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04x23 - Tutter's First Big Sleepover Bash

Posted: 04/16/24 08:53
by bunniefuu
[theme music plays]

♪ Hello, everybody ♪

♪ Welcome to Woodland Valley ♪

♪ -Coming through.
-Oh, it's you ♪

♪ All kinds of
folks to meet here ♪

♪ Come get
Something sweet here ♪

♪ -Lots to do.
-Hydrants too ♪

♪ And our house of blue ♪

♪ We've got friends
With class here ♪

♪ Stop by when you pass here ♪

♪ Underwater swimming ♪

♪ That's just the beginning ♪

♪ -Whoop-dee-doo
-Moonlight too ♪

♪ Plus our house of blue ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
to the big blue house ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
to the big blue house ♪

♪ -Door is open
-Come on in! ♪

♪ -Now you're here.
-So let's... ♪

♪ Begin! ♪

[theme music plays]

Oh, there you are!

♪ Hey! How you doin?
It's good to see you. ♪

♪ You're just in time
there's lots to do ♪

♪ I've got a long list
and a full day ahead ♪

♪ from the moment
I got out of bed ♪

♪ I got to go to the store,
clean up the house ♪

♪ It happens when you're
livin' with a busy mouse ♪

♪ A lemur, two otters,
a bear cub, too ♪

♪ Did I mention
there was lots to do? ♪

♪ But come on in and
stay a while come on in ♪

♪ and share your smile
come on in I wish you would ♪

♪ And I bet you're
smellin' good ♪

♪ When you're here
it makes me grin ♪

♪ Great to see ya,
how ya been? ♪

♪ You know you're always
welcome so just come on in ♪

♪ We can have a talk
we can take a walk ♪

♪ We'll never go too far watch ♪

♪ Shadow play
it's a perfect day, ♪

♪ For a cha cha cha so,
come on in and call this ♪

♪ Home come on in, my,
how you've grown ♪

♪ Come on in and
be my guest 'cause ♪

♪ I think you're just the best ♪

♪ We gonna have
ourselves some fun ♪

♪ And I can't wait to begin ♪

♪ Whoo! ♪

♪ It's always great to see you ♪

♪ So just come on in
the door is always open ♪

♪ So just come on in the big
blue house is your house ♪

♪ When you come on in ♪


[music plays]

I was... Wait a second...

what's that smell?


Ha! It's you!


Tell me, did you just have
some cookies and milk?

Because you smell just like
cookies and milk!


Or maybe you smell
this sweet all the time!

Yeah, what was I saying?

Do you remember? Oh!
Right! Come into the kitchen!

See I'm just
getting a little snack

prepared for Tutter. See...

A lovely cheese tray.

Tutter's bringing a couple
of his friends over tonight

for a sleepover. Hey! Sleepover!


A sleepover is when you stay
at a friend's house overnight.

Sleepovers are fun and

really good practice for
when you and your family

go on a trip and
stay at a hotel.

At a sleepover, you can
do a lot of things... like

play games...

Or have snacks...



Or just hang out
with your friends!

Hmmm, speaking of snacks...

I better get this
tray ready for Tutter.

Tutter is bringing a couple of
his friends over. But tonight,

Treelo, Pip and Pop are
staying over at Etta and Otto's.

So it's just me, Ojo, Tutter
and a couple of mice, right?

Hey, Bear! Come on,
it's time to pick everybody up

at mouse school for the great,
big sleepover!

You don't think Tutter
will mind if I come

to the party, too, do you, Bear?

Oh of course not,
Ojo. It's gonna be fun!

-Hey, you come, too!
-Yeah, come on Bear!

Whoa! That is a
cool sleeping bag!

[cross talks]

Everybody excited about the
big sleepover tonight? Huh?

Well, I, for one, can't wait for
tonight. Let the party begin!


-Yeah me, too. Sleepovers rock!

So, have you guys ever
been to a sleepover before?



How about you, Luke?

Well, uh... not exactly...

What do you do at sleepover?

Well, supposedly you're like...

you're supposed
to like play games...

Check! We're doing that!

-And... oh, have snacks...
-Oh, Check again!

And maybe tell spooky
stories before going to bed.

Spooky stories?

W-well, that's okay,
we could forget that one.

If you guys don't mind.

[cross talk]

This is gonna be great, Tutter!
It really is nice of Bear

-to let us all sleepover!

Hey Tutter! Hey everybody!


Oh, it's just Bear and Ojo!


Grab your gear,
everybody! We're moving out!


Hee-hee! This is gonna be great!

Umm, everybody?


-Uh... l3
-Come on in!

Uh... l4.

-Just put your stuff in there!
-Oh Is that it, Tutter?

Uh... I don't think so,
Bear, there's more.

Oh, Bear, it's okay that I
invited the whole class, right?

I didn't want anyone
to feel left out.

-Where's the bathroom?
-Uh, sure Tutter, it's fine.

Oh, super! Come on in...
there you go! Good to see you!

- Can't wait to see this house!
- Hee... so... unusually large!

Yeah, and blue!

Well thanks a lot. We
really like it here. Ummm...

Hey, Bear! Hey, Tutter!

Tutter, why don't you
show everybody around?

Oh, yeah! Show us
around! A tour! Yaaaay!

Oh, okay! A tour it
is! Here we go, folks!

Right this way!
Come on-come on in!

-Where do I putthe sleeping bag?
-What is that? A trapeze?

Okay, every one...
this is the living room...

-Um, Tutter?

-Uh, yes, Luke... A question?

why is everything
so... gigantic?

-How come?!!

Look at the size of that couch!

Yeah. What you
supposed to do... sit on it, or

climb it and plant a flag?


Oh, Moss! You cr*ck me up!


No, really, the reason
everything's so big is

because Bear lives
here. You know,

big furniture for a big Bear.

Ooooooohhhh Right!

If the furniture
were any smaller,

he'd just smash it flat! I mean,
look at him! Look!

I didn't think I was that big.

You guys... um, look at this!


Um... I've never
seen anything like this.

-Wow! What is it?
-It's huge!

Oh, guys, guys... that's
just Bear's baseball glove!

W-W-What does he
use for a ball? The moon?


Seriously though,
he does talk to the Moon.


-It's true. I do.

Look every one... I know
everything is kind of big,

but I hope you'll
think of this as your...

well... your home
away from home.

♪ Make yourself at home
welcome to our house ♪

♪ I think you're gonna find
we know how to treat a mouse ♪

We sure do, Bear!

♪ So, have some fun if
there's anything I can get ♪

♪ -Just let me know
-Can I have some milk? ♪

♪ -A coloring book?
-A pair of socks? ♪

You bet!

♪ This is your home
away from home ♪

♪ Long as you stay ♪

♪ Our house is your
house friends will be near ♪

♪ The whole time you're here
you are home away from home ♪

-We can tell jokes .

♪ -We can eat cake ♪
♪ -uh, sure. ♪

♪ Let's see how long
everyone can stay awake ♪

For a little while.

♪ We can tell stories
Yeah, who wants to begin? ♪

I do.

♪ And when we're finally tired,
bear, can you tuck us in? ♪

Of course.

♪ In the middle of the night
let's have a pillow fight ♪

♪ And a midnight snack what
a place for hide and seek ♪

♪ We could stay a
whole week Tutter ♪

♪ When we comin' back to
this home away from home ♪

♪ You're always welcome
in the blue house ♪

♪ Friends will be near ♪

♪ The whole time you're here
we are home away from home ♪

♪ This is our home
away from home ♪

♪ When we stay over
at the blue house ♪

♪ Wherever we go
we always know ♪

♪ There's a home
away from home ♪

♪ Home away from home ♪

This sure is different...

wait 'til I tell Mom and Dad!


Hey! Check this out!
There's a whole giant

drawer full of cheese out here!


Guys... uh... guys... w-wait!

Let's see how's everyone doing?


Oh it's so good.

I've never seem
so many in my life.

Goodness. That's a lot of mice!

It certainly is, Ojo.

Uh... Bear? I guess
it's probably snack time,

if you don't mind...

Yeah! Snack, Snack,
snack, snack!

Well, everybody, okay...

I've prepared a lovely
little platter of cheese...

Crumbs? Uh,
there was a whole platter.

it was there I saw it myself.

Oh, yeah, we kind of
warmed up on that, Bear.

Yeah, we're ready for like,
the real snack.

Yeah, usually... um,
at my house,

we have a nice brie
baked with some apricot jam

inside for a snack
at about this time.

That's what we have at my house,

It-it's just a suggestion.

Oh, that sounds pretty good...

You know, sometimes, it's nice
to do something at a sleepover

that you could do at your house.

It helps you feel more at
home in your new place!

Okay, everybody!
Um... Baked brie it is!


Yes, thank you! Thank you!

Well, let me get to the refrig-

oh hello, how you're doing...


Here you,
everyone. Some nice baked brie.


-So good.


Thanks, Bear, that was great!
Hey! Who's up for a game?

Yeah, but what do we play?

Well, at my house,
right after a snack,

we like to play Parm-Cheesey.

Oh, um... you mean the trivia
game all about Parmesan?

Yeah! We really enjoy it.

Whoa, sounds good to me! Hey,
let's go everybody!

Alright! You mean...
this way... oh okay!

Oh... oh, what's the wrong,
Ojo? What's the matter?

Don't you want to play

Oh... that sounds like
more of a-a mouse thing...

Th-that's okay... I'll just go
up to my room and play...

B-but, come on, Ojo! It
wouldn't be a party without you!


-Okay, Tutter! Thanks!
-Yeah! Come on, right this way!

Have fun, you guys.

-Oh, you're gonna love this!
-I will?

It's such a fun game!

Well, things are
turning out pretty well...

and I guess I'll
start... cleaning up...


-So, how's it going, everybody?
-Oh, it's going good Bear, good!

Yeah, Luke sure knows
about... a whole lot about...


it's pronounced Parme-san Ojo.

Parme-san. In the Italian,
it's... Parmeggiano!


I guess I've spent
a few nights around

the old Parm-Cheesey
game. Just a few.

Well, I hate to break
up the fun, everyone, but

it's getting a little late and

I think it's time
everyone got to sleep.


Does anybody else need anything?

-Um... Bear?

Would it be okay for me
to call my Mom and Dad

before I go to sleep?

I-I-I'd just like
to say goodnight.

Oh, of course,
Keisha. No problem.

Um, would anyone else want
to call home and say goodnight?

-Well... maybe I should.
-I kind of Miss them...

Oh, okay. Right this way.
The phone's in the kitchen.

-I'll show you where!

Hey, Dad... Yeah! It's me! Um,
I just

wanted to call and
say good night...

That's something
else you can do to

feel more at home
when you're away.

Call your Mom and Dad
and wish them a good night.

I bet they'd love hearing it!

Okay, Mom... I love you,
too! Good night!

Thanks, Bear!

Sure, okay.

-Now, who is next?
-Oh, me!

Okay, Lilly!

[music plays]

Now, is everybody comfy?

-Yeah, Bear.
-We're fine, thanks, Bear!

-Okay, goodnight!
-Goodnight, Bear!

Pssst... Bear! Bear, over here!

That sounds like Tutter?


Tutter... um... what is it?

Um, well, the thing
is... I just realized

I always sleep
with Kitty and um...

well I'm just not
sure what my friends

will think when they see her.

Oh, well... Tutter,

I want to show you
something. Come here.

There you go, Tutter.

Hey, look!

Everybody's got a special
something they sleep with!

-Just like Kitty!

Aw... Thank you, Bear.

-My pleasure, Tutter. Goodnight.

And tomorrow... we will
go on a hike, everybody!


Hey... Moss! That was so funny,
what you said

about the couch! [laughs]

He really does talk to the moon

Everybody, it's time for bed.

Goodnight, Bear.


Huh? What's
wrong?/What's going on?

Yes! Yes, Luke? Yes,
yes, yes, yes!

Um... is this a foam
pillow? Because

at my house,
I have a feather pillow.

Oh, here-here Luke!
You can have mine!

-That's so nice of you, Tutter.

-You don't mind?

-Here you go.
-No problem, buddy.

Thanks! I'm sure I'll
sleep much better now.

-There you go, Luke.
-Thank you.

-Okay, everybody comfy?
-Yes, Bear.

-ALL: Goodnight, Bear.



Is someone in the
cheese drawer?!!

Yes, yes, yes, yes, Luke?

I almost forgot. At my house,

my Mom and Dad always
sing a Lullaby to me,

otherwise, I can't sleep at all.

Oh, well, uh... I guess
it's time for a Lullaby!


Oh, oh! Hey,
Bear! I bet I know who

could sing a really
good Lullaby...


Yeah, Tutter. You're right! But

we'll have to sing our song
together. And look really hard.



♪ Where oh where oh where
is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where oh where oh where
is Shadow? ♪


♪ Where oh where oh where
is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where can Shadow be? ♪


Shadow... Shadow?

[Shadow laughs]

Oh, there she is! Hello, Shadow!

Why, hello, everyone!

My, this is some group
we've got here tonight!

Yeah. I'm having my first
big sleepover, Shadow.

Oh, I just love sleepovers!

So, what can I do for all
of you this fine evening?

Well, Shadow, at Luke's house

his Mom and Dad sing him

a lullaby before he
goes to sleep, so...

Say no more, say no more, Bear.
I have the perfect song for you!

♪ Every night as you go to bed
you can feel us drawing near ♪

♪ We close your
eyelids and we sing ♪

♪ A lullaby that
only we can hear ♪

♪ Singe rock-a-bye
rock-a-bye go to sleep ♪

♪ My bear cub rock-a-bye
my lemur ♪

♪ And my mouse ♪

♪ Nothing can disturb you
we shadows will watch over ♪

♪ This house over this house ♪

♪ You can't see
them in the dark ♪

♪ But you know
they're always there ♪

♪ And in your dreams,
if you feel a kiss ♪

♪ That's just a shadow
rustling in the air ♪

♪ And singing rock-a-bye
rock-a-bye go to sleep, ♪

♪ My otters rock-a-bye ♪

♪ My little boy and girl ♪

♪ Nothing can disturb you ♪

♪ With shadows
watching over your world ♪

♪ With shadows
watching over your world ♪

♪ we shadows will watch over ♪

♪ Your world ♪

Look, Bear, it worked.


-Goodnight, Shadow.


LUKE: Psst! Bear!

-Yes, Luke?

That was not
the song my Mom and Dad sing.

Oh, well, okay, Luke... we
could think of another lullaby.

Nah. Umm...

if it's alright, Bear, um...

I'd just like to go home now,
I think, Bear.

Oh... oh, of course, Luke. You
can go home if you want... but

-are you sure?
-I think so.

I miss my Mom and Dad. [crying]

Oh, it's okay, Luke.

If you're ever at a sleepover,
you should always remember

that if you want to go home,

get the grown-up there to call

and your Mom and
Dad will come get you!

Come on,
Luke! Let's call them together!

-Okay, thanks.
-It's okay.


It's no problem, Luke,
no problem at all.

Thank you, Bear.


-Hey, what's going on?
-Bear is everything okay?

Oh... uh... hey everybody!

What's going on, Bear?

Well, we're gonna call
Luke's Mom and Dad.

Oh, what's wrong, Luke?

Well, I think I have to go
home. Is that alright, Tutter?

Well, sure, it's okay,
Luke. We'll miss you... right?

Yeah... we'll miss you.

-Really? You really will?
-Well, sure!

Well... I'd hate to disappoint

everyone so horribly.
Maybe I can stay...

Well, Luke, it's up to you. But

if you really want to go home,
it's okay.

I will stay!


Well, I think it's time we all
got back to bed! Right, guys.

-Okay, Bear!
-Goodnight, Bear!

-Oh, boy!

This has been
some slumber party!

Let's go tell Luna
all about it. Come on!

[theme music plays]

Ah there's Luna now. Hello Luna!

Hello, Bear. My,
you're up late...

Yeah, [huge yawn]

well Tutter's having a
big sleepover tonight,

and it took a little
time to get everyone...

Into bed! [laugh].

Exactly, Luna.

Oh, is this Tutter's
first big sleepover?

Yes and it was
going really well, too.

Why... You know, Bear,

I've looked down upon many
sleepovers over the years,

and I've noticed
that it's a lot of fun

to stay in a new
and different place...

Hmm. True, Luna...

But, it's also wonderful to
know that, when it's over,

your own bed and your family
are waiting for you at home!


That's a great way of
thinking about it, Luna.

Well, I'd best be getting
back to my work, Bear.

The world sleeps better
when I'm up in the sky.

Okay, but, Luna

could you sing the goodbye
song with me, before you go?

I'd love to, Bear.

♪ -Hey this was really fun
-We hope you liked it too ♪

♪ Seems like we've just begun ♪

♪ When suddenly we're through ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye,
good friends goodbye ♪

♪ 'Cause now it's time to go ♪

♪ But, hey
I say well, that's ok ♪

♪ Cause we'll see you very soon
I know ♪

♪ Very soon I know ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye,
good friends goodbye ♪

♪ And tomorrow just like today ♪

♪ The moon the bear
and the big blue house ♪

♪ Will be waiting for
you to come and play ♪

♪ Come and play ♪

♪ Come and play ♪

Bye now!


Thanks for visiting
the Big Blue House.

And you're welcome to
stay overnight here any...

LUKE: Bear?

I don't mean to be
any trouble... but

I usually sleep
with a vaporizer,

because otherwise
I get a little stuffy...

Sounds like I've gotta
go! See you soon!

LUKE: And Bear? if It's not
too much of a problem,

I love a glass of water...