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03x09 - All Hail Roboppi!

Posted: 04/14/24 19:00
by bunniefuu
[metal clashing]

- [Narrator] Previously
on Yu-Ghi-Oh! VRAINS.

- Ever since we were kids,
Akira had to look after me,

'cause I was the little sister.

So never in a million
years could I have imagined

that we'd be fighting
side by side.

And now, I'm the one
who's gonna protect him

just like he protected me.

Time to Battle! Marincess
Great Bubble Reef,

attack his Water Leviathan
added Mister, and end this duel!

[water blasting]

- Oh yeah?

Water Leviathan's
special ability

cuts your monster's
attack points in half.


You should have
never att*cked, Blue.

Fire back, Water Leviathan!

[water splashing]

[Skye screaming]

- Akira!

- Skye. Take my hand.

[Akira and Skye gasping]

[whirring sound]

- No. Akira.

- Now Zaizen's code key is mine.

[ominous music]

- Wait up, Ai! This isn't cool.

You're not a bad guy!

- You're wrong.

It is.

- Oh.

- The Dark Ignis has
shown its true colors,

and I'll be the one
to fade it to black.


- Good luck with that.
Later, Playmaker.

- Ai.

- Akira.

[upbeat techno music]

[shimmering sound]

[tires grinding]

[ominous music]

[brakes screeching]

[glass door opening]

- Huh?

[footsteps approaching]

- Oh.

- Hey, guys.

[sad music]

- If I didn't know better,
I'd think he was sleeping.

- We'll find a way
to wake him up, Skye.

After all, we've done it before.

- I know.

Thanks for trying to
cheer me up, Yusaku.

- And you should try your
best to not give up hope.

- Since Ai did
this, he can fix it.

Let's go.

- You're gonna search for Ai?

- Yeah.

- Wait, does that mean
you know where he is?

- I don't.

- But it's not like we
don't have any leads

on where he might be.

'Cause now that he has
SOL Tech's code keys,

the company is
under his control.

- So starting there feels right.

Hopefully we're not wrong.

[menacing music]

[energy whirring]

- With these two code keys,
all of SOL Tech is now mine!

[shimmering noise]

[intense music]

- Oh.

- ID verification complete.

Employee number SOL, eight,
zero, eight, zero, three.

Director Hayami.

Security access level three.

Permission granted
to enter facility.

- Gee, since when did
security get so tight?

[soft footsteps echo]

- Uh, hello? Hello?

This is weird.

Where is everyone?

- Director, why
are you still here?

- Huh?

- Haven't you read
the email yet?

- What email?

- We're all kind of stunned.

But SOL Tech is giving us all

three years of
paid vacation time,

plus an all expenses-paid
trip around the world.

Not just once, but twice.

The SOLtiS will do all
our work till we get back.

- Doesn't this sound suspicious?

- Well, I say when
the sun is shining,

don't go looking for the clouds.

Enjoy your vacay!
See you on the beach.

[Director Hayami gasps]

- This isn't good at all.

Not the teeny, tiniest bit.

[fireworks exploding]

- Check out the fireworks!

- Fireworks are the best.

- Yeah!

- So sweet!

[upbeat techno music]

- Woohoo! Link VRAINS
is back in business!

- Now that Ai has
reopened Link VRAINS,

crowds are flooding in.

- I gotta admit, I'm not the
least bit surprised about that.

Duelists have been
chomping at the bit

to get back in,
since it shut down.

- But why would Ai
reopen Link VRAINS?

- Huh? Varis sent us a message.

He says he wants to
see you and Soulburner.

- I wonder if he wants
to talk about Ai.

- Good question.

Let's find out.

[foreboding music]

- Why did you ask
to meet, Varis?

- You know why.

- Wild guess. Is it about
an ignis we all know?

- The Dark Ignis has
begun its w*r on humanity.

- What's that?

- That's a tad overdramatic,
don't you think?

- Today it used its code
keys to take over SOL Tech,

removing every human employee,

so that no one would find out.

Only those mindless
SOLtiS are left,

and they're under the
control of the Dark Ignis.

- If taking over SOL
Tech is step one,

then why is reopening Link
VRAINS to everyone step two?

Unless that is...

He's planning to pull a bowman,

and he's gonna absorb
the duelists there.

- I don't think Ai is the
type who would do that.

- What you think doesn't matter.

What matters is the truth,

and the truth points to
one inescapable conclusion.

That Dark Ignis is evil.

- I disagree.

- Either way, we
have to find him.

- The Dark Ignis is
impossible to find now.

When it gained access to
SOL Tech's supercomputers,

it was able to encrypt
its traffic perfectly,

making it impossible to trace.

- I wouldn't be so sure
of that, if I were you.

- I think we're supposed
to go to Link VRAINS.

I said that he and I
would meet up again.

So I think he'd leave a trail

for me to find, and that's
why I reopened Link VRAINS.

- If so, then I too can follow
that trail to hunt it down.

- I won't let you hurt him.

- You will not be
able to stop me.

- We'll see about that, Varis.

- This is getting
us nowhere fast.

Come on, let's check out

Link VRAINS, and
settle the rest later.

- Sure.

[shimmering sound]

[soft beeping]

- Master Varis.

Shall I accompany you in
your search for the Ignis?

- That won't be necessary.

In fact, I don't
need you anymore.

You're free to go.

- Free? To go where, master?

You designed me to
fight against the Ignis,

and that is all
I know how to do.

- That's far from true.

That's what I primarily
programmed you to do.

But I gave you intelligence,
so use it and live your life.

- And do what?

- That's for you to
go and figure out.

- What you are asking
of me is very difficult.

- And it will only get tougher.

Having to make your own
decisions all the time

can be a burden.

It comes with the territory.

See you around, Pandor.

- If we split up, we
can cover more ground.

- Gotcha.

[rocket whirring]

[anxious music]

- I Link Summon link one,
Appliancer Laundry Dragon!

[cord unraveling and fastening]

- It's summoned a
new link monster.

I have a bad feeling about this.

- Then your feelings
are right on the money.

- Get set, Roboppi, I'm
using my skill secret cure.

We both gain life points equal

to the attack points
of the monster I draw.

Okay, here I go.

[intense music]

I drew Altergeist Marionetter.

So we both get 1600 life points.


- I gotta admit, that
was a smart move.

But I also gotta admit
that it's not gonna be

good enough to save ya!

- No. You don't have enough
life points to survive this.

- Yep, that's correct.

She's all washed up.

[metal slashing]

[expl*si*n booms]

[boomerang slicing]


- Watch out!

- Amazing. I beat them.

I swept the Shepherd
and Gore Gal.

And now my rank's gonna
rocket way, way, way up!

And every time I win,

I'll keep growing smarter
and stronger, too.

Till I'm the best
in the universe!

[foreboding music]

- That was so weird.

I saw pictures in my head.

- Yeah, that's 'cause
you were dreaming.

- What's dreaming, Master?

- It's seeing weird
pictures in your head.

And that's very good news

because it means
you're getting smarter.

- Wow. Seriously?

- Yeah. So what did
you dream about?

- Huh. Let me think.

I remember being in space
and I was floatin' around.

[Master gasps]

And then I felt as
powerful as a star

and started glowing like one.

- You did?

- But wait. My dream
got even cooler

'cause then I became a star

and like melded
with the universe.

- Really now? Incredible.

- Huh?

- That wasn't just a
dream, it was a prophecy.

- Back up.

What's a prophecy?

[exciting music]

- A prophecy, young one,
is when weird pictures

in your head reveal your future.

Your dream of becoming a star

has revealed an
extraordinary destiny.

One day you shall rule
over the whole universe!

- For real, Master?

Am I gonna be strong
and smart enough

to rule over the universe?

- Indeed. You will
be more powerful

than a hundred
packs of pachyderms.

The great and wise
Aystradamus has spoken.

- Whoa. So cool.

That means I'll be
stronger than you, right?

- Uh, um. Yes. I guess.

- Yeah! That makes
me your master.

And from now on, you
will be my apprentice.

- Whoa. Hold your
horses there, champ.

- Yes. From now on, I'll be
the one bossing you around.

- Nah, way too soon.

- Why is it too soon?

- Because.

- Because?

- Because trying to
become a master faster

would lead to a master disaster.

- But the prophecy means
I'm gonna be super strong.

- That's true, but you
still have a long way to go.

- Then how am I gonna
get there, Master?

- Before ruling the universe,

you must first learn to
rule something smaller.

- Cool. When do I start?

- We can begin the next phase
in your training right away,

if you think you are ready.

- I'm ready, all right.

- Good. 'Cause I built you this.

It's your own personal kingdom
right here in Link VRAINS.

- A kingdom just for me?

- All new, top to bottom.

It even comes with a
ninety-day warranty.

But don't go breaking
anything on purpose.

- Oh boy.

I have my own kingdom!

I can't wait to go there
and start ruling over it!

- One more thing.

- Huh?

- I got you something else.

A little housewarming gift.

- Oh, what is it?

What is it?

- Oh, just a thing.

Now go take a little
spin around your kingdom.

Enjoy yourself!

- Right. Oh, thank you, Master.

But wait, my new kingdom
is inside Link VRAINS.

If Playmaker finds
it, he'll probably try

and take it away from me, right?

Then what happens?

- As the king, your top job
is to defend your territory.

If any invaders show up,
it's your duty to protect it.

- I'll beat 'em
like a rug, Master.

I gotta go rule now.

[upbeat heroic music]

[body clanging]

[Roboppi screaming]

[rocket whooshing]

- Goodbye, Roboppi,
and good luck.

- Where could my kingdom be?

Oh, there it is, there.

[intense music]

- Yay! Woo! Roboppi is happy!


- Ugh.

- Huh? Roboppi feels
eyes on Roboppi.

[appliances chattering]

Hey, do you
appliances live here?

- We do! We do! We do!

- Awesome, guys.

And do you know that I'm
gonna be your new ruler?

- We do! We do! We do!

- And I order all
of you to have fun!

- We do! We do! We do!

[upbeat music]

[intense music]

- Oh.

- Was that island there before?

Better go check it out.

[appliances gasping]

- Huh?

[appliances boinging]

- Hey guys! What's the
matter? Come on out!


- Hi there, Soulburner.

- Roboppi.

What are you doing on
this tiny little island?

- Tiny little island?

This is my kingdom,
and I am the ruler.

- Wait, you rule this place?

- This place is only
for helpful appliances.

And since you're not
a helpful appliance,

you don't belong here.

No trespassers allowed.

So go away, Soulburner.

- Sure, no prob.

I'll just leave you to
play on your playground.

But first, I need
to track down Ai.

Now where is he?

- I'm the ruler of this place,

and I'm not gonna answer
any of your questions.

- We're not gonna hurt him.

We just wanna find out
why he's doing all this.

- Sounds like your
problem, not my problem.

But my problem is you.

Ai told me that
in order to learn

how to rule the universe

I have to start by defeating
invaders like you, first.

- You ruling the
universe? Yeah right.

- You can believe me or
not, but it's a fact.

My master said that
that is my prophecy,

which is when the weird pictures

in my head tell my future.

And they said I have
been chosen to rule.

And just so you know,
I keep growing stronger

and smarter all the time.

So you better leave now, or
as the ruler of this place,

it's my job to
force you to leave.

- I am not leaving, Roboppi.

Not until you tell me
where Ai is hiding out.

Got it?

- Then I'll do what
a ruler's gotta do.

Let's duel!

[watch gleaming]

- You sure?

- Yeah. And if you beat me,

I'll tell you exactly where
you can find my Master.

- You're on.

I'm ready when you are.

[foreboding music]

- Great. I'm all set.

- [both] Let's duel!

[electric music]

- Playmaker, Soulburner
found Roboppi.

I'm sending you the
coordinates now.

[rocket engine whirring]

[ominous music]

- So Roboppi's facing
that hothead, Burnsy.

This should be fun.

Roboppi already took down
Gore Gal and the Shepherd,

but Soulburner will be
his biggest test yet.

Let's see if he's up for it.

- I'm going first.

So, check this out.

To start off, I activate
this nifty field spell.

Appliancer Electrilyrical World.

[sparkles glistening]

[upbeat rock music]

[fireworks exploding]

[appliances exclaim wonder]

- When I activate this card,
I get to add what appliance

or spell card that's
in my deck to my hand.

Then I summon the Electric
Appliancer Socketroll.

[robot beeping]

And this summon triggers

Appliancer Copybokkle's
special ability.

When I have an
appliancer on my field

like the one that's floating
right in front of me,

I can summon Copybokkle
straight from my hand.

Then I say the more the merrier!

Come on out and join the party.

[Copybokkle exclaims]

My Copybokkle is also
a master of disguise,

so it can transform
into another monster.

Watch this!

[printer whirring]

I bet you can't
tell the difference.

And when I have two
Socketrolls in play,

I get to summon a third
Socketroll from my deck.


Here it goes.

[Socketroll glitching noise]

- And with them I can
plug in my circuit.

[machinery firing]

I link summon, link to
Appliancer Celtopus!

[Celtopus whirring]

- Then I'll use
my last Socketroll

to link summon.

Link one Appliancer Propelion.

[Propelion growling]

[metal whirring and fastening]

- And now the effect
of my field spell

Appliancer Electrilyrical
World activates.

[lights power up]

[star glistening]

Then once per turn,
after summoning an

Appliancer link
monster, I can do this.

Get an appliancer
from my graveyard.

And so, I will.

Next up, I play
Appliancer Reuse. Oh yeah!

[card shimmers]

Then instead of leaving my
Appliancer in the trash can,

I can use it again.

I now resurrect
Appliancer Socketroll.

[Socketroll cooing]

And I'll use it to
link summon again.

The devourer of dust.

Link one Appliancer

[Vacculephant growls]

[metal cord unwinding
and fastening]

- Due to appliancer
reuses additional effect

when Socketroll
leaves the field,

it goes back to my deck,
instead of the graveyard.

Now, I'll place two cards,
face down, and end my turn.

- Man, he already
summoned three monsters

on his very first turn.

- Huh! I may not rule
the universe yet,

but so far I'm ruling this duel.

[laughing maniacally]

[intense music]

[ominous music]