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01x01 - Tabula Rasa

Posted: 04/15/24 08:21
by bunniefuu
[♪ cover of "Master Jack"
by Four Jacks and a Jill]

♪ It's a strange, strange world
we live in, Master Jack ♪

♪ You taught me all I know
and I'll never look back ♪

♪ It's a very strange world
and I thank you, Master Jack ♪

♪ You taught me all the things
*that you'd like them to be ♪

♪ But I'd like to see
if other people agree ♪

♪ It's all very interesting
the way you disguise ♪

[doorbell rings]

♪ But I'd like to see the world
through my own eyes ♪

♪ It's a strange, strange world
we live in, ♪


♪Master Jack ♪

[woman screaming]

[screams] Andrew! Andrew!

- [woman struggle]
- [song continues]

[door shuts]

[dog barking]

♪ It's a strange, strange
world that we live in ♪

♪ It's a strange, strange
world that we live in ♪

♪ It's a strange, strange
world that we live in, ♪

♪ Master Jack. ♪

So are you working on any new
stories we should know about?

Oh, you know, crime, corruption.

Can I have one of those lollipops, please?

And that is exactly why I don't
read the newspaper anymore.

Yeah, well you and the rest of the world.

They're all too busy watching cat videos.

[sweet paper crinkles]

Anyway, about this.

I'm really sorry, but I'm
probably wasting your time

because I've always been irregular

and I don't even think it's
possible for me to be, you know...

I don't have... ovaries, I've got rocks.

- You did the home test.
- Yeah, but...

I peed more on my fingers
than I peed on the stick.

I mean, those things are
definitely designed by a man an...

Anyway, what I'm going to do next time

is I'm going to pee in a whiskey glass

and then I'm going to
use the stick as a swizzle.

Not that there's going to be a next time.

There's no doubt.


A blood test.


You're going to be a mum in six months.

I'm going to need more lollies.

[car hooting]

[car hooting]

[car hooting]

[car hooting]
[tyres screetching]

You stupid bloody woman.

Where did you buy your license? Yasses!

Look at this.

What are you doing?

[car hooting]

Come on. You're the one who started this.

- What the... Come on!
- Oh I see that you're a really big man.

Why don't you come out and
show us all just how big you are.

Come on. [hitting car]

Stop touching my car, you psycho.

- Show us all.
- [car honking]

Astonish us with the size of your penis.

[other car honking]

- f*ck off.
- This is my personal...

- Hey!
- Do you want some too?

Give him hell, babes.

[phone ringing]


- Who's this?
- I'm sorry, who's this?

No, you called me.

Oh. Do you know Olivia Mackenzie?

That's my sister-in-law.

Oh, well... when last
did you speak to her?

Who is this?

What's this about?

This is the last number called

on Olivia McKenzie's phone.

Look, where's my brother?

Is your brother Andrew McKenzie?

- What's happened?
- I'm...

Sorry, Ma'am. You're going to
have to come down to the house.


- I'm scared.
- Just jump.

Edie, I got you.

[ambulance sirens]

[background chatter]

No, no, no, no, no, no.

Ma'am, It's a crime scene.
You can't go in there.

You're not a cop.

I need forensics to give me five minutes

so that I can get cameras in here.

[in his language:] Come on.
Forensics, I asked for 5 minutes.

[in his lang:] Hey, what are you doing?

[in his lang:] Close the door.

I'm so sorry, Ma'am. You can't come in.

I'm Edie Hanson. You called me.

Yes, I understand, Ma'am but,

for now, you're going
to have to wait outside.

Is my brother okay?

What's happened?

Hey, man.

You can't be touching
these without gloves.

Okay. Everybody, no touching.

I don't want anyone touching anything.


What the hell is going on here?

Detective Bell, where's the CSM?

Where's your perimeter tape?

What, are you having a party in here?

Are you serving sausage rolls?

No, Sir. I tried to stop them.

- What's your name?
- Constable Zondo, Sir.

Well, till he arrives, Zondo,
you're the crime scene manager.

- Now get everybody out of here.
- Yes, Sir.

Everybody stop what
you're doing and get out.

I need everyone outside.

[Zondo]: You heard the boss.

Everyone outside. Come on.

[in his lang:] Get out!

Oh, yasses!

Detective Forty Bell.

Who let her in?

I'm not here from the press.
Andrew Mackenzie is my brother.

I called her, Sir.

You called her?

Yes, Sir. I was checking the phone.

I have no comment for the press.

I need to know what's going on.


[sombre music playing]

That woman is not allowed near
this investigation. You understand?

She's the devil. You got that?

Yes, Sir.

What is she?

The devil.


Coming through.

[dramatic music playing]

Out of the way. Out of the way.

I don't have a pulse.

So what's the story?

This is the husband, Andrew Mackenzie.

One shot in the heart.

And you're sure the safe
was open when you got here?

Yes, Sir.

That's where we found the wife,

Olivia Mackenzie.

Where is she?

Constantia Clinic.

She's still alive.


No, sir. Just a hit on the head.

[dramatic music playing]

[heavy breathing]


Daniel. Jaime.

[dramatic music continues]

Is this the w*apon?

Yes, Sir.

And it was left here just like this?

Did anybody touch this?

So is this them?

Yes, Sir.

That's him. And that's her.

- No, but then...
- Where are the kids?

There's two of them. Daniel's 18 and the...

The girl must be...

Maybe they're at school.

No, no, their bags are here.

We need to call them.

So call them.

I don't have their numbers.

Are you sure you're
related to these people?

We can sort our shit out later.

Right now, we need to find these kids.
Where's the domestic?


[pensive music playing]

[background chatter]

Looks bad.

It's very bad, Sir.


Can I go in? We're friends.

No, no, no. No one's
allowed inside, Sir.

But you can tell me what's going on.

Hey? Morgan?

Any news?

This uh...

For any titbits.

My God.

He is such a creep.

- [dramatic music playing]
- [steady slow beeping of machine]


Olivia, can you hear me?

Olivia, can you hear me?

[Edie]: What the hell is this?

[in his lang:] What
the f*ck are you doing?

Get out! Zondo, take this man's name.

What are you doing?
You're not supposed to be eating inside.

Why are you eating in the kitchen?
This is a crime scene.

[in his lang:] How do you save
a nation with these people?

That goes for you, too.

This is a crime scene.
Leave this to us.

I'm not leaving anything to you.

Well, in that case, I'll have
Constable Zondo escort you out...

It's ringing.

[phone ringing]

Damn, it rang once.

Who's that man? Zondo?


- What are you doing here?
- Why.

Sorry. I'm the guard.

Neighbourhood security.
That's my hut outside there.

I found them.

Seven o'clock when I came on shift.

Saw through the gate at
the front door was open.

And there was no emergency
call from the house?

Is there a panic button?

There's a panic button
but it wasn't a call.

Can we do this after we found the kids?

- The children are missing?
- Yeah.

[in his lang:] My brother,
this is a crime scene.

You can't be here. Get lost.

Yeah. Sorry.

Excuse me.

I heard a phone.


I don't know. It... It just rang once.

[pensive music playing]

I need that phone.

Search the flower beds,
get your hands dirty man.

So tell me more about this forest.

That's outside the property.

- But there is a gate...
- Detective?

When my brother and I were
small we had a tree house.

We used to hide in it when
our parents were fighting.

There's no tree house here.

[dramatic music playing]

[dramatic music continues]


[phone ringing]

[door opens]

Where's Jaime?

The detective will bring her now.

As soon as we've had a chat.

You can't leave her alone.
She's scared. She's 15.

He's going to bring her.

Yes, Sir.


What happened last night?

I'm not saying anything
till I see Jaime.

She's on her way.

Are you...?

Were either of you hurt?

[chair scraping]

Now, listen.

You don't have to
talk to the police, okay?

But you can talk to me.

Who are you, anyway?

I'm Edie. I'm your Aunt Edie.

Don't you live overseas or something?

I moved back a few years ago.

Miss Hansen here is a
reporter for the Daily Mercury.

- You're here for a story?
- No.

- No, I'm not.
- Well, you're not here for us.

I am here for you.
I promise I'm not working.

I won't write a single word
about this if you don't want me to.

Not one word.

You look different to how I expected.

Oh, um...

You've both grown so much.

You've grown.

Here. Um...


For your blood sugar.

We were at rehearsals.

Jaime's in the school play.

I'm doing backstage.

But don't forget, Jaime.

Daisy Buchanan is... Is rich.

Beautiful. Very, very confident.

So... tilt your chin up when you speak.

[brooding music playing]

That's the best thing a
girl can be in this world.

A beautiful little fool.

[Bell]: And what time was this?

About 5 p.m.

Rehearsal goes till six
so she came early.

When we got home,
we went straight upstairs.

[door opening]

Oh, guys, come on.

Coming now, Mom.

Dad's usually not home at that time.

He usually doesn't get home before eight.


[Jaime]: Mom?

[Olivia]: Andrew?


Then we heard a noise.

From inside the house?

[door squeaks closed]

So we ran.



So you just ran outside.

You didn't call the police
or hit the panic button?

They were inside the house.

We ran to our hiding place.

And then?

We hid.

All night?

We were scared.

Maybe he was looking for us.

And you didn't call anybody?

Didn't call for help?

Dad said if anything ever happens,

just run and hide
and don't make a noise.

So your father was expecting
something to happen?

It's South Africa.

Yes, but... you only heard a
noise. You didn't see anyone.

Yet you hid all night.

I mean, all night?


I saw someone.

When we were hiding
in the Wendy house.

Who did you see?

I saw a man.

He's a Black guy.

Anything else about him?

So you saw a Black man?

A Black intruder.

[background chatter]

I'm not waiting for
your trauma counsellor.

I'm taking them home.

Why did Olivia Mackenzie
call you yesterday?

I didn't even know that she did.

I get lots of missed calls, okay?

Her number's not on my phone.

When last did you speak to her?

Years ago.

Years ago?

Andrew Mackenzie was your brother,

yet his kids have never even met you.

You've never been to their house?

I mean, what's wrong with this picture?

My family situation has got
nothing to do with the case.

I'll decide what's relevant to this case.

My brother and I... weren't close.

Why not?

That's none of your business.
I'm taking the kids home.

No, you're not.



Detective. Talk to me, please.

There's no signs of a burglary.

Street security didn't
see anyone come or go.

And we have two teenagers
who don't call or text

but sit for an entire night in a shed.

They found their parents on the floor.
They're the victims here.

If you weren't their family,
you wouldn't believe that story either.

You can't predict
how trauma behaves.

The girl can hardly speak.

She's terrified.

Of who?

Maybe the boy with
the cuts on his hand.

Who says he saw
a mysterious Black man?

What are you saying?

- I'm just doing my job.
- You're just doing your job.

[phone ringing]

Talking of, have you
managed to find the maid?

Are you even looking for her?

[scoffs] First the boy
sees a Black intruder

and now you're
accusing the Black maid.

I'm not a r*cist for
suggesting you do your job

and speak to someone
who lives on the property.

Maids don't normally go around
sh**ting their boss in the head

and then try to beat the
lady of the house to death.

I've seen this movie before.

Remember you were there.

Ah-ha. Okay, so
that's what this is about.

The Du Toit case.

I'm just doing my job.

Ah, Forty.

Do you know about the Du Toit case?

Do you know what your boss here did?

- That's enough.
- What about you, Zondo?

Do you know that he
used to be with the Hawks?

They used to be a big deal but then
he bollocks this massive case up

and they kicked him all the way
back down the ladder, didn't they?

It was because of you.

Day after day, month after
month, you bad-mouthed me.

Oh no, I just wrote
what everyone could see.

I thought that the Du Toit murders
was a case of housebreaking.

I was wrong.

Oh, you were wrong.

You were wrong over
and over and over.

And you were stubborn
about being wrong.

Well, then you'll be happy
to know that I won't make

that same mistake twice.

This time I'll be looking
closely at the family.

Very closely.

Detective Bell, I know
you're not a good cop.

I accept that.

The police service is understaffed,

it's underfunded and it's overwhelmed.

It can't attract the
brightest and the best.

So it's always going to
attract the incompetent,

the lazy and the stupid, the you.

But what I want to know,

what I really, really
want to know is,

are you just someone who can't
get out of bed in the morning

without instruction?

Are you someone who can't
find his ass with both hands?

Are you just bad at your job or
are you doing this on purpose?

If you want to call me names,
you can do it in the newspaper.

Believe it.

Till then...

those kids will sit till I can
ask their mother who did this.

They'll sit until I can see
that camera footage.

And if that footage shows
me what I think it will,

I'll lock them in a cell so deep

all their money and your words
won't be able to get them out.

And then I'll have something
to say to you and your paper.

Until then, Miss Hanson,

the Violent Crimes Unit of
the South African Police Service

has no further comment.

[chair scraping on floor]

[pensive music playing]

[in his lang:] You can't just go in there,
you have to ask my permission.

[in his lang:] No, man. No, man.


You are not allowed to be here.

- Please.
- Constable Zondo. Hi.

It's Edie, remember?

As next of kin, I'm allowed
access to the property.

No, that's not true.

And I'm a member of the press,
so I have double privileges.

And this is the maid's quarters.

It's not the crime scene.

Speaking of, I think you
should protect your crime scene.

[in his own lang:] No, man. No, man.

[in his lang:] Gentlemen,
Forensics have been done.

What are you guys doing here?

I don't want to keep you.

I mean, I have daughters.

I want to see Daniel.

Jaime, I want you to know
that you are safe here.

If he did anything last night.

If you are afraid of
him, I can help you.

[pensive music playing]

[Zondo]: Ma'am, you have to leave.

What's her name?

Pearl. Pearl Gappah.



[drawers opening]


Her clothes are gone.

You're a Zimbabwean in
Cape Town and you're running.

Where do you go?

I don't know.


- Maybe friends?
- Exactly. You go home.

Edgar, I need to know when
the buses leave for Zimbabwe.

I want to see Jaime.


When we see that security footage,

we'll know what happened.

You understand?

We'll know everything.

So if you know something.

If you have something to say,
now is the time.

I want to see my mother.

And I want to see Jaime.

[dramatic music playing]

Is Forty Bell still a cop?

With the Violent Crimes Unit.

They must be hard up.

You think he'll get it wrong again?

He didn't get it wrong.
He didn't get it at all.

He's already jumping to conclusions,

not looking at the evidence.

This is perfect, Edie.

The Du Toit case, part two.

Big rich property developer.
Where is it? Bishopscourt?

Beautiful blonde wife.

- She's blonde, right?
- Afraid not.

Beautiful blonde wife
fighting for her life.

Meanwhile, the worst cop
in the world is back on it.

Forty Bell.

The gift that keeps on giving.


Yeah. I can't, though.


Andrew McKenzie was my brother.

The kids are my niece and nephew.

Oh, shit.

Are you okay?

I'm fine.

You didn't tell me you had a brother.

I thought your family was in England.

You don't have the same surname.

It's a long story.

We're just... We're
not close, that's all.

Mazneen I...

I really need a few days off.

I want to be there for the kids.


Sure. Um...

I'll put Edgar on it.

He's been waiting for his shot.

Big story for him.

Yeah, that'll be fine.

[vocal hip-hop music playing]

Whose that?

The domestic worker. Oh.

I didn't invite you along.

You're not actually
working on the story, right?

Mazneen said I am.


There's only one direct bus a day.

So if the m*rder happened
between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m.,

she couldn't have gotten on that one.

She's somewhere here.

Excuse me. Do you
know when the next bu...

Hey, are... Are you okay?

Mind your own business.

Okay. Minding my own business.

And these footprints?

Yeah, they um...

They send more forensics, Sir.

So do we have the footage
from the security cameras yet?

- What?
- They can't find it.

There are cameras all over this house!

What do you mean they can't find it?

It's uploaded to the cloud.

Don't tell me that they
cannot find the cloud.

If that woman doesn't wake up,

the footage is the only
thing that we can go on.

They... They say that the
cameras were turned off, Sir.

The boy did it.


He switched the cameras
off so that he could k*ll them.

The only question now is...

Did he do it on his own
or did they do it together?

It was just a guess.

She might be somewhere else.

You should go home. I'm...

going to hang around
just like another ten minutes.


[bus stops]

So you're not on the case, right?

It's still mine?

It's all yours.


[dramatic music playing]

Wait. Stop.



It's nearly 12 hours.

Those kids are still here.

The boy did it, Ma'am.

I just need to prove it.

Detective Bell.

May I introduce you to Pearl Gappah?

The MacKenzie's domestic worker.

Who you didn't think
was worth looking for

and 30 minutes ago was
trying to leave the country.

[dramatic music playing]


- Please take her to my desk.
- Yes, Sir.

Now, my niece and nephew
have been cooperating voluntarily.

But it's time for them
to go home now.

Let's go.

Let's go.

It's okay.

So your mom is still in critical care.

But I thought you could
come back to mine

and then we could try and
see her first thing in the morning.

We'll be fine on our own, Edie.

I'm 18, I can look after Jaime.

But we're family.

We're family?

Where have you been all our lives?

Yeah, alright.

We can get to that but right now,

the house is a crime scene,
so you can't go back there.

Well, we're not going to your house.

Where else can you go?

We can always go next door.


What's next door?

Are you sure it's not a...

Yes, of course. There's lots of rooms.

You can stay as long as you like.

You're welcome to our home.


Thank you.

We're really sorry.
We don't mean to intrude.

- It's just...
- Oh, no, no.

You'll be very comfortable in our home.

Yeah, you already said that, schatzi.

Darling, darling.

Ah, Robert.

Your friends are coming to stay.

I'll come in the morning
to take you to the hospital.

Alright, you can come with me, mh?

It's a... terrible business, all this.


Right here in our lovely...
safe neighbourhood.

You can't trust anyone nowadays.

[clears throat]

[pensive music playing]

Puss, puss, puss. [smacks lips]


Puss, puss. [smacks lips]

[fridge door shuts]

Puss, puss, puss, puss,
puss, puss. [smacking lips]

Hey, puss, puss, puss.

Where have you been, huh?

Did you make that mess in my flat?

I've told you before, you've
got to tidy up after yourself.

And then you can bugger off home.

[lift door closes]

Oh, hi, Mario.


Are you good?

Yeah. You?

Yeah, I'm uh...

I was just... You haven't
seen anyone about, have you?


Like, I just feel like someone
might have been in my place.

It's a bit of a mess.

More than usual?

Yeah, okay. Good point.

You want me to come have a look?

No, no, it's fine.

- It's...
- No, I don't mind.

It's really not necessary.


What are you doing?

Uh... I was just, um...

Edie's had a break-in.

Oh, no, no, I don't think that's it.
I, um...

Uh... My head's been a bit
of a mess recently. I just...

- [cat meows]
- You haven't been feeding him, have you?

We put up a sign.
No one must feed the strays.

Of course not.

Look, thanks for your help, okay?

No problem.

[woman scoffs]

I haven't seen you two
playing together lately.

When they were small,

they were always bare
assed playing in the pool.

I was worried they
might start being that way.

I'm still worried about that.


- Nancy?
- Madam.

More mashed potato, please.

Um, if it's okay. I think we're
going to go get some rest.

There's a...

a baboon on the loose.

Haven't seen one around here before.

Have you seen it?


Old man probably. [chuckles]

Can't fight anymore and
the pack drives you out.

All on your own.

Even your sons turn on you.


I'm sorry.



[sobbing] I just couldn't...

[sobbing] sit there.

[sombre music playing]


Just jump. Edie, I got you.

Come. Just jump.

Just jump. I...

I'll catch you.


Don't be afraid.

I'm not your enemy.

All I want to know is what happened.

And then we can all go to
bed and tomorrow is a new day.

We'll be safe here, James.

I promise.

[knock on the door]

Um... [clears throat]

Is... Is your mom going to be okay?

Robert, can you just
leave us alone, please?

When I close my eyes, I see all that...

That blood.

[Olivia]: Andrew!

- Who could have done that?
- [Olivia screams]

They'll find who.

They'll find him.

Don't leave me.

[whispers] I won't.


[birds chirping]

[eerie music playing]

[baboon calling]

[baboon calling]

[baboon calling]

[phone ringing]

Hello, Edie Hansen.


Morgan, what's happening?

Oh, it's very bad, Miss Cuddy.

You can't just arrest
Jaime. She's a minor.

You can't just put her in
the back of the police van.

Why are you arresting us?


- Daniel?
- James. I'll fix this.

[screaming] Stop, stop,
stop! What's going on?

What the hell is going on?

I'm coming to the station.

Jaime, I'm coming to the station.

What's going on?

They will not be receiving any visitors.

- They are under arrest.
- Jaime's a minor.

The Department of Social Development

will appoint an officer to assist her.

There's no way
they k*lled their parents.

Where's the motive? Where's the g*n?

Well, I bet you if we search
those woods, we'll find the g*n.

Are you doing this just to spite me?

Actually, Miss Hanson,
I'm very grateful for your help.

Pearl and I had a very long conversation.

Do you know how she bought a
ticket to get back to Zimbabwe?

Your niece and nephew
gave her the money.

On the condition
that they never return.

Do you know why they did it?

Because she saw your nephew
m*rder his parents.

[pensive music playing]


Where's the g*n?

There's no g*n!




[dramatic music playing]

[dramatic music continues]

[twigs breaking]

[♪ Charl-Johan Lingenfelder &
Edward George King & BEX: Darkest Heart]