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04x08 - Tutter Gathers Some Moss

Posted: 04/16/24 08:39
by bunniefuu
[theme song]

♪ Hello Everybody! ♪

♪ Welcome to Woodland Valley! ♪

♪ -Coming through!
-Oh, it's you ♪

♪ All kind of folks
to meet here! ♪

♪ Come get
something sweet here! ♪

♪ -Lots to do!
-Hyrants too! ♪

♪ And our house is blue! ♪

♪ We have lots of class here! ♪

♪ Stop by when you pass here ♪

♪ Underwater swimming ♪

♪ That's is just beginning ♪

♪ -Woo-hoo-hoo!
-Moonlight too! ♪

♪ Plus our house is blue! ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
to the Big Blue House! ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
to the Big Blue House! ♪

♪ -Door is open
-Come on in! ♪

♪ -Now you're here!
-So, let's... ♪

♪ Begin! ♪

Oh, hi there.

It's so good to see you.

Glad I got here before you did!

And you are just in time.

Come on in.

I am one busy bear today.

You see--


wait a second.

What's that smell?


It's you!

Tell me, were you
out playing on the grass?

Because you have
a nice grassy smell.

[Bear sniffs]

Or do you just smell
this good all the time?


Oh, you're probably
wondering about my whistle...

and my hat.

Well, you happen to be
looking at the brand new coach

of the Woodland Valley
elementary school soccer club.

Today is our first day
of practice and well...

Oh, sorry.

I was up a late last night

making up plays for the team.

I hope everything
will be okay because....

[quietly] I'm a little nervous.

You see, this is the first time
I've coached something before,

particularly soccer.

So I hope everything
turns out alright.

I think it will.

I'm on my way to meet the
team for the very first time.

Hey, would you like to come to?

Great! Let's go.

...and just remember,

bring something to
gnaw on for tomorrow.

That'll be all for today.

Oh, oh, and all those
interested in soccer club,

please stay behind.

Whoa, soccer.
Hey, I know the coach.

That's right.
Know him personally.

Yessireebob... I know the coach!

Bear sleepin' in
his kitchen all my life!

Yes, Tutter, we know.

Now, let's see
who we've got here.

Tutter, Keisha,
Violet, Deeto, and Luke.

Oh, and Moss!

Are you interested
in soccer club to?

Uhm... Yes, Miss Maxwell,
I mean, uhm...

if the rest of the team
doesn't mind.

Nonsense, why the team
would love to have you!


Great! I promise not
to trip over my own feet.


-[whistle blows]

Hey everybody!

Oh, that'll be Bear!

You'd all best get out there.

Hey guys, wait up!

Hey guys, I'm here.
Don't start without me!

Hey, everybody!

Hey, Bear!

Wow, what a great,
looking group you are!

So, are ready to
play some soccer?


Okay, first...
let me just ask...

who here has ever
played soccer before?


uh, I have.

Uh, Moss...

Okay that's one...

and that's it!

Well, that's okay, everybody.

Learning to play soccer is
one of the best parts of soccer!


Okay. Today we're
going to start off

with a little simple kicking...

So... let's get do it!

Uh guys, what's wrong, guys?

Uh Bear...

I think maybe we need the ball.

You know,
that little round thing?

Oh, yeah, right Moss, sorry!

Here you go!


Wow, way to go, Moss.

Uhm, guys...

the ball...

the ball... guys...


that Moss is pretty good,
isn't he, Bear?

He certainly is, Tutter.

And he really got
you on that whole

"little round thing," thing.

He really got you, Bear!
Admit it!


Yeah, that was a good one,

Hey Moss! Wait up!

Oh, boy! Oh, boy!

Well this seems to be going
pretty well so far.

MICE: Sorry, Bear!

That's okay... I'm fine.

Okay... everybody I think we're
ready for a nice simple play...

See these are the midfielders,

these are the defenders
and here's the goalie.

Now we're the "O's."

Now we have two make our way
through and up to their goal,

and there you have it.

There we have what?

Yeah, that doesn't
look so simple, Bear...

Yeah, yeah,
yeah, which ones are we again?

-We're the "O's".
-And who are the "X's"?

They're the other team.

Don't worry about them.
They're not here right now.

When are they gonna get here?

They're not, I mean they will...
I mean, uh, look...

how about we just try
doing what the "O's" are doing?

Okay, I guess.

I'm still not sure
who the "X's" are...

Okay! Then let's get in to it!

Here we go!

Well no, no, no everybody...
the ball!

Remember? The ball!


This seems to be
working out okay.

Sorry, Bear!

It's okay. I'm okay.

I'm fine.

Um... I tell you what...
maybe that's enough for today.

I'll see you all here tomorrow,
though, after school, right?


Okay. See you then!

Bye, Bear!

See you, later Moss!

-Yeah. See ya, Tutter.
-See you tomorrow!

Boy that Moss is really
a cool mouse, huh Bear?

He seems so, Tutter.

So, ready to go home?

Yeah. Let's go, Bear.


So Bear was standing
there with the ball right.

And then Moss said, "You
know the little round thing."


Then he bounced
the ball on his head.

Wow, boy!
That Moss is really great!

Yeah. Moss sounds pretty cool.

Moss funny.

Yeah, and good at soccer, too.


Boy, I just know
we're gonna be best of friends.

♪ You guys gotta meet
the new kid ♪

♪ He's really great at soccer ♪

♪ He makes me laugh and laugh
no end ♪

♪ I've never seen
anyone like him ♪

♪ He's really cool ♪

♪ I hope he wants
to be my friend ♪

♪ 'Cause with a friend like Moss
I'd be number one ♪

♪ Sitting on top of the world
standing in the sun ♪

♪ I'd float away in bliss ♪

♪ Nothing could b*at this ♪

♪ No, you just can't miss
with a friend like Moss ♪

♪ -With a friend like Moss
-Moss ♪

♪ -You simply can't go wrong
-Moss ♪

♪ -Every single day is your day
-Moss ♪

♪ -Your life's a happy song
-Moss ♪

♪ -You feel special too
-Ooh ♪

♪ 'Cause his friend is you ♪

♪ Nothing you can't do ♪

♪ With a friend like Moss ♪

♪ I can't wait till
He's my best friend ♪

♪ I mean for real
and not pretend ♪

♪ We'll be so famous
near and far ♪

♪ They'll call us
Moss & Tutter ♪

♪ We'll be close
as bread and butter ♪

♪ 'Cause that's the kind of
friends we are ♪

♪ -With a friend like Moss
-Moss ♪

♪ -You are the toast of the town
-Moss ♪

♪ -You are a mouse among mice
-Moss ♪

♪ -And nothing gets you down
-Moss ♪

♪ -Everything goes your way
-Oooh ♪

♪ Every day's your lucky day
when you get to play ♪

♪ With a friend like Moss ♪

♪ -With a friend like Moss
-Ahh ♪

♪ It puts you right on top
and there's no end sight ♪

♪ A friendship that won't stop
I want the world to see ♪

♪ -Oooh
-That his best friend is me ♪

♪ I can't wait to be ♪

♪ With a friend like Moss ♪

♪ I can't wait to be ♪

♪ With a friend like Moss ♪

♪ I'd give the world to be ♪

♪ With a friend like Moss ♪

My Pal!

Moss does sound pretty great.

I'd have to agree...

Yeah, how do you do it?

I mean I've known you
all since I was a little mouse.

You're family.

How do I go about
making a friend?

Ah, making Friends.

How do I do it?

Wow, that's a good question,

Hmm, yeah.

Perhaps, Ojo can start.


Let's see...

when I first became friends
with Christine rabbit...

I um...
did lots of nice stuff for her.

-Nice stuff!

Nice stuff, huh? Like what?

Oh... I don't know...

You know, maybe find out
what kind of stuff Moss likes...

-and, um...
-You mean impress him?

-Impress? Actually, I meant...
-Impress him, eh?

That could work!

I guess it could...

I guess so.

Well, okay then.

I'll do it!

Hey everybody,
here are the snacks!

Ooh, snacks,
yum-yum-- can't wait... uhm...


why are all the snacks
lined up like this...

Yeah, and what are these
little things at each end?

They look like goals...

Oh, it's nothing really.

Just something I've been
thinking about for the team.

Hey, Tutter, Where are you
going? Don't you want a snack?

Huh? Oh, uh, no thank you, Bear.

I've got a lot
of thinking to do.

I'm making
a new friend tomorrow!


Okay, well,
we'll save you some players...

I mean... uh cheese!

I guess I have
soccer on my mind.

I can't wait for
practice tomorrow.

Okay, everybody;
now it's lunchtime.

Dig in!

My first chance to impress Moss.

[clear throat]

Ahhh, so I see you're
having a little lunch there!


Yeah, I am.

Well, then,
perhaps I could interest you in

the greatest sandwich ever made.

Oh, yes.

It's big! It's big!

Look I can hardly
pick it up Moss. Argh!

Watch out!

Whoa! Oh, boy! Oh, boy!

See! It's made with... cheddar.

and brie...

and stilton...


So... what do you think Moss?

Want some?

No thanks, I don't like
too much cheese on my sandwich.

See a slice of
cheddar and mustard.

That's it.


Oh, of course...

I've always said, too
much cheese can spoil your day!

Right! Huh, Moss?

Alright then,
when you've finished your lunch,

you can all go out for recess

and when you come
back in from recess,

it'll be time for art class.

Art class, cool!

I love art class!

Ahhh, so he's an art lover, huh?

That gives me
another great idea...


Hello... fellow artistes!



Tootsweet, baby!

Hey... Tutter.

Isn't art great?
Yes, yes, great indeedeo...

And you know, I can splatter
with the best of them...


I call it "Juice Spill."

I think it really
captures the chaos

and madness of a juice spill!

Don't you?

Well I'm not all
that into painting...

Okay, okay...

No problem, no problem...

painting isn't for everyone...

Now take this sculpture.

Have I ever shown
you my clay work...

I call this
Swiss Cheese Mountain.


It's kind of a fantasy piece.

I'm not really good with clay,
it's too messy.

I like paper and scissors...

Look I made a telescope.


A telescope?

Very nice, Moss. A very
inventive use of materials.

Thanks, Miss Maxwell.

I just love outer space.

I can look through the telescope

and pretend
I'm travelling like there.

Astronauts are cool.

Ahh, so it's astronauts,
he likes, huh...

hmm... okay...

[bell rings]

Okay, everyone!
That's all for today!

You'd better go on out to the
field and wait for your coach.

I'm sure he'll be here
any minute.


Oh hey, Moss.

[gurph] Gee, fancy [umph]...
meeting you here!

But you're just in time
to see my launch.

I'm heading off
to outer space today.

You're going into outer space?


But uh,
what about soccer practice?

Oh, sure Moss,
I'll be back in time for that.

But right now!

With the aid of my amazing

which I,
Tutter T. Tutter, invented.

I shall be the first mouse
on the moon.

Impressive, right, Moss?
It's impressive, huh?

I guess.

But, are you sure
you know what you're doing?

Oh, Moss, please...
I'm an astronaut, look you all.

Just push that little
red button right there

and I'm off to the moon.

To the moon, Moss!

Well, okay.

Okay, okay.

Here comes the countdown...

Three, two, one...


Oh, ok a minor setback.

It'll work. It'll work.

Moss, just push
the red button again okay.

-Here we go... count down...
-Ya know, Tutter.

I'd like to help you
get off the ground...

but I've got to go do other...
uh you know... stuff...

But Moss... No wait! Come back!

Moss, if you just
hit the button!

Oh Hickory dickory.

I'm just no good at
this making friends stuff.

[whistle blows]

Hey, Tutter!
Ready for soccer practice?

I guess so, Bear.

Tutter is anything wrong?
What is all this?

I thought you were
making friends with Moss?

How it going?

Not too good, Bear.

I guess you could say, I don't
have the right stufffffff...

Tutter, are you okay?

Yeah, sort of, Bear.

I was supposed
to go to the moon though.

The moon?

Tutter what's going on?

I've tried everything
to impress Moss, Bear.

I want him to be my friend.

I made a fancy sandwich.
I showed him my fancy art.

And then the Mouse-a-pult.

Nothing worked.

I mean come on!
The Mouse-a-pult!

Tutter, it sounds to me like

you just trying
a little too hard!

What do you mean?

Well in order to make
friends with someone,

you don't have to impress them.

Making friends is simple!



When you're making friends
it doesn't have to be difficult.

Like with Moss,

you could simply ask
him to do something with you.

you mean just like you ask?

Sure, I have found, Tutter...

that sometimes
the simple things work best.

Just give it a try.

Well... maybe...

Hey, the simple things work best

that gives me an idea.

Gather out everybody,
I've got a new play!

Great, a new play!

Oooo, we get to fall down again.

Actually Chunk,
this time you might get a goal.

Here's what I want you to do.

I want you to kick
the ball down the field

and into the goal.

-That's it.
-Sound's good.

Everybody ready?


Here we go!

-Goal! Goal!

That was great, everybody.

Oh, boy! Oh, boy! That was cool.

Yeah, this time we didn't
even run into each other!



say... uh...


I was wondering, I mean,
if you're not too busy, maybe...

Maybe we could
hang out together?


Huh? Hang out of what?

No Tutter. I mean, you know,
get together and do stuff!


Oh-- hang out!

Yeah! That'd be great!

Okay, cool I'm with ya! Hangout.

I was just gonna ask you!

Maybe we could do
something after practice.

Great, Moss!

Okay. See ya, Tutter!

See ya!

Did you hear that, Bear?

Moss wants to be
friends with me!

Well, I'm not surprised, Tutter.

You're already are good friend.


-You think so?

So that whole
"hang out of what? thing I said,

you don't think
that's going to matter?

Nah, come on, Tutter,
let's go home.


-Very good kicking by the way.
-Well, thank you!

There. That was quite
a practice, wasn't it?

I guess, I'm pretty good
soccer coach after all...

this has been a some day.

I bet Luna would
want to hear all about it.

Come on, let's go tell her.

Ah! There's Luna now.

Hello Luna!

Hello, Bear

and how has everything been
going in the Big Blue House?

Well Luna,
you can call me Coach Bear.

I'm the coach of
Tutter's soccer team.

Oh! You're a coach?

How wonderful, Bear.
Tell me about it.

Well, I think Tutter
and I both learned

that sometimes
it's best to keep it simple,

whether you're making friends
or making up plays.

Ah, yes, Bear,

it certainly is amazing
how a single kind word...

or a well kicked
soccer ball can...

Score big!


Oh, well...

Little Tutter's going out
into the world...

making friends...

they're all growing up so fast.

I think anybody would be lucky
to have a friend like Tutter.

Yes, or a coach like you, Bear.



Thank you Luna.

Say, Luna, would you sing
the goodbye song with me?

Sure, Bear, I'd love to.

♪ -Hey, this was really fun
-We hope you liked it, too ♪

♪ Seems like we've just begun ♪

♪ When suddenly we're through ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye
Good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ 'Cause now it's time to go ♪

♪ But, hey, I say
Well, that's ok ♪

♪ Cause we'll see you very soon
I know ♪

♪ Very soon, I know ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye
Good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ And tomorrow just like today ♪

♪ The moon, the bear
and the big blue house ♪

♪ Will be waiting for you
to come and play ♪

♪ To come and play ♪

♪ To come and play ♪

Bye now!


Thank you for visiting
the Big Blue House.

And... I hope you
keep making new friends

because anyone would be
lucky to have a friend like you.

See ya soon!