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04x21 - Great Ball of Firefighters

Posted: 04/16/24 08:49
by bunniefuu
[theme song]

♪ Hello Everybody! ♪

♪ Welcome to Woodland Valley! ♪

♪ -Coming through!
-Oh, it's you ♪

♪ All kind of folks
to meet here! ♪

♪ Come get
something sweet here! ♪

♪ -Lots to do!
-Hyrants too! ♪

♪ And our house is blue! ♪

♪ We have lots of class here! ♪

♪ Stop by when you pass here ♪

♪ Underwater swimming ♪

♪ That's is just beginning ♪

♪ -Woo-hoo-hoo!
-Moonlight too! ♪

♪ Plus our house is blue! ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
to the Big Blue House! ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
to the Big Blue House! ♪

♪ -Door is open
-Come on in! ♪

♪ -Now you're here!
-So, let's... ♪

♪ Begin! ♪


Oh! [chuckle]

Hi there.
It's so good to see you again.

Well, come on in.


Wait a second... [sniffing]

What's that smell?



it's you!

[sniffing] Oooo

Tell me, did you have
a big glass of milk?

Because you smell like
fresh milk smell.

[sniffing] Aaah!

Or maybe you smell this
fresh all the time?


And ...

Do I see a milk
mustache on your lip?


Well, I've been very busy today.

I just came from the store.

Tonight is the first

annual Woodland Valley
Firefighter's Ball.

It's a big party to raise
money for the Firehouse!

And guess who's in charge
of the refreshments?

That's right, it's me!


I'm making my four berry punch.

We're decorating the barn too.

And, as a special surprise

I'm making a brand new recipe.

Peanut butter,
honey oat bran cookies.

I'm hoping everything
will turn out perfect.

-PIP/POP: Bear?
-OJO: Hey, Bear!

POP: Can you come here, please?

Oh! Coming.


Pip, Pop, Treelo,
and Pip and Pop's grandparents,

Etta and Otto, they're
all helping me get ready.

Do you want to help too?

Okay, come on.

Bear, the punch is finished.

That's right,
Bear, the punch is finished.


Yes, Bear, your expert
stirrers are on the job!

Great. Well,
let's see what's next to do.

Oh, pick up Tutter at school!

Oh! But, I've still
got to make the cookies!

Don't worry Bear,

you've got the ingredients
all in here right?



Then allow the stirrers
to do their thing!


Okay... but remember...

we want the cookie batter
to be --



Okay! Well... Everything's under
control here.

Let's go to mouse school.

Bye, Bear!


Wow. Everybody sure has a lot
of expectations

about tonight's
Firefighter's Ball.


do you know what
an "expectation" is?


It's a big word isn't it?

Well, an expectation is
something you think

or expect
to happen in the future.

You can have expectations
about a lot of things like...


Or tonight's big party.

Which reminds me.

I have to go pick up
Tutter at mouse school.

would you like to come along?

I'd love the company.

Great! Let's go.

So, who's going to the
Firefighter's Ball tonight?

-I am. Sure!
-I'll be there.

I hear it's going to be
quite the shindig!


Yeah, I'm looking
forward to the dancing.

Dancing? Oh, that's cool.

Like... the "Cha-Cha-Cha? "

♪ Cha-cha-cha... ♪

Ooh La la!

Yeah, well, sure, that's good.

But any mouse

who can shake their tail
will be doing the...

Mumble Mambo!


The Mumble Mambo?

Don't tell me you haven't
heard of the Mumble Mambo?

Uh... well...

Uh... sure...
I've heard of it. [chuckles]


Very recently in fact.

Okay, Well then.

Let's do it!

♪ You want to mumble? ♪

♪ Its easy as can be ♪

♪ All you gotta do is
Follow me! ♪

♪ Put your [mumble] in the air ♪

♪ To do the mumble mambo ♪


♪ Then you [mumble mumble]
If you dare ♪

♪ To do the mumble mambo ♪

Beg pardon?

♪ If you haven't stumbled yet
on your [mumble mumble] ♪

On my what?!

♪ Then you're
really on your way ♪

♪ To doing the mumble mambo ♪


♪ The mumble mambo
It's the [mumble] ♪

♪ It's the mumble mambo ♪

♪ The mumble mambo
Is the rage across the land ♪

Yeah! If you could
just repeat the last little--

♪ It's as easy to say as is ♪
♪ to do ♪

♪ Just [mumble mumble] ♪

♪ And you can do it too now
you're [mumble mum mumble mum] ♪

♪ The mumble mambo ♪

everybody let's start over and--

-♪ The mumble mambo ♪
-Oh, boy

♪ It's the mumble mambo ♪

I know if you could
just go back to the--

♪ You better
[mumble mumble mum] ♪

♪ The mumble mambo ♪

Heheh heh.

♪ Everybody
[mumble mumble mum] ♪

Bleh bleh bleh...

♪ It's the mumble mambo ♪



-Yeah, that's great.
-Yeah, haha.

Mumble Mambo! Yeaaah! [chuckles]

I didn't see you doing much
mambo-ing, Tutter

or much
mumbling, for that matter.

You didn't?

well I was right over here...


I'm coming, Bear! I'm coming!

See you guys later!
Sorry. Coming.

Bye, Tutter!


-Hey, Bear.
-Hi Tutter.

Come on, let's go.

Uh, Tutter...
is everything alright?


Oh, yeah Bear.

Considering it's over for me
at mouse school,

yeah, everything's just great.

It's just raining Roquefort,


Roquefort, Tutter?

But what's wrong.


I just found out that
there's this new dance,

and all of the mice from my

are going to be doing it
tonight at the ball, Bear,

and I don't know it!

Agh... Can you imagine, Bear?

Can you?

A hip, happening mouse like me?


Uh... yeah. Um,

Tutter, what's
the name of this new dance?

The Mumble Mambo.

Do you know it, Bear?

Do you, huh? Do you? Huh?


yes, I've heard of it,
in fact, I've done it,

but I'm a little rusty...

It's been a while.

But I wouldn't worry about
it too much Tutter...


Didn't you hear the words
"all the mice in my school?

What if when
I can't do the dance,

they don't like me anymore?

I'm sure that won't happen.

I'm glad you're sure, Bear!

I am not so sure,
I can tell you that!


hey! I have an idea.

Ojo's really good at dancing,
being a bear of course.

She went to the movies
with Doc Hogg,

but she'll be back at
the Big Blue House real soon.

Why don't you ask her?




maybe Bear!

Well, what're we waiting for?

Come on, Bear! Come on!


Come on.

Two please.


Thank you for the dance.
But, really, I must hop.

daaarling, you're not leaving?

Please say it isn't so.

But we've been
dancing for hours.

But the night is still young
and the ball is so divine!

I suppose one more dance
won't hu --


You know,
it's true what they say...

Life is a Ball!



Wonderful. That was
simply a wonderful film.

Yeah, it was amazing.

Hey! Wow! I mean...

That was simply divine.

Oh, can't we stay and watch
it one more time Doc Hogg?

Please, please?

I don't think so, Ojo.

You don't want to miss

the Firefighter's Ball
tonight now do you?

[excited] Oh! Oh! That's right.

The Firefighter's
Ball is tonight.

[ala Ginger] Oh, I wouldn't
miss it for the world!

It'll be just like the movie!
I just know it!

-Come on, Doc Hogg.
-We got to get ready.

[giggles] [whispers] Quiet.



Whoa... Wait a minute,
what is all this?

This is just --


Well, actually,
I was going to say "Wonderful."

This is all just wonderful.

Yeah, that's a pretty good word.

Wonderful's good.

Thank you all so much, but
we better get down to the barn.

-It's almost time for the ball.

Yeah, yeah!

Let's go into the living
room and get Tutter and Ojo.


Have I told you how
divinely you dance, Tutter?

[dizzy] Yeeeeessss!
Sssssseveralllll timesssssss...

Uh... guys?

Oh, helloooo, Bear...


Hi, Bear!


-Sorry, Tutter.

Tutter, are you alright?

She's nutty, Bear!


But Tutter...

we're supposed to dance
until the dawn!

You haven't even taught
me the Mumble Mambo yet!

We've only been doing all this

three stuff!

Ha! [Ginger like] It's called
the Waltz, Tutter,

and it's a very fancy
kind of dancing,

for a very fancy kind of ball!

Besides... I've never even heard
of the Mumble Mambo, dahling.

Never heard of it?

Uh! It's only the next
big thing Ojo!

Uh, you know what,

I think you two have had enough
dance practice for today.

You need
to save something for the ball.

And it's almost time.

-How divine!

Yeah. Right. Divine, dahling.

Erm... Come on! Let's Go!

You too. Come on!



Welcome to the
Firefighter's Ball.


where's the fire? [chuckles]

-Fire? Where?
-Get it?

Fire at a Firefighter's Ball...

heh-heh, forget it.


Nice hat, Doc!

Why Thank you.

Where's Bear?

-Uh right here, Doc.
-POP: There he is.

If you could just tell me
where to put this stuff down...

Sure, Bear, sure!
That goes on the food table!

Oh, good evening.

Sure, the table, but where is...
where's the table?


Doc, you're back here, Doc?

What's this?

This can't be right...

Hey! Tutter.

[gasps] Hey guys! [chuckles]

Yeah! [chuckles]

Huh? !

Yiam miam miam.


Pardon me, pardon me.

I'd like to welcome everybody
to the Firefighter's Ball.

Welcome everybody
to the Firefighter's Ball!


Here's our host for this evenin'

Fire Chief of Woodland Valley...

Jack the Dog!

Hey, Jack! Alright!

Before the fun begins,

I think we oughta thank a
certain somebody

for all he's
done to make this all happen...

Bear! Bear!

Bear! Bear! Bear! Bear!

Oh, uh yes, hello everyone.

Uh Doc, I really need to know
where to put this stuff.

Oh yeah, right over there Bear.
Right over there.

Oh, okay.

Now ...
let's get the party started!

Friends and neighbors, it is
my pleasure to introduce...

our band for this evening...

The Stop, Drop, and Rollers!

Six, seven, eight...

[slow music]

Yeah, that's nice.

-[Ginger like] Doc, Dahhling?

I was wondering, when the um
real ball be starting?


What do you mean?
I don't follow.

This is the firefighter's ball.

You're here.

where's the grand ballroom ...

fancy furniture...
and the chandelier ...

and the marble fountain...

Well, we've got hay
bales and a dirt floor.

A dirt floor? No... no...
no... Doc.

This ball... is
simply not divine at all!

isn't what I wanted it to be!

This is all wrong!

All wrong!

Hey, Tutter!


Hey guys!


Tutter? Ready to 'Mumble Mambo'?


Sure... Mumble Mambo?

Hey, uh, Tutter-dude...

you're not like
avoiding us, are you?

[gasps] Avoiding you?

Why would I be doing that?

I mean... [gasps]

Hey, is that a dancing hippo?



-I don't see a...


So you really like
country music, huh?


No, no, no... this is
just not what I expected.


Coming through, coming through!

Tutter, is everything okay?

Gee, this ball's
not going quite as I expected.

I hope they're alright.

We should go find out.

Come on.

Ojo, Tutter.



Here you two are.


What's wrong?

We were thinking maybe
we ought to just go home, Bear.

Yeah. This really isn't the ball
that I imagined it would be.

Yeah, and it's basically
exactly what I imagined.

Not good, Bear, not good at all!

Oh well, you know,

you too could
still have a lot of fun.


Well yeah,

I mean Ojo.

This party may not be what
you expected it to be, Ojo.

But, it can still be great.

Do you really think so, Bear?


And Tutter,
you might be surprised.

This might turn out
to be a little

better than you expected.

You think so?

How Bear?

How's that gonna happen?



follow me.

This one's going out
to Tutter and Ojo.


Hit it!

♪ Now maybe you won't get
What you came for ♪

♪ Sometimes it happens
That way ♪

♪ Just because you didn't ♪

♪ Hit what you aimed for ♪

♪ It don't mean
You just run away ♪

♪ I can still hear
My old grandpappy sayin' ♪

♪ Wherever you go in this life ♪

♪ Go with an open mind ♪

♪ Try to leave
All expectation behind ♪

♪ You might be in
For a pleasant surprise ♪

♪ Oooohhhhhh ♪

♪ You'll never know
What you'll find ♪

♪ If you go with an open mind ♪

It's a waltz, Tutter!

A waltz!

Oh, yeah,
just like we were doing before!

One, two three. One, two three.


may I have the pleasure
of this dance?

The pleasure is mine, shall we?

♪ I can still hear
My old grandpappy sayin' ♪

♪ Wherever you go in this life ♪

♪ Go with an open mind ♪

♪ Try to leave
All expectation behind ♪

♪ Just let it all be
One pleasant surprise ♪

♪ Oooohhhhhh ♪

♪ Why don't you see
What you'll find ♪

♪ If you go with an open mind ♪

-Very nice. Very nice.

Thanks for the waltz, Tutter.

You're welcome, Ojo.

Well, it's no Mumble Mambo.

But, it sure was fun!

Hey Tutter, that was great!

Yeah, Tutter.

I would have to say that
your waltzing rocks!

Yeah, Tutter,
like, could like you teach us?

If you teach us
the Mumble Mambo!

Want to learn it, Ojo?

That would be divine!

But you know,
I have another idea first...

how about a special dance

for a special group
of firefighters!



Yeah. [chuckles]

Excuse me... coming Through.
Oh, sorry Luke. Pip, Pop.

-Psst... Doctor Hogg.

Yes... yes I think
that's a great idea...


Uh oh ...

I'm getting that
feeling again...

Yeah it's an itchin',
a twitchin',

a scritchin', a scratchin'--

It's The Firefighter's
Cha Cha Cha!

♪ Are you brave
And ready to roll ♪

♪ In trucks whose ladders
Reach to the sky? ♪

♪ Have you ever
Slid down a pole? ♪

♪ Then here's a dance
That you gotta try! ♪

♪ Cha-cha-cha! ♪

♪ Ha-cha-cha
Gonna cha-cha-cha ♪

♪ Ooh-la-la
Time to cha-cha-cha ♪

♪ The firefighters
Cha-cha-cha! ♪

Hey, firefighters -- get
up and do it with me.

Come on!

♪ Cha-cha-cha! ♪

♪ Everyone
Gonna cha-cha-cha ♪

♪ Ooh-la-la
Time to cha-cha-cha ♪

♪ The firefighter's
Cha-cha-cha cha-cha-cha ♪

♪ When you hear that bell ♪

♪ Don't forget
to bring your hose ♪

Firefighters comin' though.
Excuse me.

♪ But when the fire's out ♪

♪ Then it's time
to tap your toes! ♪

♪ Yeah! ♪

♪ 'Cuz everybody knows! ♪

♪ Cha-cha-cha! ♪

♪ Ha-cha-cha
Gonna cha-cha-cha ♪


♪ Ooh-la-la
Time to cha-cha-cha ♪

♪ Cha-cha-cha-cha-cha!
The firefighter's cha-cha-cha! ♪


♪ The firefighter's
Cha-cha-cha! ♪

♪ Cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha
Cha-cha-cha-cha ♪

♪ Yeah
The firefighter's cha-cha-cha! ♪




That was without a doubt
the best firefighters ball

Woodland Valley has ever had!

Of course,

this was the only
firefighters ball

Woodland Valley has ever had.


I can't wait to tell
Luna all about it.

Come on, let's go tell her.

Ah. There's Luna now!

Hello, Bear!

And how is everything
in the Big Blue House?

Well, we had the Big
Woodland Valley

Firefighter's Ball tonight!

Ah that explains all
the laughing and music I heard.

Did everyone have
a wonderful time?

Oh ... eventually, Luna.

After everybody got over what
they expected the Ball to be.

See, Ojo thought it was
going to be one thing,

and Tutter thought
it was going to be...


-a disaster.

But it turned into
something great

neither one of them expected.

life is full of surprises, Bear.

All the times I've
looked down on the earth,

I've never seen
the same picture twice.

It's amazing,

but the one thing you can
always expect

is the unexpected.

Once you accept that,

then you're ready and willing
for life to surprise you!

Wow, that's a great way
of looking at things.

Speaking of looking at things,

I've got a lot more
of the Earth to see

before my night is through.

Well okay Luna, but,

would you sing the Goodbye
Song with me before you leave?

I'd love to, Bear.

♪ -Hey, this was really fun
-We hope you liked it, too ♪

♪ Seems like we've just begun ♪

♪ When suddenly we're through ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye
Good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ 'Cause now it's time to go ♪

♪ But, hey, I say
Well, that's ok ♪

♪ Cause we'll see you very soon
I know ♪

♪ Very soon, I know ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye
Good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ And tomorrow just like today ♪

♪ The moon, the bear
And the big blue house ♪

♪ Will be waiting for you
To come and play ♪

♪ To come and play ♪

♪ To come and play ♪

Bye now!


by the way, thanks for visiting
the Big Blue House today.

And [sniffing]


you still smell good.

See you soon!


[theme song]