31x09 - Let's Split!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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31x09 - Let's Split!

Post by bunniefuu »

Phil: previously on "the amazing
race," seven teams continued

Racing through switzerland.
For the first time in race

History, teams went to the

We have a you turn vote.

This is in front of each other.

Phil: where colin and christie
and rachel and elissa racked up

Enough votes -- votes to get you

At the detour, becca cut down
the competition, while at the

Roadblock, bret shot to the top.

We're going to win this.
We're running it.

Phil: in the end, tyler and
korey won their third

Consecutive race.
Mean, a final showdown ended in

Defeat for the riley sisters.
You have been eliminated from

The race.
I've gotten through this with

My sister.

She's my best friend.
Phil: six teams remain.

Who will eliminated next?

Find is city of -- croatia.

Phil: tyler and korey will be
the first to leave switzerland

And from time to time east to

Founded by the romans, it is
home to what is believed to be

The oldest catholic ca need
really a still in use in the


Teams will meet at the beach to
meet up with their traveling

Companion for this leg of the

I'll take the cash.


I barely know her.

We're coming off or third first
place in a row.

We've been trying to stay
confident and not cocky.

Hopefully we can catch up
with korey.

Our confidence level is
probably the highest it's ever

If we get a mistake-free run,

We're coming in first, no doubt
about it.

We knew you would get here.

let's go to croatia.

Freaking awesome.
In the last leg, team fun and

Grr-animals did out for us.
We decided we weren't going to

Take it personal.
We're learning and evolving.

You must purchase a flight from
zurich to croatia.

On the flight we'll use
someone's cell phone and search.

We have at least a little

Four tickets to croatia!

This is good.

We can get in and book the
better flilet.

All aboard!
Tyler and korey are not here.

Chris and bret.
They're already gone.

Must be nice to be ahead.

We're one of only two
non-race teams left but I do

Think tyler and corei -- korey
are a team to be reckoned.

hi, can you help us purchase

Some tickets to croatia?

Yeah, I can book this
and this arrives at 11:20


We're buying tickets for a
flight that lands at 22 -- 11:20

A.m. Into split, which is early
as possible.

Same thing.

Oh, beautiful.
In way.

My guess is everyone is going
to be on the same flight.

Hi, how are you?

Can we book some flights?

Get there at 11:20.


No, nothing --

Which ones did the other
teams get?

They got the 11:20.

Please, do something.

The fight is -- flight is

I will name my daughter after
you and my wife after you.

I won't get married until I find
someone named up.

oh, man!

I don't have a 12:25.

How many seats are there?

I cannot see how many seats.
Let's book that.

We're trying to purchase
tickets to split, croatia.

That 11:20 is sold out.

What did y'all get?


They found one through hamburg.
Maybe he should -- we should

Go ahead and book it.

If she opens up, then we're
in line.

She opens up, then we have to go
over there.

I just see what happens a
right there.

There's nothing I can do,
they're right there.

We are hoping to get to
croatia on the quickest flight

Bye-bye, thank you,

Appreciate it.

On the same one?
We can't go through you?

Can we please go through you?

One more, please?

This is literally the last --

We can't catch a break, huh?

If we could get the same
tickets they got.

Oh, my gosh.
It's frustrating when people

Come --
no, no, no.

There were two lines being
performed for two different

Ticket agencies.

Is there a ticket agency?

We hope we get on the same
flight as the last couple of

Please, please, please.

We got it?


To split.


Basically the flights are
fully book.

I'm going to cry.

I just want to dance.

Let's dance.

Yeah,ment -- yeah!
They cut in front of us.

I know.

If you're not able to get on
these earlier flights with other

Teams, it's kind of like the
kiss of death from the get-go.

My heart is broken.

If you could do anything to
get us there.

To get us into split by

So we're just standby?
Yeah, you want to try that?


Yeah, let's do it.
We could actually arrive --

At 11:30.

10 Minutes after the first
two teams arrive.

I'm praying on a miracle.
It's just korey and tyler and

Us on this flight so we're super
pumped right now.

Please, god, this would be

Please, please.
She gave us the thumb's up.

Oh, my gosh.
Thank you, god.

We're on the flight.

We're not sure where they

They may be on an earlier

We have no idea.

We're in croatia heading to
the beach.

Beautiful country here.

Look at this.
Look at the water.

Insanity how beautiful that is.
It's croatia.

Oh, my god.

This is so nice!

The bar just down this way,


Yeah, this bar.

Thank you.
Thank you, my friend.

Right here?

Go and check it out.
Phil: teams must serve six

Filled to the brim glasses of
punch to local sunbathers on the


They'll meet up with their
traveling companion for this leg

Of the race.

Once they return their empty
trays to the bartender, he'll

Give them a clue.
Six drinks?

Oh, boy.

Let's go check which it out,

Six patrons, chris.

Yep, with the roaming gnome.

May I serve awe drink?

Hello, guys.
Hello, let me get you a


You guys look like you're
having a good day, huh?

All right, thank you.

Thanks a lot.

Enjoy those drinks.

I wish I could join you.

Phil: teams will pick up their
detour clue here rat the marjan

Cave church and help the roaming
gnome deliver a loaf of bread to

The monk to receive their next

Go up the street.


Let's hurry up before korey
and them get here.

Looks like a little beach.
Do you see chris ask bret?


Sorry, buddy, we left you
behind for the gnome.

Who's thirsty?
There's a group of six.

Do they have a gnome?
We would love to give you a


He's been having fun in the

Oh, he's beautiful!
Bye, friends.

Thank you.

As soon as I saw this little
bearded buddy, I thought I know


We made it!

We're really happy to have made
it here.

To come from behind, the
latest flight possible to third

Place is insane.

I still don't want to see

Not behind us.
We definitely picked the

Wrong airport, hamburg.
We will be leaving here poll

Approximately -- approximately
one hour after he anticipated to

Leave here.
Do you know where that marjan

Cave church is?
Oh, yes, this is gorgeous.

Should be a parked path.
You want to the left, I


That's it, christian.

I think we're from first
place, for sure.

Let's go.

Let's do this.
Here it is.

The monk's right there.

Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

Place a loaf of bread in the
satchel for the gnome.

Hoist it up.
Church in the rocks, looking at

Here you go.

Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.

Very nice to meet you.

Detour, poetry in motion or
wash in from the ocean.

Phil: teams will race at this
popular beach on a flying tube

But they'll have no time to
enjoy the ride.

Because as they're skimming the
water, they have to memorize a

Tong-twisting poem.
One wrong pronunciation and the

Poetry master will send them
back for another wiped riled.

The sea floor of the aid ratic
sea is covered in shipwrecks,

Attracting divers interest all
over the world.

This detour gives teams a chance
to become underwater travel

Hurlt hunters.

Once they've found a goblet and
five ancient coins like this

They'll get their next clue.

I would say new york em.
All right, let's go smorkell,

Right here, nick, I found

Who's winning a --

Do you want to grab a drink?

I'm a waitress but I'm the
worst in the world because I

Drop everything.

Thank you so much.

There's four breads left so
bret and chris have been here.

Look at that gnome go.
He's not monkeying around.

I lean towards snorkeling.
What do you think?


Let's do in from the ocean.

Oh, my god.

Are you guys in third?

Howled you beat the other

We got on standby.
Jaws dropped.

They live to see another day.
Poetry in motion.

Let's gets back to our tax

Let's do it.
Washed in from the ocean.

We're going to snorkel.
We are going treasure hunting

In croatia and the water is

It's a little cold for june,
I would say.

This is by the travelty roaming
gnome and -- travelocity roaming

Gnome and he's having a great
day so far.

You find it?

Oh, yeah.

I'm trying, bud.

Do your best.

We chose to do the snorkeling
because we have snorkeled before

On "survivor."
How hard is it to find coins and

A alcohol singles I'm trying to
catch my breath.

Maybe you should try it.

Maybe you'd have better luck.
You getting any hits?


Me neither.

I just hit every inch of this

Talk about need until a hay

Let's go.

Chris and bret are here.
There's korey and tyler

We're finding five coins and

One gob leapt, tyler.

How are you guys doing?

How can you been here?

A while.
-- How long you been here?

A while.
This is fun.

Yeah, it's a long pole.

Do you want to do this and I'll
do the rest?



[Reciting poem.

Oh, my gosh!

The poem -- the poetry side of
the detour was really, really

We were getting pulled crazy.

It was so rocky and we were
getting welt.

Oh, my god!

Better read it.

I'm memorizing it in my head.

As we smoothly move along,
what can go wrong?

What we learned was you have to
hold on really tight and reading

While you're bouncing around and
getting splashed by water is

Harder than it looks.
Oh, my god, that was really

When you return find the poet by

The palm trees.
This guy?

As we were rising into the
unknown, something around but


Being up high in the sky -- I'm

That was harder than we thought.

We will be back with more
drama and better lyrics.

way harder than I thought.

Dude, these are not easy to

Got a hit, we got a hit.
Got one, come here.

I got one.

You got a coin?

Yeah, yeah.

How many do we need?
Five coins and a goblet.

We have one coin.
This is crazy.

Bret, have you found any?

Just one.

They're hard to find.
I found the goblet, brett.

Oh, nice.

It's a little bigger.

You'll notice them.
They're like this.

Hatch dollar?

I'm getting a hit.
Did you find something?

Give me the scooper.
It's hitting like crazy but I

Don't see anything.
You want to switch?

This is really hard.
Big old gob leapt.

We're switching.
Come on.

Choice made.

We realize that this is

Chris and bret can do this on
their own, we have to go do

Something else.
Good luck, boys.

See you guys later.

We're going to switch.
All right.

We just have four more

We're going to learn a poem.
Is that nicole and vick?

Oh, my goodness, this is

Like a bird --
holy macaroni!

As we are rising towards the


Korey and tyler.

A little better maybe.

As we are rising towards unknown
traveling with our friend the

Roaming gnome, high in the sky
flying around but fly?


We're going to do this poem
one more time on the boat.

One more time.
This story is yet untold.

I will show you.

I am bold.

Lord have mercy.

Good news, we don't know the
poem so we're going to be right

Thank you.

Korey, this is the right

We can do this.


Let me see it.
How's that?

I don't know, it's not a

All right, keep looking.
Hey, bret, bret?

Wait a second.

I think there might have been
one right here.

Stay with it.

That's it.
I thought I saw it.

Two coins, one gob leapt.
Three coins left.

I got a hit.
Did you?

All right.

Found another one.
Found a goblet and three


We need two more coins and we're
home freely.

I'm on a roll here.
Let's go.


Let's go!


March, march, march.


Oh, my gosh, it is so bad.
As we smoothly move along,

What can go wrong?

No, sorry.
We don't got it.

I feel like a -- really?
We missed some?

We missed words, really?

During this flight of tr

What's that word?

Almost there.

Almost there.

I know, I'm sorry.
You got it.

You're ok.
Practicetary alty.

I had a lot of words nab a lot
of syllables.


Municipal i?

In what world?

I am to remember touristic.

High in the sky flying around
like a bird --

You know your part.

Got a little crab, that's
about it.

Had a couple of hits right in
a row and we just stumbled upon

Two more.
Uh, come on.

Did you try by the buoys?

This is almost impossible.
I should have stayed drinking

With those guys, that's what I
should have done.


Who wants a drink?

I do.

No, no drink.

Thank you!
Thank you very much.

Ok, let's get to the bar.
Never release the trigger.

It's only fair.

What's your word with

as we are rising towards the

Unknown, traveling with our
friend the roaming gnome.

High in the sky flying around
but why?

The mystery of being tied to a
roam feeling like touristic

Folk, yet soaring like a bird.

During this flight of
trivialty zooming over the

Municipalty, as we smoothly move
along, what could go wrong?

As we were told, once up there,
never release the trigger set to

It's only fair.



Thank you!
Okey dokey.

Go by taxi to the catacomb
entrance of diocletian cease

Pals and search for your next --
palace and search for your next


Yet soaring like a bird.

As we were told, once up
there, never release the


Set to hair, it's only fair,

That was beautiful.

thank you.

We're getting k*lled here.
Chris, we've been up and down

This thing three times.
If we switch, we're screwed.

We should have left with
korey and tyler.

If we're going to do this, we
need to just do it.

We've been here for too long.
We should have changed already.

Welcome back, gnome.
Thank you.

Thank you very much.

Poetry in motion.

Thank you.
Thank you so much.

This is it right here.

Poet rill in motion.

Thank you very much.
Thank you so much.

Bring them to the treasure hunt
to receive the next clue.

Let's do it.

Traveling with our friend the
roaming gnome high in the sky

Flying around but why?

I saw some coigs, oddly

They're all out here.
As we're soaring along,

Traveling along with our friend
the roaming gnome -- we'll go

Back on the bolt.
All right, let's think about

Are we going back to the

What should we do?

It's hard to think, we're
kind of hypothermic.

Do we do a system?
That's all we can do.

We're about three hours
behind the teams that came in on

The non-delayed flights.

We're just going to do the best
we can.

Control the things we can

Anything can happen.
Let's do coins.

Let's go back to the coins.

This is ridiculous.

We made the wrong decision.

I think we were so cold,
like, I couldn't really think

And we warmed up, got some sense
in us.

Two coins left.

We're just going to go for it.

In the police department, you
grid pads -- I started doing an

Up and down, up and down.

It doesn't seem like that big
a deal but they sure are hard to


Thank you so much.

Thank you so much.
This is incredible.

Love this
right here, I see it.

Who's ready to get their
marching snormeds

Phil: croatia was once bart --
part of dalmatia, a roman

Province that dates back to the
third century, when heim trained

Roman soldiers ruled the empire.

Teams must keep track of five
soldiers who have red ribbons

Around their helmets after
they've covered themselves up

With their shields.
This is going to be a tricky


They disappear.
Which one?

I'll do it.

Change into the provided

That is cute.


For the gods.
For the gods.

That was so slow.

You want me to do it?
Yeah, do it.

I guess I'm doing it.

You may enter the senators'
room and chose an available

Is this the senators' room?

Holy smokes.

Oh, my god!
[Marching and chanting]

Oh, my god.

It was kind of like the shell
game where there's something

Hidden under the shells and you
have to try to keep your eye on

It excepts there were 18
soldiers and you had to remember

Where five of them with the red
hats were standing.

It's so fast.

The senator will judge you

I think I got two of the five
so I have to pay a little bit

Better attention.
They move so fast.

So I'm just watching them?

It's intense.

I say let's work together.
For sure, I agree.

For me, it helped to learn
the poem from more of a rap

Style because that's just how I

Whoo whoo!
Slow down, my friend.

The mystery of being tied to
a rope feeling like touristic --



I have every word.

I think I have every word

We have to go back and read
every single word much more


As we smoothly move along,
what can possibly go wrong?

To be fair, amen.

We got somebody coming.

Colin and christie are here.

It is discouraging seeing
some teams from the flight but

They're having a tough time here
if they're over here.

It's something we should make
up good time on.

Right here.

Ok, let's go.

I think it's some other type

Of metal.
Oh, my god, this is so


Are you serious?
I any I know it.

What is it?

I think back left and then
fourth over in the back row.


The second and third in the

Got those.
And then the fifth on the


I have one, two, four over.

What do you have?
I have five.

It might be four, I don't

You're going with four or

I don't know.

It was five.

Dang it!

I'm sorry.

They're all in the back.
Oh, my god!

Oh, my god.

This is hard.

oh, my god!

Up and down, up and down.

Until I die.

I think I found it.

We haven't found any in two

That is very helpful.

Thank you so much.

What do we do, bud?

I don't know.

We need two more coins, that's

We're in trouble.

I want to keep looking,

Chris, but we're not having any

Let's just go do the bolt.
We got to choice.

We don't have a choice.

We're in trouble.
The mystery of being tied to

A roam feeling like touristic

Soaring like a bird.


Thank you.
Thank you, sir.

Definitely we do it in

You do the first four, do I the
second four.

They switched, man.

The mystery of being tied to
a roam, feeling like a terrific

Yet soaring like a bird.

Pduring this flight of trivialty
zooming over the municipality.

As we smoothly go along, what
can go wrong?

No, sorry.
I know all my words.

I know all my words.
I know I'm 100% right.

I do too.

We're going to split our
board in half and just do that


We can memorize nine spots.
It's different every time.

They all change formations in a
completely different direction

Than the time before so you
can't anticipate it at all.

Stick to our sides.

Is it the fifth spot the second


Watch you got?

In the back row, three.

In the middle row, two.
In the front row, it's two.

Oh, my god.

We got it.
Please, please.


Thank you.

Thank you.
Thank you, everybody.

Thank you, guys, you're so

We did it together.

Race to your next stop.
Split is croatia's oldest

Port, a trading post that dates
back to the fourth century b.c.

And just across the bay the pit
stop of this legg -- leg of the

Race which teams will row to in
a dinghy.

The last team to check into this
pit stop will be eliminated.

This is the worst day ever.

We start out so strong and
then we just fall apart.

We have some work to do.

Let's go.

As we smoothly move along,
what can go wrong, as we were

Told, once up there --

Make sure you're doing the
full sentences.

You might just be the what could
go wrong?

I got all mine.

I got all mine, bro.

Soars like a bird.

Straight ahead?


Ok, thank you.
We were looking for phil.

We are on our way to the pit

Just look for a marked bolt.

Directions, yes, please.
Could that be it?

Yep, those are row bolts.

Where's nicole and vic?

Here they come.

That's the bolt.
You want to untie us?

Yes, and and I will row.
You got a tie --

Dang it.
They're not that far ahead of


You got it, ty.

Let's go, babe, let's go,
let's go!

Straight ahead, keep going.
That's phil over there.

Phil: it's just like the

Something like that.
We were so close.

It just sucks.

Phil: look at that.


Oh, my god.

Welcome to split, croatia.
Thank you.

Phil: let's welcome in your
other team.

Come on, guys.
Surprise second place.

Oh, my gosh!

Oh, geez.

Never mind.
Dalmatians are croatian.

That's why we're here to --
today, to say hello.

Phil: tyler and korey, are you
team number one.

Nicole and victor, of course you
are team number two.

Tyler and korey, you have won a
trim for two from travel alsoty

And you are going to mexico.

You're going to spend seven
all-inclusive nights in an

Imperial privileged suite at the
riviera maya and then relax with

Spa treatments and a six-course
private dinner on the beach.

Oh, bro.
Phil: nicole and victor, this

Race was all over for you guys
just a few hours ago.

Never give up.
We thought there was no chance

But as we find out, everything
is possible on "the amazing


I'm going to document.
I'm going to get the marching


I'm a marching band geek.

That's my passion.

That's what I dimmed in college
and high school.

I'm able to see a lot of details
when there's a lot of movement

Happening and having the
big-picture perspective was very

Helpful during that challenge.

I don't know.
That's my guess.

The senator will judge you

Yes, please.

Thank you, senator!
Thank you.

Thank you, senator, thank

All right, thank you, everyone.
Thank you!

Let's go!

Let's go!
Just like up there.



As we smoothly move along,
what can go wrong?

You got it wrong, buddy.
It's what could go wrong?

Let's go.
I didn't.

Yes, you did, buddy.
I'm reading it right.

You may be out there but not

I am.

No, you're not.
Never release the trigger set

To hair.

It's only fair.


Come on, we are back in this it,

They got it.

Colin and christie.

Get your ego out of it.
Listen to what I'm saying!

You're saying it here but not

Shut up.
I'm over this, duped.


Phil: you are team number three.



As we smoothly move along,
what could go wrong?

Thank you.

Oh, my god.

This has been crazy.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Give me 20 push you must.
Come on.

There you go.
There you go.

Thank you, buddy.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.

We arrived here in first
place and now we're in last.

You got it?

We're feeling great right now
because we're back in the race

And we're in it to win it.

Come on.


Ok, we'll be back right here.

Roaming gnome?

Where's it at?

Oh, --
you didn't put it in the


You have it?
I don't see it.

You had it, you were carrying

Are you serious right now?

We left the gnome.
Go back?

Yes, we have to go back and
get the gnome.

It's all the way back at the
other detour.

Oh, my god.

As we are rising towards the
unknown traveling with our

Friend the roaming gnome, high
in the sky flying around, but


The mystery of being tied to a
rope feeling like touristic folk

Yet soaring like a bird.

Not the leg you want to be
doing something like that on.

We are in last place.

I just realized that we

Forgot our gnome.
Oh, disaster.

We can do it.

We can do it.
Just go real fast.

Zooming over the municipalty
as we slowly move along.

What could go wrong?


You missed the one before

Who's ready to get their

Marching snorleds ah, I'll do

All right.
Oh, my god.

This is my army.

This is so cool, man, oh, my


It's like the lottery.
Ok, cool, we'll get out right

Down here, down here, come

Which one?

Light -- right here.

There he is.

Wait a second.

They're still here.
Chris and bret.

We have to hurry.

We release the trigger set to
hair, it's only fair, amen.

Thank you, my friend.

We're still in the game.
We're still in it.

Got it?


I'm ready to get my marching

Oh, there's my mr. Gnome.

Help me out.
Whistle pepper the answers to


We had to go back.
Oh, my god.

Christie, do you want to work

I'll get the nine on this

Side, you get the nine on that


I have three and nine.
So I got flee, five, and


Tic-tac toe, diagonal.

Ha ha ha!
Got it, whoo!

Thank you.
Thank you.

good job.

We did it together, guys.

Good job, guys.

Good job, christie.

Don't forget your gnome!

Come on, leo.

Let's go.

Who's ready to get their
marching orders?

That's me, dude.

Phil: leo and jamal, colin and
christie, I'm pleased to tell

You that you will keep on racing
because you are teams number

Four and five.


Thank you, gusty -- bogus.
Rights over there.

That's got to be it.

See where that flag pole is?

Phil: chris and bret, I am sorry
to tell you that you have been

Eliminated from the race.
Not your day today

It wasn't.
We started out great and it just

Went downhill.

I'll never make detective,
because I couldn't find those


Phil: when you tell people about
"the amazing race" what are you

Going to say?
How incredibly difficult,

Challenging it is but at the
same time so rewarding.

I've gotten so much out of this.

Our friendship is going to last

Croatia kicked our b*ll*ts.

Carry my bag out of here.

We met on "survivor" and we had
our second adventure of a

Lifetime together.

The bromance is excited for
some beers.


Stay tuned for scenes from our
next episode.

Phil: next time on "the amazing
race" teams are up a creek.

Wait a second.
Don't know how to drive this.

Phil: as the double u-turn

Someone is going to get

Phil: forcing teams to put the
pedal to the metal to stay in

The race.
Nicole, are you kidding me?
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