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03x13 - Stuck in the Past

Posted: 04/14/24 19:04
by bunniefuu
[thunder] [suspenseful music]

- How sad that that was
the best you could do,

because your best... is what
I like to call mediocre.

- Yeah? Well, go call
someone who cares.

[suspenseful music]

- Really, dude? I'm sure
Varus is quaking in his boots.

- Don't lose your cool, bud.

- [Narrator] Varis isn't the
type to feign confidence,

so he's absolutely sure that
he's going to win this duel.

- Another reason I
brought you here,

to where the Lost
Incident occurred,

was to remind you
that this is where

the fire Ignis was created.

By watching you duel, it's clear

that the fire Ignis
was the brains

and without that
help, you can't win.

So enjoy your final
moments while they last!

It's my turn!

[dramatic music]

[theme music]

- First off, I activate my
spell card: Final Offguard.

If I have less life
points than you

and you are the only one
who has a monster summoned

from their extra deck,
I get to draw two cards.

Next I activate my field
spell: Boot Sector Launch!

It revives my
Anesthrokket Dragon.

Then I play the equip
spell: Borrel Regenerator.

I resummon Silverrokket
Dragon from my graveyard

and equip this card onto it.

Next, I activate the
spell card: Script Draw

by destroying my
Silverrokket dragon.

I can now draw two cards.
That in turn triggers

Borrel Regenerator's effect,
letting me draw one more card.

- Slow down Varis, you're
drawing more than an artist.

- When I have a Rokket in play

I can summon Absorouter Dragon.

[dragon roars]

I use Absorouter Dragon
and Anesthrokket Dragon

to Link Summon!

Link to Quadborrel Dragon.

When I use Absorouter
Dragon to Link Summon,

I get to draw a Rokket
Monster from my deck.

Then, I'll follow that
up with the spell:

Borrel Half Replace!

It summons a Borreload

from my extra deck that has
the same number of links

as the Borreload Dragon
that's in my graveyard.

Rise up, Link 4
Borrelswords Dragon!

On the downside,
Borrelsword Dragon loses

its special abilities in
half of its attack points.

But on the upside, Borrel Half
Replace has another effect.

By banishing it along
with two Rokket Monsters

from my graveyard, I
can link summon a link

to Dark Monster next
to Borrelswords link.

Come on out, Link

[machine whirring]

Then, due to QuadBorrel's
ability, I can discard a card

from my hand to destroy
a monster that's in play.

- But Varis, when my Violet
Chimera is equipt with

Salamangreat Kernel your special
ability can't destroy it.

- But it can destroy
my Borrelsword Dragon!



In exchange, I can summon a
Rokket Monster from my hand

or graveyard for every link
that my Borrelsword Dragon had.

So come on back Magnarokket
Dragon and Rokket Recharger!

And with that I have
set up my combo.

Booster dragon activates
its special ability to

give my Magnarokket dragon

If an ability should
target Magnarokket dragon,

it has to automatically
destroy itself.

But there is a catch,

it takes another
monster down with it!

Your Chimera's a goner.

- Your Chimera's are goner.

- That's not good. That's
key to Burnsy's survival,

and without it he's
just like a calendar

because his days are numbered.

[high-pitched shot fired]

- Ha! You should get
your eyes checked out

'cuz you failed to spot one
important detail about my cards.

You see, due to Salmangreat
Kernel's effect, your monster's

abilities don't work
against Violet Chimera

unless your monster's a Link
Monster. Which it's not!

- If an ability doesn't work,

then how about a spell instead?

Link Burst allows me to
draw card by destroying one

of my Link Monsters and
one of your monsters.

So I destroy my Booster Dragon
and your Violet Chimera.

- Salmangreat Kernel
has another effect.

So check this out!

By returning a Salmangreat
from my graveyard

to my extra deck, my Violet
Chimera can't be destroyed.

- Looks like you're
not gonna let it go.

- You better believe it
Varis, and there's no way

you're getting rid of it.

'Cuz my Chimera can't be
destroyed in battled or

by any abilities for
the rest of this turn.

- Awesome! That means Violet
Chimera will survive this turn

no matter what
Varis throws at him.

- You destroyed
your Booster Dragon

and that got you
absolutely nowhere, fast!

- You would be correct
if my intention was to

destroy your Chimera,
which it wasn't.

- Say what?

- You see, I wanted my
Booster Dragon to be destroyed

because when it is,
its ability resummons

Borreload Dragon
from my graveyard.

- Oh my, that's not
good, Soulburner.

- Next, I send Rokket
Recharger to the graveyard.


By doing so, I can resurrect
a dark attribute monster

from my graveyard.

So, return to my field
Quadborrel Dragon.

Next, I summon my Tuner
Monster, Rokket Synchron.

It's special ability
resummons Absorouter Dragon

from my graveyard
in defense mode.


My Level 1, Rokket Synchron

tunes with my Level




The fuel of the cosmos
mixes with the boundaries

of speed to
transcend the beyond!

I Synchro summon...

Borreload Savage Dragon!

When Borreload Savage
Dragon is successfully

synchro summoned, it
equips one Link Monster

from my graveyard. And
for every Link Arrow

that Link monster has, this
dragon gains a counter.

So I'll equip it with
Borrelsword Dragon!

Since Borrelsword
Dragon has four links,

my Savage Dragon gains
four Borrel counters.

Savage Dragon also gains
half the attack points

of the monster it equips
raising its strength to 4,500.

Then, I'll team it up with
a monster just as powerful!

I set my two Quadborrel
dragons and the Link Arrows.

The evolution of the
universe transforms

nothing into the infinite!

I link summon Link 4,
Topologic Zeroboros!


- A new topologic monster?

- Whoa! Varis is
quite the magician,

because he's still coming
up with new tricks.

- My Zeroboros gains

for every card
that's been banished.

- Varis has banished
a total of four cards;

therefore, Zeroboros
gains 800 attack points.

- Now I can deal
enough damage to wipe

out the rest of
your life points.

- Gameover.

- Time to battle Borreload
Dragon, attack Violet Chimera!


- Soulburner, things will
only get worse for you,

because Borreload's
ability lowers your

monster's attack points by 500.

- I'll counter that by
activating my trap card,

Salamangreat Geyser! It
lowers your monster's

attack points when
I return my mark.

- No you won't!

Borreload Savage Dragon uses
one of its Borrel counters

to negate your trap.

So you're taking the full
brunt of this attack.

Now go, Borreload
Thunder Borrel Cannon!

[shot is fired]

- Hold up! Due to
Salamangreat Kernel's effect,

my Violet Chimera
can't be destroyed!

- But you still take damage.


Borreload Savage Dragon,

It's your turn to
blast his Chimera.

Thunderclap Borrel Cannon!

- Violet chimera
uses its ability

to double its attack points.





How's that?

- You may have survived,

but I still have one
last attack left.

Malicious destruction!

[lasers blazing]

- Violet Chimera uses
its ability again!


[heavy breathing]

- Veris is all out of att*cks.

Way to hang in there!

[heavy breathing]

- With that, I end my turn

- Not too shabby, Soulburner!

- You used all those cards

and made all those moves
and I'm still here standing.

- I ended my turn.

But that certainly doesn't
mean that I'm done.

- Yeah, that's exactly what
ending your turn means, Veris!

- Time to learn something new.

When Magnarokket's in
my graveyard at the end

of my turn, I can
summon Autorokket,

and this summon triggers
Zeroboros' ability.

- Say what?

- When a monster is summoned
next to Zeroboros' link,

all cards on the
field are banished.

[summoning begins]

[power buzzing]

- That's not fair!

- Every card will be gone?

- Field eradication!

- Varis wiped the slate clean!

That means Soulburner has
to start from scratch.

- Since it's your turn,
you can now attack me.

But I found that
it's hard to attack

if you have nothing
to attack with.

- [spoken interally] Man,
I hate it when he's right.

Not that I'm ever
gonna admit it.

I knew winning this
dual wouldn't be easy,

but now he's made it
nearly impossible!

But there's still
gotta be a way to win.

There's just gotta be!

- I can see that behind
those eyes is a brain

and that brain doesn't
know a way to win.

So you may have all the fire

and passion in the world,
but it doesn't matter.


Not if you don't
have the right cards.

- How do you do it, Varis?

How do you wake up every day
knowing you're the bad guy?

'Cuz your Lost Incident
caused a whole lot

of harm to a whole
lot of people.

[internally] Do you
just block it out

of your mind and
forget what you did?

- [Soulburner continues aloud]
'Cuz I can't forget a single

moment of the lost incident,

no matter how hard I tried.

Especially that first morning,

'cuz that was the last
time I saw my parents.

I still remember
what I said to them.

- Oh yeah, what was it?

- That I wanted lasagna
for dinner. If I-

If I knew those would
be my last words, yeah,

I would've said more.

I would've said that
I wanted lasagna

and that I'd love them forever!

But I never got the
chance because you
took it away from me.

I think about them every day,

and my heart breaks every time.

So I try to forget about it

to block out the
pain, but I can't.

So my heart keeps
breaking and breaking.

My mind's stuck in the past
and it can't get unstuck.

So I ask again, what do
you do to forget the past

so that you can move on

and find a way to
live with yourself?

Please, Varis, I have to know!

- [Varis] Wanna
know my technique?

It's quite easy. You see, I
don't try to forget my past.

If something or someone or
some memory is important to me

why would I try to forget it?

I don't care if they're
good memories or bad ones.

As long as they're important,
I'll never forget them.

- My who knew Varis
was such a philosopher.

- Because those
memories have made me

into the person I am today.

So trying to forget them
means you're trying to

forget yourself, and
when you forget yourself

you have no clue what to
do or what to live for.

I use my past to move
forward to do what is right.

- You mean what's wrong!

- My right may be your wrong,

but that doesn't
make my right wrong.

- Stop with the word games!

- Fine! I'll put it simply...

I know what I'm fighting for.

Do you?

- [internally] What
am I fighting for?

Getting revenge against Varis
is not gonna make my life

any better 'cuz my past
is still gonna haunt me.

So what am I
fighting for, really?

- [Flame] Deep concentrated
thinking was never

your strong suit, Soulburner.

Perhaps a different
tactic would help.

I find it offensive that you
want to forget your past,

because that means you
are trying to forget me.

And I am not one that
deserves to be forgotten.

So don't let your
past haunt you.

Let your past support you.

Cause I am your past, and
I will support you forever

and nothing will make me

or your parents happier
than if you're happy.

Besides how can I ever be gone

if I live on forever
in your heart?

- You're the best, Flame.

[internally] My mistake was
trying to forget my past

instead of embracing it. I now
know what I'm fighting for.

I'm fighting for me, and
everything that makes me, me!

[aloud] It's my turn.

I draw!

It's my turn.

I draw!

- Hold on a second,
before you make a move.

Zeroboros activates
its special ability

and resummons itself.

- What?

- That's not all! Zeroboros
also gains 200 attack points

for every card
that's been banished

through the course of this dual,

and that number equals
a total of 11 cards.

So Zeroboros gains


- [Narrator] Not only does
it have 5,200 attack points,

but its location on the
field is also problematic.

If Soulburner wants
to Link Summon,

he must summon the monster in
the extra monster zone next

to Zeroboro's links. But
that will trigger its ability

causing his monster
to be banished.

- [laughing] Well, this
was fun while it lasted.

- Your defeat is
all but assured.

- Actually, Varis, by
summoning Zeroboros,

you've improved
by chances to win.

- What?

- From my hand, I activate
the spell card: Burning Draw!

- That card's going to save you?

- When I have no
cards on my field,

I can draw a card from my deck

for every link that
your monster has.

So I get four cards!

- Ah!


- Four cards, eh?

- Yep, you heard correctly.

And the first one's the spell
card: Link Fire's Return!

I get to resummon a
Salamangreat, and you take

every single link that it has.

Salamangreat Heatleo
is back to fight!

- Varis is down to

- Then, I activate
the special ability

of the second card that I drew.

I can summon this card from
my hand as long as it's level

is equal or lower than the
total number of links in play.

I'm counting seven links

but my monster has
one less than that.

So come on out,

my Level 6,
Salamangreat Salamandra!

[fire blazing]

And with these two,
I'll blaze my circuit.

The summoning conditions require
two fire effect monsters.

[blazes collide]

I link summon...

Link 4, Salamangreat
Pyro Phoenix!

- Big mistake, Soulburner.

Since you Link Summoned, your
monsters will now be banished.

And to further the pain,

I activate Karmacept
Dragon's ability.

It equips onto the monster
that you just Link Summoned.


- You want my monster to
give yours a piggyback ride?

- No, what I want is
to ensure your defeat!

If the monster equipped
Karmacept is banished,

you take damage equal to
your monsters attack points.

- No way!

- When I activate
Zeroboros' ability,

you lose no matter what

and there's nothing
you can do about it!

- We'll see about that!

I activate the spell:
Salamangreat Transcendence.

I can use my Salamangreat
to Link Summon

another copy of that monster.

Pyro Phoenix, let the
flames engulf your body,

because from its ashes
you will be reborn!

Okay now. Here goes!

Super Reincarnation Link Summon.

Soar, Link 4,
Salamangreat Pyro Phoenix.

- I see by reincarnating
your phoenix, you got rid

of Karmacept dragon so
you won't take any damage.

However, it doesn't
change the fact

that Zeroboros' ability will
still banish your monsters.

So you'll have
nothing to fight with.

Furthermore, Karmacept
dragon has another ability.

- Huh?

- When Karmacept is
sent to the graveyard,

I can summon a link monster
that's been banished

as long as it has
equal or fewer links

than a link monster
that's in your graveyard.

I recall your Salamangreat
Pyro Phoenix has four links

as does my Borreload Dragon!

[crashing an clamoring]

- Every move Soulburner
makes, Varis counters.

- [sigh] This isn't good at
all, but I won't stop fighting.

[yells] Check this!

I activate Salamangreat
Salamandra's special ability.

By banishing it
from my graveyard,

I can resurrect a link
monster that has fewer links

than my Pyro Phoenix.

So I'm gonna bring
back my Heatleo.

Salamandra also negates

both our monsters' abilities.

Next up, I activate
Salamangreat Sanctuary!

Reincarnation Link Summon!

[fire blazing]

Rise again from the
Valley of Flames,

Salamangreat Heatleo!

- When Heatleo is reincarnated,
its ability activates.

It lowers your Borreload
Dragon's attack points to

become the same
as my beta links'

just 500.

[sh**ting flames]


Finally, at long last...

I'm getting



- Well done. Now maybe
you'll be able to move

on from your past.


- Why did Varis want you
to help with his plan?

- I have no idea.
What do you think?

- Well, I can only conclude
he wanted to see you

to atone for the Lost Incident.

[fire blazing]


[glass cracking]

[loud crash]

[outro theme music]