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04x15 - The Great Bandini

Posted: 04/16/24 08:51
by bunniefuu
[theme music plays]

♪ Hello, everybody ♪

♪ Welcome to Woodland Valley ♪

♪ Coming through
-Oh, it's you ♪

♪ All kinds of
folks to meet here ♪

♪ Come get
something sweet here ♪

♪ -Lots to do
-Hydrants too ♪

♪ And our house of blue ♪

♪ We've got friends
with class here ♪

♪ Stop by when you pass here ♪

♪ Underwater swimming ♪

♪ That's just the beginning ♪

♪ -Whoop-dee-doo
-Moonlight too ♪

♪ Plus our house of blue ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
to the big blue house ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
to the big blue house ♪

♪ -Door is open.
-Come on in! ♪

♪ -Now you're here.
-So let's... ♪

♪ Begin! ♪

[theme music plays]

Oh hi, there! I was hoping you
would come back. Come on in.

You know... wait a second...


What's that smell?

It smells like raisin
toast with... butter



Hmm... [sniffs]

Ha! It's you!

Oh. Tell me, did you just
have raisin toast for breakfast?


Ah, or maybe you just
smell this good all the time.


today is a very exciting day.

Coming to Woodland Valley,
today is a very famous musician

to talk about music. The
Great Bandini! That's right!

I even got my old ukulele out
of the attic for the occasion.

We're just finishing up
breakfast in the kitchen.

Come on!

Well, that was delicious, huh?
Hey, everybody!

-Oh, Hey Bear!
-Hi, Bear!

So are you really ready
to see the Great Bandini?

-Oh yeah!
-It's going to be great!

Hello everyone!

-Oh, Hi Doc!
-Hello Doc.

Just thought I'd
drop by before the

master class with
The Great Bandini!


We're still going to do
our duet right, Bear?

You bet, Doc! Got my ukulele.

-All right.

I heart Bandini!

-Nice shirt!
-You like it?

I picked it up over at
Woodsystock, back in... uh...

-That's right, that's right.

Hey, hey Doc, what's
that thing you have there?

Yeah, yeah! It looks like...

part of a piano connected to a
vacuum cleaner or something.

Heh-heh. No, no,
that's very funny, Tutter,

but it's called an accordion.

Hmmm... I've
played it for years!

How'd you like to
hear a little tune?

-That would be great!

This, I say this, is called
the Pig in a poke polka.


[accordion plays]

♪ Dancin' and snufflin'
and a roll in the mud ♪

♪ The Pig in a Poke Polka!
snortin' and munchin' and... ♪

Hoo boy. That didn't
sound right, did it?

I'm hoping The Great Bandini can

help me out with
that last chord.

My fingers are a little short,
I guess. [chuckles]

Chord? What's a chord?

Oh, well,

a chord is a bunch of
notes played together

in perfect harmony. It
sounds really nice. Like this

[plays a chord]


Oh, okay,
but umm... what's a note?

-Oh, uh, well,

a note is an individual
sound on an instrument.

Umm... Like... this:

[plucks a string and it pops]

-Whoops. Broke a string.

I'm hoping The Great Bandini can
show me out how not to do that.

I have some ukulele strings
around here somewhere.

-I'll be right back.
-Oh, okay.

Chords... notes...
tones... whoa...

Yeah, yeah,
there's so much stuff to know...

Yeah, you can say that again...

So, are you younguns

all bustin' at the seams
to meet the Great Bandini?

Of course you are! You know,

they say Bandini can play the
moonlight sonata on the Clavier,

using only the tip of the
nose and the left pinky,

while playin' the oboe
outta one side of the mouth,

and whistlin'
dixie out the other,

all in perfect harmony! [laughs]


-What did he say?
-Moonlight Snotty?

Yeah, yeah... and what's the
deal with the hobos and pixies?

Yeah, it's just all so...

Excitin' well, you aren't
just whistlin' dixie! Heh-heh.

See what I mean... yeah if we're
really lucky, The Great One,

the almighty Bandini,
will ask us up on stage to play!

-Play? Us? But...
-Wait a minute...

We don't know
how to play anything...

Well, ummm... I'd
love to stay and chat,

but I promised Jeremiah I'd
walk with him to the library.

You know how long
that takes. Tell Bear,

I'll meet him there,
okay? See you at the library!

-Bye Doc!

Bye Doc Hogg, Sir!

Oh, my, it's kind of
overwhelming, isn't it?

Yeah, a little mind-boggling...

I don't know
anything about music.

-Music! Who knew?

[music plays]


I thought I had some
extra ukulele strings!

I'll be making music in no time!

Yeah! Music...

Hmm... music.

You can make music by
playing an instrument...

[music plays]

Or using your voice and singing.

♪ La-la la-la la la! ♪

Oh, notes!

Or... you can just sit
back and listen to it...

[music plays]

And enjoy it.

However, you experience it,

music is a
beautiful part of life.

[shadow laughs]

Did you hear that? That
sounded like Shadow.

[shadow laughs]

Hey. That's Shadow, alright.

You know if we sing our song,
she might appear.

Ready? Oh,

♪ Where oh where oh where
is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where oh where oh where
is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where oh where oh where
is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where can Shadow be? ♪



[shadow laughs]

Hello there my fuzzy friend!

There you are, Shadow. So,
what have you been up to today?

Oh, I've been chasing
my friends the sunbeams

all morning long, Bear.
They're hard to catch, you know!

Oh, I can imagine, Shadow!

Well, Shadow,
we would love to hear a story

from you today if you
happen to have one.

Oh, that's music to my ears,
Bear. Just watch!

♪ The strings go zing!
The drums go boom! ♪

[drum plays]

♪ The flute goes toot! ♪

♪ And the sax goes zoom! ♪

♪ Put them together
with a lot of pizzazz ♪

♪ And you've got something
that's called jazz! ♪

Wow! What a great story, Shadow.

I'm glad you liked
it Bear. Well I'm off.

But if you need another story,
just try and catch me!


Thanks, Shadow! Bye-bye!

Hey, it's almost time to go!

Hey everybody,
come on! And you come on to!

This is going to be great.

I'm really looking forward
to seeing the Great Bandini.

The "maestro" is very private,
you know.

Yeah. We heard that.

I just can't wait to hear what

the Great Bandini
has to say about music.

-I guess...
-If you say so, Bear.

Hey. I'm getting the
feeling that you guys

aren't so excited
about going. What's up?

It's just... h-h-how
can we go to this talk

if we don't understand anything
about music in the first place?


Oh, oh, uh, oh, hello.

I didn't know anyone
else was on this path.

I'm Bear and this is Tutter,

-Pip, Pop and Ojo.


Hi. The name is Badger,
Edwina Badger.

Oh, nice to meet you Edwina.

Are you on your way to
see the Great Bandini, too?

Maybe, maybe.

My path has been know to cross
with Bandini's on occasion.

Oh. Well you're welcome to walk
along with us, if you'd like.

Thank you.

You know, I couldn't help

listening to what
you all were say in'.

Seems like the little
folks aren't much lookin'

forward to going
to the talk today.

Well, it's not that
we don't want to go.

It's just that all this music
stuff seems so hard, you know...

It is, but not too hard
for you. Ya know,

I bet you've got
some music in you,

and you don't even know it. You
don't do you, you don't do you?


-Yeah. You sing, don't you?

Sure, we sing. But,
doesn't everybody?

You guys are all great
singers. Pip and Pop,

remember that time you
made up a song about love?

Oh yeah. We remember that!

♪-Sometimes when you're working,
-Or hard at play ♪

♪ There's a feeling that
you get that won't go away ♪

♪ It's a warm glow
goes deep inside ♪

♪ And feels good
you can't hide ♪

♪ That smile on your face
when you're walking around ♪

♪ With your spirit so high your
feet don't touch the ground ♪

♪ That warm fuzzy glow
we're singing about ♪

♪ They call it love and it
makes you wanna shout ♪

♪ -L-o-v-e, love
-Yeah ♪

♪ We just can't get enough ♪

♪ -Sing it fellas
-L-o-v-e, love ♪

♪ -Uh-huh
-It's otter love ♪

♪ Go on and tell me more
about the way you adore ♪

♪ Now whether it's for
bears or lemurs or mice ♪

♪ Otter love is the best
'cause you're getting it twice ♪

♪ But with all
the many different♪

♪ Kinds of love out there ♪

♪ We just can't decide
on our favorite, bear! ♪

♪ It's not one kind the
love you're dreaming of ♪

♪ Oh, that's it,
we love love! L-o-v-e, love ♪

♪ -Oh, yeah
-We just can't get enough ♪

♪ -Get a little closer
-L-o-v-e, love ♪

♪ -Mmmm-hmmm
-It's otter love ♪

♪ It's so rare the way you
care go on declare share, ♪

♪ -Your love
-L-o-v-e, love ♪

♪ -Don't be shy
-We just can't get enough ♪

♪ These otters love to sing ♪

♪ 'Cause it's a many
splendid thing ♪

♪ -L-o-v-e. Love
-Uh-huh ♪

♪ It's otter love ♪

♪Their hears are reeling 'cause
the feeling are so appealing ♪

♪ Love ♪

Wow! That was amazing.
That was phenomenal,

that was a great song.

Yeah, but that's just singing.

Yeah. We do that all the time.

Hey, there's nothing
more musical than singing.

Remember, your voice
is an instrument, too!

And when you made up that song,
you created a melody.

A melody is kinda like,
what's it like? Well,

you know what it's
like, it's like the tune.


We never thought
about it like that. Coool!

Ah, yeah, you guys
are really good at singing

and making up songs and stuff.

But what about me?
What about this mouse?

How am I musical, huh?


Mouse. You dance don't ya?


Sure, I love to dance.

I like to dance with my
grandma. She's a great dancer.

That's right, Tutter!
Remember the time you danced

the mambo with Grandma Flutter?

Oh yeah, Bear... we all did...

♪ Oh, there's a dance that's
going 'round that anyone can do♪

♪ -Yeah you and you and you
-It's the grandma mambo ♪

♪ The grandma mambo oh,
whether you are young ♪

♪ Or you're an
older girl like me! ♪

♪ Just try it and you'll see,
it's the grandma mambo! ♪

♪ -The grandma mambo
-You got to shimmy to the left ♪

♪ Then shimmy to the right ♪

♪Then shake your
head from side to side ♪

♪ And do it day and night ♪

♪The grandma mam-mam-mam-mambo ♪

♪ The grandma mam-mam-mam-
Mam-mam-mam ♪

♪ The grandma
Mam-mam-mam-mambo ♪

♪ The grandma mambo
The grandma mambo ♪

♪ The grandma
Mam-mam-mam-mambo ♪

♪ The grandma mam-mam-mam-
Mam-mam-mam ♪

♪ The grandma mam-mam-mam-
Mambo the grandma mambo ♪

♪ So shake the lead out off your
legs and take a step or three ♪

♪ Then you'll mambo just
like me the grandma mambo ♪

♪ The grandma mambo
you got to shimmy o the left ♪

♪ Then shimmy to the right ♪

♪ Then shake your
head from side to side ♪

♪ And do it day and night ♪

♪ The grandma
Mam-mam-mam-mam-mambo ♪

♪ The grandma
Mam-mam-mam-mam-mam ♪

♪The grandma mam-mam-mam-
Mam-mam-mam-mam-mam-mambo ♪

♪ The grandma mambo whoo-ha ♪

♪ The grandma mambo mambo ♪

♪ -The grandma mambo
-Yeah, let's do it ♪

♪ Mambo! ♪

Yeah. I do love to
mambo with Grandma.

But that's just, well, dancing.

Oh, but dancin' is a big
part of learning to love music!

I mean, when you dance,
you feel the b*at!

If you're doin' it right,
the b*at just takes you over.

Check it out...

Boom chica boom boom.
Boom chica boom boom.

♪ -Boom chica boom boom boom. ♪

See, the rhythm.
The b*at of the music

is what's happening when
your body starts to move.

-And rhythm

is another important
part of music.

Come on and do it with me.

♪ Boom chica
Boom boom chica... ♪

♪ Boom chica boom boom...
boom chica boom boom... ♪

♪ boom chica boom boom...
boom chica boom boom... ♪

♪ boom chica boom boom...
boom chica boom boom... ♪

♪ boom chica boom boom...
boom chica boom boom... ♪

♪ boom chica boom boom...
boom chica boom boom... ♪



Hey yeah! I guess I've
just got the b*at. Huh?

I can't help it! This
mouse has got the b*at!

Oh, yeah!

You sure do, Tutter.

My Edwina,
you really know your music,

no wonder you're going
to see the Great Bandini.

But we all ought to get going...

Well I wouldn't fret
about it too much, Bear.

I'm pretty sure Bandini
hasn't arrived yet.


You know the Great Bandini's
sort of a compadre of mine.


Whoa. Cool. Is it true that, um,

The Great Bandini plays
lots and lots of instruments?

Well, a few. But, you know,

you don't need a fancy
instrument to make music.

'Cause music's everywhere,

it's all around us,
just waiting to come out!

That woodpecker? That
woodpecker's got rhythm!

[clicking sound]

[cricket chirping]

That cricket... That
cricket has got rhythm.

And the bullfrog... That
bullfrog's got the low notes.

Oh, and there's a
bird playing a tune.

[music plays]

And all of a sudden,
you've really got something.

♪ There's music in the air ♪

♪ And music on the ground ♪

♪ There's music
in this bear... ♪

♪ And music all around ♪

♪ If you open up your ears ♪

♪ You'll hear that happy sound ♪

♪ 'Cause anywhere
that you may be ♪

♪ Listen! There's
music all around ♪

♪ Up in a tree ♪

♪ A bird is singing his song ♪

♪ Under a leaf a little
cricket chirps along ♪

♪ Just open your heart ♪

♪ And play the song inside you ♪

♪ Once you start ♪

♪ Just let the music guide you ♪

♪ Until your song is through ♪

♪ Why just look at
what we've found ♪

♪ That if you listen quietly ♪

♪ Then play along,
why soon you'll see ♪

♪ Your world can be a symphony ♪

♪ When music's all around ♪

♪ Music's all around
music's all around ♪

♪ Music's all around ♪

♪ Music's all around! ♪

Wow. That was beautiful!

-We had no idea.
-We were pretty good.

That was great,
but speaking of music,

we better get
over to the library,

we don't want to miss the
Great Bandini.


Wow, great! What a nice turnout.

Well of course it is...

Let's go find a seat.

Hello Bear! Brought my bass!

That's great, Jeremiah.

Yep. Where is this
Great Bandini anyway?

Well, I don't...

-We've just got word!
-The Great Bandini has arrived!


This is so exciting, isn't it?

I wonder what the Great
Bandini looks like.

Well, Edwina. It looks like
the Great Bandini is finally...

Hey, where's Edwina?

Uh, may we have
everyone's attention?


Okay, thank you.

The Woodland Valley
Library Cultural Association

is proud to present...

The legendary Great Bandini!

-It's her!
-Hello everyone!

-Wow, look!
-Oh, it's the Great Bandini!

I'm really jazzed to be here.

-I know I'm supposed

to give a talk about music...

Does that
voice sound familiar to you?

But instead of flappin'
my yap all afternoon,

I'd like to enlist the
help of some friends.

Some very musical
friends I might add...

to join me up here
in playing a song.


Pip... Eh?

Pop... Wha?

-Ojo... Treelo...

-And Bear of course.

-Come on up here.

-How does she know our name?


How can we play with
The Great Bandini?

We don't have anything to play!

-Yeah, that's true.
-Oh, no, no instruments.

Come, come, come now, you guys.
You know better than that!


-Hey, it's Edwina!
-I know her!

-Oh! Right!


And everyone here join in,

play your instruments,
sing a song,

dance, whatever! Let
the music move you!

♪ There's music in the air... ♪

♪ And music on the ground ♪

♪ There's music in this bear ♪

♪ And music all around ♪

♪ If you open up your ears... ♪

♪ You'll hear that happy sound ♪

♪ Cause anywhere
that you may be... ♪

♪ -Listen
-Music's all around ♪

♪ -Music's all around
-Music's all around ♪

♪ -Music's all around
-Music's all around ♪


-That was great, you guys!
-Thank you!

[cross talk]

[music plays]

what a wonderful day we've had!

You know, I'll bet Luna
would want to hear all about it.

Let's go up and
tell her. Come on.

Ah, there she is! Hello, Luna!

Hello, Bear. How was your
day in the Big Blue House?

It was great Luna.

We had a very distinguished
visitor here in Woodland Valley.

-Oh, who?
-The Great Bandini!

Ah, the Great Bandini?
The world famous musician?

Oh, my,
that is exciting. How did it go?

Oh, it was wonderful, Luna,

after everybody figured out that

you don't have to know
everything about music

to enjoy it and make it!

Yes, well, you know Bear,
sometimes, at night,

if I listen very hard,

all of the sounds of
the Earth float up to me,

and it makes the
most beautiful song!

Sometimes, I even hum along!

Whoa! Luna, I didn't
know you were so musical!

Oh, come, come Bear.

Don't you know how many songs

have been written
about the moon?


Oh, speaking of which,

would you sing the
Goodbye Song with me?

Oh, that's my favorite tune,

♪ -Hey this was really fun
-We hope you liked it too ♪

♪ Seems like we've just begun ♪

♪ When suddenly we're through ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye,
good friends goodbye ♪

♪ 'Cause now it's time to go ♪

♪ But, hey
I say well, that's ok ♪

♪ Cause we'll see you very soon
I know ♪

♪ Very soon I know ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye,
good friends goodbye ♪

♪ And tomorrow just like today ♪

♪ The moon the bear
and the big blue house ♪

♪ Will be waiting for
you to come and play ♪

♪ Come and play ♪

♪ Come and play ♪

Bye now!


Thanks for visiting the
Big Blue House today.

And I hope you
will always listen to,

play and make
beautiful music! Bye!