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03x02 - Unlikely Alliance

Posted: 04/14/24 17:48
by bunniefuu
- [King 1] Zaizen, recent events

have made it a
very troubling time

for SOL Technologies.

- [King 2] If our
investors learn

that the Queen is
out of commission,

it will mean disaster.

- [King 3] Zaizen,
bring this situation

under control immediately.

[tense music]

- If the Queen's MIA,

who called you for
an emergency meeting?

- The Kings did.

- The Kings?

I never heard anything
about the Kings before,

and more importantly,

how much royalty do we
have in this company?

- The Kings aren't
royalty Hyami.

They're are biggest

- Oh, I get it now!

since you're running SOL Tech

while the Queen's away

they call to give you
a pep talk, right?

- Or the opposite.

- Heard there's a test today

- [Takeru] Yusaku, wait up.

Hey, can I get your
opinion on something?

- What's up?

[Takeru stammering]

What's wrong?

- Don't worry about it.

- You sure?

- Yeah. It was nothing.

Not a big deal at all.


- It's a text from Kolter.

He wants us to come
see him immediately.

- Let's go.

[train running]

- Somebody sent an email
to your secret account?

- Mmhmm. Requesting to meet
Playmaker and Soulburner.

- So who's the sender?

- It's Zaizen.

He'll be waiting for you two

at Central Station

- Wait, I thought
they shut down.


- Guess not for you.

If LINK VRAINS is locked
out for everyone else

what better place for a super
secret secure meeting, right?

- Wanna go see what's up?

- Yes, of course.

If Zaizen needs our help,

then we will give it to him.

- Agreed. And I'm coming too.

[energetic electronic music]

[energetic electronic
music continue]

[energetic electronic
music continues]

[energetic electronic
music continues]

[energetic electronic
music continues]

[energetic electronic
music continues]

[energetic electronic
music continues]

[energetic electronic
music continues]

[energetic electronic
music continues]

[pensive music]

- Gentlemen, glad
you both made it,

but I don't recall
inviting a third.

- I enjoy crashing parties.

- Okay then.

- So Zaizen, why the
secret rendezvous?

- I'll tell you when
the others arrive.

- You're expecting others?

- Hey, if this ain't a

sight for sore eyes.

Feels like it's been forever.

- Hey there Gore, you're
looking a whole lot better.

- Sure am, and I'm
feeling a lot better too.

- Thanks to me.

- What are you fishing
for more compliments?

- Calling this lineup together

must mean something
big has happened.

- Yes, something big did happen.

You see yesterday someone went

after the Queen, SOL
Tech's top executive,

and put her out of commission.

- Ooh, that is big.

- The culprit
ex*cuted the as*ault

by hacking one of
SOL Tech's androids.

- You guys were att*cked
by your own product?

That's hilarious.

- You may laugh, but this
is no laughing matter.

The culprit stole
the Queen's code key

in order to gain control
of SOL Tech's mainframe.

- Okay, I get it.

You want us to get this
code key back for ya?

- That's not what I want.

What I want to hire you
to do is protect me.

- Protect you, huh?

And why do you need that?

- Because I'm going
to be att*cked next.

You see there are two
code keys that exist,

and the second one is with me.

And you need both to
control the mainframe.

So it's only a matter of time

until the culprit comes for me.

- And you want us to protect you

so that your key
won't get stolen.

- Come on.

It can't be that bad of a thing.

We all hacked into
your mainframe

one time or another.

Just change your
password, and move on.

- We can't do that
because these keys

are special master keys

that control the
whole mainframe,

and whoever gains
control of the mainframe

gains control of
the whole company.

- And since SOL Tech's
tech is in everything

cell phones, traffic lights,

toasters even?

If you control SOL Tech,
you control the world.

- [Zaizen] That's right.

And if the culprit decides
to misuse this technology

he can throw the
world into chaos.

- And we already
know he knows his way

around technology
'cause he was able

to hack into Soltis
to attack the Queen,

and that's not easy.

- I hear that.

- Zaizen, do you have any
clue who this culprit is?

- I have more than a clue.

I know exactly who he is.

- What?

- He left a video.

See for yourself.

- Hi.

- What's up?

- Guess who has two thumbs,
and just beat the Queen?

This guy?

- Yep.

- Those two are Soltis.

- And that, Zaizen,
leaves just you

to cross out on my to-do list.

- Yeah.

- And to think we
were once working

on the same team, meat bag.

- On the same team?

But how I've never
even met him before.

- 'Cause I may look
different on the outside,

but I'm still I on the inside.

Get it? It's me, Ai!

[sharp inhales]

- Ai?

- Ai?

[devious laughter]

- And I'm Roboppi.

- Roboppi?

- Zaizen, the Queen's code key

is useless unless I
have yours as well.

So you can expect a
visit from me very soon,

and I'll do to you what
I did to the Queen.


- Yeah, Tata!

- Ai.

- It can't be!

- This has all gotta
be some kind of trick.

Ai's just pranking us
like he always does.

- I wish this was
all just a prank,

but taking down the Queen

means that this isn't one,

and the only thing
that is preventing Ai

from taking control of
the world is my code key.

- Come on, this is Ai
we're talking about here.

He's not suddenly gonna
turn on us, is he?

- Of course it is 'cause
it was trying to fool us

playing the long con
to gain our trust

so that it can back s*ab us

at the best possible moment.

- How can you say that
when Ai saved your life?

- It's an AI after all, and
AIs aren't to be trusted

- Everyone, no matter
what his motive is,

the truth remains that
Ai is after my code key.

And I think we can all agree

that having any one
individual control all

of SOL Tech's resources
isn't a good idea.

- Agreed.

- Hmm.

- Playmaker. I get it.

I know what I'm asking
isn't easy for you,

because it means that

you may have to
fight your friend.

I wish there was another
way, but will you help me?

- I'll think about it

- [Takeru] Man. Crazy
times, huh, Yusaku?

Makes what I was gonna
tell you earlier,

seem like small potatoes.

- [Yusaku] What did
you want to tell me?

- [Takeru] I was
gonna tell you that

I was going back home,

but I'm putting
that plan on pause.

I can't go home to my family

until my other family
is all good again

'cause the one thing I know is

that we're not all
on the same page yet.

So I'm gonna stick around

to help write the final chapter,

and make sure
we're all at peace.

I know that's what Flame
would want me to do.

- I see.

I bet This is all just
a big misunderstanding.

- You're right.

It has to be.

Ai wouldn't do this.

He wouldn't do this if he
didn't have a good reason.

- I hear ya.

- No matter what I still believe

in Ai.

[dark electronic music]

- I'm surprised
you wanted to meet.

- Well, I could use your help.

- Yes, I heard what
happened to your Queen.

My condolences.

- Knowing how much
you hate SOL Tech,

I doubt you mean that.

- You're right, I don't,

and now the Dark
Ignis is hunting you

just like I'm hunting it.

I should thank you Zaizen

for successfully drawing it out

into the open for me.

- But if Ai finds me, I
could lose my existence.

- That sounds more
like a you problem

instead of a me problem.

But lucky for you,
I have an ally.

- An ally? Who?

- Look.

- Who's this?

- It's an AI that I created

to hunt and destroy the Ignis.

- Mr. Zaizen, my name is Pandor.

- Very surprising Varis.

Based on how much
you despise AIs

I'm surprised you would
create one yourself

- Desperate times call
for desperate measures,

and don't compare Pandor

to those out of control rogues,

like the Ignis, or your
primitive Neanderthal Soltis.

Zaizen, I've perfectly
programmed Pandor

to serve one function,

and that is to
eliminate the Ignis,

and it is programmed
to do nothing else.

Any emotion or function
outside of these parameters,

any hint of free will
are immediately deleted.

So it can never pose a threat

against humans like those Ignis.

Isn't that right?

- Yes. We are here to serve you.

- There's four of them.

- We are four in body,
but only one in mind.

So if one enters a duel

all the data collected
will be shared

with the other three.

- Zaizen, Take a look
at your duel disk.

- Ah

- We have downloaded all
the duel data we have

on the Dark Ignis
to your duel disk.

As we gather more data,
we will update our records

to enhance your
dueling capabilities.

- Now you've never been
in a better position

to win Zaizen.

- Correct, sir.

Your odds of victory
have greatly increased.

- I hope you are right

- Now then, there's one
last thing to discuss.

[somber music]

- Well, Yusaku, it's been real.

It's been good, and at
times it's been real good.

- Wait, Ai, don't
leave with my property.

- Huh? Oh yeah.

The duel disk.

It's been my home for
so long that I forgot.

Wait, did I say
home? I meant jail.

Ha ha, tootles.

- Ai.

[intense music]

- [Speaker] See you tomorrow!

- [Speaker] Talk to you later!

- [Speaker] Bye!

- Yusaku!!! Help me.

- What's up?

- Well, I'm trying
to find Playmaker,

but with LINK VRAINS closed

I don't have a clue
where to start looking.

If you were Playmaker,
where would you be?

- What do you want
with Playmaker Shima.

- Oh, It's not me, it's Skye.

She's the one that
asked me to find him.

- Can you get in
touch with him for me?

After all, you two
are soulmates, right?

- Oh man, how do I find him?

I just know that the
answer's right there

in front of my eyes.

If only I was able to see it.

I may as well go and
hit the message board.

[city buzzing]

- [Skye] Akira?

- Huh?

- What are you doing here?

Why aren't you at work?

Is everything okay
at the office?

- I guess you caught
me playing hooky.

Truth is the office has
been getting to me lately.

I just needed to take
a little time out.

- Akira.

- It's funny how
when your life's

in danger you start
seeing things differently.

Start realizing what's
really important.

- Are you hungry?

'Cause I just happen to know

a great hotdog
sandwich stand nearby.

Yep. Right there.

- Enjoy. Ah, it's him

- Who?

- Hey Skye.

- Hey Saku, Here to help
out at the hotdog stand?

- You know the
owner of that stand.

I see.

So you're Playmaker.

It all makes sense now.

That's why you were
able to save Skye,

and take her to the hospital.

I know it's late,

but I'd really like
to say thank you,

and all this time
I thought it was

because you were her boyfriend.

What a relief.

- Yes. Because that
would be truly horrible.

Now wouldn't it Zaizen.

- Oh my phone, I
gotta take this.

Hello? I see. I'll
be there at once.

Sorry. I must return to work.

Oh and Skye.

Well, I'll do my best

to make it home for dinner.

With Ai after me don't
know how many more chances

we'll get to eat
together, right?

[joyful music]

- So you're Playmaker, huh?

You sure fooled me, Yusaku.

- Shima told me you
wanted to see me.

Do you need my help?

- Well it's actually
the opposite, Yusaku.

I wanted to know if
Playmaker needed my help.

- Your help?

- Mmhmm. If you're going
to protect my brother

from Ai, then
there's a good chance

you're gonna have to duel him.

And that's gotta be rough.

So I thought, you know,

maybe you'd like a friendly ear

to talk to.

Because if you told me

that I had to duel Aqua

I don't think that I could.

- You're right Skye.

I don't either.

And I don't know for
sure what I'll do

until I have to
face that decision.

- But what if you never have to?

- Never have to?

- Yeah, Yusaku, as much as
Akira can use your help,

it's way more important

for you to look after yourself.

You should stay
out of this battle,

and let us take
on Ai without you.

[heavy exhale]

You have saved me
and my brother,

not once but more
times than I can count,

and more times than
I can count plus one

is getting kind of greedy.

So let us figure this out.

Just this once.

Thanks for everything.

[emotional music]

[upbeat music]

See ya.

[upbeat music]

[intense music]

- Thank you everyone.

Glad you're all here.

- Not all of us.

- Yes, but we'll
just have to make do.

- So this is everyone.

- Well not quite.

- Oh great.

- Varis, and his
merry band of misfits.

- That's right.

I asked for their
help, and they agreed.

- Of course they did.

They trust the Ignis
even less than I do.

- Akira, You do realize
you're teaming up

with the ones

who wanna take your whole
company down, right?

- That was in the
past, Ghost Gal.

Not anymore.

All we care about is getting rid

of the last of the
Ignis and nothing more.

- Let's be clear.

If they wanna stop Ai,

then we're on the same page.

But getting rid
of him permanently

then we're not even
on the same bookshelf.

- Really now?

So that means you're
totally fine with the fact

that the Dark Ignis
will keep returning to

hunt your brother down?

- Of course not Varis.

But there's always
another solution

- Unless there's not.

[sharp gasps]

And here's the simple truth,

so listen up.

You're all excellent duelists,

but not a single one of you

can come close to
being as elite as me.

Who here can actually
say that they're

better than me, and can
defeat me in a duel?

Admit it.

You need me.

- I don't like this.

I don't like this one bit.

- Neither do I Soulburner.

But once Akira here
gave them our location

there was no going back.

- That's right.

You may not like it,
but this is my call.

It is my life that's
on the line after all.

So I'll protect it my way.

- Whatever you say, as
long as you're willing to

accept the fallout,

whatever the fallout
ends up being.

- I have been from
the very moment

this all started.

- Akira.

- Well, what's the plan?

- What you see before
you is our battleground.

Right now we are standing at
the very center of this prism.

This structure is

one of the most secure
locations in the network.

Since the walls
are impenetrable,

the only way in or out

to get to where we
are currently standing

is through these two corridors.

One to the west and
one to the east.

Blue Maiden and I will stay here

where it's most secure.

The rest of you will
position yourselves

at these corridors.

Ghost gal, the
Shepherd, and Specter

at the east corridor

Gore and the other Hanoi,

you take the west.

Varis and Soulburner,

you two position yourselves
outside of each corridor.

You'll be our spotters,

so we know exactly
where Ai is coming from.

- Good, because that means

I'll be the first
to take it down.

- I've got a question Zaizen.

What if Ai decides to
attack you in the real

world like he did
with your Queen?

- Yeah, 'cause all the
security in here won't matter

if you get taken down out there.

- And if we figured
out this flaw,

you know that Ai did too.

- No need to worry about that.

Don't be distracted,

and just do your part
and I'll be fine.

- Okay Zaizen, if you say so.

- One last thing.

Varis brought a gift
to aid us in our duel.

The floor is yours.

- Blue Maiden, Ghost Gal, Gore,

I've transferred Pandor
into your duel disks.

They'll aid you in
taking down the Ignis.

- Now, everyone get
to your positions.

[intense music]

- Our target's straight
ahead, but he's not alone.

- Yeah. Who knew he
had so many friends.

- Blue Maiden?

- Yes. Yes. The usual suspects.

- Soulburner?

Oh wow, Varis?

- Weird. No Playmaker.

I guess that he
decided not to show up.

- Seems so.

- Who's that?

[intense music]

- Playmaker.

- I knew you'd come.

- Sorry I'm late.

Blue Maiden told me to
stay out of this fight,

but I can't.

Not if I have even
the slightest chance

to end this fight
in a peaceful way.

- Glad you made it

'cause you can't spell
party without Playmaker.

- P-a-r.. Where's the T?

[intense music]

- Get ready.

- Let's have some fun.

[energetic electronic music]