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04x13 - Appreciation Day

Posted: 04/16/24 08:47
by bunniefuu
[theme music plays]

♪ Hello, everybody ♪

♪ Welcome to Woodland Valley ♪

♪ -Coming through
-Oh, it's you ♪

♪ All kinds of
folks to meet here ♪

♪ Come get
something sweet here ♪

♪ -Lots to do
-Hydrants too ♪

♪ And our house of blue ♪

♪ We've got friends
with class here ♪

♪ Stop by when you pass here ♪

♪ Underwater swimming ♪

♪ That's just the beginning ♪

♪ -Whoop-dee-doo
-Moonlight too ♪

♪ Plus our house of blue ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
to the big blue house ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
to the big blue house ♪

♪ -Door is open
-Come on in! ♪

♪ -Now you're here
-So let’s... ♪

♪ Begin! ♪

[theme music plays]


Oh! Hi there. [chuckles]

I was hoping you
would come by today.

Come on in.

You know, I was...

wait a second... [sniff]

What's that smell?



Ha! It's you!

You are smelling great today.

[sniff] Aaaah!

Have I ever told you,
you have a very unique smell?

[sniff] Well you do.


Well come on, I was
just going into the kitchen.

I have a lot to do today.

That's why I have
my "to do" list.

To see how I'm doing.


Now Let's see...

make lunch for everybody, check!

Tidy up, check!

Soccer practice at mouse school.

I'm the coach! [chuckles]

Wow! This is turning
into one busy day!


I wonder what
tomorrow will be like?

Let's see.


Tomorrow is Teacher
Appreciation Day.


I wonder if Tutter and his
classmates know about this?

Well, I'll find out when I
head over to soccer practice.

Would you like to come too?
Great! Let's go!

So, then Miss Maxwell said that

my cheese sculpture was so real,
she wanted to eat it!

So, did she eat it, Tut?

No, Moss,
but I almost did. Almost!


-Hey team!
-[all gasps]

Oh, it's just Bear!

Hey, Bear!

So, what's going on?

Well Bear, we were
just talking about Miss Maxwell.


Put quite simply,
Miss Maxwell is the greatest.

You got that right, Luke!

Well, maybe you could all show

your appreciation
for Miss Maxwell.

After all, tomorrow is
Teacher Appreciation Day.

-Teacher Appreciation day, huh?

-Who knew!



What does appreciation mean?

Well, um...

tell you what...
why don't you all come outside

and I'll tell you.


Be right out!

Well everybody.

Appreciation is
when you're grateful

for someone, or something,
or something someone does!

Like Miss Maxwell,
who does so much for all of you!

♪ I'm grateful for
the sunshine ♪

♪ That makes the flowers grow ♪

♪ I'm thankful for
the winter cold ♪

♪ That turns the rain to snow ♪

♪ I love a slice
Of cheddar cheese ♪

♪ On a piece of roquefort pie ♪

♪ I'm glad I've got a soccer
ball that I can kick so high ♪

♪ If you're feeling thankful
and you don't know what to say ♪

♪ Say the word
that says it best, ♪

♪ That's appreciate ♪

♪ If there's a person,
place or thing ♪

♪ That really makes your day ♪

♪ Just say the word
that says it all ♪

♪ That's appreciate ♪

♪ I'm grateful for the branches
on my family tree ♪

♪ I really love my mom and dad
for takin' care of me ♪

♪ I'm thankful for my eyes and
ears my fingers and my toes ♪

♪ And when
The honeysuckle blooms ♪

♪ I'm glad
I've got my nose bear ♪

♪ If you're feeling thankful and
you don't know what to say ♪

♪ Just say the word
that says it best ♪

♪ That's appreciate ♪

♪ Just take a look around at all
the things you think are great ♪

♪ And say the word
that says it all ♪

♪ That's appreciate ♪

♪ You want to tell somebody that
you really think they're great ♪

♪ Just let it show,
and let 'em know what ♪

♪ You appreciate ♪

♪ Just go and tell
someone today what ♪

♪ You appreciate ♪

♪ Just say that word
that says it all ♪

♪ That's appreciate ♪


Wow, Bear!

I want to show my
appreciation for Miss. Maxwell.

I wanna!

-Me too.
-Me too!

ALL: Yeah!

But you guys...but how?

Let's put our minds to it!

Oh... hmm.


You know everybody,

I did hear that Teacher
Appreciation Day is tomorrow...

Wait a minute! Hold the phone!

I just got a great idea!

-What is it, Tutter?
-Yeah, Tutter, what?

Why don't we have a
special party for Miss Maxwell

tomorrow which just happens
to be Teacher Appreciation Day!


Then perhaps Bear,
you could help us

to plan the particulars
of such an event? Hm?

Oh, sure.

Right after soccer
practice we can all plan

Miss Maxwell's surprise party.

-You know,

we should probably
split up into teams of two,

to get things done faster!

Yaaay, BEAR!


We'll need some
food for the party!


We could make a special dessert,

with the help of our parents,
of course!

And like, Keisha and I
could make, like, decorations!

Well, we have decorations
and we have refreshments.

Maybe we should think of some
sort of gift for Miss Maxwell.

You mean like,
we buy something for her?

Like a... like a rocket ship?


Or a Safari to darkest Africa?

Oh, yeah!

Well, those are really good.

But I was thinking of something
you could make for her,

or do for her. Something to show
her how much you appreciate her.

Oh, great! So who's
going to do that?

Well, um... Tutter,
why don't you

-Hey, there!

-Lilly, right?
-Um, yes?

Lilly, why don't you work with
Tutter on Miss Maxwell's gift.

What? Me and
Lilly? You gotta be...

I mean, uh, Bear, could
I talk to you for a second?

-Um yes?
-Over here.

The thing is...Lilly
is so quiet and all...

I'm not so sure she's
cut out for this whole

making a gift thing. I mean me,

I'm a born gift guy,

but Lilly she just doesn't
seem to have the...

Why don't you
just give Lilly a chance.

Well, okay Bear.

So, um... ready to go,
ah, Lilly?


we all have our assignments!

-Now, let's get ready

for some soccer practice.


There you go!



MICE: Sorry Bear!

That's okay...I'm okay.

So, what gift do you
think Miss Maxwell would like?

Well don't worry.

Lilly and I have lots of ideas,
Bear. Lots of them!

PIP/POP: Bear, oh, Bear...

Pip, Pop? What is it?

Well, our ball got caught up in
a tree and we need someone tall.

Much like yourself.
To help get the ball down.

-Oh, sure guys.

Why don't you two get
started and I'll be right back.

Oh, okay.

So, I was thinking Lilly...

maybe we could... uh...

bring her a lot of string.

And, you know...
just kinda toss it on her.

-That would be good, right?

Oh, oh. And then... [laughs]


we could give her a big
ball of lint to go with it!

Boy oh, boy, I just love lint.

Oh, and then...


I have these professionally
taken photographs of me...

Oh. Um....

Thanks for the ball, Bear!



So Tutter,
Lilly, how's it going?

Oh, it's going great,
just great, Bear.

-Right, Lilly?


Tutter, I think Lilly
wants to say something.

Huh? She does? Huh? Who knew?

Go ahead, Lilly.

Well... um...

What if we were


make up a poem.

A poem! That's great.

Hey, Miss Maxwell loves poetry.

We could make the
poems about CHEESE!

[yells] Everybody loves cheese!

Hey, we can't miss!

-Uhm, well...
-Yeah, yeah?

Maybe we can make a poem
about Miss Maxwell and cheese.




And... [snort]

we could make it

Miss Maxwell is like the
great cheeses of the world.


Whoa, that's deep.

-Did you hear that, Bear?
-Yes, I did, Tutter.


Gee, Lilly,
how would a poem like that go?

Well, it could um...

be like... this...

When it comes to smarts
there's nobody better....

our teacher Miss Maxwell

is sharper than...


Sharper than cheddar! [chuckles]

I knew you were
going to say that, Lilly.

I knew it!


That sounds great, you two!



Bear! Treelo can't
find Rock Boy!

Oh you, can't find Rock Boy?

Oh, well I'm coming.

Go on, Bear, Lilly and I
have a good idea of what to do.

Well mostly it was Lilly.

-Right, Lilly?
-I, um... guess.

Okay Treelo,
let's look upstairs first.


Let's see.

What if we said
something about her laugh?

Treelo, are you sure
Rock Boy is even in the house?

I think so, Bear.

Oh, we'll never find Rock Boy.

Oh. Well, don't worry.
It'll be okay.

Well, let's see...
we've looked upstairs.

Let's think for a moment.


What's wrong, Bear?


-Rock Boy!
-Rock Boy!

-Rock Boy! Thank you, Bear!
-You're welcome Treelo...


-Tutter, Bear found Rock Boy!
-Oh, that's great, Treelo!


-Hey, Tutter.

Oh, hi Bear.

-Where's Lilly?
-Oh, she went home.

We finished the poem, Bear.

I think Miss Maxwell's
really gonna like it, Bear!

-Ha! Yeah!
-That's great, Tutter.


-Hey, Bear?

That was really
something about Lilly, huh?

Well, what do you mean, Tutter?

Well, when I first
found out that Lilly and I

were going to make
Miss Maxwell's gift,

I didn't think she could do it.

You know, she was so quiet, but

wow, she really came
up with some great ideas

Bear. Yeah, I like her.

[shadow laughs]

Did you hear that?

[shadow laughs]

That sounds like Shadow, Bear!

And it sounds like
it's coming from the kitchen.

-Come on!

[music plays]


You know, if we look real hard

and sing our song together,
she might appear!


Okay, Bear!

Ready? Oh...

♪ Where-o where-o where
is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where-o where-o where
is Shadow! ♪

♪ Where-o where-o where
is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where can Shadow be? ♪



Hey there, Tutter. Hello, Bear!

BOTH: Hey, Shadow!

Shadow, it's so good to see you.

So tell me,
what have you been up to?

Just buzzing around the flowers
with my friends the Bumble Bees!



That sounds like fun.

Oh, Shadow, you don't happen
to have a story for us, do you?

I certainly do Bear! Just watch!

♪ The little mouse
she ran into the lion ♪

♪ The little mouse
she really started crying ♪

Oh please,
please, please let me go.

And I will promise to, if ever,

should ever you need my help,
I will come straight to you.

♪ The lion laughed and
laughed and laughed ♪

♪ It was the saddest thing
he had heard ♪

♪ Yet the lion he let her go
for he took her at her word ♪


"Help me!" [laughs]

♪ Later that day the lion
fell under the hunters net ♪

Oh, no! A hunter's net!

♪ He roared and cried
and cried and roared ♪

Oh help! Help!

♪ And the promise
she didn't forget ♪

♪ She raced to the
place and saw that ♪

♪ He was in a lot of trouble ♪

♪ She knew what to do
she started to chew ♪

♪ Quickly on the double ♪

♪ A hole was made, the lion was
free much to his surprise... ♪

Wow! How did you do that?

I was wrong to judge you Miss
Mouse just because of your size!

[music stops]

Thanks for a great story Shadow!

Don't mention it, Bear.

If you need another one...

♪ You know where to find me... ♪


-Thanks Shadow.
-Bye Shadow.

Boy. Hey...You know, what, Bear?

That story kind of
reminded me of Lilly!

Really? Well, how Tutter?

Well, you know, I so thought
Lilly was going to be, you know,

all about "shy." But then,
she's really so much more!

Well, you know Tutter,
I think it would help

if you told Lilly how
much you appreciate her.

Well, what do you mean, Bear?

Well, when you tell someone
how much you appreciate them,

it makes the person feel really,
really good.

-Wow, really?
-Oh sure.

Hey, have you ever tried that?
Go on.

It'll surprise you.

You know what Bear,
that's a good idea.


Well, I better get some sleep.

I've got a poem
to read tomorrow!



Thank you, Bear.

-And good night.
-Good night, Tutter.

I better clean up a little.

[soft music plays]

[soft music plays]

And then, I said,
let's make a dessert

with Miss Maxwell's
favorite flavors.

So, voila!

The choco-cheese chimichanga!

Ooo, chocolate and cheese,
together in one dish!

You've all made me so happy.

Moss, Keisha with the
decorations, oh and everything.

Thank you,
thank you for everything!

That's not all Miss
Maxwell! Not all at all!


You haven't seen anything yet!

[clears throat]

Lilly and I have
a poem to read to you.

And it is entitled Miss
Maxwell: Our big Cheese!

And it goes a little
something like this: Lilly?

Oh, umm... [clears throat]


When it comes to smarts
there's nobody better

our teacher Miss Maxwell
is sharper than


She's got a chuckle
you never want to miss

And a smile as wide
as a big ol' wedge of



Miss Maxwell, Miss Maxwell

to us your such a funster

We wouldn't trade
you for a whole wheel of



So this is our way to thank you,
you see

We appreciate you more
than a big hunk of Brie!

-Word up!

Oh, dear... oh my...

I'm touched...
That was so thoughtful!

Oh! Well then,
you might as well know

who first thought
of it Miss Maxwell.

It was Lilly!

Um... I...

Go ahead, Lilly say it.

I remembered you
loved poetry, Miss Maxwell!

Why, that's very true. I do.

Thank you for remembering,

Oh... my... this is just...
Thanks again to both of you!

Wow! Did you hear that?

Miss Maxwell really
liked the poem.

Oh, yeah Lilly,
she really liked it.

And she never would
have heard it without you!

Wow, thanks Tutter.

Nobody ever made
me feel so good before.

Come on. Hey, anytime you want
me to help you read your poetry,

-I'd be glad to.

-[laughs oddly]


So, who's interested in some
choco-cheese chimichanga!


Tutter. Lilly was really happy

-after you recited the poem?
-Yeah, Bear.

She was almost as
happy as Miss Maxwell.

Oh good, it's certainly nice to
be appreciated for what you do.

And one thing is for sure,

a little appreciation
goes a long way.


Actually, I'm glad you think so,
Bear. Because...

Happy Bear Appreciation Day!


Hey, what's this all about?

We want you to know how
much we appreciate you, Bear.

-Yeah, you big old Bear!
-So sit back, relax...

And enjoy a corn fritter!


Oh, Wow...I mean... all this...


Thanks, everybody.

Yaaaaaaay, Bear!


[music plays]


It was so wonderful
how everyone showed

their appreciation of
Miss Maxwell today.

I bet Luna would
love to hear about it.

Come on, let's go tell her.

Ah, there's Luna now!

-Hello, Luna!
-Hello, Bear.

How is everything in
the Big Blue House?

Well, it was Teacher
Appreciation Day, Luna!

I thought I saw
that on my calendar.

So...did Miss Maxwell
feel appreciated?

Well, yes Luna, and

it kind of turned into an
all around appreciation day.

Really? Humph, tell me about it.

Tutter found out that sometimes,

if you look a little deeper,

you can see a lot to appreciate

in someone you might
not have noticed at all.

Mmmm, that's so true, Bear.

Yeah, and I felt
really good today too...

Because as it
turns out it was also...

Bear appreciation day!


Oh, doesn't it feel
wonderful to feel appreciated?

Oh it does.

Which reminds me of something,


I really appreciate you.

And I you, Bear.


Ya know I'd better get
up into the night sky.

I'm full tonight,

and there are a lot of
people who'd like to see me...

Well, would you sing
the Goodbye Song with me?

I'd be delighted, Bear!

♪ -Hey this was really fun
-We hope you liked it too ♪

♪ Seems like we've just begun ♪

♪ When suddenly we're through ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye,
good friends goodbye ♪

♪ 'Cause now it's time to go ♪

♪ But, hey
I say well, that's ok ♪

♪ Cause we'll see you very soon
I know ♪

♪ Very soon I know ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye,
good friends goodbye ♪

♪ And tomorrow just like today ♪

♪ The moon the bear
and the big blue house ♪

♪ Will be waiting for
you to come and play ♪

♪ Come and play ♪

♪ Come and play ♪

Bye now!


By the way, if there's
anyone you appreciate.

Well, say or do something
nice for them.

They'll appreciate it.


See you soon.

[theme music plays]