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02x11 - Yn Codi

Posted: 04/16/24 09:32
by bunniefuu
MARK: Oh! Oh!

[cheers and applause]

ROB: After beating York City,
the men are staying

neck-and-neck with Notts County.

Get it in. Yeah!

But the league is still
a long way from being won.

However, there is another
Wrexham team, you'll remember,

that is very much
getting the job done.

GEMMA: Right. OK, girls.
One shot on the pitch, please.

Off you go!

COACH: Put up.
Play forward.


Different side to receive.
On the ball.

HUMPHREY: Mathematically,
the women have

already won their league.

But they still have
their final game

to play,
and to win it would mean

the first ever undefeated season

for Wrexham, women or men.

But our ambitions for them
are higher than that.

One of the key things that
we've always wanted to do

is to get the women's first team

to be able to play a league game

at the Racecourse Ground.

Because it sets the foundation
for what comes next,

which is hopefully the as*ault
in the Premier division,

to try and achieve
that objective of becoming

the best women's team in Wales
at the earliest opportunity.

ROB: The record for a domestic
women's football match

in Wales is, like, 5,800 people.

Our goal is
to shatter that record.

ROSIE: We do.

PERSON: Keep going. Turn out!

ROSIE: I don't think
it feels real until, like,

we actually see
the full stadium.

Come on, on. Come on, on.
COACH: Great tip.

HUMPHREY: We'll be on the big
stage for the first time,

in front of as many fans
as we can pack in,

tasked with delivering
a historic win

for club and town.

COACH: Ah! Good.

The pressure is high.


SINGER: ♪ Don't forget
where you came from ♪

♪ Don't forget
what you're made of ♪

♪ The ones who were there ♪

♪ When no one else
would care ♪

♪ And don't be
afraid to cry now ♪

♪ Even when the world
comes crashing in ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Don't forget to sing
when you win ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Don't forget to sing
when you win ♪

SHAUN: Are you in here
checking on how many tickets

we've sold for your game?
GEMMA: I am.

How many have we sold, actually?

PERSON: Uh, I'll just look. 4,126.

GEMMA: That's amazing.

SHAUN: Rob and Ryan have
both committed to push this.

If we've done 4,100
organically, you know, just...

- Without even trying.
- Yeah.

Just with genuine interest,

then it's brilliant.

We always wanted
to get you to play here.

GEMMA: Yeah.
SHAUN: And it was about

trying to find the right...
You know,

the right timing
and meaningful game.

And 4,100 tickets
in a week tells you, it's...

You've earned it,
and it's probably the right...

It's probably been
the right game

to pick as well.
GEMMA: I think so.

Excited. Yeah. Can't wait.

[tense music]

ROSIE: Nervous and excited.

who've come to watch us.

Like, we can do it for them.

NEIL: How are you feeling?
MIA: Nervous.

Well, most of the local ones

in this team are nervous,
I know that.

Nervous in a good way.
Like, not, you know...

I can't see Lili being nervous.

I don't know.
I think she will.

NEIL: Do you think she will be?
- I think she will, yeah.

LILI: I know.
People... people keep asking me.

I don't know if I'm
nervous or excited,

because I've got nothing
to compare it against,

have I, really?

No? Well, I suppose not.

I've never been put
on, like, a big stage like that

in front of a ridiculous
amount of people.

I think I'm more kind of
anxious than you, aren't I?

NEIL: I feel it this morning.

Yeah, I'm probably gonna be
quite emotional.

It's gonna be one of those,
"Oh, no,

pull the cap down
over me eyes."

Super proud of you, babe.

And like I said before,
just enjoy.

Enjoy it.

It's exciting.

I just want to get in there now.

You've seen Rosie
in front of fans.

She absolutely loves it.

So if anything,
it gives you more confidence,

because it's more people to...

- Impress.
- Impress.

And also more people
to cheer for you

when you score a goal, which is

always a good feeling, right, so...

You have an opportunity
to go and watch women play.

I never had that.

Did I ever?

I was always watching
the men, and always...

My idols were always
male footballers.

TILLY: Is Lili playing?
ROSIE: Yeah.

TILLY: I rate her.

I think for a 17-year-old...

Yeah, isn't she amazing?

TILLY: It's crazy
how talented she is.

Like, she's gonna go so far.

I think it's because of,
obviously, with her dad

and how invested
he was in Wrexham,

it means a lot more to her.

It'll just touch her heart.

I just know that it'll touch
her, like, deeply inside

that she'll be playing there.

I can't wait to see
the girls, actually, now.

The more that we're
talking about them now,

I just want to give them all
a hug.

Oh, smash it, Lils.

And you know what,
enjoy every moment.


We'll be there
cheering you on, won't we?

- Smash it, Lil.
- That's right.

All right. Let's do this.

- See you laters.
- Ciao.


LILI: It's weird.
Like, this is the walk

I used to do, you know,
when I was a young girl

with me dad.

We use to walk this way and...

To the games, to go
and watch, you know,

my idols play at the time.

And now I'm getting...
Getting the chance to do that.

It's just crazy.

It's hard to put into words.

This is just, like...
So that's a picture of my dad.

Oh, he's not here
with us anymore.

But Dad used to be
a massive Wrexham supporter.

That's kind of
one of the reasons

why I stay at Wrexham,

because I know it was, like...

I don't know.

Something that he enjoyed,
something that involved him.

So if he would have been here,
it would be special.

[soft music]

The man, the man.

All the fans,
when the club was going bust,

all paid to have
their names put on a brick,

you know, to keep it going,
keep the place alive.

And my dad was one of them.

So yeah, it's nice that...

That he's got that here,
you know.

He's with us all the time,
then, and...

This is mental, innit?

Hitting me now that, you know,
I'm genuinely going out there.

And I just want
to get going, now.

Get... get me boots on
and start the show, innit?


[anticipatory music]

[indistinct chatter]

♪ ♪

Come to watch today, have you?

- Yeah.
- You excited?

- Yeah.
- I'm excited.

Hi, Carly. Hiya.

You all right?
- Yeah.

Ready for it?
Excited? Yeah?

I think we're gonna put
a show on today, aren't we?

Thank you.

PERSON: Quickly. Quickly.
For the girls.

[indistinct chatter]

LILI'S MOM: [sniffles]
PERSON: It's all right.

No, don't let her...
Don't let her see me do this.

No. No.
He's here with us.

He's here with us.

MARK: What an occasion
we've got here.

Wrexham women playing
at the Racecourse,

the competitive match
for the first time,

in front of the biggest crowd
that has ever attended

a women's match in Wales.

By winning today,
complete the first 100%

league season ever

by any Wrexham side,
male or female.

STEVE: 12 wins from 12.

That's what we're
aiming for, OK?

Come on. Come on, girls.

Come on!


RYAN: Don't underestimate
the power of stepping

into the Racecourse Ground
with, you know, 10,000-plus

folks screaming your name.

[crowd chanting]

MIA: When I was younger,

you'd drive past the Racecourse,

you know, when you're going
into town or whatever.

It sort of makes the hair
stand up on the back

of your neck when...

When you go out on that pitch.

RYAN: It's not just great,
but it's just so overdue.

MARK: We get underway,

and immediately
the ball's moving forwards.

Del Morgan comes out.

Free kick to Wrexham,
in a promising position.

25 yards out.

It's gonna be taken
by TJ Dickens.

CROWD: Wrexham! Wrexham!

MARK: It's a shot, in fact.

And it's in!

What a strike!

An unbelievable goal
from 25 yards.


GEMMA: The noise,
it was something else.

It was absolutely
something else,

and I think
I've watched that clip back

quite a few times since.

So obviously
it's kind of nerve-racking

to be in lead so early on,
because you have to keep it.

MARK: And headed towards goal.

But Morgan is in control,
is she?

Well, no. It's dropped in.
Shot comes in.

And it's there!

Connah's Quay equalize.

GEMMA: The equalizer went in
quite quickly after.

So OK, you know, we got
a game on our hands here.

MARK: Driving down
the right channel,

gets to the edge of the area.
Lovely ball.

from a tight angle,

is dispossessed again.

Excellent defending.

This time, it's Lili Jones
stepping across.

LILI: I was trying to stay
focused on the game

as much as I could.

Kept glancing over to where
my dad used to sit as well,

just, like, to see
who was sat there.

Which was nice,
in a way, you know.

Get to see, like,

what he would have seen
if he was here.

And an interesting one
for Wrexham.

Substitute Mia Roberts
is the daughter

of ex-Wrexham and Welsh
International Neil Roberts.

MIA: I started on the bench,
which is obviously

somewhere I don't want to be.

But if I'm put there,
then, you know,

my job is then
to come off the bench

and help the team
in whatever way I can.

Let's go, Robbo!



MIA: I thought we needed
to get the crowd going.

When you've got

you've got to use them to your
advantage, haven't you?


It was amazing, you know.

What she did, I think,
just sort of captured

the moment perfectly.


Half an hour left.
Still 1 all.

ROB: So they were
playing really well.

But this being football,
it was going to come down

to the end, of course.

And we were tied
in the 80th minute.

MARK: Game's really
getting stretched.

Gonna be tired legs out there.

Come on, Lil!

ROB: So the question was,

when the stage is set

and the moment is this big,

who's going to rise
to the occasion?

Well, we got that answer.

MARK: That's Rosie Hughes. Hughes.

You know the girl's got speed.

Rosie Hughes enters
the goal line!

And Wrexham pull out of line.

[all cheering]

Wrexham take the lead!

It had to be Rosie Hughes!
It had to be!

All of her qualities
shown there...

Pace, strength, composure.

It's Wrexham 2, Connah's Quay 1.

ANNOUNCER: And we were
literally just talking about

the girl who scores the goals.

[whistle blows]

MARK: And that is
the final whistle.

Wrexham win every single game
of the season,

the first time any men's
or women's Wrexham team

has done that.


ROSIE: Not only, like,
this season's been

the best season of my career,

but definitely that was
the best game of my career.

I can't stop
replaying it in my head.

And the amount of times
I've watched it over as well,

it's like, the best thing I've
ever done in my football life.

MARK: Rosie Hughes is
milking it as much as she can.

MIA: I remember getting
quite emotional, you know,

walking round afterwards,
clapping the fans,

and I think that's when
you really take it in.

You know, you're looking
in people's eyes,

and you can see
how happy they are for you,

and obviously
how grateful we are

that they turned out for us.

It was unbelievably special.

And, you know,
to have my dad there and,

you know, share it with him,

Yeah, it's very special.

We did that!

- Congrats!
- Congrats!

Yeah, that was probably one
of the best days of my life.

It sounds stupid, but honestly,
the night before, I was KP-ing.

Like, I was washing dishes
the night before,

and next thing you know,
I'm playing

in front of 9,500 people

and Ryan Reynolds has
picked me up

and twirled me around.

GEMMA: You know, I think
that just shows how close

and how linked they both are

to... to what was going on there,
and it's not standoffish.

It's not, "We'll... we'll stay
up in the stand,

and we won't come down
and see you."

They wanted to be in amongst
it all and be part of it,

which they are.

PERSON: Champions!
Yes, champions!

MARK: Here we are.

The trophy is raised,
the streamers go up,

and Wrexham win
the Adran North League.

Brilliant stuff.

A 100% record.

I know I keep saying it,
but no Wrexham team has

ever achieved a 100% record.

ROSIE: Yeah!

RYAN: Yeah!
- You did it.

RYAN: You're a legend.

Oh, my God.

You guys.

REPORTER: Rosie, I have
to be honest with you.

It's very hard
not to get emotional.

What's it like
this afternoon for you?

I mean, I can't
express it for you.

It's really crazy.

It's a surreal experience,
because look around us.

Like, we play on this...
We play on a pitch, day in...

Legend right here.
REPORTER: The guys themselves.

- Right here.
- Number one legend.

REPORTER: What an incredible,
incredible experience.

I was just saying to Rosie,
it's difficult for me

not to feel emotional,
so I can't imagine

how she is feeling.
ROSIE: Uh, yeah.

I don't think that, uh,
it has really hit me

that I've just scored
the winning goal

at the Racecourse, with over

Got Rob and Ryan
stood next to me.

It's incredible.
I can't actually express it.

Wrexham! Wrexham! Wrexham!


[soft music]

♪ ♪

PERSON: Get in there, girl!

[cheering and applause]

♪ ♪

That free kick.
[exhales sharply]

Yeah, she'd be... oof.



I think I would
just settle winning the league,

not playoffs.


The women's team play
in the Welsh pyramid.

So effectively, there's two
regional divisions,

and then one national division.

We obviously played in
the North regional division,

which is where they went on,
you know, had a 100% record.

But to get promoted,
they had to beat

the Southern team,
who were equally

as efficient and competent.

Do you think you can win it?

Of course I think we can win it.

I'd back us against anyone,
but it's just

if we turn up on the day.

They won't be able to deal with
Rosie, because no team can.

The danger of failing
to be promoted is twofold.

One, a loss of the momentum
and the interest

that's built up
around the women's team.

The other is the difficulty

of hanging on
to your best players.

I mean, we have players
who've attracted interest

from Adran Premier clubs.

We've had players who I think
are attracting interest

from clubs
in the English system.

And you know,
to hold on to your best,

you've got to give them
the best possible opposition

to play against as well.

So those two things are big.

[soft dramatic music]

♪ ♪

ROSIE: I don't have
high hopes at all.

And it's so bad to say,
because I should be confident.

But they played against
teams that we'd played against

in the cup and we'd
lost against, and they'd...

You know, they've...
They've beaten them

by quite good scores as well.

COACH: Five, good.
Six, well done.

Yeah, TJ!

COACH: Nothing wrong with that.
Keep playing, teams.

Keep playing.

KIM: But we've never played
each other,

so who knows
who are the underdogs?

All we've heard is great things,

and both teams have won
their leagues for a reason.

So it's not going to be a walk
in the park for either team.

ROSIE: So yeah, we went down.
It was neutral ground.

[tense music]

We know what we're here for.

Everything that we've
worked towards this season

comes down to today.

There's no second chance.

Today or nothing.

We're more than good enough
to be up there,

and we know what the qualities
we've got in this team.

We know what we're up against.

Let's make sure
that we're switched on.

Let's make sure
that we're nice and relaxed.

But we're up for it, OK?

Because these will be
up for it, all right?

We get the job done
in 90 minutes, simple as that.

Come on, girls. Let's go.


ALL: ♪ You can shove your
Ryan Reynolds up your arse ♪

♪ You can shove your
Ryan Reynolds up your arse ♪

♪ You can shove
your Ryan Reynolds ♪

♪ Shove your Ryan Reynolds ♪

♪ Shove your Ryan Reynolds
up your arse ♪

The playoff final was exactly
what we expected it to be.


MARK: Well, here we go.

And the ball is played back

to the Wrexham keeper,
Delyth Morgan.

ALL: ♪ We support the Ferry,
the Ferry, the Ferry ♪

♪ That's the way we like it,
we like it, we like it ♪

♪ Whoa ♪

GEMMA: It was difficult.

Briton Ferry are,
by all intents and purposes,

a Premier League side anyway.

Come on, Rosie.
Come on, Rosie.

Throughout the season,
we scored a lot of goals.

MARK: Lili Jones.

Jones shot from distance,

is collected comfortably
by Briton Ferry.

That flipped
on that playoff final.

It was our defensive line

that... that got the accolades
that day.

Briton Ferry on the attack.

I think we defended
for 90 minutes of the game.

ANNOUNCER: Briton Ferry a bit
more dominant in possession.

Kearle is clear. Kearle in.

Oh, wonderful save by Morgan.

Another opportunity
for Briton Ferry.

Big counter!

Is there gonna be
a dramatic finish?

Here it comes!
GEMMA: Oh, my God!

MARK: Strikes the bar!
Not even going in.

Up to the line.
GEMMA: Oh, it's not gone in.

It's not gone in.

MARK: Oh, dramatic scenes
here at Latham Park.

Yes! Go, Del!

It was always gonna be
a very, very difficult game,

and it was gonna be close.

They had chances.
We had chances.

[crowd chanting]

MARK: It's the Wrexham
supporters again,

trying to lift their team.

ROSIE: The Briton Ferry's
defender miskicked it,

and then it went
to go bounce on the line.

But then bounced inwards,
so obviously I'm on it

faster than the other player.

MARK: And here comes Hughes.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Hughes crosses in
towards the near post.

And it's in!

Oh, it's a super goal!


[soft music]

♪ ♪

ANNOUNCER: Yeah, Rosie Hughes,

she's in the thick of it again.

She glides past two players,

does a great ball
cutback across,

and a great near post run
by Pritchard.

ROSIE: But she just
knocked it, basically,

into the goal behind the keeper,

and no one was expecting her.

Keeper didn't get it.
And yeah, we're 1-0 up.


MARK: What a fantastic moment
for Rebecca Pritchard.

Fourth goal of the season.

ALL: Come on, Wrexham!

MARK: Briton Ferry
looking more threatening.

GEMMA: Yeah, she's got it.
FAN: Come on, Rosie!

GEMMA: We were under pressure
for most of the game,

in all honesty.

And then the last 20 minutes
after we'd scored,

that pressure just ramped up.

It was so stressful.

MARK: And walks
this into the box.

She cuts it back.

Opportunity here
for the substitute.

Oh, and it ricochets

into the hands
of the Wrexham keeper.

So this being Wrexham,

it was coming down
to the wire, again.

The stage was set.
The stakes couldn't be higher.

And the question was, who was
going to rise to the occasion?

Would it be us,

or would it be Briton Ferry?

[crowd shouting]

MARK: But as it is,
it's still 1-0,

and Briton Ferry are
still in the game.

And here comes Kearle.

ROB: And of course...

MARK: Kearle forward, looking
for the pace of Molly Jones.

ROB: The answer was...

MARK: Jones is through
against Morgan.



ROB: Del Morgan.


♪ ♪

ALL: ♪ Super Del Morgan
in goal ♪

FAN: Come on, Wrexham!

MARK: Seconds left.

Briton Ferry still
knocking on the door.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

[whistle blows]

There is the final whistle!

Dramatic scenes
here at Latham Park.

Wrexham win the Genero Adran
League's promotion playoff

by a goal to nil.

They will play next year
in the Genero Premier League.

[triumphant music]

♪ ♪

GEMMA: I'm not one
who tends to cry,

especially at football matches.

But yeah, it just...
It just came out.

♪ ♪

Whole game, especially those
last few minutes, sum us up.

Um, how we are
as a team, how hard

we work together as a team.

ALL: ♪ Super Del Morgan
in goal ♪

[yelling and cheering]

♪ ♪

[child giggles, seagull cries]