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03x03 - Lost And Found

Posted: 04/16/24 08:23
by bunniefuu
[theme song]

♪ Welcome to the blue house ♪

♪ Hello from the small mouse ♪

♪ -Things to do
-Fun for you ♪

♪ Howdy from the big bear
Want some fun? ♪

♪ -Here's where!
-Just for you ♪

♪ -All is new
-In the house of blue ♪

♪ Lots of room at our house ♪

♪ Catch the moon at our house! ♪

♪ -Kitchen's here
-Bathroom's there! ♪

♪ Attic full of stuff here ♪

♪ Pillows full of fluff here ♪

♪ -Just for you.
-In the house of blue! ♪

♪ Welcome welcome welcome
To the big blue house ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
To the big blue house ♪

♪ -Door is open
-Come on in ♪

♪ -Now you're here
-So let's begin! ♪

[groans] Quack!


Oh! [chuckles]

Hi there!
It is so good to see you.

I was wondering when you
were going to get here.

Come on in!

Well, let's head
into the living room and...­


What's that smell?

It smells
like...[sniffing] pancakes!



Hmm? [sniffing]

[gasp] It's you!

[sniffing] Ooo.

Tell me, did you have
pancakes for breakfast?

'Cause you smell all
sweet and pancakey!

[chuckle] [sniffing] Aah.

Or maybe you smell
this good all the time?

Heh. Well let's go
into the living room.

PIP/POP: Bear! Bear! Come quick!

Huh? That sounds like
Pip and Pop

and it sounds like they're
right outside the front door!


Better go see what's going on.

Pip? Pop?

Down here, Bear! Down here!

[gasps] Ah! There you are!

-Hey, Pip. Hey, Pop.
-Hey, Bear!

[excited] Oh, Bear! You'll
never guess what happened!

Yeah! We were. out here
playing ball...

-And we found...

-this little duck...


Hee, hee, hee.

Oh, who have we here?

Ah. Hey there, little fella.

Hi. Quack!

See, he was just kind
of looking around...

Yeah. Like he didn't
know which way to go!

Very strange.

Um... [clearing throat]

-Hi there. I'm Bear.

Oh. Hi, Mr. Bear. Quack!

[chuckles] Uh, no.
It's-it's just Bear.


Say, aren't you
with that family of ducks

I've seen down at the pond!

Um... Yeah.

-Oh. Oh...
-My name's Harry.

-Good to meet you, Harry.

-Harry is-is everything okay?

-Are you looking for someone?

Yeah. My Mom.

She's not here.

-[groaning] Oh.


Why don't you come inside
and tell us what happened.

-Oh. Yeah.
-Yeah. That's good.

-Yeah. Yeah. Come on.

-Let's go.
-All right!

Well... I was out by
the duck pond

with my mom and my brothers
and my sisters,

-and I saw this--
-Uh, excuse me, Harry,

but, ha, actually, we-we kind
of call it the-the Otter Pond.

Yeah, ah.
Not that it matters or anything.

Oh yeah-yeah-yeah.
It's just a name.


That's funny. Ha-ha-ha.

I was out by the duck pond,

with my Mom and my brothers
and my sisters -

we were flying south
for the winter -

we do that every year,
you know...

and there was this butterfly
with cute, little wella wings.

-Oh! George!

-We know him!
-Beautiful wella wings.


And I just looked
at the butterfly for a second...

and when I turned around,

my Mom and everybody else was...

Oh... oh...

I think maybe... they got lost.

Uh-huh, uh-huh, huh...

Oh-uh. Well, Harry, don't worry.

We are going to help you find
your Mom and get her un-lost.

-Yes. Definitely.
-Yes. Yes.

In the meantime,
um, how about a snack?

Oh! Thanks, Mr. Bear!

I am hungry.

I haven't eaten anything
for a whole...

couple of minutes. Quack!

Oh. Hey, hey, hey, Pop, let's
go out

to look for Harry's
family by the Otter Pond.

And maybe they'll fly by!

Yeah. Excellent idea, Pip!

-Thank you.
-See you later, Bear!

-Bye, Harry!

Oh... Bye, guys.

-All right!
-Yes. Here's the plan.

I will take
the first five minutes

of the Harry family watch.

I will take the second
five minutes

of the Harry family watch.

But who will take
the third five minutes?

Uh... George!

-So Harry...

Do you like peanut butter
and jelly sandwiches?

[gasp] They're my favorite.

Oh! My mom makes them
for me all the time.

-Mmm. Mmm. Mmmmm.

Well, I just happen to have
a few right here.

-Here you go, Harry.

Thanks, Mr. Bear.

-Heh, heh, heh.
-Um, it's just Bear.

-Oh, yeah... Mmm...
-No problem, Harry.


Um, I-I was just thinking...

I sure hope my mom finds
me-I-I mean, uh..

l hope I find her soon.

I mean, um, I sure hope
I'm not [gulps] lost.



Oh, don't worry, Harry.



It can be a very serious word.

[sigh] Yeah.


-You know,

lots of things get lost.

Like, um,
you could lose a mitten...


Or you could lose
a favorite toy.

[train whistle]

Oh, yeah... Uh, like once,
I lost my very best marble!

But I found it later.

-It rolled under the bed.

-There you go.

See. Usually things
that get lost,

get found again in no time.


♪ You can lose
a toy you bought ♪

♪ Or lose a game you play ♪

♪ You can lose
your train of thought ♪

♪ If you don't find it ♪

♪ Never mind it ♪

♪ But if you're
travelling to and from ♪

♪ And you get lost someday ♪

♪ You've only lost
the way to go ♪

♪ And you will find your way ♪

♪ You will find your way ♪

Hmm.. don't know, Mr. Bear.

♪ However lost, ♪

♪ However far ♪

♪ You're never lost ♪

♪ From who you are ♪


♪ You know that ♪

♪ If you should
find yourself upon ♪

♪ A path that goes astray ♪

♪ Retrace the steps
that you have gone ♪

♪ It's just a setback ♪

♪ I can get back to the place ♪

♪ Where you belong ♪

♪ To where I want to stay ♪

♪ All by yourself
you can be strong ♪

♪ And you will find your way ♪

♪ I will find my way ♪

-I will find my way
-You will find your way

[sigh] Thanks, Mr. Bear.

I feel a lot better now.

[chuckles] I'm glad, Harry...
And Harry.

-It's just Bear.

Oh yeah, right.

Hey! I was wondering
what do you think?


What do you do
to keep from getting lost?

Hm? What do you think?

Yeah. What do you think? Quack!

Stay with your parents
and try not to get lost.

I don't get lost when
I hold my mom's hand.

Take a flashlight
with you when it's dark.

By following directions.

Told me if I got lost he would-,

I would first go to a policeman
and then he-

he would
show me where my dad was.

Um. Usually use directions

or look around from where I am

and see if I know where I am.

I would go into a store and tell
the person at the counter.

Wow! You have a lot of good
ideas about how not to get lost.

Yeah, you do! Um, Mr. Bear?

[chuckles] It's just Bear.

Uh, yeah, right. Could
I have those sandwiches now?

-I'm getting hungry...
-Oh, sure Harry.

-Go right ahead.
-Oh boy! Quack!


Maybe we should make
some phone calls

and see if we can't
find Harry's mom.

-Come on.
-Pssst! Bear!



I thought I heard someone
calling me but, um,

-I don't see anybody.
-Yo, Bear! Bear!

-Do you see anybody?
-Yo, Bear!

Yo, down here! Over here! Hello!


[whispering] I don't
know if you know this,

but there's a duck
over there and-

and he's eating
all our sandwiches!

Oh yeah, I know. That's Harry.


No, I wouldn't say hairy, Bear.

definitely, but not hairy.

Ooo. And hungry. Very hungry!

-Tutter, Tutter.
-Hm. Hm. Hmm?

Not, hairy.


Harry is his name.

-Would you like to meet him?

Meet him?

Well, I-I guess so, Bear,
if he's a friend of yours.


-This is Tutter.

Tutter, this is Harry.

-Hi, Tutter.
-Hello, Harry.


-Sooo, um, listen..

-If you don't mind me asking...

If you don't mind,
um, I was just wondering...


Well, i-it just occurred
to me to wonder... um,

would you be planning on
staying for, like, a while?

Well... I don't know...

you see, we were flying south--

-we do that every year...
-Oh! Well... Let me say,

let me just say, Harry,
if you like cheese...'ve got the wrong house,

-The wrong house!


So like I said... we
were flying south

-and there's this pond-
-Um. Tutter.

You don't understand,
Harry's lost.

What? Erm...

Oh, um...

I mean, Harry's mom
and brothers and sisters...

-Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
-...are lost.

-Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh.

And we are helping
him find them.


How does somebody
lose a bunch of ducks?

Oh! Well, you see.
It's really quite simple.

You see, we were flying south
and we do that every year...

-and there was a pond-­
-Hold it.

Hold it right there!

Did I hear you say
that you were flying?


-In the sky?


Harry, well,
that was your first mistake!


You wouldn't catch me
flying around in the sky!

It's too big. Too big for this
little mouse, Harry!

Not to mention,
it's way up there.

-I mean, if you're going...

Tutter, Tutter.

Flying is what ducks do along
with waddling...

-...and, uh...


and a bunch of other stuff.

-Like that...

My mistake.

So, Harry's Mom is
going be here very soon.

So, I'm going to make
a few phone calls

and I'll be right back.

Oh, okay. Bye, Bear.

-Bye, Mr. Bear.

-It's just Bear.
-Oh, right.

Bye, Mr. Bear.

Who should I call?

I know! Hm... I'll call Lois,

our Woodland Valley
Telephone Operator.

Lois knows everything
that's going on!

Maybe she knows somebody
who's seen Harry's family.

Hello, Lois.

Uh. This is Lois,
Woodland Valley Operator.

How may I help you?

Lois, this is Bear.

Listen, have you seen
a family of ducks in the area?

Trucks in the area?

No, no. I-I haven't heard
about any trucks, Bear.

However, interestingly enough,

I did see some ducks
not ten minutes ago.

Ducks? That's great!

You see, it's ducks
that I'm looking for!

They must be looking for Harry!

-No. Not hairy.

Actually, they were looking
quite feathery, Bear.

A lot like me.

Beautiful creatures...

-Now, about those trucks...

-Lois, Lois.

I'm looking for the ducks,
the ducks...

-The ducks?
-The ducks.

-The ducks!
-I'm looking for the ducks.

Oh! Well, why didn't you
say so in the first place!

I talk to a lot of folks
out there, Bear.

I'll put out the word out

that you're trying
to reach the Duck family.

[chuckles] Thank you, Lois.
That's a big help.

Oh. My pleasure, Bear.

Oh, and I'll be sure to tell you
if I see any trucks in the area.

-Uh, L-


Well, at least that's a start.

Lois is putting the word out

and Harry's family is
looking for him.

I'm sure Harry and his family

will be together
again in no time.

-Bear! Bear!

Oh. Bear, Bear, Bear!

Hm? Oh! Hey Ojo.

Oh. Hey Bear.

-What's the matter?

Oh. Oh. There's a duck
in the house named Harry.

Isn't it great!

Yeah. It is.

[giggle] Oh. Ducks are so cool.

-I just love the way they...
-Waddle and quack!


Yes, I know that about you, Ojo.

Oh. Um, um...
But what's he doing here, Bear?

Oh. Well... Harry got
separated from his family.


Oh no. I-It's okay.
We're helping him find them.


Hey, Bear?

remember when Snowbear got lost?

Gosh, I was so worried.


Mm-hmm. I remember.

But do you remember how happy
you felt

when you finally found
Snowbear, Ojo?

Oh. Yeah.

I was so glad to see her again.

Gee, I hope that Harry
doesn't feel too bad.

Hey! You know what?

I think that I'm going to
go give Harry

a tour of the Big Blue House,

then he'll feel right at home.

What do you think of that, Bear?

Hey, Ojo, that is a great idea!

Oh. Okay, cool.
Well, I'll see ya. Okay?

-Okay Ojo.


Um. Oh, uh. See you later Ojo.

Oh. Bye, Bear. ] Harry!

[chuckles] That Ojo.


Did you hear that?


That sounds like Shadow.

And it sounds like it's
coming from upstairs.




-SHADOW: Oh Bear...


I definitely heard
Shadow up here.

You know, maybe if we sing
our song together,

she might appear. Ready?

♪ Oh! Where-o where-o
where is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where-o where-o
where is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where-o where-o
where is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where can Shadow be... ♪



[laughter] You called,
fuzzy friend?


[chuckles] There you are,

Of course I'm here!

Where else would
I be but where I am!

Well, um, heh.

I can't argue with that, Shadow.

-So, Shadow...

we were wondering,

did you happen to find
a story for us today?

Why certainly, Bear!

This one never loses!

Just watch!

[magic fairy dust sound]

♪ Cock-a-doodle do
My dame has lost her shoe ♪

I kick and kick, and high
kick and high kicks, and...

Uh-oh. Oh.

I need to paint my nail.

♪ My master's lost
his fiddlestick ♪

Oh. Fiddlesticks.

♪ And knows not what to do ♪

Er... third time this week. Ooo.

♪ Cock-a-doodle do
What's my dame to do? ♪

Hm... A bare foot.

This is a bear foot. Heh-huh.

Er-Love your toenail polish.

♪ Till master finds
his fiddlestick ♪

Here fiddlestick!
Here fiddlestick! Oh!

There's a sti-.
Nope that's just a stick.

Hm. Here fiddlestick!

♪ She'll dance
without her shoe ♪

Ooo. Ow. Ooo. Wow.
Ooo. Whoa. Ooo. Ouch. Wowser.

♪ Cock-a-doodle do ♪

That's one crazy story. Heh-huh.

[magic fairy dust sound]

Wow! What a great story!

-Cock-a-doodle­ do.

That was certainly a lot
of crowing for losing a shoe.

It sure was, Bear.

I'll bet she never
loses her shoe again.

-[giggles] Well, I'm off,

but when you need another
story, just try and catch me!

[laughter] Bye, Shadow!

-Thank you.

Hey, why don't we head
back downstairs

and see how everyone's doing.

Come on!

Well, what do you think?

Pretty nice living room,
huh, Harry?

Yeah... nice plant.

-Hey, everybody!

Hi, Bear!

Hi, Mr. Bear!

Um, Harry, it's just Bear.

-Oh. Yeah right.
-So, what's going on?

Oh. Well, I was just showing
Harry the living room.

Ooo. Ooo. And Rock Boy


Wow, Treelo. Rock Boy is cool!

-Yeah. [giggles]
-You know sometimes

when my brother Larry
finds a really cool roc...


Quack!.... Quack! Quack!


What's wrong?

[crying] I miss my family...

Oh... don't-don't
cry... Harry...

Quack! Quack, quack!

Please don't cry...
I can't take it.

Oh, you poor little ducky!



It's okay, Harry...

Bear is going
to help get your mom unlost.

-Right, Bear?

I'm sure everyone in the valley
is looking for your family,

And I'm sure they'll show up.



[sigh] You know,

if ever I had to be
someplace without my mom

this is the nicest place I could

-Thanks, Harry.


Hey, everybody! Come quick!

-The ducks are here!
-The ducks are here!

They're at the Otter Pond!

[cheering] My mom! My mom!

That's great! They're here!
Come on, everybody!

-To the Pond!

[Hungarian accent] Oh!
My baby! Oh, my little Harry!

[Hungarian accent] Oh!
My baby! Oh, my little Harry!

-Oh mom!
-Oh, I was so worried!

I didn't know where you were!
Your brothers, your sisters...

Oh! We've been flying around
in circles, round and round,

looking for you.

Oh. But here you are,
safe and sound. Thank goodness!

Oh. I missed you, mom.

-Oh, I missed you too.


Well, okay.
Come now, Harry! We must fly!

Okay, mom.

-Ah... uh... Mr. Bear?

Thanks for,
uh, helping my mom get unlost.

Oh. [chuckles]

You're welcome, Harry.

Oh, Mr. Bear, you certainly
are wonderful Bear.

So big, so strong,
so kind, so---

--so wonderful, so full of fur.

How can I ever thank you?

You don't have to.
Really. It was my pleasure.

And... it's just Bear.

Oh. I must kiss you!

I must give this
big Bear a kiss!

No. You don't really-


Oh... uh. Thank you.

We love bear! [chuckles]

And thank you, everyone,

for taking such
good care of my little Harry.

Aw. You're welcome!

Hey, We love Harry!


-Good-bye, everybody.
-Bye, Bye.

Come Harry.
We must run. Come now.

-Bye, Harry!
-Bye, Bye Harry!

Ahh! There she is!

-Hello, Luna!
-Hello, Bear.

And how was your day
in the Big Blue House?

Well, Pip and Pop found a duck

named Harry who couldn't
find his family. He was lost.

Oh my.

What happened?

Well, he stayed with us
for a little bit,

until his mom showed up!

Oh. I'm certainly glad
everything turned out okay.

I'll bet he was happy
to see his mom!

He sure was!

And he was a very
brave little duck, too.

But he had a good time
while he was here.

In fact,
everyone liked him so much,

we invited him back
for a visit in the spring!

Oh, that's wonderful.

You know, Bear,

I learned a long time ago
that if you get lost,

it's important to stay where
you are

until your family or
friends find you.

Mmm. True, Luna. True.

Well, I better get back
up in the night sky.

Some night-time traveler
might need my light

to help
them find their way home.

Well, Luna, before you go,

would sing
the Goodbye Song with me?

I would love to Bear.

♪ -Hey, this was really fun
-We hope you liked it, too ♪

♪ Seems like we've just begun ♪

♪ When suddenly we're through ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye
Good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ 'Cause now it's time to go ♪

♪ But, hey, I say
Well, that's ok ♪

♪ Cause we'll see you very soon
I know ♪

♪ Very soon, I know ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye
Good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ And tomorrow just like today ♪

♪ The moon, the bear
And the big blue house ♪

♪ Will be waiting for you
To come and play ♪

♪ To come and play ♪

♪ To come and play ♪

Bye now!

Well, thanks for visiting
the Big Blue House!

I hope you had fun!




...and by the way,

like Luna said-if you ever
get lost, stay where you are,

and wait for your family
and friends to find you!

I'll see you soon!


[theme song]