when I'm thinking about

what I'm gonna say to you all

is... how to be vulnerable,

and I pledge to you all
to lead the charge

in terms of putting myself
in y'all's shoes

and being vulnerable,
because it's not easy.

And I thought to myself,
"How am I gonna unpack

everything that I've
been through in my life?"

And a lot of that
is experiences with my family,

you know?

I‐‐my mom's white,
my dad's Black,

and seeing everything that
comes with that is beautiful,

and I'm excited to explore that
with you all.

‐ Yes. ‐ Um...


I saw the vibrator
and I lost my train of thought.

‐ You're making me cry!

‐ Right after the prayer.
‐ Why is that?

‐ Oh...

Where was I?

But no, um...

It's‐‐in terms
of being vulnerable,

I've had a lot of time
to reflect over quarantine.

You know, why‐‐why‐‐

why am I not spending this time
with my significant other?

And a lot of that is...

thinking that I needed
to be the perfect person.

In the past,
I've tried to come across

and present myself as someone
who's got it all together,

and I don't,

and I think
that's what makes me me.

And with that in mind,

let's have some fun.

‐ Yeah. ‐ Whoo!

‐ Cheers to falling in love.


‐ Whoo!

‐ There we go! ‐ I love that.

‐ I really appreciated
Matt's vulnerability,

and he used this time
for all of us to pray,

which I thought
was... very genuine,

and it felt really good
to be in that moment with him.

‐ That just rocked me.

I'm, like, not okay after that.

‐ She's crying! That's so sweet.

‐ Yes! ‐ That is sweet.

‐ Are you religious?

‐ Yeah, but it's just like,
everything that he said,

I felt like I really
related to that.

‐ Yeah. ‐ Oh, my God.

I was tearing up,
and I'm like...

‐ Yeah, I need a minute.

That was, like... whew!

I had a feeling
that I was gonna be, like,

infatuated with him,

but the fact that he opened
that up with a prayer

just, like,
struck a nerve for me.

I didn't expect
to feel like this so soon.

He's pretty much everything,
like, I expected him to be

and more, so...

yeah, I'm excited.

Oh, I hope I get
some time with him.

‐ How were you expecting it
to go when you pulled up?

‐ I‐‐I think it was

like way better than
I could've expected.

I don't know, I mean...

I don't know. I was nervous.

‐ You were incredible.
‐ Oh, my God.

‐ I was‐‐I was very excited

to see you come out of the limo.

‐ I had to look back.

I was like,
"I need another look."

‐ ‐ Like, I had to.

You look so good, like...
‐ Thank you.

‐ Even better in person.

Like, I mean... ‐ I mean...

Again, this is why the process
is gonna be so difficult.

‐ Aww.

What are you
looking forward to most

in all this?

‐ Unpacking.
Unpacking y'all, you know?

'Cause it's like,
when I came in here,

I had my guard up,
and I'm, like,

continuously trying
to find ways to open up,

and I know that
it's super uncomfortable

to share, like, your
imperfections with somebody,

because we‐‐we‐‐
we want to come across

as, like, we have everything

‐ Yeah.
‐ And the more I've figured out

I don't have everything
together, it's been easier

for me to be like,
"Okay, what am I looking for?"

‐ I mean, nobody can relate
to perfect.

‐ ‐ I think, like,

that's so hard, and like‐‐yeah.
‐ Yeah, that's fair.

Sarah's great.

First person I spoke to,

but I felt like I was
sounding like a robot.

I'm‐‐I'm still, like,
in this like nervous mode.

‐ So how are you? ‐ I'm great.

You know, I'm starting
to loosen up a little bit.

‐ Yeah.

‐ I was definitely nervous

when I was inside
giving that toast.

‐ You did a good job.
‐ Thank you.

Thank you. ‐ Yeah.

‐ I'm a little anxious
right now.

It's more so excitement.

I just want to make sure that

I'm everything
they're hoping I am.

‐ You know,
I'm really here for you.

You are the first
Black Bachelor,

and I think
that's so incredible,

and, you know,
how do you feel about that?

‐ You know, I feel
a load of responsibility.

‐ Mm‐hmm. ‐ Um...

but in that, I feel like

my experience
isn't everyone's experience.

I can only go
and speak on things

that I've experienced...
‐ Right.

‐ And live out my truths...
‐ Right.

‐ And do the best I can
to represent

who I am and how I was raised.

Being a person of color,

it's important to me that
someone knows what that's like

and embraces it, because
that was part of who I am,

and it's gonna
be part of our relationship.

‐ He's won me over,
for sure, already.

‐ Yeah. ‐ It was so cute

how he was all flustered.

‐ Oh, my gosh, I know.
‐ I love that.

‐ It's like, I like I guy
that can just, like,

be comfortable being nervous.
‐ Yeah.

‐ I love that he opened up
his speech

with a prayer, though.

‐ Me too.

‐ It's definitely set the tone
for the night.

‐ Your opening speech‐‐
I mean, I'm not gonna cry...

‐ 'Cause I hate being vulnerable

in front of people.
‐ Yeah. Yeah.

It's hard, isn't it?
‐ Especially, like‐‐

but that was, like,
very, very powerful.

I felt like‐‐were you nervous?
‐ I like that.

Heck yeah, I was nervous.

I'm extremely nervous because
I don't want to disappoint,

but I take that challenge

‐ I was, like, so unsure
about this whole thing.

Going into this, like, when
they first reached out to me,

I was like, "I don't know,"
just 'cause I don't know‐‐

I didn't know how I'd, like,
deal with the whole thing.

‐ Yeah, yeah. I get it.

‐ And then, you know,
over the summer,

when they were like,
"Matt's gonna be the Bachelor,"

I just loved the fact that

you haven't been
through this before,

and so I loved the thought
of, like,

going through this whole thing
together for the first time

and like really
getting to know you for you.

You know? ‐ Yeah.

‐ I thought
there was just something

really special in that,

and the fact that, like,

you opened up with a prayer,
I really love that,

'cause you were, like,
really speaking, like‐‐

you, like, hit something
in my soul

to where I was like, "We are on
the same page with everything,"

which is scary,
'cause like you said, like,

being vulnerable,
that's something that's, like,

pretty much impossible for me. ‐

‐ At least from the beginning.
I'm not‐‐I'm not‐‐

‐ We're gonna work on it.
We're gonna work on it.

‐ Yeah. I always‐‐
I've always had a‐‐

I've always had a guard up.
‐ Yep.

‐ Um, 'cause I feel like
anytime I let that guard down,

it's never worked out, you know?

‐ Yeah. ‐ 'Cause it's scary.

‐ Yeah, it is scary. ‐ And...

you know, showing my true self

because I'm scared that they're
gonna judge me for that.

I feel the exact same way.
‐ You know what's cool, though?

It's a‐‐it's
a liberating feeling

when you're‐‐
you can be yourself,

and, like, it's on‐‐
‐ And they love you regardless.

‐ Yeah, and it's on them
to accept it,

and then you're on
to the next thing.

‐ Yeah, exactly.
‐ You know what I mean?

Rachael, she's beautiful,
she's articulate,

she's sexy, and...

she's being open and vulnerable,

and that's what I've asked
these women to do,

and she's taking
that challenge head‐on,

and she's blowing me away.

‐ I think I'm most confident
when I'm this comfortable.

‐ Yeah, I feel that. ‐ Mm‐hmm.


‐ Hi. Sorry.
Do you mind if I steal you?

‐ No, you're good. You're good.

‐ I was super nervous at first,

but the nerves are starting
to die down,

and I started to calm myself
a little more.

‐ How's your night going?
‐ It's going great.

‐ Yeah? ‐ Yeah.

I came here looking
for the love of my life,

and I know she's here,

and the journey's just begun.

‐ Do you know how to play chess?

‐ Oh, my gosh. Of course.

I was in chess club.

‐ Were you, really?
‐ I was in chess club.

‐ So you were a nerd.

‐ That doesn't mean
I was great at it.

‐ ‐ I was in it, though.

‐ Apparently,
chess was like the‐‐

it was very romantic
back in the day.

‐ Okay. Yeah, this is hot.

‐ It was, like, a game of‐‐yeah.

It's hot, right? ‐ Yeah.

You can go first. ‐ Thank you.


These things can go like that.
‐ Yep.

‐ All right, your turn.

‐ All right.

‐ Can you do that?

‐ No, I'm just messin'. ‐

I was like‐‐
‐ I did that to make sure.

I'm like, "She doesn't know
how to play."

‐ That's not how that works.
‐ I'm gonna go for the win.

‐ ‐ Game over.

‐ Like, to accurately describe
what Matt looks like

is just a five‐course meal. ‐

‐ You know like when you say
someone looks like a snack?

No, no, no, my friends.

He is the appetizer,
he's your little gazpacho,

- that little cold soup thing...
- ‐ Oh, my God.

‐ He's the first entrée,
he's the second.

It's like...

‐ I love that. ‐ Yeah.

‐ This is what I've been
missing out on my whole life.

‐ I'm really hungry right now.

‐ Well, good thing a meal
is walking around here.

You better find that meal.

‐ Well, it's like
also anticipating

like when am I gonna get to
talk to him, you know?

‐ Yeah.

‐ I am definitely worried

that I might not get time
with Matt tonight

just because
there are so many women here,

and, you know, it's a record
number of women this year,

and that makes it
very "pressure‐ful"

and, like, scary
because we only have

so many hours in the night,
and we all want time,

so it's kind of hard
to get in there

and find those right moments,
but, you know,

it's never the right time;
you gotta just do it.

I made this boarding pass.

‐ This looks like a voucher. ‐

‐ I like this. ‐ Yeah.

So that's, you know,
just a placeholder

until we can actually
go somewhere.

‐ Wow.

‐ Yeah, we're on flight 143...

‐ I like that.
‐ To your heart, hopefully.

‐ I like that, I like that. ‐

So on the back, um,

it talks a little bit
about where I'm from.

I'm originally from Puerto Rico,

so there are some facts here,
if you want to read.

‐ Being from Puerto Rico,
I mean,

everything that they've
gone through

and, uh, how‐‐

how did your family deal with
the hurricanes and...

‐ Yeah, thanks for asking.

It‐‐it's something that's,
like, hard to talk about

because it just‐‐
it's a constant, like‐‐

it's always happening.

There's always a hurricane,
there's always the earthquakes,

and you're always worried,
and‐‐and especially,

my grandparents being older,
it's like, "Are they okay?

Are they gonna make it?"
you know.

‐ Right.
‐ With these last earthquakes,

you know, my mom was like,

‐ Hey. ‐ Hi‐‐oh, my God.

‐ Do you mind if I,
uh, sneak in here,

have some time with Matt?
‐ Sure.

‐ Thanks. ‐ Oh, my God.

‐ Mind if I hold on to this?
‐ Yeah, that's for you.

‐ Thank you. ‐ Thank you.

I'll talk to you later.
‐ All right, sounds good.

‐ Thank you. ‐ Yeah.

‐ Hi! ‐ Give me a hug.

‐ How are you?
‐ I am doing well.

‐ I've been wanting to talk
to you all night.

‐ Did you talk to him? ‐ I did.

‐ How'd it go? ‐ Yeah.

‐ How was it? ‐ It was so fast.

‐ Yeah.

‐ We started to get
into a deep conversation,

and then I was tapped
on the shoulder

by the vibrator.

‐ Oh, girl. ‐ Yeah.

‐ Talk about a "buzz... k*ll."
‐ Yeah, seriously.

‐ "Buzz‐k*ll." ‐ Oh, my God.

‐ At least it's not used.

‐ So she says.

‐ Sure, yeah.

‐ So where are you from?

‐ I'm from Seattle. ‐ Okay.

And you probably told me that,
but, like,

when you came waving
that thing, I was like...

‐ It's a lot to take in.
‐ There's a lot to take in.

‐ Literally, it's a lot. ‐ Yeah.

‐ I was like...

kind of didn't know what to do.

‐ So the dildo
interrupted your conversation?

‐ It did. Touched me on
the shoulder and said, "Hey."

‐ People are not holding back
tonight, that's for sure.

Um, there's big personalities
here tonight.

There's a lot of energy
in this room,

and you can feel the
competition's kind of starting.

‐ Hi. ‐ Hi.

‐ Sorry, um, MJ number one
wants to step in.

I'm gonna have you... ‐ Oh.

If you didn't know,
this is, um, MJ.

‐ That's MJ? Okay.
‐ It's been nicknamed MJ.

So... she's the number one,
though, so anyways...

He loved the vibrator.

And, I mean, it's a party.

Like, we got
the glow stick going.

It's perfect.

‐ Did you get to talk to him?

‐ It was okay
until I got tapped by a dildo.

‐ Oh, really? ‐ Yeah.

‐ Hey. ‐ That‐‐that dildo.

‐ Oh, my gosh. Wait.
Was it awkward?

‐ Touching someone with a dildo
to interrupt them

is kind of... ‐ Yeah. I know.

‐ Not the best thing to do.

‐ I think that's just
like her humor.

‐ Um, it was never
on my bucket list

to, um, boop a pageant queen
on her shoulder with a dildo.

Um, am I happy about it?


‐ How did your time go with him?

‐ It was‐‐
‐ Did you tap him with a vibe?

‐ No, I actually tapped her.
‐ She tapped me with a‐‐

Yeah. ‐ Yeah.

‐ It was great.
‐ Oh, I would've freaked out.

‐ Social distancing, you know?
‐ Yeah.

‐ That's great.

Super responsible.
‐ Don't worry. It was cleaned.

‐ I hope so. ‐ Yes.

‐ Mari would definitely benefit

from using my vibrator,
and if she's my roommate,

I will absolutely
let her borrow it.

Don't mind me. ‐ Hey.

‐ You know...

‐ ‐ Second

to a champagne toast...
‐ Oh, man.

I already know what time it is.

‐ Is a sweet tea toast.

‐ Absolutely. ‐ You know?

‐ Yes, this is great. ‐ I mean,

what is more North Carolina

than sweet tea? ‐ Yeah.

What's more romantic than this?
‐ Right?

‐ Ooh.

Thank you. ‐ You're welcome.

So let's toast
to North Carolina roots

grounding us

but bringing us together
on this very special journey.

‐ Cheers. ‐ Cheers.

Ah. Tastes like home, right?

‐ Tastes really good.
‐ Do you feel calm?

Do you feel peace?
‐ I feel great.

Being in this truck‐‐
‐ Do you feel happy?

‐ I feel good.

I'm having a great time.

I love when a woman
is strong and bold and fierce,

and I'm seeing
a lot of that tonight.

And action.

You're bringin' it!

‐ Ooh, tripped.

I'm just living off the energy

that those women
were giving off.

Is that the basic step?
‐ Back. Yeah.

That's literally the basic step.

Eventually, you're gonna have
to throw in your hips more.

‐ Ah.

There's been a lot
of great conversation.

I'm still unpacking myself
to them,

and we haven't even
broken the surface yet.

Ooh, a Hometown!

‐ Sorry to interrupt.
Can I grab you, Matt?

‐ Yeah, sure.

Super excited every time

someone's pulling me to have
another conversation

because it means
I'm getting to know somebody,

and it's one step closer

to figuring out
if that's my person or not.

‐ I wanted to bring this for you

because I thought
it would make us both

feel a little bit more at home.

‐ Wow.

‐ And... ‐ I love this.

‐ So I was born and raised
in New York City,

and I know
you are a New Yorker now.

‐ I don't call myself
a New Yorker.

You know, being‐‐I've lived
there for three years now.

‐ Hi. ‐ Yeah.

‐ Hey. ‐ Hey.

‐ Excuse me, princess,
but the queen is here.

‐ Okay. Um...

‐ Thank you for this.
‐ So nice to meet you.

‐ Appreciate it. ‐ Yeah.

I mean, oh, my gosh.

Princess? Calling me "princess"?

Wow. Okay.

I see what this is gonna be.

‐ Okay, so how's your night?

‐ It's been a whirlwind,
you know?

It's like... ‐ Yeah.

‐ Y'all haven't made it
any easier

being gorgeous
and just being great people,

uh, so it's like drinking
through a fire hose

just trying to make sure‐‐
‐ Drinking through a fire hose?

‐ Drinking through a fire hose

‐ I've never heard that.

‐ You haven't heard
that expression?

So it's like‐‐
‐ Is that Southern?

‐ I just think it's just
a general, like,

trying to take on a lot
of information at one time.

So if it's like‐‐if you go
to a water fountain,

it's like you're chillin',
you're drinking,

but if you open a fire hose
and you're trying to drink,

like, it's impossible to drink
out of a fire hose,

so it's like... ‐ Yeah.

But I'm like the best fire hose,

so I'll make a good drink
for you.

‐ I feel that.

‐ Yeah? ‐ Yeah, I feel that.

‐ She came up to me
when I was speaking to Matt

and she was like,
"Excuse me, princess,

I'm the queen. Can I steal him?"

and I was like,
"You can be the queen."

I am literally the king,
the CEO...

‐ Yeah. ‐ Like, the president.

‐ CFO. ‐ Bye, bitch.

‐ Hi!

‐ Hi. ‐ Hey.

‐ Can I sit with you guys?
‐ Yes, of course.

‐ Wow. I love your shoes.

‐ Thank you.

‐ So I had some time with Matt.

Did you guys get to s‐‐
talk to him?

‐ I haven't had
one‐on‐one time yet.

‐ What?

Well, you're in sneakers,
so you could run.

‐ ‐ Run over there...

‐ Yeah. ‐ Right now.

Get your time in.
‐ Just pounce on him.

‐ Literally, just go.

Like, literally,
why are you waiting?

‐ I‐‐
‐ If I say literally again,

you have to go, literally.

‐ Literally. ‐ Go!

‐ Okay, well, if I want
to get up, I'll get up.

‐ Okay, you do you.
‐ Yeah, do it on your time.

I'll be right back.

‐ Oh.

‐ Did you snark?

‐ I want to see Matt, but, like,

they haven't seen him yet.

Yeah. ‐ Are you gonna try to

steal him again then?

‐ What would you do?

‐ I don't know, I‐‐

‐ Obviously talk to him again,

‐ If you want to, do it.
‐ I have to, yeah.

‐ Oh, my gosh. ‐ Oh!

‐ Ladies, good evening.
‐ Here we go!

‐ Oh, my gosh!

‐ How we doing tonight?
It's good to see everybody.

That's for our boy Matt.

So I'll leave it there.

‐ All right. ‐ Thank you.

‐ Thank you. ‐ Oh, sh**t.

‐ My heart just, like,
literally went to my butt.

‐ Chris Harrison
brings in the rose.

I feel the mood shift
in the room.

‐ I can't think now.

I can't even speak
a normal sentence.

‐ Pressure is on.

‐ My God, I need to talk to him.

‐ I want that
First Impression Rose.

I feel like Matt and I had
a really great conversation,

and it felt like if the other
girls don't want to see him,

I mean, that's not my problem.

If you like someone,
you go for it.

‐ Think somebody's coming up.
‐ Hey.

‐ Hey, what's up? ‐ How are you?

‐ I'm doing well.
‐ Can I interrupt you guys?

‐ Um... ‐

‐ Victoria's stealing him again.

‐ Oh, my God.
‐ Yeah, 'cause Victoria's

already gone.
‐ Oh, I haven't gone at all.

‐ We haven't. ‐ Neither have I.

‐ So many girls still need
to get time with him,

and I can't imagine being
a girl at the end of the night

that didn't get any time
with him,

and meanwhile,
Victoria got two chances.

‐ I made you this bracelet.
‐ Wow.

Thank you.
‐ I think it'll fit you.

‐ This is way worse
than I thought it would be.

‐ I'm still not getting
any time,

so I am super nervous,
'cause it's like

the First Impression Rose
has been on the table,

and everyone's freaking out,

wondering who
he's gonna give it to,

and I'm like‐‐I'm a wreck.

‐ Like, literally going crazy.

‐ Yeah, yeah. ‐ Like, full‐on.

Like, on the brink... ‐ Yeah.

‐ Of mental ruin.

‐ It's a dog‐eat‐dog world
right now,

and so... the games begin.

Oh, my God.

If I went home tonight,
I would be devastated,

so I‐‐I need that rose.

I need to get to know Matt more.

‐ You kind of set the tone
for everybody else.

It's like you're a queen, and‐‐

‐ Queen. ‐ Exactly,

and that's how‐‐
that's how I feel like

everyone feels.
‐ And you're a king!

‐ Have you guys talked to him?

‐ No. ‐ Mm‐mm.

‐ Victoria interrupted Saneh,

and Victoria
already talked to him.

‐ Well, that's rude. ‐ Yeah.

‐ Oh. ‐ Yeah, I think people

are, you know,
feeling the anxiety

and impatience and... ‐ Yeah.

‐ They want their time.

‐ I am nervous that I won't
get any time with Matt.

I keep poking around,
trying to find him,

and I'm just waiting.

‐ What do you do?
‐ I do marketing.

‐ Well, market yourself to Matt.

‐ What?

‐ Like, market yourself to Matt.

I don't feel bad
going to see Matt twice

because they're idiots anyway.

That's not my fault.

‐ Raise your hand if you
haven't spoken to Matt tonight.

‐ Cool. ‐ Okay.

‐ Hopefully I get
the First Impression Rose.

‐ What's your favorite animal?

‐ Favorite animal? A panda bear.

‐ A panda bear? ‐ Yeah.

Just 'cause they, like‐‐
they're happy.

Like, they eat, and then they
just kind of take a nap.

‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ It's flying by, you know.

The night's going by
really quickly.

‐ Sorry to interrupt, but
can I steal him from you?

‐ Yeah, of course.

‐ I'm trying to have as many
conversations as I can

so that I don't leave anybody
with any questions

and I kind of know
where everyone stands,

but it's hard.

I want to talk to everybody,

before I can kind of pass
that special rose out.

‐ Are you nervous?
‐ I am, you know?

I‐‐I think that's normal,

If I wasn't nervous, I'd be‐‐
that's where I kind of

start to freak out
a little bit, you know?

‐ So I wasn't nervous. ‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ I was telling myself
not to get nervous,

and then I got out of the limo

and was looking at you
and was like...

And I don't even remember
what I said, but‐‐

‐ No, you‐‐what you said
was great.

It was along the lines
of just, like,

you were... ‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ Excited about taking
this journey with me and‐‐

‐ I am.

Like, I just couldn't
imagine myself

doing this journey
and this experience

if it were any other person
to be here,

and it's important to me
to see diverse love stories

because it's not something
that I saw so much...

‐ Right, right. Yeah.
‐ Growing up as a child.

‐ What do you mean, exactly?
‐ Yeah.

So my mom's Persian... ‐ Okay.

‐ So she's‐‐
she's white‐passing...

‐ Yeah. ‐ And my dad was Black,

and they were separated

before I was born.

And so my mom was single
her whole life

and just kind of devoted
her whole life raising me,

and so I never really saw
an example

of what love was like. ‐ Right.

‐ I don't know,
I mean, I kind of‐‐

I want that for myself.

It feels right talking to him

because I just forgot
about everything else.

Everything flows so naturally,
it's kind of surreal.

Like, I've never
had a feeling before

where I meet someone
and I'm like,

"We could be engaged
after this."

So... it feels good.

‐ How are you? ‐ I'm great.

It's been a‐‐
it's been a night so far.

‐ I bet.

‐ What did‐‐
was it what you expected?

‐ Um, honestly,
I wasn't expecting

to be that nervous... ‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ To be honest,
'cause I feel like

for like the last few weeks,
I've been hearing, like,

"- Matt, Matt, Matt"...
- ‐ Yeah.

‐ And everything. I was like,

"Oh, my gosh, like,
he's just, like,

this, like‐‐"
I don't know what you call it.

Not like a god or something.
‐ No. I know, it's weird.

It's like, I just want you all

to feel super comfortable
around me.

‐ Honestly, like, your smile
is just so calming in itself.

I was like, "I don't know
why I'm shaking so badly."

‐ Yeah, no, no, no.
‐ I was like, honestly‐‐

I was like, "Oh, my God,
he's probably like,

'She cannot talk.'" ‐ No, no.

‐ At all. ‐ It's the opposite.

I was super nervous,
'cause it's like...

‐ Well, it didn't show.

‐ I mean, you're gorgeous,
and, uh,

how honest you were
and open about‐‐

‐ Oh, my gosh, you remember.
‐ Yeah. Of course.

And you said, uh,
your sister had gone through

kind of a similar experience
as you,

so I'm assuming
y'all are super close.

‐ Um, so I was super lucky.

So both my sister and I
are deaf,

so she's a year and a half

‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ And so she kind of
like paved the way...

‐ Mm‐hmm.
‐ So I just kind of, like,

followed in her footsteps...
‐ Yeah.

‐ And, like, she
was really like vocal

about, like, telling people...
‐ Yeah.

‐ And then I was just like,
"Oh, yeah, I'm, like,

second in line, like..." ‐

‐ Like follow her, like,
footsteps the entire way.

‐ Yep, yep.
‐ So I was super lucky.

‐ How did she feel
about you coming out here?

‐ Um, she was actually
super supportive.

Like, I'm super close
with my family and everything,

and I think they just, like,
want, like,

what's gonna make me happy...

‐ Yeah. ‐ At the end of the day.

‐ To be honest with you,
once I heard your name,

I just kind of went blank.
I‐‐I was like‐‐

‐ Okay, thank God, because
I don't want you to remember

anything else I said. ‐ No.

I‐‐I tried, but it's just like,
you were gorgeous,

and it was hard to focus
on anything else.

‐ Did you see me hit the car
door when I walked out?

‐ No, I didn't.
‐ Okay, thank God.

‐ No, I didn't even catch that.

I was just staring
at your eyes; I mean...


‐ Yeah. Yeah.
No, I'm glad you're here.

‐ Well, I'm glad
you're the Bachelor.

So obviously,
I was super nervous

coming out of the limo,

and I kind of started
stressing out

about my time with Matt,
but then...

well, he was just so easy
to talk to,

and then he just, like, took it
to a whole nother level.

I was like, "I love it."

I'm so giddy about it.

‐ I think the rose will go to

whoever Matt felt probably
the most comfortable with

and just natural with. ‐ Yeah.

‐ Well, that's why that
First Impression Rose

is, like‐‐it says a lot.

This is the one... ‐ One.

‐ It's like literally
the first impression.

‐ And only, the entire season.

‐ Yeah. ‐

‐ I'm looking at the First
Impression Rose, really.

Like, at this point,
I'm almost expecting it.

‐ Speak of the devil.

‐ Oh.

‐ Who's he going to?
‐ Not to me.

‐ He's going to get me my rose.

I know I made a good impression.

Why is‐‐why would it not
be mine?

Totally is mine.

‐ Oh! ‐ We were just

chatting about you.
‐ Promised I'd be back.

‐ Gonna steal this.

I'll be back. ‐ Okay.

‐ ‐ Womp‐womp.

‐ ‐ All right.

‐ Oh. Is it in his hand?

‐ Oh.

‐ He got it? ‐ Yeah.

‐ Oh, like, my heart.

‐ Oh, my God, what do you have?

‐ Nothing.

One of the things that
I challenged the women with

was being vulnerable,

and I felt like
you were everything

that I am asking
of these women tonight,

and knowing
that you're a fighter, um,

I thought that it
was only appropriate

that I, uh, I ask you something.

‐ Yeah? ‐ Abigail...

will you accept this rose?

‐ Oh, my God, I will.

‐ Thank you.

You're so sweet.

Oh, my God, I just‐‐

I'm like on cloud nine
right now.

The fact that he sees
potential in me,

it's just‐‐I don't know,

it just makes me really excited.

Like, I'm just super excited

just to hopefully keep it going

and learn more about each other.

Oh, my God, I...

‐ I'm getting more nervous...
‐ Really?

‐ Now that, like,
that's handed out,

'cause I feel like the night's
coming to an end.

‐ A lot of girls didn't get
a chance talk to him.

‐ Half maybe have?

‐ A lot of us are feeling
defeated at this point.

We're just like, "There's
no way he would pick us

out of all these other girls
that have talked to him."

‐ I feel good
because I got to talk to him,

and I'm proud of myself
for talking to him.

‐ I didn't get a chance
to talk to Matt.

How could he even remember me
in a sea of women?

‐ Fingers crossed.

‐ Oh! both: Hello.

‐ Hi! ‐ Hi!

‐ It is time
for the first Rose Ceremony.

‐ Oh, wow. ‐ Wow.

‐ I'm sitting there panicking.

I feel like I'm going to faint.

‐ Here we go.

‐ In my head,
I'm going home tonight.

‐ I'm scared!

‐ Heading
into the Rose Ceremony,

I am super nervous.

I am super uncomfortable.

Matt is super incredible,

but you just start rethinking
everything that you have done

and if it has been enough.

I'm really glad
that I got my time in.

I know that a lot of girls
didn't get time.

‐ I am worried, obviously,

that I didn't get to have
that one‐on‐one time with him.

If I didn't get a rose tonight,

I would be a complete wreck.

‐ I got to talk to Matt twice,

so definitely think
I'm gonna stand out

in his mind as someone
he'll for sure remember,

and the queen is for sure
getting a rose tonight.

I just wanted
to thank you all again

for an amazing first night.

I know that you've all
sacrificed a lot to be here,

and it wasn't easy putting
yourself out there tonight.

A lot of you
shared things with me

that made it easy for me
to find common ground with you.

I'm shaking right now
because I know that

tough decisions are part
of what happens

when you are trying
to find love,

and I promised myself that
I was gonna follow my heart,

and I'm excited to see

where this journey goes
with you ladies.


Bri, will you accept this rose?

‐ Yes, definitely.

Thank you. ‐ Absolutely.


All the women I met tonight,

I had conversations with,
were incredible...

Rachael, will you accept
this rose?

‐ Of course. Thank you.

‐ Absolutely.

But I'm here to find my wife,

and that means that there's
gotta be tough decisions made.


Chelsea, will you accept
this rose?

‐ Yes, of course.

‐ It's hard. It's not easy.

You're holding this rose,
and you're panning the room,

and you're making eye contact
with women

who you know
you don't have a rose for,

so it's‐‐it's hard to stomach.


Sarah, will you accept
this rose?

‐ Absolutely.

‐ It's tough, but again,

to go places you haven't gone,

you have to do things
you haven't done,

and I just have to listen
to my heart.


‐ Excuse me.

Thank you.

‐ MJ, will you accept this rose?

‐ Of course.

Thank you.

‐ I am not confident,
and it sucks.

Like, I didn't
get to talk to him,

and he's probably not
gonna choose me,

so I think I am going home.

‐ Serena P.

‐ It's kind of unsettling
for me.

‐ Serena, will you accept
this rose?

‐ I will. Thank you.

‐ I went through four
COVID tests for this.

A quarantine.

‐ Khaylah.

‐ Matt is the type of guy
I've always wanted.

‐ Khaylah, will you accept
this rose?

‐ Of course.
‐ And to not be able

to even talk to the man
is beyond frustrating.

‐ Kristin.

Kristin, will you accept
this rose?

‐ Of course. Thank you.

‐ My stomach keeps dropping

every time I think,
"Is my name gonna get called?"

‐ Kit.

‐ Excuse me.

‐ He‐‐he calls girls...

‐ Magi.

‐ And each name, I'm like‐‐
in my head, I go,

"He's gonna say Marylynn."

‐ Pieper.

‐ Like, yeah, okay,
but that's not Marylynn.

‐ Mari.

‐ Okay, uh...

‐ Illeana.

‐ I'm getting really nervous.

‐ Jessenia.

‐ At this point, I'm like
double‐guessing everything.

‐ Kaili.

‐ I just look at this
gorgeous man,

and I'm like,
"Do you like me, sir?

"Can you please like me?
I like you.

Like, can you like me back?
Is that okay?"

‐ Marylynn.

Marylynn, will you accept
this rose?

‐ Absolutely. Thank you so much.

‐ I am directly in front of him,

so I'm like, "I haven't
had time with him tonight,

but at least I am getting
face time right now,"

and I'm trying to connect
with him.

‐ Serena C.

‐ Trying to telepathically
tell him

that I want to be here
with my body language,

with my eyes, with everything.

‐ Lauren.

‐ I don't know if it's working,
but I'm trying.

‐ Sydney.

‐ I have to get a rose tonight.

I need it.

‐ Alana.

‐ Excuse me.

Did you say Anna, or...

‐ Alana.

I can't go home.

I've given up way too much
to be here.

‐ Katie.

‐ At this point, like, if it
comes down to me or Victoria,

like, I hope he picks me.

Going home isn't an option.

‐ Anna.

Anna, will you accept this rose?

‐ Of course.

‐ Ladies, Matt,

it's the final rose tonight.

When you're ready. ‐ Thank you.

‐ Victoria.

‐ Yay.

‐ Sorry. ‐ Thank you.

‐ Sure.


Thank you, my king.

‐ Victoria, will you accept
this rose?

‐ Yes. Thank you so much.

‐ Absolutely.
‐ I was dying up there.

‐ ‐

Ladies, I'm sorry.

If you did not receive a rose,
take a moment.

Say your goodbyes.

‐ Aww. ‐ It's okay.

‐ I already love you guys.

‐ Let's hang out.

‐ Okay.

‐ Bye. ‐ Bye.

Thank you.
‐ It was nice to meet you.

‐ Likewise.

‐ Bye. ‐ Bye.

‐ I wish we got a chance
to know each other,

but just have the best
group ever, all right?

‐ Thank you.
‐ Just follow your heart.

It's gonna be great.
‐ I will, thank you.

‐ So nice to meet you.
‐ Likewise.

‐ Thank you. ‐ You're welcome.

Good luck with everything.
‐ Thank you.

The hardest thing is knowing

that Matt didn't get to know me.

Matt's a great guy.


even though I didn't really
get to talk to him,

I can just tell
he's a great guy.

But Matt didn't see, um,

the love that I have to give.

But I know that somebody will.

Somebody will.

‐ Oh, man.

That'll never
be an easy process.

It's only gonna get tougher,
but that being said,

it's time to celebrate,

so let's grab
some champagne glasses.

Just had one of the most
incredible nights of my life,

so I'm gonna ride this high.

It's a great feeling right now.

I know it's been a long night,

but we are gonna
get our gym clothes on,

and there's a half marathon
that we're gonna‐‐

‐ Oh, sure, shut up.
‐ Oh, my God.

‐ Okay! ‐ Got it.

‐ We gotta find out
who Miss James is,

and it's gonna be‐‐
it's not gonna be easy,

but I know
I can find my person here.

Here's to love.


‐ There we go.

‐ Stay tuned
for exciting highlights

from this season
of "The Bachelor,"

coming up next.

‐ And now a sneak peek
of the incredible new season

of "The Bachelor."

Love, for me,
is about the heart,

and there's not a color
you can put on that.

‐ Whew! It's hot in here.

‐ Matt is like the most
gorgeous man I've ever seen.

He just keeps getting hotter.

Oof! It's just like... yum.


‐ Everything you shared
about your family

are the qualities
that I'm looking for in a woman

that I would want to be my wife.

‐ I felt that instant chemistry.

‐ Whoo!

‐ It's the best feeling.

It's like butterflies
and excitement.

‐ I do acknowledge color
in every sense.

At the end of the day, like,
love is love.

It doesn't matter... ‐ Yeah.

‐ What it looks like.

‐ I potentially found the person

who's gonna change the world
with me.

‐ Nice!
‐ That feels nice, right?

‐ It's so sexy.

‐ I definitely could see myself

falling in love with you.

‐ Oh, my gosh,
I am so in love with Matt.

‐ Everything is about to change.

‐ Oh, my gosh!

You look so fine!

‐ We've known Matt
for weeks now.

‐ Who the are these
random‐ass hos

coming into the house?

‐ Hey!
‐ Bitch, what are you doing?

‐ They just wanted
to save the best for last.

‐ I can't even look at you.

Like, just go away.

‐ People are pissed.

‐ I actually
was getting messages

saying, like, "Watch out
for this girl."

‐ This could ruin
my entire life.

‐ Well, I've heard two
different terms going around.

I've heard "sugar baby"
and "escort."

‐ She may be having
a transactional relationship

with wealthy men.

‐ Oh, my God! Yes!

‐ Hi, Chris.

‐ Heather,
what are you doing here?

You could honestly destroy
this whole thing for Matt.

‐ Heather?

I feel like
I'm in a dream right now.

‐ You already had your
shot at a Bachelor.

Like, go home.

This is like
an impossible situation.

Still, like, I do feel like
Matt's worth it.

‐ You're lighting all these
little fires everywhere.

You are the freaking arsonist.

How does that‐‐
‐ No! Let me talk!

I don't give a
what she has to say to me.

‐ Everyone's in it
for themselves.

‐ What the hell? ‐ Ew!

‐ Listen, like, you are going
to get hit with the truth.

‐ I just feel sick
to my stomach.

‐ I'm cracking.

‐ I am about to explode.

‐ God, I'm so‐‐I'm just dying
to talk to him.

‐ It's really hard. ‐

‐ You okay? ‐ No.

‐ ‐

No, I'm not.

‐ I'm sorry, man.

I'm very sorry.

‐ I'm not sure
where we go from here.

I just need some time.

One of the things
that's been hard for me

in my relationships
is going deep

and sharing who I am,

what I'm about,
and what I've been through.

Because it opens up this place
that scares me,

and I think about my mom
and I think about my brother

and how broken family
and broken marriage

has affected our lives,

and I don't want
to put anybody through that.

And the only thing
I'm certain of is that love

causes you to do things
that you wouldn't normally do.

I've got this beautiful diamond

that represents so much more
than you could ever imagine.

‐ I'll get the truck.
‐ You got it.

Hey, I‐‐I struggle
with the stick,

so I might have to wimp
out of here.

‐ I'll have this parked
for you, sir, and, uh,

we'll have the oil changed. ‐

‐ We'll rotate these tires.

‐ I'll hop in there with you.

‐ Should I bring the girl back?

‐ Yeah. Where are we headed?


‐ You can't come.
You got ladies to meet.

‐ Yeah, you take off.
‐ By the way, she had

a booster pillow‐‐
I'm just telling you.

I don't mean
to sell a girl out...

‐ But she had a booster pillow.

‐ I was wondering
what that was for.

‐ ‐ That is hilarious.

‐ That's something my
grandmother would have done.

‐ All right.

‐ This girl was driving a stick.

‐ She's driving a stick.
‐ Good for her.

‐ No stall out.

‐ You gotta‐‐you gotta
meet more women, dude.

‐ I know. Take care.

Pulled up in a stick shift.

Love that.

See you, Chris!

I got this!

Don't worry about me.

No, wait, is he coming back?

All right. Oh, I guess not.

‐ Damn right,
I can drive a stick.

Come on, man.