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04x01 - Welcome To Woodland Valley

Posted: 04/16/24 08:40
by bunniefuu
[theme song]

♪ Hello Everybody! ♪

♪ Welcome to Woodland Valley! ♪

♪ -Coming through!
-Oh, it's you ♪

♪ All kind of folks
to meet here! ♪

♪ Come get
something sweet here! ♪

♪ -Lots to do!
-Hyrants too! ♪

♪ And our house is blue! ♪

♪ We have lots of class here! ♪

♪ Stop by when you pass here ♪

♪ Underwater swimming ♪

♪ That's is just beginning ♪

♪ -Woo-hoo-hoo!
-Moonlight too! ♪

♪ Plus our house is blue! ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
to the Big Blue House! ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
to the Big Blue House! ♪

♪ -Door is open
-Come on in! ♪

♪ -Now you're here!
-So, let's... ♪

♪ Begin! ♪

Hi there! [giggles]

It's so good to see you again.

Come on in!

You're just in time, I was--hm?


Wait a second!

I smell... sugar!


[gasps] It's you!

[big sniff]

Ooh! You smell like sugar.

Or maybe you smell
this sweet all the time.


Well, I'm waiting
for Doc Hogg to come-

He should be here any minute.
See, I'm looking for my--

-Your hat, Bear!

-Course it's me!

I told you I was
coming by today.

Well, yes, Doc,
you see, I'm just looking for...

Your hat?

Uh... yes.


Can't be a Woodland Valley
Volunteer Firefighter

without the hat, Bear!

Heh... yes I know, Doc.

Hey! I bet you didn't know that

Doc and I are volunteer

Mm-hm. That's right we're the...

[in unison]:
Volunteers of Woodland Valley

Fire and Rescue Company One!

Of course,
Woodland Valley only has one

volunteer fire
and rescue company.

Never thought about that.

And today we're wearing
our fireman's gear

because in our official capacity

we want to gather everyone
in Woodland Valley together

for a meeting about the Library.


You see, there was
this terrible storm...

Yes... and this

DOC HOGG: big old' tree...
OJO: Bear!

-OJO: Bear!
-DOC HOGG: ... fell...

-Hey, Ojo!

Hey, everybody! What's going on?

-Hi, Doc!
-What's going on?

Eck! What's going on he asks!

Bear, look!

"Tree falls on Woodland
Valley Library."

Yeah, I gave Bear and Jeremiah

a big hand
cleaning up that place.

Come on, Bear.

Uh... right, Doc.

That was some storm.


BEAR: Yep. That's what happened.

And all the books
got soaked in the rain.

And now there's a big old tree

right in the middle
of the library.

Gotta figure out
what to do about that.

But, but Bear!
Where will we get our books now?

[sighs] We'll never go
to the library again.


Oh, the library was
my favorite place...

Now, now...
take it easy everyone...

Yes, the library was
a big part of everyone's life

here at Woodland Valley.

That's why Doc Hogg and I

are going around to everyone
in the Valley today,

to invite them to an emergency
meeting tomorrow night

to figure out what we should do.

That's right
and the whole community

is going to get together.


ALL: Community.

Yeah, it's a big word

but "community" means:

when a group of people or
creatures live in the same area,

and care about what
happens to each other.

Like Woodland Valley!


So you're going to go everywhere

in the "community"
of Woodland Valley?


Won't that take a long time?


Actually all the places
in Woodland Valley

are a lot closer
together than you think.

Here let me show
you on this handy map

provided by our own
Woodland Valley

Tourist Association.


Look at all of the cool places!

♪ -Just mention woodland valley
-Yeah? ♪

♪ -And folks will cheer
and clap ♪

♪ Yippee! ♪

♪ So, let me point
out all the sites ♪

♪ That put us on the map ♪

♪ Ahhhh ♪

♪ There's the movie theatre
The biggest one around ♪

♪ -Whoa!
-We get the latest movies here♪

♪ -Even ones with sound ♪

♪ At our busy intersection
Turn either left or right ♪

♪ They say next year they're
putting yellow ♪

♪ -On the traffic light
-Oooh ♪

♪ What glamour, excitement
What glitter and pizzazz ♪

♪ That's why I love
Woodland Valley! ♪

♪ Yes, downtown life
is bustling ♪

♪ Those schedules are tight ♪

♪ They say this city
never sleeps ♪

♪ Except, of course, at night ♪

♪ Our general store
has all you want ♪

♪ If not, we'll order more ♪

♪ It should be in sometime
next week ♪

♪ Or by next year for sure ♪

♪ -It's busy, it's dizzy!
-La-ah-ah-ah ♪

♪ Buildings three floors high! ♪

♪ That's why we love
Woodland Valley♪

♪ Our park has summer acorns
and daffodils to pick ♪

♪ In winter, it shines
with the purest snow ♪


♪ Our train at the whistle-stop♪

♪ -Is comfortable and quick ♪

♪ But why you'd want to leave...
I'll never know! ♪

♪ Oh, and don't forget
the ballfield ♪

♪ -With a home team
You can cheer ♪

♪ We even won a game once back
In... Um... ♪

♪ Oh, I forgot the year ♪

♪ Then there's
the big blue house ♪

♪ -It's a landmark ♪
-I see bear!

♪ When it comes to hospitality
Why, no place can compare ♪

♪ For we care about each other ♪

♪ We're loyal and we're true ♪

♪ That's why Woodland Valley,
we love you! ♪

Yes, we do...

That's right.
It's a wonderful place to live.

Come on in everybody.

Ahh, yes, Woodland Valley -

it's a nice place to live

and a great place
to find acorns!

Yes well, we've got
to work on our new motto...

Yeah, anyway,
don't worry about the library.

All of Woodland Valley,
the whole community

will figure out what to do.

'Cause in a community
if everyone does a little,

a lot gets done.

And great things can happen!

That's great, Bear.

-So, Doc, we have to ge--
-Get going? I know, Bear.

That's what I've been
tryin' to say all along!

-C'mon, let's get a move on!

-Well, okay.
-Oh, and uh...

y'all can keep the map.

-See you later.
-Oh, thank you, Doctor Hogg.

Gee... who would of thought.

A tree hitting the library.

Yeah, kind of scary

that stuff like that
could happen to a place

like the library though,
isn't it?

Yeah. But-but don't worry, Ojo!

Well, it seems like
everybody's going to do

something about it, right?

OJO [still worried]: I guess...

I just wish we could
all do something

to help our community, too.

Treelo wish that too.


We love helping.

But-but what can we do?
It's so... so big!


Wait a minute, hold the train!

Maybe we can do
something to help!

-What? What is it, Tutter?
-Ok, here it is.

We'll go around the valley, see,

and we'll gather up
all the books

that folks don't have room for,
or that they've already read,

and give them to the library!


We're going to the movies
with Grandma and Grandpa.

[indistinct chatter]


Don't tell anyone
about our plan okay?

We want it to be a surprise!


Okay, here's what
we're going to do.

Okay, you guys are
going to the movies, right?

Okay, you guys are
going to the movies, right?

Welcome to the Woodland
Valley Post Office.

We're stopping by to let
old Jeremiah Tortoise

know about the meeting
tomorrow night.

I hope he's around.

Jeremiah can be
very busy down here.

Well for a turtle, that is...

-DOC HOGG: Jeremiah!



Hey, Jeremiah!

Hey, Bear, hello Doc!

-How are ya?
-How you... um, uh... uh...


-That's the one!
-Yeah. Heh-heh.

Jeremiah runs the Post Office
here at Woodland Valley.


we stopped by to let you know
about a meeting tomorrow night

at the Big Blue House
to talk about the library.

Oh, yeah, yep, sure is a shame
about all of those books.

Don't know how we're
ever going to replace 'em.

Well, that's one of the
things we're going to talk about

at the meeting tomorrow night.
Can we expect you to come?

Well, I wouldn't miss it.

-Great! See you then.
-So long!

TUTTER: I wonder if Jeremiah
is in the Post Office

or the General Store?

Hmmm? Oh, well here he is now!

-Hey Jeremiah.
-Hello, Jeremiah.

Oh, hey hi there, Tutter?

Grandma Flutter.

Well, what can
I do for you today?

I was wondering
if you got in that

new shipment of bottle caps.

I thought that they
might make nice pie plates.

Oh, uh... Bottle caps... huh?

Oh yes, they just came in.

They're right behind
you on the right.

Oh, thank you, Jeremiah.

Come along, Tutter.

Okay, Grandma.

-Hey, hey, um, Jeremiah?

I was wondering,
uh I really was,

do you have any... extra books?

T-that you might want to donate?

I-it's for a good cause.

Books, eh?

Oh, wait a minute, yes
I think-- yes here they are!

I have a whole box of books.

TUTTER: Wow really?
JEREMIAH: If you'd like 'em-

TUTTER: Oh yeah!

TUTTER: That's great, Jeremiah!
JEREMIAH: ...they are yours.

Yeah, that's really perfect,
I could just-

Whoa! That's heavy…
uh… uh... whoa!

Got 'em, Jeremiah.
Thank you very much.

Just put 'em on my account.

-I will.
-Come along, Tutter.

TUTTER [struggling]: Coming,

G-g-goodbye, Jeremiah.

Bye, Tutter.

Um, Jack?


Sound the alarm!
Call out the trucks!

Roll out the hoses! Bear! Doc!

-Doc, what are you looking at?
-Where's the fire?

Jack, no no no.
There's no fire, Jack.

There's no fire.

We just came to tell you about
a meeting at the Big Blue House.

-Yeah, a meeting to talk about

the library!


Yeah! Remember?
That storm last night?

Yeah, terrible thing,

what with that tree hitting
the library and all...

Yeah, well,
I'm sorry I startled you, Jack.

Huh? O-oh, that's okay, Bear.

Oh my, I was having this dream -

there were these fire hydrants
and they were chasing me...


-Really interesting, that...
-I wonder what that could mean?

-You know, t-the symbolism.

T-the symbolism?

Did you Just see that?

I could have sworn I just
saw Treelo and Harry go by?

-... just a dream.
-You think?

You don't
know what's going on, do you?

You know when I was little-

Come, come Bear. There's
no time to monkey around.

-We've got a community to unite!

Oh, okay.
We'll see you there, Jack?

Oh, you betcha, Bear.

Hey, alright if I bring
a little kibble for folks?

-Oh, no, you see we--
-Can't have too much food!

Come on, Bear! Let's get going.

-Alrighty, see ya, Doc.


See ya later, Bear.

Well, there go
a fine couple of fellas...

good to the last drop.

So we can expect you at the
house tomorrow night, Annette?

Um... sure.

I'll bring some tea.
It calms me.

Oh, Bear! Look!

Oh! Annette, it's okay.

Um, this is Annette.

She's the owner and ticket
taker of our local movie house.

She's also a little shy.

-Hey, Bear!

Look, look what's playin!

It's my favorite movie,
Ben Hare!

Oh, I just gotta catch
a little of it, Bear.

-Wha-? B-but Doc... but Doc...
-Annette, you don't mind, do ya?

But, Doc... you got-


Just a second. Doc!

BEAR [whispering]: Doc? Doc?
Where are you? Doc?

Oh, Doc!
W-we have to go to the school.

B-but this is my favorite scene!

You look familiar!

Well, you look familiar...


Somehow I get the feeling
I've Ben Hare before.


simply scintillating.

You know, Bear...

I think I'm gonna
have to stay and

watch it all the way through
just once...

Can't help it.
I-I just love this movie!

Well, uh... okay, Doc,
I'll catch up with you later.





Okay, Annette! See you later.

-Oh, bye.
-Hey, Etta! Hey, Otto!

-Hey, Bear!
-Hey guys!

Hey, Bear!

Hello, Annette.

Can I have four otters
for the next show, please?

Uh... Okay. Four.

Come on, Otto,
let's get some buttered clams!


The movie,
the movie, going to see th--

-Psst! Annette?

You wouldn't happen
to have any...

books you can spare...

-Would you?

Well... I've got
a bunch of old movie books

that I've looked
at a million times...

Huh! Perfect!

We'll get 'em after the movie.

-Wait for us, Grandma Etta!

And Grandpa Otto!

And, here we are
at the Mouse School.


Oh, not up there.

Down there.


Alter all
it is a School for Mice.

This is where Tutter's gonna
go to school later this year.

Oh look they're at recess!

Yes, yes, that's it.

Now dribble back and forth,
back and forth.

Hey, Miss Maxwell.

Oh, hello, Bear.

Miss Maxwell's gonna be
Tutter's teacher this year.

-Miss Maxwell,

I was wondering
if you could come by

the Big Blue House
tomorrow night to--

Oh, for your big potluck dinner?

I think it's a wonderful idea.

Potluck dinner? Um...

actually it's just
a meeting to tal-

Oh, and it's such a shame
about the library!

Well, don't worry, Bear!

I'll bring something to nibble-

us mice love to nibble!

Oh, okay.
Uh... thank you... uh...

-Okay, see ya then.
-Potluck dinner?

Well done, Chunk,
that's the way to do it.

Oh, it's Ojo and Lois!

They went raspberry
picking earlier!

-Hey, you two!
-Hey, Bear!

Hello, Bear.

So, it looks like the raspberry
picking went well for you, Lois.

Oh, indeed!

But it looks like someone
ended up picking books!

My looks?
What's wrong with my looks?

Um, nothing's wrong
with your looks, Lois.

-You look fine.
-Well, thank you, Bear.

Uh... so, I'm going to the
library, would you like to come?

Oh, not me, Bear.
I've gotta get home.

See ya later. So long, Ojo.

Bye, Lois!

So, Ojo, would you like
to come with me to the library?

Okay, Bear!

Just stay close, Ojo,
it's a bit of a mess in here.

Okay, Bear. Huh!

Oh my...

oh no...


Huh? Huh?

What? Oh, okay, Bear.

Hello there, young fella!

Hello, Ojo!

Hey, Etta! Hey, Otto!


Look at the tree!

It came right
through the window!

It sure did, Ojo.

Oh, no.

I-I think I'm ready to go now.

Oh, uh...

okay, Ojo.

Um... just a second.

-Otto, Etta,

we just wanted to
tell you about the bi--

The big dinner at your house!

We think it's a wonderful idea.

Yup and I'm bringing
my famous Clam Brulee!

-Great! We'll see you both then!

Come on, Ojo.

OJO [a little sadly]: Oh, okay.
Okay, Bear.

-Come on.
-See ya later.

-Yep, see ya later.
-So long.

Um... Ojo?

Uh... do you feel like
making a pillow castle?

Um... nah...

Well, how about
a quick trip to Ojo island?

Um... no, thanks, Bear.


Ojo... is everything okay?

Um... do you want
to talk about it?

Well... [sighs]

It's okay.

You can talk to me
about anything.

-Um... did the Library worr--
-Worry me?

Um, yeah, Bear.

Did you see the way
it looked in there?

Yeah, there's a lot
that has to be done.

But that's why we're
having the Big Potluck dinner

tomorrow night,
here at the house.

To talk about it.

It'll be fine.

I know, Bear, but...


Sometimes when things happen...

like what happened
to the library,

it's weird when
buildings get hurt and...

it worries me, Bear.

Yeah. I know what you mean, Ojo.

But, maybe this will help?

♪ Let me hold you in my arms ♪

♪ Let me keep you safe
and warm ♪

♪ Let me bring you to a place ♪

♪ Where there is no harm
no harm ♪

♪ And as long
as you're with me ♪

♪ Then we've both got family ♪

♪ And we'll have everything
we need ♪

♪ And there'll be no harm
no harm ♪

♪ No harm no harm ♪

♪ And if you ever
lose your way ♪

♪ And sunny skies
have turned to gray ♪

♪ Just remember come what may ♪

♪ That when things
come tumbling down ♪

♪ The world still
keeps spinning round ♪

♪ And to matter what you do ♪

♪ Even if I'm not there too ♪

♪ There's a place
inside of you ♪

♪ Where there is no harm
no harm ♪

♪ No harm ♪

♪ No harm ♪

You know Ojo, a community
is like a big family.

So, no matter what happens,
we can handle it, together!

Oh, Bear.

So, is-is everyone going to
come to the big potluck dinner?

Oh, yes.

All of Woodland Valley community
is coming by tomorrow night...

with dishes.

That's great, Bear.

Well... because I want the
library to be all better again.

Oh, don't worry, Ojo, it will.

It will.

Thank you, Bear.

Ah! There she is!

Hello, Luna!

Hello, Bear.

My that was some
storm last night.

Yes, and actually,
the library got...

Hit by a tree.

Yes, I saw that.

I wish there was
something I could've done.

Oh! Well, that's okay, Luna.

The community is really pulling
together to get it fixed.

Everybody's so generous
and willing to help.

Well, there's nothing
better in the whole world

than when the members
of a community get together

to support one another.


We just have to figure out
what to do about all those books

that got ruined.

Yes, well, I think you
might be surprised, Bear.

Me? Why?

Just wait and see.

Oh, mysterious.

[both laugh]

Well, I am the moon.

Speaking of which,
I'd better be getting back.

Okay, Luna,

but would you sing
the goodbye song with me,

before you go?

I'd love to, Bear.

♪ -Hey, this was really fun
-We hope you liked it, too ♪

♪ Seems like we've just begun ♪

♪ When suddenly we're through ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye
good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ 'Cause now it's time to go ♪

♪ But, hey, I say
Well, that's ok ♪

♪ Cause we'll see you very soon
I know ♪

♪ Very soon, I know ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye
good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ And tomorrow just like today ♪

♪ The moon, the bear
And the big blue house ♪

♪ Will be waiting for you
to come and play ♪

♪ To come and play ♪

♪ To come and play ♪

Bye now!

Thanks for visiting the Big Blue
House. Bye now!

Hey... wait a second.

You don't happen to know what
Luna meant by "wait and see?"

Do you? [chuckles]

I'll see you soon.

-PIP: Is he gone?
-POP: I think so.

I thought he'd never leave.

Boy, we got a lot of
books though, right, guys?


Oh, every little bit helps.

This is going to be great!

-Come on guys, let's go to bed.