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03x23 - Read My Book

Posted: 04/16/24 08:36
by bunniefuu
[theme song]

♪ Welcome to the blue house ♪

♪ Hello from the small mouse ♪

♪ -Things to do
-Fun for you ♪

♪ Howdy from the big bear
Want some fun? ♪

♪ -Here's where!
-Just for you ♪

♪ -All is new
-In the house of blue ♪

♪ Lots of room at our house ♪

♪ Catch the moon at our house! ♪

♪ -Kitchen's here
-Bathroom's there! ♪

♪ Attic full of stuff here ♪

♪ Pillows full of fluff here ♪

♪ -Just for you.
-In the house of blue! ♪

♪ Welcome welcome welcome
To the big blue house ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
To the big blue house ♪

♪ -Door is open
-Come on in ♪

♪ -Now you're here
-So let's begin! ♪

Hi there!

He, he, he.
It is so good to see you.

I was wondering when
you were gonna get here.

Cause I'm expecting something
very special in the mail today.

Look! We've got mail!

And, oooh.

It's a package.

Let's take it inside.

I think this is -

[sniffing] Hmm?


Wait a second.
What's that smell?

It smells like...


New paper...



Hmmm? [sniffing]

[gasps] It's you!

[sniffing] Oooh.

Tell me, did you just open
up a brand new book?

Because you've got
that new paper smell!

[sniffing] Aaah!

I love that smell.

Or do you smell this
fresh all the time?


Well, speaking of new books,

I think that's
what's in the mail today!

Come on! Let's open this!


I'm having a few friends over
today for what I like to call

Bear's Book Club.

That's when friends of mine like
Harry the Duck

and Christine the Rabbit

and Tally the Otter come over

and I read to them right
here in this corner.

And I think this is the new book
I ordered from

the Woodland
Valley book of the month club!

-Wow! I can't wait to open it.
-Doop doopdey doo.

-Hey, Bear!
-Oh! Hey, Ojo!

Hey, what are you doing?

Is that mail?

Why, yes it is.

Bears love getting mail.

-I was just about to open it.

I think it's the book I ordered

for today's
edition of Bear's Book Club.

A new book? Cool!

Yes. And it's called
"1001 Ways to Cook Slop.


Um, hehehe.


First, gather all
of your dry ingredients...

Dry, I'll say, dry...

Then, mix them together
in a bowl with milk,

butter and sugar.

Mmmm! [clapping lips]

This sounds pretty tasty,

it doesn't sound like a story.

Wait a second.

Oh! This is a cookbook!


Then blend mixture until creamy.

But Bear, W-w-what are you
gonna read for the Book Corner?

Oh, sorry Ojo.

You're right.

I guess I got the wrong
book by mistake.

I'd better call Jeremiah
Tortoise down at the post office

and see what happened.

[phone ringing]

Alright, I'm comin'.

Hold your horses.


Uh, oh, that's right.



Hi, Jeremiah!
It's me, Bear here!

Why, hello, Bear.

How are things up at that Blue
uh... Big...

Big Blue House?

Everything's fine here.

Except we have
a bit of a problem.

You see, I got the mail today...

What's wrong with getting mail?

You know,
most people are, well...

Are happy to get mail.
Well, so am I!

Bear's love getting mail.

The thing is,
well, it's the book that I got.

Well, yes, of course.
Yes, I delivered it myself.

Of course, you know I'm
the only uh...

Mail carrier in woodland valley.

Yes, I-I know.

Well you see, it's not
the book that I ordered.

You gave me a book about slop.


Wha - That must
belong to Doc Hogg!

I'm sorry about
the mix up there, Bear!


I'll fix it - I'll get
over there as uh...

As fast as you can.


Great, Jeremiah.

We'll see you later.

Righty O! See you, uh...

-Later, Bear.

-Yes, bye Bear.



-It's okay, Ojo.

Jeremiah will be here
as fast as he can.

Oh. As fast as Jeremiah can

could be a really
long time, Bear.

Yeah, you're right, Ojo.

Oh, well, I guess I have
to find another book to read.

-Too bad, though.

I was really looking forward
to reading that new book.

Mmm- Hmm.

Hey! Books!

Ha, ha.

Yeah, books.

Mmm, hmmm.

Think of all the
wonderful things

you can discover in books!

Yeah, like, well,

whole new make believe worlds!

And, um, like another planet.

Oh, cool!

Or think of all the
wonderful things

you can look up in a book.

Like what kind of flowers
are growing in your garden.

Or, um, I know!

You can find out how to do

or make something, like, um,

bake a cake or-or fix a clock!

Books are some of the most
magical things in the world...

-You said it, Ojo!

♪ This morning
I rode on a whale ♪

♪ And flew in a balloon ♪

♪ Once a cow and I ♪

♪ Jumped high over the moon ♪


♪ I went through
a looking glass ♪

♪ and wow-that mirror shook ♪

♪ were you really there ♪

♪ Nah
I was just reading a book ♪


♪ I've been in deepest Africa ♪

♪ I've traveled way up north ♪

♪ You've read about
The three little pigs ♪

♪ Well, I was the fourth ♪

♪ I know Jack Sprat
Could eat no fat ♪

♪ Because I was his cook ♪

♪ Were we really there nah- ♪

♪ We were just reading a book ♪

♪ A book can fly us
into worlds ♪

♪ We've never seen before ♪

♪ Reading is like riding
On your own meteor ♪

Wee! [chuckles]

♪ Now Mary had a little lamb ♪

♪ I know cause I was there ♪

♪ And goldilocks
she broke my chair ♪

♪ Guess what I was the bear! ♪

♪ [chuckles] ♪

♪ We can search
for buried treasure ♪

♪ Join with Captain Hook ♪

♪ You don't have
to leave your chair ♪

♪ You don't have
to go somewhere ♪

♪ The adventure is right there ♪

♪ By reading a book ♪

♪ By reading a book ♪

He, he, he.


But, hey!

What do you think?

Tell us, what are some
of your favorite books?

-Yeah! What do you think?

My favorite books were Dr. Do-

were The Voyages of
Dr. Doolittle and Old Yeller.

I like Pony Pals.

Mother Goose.

Goose Bumps.

Dr. Seuss.

Bears Under the Stairs.

I like Island
of the Blue Dolphin.

Um, Peter Pan.

I like Cinderella.

Squiggle B Squids is
my favorite.

It's really silly.

Wow! Those are great books!


Yeah! Books are wonderful!


But I still have to find

a book to read before
everybody gets here.

Uh, huh.

[gasps] You know, Bear,

maybe I can help you with that!

Mmm, hmm.

well that's great Ojo, but...

Don't worry about a thing, Bear.

You'll see! Ha, ha. Bye! Ha, ha.

Well, Ojo.
Oh, well. See you later.

I wonder what she meant by that.

Oh, well, I have to find
a book to read and quick.

Maybe I'll check the kitchen.

I might have left
some books there.

Sometimes I like
to read while I snack.

Come on!

Well, let's see...
What do we have here to read?

Oh... Perhaps,
The Brother's Bearamazov?

Or, Jane Beyre?

-No too long...


Tutter, you scared me!

Well, have no fear, Bear!

'Cause Mousey the Great...


is here! [chuckles]



Mousey the Great by Alfred
Lord Tutterson, that is!

Ha, ha, ha!

Oh, I see!

Mousey the Great is
Tutter's favorite book!

Boy, you can say that again!

Mousey the Great's
got everything!

Why, just look inside there.


Excuse me.
Pardon me. Coming through.

Oh, yes!


Mousey the Great approached
the fire-breathing dragon

that guarded the castle walls.

He knew that dragon didn't
belong there

so he drew his trusty sword

and frightened the dragon away

in a brave attempt to rescue the
damsel in distress.

Oooh, well,
what happened next, Tutter?

Well, Bear if you want to find
out what happens next,

you'll just have to read
my favorite book.

Mousey the Great,
by Alfred Lord Tutterson,

available right here
from my mouse hole. [chuckles]


Well, Tutter,

Mousey the Great is a good book

but haven't we read this a lot?

Oh, Mousey the Great's
a book you can read

over and over and over
and over again, Bear.

Ooo, but you decide!

I'll leave it up to you, Bear.

Bye for now.

Anon, away!

Ha, ha!

Okay, Tutter. Bye, bye.

Well, Mousey the Great
is a great book,

but let's see if we can't
think of some more ideas.

Come on!

-Hey, Bear!

Hey, Ojo.

I'm having a picnic
with Snowbear!

Oh! A picnic with Snowbear?

This looks like fun!

I wish I could join you,
but I still have to decide

what book I'm going to read.

Oh, well, Bear,

I think that
I might be able to help you.


Sure, Bear! See, um...

if you like snowbears
and picnics,

you'll especially like...

Snowbear and the Bee Have
a Picnic,

by Ursala K. Le Bear.

It's my favorite picture
book in the world!

Picture books!

Picture books are great
because they can tell a story

even if you don't
know how to read.

Yeah! You know what?

There's no picture book
better than this one!

See Snowbear meet a bee!

Ooh, ooh.
See them make friends and play!

And see them have a picnic!

Uh, huh Read it today!

-There you go, Bear.
-Thank you, Ojo.

Well, I think Ojo
wants me to read her book, too.

Remember, that's Snowbear
and the Bee Have a Picnic,

by Ursala K. Le Bear.


Thank you, Ojo.

As I was saying I think

she wants me to read
her book, too.

Well, why not, Bear!

There's no better book!

Oh, and you can practice
reading it to Snow Bear.

See you later, Bear!

Oh, um. Bye, Ojo!


Well, Ojo is right.

This really is a good book.

[Shadow's laughter]

Did you hear that?


Hey, that sounds like Shadow.

Come on! Let's go find her!


Hey, maybe if we sing our song
together and look real hard,

she might appear.


♪ Where-o where-o
where is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where-o where-o
where is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where-o where-o
where is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where can Shadow be... ♪

Hmm? Shadow!

Ha, ha.

Hey, you big ol' Bear!

-I'm right here!
-Oh. [chuckles]

Hello, Shadow! Good to see you.

what have you been up to today?

Oh, nothing much,
just sailing on the breeze

from tree to tree...


-That sounds relaxing.

Well, Shadow, I was wondering

would you and your shadow
friends tell us a story?

Why certainly, Bear!

Let me see what I can
fancy for you today!

Just watch.

♪ Books! Books! Take a look! ♪

Look at all these books.

♪ Once you start
You get hooked ♪

And the detective stood there,

and the final clue
staring him in the face.


♪ Books can take you any place ♪

♪ Like flying around
in outer space. ♪

Uh, Houston, we need more books!

♪ Books, books about romance ♪

-I hope this works.
-Me, too.

♪ Books about Dance ♪

♪ Books about marching
Marching ants ♪

Don't you just love
a good march.

♪ Books! Books for everyone! ♪

♪ So come along
And join the fun ♪

Read a book!

Yeah. Read two or three.

Maybe more.

Wow, that was great, Shadow!

Books are wonderful.

Oh, I agree, Bear, I agree.

Did you know that a lot
of the stories I tell

-come from books?

It's true!

Well, I'm off.

But when you need another
story - read a book,

or just try and catch me!

[chuckles] Thanks, Shadow.

Bye, Bye.


But you know, I really do
have to decide

what book
to read for the book corner.

My friends will be
here any time, now.

Hey, do you think Jeremiah's
come with the book.

Let's go check.

Oh, look.

No mail.


And Jeremiah is nowhere around.


I have got to figure out
what book I'm gonna read.

My friends will be
here any minute.

Bear! Oh, Beeeeeeear!

-He, he, he!
-That sounds like Pip and Pop.

I have to decide what to read,

why don't we go see what
they're doing. Come on!

Where are those two?

But they did call me, right?

You heard them call me, right?

Oh, well.

Maybe this is a good spot
to sit and think about

what book I should read.

Did someone say they were
looking for a book to read?

-I think someone did.

-Who said that?

-Shall we, Pop?
-I think we shall!

Action! WaHaaa!


Weigh the anchor.

Comedy! Hehehehehe!

And a treasure
of a million clams!

Oh. All this and much much more,

when you read

The Adventures
of Clamiana Jones,

by, Otter Wilde!

Which we highly recommend
for today's book corner!


Oh, well, I see.

Well, uh, thank you guys.

I shall definitely
keep this in mind.


Bye, Bear!

The clams!


Wow! Reading adventure
books can be fun.

That reminds me.

When I was a cub, I read
a great one:

Buck Antlers,
Deer in Outer Space.

Hey, I think I still
have it up in my bedroom.

Nobody's heard that one yet.

Come on, let's go find it.

Now... let's see...
Where could that old book be?


Oh, Treelo, what's all this?

Treelo looking at pictures

in Encyclopedia of Feathers!

An Encyclopedia of feathers!


That sounds great! Can I see it?

Sure, Bear

Wow. This is amazing.

I love encyclopedias.

Oh! An encyclopedia
is a big book

with lots of interesting things
in it for you to learn about.

You know, when I was
a little cub,

I used to read
encyclopedias all the time.

You did?

Oh, sure.

You can learn about almost
anything in the world

from an encyclopedia!

But I've never seen

an encyclopedia of
feathers before.

-This is great!

-Bear? Urn...
- Hmm.

You can read my new Encyclopedia
of feathers today if you want.

Book Corner, huh?
Book Corner? Hmmmm?

Oh, I get it.

I can read the encyclopedia

of feathers for my book
corner today.

Yeah! [chuckles]

My Book Corner!

I almost forgot!

And everyone's gonna
be here any-

-[doorbell ringing]

It's them!

And I haven't decided
which book to read yet!

Come on!

Well everybody.

Welcome to Bear's book corner...

Yes. Yes, indeed.

Well, as you know, I'm, uh,

having a little trouble deciding
what book to read today.

-So, uh...
-Yeah, we heard, Bear.

So we brought books too!



Oh, oh, t-t-that's okay, guys.

Bear's already made
his decision, right, Bear?

Well you see, um...

Of course he's decided.

He's reading Snowbear's Picnic!

Uh, huh.

-Haha. Uh...
-Now wait a minute, Bear...

Clamiana's the best!

-What about Mousey the Great!
-What about The Pretty Duckling

[talking all]

Whoa, whoa, everybody, everybody

breath in...


And breath out.


Okay, you see,

the thing is all these books,

and they're all
really great books, everybody.

But you see,
the book I wanted to read is...

[doorbell ringing]

I'll get it!

Whoa, Well, hurry back, Bear.

sorry about the mix up everyone.

Oh, that's okay.

Here you go.
Here is Doc Hogg's cookbook.

Oh, great, Bear.

Oh and I brought your new.

Oh, look! The book!
You brought the book I ordered.


A new book!

I want to hear that one!

Let's read it!

Well, I'm glad
everybody's so um, uh...

!About getting the book?

Well, sure, Jeremiah.

For a while we thought
you weren't gonna make it.

Me? Not make it?

Why, don't you know that
neither snow

nor rain, nor snow,

nor rain nor...

Yes, Jeremiah, yes.

We know what you mean.
Don't we everybody?

-We get it.

-He gets the mail delivered!
-Well, Okay.

I guess I'd better
motor over on to Doc's.

Old Doc's been waiting all
day to cook up some slop!

I don't doubt it. Hehe.


-Bye, Jeremiah

Bye bye...

[talking all]

Oh, look!

It's called...

The Big Blue Book
of Stories and Rhymes!


Read it, read it, read it!

Wow, we've had a great day.

Let's go up and tell
Luna all about it.

Oh, there she is!

Hello, Luna!

Hello, Bear.

Am I mistaken, or is
today the day

that you have your book corner?

You're not mistaken, Luna.

See, I was expecting a storybook
in the mail,

but I got
Doc Hogg's cookbook instead.

But Jeremiah finally
brought the new book.

What was it, Bear?

The Big Blue Book
of Stories and Rhymes!

And everybody loved it!

Well, Bear, that's one
of the most wonderful

things about books.

There's so many of them,

you could read and read and read

and never run
out of really good ones!

Wow! That's so true, Luna.

Well I better be getting
back up in the sky.

The moon's work is never done,
you know.

Well, sure, Luna.


would you sing the goodbye
song with me, before you go?

I would love to, Bear...

♪ -Hey, this was really fun
-We hope you liked it, too ♪

♪ Seems like we've just begun ♪

♪ When suddenly we're through ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye
Good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ 'Cause now it's time to go ♪

♪ But, hey, I say
Well, that's ok ♪

♪ Cause we'll see you very soon
I know ♪

♪ Very soon, I know ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye
Good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ And tomorrow just like today ♪

♪ The moon, the bear
And the big blue house ♪

♪ Will be waiting for you
To come and play ♪

♪ To come and play ♪

♪ To come and play ♪

Bye now!

Well, thanks for visiting
the Big Blue House!

See you soon!



I almost forgot.

Read a book!


See ya!

what should we read next week?

[talking all]

[theme song]