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04x14 - Show Your Stuff

Posted: 04/16/24 08:48
by bunniefuu
[theme music plays]

♪ Hello, everybody ♪

♪ Welcome to Woodland Valley ♪

♪ -Coming through
-Oh, it's you ♪

♪ All kinds of
folks to meet here ♪

♪ Come get
something sweet here ♪

♪ -Lots to do
-Hydrants too ♪

♪ And our house of blue ♪

♪ We've got friends
with class here ♪

♪ Stop by when you pass here ♪

♪ Underwater swimming ♪

♪ That's just the beginning ♪

♪ -Whoop-dee-doo
-Moonlight too ♪

♪ Plus our house of blue ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
to the big blue house ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
to the big blue house ♪

♪ -Door is open
-Come on in! ♪

♪ -Now you're here
-So let’s... ♪

♪ Begin! ♪

[theme music plays]

[door opens]

Hey there!

I was hoping you
would come by today.

And you picked a
good day to visit.

Come on in.

See, I was just in
the kitchen and...

wait a second.


What's that smell?

It smells like hot chocolate
and marshmallows.




Ha! It's you!

Ooh! Tell me, did you just
have a big cup of hot chocolate

with marshmallows... Really?


Or maybe you just smell
this sweet all the time?

Heh heh. Come on!

You know what today is?
Today is Saturday!

I love Saturdays,

because you can do
all kinds of fun things...

For instance, ta da!

I know what you're thinking...

how could this old
piece of wood be fun?

Well, I am starting a
brand new hobby today.

Whittling. That's right!

"Whittlin' With Wood."

With this little
instruction booklet and

this really sharp little tool,
I just

chip away at the wood
to make all kinds of things.


This tool is really sharp,

so whittling is really a
hobby for grown-ups.


"You too can make
these cunning figurines.

All you need is a piece of
wood and a dream!" Wow!

I can't wait to get started.

-Hey Bear!
-Hey Ojo.

-What are you up to?

Well Bear, I'm going to
do some biking around

the Otter Pond today.

I'm getting really
good at figure eights!


Wow, that sounds like fun Ojo.

-Yeah, see ya Bear!
-Okay, see you later!


Figure eights around
the otter pond, wow!


-Hey Bear!

-Pip! Pop!

What are you two up
to on this fine Saturday?

We're practicing our

swimming routine Bear.

Also known as...

water ballet.

Oooh. [chuckles]

Oh, the word 'synchronized'

means doing something
together and at the same time.


Pip and Pop are
really good at that.

We are? [gasps]

We are!


-See you, Bear!
-See you, later.


Wow. I guess everyone is
busy today doing their thing.

You know everyone has
something they're good at.

Everybody has a talent!


-Hey Bear!
-Hey Treelo!

What you doing?

I was just explaining
to our friends

what the word talent means.

-Ooh! Talent?


A talent is something
you're really good at.

For example, you might have
a talent for skateboarding.


...Or you might have a talent

for molding and
sculpting with clay.

But, whatever your talent is,

the most important thing is
that you have fun doing it.

♪ Can you tell a funny joke? ♪

♪ Can you whistle,
can you dance? ♪

♪ Or grow flowers in a garden? ♪

♪ Step on up and take chance
can you swim or can you skate? ♪

♪ Draw a snake or bake a pie? ♪

♪ Can you play the kazoo
or the dijaridoo? ♪

♪ Won't know if you don't try ♪

♪ Maybe you can high kick ♪

♪ Maybe you can sing
Get on up, ♪

♪ Gotta show your stuff
everybody do your thing ♪

♪ And I said do your thing, ♪

♪ La la la la la
do your thing, ♪

♪ La la la la la
do your thing, ♪

♪ La la la la la
do your thing, ♪

♪ La la la la la ♪

♪ Everybody dance
Everybody sing ♪

♪ Get on up, gotta show your
stuff everybody do your thing ♪

♪ Can you juggle
with your feet ♪

♪ While you're standing
on your head? ♪

♪ Can you paint
your bedroom purple ♪

♪ And then paint
your whole house red? ♪

♪ Whatever makes you shine ♪

♪ Then that's your specialty ♪

♪ Whatever you do there's
a place for you ♪

♪To celebrate your ability ♪

♪ See I can do the cha cha ♪

♪ To any song you sing
get on up, ♪

♪ Gotta show your stuff
everybody do your thing ♪

♪ And I said do your thing ♪

♪ La la la la la do your thing ♪

♪ La la la la la do your thing ♪

♪ La la la la la do your thing ♪

♪ La la la la la
everybody dance ♪

♪ Everybody sing get on up
gotta show your stuff ♪

♪ Every body do your thing ♪


Treelo going to find
Treelo talent!

Okay, Treelo!

Well I think...

I will start to do
a little whittlin'.

Ooh, I think I will
start to whittle, a duck!

This is a good
one for a beginner.

Let's see!

Take your whittlin'
tool and... whittle!

And whittle... and ooh,

And whittlin',
and more whittlin'

and a little bit more
whittlin' and...there, tada!


It's a duck!

Well, okay...

Maybe it doesn't
really look like a duck?


-Hey Bear.
-Hm? Oh, hey Tutter.


Nice... uh...


I'm just learning to whittle

and... you just take
a little bit of wood

-and then you just...

Umm, Bear? Your uh...

"duck" lost it's the uh...

-Lost its head.


Oh well, I guess I'll
just start over again.

-Oh, well good luck with that.
-Thank you.

are you ready for soccer, Bear.

-Are you?
-Oh, that's right,

it's time for Tutter's
Saturday soccer practice

down at the school.
I'm the coach.

And wait till you
see my new move.

I've been practicing my kick.
It's really something, Bear!

Well, I can't wait to see it.
Hey, you come too.

-Come on!
-Let's go.


So, Luke, Moss,
I've been practicing my kick.

I think I'm really pretty
good now, wanna see?

-Sure, Tut.
-By all means.

Okay, alright, now, I'll kick
the ball really hard, guys.

You better
stand way over there, okay?

-Okay, Tutter.
-Here we go, here we go.



Well? How about that, huh?

Oh yeah! Who's the
mouse!? Who's the mouse!?



Yeah Tutter, that was... great.

Yeah. You know,
this soccer thing...

I guess I'm just naturally
gifted, you know?

Hey Tutter, hey Moss, hey Luke.

-Hey Rita.
-Why hello, Rita.

Mind if I borrow the ball?
Thought I'd practice my kick.

Oh, hey. Sure, go ahead, Rita.

Did you happen
to see that kick I just did?

Yeah. Nice going, Tutter.

Thank you, thank you.



Wow, that was just amazing,
Rita, right Tutter.

Yeah. That was really good.

Really, really good.

I mean...If you like that kind
of really far, and you know,

into the goal kind of thing.

Thanks, guys.

-[all gasps]


-Hey everybody.
-Hey Bear!

-Ready for soccer practice?

Then show me your stuff.

[music plays]

[effort hitting the ball]

[whooshing sound]

That was great, Rita!

you're really great at soccer!


That Rita is really good,
huh, Tutter?

-Yeah. Yeah.
-Really, really good.


So Tutter, ready to go home?

Uh... okay, Bear.

That Rita's really good, huh?

Yeah, she's great.

Yeah, really great.

Let's go.

[ music plays]

There. Hey!

My whittlin's getting better.

This looks a lot more
like a duck, I think.

Hey, Bear! Oooh... Nice, um...

-vacuum cleaner?
-Vacuum cleaner?

Oh no, Treelo.
See? This is a duck.

A duck.

Ohhhhh. Okay. [laughs]


Well, I guess maybe it could
be a little more duck-like.

Oh well. So, what's up, Treelo?

Treelo not find
Treelo talent yet, Bear!

Where Ojo? Where Pip
and Pop? Where Tutter?

They help Treelo find talent!

Oh well,
Pip and Pop are out at the Pond

practicing their
synchronized swimming.

Synchronized swimming?
What's that, Bear?

Oh! The word
synchronized means...

I'll tell you on the way.

I guess I can get back
to my whittlin' later.



-Hey Bear, Treelo!
-Hey guys!

-How's it going?
-Pretty good.

Want to see our routine?

-Oh, well sure!

We call this particular routine,

Otters at Play.

Ohh... Bear?

Would you mind? The music?

Oh, of course.

"Bridge to the sky!"

Note the beautiful arching
of our Otter bodies...


"Ducks in a row!"



That one shows that although
we are technically advanced.

We still have a
sense of humor...


-And now,

for the peaceful resistance...
We call this one...

"Glug Glug Goodbye..."
[both gasps]

Glug, glug, glug,
glug, glug, glug.

[making bubbles]


Thank you...thank
you very much...

-Wow, guys! That was great!

Can Treelo do it too?
Can I? Can I?

Well, Treelo,

you really have to
know how to swim

to do synchronized swimming.

-Treelo have to swim?

Kind of. Yeah.

It's one of the requirements,
I think.


Well, that's okay, Treelo.

You'll learn how to swim soon.
I'll teach you.

Then you can do it too.

Treelo wanted to play now.

Oh, hey!

Well, maybe you should
go see what Ojo's doing.

Good idea, Bear.

Treelo go find Ojo. [laughs]


-Bye, Treelo!
-See you, later.

Well guys, I will leave you to
your synchronized swimming

and I will get
back to my whittlin'. Come on.

See ya Bear.

Hey Pop,
let's try "Puppies at Pond."


And, there.

Hey. Check it out, my
whittlin's getting a lot better.


This looks a lot
more like a duck.

Oh, and look at this.

I found out that if you make
little notches in the wood,

it looks just like feathers.

Neat, huh? [laughs]

TUTTER: Hickory-dickory!

I can't do it!

You know, that kinda sounds like
Tutter out at the otter pond.


We better go see
what's going on.


Oh, hickory dickory! [yells]

Tutter? Tutter?

-Oh Tutter, there you are!

I can't do it!
I just can't do it!

Can't do what Tutter?

Oh nothing,

it's just that I can't kick
the ball as well as Rita can!

I just can't do it Bear!
I can't!

Oh! Well that's okay Tutter.
Rita is really good.

But, tell you what. If you want
to improve your soccer skills,

well I'll help you.
We can practice...

No Bear, it's no use!

I'll never be as good as
Rita so what's the point.

I don't want to
play soccer anymore Bear!

I'm quitting the soccer team,

Oh! Well

Tutter, I always thought you
were having fun playing soccer.

Don't blame yourself, Bear.
You're a great coach.

But some things just weren't
meant to be in this life.

Oh. Well, okay Tutter.

I mean, if you don't want
to play soccer anymore,

that's okay. It's your decision.


But Tutter,

I hope you think about this

before you really decide.

It's no use, Bear,
my mind's made up.

[music plays]

[music plays]

All right, students.

Today we'll explore our
creative side in Art class.

We'll draw something I like to
call, Still Life With Cheese.

Now, begin!

I'm really looking forward

to soccer practice later.

I've been practicing
my kicking all weekend.

That's nice, Moss,
but I'm not going.

Huh? Well, how come?

Oh, it's no big deal.
No, big deal.

I just don't want to
play soccer anymore.

It's just not my thing.

Yeah, you know....

it's just not fitting in
with my busy schedule.

Oh. Okay.

Tutter? Can I ask you something?

Oh, uh, why sure, Rita.
What is it?

Well, I just want to know
how you make your cheese

look so real.

-Your cheese.

Yeah, you're
so good at drawing, Tutter.

You're so talented.

-You think so?
-Are you kidding?

I could never get
mine to look like yours.

See? Come here.

Oh well, I'm sure it's not...

Well...I mean,
that’s not so bad, Rita.

All you need to do is

make the holes in
your Swiss a little bigger.

-Then it'll look great.

Thanks for the tip, Tutter.

I guess I'm not so
good at drawing.

But I sure do like doing
it though, you know?




Oh yeah! That's the way!

Uh-huh, uh-huh...

Who's the mouse, Bear?
Who's the mouse?


So, I guess that's
a really good kick, huh Tutter?

Oh. Yeah, oh, yeah, Bear!

So, you're not giving
up soccer, huh?

Yeah, well,
I was thinking, Bear,

maybe I don't have to
be the best at everything.

After all,
I'm a pretty good artist.

-I know, Tutter!
-Oh, hey Rita!

Oh, hey, Tutter, are you ready?

Hey, Rita! What a nice surprise!

Yeah, well, um, Tutter promised

to give me some
more drawing lessons.

Yeah, if Rita promised to
give me more kicking lessons.

Oh, that is wonderful you two!




[wheel spinning]

Treelo, are you okay?


-Treelo fine, Bear... Except...
-Except what?

Pip and Pop do
synchronized swimming,

Tutter does school,

Ojo does bike,

Treelo can't do nothing!


You can do lots of great stuff,
Treelo! Lot's of great stuff.


-Like what?
-Like what?

Like, you're only the
best vine swinger I know!

Hey, that's right.

Treelo, you have a natural
talent for swinging on vines.

some talents you have naturally

and some you just
have to work on.

Treelo have a talent.

[all cheering]

Yeah, I think we all know
Bear has some talents as well.

Oh, you mean like, my duck?

Not really.

Well, what?

Bear good at taking
care of all of us!



[all cheering]

Thanks guys!

[soft music plays]

what a wonderful day we've had.

You know, I bet Luna will want
to hear all about it.

Let's go up and tell her.
Come on!

Ah, there she is.

-Hello Luna.
-Hello Bear.

I was just casting my
glow over the earth.

And how are things
in the Big Blue House?

Well. Tutter didn't feel like he
was as good as soccer player

as someone else, so he
thought about quitting the team.

Oh, my. But he loves playing so!

I know!

But then, he realized that
he's good at other things,

and doesn't have to be the best

at something to
have fun doing it.

-And he's back on the team.
-Oh good!

Yeah. Oh,

and Treelo found out that he has

his own particular
talents as well.

Well, good for him!

You know, each of us has
something that we're good at.

And all these gifts help to
make the world a better place.


You're right, Luna.

Well, I better be getting back
up in the sky to shine my light.

And that's something you're
especially good at, Luna.

-Why thank you Bear.

But Luna, before you go,

would you like to sing the
Goodbye Song with me?

I'd love to, Bear.

♪ -Hey this was really fun
-We hope you liked it too ♪

♪ Seems like we've just begun ♪

♪ When suddenly we're through ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye,
good friends goodbye ♪

♪ 'Cause now it's time to go ♪

♪ But, hey
I say well, that's ok ♪

♪ Cause we'll see you very soon
I know ♪

♪ Very soon I know ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye,
good friends goodbye ♪

♪ And tomorrow just like today ♪

♪ The moon the bear
and the big blue house ♪

♪ Will be waiting for you
to come and play ♪

♪ Come and play ♪

♪ Come and play ♪

Bye now!


Thanks for visiting
the Big Blue House.

And whatever your specialty is,

go ahead and show it
off because you are good!

See you soon!