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03x07 - Siblings and Circuits

Posted: 04/14/24 17:56
by bunniefuu
[heavy ominous music]

- [Skye] Ai, what
are you doing here?

- [Ai] Oh, I was just strolling
through the neighborhood

and thought I'd pop in to check

on my two favorite meat bags.

- It must have taken
some impressive strolling

for you to have reached
us in a moving plane

that's flying over five
hundred miles an hour,

- I know, right?

It's a miracle I didn't
pass out on the way,

like her.

[electronic spring sound]

- Hayami!

- [Ai] She'll be fine,
but for the record,

she wasn't very welcoming.

But to get to the point,

how about handing
over your code key?

- You've known me long enough

to know I won't just hand
my code key over to you.

- I know.

Just thought I'd ask politely,
like a nice house guest.

But I'm really one
of those rude guests

who takes over the house,

or in this case, airplane.

Like this.

This should be a perfect flight

as long as my passengers
are cooperative.

- Is that a threat?

- Whoa, chill. I was just
engaging in harmless banter.

However, I do want
that code key.

And since you won't
hand it over to me,

I'll duel you both for it.

- [Skye And Akira] Ugh.

- If we're having a duel,
then I shall be of assistance.

[Skye gasps]

- Pandor, didn't
I just defeat you?

I seem to remember
our duel vividly,

considering it just
ended minutes ago.

- I am the last of the Pandors,

but soon I will be
the first Pandor,

the first to defeat you.

- Well, you're not the first
Pandor to get on my nerves,

that's for sure.

But, let's move on.

Sooner or later, this crate
will start running out of fuel.

So, I don't wanna waste
any more of our time.

In order to speed things up,

I'll take you both
on at the same time.

- He doesn't lack any
confidence, that's for sure.

- Yeah, big mistake.

[charging music]

- Let's duel!

[electricity exploding]

[intense ominous music]

- You know what will make
our duel even more exciting?

[fingers snapping]


- Hey, look, it's Playmaker,
Soulburner, and Varis.

- I patched their signals to
the holographic projectors.

It's not quite a live studio
audience, but close enough.

- So Ai, you
tracked down Zaizen.

- You tried making
it tough for me,

but you didn't make
it tough enough.

And it looks like we're
missing one more viewer.

[snaps fingers]

Hi, Kolter. Miss me much?

- No way!

[holograph gleaming]

- Hey! Master!

I made it here just in time

to watch you duel the meat bags.

- Great 'cause it's
gonna be a good one.

Well, now that everyone's here,

we can get this duel underway.

And since you're the home
team, I'll let you go first.

- Fine with me, it's my turn.

I summon Marincess Blue Tang.

[electric zapping]

When I summon her out,

I have to send a
Marincess from my deck,

straight to the graveyard.

Now, I'll use Blue Tang
to link-summon link one,

Marincess Blue Slug.

[Marincess squeals]

[electric zapping]

And due to Blue Slug's ability,

I get to retrieve a
Marincess from our graveyard.

But that's only
the beginning, Ai,

because when Marincess
Blue Tang is used

to link-summon a water monster,

I get to look at the top
three cards in my deck.

And if one of them
is a Marincess, I
add that to my hand.

Next, I summon Marincess
Seahorse, next to
Blue Slug's link.

[electric zapping]

And I'll use them both
to link-summon link two,

Marincess Coral Anemone!

[Marincess Coral
Anemone swooshing]

[electric zapping]

Then Coral Anemone activates
her special ability

to summon Blue Slug
next to her link.

[electric zapping]

Now, I'll use them
to build the circuit

that turns dreams into reality!

The summoning conditions require
two or more water monsters.

[electric whooshing]

I link-summon link three,
Marincess Marbled Rock.

- Haw!

[electric zapping]

- I link-summon link three,
Marincess Marbled Rock!

[electric zapping]

- I must say, your deck's
quite similar to Aqua's.

- It's way more than similar.

It's the same.

And like Aqua, I can use
Marbled Rock's ability

to get a Marincess back
from our graveyard.

[electricity sizzling]

And then, I place two cards
face down, and end my turn.

- Well, well...

That was an impressive
turn, and productive, too.

You went through more
links than a golf course.

I can see you worked hard
to master Aqua's deck.

- Yeah, and if she were here,
I know she'd be proud of me.

- That's very well put.

Aqua would be proud of
you if she were here,

but she's not, of course,

because you failed
to protect her.

Oh well, this card is perfect.

I summon Picari Adognist.

[electricity buzzing]

[Picari Adognist cooing]

- Due to Picari's ability,

I get to draw the field
spell Ignister A.I.Land,

for my death.

Now, watch this!

[electricity zapping]

[monster exploding]

I link summon link
one Linguriboh.

On top of that, I
activate my field spell.

[card shimmering]

- Ignister A.I.Land

summons a level four or
lower @Ignister from my hand.

Come on out, Achichi @Ignister.

[@Ignister Cawing]

[sinister music]

And guess what?

Another monster is
gonna join the party.

When Lingue is in the
extra monster zone,

I can summon Hiyari
@Ignister, next to its link.

Nice, right?

[Hiyari cries]

- I now have everything I
need to create my circuit.

The summoning conditions
are three cyberses,

one of which is a dark monster.

[monsters exploding]

Finally, it is time to
unleash a monster forged

from the darkest
depths of the shadows,

striking fear into all who
witness its majestic might.

I linked summon link three,
Dark Templar @Ignister!

Then Ignister
A.I.Land activates,

letting me summon another
@Ignister, Doyon @Ignister!

[Doyon @Ignister hums]

- There is a heavy correlation
between the monsters

and its deck in
each of the Ignis.

For example, Achichi @Ignister

is clearly a representation
of the fire Ignis.

[Yusaku gasps]

Similarly, Hiyari @Ignister
is the water Ignis.

[Skye gasps]

And Doyon @Ignister represents
the dark Ignis, itself.

- I see.

- That deck has been built
around the friends that I lost.

- He's not dueling for himself,
but for his fallen family.

- I'm surprised it took you
so long to realize that.

Even turtles call you slow.

Due to Doyon's ability,
I retrieve Hiyari

from my graveyard.

and Dark Templar
has an ability, too.

It resurrects as many
@Ignisters as possible

from my graveyard, and summons
them next to its links.

So returning are Achichi
@Ignister, and Hiyari @Ignister!

[Achichi and Hiyari beeping]

- And I can use them
to link summon again!

The summoning conditions
require at least two cyberses

one of which is a fire monster.

[light beams exploding]

From the infernal blaze that
gave birth to the universe,

comes a monster that scorches
all who cross its path.

Rise up from the flames!

Link three Fire
Phoenix @Ignister!

- I know that monster.

It may look intimidating,

but the other Pandor
already informed me

on how to defeat it.

- Oh, if you have the knowledge
of all the other Pandors

I dueled, you can't be fooled,

unless I try something else.

A completely new strategy that
revolves around this card.

When my link monster's
arrow points towards

my spell and trap zone, I
can activate a link spell.

- Say what?

- Ai's gonna use a link spell?

- No way!

[Skye winces]

- And this is a spell
you know quite well.

[card slicing]

- The link spell judgment arrow!

[intense music]

[dark ominous music]

- Oh, man!

- I don't believe it.

How on earth could he
ever play judgment arrows?

Ai, you know that's
the same card

that destroyed your home world!

- Man, talk about an
uncool move to make.

Ai, if there's one card
that should stay off limits,

you know it's that one!

- But why? As you said
yourself, it's a powerful card.

So, hold on.

Did you actually think I wasn't
taking this fight seriously?

I can see why you'd think that.

Because the w*r's already
over for you, right?

And things have been going
so well for you meat bags.

Like Skye.

How's Miyu doing? Good, right?

- Yeah. After Bowman and
Lightning were defeated,

she actually woke up.

- Skye! You brought
flowers? Thanks!

- Miyu! You're awake.

- All thanks to you.

- Huh?

- I don't know if
it was just a dream,

but Aqua told me
that you saved me.

- Oh, Miyu!

- And your brother is fine, too.

Isn't he Kolter?

- He is.

- I'm glad things are going
so great for you meat bags.

But I will never get
the chance to see

the other Ignis again.

- I know, Ai. Sorry.

- Ai, we all wish that
things had gone differently.

- Not me.

The Ignis posed a threat
to mankind's existence.

If they had chosen to
take a different path,

they would still be here.

That Ignis is trying to
garner your sympathy,

but it will get none from me.

- What Varis says is correct.

The dark Ignis is trying to
trick and manipulate you.

It wants you to feel pain,

so that you won't
duel it as hard.

- Seriously? That's
not very nice.

- Master!

So, are you what
they say you are,

or are you not what
they say you are?

- Maybe yes, maybe no.

But it doesn't matter.

They're just trying to
eat away at my confidence.

- But I know you'll serve
'em up on a platter,

just like this one.

Oh, yeah!

- I hope you're planning
to mop up that mess.

But hey, props to you
for the impromptu props.

- Thank you. I aim to please!

[Ai chuckles]

- Time to pour on the heat!

Fire Phoenix @Ignister
att*cks your Marbled Rock.

And judgment arrows doubles
my Phoenix's attack points.

- Well that's not
gonna matter, 'cause

due to Marincess
Marbled Rock's ability,

by discarding one Marincess
that's in my hand,

Marbled Rock isn't destroyed.

I won't be taking any damage!

And then, I'll activate my
track card, Marincess Wave.

Your Fire Phoenix loses
all its special abilities

until the end of your turn.

[Fire Phoenix blasting]

- Ah, you stopped
me from dealing you

a single point of damage.

Too bad for you,

I have other ways to
mess up your duel.

[card shimmers]

I activate the spell
timed technique.

By banishing my Fire Phoenix,

I get to banish a
card from your hand,

for every one of its links.

Since Fire Phoenix
is link three,

I get to banish three
cards from your hand,

until the end of the battle.

[Skye gasps]

- Timed technique also
moves my Dark Templar

from the extra monster zone
to the main monster zone.

Next to judgment arrows'.

And since you have no
cards in your hand,

you can't use Marbled
Rock's ability.

- You had this all
planned from the start.

- I did!

Dark Templar,
attack Marbled Rock!

[Dark Templar jumps]

And judgment arrows
doubles its attack points.

[Dark Templar slices]

[Skye cries out]

[Skye's life points beep]

- Are you okay? You hurt?

- It's just a sting.

- With that, I end my turn.

That means my banished Fire
Phoenix returns to my field.

- And the cards
that were banished

from your hand also
returned as well.

- You know what?

I've had enough of this duel.

- Huh?

- This may sound like
I'm just making excuses

'cause I already lost
over half my life points,

but dueling you just
doesn't feel right.

You're not the only
one who lost a friend.

- You never gave up.

And that's why I'm proud
to be your partner.

- Ditto. Thanks Aqua.

Trust me, I know you're
hurting because Aqua is gone,

but I'm hurting just
as much as you are.

[threatening music]

This duel will only make
the suffering worse.

- So you miss Aqua more
than I do? Really, now?

And why do you have that thing?

It looks like you found
a replacement for Aqua

pretty easily.

- So, are you two
besties, already?

Ah, who am I to judge you?

You can't keep grieving
forever, I guess.

Not that it was really
anything like forever.

It was more like four seconds.

- Ignis, I do not understand

how your present
course of action

could ever deliver a positive
result, even for you.

- Oh, you don't, do you?

- The actions of the
present cannot alter

the actions of the past.

But the actions of
the present can alter

the actions of the future.

But your actions of the present

based of the
actions of your past

are leading to
actions of the future,

that conflict with the
actions of your past.

- Ugh! What, where, how, who?

Now, here's the
facts as I see 'em.

Back then, I teamed
with the meat bags

because I thought it was
the right thing to do.

But look where it got me,
and where it got my friends!

Sometimes, you can think
you're doing the right thing,

but then you later
learned it was wrong.

- Ai.

[Ai grunting]

- You now have the
responsibility to determine

what path the future takes.

I sincerely hope you
forge a good one,

and not a future that
either one of you regret.

- So, short story long,
we're not done dueling.

You're up, Zaizen.

What's wrong?

You need a snack break?

- When SOL technologies created
you and the other Ignis, Ai,

you were all treated
like programs,

instead of the living
creatures that you are.

I could have and should
have intervened to help you,

especially to save
the earth Ignis,

after he had been captured.

Please accept my
deepest apology.

I know I can't make up for
all the pain you've suffered,

but taking revenge on
those who caused you pain

will not heal your own pain.

The path you're on
is not the answer!

You have to stop,
before it's too late!

- So, after just admitting
how many mistakes

you have made,

I'm the one here among us,

who was making the big mistake?

Do you not see
yourself in the mirror?

Or are you some sort
of a vampire, Zaizen?

- Regardless of what
you may think about me,

I won't back down.

For my sake, as well as yours,

I won't let you
take my code key!

- Then bring it on, and
may the best duelist win.

Or in other words, me!

[footsteps echoing]

- You have two link monsters
with 2300 attack points each,

and judgment arrows will
double their attack points

during battle, making them
even more difficult to destroy.

- That's right.

But if you don't destroy
them, you can't win, Zaizen.

- It's my turn.

I draw.

First I place a
monster face down,

then activate the spell card.

Stairs of Mail!

By discarding a
Tindangle from my hand,

I can flip my monster
to attack mode.

I send Tindangle intruder
to the graveyard.

[card booms]

Show yourself, Tindangle angel!

[Tindangle angel glitches]

- Tindangles, huh?

It's the same deck
that gave Playmaker

a whole chunk of
trouble, back in the day.

- When my angel is
flipped face up,

its ability allows me to summon
another monster, face down.

And doing so triggers
Tindangle intruder's ability.

When a monster is placed
face down on our field,

my intruder resummons itself

from our graveyard
face down, as well.

And then, I can summon
Tindangle Base Gardna

in defense mode,

when I already have a
face down monster in play.

[Tindangle Base Gardna zaps]

- Now, I'll activate Stairs
of Mail's effect, again.

I discard another
Tindangle from my hand,

and that switches
Tindangle intruder

from face down defense mode,
to face up attack mode.

And when my intruder
is turned face up,

its special ability will
then add one Tindangle

from my deck, into my hand.

Now, I'm activating Stairs
of Mail, once again.

Show yourself, Tindangle Hound!

[electricity zapping]

- Hey, I remember that
slobbering schnauzer.

- Then you should also remember

that it's not one you
should underestimate,

because by flipping one
of my monsters face down,

Tindangle Hound gains
all of its attack points.

So, I'll flip Tindangle
intruder face down,

to give my Hound

- It has 4,700 attack points.

- Now even if Ai
uses judgment arrows,

Zaizen's monster will
still be stronger

than his Dark Templar.

- Then Ai's monster
is gonna be toast!

- Here goes!

My Tindangle hound
att*cks your Dark Templar.

[Tindangle hound
smashes Dark Templar]

[Ai's life points beep]

- Well now, it looks as
though I found a weak spot.

- Ugh. All you did
was deal a measly

one hundred points of damage.

- Then watch him do more. Right?

- I activate our track.
Marincess decision!

By vanishing a Marincess
card from our graveyard,

I flip a face down
monster face up,

but keep that card
in defense mode.

So I'll banish
Marincess Wave to switch

Tindangle intruder, from
face down, to face up.

- But wait, Ai.

There's more to Marincess
decision's effect,

'cause we can also use
the newly face up monster,

in order to link summon!

Ready, Akira?

- Yes.

- [Skye and Akira] Now,
we unite our circuit.

- The summoning conditions
require three Tindangles.

[Tindangles blasting off]

[flame burning]

[intense action music]

- [Akira] We link
summon link three,

Tindangle Acute Cerberus!

[Acute Cerberus crashes]

- Tindangle Acute Cerberus.

- So that Zaizen's
go-to monster, huh?

- No, not just his
monster, but theirs,

'cause they summoned
it together.

- How sweet. Two siblings
united in defeat.

[Akira and Skye grunt]

[intense techno music]