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02x14 - Worst Case Scenario

Posted: 04/16/24 09:34
by bunniefuu
[dramatic marching band music]

♪ ♪

All right, so here it is.

We're at the business end
of the season.

And we just defeated Notts
County thanks in large part

to Ben Foster's
incredible penalty save.


HUMPHREY: I could, and in
fact, have kissed that man.


So what does it all mean?

Four games remaining.

Just seven points needed from

those four games for us to win

the league
and get a*t*matic promotion.

We control
our own destiny, people.

Should be cut and dry,
but of course,

nothing ever is,
as we only managed

a 0-0 draw versus Barnet...

ANNOUNCER: Wrexham throwing
a lifeline to Notts County.

HUMPHREY: While Notts County
won their match and have

closed the gap on us.

The margin for error
is basically zip.

♪ ♪


The Yeovil game, for me,

was the most important,

because if we were able
to beat Yeovil,

that meant we had two games
at getting promotion.


Here we go.

A little bit of quality.

Bit of quality.
Bit of quality.

Nearly there.

I was much more nervous
for Yeovil, funny enough,

because it felt like that had
kind of a banana skin vibe.

f*cking here!

Too f*cking easy.

PHIL: Stay on your feet!
Stay on your feet!

HUMPHREY: The general feeling
of like, oh,

we're going to Wrexham it up.

We're going to do this.
We're going to do that.

We sort of did that last year.

PHIL: Finish!

f*cking hell!

SINGER: ♪ Don't forget
where you came from ♪

♪ Don't forget
what you're made of ♪

♪ The ones who were there ♪

♪ When no one else
would care ♪

♪ Don't be afraid to cry now ♪

♪ Even when the world
comes crashing in ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Don't forget to sing
when you win ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Don't forget to sing
when you win ♪

ROB: When do we see
the new kits?

About three weeks.

And is it
black away or white away?

Red home, white away,
black third choice.


Now, we went for black
for third choice,

because in the National League,

you can't have a black or
a navy shirt as things stand.

RYAN: Uh-huh.

SHAUN: So we took a bit
of a punt on getting promoted.

Let's just say theoretically
we don't get promoted.

How much money will
we have in sunk cost?

Well, you've got about

- Hmm.
- Right.

And how much did they cost each?

About 20 quid apiece.


RYAN: Remember
when we freaked out

last season about the
$200,000 issue with the pitch?

PERSON: About 200,000 pounds?


We should start an army.

SHAUN: For the black shirts...

I like taking
the gamble on the black

because they're cool.

RYAN: Why are we
taking the news

about having 10,000
shirts at 20 quid apiece

being potentially useless
so nonchalantly now?

Well, after two full
seasons as owner

of a 5th tier football club,

like more of a rounding error.

Why this change of heart?

Our own financially
reckless promises.

Let's review
our mission statement

in the year of our Lord 2020.

ROB: "To grow the team,
return it to the EFL

"in front of increased
attendances at an improved

"stadium while making
a positive difference

to the wider
community in Wrexham."

RYAN: OK, just
a quick scorecard here.

We're not back in the EFL yet.

[buzzer blares]

We haven't improved the stadium.

[buzzer blares]

We did increase attendance.
[bell rings]

But we tore one stand down
in order to try

to improve the stadium.

So that one is
kind of an incomplete.

[buzzer blares]

But we are bringing in
people to help

with the positive difference.

So here we are at the
oldest international football

stadium in the world.

Look at this thing.

I mean, good Lord.

This feels like
a space that we would

feel really at home
in being able to help

bring technology into.

Supporting the community
and making an impact

there is really important to us.

You know, the kind of solutions,

the kind of PCs and printers,

but also the kind
of network we can...

I think we can bring in
can make quite an impact,

but done the right way.

RYAN: So we'll give
ourselves a check there.

Speaking of checks and writing
giant ones, with three games

left in the season
and return to the EFL

still up in the air,
we have to be preparing

for the worst-case scenario,
which unfortunately

involves football math,

which is the most
expensive kind of math.

We are already $4.3 million
in the red spending

on players, and pitch,
and staff, and improvements.

We publicly committed
to building a $24 million

Kop stand.

We will make 2 million
on home tickets.

Now, a positive
difference is priceless,

but you really can't put
that on a balance sheet,

especially since
MasterCard wouldn't

pay us for mentioning them.

We expect to lose
an additional $2.2 million

next year.

Which leaves us with a $28
million worst-case scenario.

ROB: Oh. f*ck.

RYAN: [laughing]
You said it, Rob.

So we have to offset as much
of this cost as possible.

I'm sure we'll have
to eat some of it,

but we'd really rather not.

So without ticket sales,
because of the Kop,

and without TV rights,
which we already covered...

I wish we could
get it up on the TV.

I know.

RYAN: That pretty
much leaves partners.

[upbeat music]

And 3, 2, 1, action.

Here at the world-famous
Racecourse in Wrexham,

tea time for the Red Dragons
is as cherished

a tradition as anywhere
in the United Kingdom.

But today,
we are announcing SToK

Cold Brew Coffee
as our official sponsor

of the Racecourse.

OK, let's cut that.


PERSON: Isn't Four Walls
an exciting new innovation

that brings two great
spirits together,

giving drinkers a "best
of both worlds" experience

in one bottle?


This is the expensive bottle.

Let's have a nip.

ROB: All right, so I've
been told that they're here.

[soft music]


Oh, lovely.

There she is.


On the back we got our
good friends at VistaPrint.

Yeah, it's... I love that look.

♪ ♪

See, I think we're going
to sell a ton of these.

I would wear this.

I guess we'll see.

PERSON: 200,000 pounds?

Well, it's definitely dramatic.

♪ ♪

[baby crying]

LAURA: He's probably
tired again.


LAURA: Do you want me
to make him a bottle?

Yeah, I'd say make a bottle.

I think he's hungry.


I'm always motivated
to do my best,

but like, when you've
got owners that

are such good people,
it does make

it that extra bit more that
you probably want to give.

[tense music]

Laura had an MRI,
and she had a brain tumor.

Hi, baby.

I knew something wasn't right,

and I persisted with the
doctors and got my MRI done.

And yeah, now we're here.

It just didn't feel
like it was real.

And no matter what happens,
I know Patty's

really lucky to have you.

[crow cawing]

ANTHONY: The gaffer told
the owners and stuff why

I wasn't involved and stuff.

They heard the news, and,
you know, they reached out.

Um, you know, Ryan,
he helped get a second opinion.

I'll go up and meet you
upstairs when you come down.

RYAN: Please do.
You guys doing all right?

ANTHONY: We're just
going up there now, yeah.

Hello, my dear.
How are you?

- Good.
- How you doing... yeah.

And we've sent some stuff
to get a second opinion, which,

again, if I didn't know him,
and it's something

that he doesn't have to do...
Like, do you know what I mean?

He doesn't have to do that.

We got full results
on Tuesday, and it was...

Obviously, we still weren't
sure after the update what

the full results would be
because obviously things can

change, but it basically
was the best case scenario

from what we were first told,

which was excellent news,
wasn't it?

But it was...

It's been kind of,
in another way, like,

hard to process, because
it's gone from the worst news

to the best news possible

in the space of a few weeks.

Obviously, it's amazing.

But in terms of just mentally,

being able to process it,
for me, I found it a little

bit challenging,
but we're getting there.

Yeah, but that's normal.

- Yeah.
- But it's... yeah.

From there then,
obviously, you get...

LAURA: We'll figure out
a treatment plan.

Yeah, figure out what's next.

LAURA: Yeah.

ANTHONY: A few people said
that it's probably

a good idea to get
back into a routine

because it will help me also.

And it's also what Laura wants.


PHIL: Just shape it
in that area. Play.

There we go.
Good, well done.

So I've got back,
obviously, into the routine

now, which I'm enjoying.

And hopefully I can push on.


[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

ROB: If we win today
versus Yeovil Town,

then we are just one win away

from getting promoted out

of this league, so obviously,

I'm a total mess because this

is the banana peel that in
sports always gets overlooked.

No pressure.

Oh, and today, my best friends
are in town for the match.

It would be nice
to show them a win.

You ready, buddy?

CHARLIE: Let's go, boss!
- All right.

Show us around.

Show us
your football team, boss.

Hey, Glenn.

Get over here, Glenn.

[marching band music]

They're playing a little
welcome music for us.

- Oh, is that for us?
- Appreciate them.

I need a Wrexham scarf.

Charlie, you're not playing.

CHARLIE: Oh, we're playing?
We're not playing?

That's some of the players.

The players aren't
even warmed up.

GLENN: Yeah, for sure.

Why are footballers
always so handsome?

- Very, very handsome.
- They're in good shape.

GLENN: So handsome.

Should we go distract
the other team?

I can see them all
over there looking

over here, trying to figure
out which one of us is Ryan.


Good evening, everyone.

And suddenly the finish line
is very much in sight.

The equation here is
super simple for Wrexham...

Win tonight against Yeovil
and do the same here

against Boreham Wood
on Saturday,

and it's mission accomplished.

I'm excited for Yeovil.

Yeovil Town!

It's a big one tonight.

I'm going for a 3-0 win.


I'm going to say 2-1, to us.

Who's scoring?

Mullins and Anthony Forde.


[dramatic music]

ROB: OK. Getting close.

Shaun never drinks
before the games.

Somehow, he's drinking tonight.

I think that's a good sign.

I don't know.
We'll find out.

So Shaun is drinking
to quell his nerves,

but my anxiety presents itself
in a different way.

I think we got...

I mean we need to...

We need to win.

This sport is relentless,
and this year

has definitely taken its toll.

You might notice.

You might not notice it, but at
some point throughout the day

you're going to see
a stye under my eye,

here on the right.

It's very, very small, though.

Can we get a close up of that?

RYAN: Very mild.
- It hurts.

RYAN: Yeah.
- And this is the third one.

I had a double stye.
- Yeah.

- And this one went away.
- Uh-huh.

This one went away,
and then this one came back.

- Oh.
- And so...

Is that from all
the ocular sex you have?

- No, no.
- Promiscuous ocular sex?

No, it's the stress.

I spoke to...
- I see that.

I spoke to a doctor...

A few doctors, and they said,
"Are ya under any stress?"

I said, a little bit.
- Yeah.

PHIL: For each other...
Have a seat there, boys.

Just got reminders. OK.

Just remember when we played
teams like this before who

fancied themselves
a little bit a football team,

the first thing we've
done is restrict

space on the f*cking pitch.

And anyone who comes
to the Racecourse Ground,

whether it's been a pre-season
friendly or f*cking one

of the top teams,
the first thing we do,

we make it f*cking
horrible for them.

We swarm all over them,
stepping in,

keep creating those overloads.

And the last thing is
that we be nice and cool

and concentrate on
the performance level tonight.

Let's go.

[players cheering]
PHIL: Come on, boys.

Let's go, boys.
Come on.

ANNOUNCER: Welcome to Wrexham.

Big, big night again,
Wrexham against Yeovil.

I've got to say, it's a
must-win game for both sides.

Everybody's tense.

Everybody wants
to know that we can do it.

It's a big occasion.

[crowd chanting]

That'll be all.
Let's get underway.

The ball's got blocked
immediately by Yeovil.


Let's do it!

ANNOUNCER: He's well
tackled by James Jones.

Oh, that's a great
ball by Mullin!

Jordan's struggling
to get in the middle for him,

so Mullin will have to cut in,
take some stones in.

Drills the ball in!

Forde hits it.

Brilliant block.

Oh, that was a chance,
but very well defended.

Anthony Forde.

Ah, but Anthony Forde just

having a sight at goal,
and getting it

on his favored right foot.

First chance that Wrexham
have really had a sniff.

So Anthony Forde,
he hasn't started...

He hasn't played in months.
- Say again?

Anthony Forde hasn't
played in months.

His wife is really sick.

Anthony also just had a baby.

Baby's name is Patty.

- Yeah?
- Really?

Yeah, little boy.

Just had a baby six months ago.

ANNOUNCER: And Dalby gets
away from Freckleton.

Just gets a yard.

Sam Dalby lays it
to Mullin, and he...

Cannon to drive it!

[crowd groans]

Well, he's yet
to open his account

for Wrexham and Buchanan.

That had some zip on it.
KAITLIN: Uh-huh.


Cannon, 25 yards out,

whistled just past
the right post.

Is that how you used
to do it in high school?


Where are the guys on the bench?


CHARLIE: I sometimes
would play defense,

and I would just slide into
guys and break their legs

and get red cards.
- Perfect.

That's nice.
- Yeah.

They asked me to sub in
for goalie once, and I cried.

I can't be a goalie.

I would literally shit my pants.

And then that was about it.

[tense music]

ANNOUNCER: Lee takes
the free kick quickly.

And now there's a chance
for Mullin to cut inside.

Here goes Paul Mullin.

In the end, by his standards,
it's a weak shot

and comfortable for Buse.

Come on, Paul.

Of the three games we had left,

that was the easiest on paper.

Not a lot going on
in this one so far.


was very tense.

You could sense the crowd
were very kind of keyed up,

and a lot of groaning,
and a lot of stressing.

Anthony Forde, and Forde

galloping forward into space.

Not much support for him, and
that's an excellent challenge.

And it's really
difficult for the players

not to pick up on
that a little bit.

It goes Elliott Lee.

Chance for Lee to have
a run at Staunton.

Elliot Lee brings in Mullin...

[dramatic music]

Who gets it all wrong.

Paul, what is going...
What is going on?

That's two Paul's missed.

Shaun, what's
going on with Paul?

That's two misses.


ROB: That's our best player.
- Yeah, I know.

He doesn't miss that.

But a little bit short
from Pollock,

and a chance for Dalby
to pick his pocket.

And suddenly,
Wrexham have a lot of space.

With Andy Cannon
and Elliot Lee to his left,

Cannon's got time
to pick the pass.

Here comes Elliot Lee.

[crowd groans]

This game is getting annoying.

Third time, I know.

Just one.
- Just one.

Just put one in.

[crowd chanting]

Hey, guys, I'm going
to go to the bathroom

right now so that
we can score a goal.

- OK.
- Oh, perfect.

Thank you so much.

ANNOUNCER: Now Wrexham will
have to go back to Foster.

Griffiths keeps chasing,
and Foster miss,

and there's danger here.

The ball's picked up on the
right-hand side by Oluwabori.

Oh, the pace of Forde.

He's going to make tackle.

[crowd roaring]

OK, let's go!

Go Wrexham!

[crowd chanting]
Wrexham, Wrexham!

ANNOUNCER: Forde goes
back in the end, to Tozer.

Goes Jamie Jones to Mullin.

Mullin's got Barnett
to his right.

He comes back the other way,
looking for Forde.

That's in... Forde.
That's inside.

Take the shot!

[dramatic music]

[crowd roaring]


♪ ♪

Wrexham get the breakthrough!

♪ ♪

Once I hit it, I just...

I just felt like it was
hitting the back of the net.

And then I just took off
running like a mad man.

♪ ♪

- Whoo!
- You did it!

You went to the bathroom
and did it!

ANNOUNCER: And Anthony Forde,
who's had a challenging

time off the field
in recent weeks,

responds quite
brilliantly on it.

HUMPHREY: This outpouring of,
like, love and affection

for him just made it so,
so special.

I mean, it's... that is,
I think, probably my favorite

goal of the season.

[crowd chanting]

CHARLIE: f*cking most
cathartic f*cking thing.

Jesus Christ, dude.

I can't...


Charlie's having a moment.

Welcome to football, buddy!

Welcome to football!

He's crying.

Yeah, 'cause I'm
worried about you, man.


[crowd chanting]

SINGER: ♪ Tell everybody
I'm back in the game ♪

It's over the keeper.



Wrexham take a 2-goal lead.


I went to the bathroom!

You went to the bathroom.
Oh, my God.

ANNOUNCER: Isolated, his low
line, sh**t to the far post,

headed back over the keeper.


SINGER: ♪ Fade it all
to black ♪

ANNOUNCER: Paul Mullin's
leaping header

completes the job for Wrexham.

[crowd chanting]


And that is it, Wrexham

victorious by 3 goals to 0.

Now, hang on a second,
you guys have been doing

a lot of this talking on TV.

But I just want to take
a second to say how amazing

this was from an outside
standpoint to come

in here, see what you've
done with this team

and for this town.

I wept openly.
I never f*cking cry.

- He cried, Charlie cried.
- He does not cry.

I'm very proud
of you guys, to Wrexham.

- It was amazing.
- And to the boys on the pitch.

- Yes, yes!
- And to the people of Wrexham.

One more game.
Let's go.

One more game.
All right.



HUMPHREY: It may not
always be obvious,

but for all the financial
concerns around a club,

and the sponsorship deals,
and commercials,

the payoff is ultimately
what you see on the pitch.

It's all crystallized
in moments like the one

Anthony Forde gave us
today versus Yeovil.

Fordie, brilliant.

For me, I don't like
singling people out,

but today in 90
minutes, having not

played for so long,
f*cking everything

you've been through.

Fordie, you're tremendous.
So keen.

You got your goal, mate.
You f*cking deserved it.

You really did.

When you look at
a player like Fordie,

he was a key signing
this season for us,

someone we targeted very early.

He and his family
have persevered

through so much adversity
in the past few months,

and now he's propelled us
to within one single win

of winning the League
and a*t*matic promotion

out of this division.

Three points away

from winning the promotion

that the entire town

of Wrexham has been
craving for 15 long years.

This is why we do it.


No, f*ck no.
CHARLIE: Wait, wait.

ROB: f*ck no,
Charlie's going to run.

CHARLIE: Hold on, boys!

Where are we going?

GLENN: Oh, wait, wait, wait.
Don't pull...

ROB: All right, I'll go.
GLENN: Don't pull a hammy.

All right.
KAITLIN: Go, Charlie, go!

GLENN: Oh Jesus, I'm not...
I am definitely not...

ROB: f*ck that.

GLENN: No, no, no,
no, no, that's... no.

CHARLIE: Come on, boy-o!

I'm 47 years old!



GLENN: And that was half
speed for you guys, huh?

KAITLIN: Charlie, you won!


ROB: Dig it out!

Dig it out, old man.
- This is as fast as I can go!

ROB: Dig it out!

Dig it out!
KAITLIN: Yes, Charlie!

CHARLIE: Wait a second.

Check their legs.

Very good.

Boys, great game, man.

I got to go throw up.

[child giggles, seagull cries]