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02x53 - Bohman's End Game

Posted: 04/14/24 17:44
by bunniefuu
- [Announcer] Previously
on Yo-Gi-Oh! VRAINS.

- It's my turn,

I use Judgment Arrows to double
my monster's attack points.

Even if I can't destroy your
monster, you still take damage.


[energy powers up]

- Fire!

I also now activate
Borreload Dragon's ability.

- No, I refuse to let you win,

when Armatos Gloria is the
target of a special ability

while it's on my field,

all my monsters in
play are destroyed.

We both take 3000
points of damage,

which is more than enough to
wipe out your life points,

and mine.

- No way.

- I refuse to lose to any human

and if that means
sacrificing myself, so be it.

- Bohman has absorbed Lightning.

- Now Bohman has five
Ignis inside him,

all of them except me.

- When this is over, you will
also become a part of me.

It is time Playmaker.

- Let's duel!

[upbeat music]

[dramatic battle music]

- Let's duel, Bohman.

- Yes, let's.

But I think we need a setting

more befitting of this
very special moment.

[magic whirls]

- Something tells me

he's not taking us to
a fancy restaurant.

- Look, Ai.

- This is the courtyard
at Central Station.

- Correct, the epicenter
of Link VRAINS,

this is where we'll end things.

- The final battle
is about to begin.

- Yes, and let's hope it
leads to Bohman's end.

- Focus Playmaker,

don't let Varis's
sacrifice be for nothing.

Win this.

- I can't believe
Varis was defeated.

- Not just Varis but also

Shepherd, Specter, Soul
Burner, and your sister.

- Poor Sky.

- And we can't let her
sacrifice go to waste.

So it's time we stop
standing around doing nothing

and start doing something.

Now what do you say, you
and I get back to work

and start figuring out how to

lock everyone out
of Link VRAINS,

but with Bohman blocking us from

using this emergency logout,
it's not gonna be easy.

- What if we hack
Link VRAINS's core OS,

shut down everything
and then restart.

- Well theoretically that
would log everyone out,

but logging people out
without their knowledge

could leave them in a deep
sleep for like forever.

- That's true but that's a risk
we must be willing to take,

now let's move.

- Check it out boss,

it looks like we got the
best view in the house

for the final face-off
between Playmaker and Bohman.

- And we gotta take
advantage of it

'cause it's our journalistic
duty to record this battle

and share it with the public.

- And 'cause we
could go ka-blam.

- That too, there's always a
chance of that happening too.

- However this ends, it
could end up our end.

- Well if this is our last
story, let's go out with a bang.

- Nyah, speak for yourself
boss, speak for yourself.

- You there, up in the sky,

this duel has nothing to
do with either of you.

You two are now free to leave.

[both exclaim]

- Thank goodness, we can
go, we can go, we can go,

so where to best friend.

- Huh, I'm not your best
friend, you bird brain.

I'm your boss, bub,
and as your boss

I say we continue sticking
it out right here.

Funny, didn't know
that I wanted to stay

until I could leave.

- When I defeat
you in this battle,

no one will be able to oppose
me from building a new world

of my own design, similar to
this world you see before you.

- You said when you defeat us,
when you should have said if,

and that's one if we won't
allow to come to pass, Bohman.

- No I did not misspeak
when I said when, Playmaker.

- So then let's begin.

[magic screeches]

- Woah.

- I'm ready to test out my new
strategies whenever you are.

- Bohman just built
himself a brand new deck.

- Yeah out of Flame, Aqua,
Earth, Windy, and Lightning.

Bohman is using their
powers to power his deck.

[magic powers up]

- What is that?

- It's an Ignis Algorithm.

- So what do you
think it can do?

- I'm not sure but I doubt
it's good, let's hurry.

- The sooner we can
hack into the core,

the sooner we can save
everyone in Link VRAINS.

- I'm on it.

- I used to be a pretty
decent hacker back in the day,

time to see if
I've still got it.

- Hmm, hey guys,

it seems like we're not the
only ones hacking the system.

- Hey ya big tool,

stop using the Ignis's as
tools to power up your tool,

it's just not right.

- You misunderstand my
intention, they are not tools.

I'm honoring them by
using their strength

and do not fret Ai, you will
join your friends soon enough

when I defeat Playmaker
and absorb you,

now then, it's time
to duel Playmaker

and end this w*r
once and for all.

- [both] Let's duel.

- What in the world is that?

It kind of looks like a portal.

A portal that's going to
get us all out of here.

This is so flash.

- You hear that Playmaker?

It was like the whole
world screamed at once.

- You're right, something's
going wrong in Link VRAINS, Ai.

- Hello, anyone in there?

It's like the lights are
on but no one's home.

Am I next?


I don't wanna be next. Mummy.

- What's this?

- This isn't good.

- That's an understatement
if I've heard one.

- You're right. This
really, really isn't good.

- Mmm, poor Roboppi, left
home all alone again.

But lucky for Roboppi,

Roboppi can still
watch his master duel,

and watch his master win.

Roboppi doesn't remember
having this function installed,

unless it's a malfunction.

No, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no!

Unless, of course it must
have been master's doing.

Yay, master.

- If we heard everyone
screaming in Link VRAINS,

it must be 'cause our
Link Sense is tingling.

- You're right, even
though we can't see them,

I can still feel them around
me, confused and afraid.

- So you have Link Sense,
the ability for a human

to sense what is happening
within the network.

I'm sure this sixth
sense is quite useful,

but in this circumstance,

hearing the suffering of
every human in Link VRAINS

must be distracting,
and distractions are

what you cannot have in a
duel against me, Playmaker.

I shall go first,

when neither of us have
any monsters in play,

I can summon Hydradrive Booster
from my hand and with it,

I'll generate my circuit.

The summoning condition
is one Hydradrive.

So I Link Summon Link
One: Grand Hydradrive.

Next I summon a second
Hydradrive Booster from my hand

and use it to Link Summon again.

I set Hydradrive Booster
in the link arrow,

I Link Summon Link One:
Coolant Hydradrive.

- Hmm, even with a new deck
he's making the same old moves.

- Yes, but it's still early Ai.

- Now behold,

what I have already managed
to do twice I can do thrice,


I Link Summon Link Two:
Twin Hydradrive Knight,

and I won't stop here.

I set my Hydradrive
Knight in the link arrow,

I Link Summon Link
One: Burn Hydradrive.

- He used a Link Two monster
to summon a Link One monster?

- It may appear
as a downgrade Ai,

but he now has
three link monsters

with different attributes.

- Very perceptive,

next I'll summon another
Hydradrive Booster

and I'll use it to Link
Summon another Hydradrive,

Link One: Flow Hydradrive.

- That has a fourth attribute.

- Next I activate the Spell
Card Hydradrive Rebuild.

By destroying Burn Hydradrive,

I can summon a different
Hydradrive from my graveyard

by negating its
special abilities,

rise Twin Hydradrive Knight.

In addition, when Burn
Hydradrive drive is destroyed,

it triggers its special
ability allowing me to summon a

Hydradrive Token
in defense mode.

A token I'll use to generate
my circuit for a sixth time,


I Link Summon Link One:
Alteration Hydradrive.

I activate Alteration
Hydradrive's ability.

I select one
Hydradrive on my field

and if any Hydradrive
in my graveyard

has fewer Link Arrows
than my chosen monster,

I can resurrect as
many of them as I want.

- What? As many as you want?

- So I select my Twin
Hydradrive Knight.

Since it's Link Two,
I can revive Link One

Burn Hydradrive and
Coolant Hydradrive,

but in exchange I must destroy
Twin Hydradrive Knight.

- What surprise does
Bohman have for us?

- Spoiler alert boss,

if Bohman's got four
Link One monsters,

you know he's gonna use them
to summon a Link Four monster.

- Yeah because

those monsters are the most
powerful ones of the game.

- I'm summoning
Hydradrive Elements.

[both yell]

- So much for the spoiler.

- And I'll use my
Hydradrive Elements

to generate my circuit.

And so I Link Summon Link
One: Grand Hydradrive.

- He summoned another
Link One monster.

- When I use Hydradrive
Elements to Link Summon,

its special ability activates,

allowing me to select a
monster that's on the field

and change its attribute
to one of my choosing,

until the end of the turn.

- He has two Earth monsters,

so he's probably gonna
change one of 'em.

- And you're probably right,

I'm changing Alteration
Hydradrive from Earth to Light.

- Now he has the attribute
of every Ignis except for me.

- Not to mention the five Link
One monsters on his field.

- Which would theoretically

allow him to summon
a Link Five monster,

good thing Link Five
monsters don't exist

'cause they'd be super OP.

- Oh Ai,

one could fill an entire book
with what you don't know.

If a particular
monster doesn't exist,

then I'll just create it.

I activate my skill!

- His skill?

- His skill!

- Everybody look out,
another wave's coming.

- The first mind blasts
occurred simultaneously

with the start of the duel

and this second wave when
Bohman activated its skill.

- That means this duel and
the mind blasts are connected.

- Then we need to figure
out how they're connected.

- You heard that?

- Yes, how could I not?

- Bohman's whipping up
one storm of a data storm,

the biggest one I've ever seen.

- My skill allows me to acquire
a Cyberous monster from the

data storm and add
it to my extra deck,

and the stronger the storm,
the stronger the monster.


- You guys okay?

- This is not a
good development.

- No kidding, and we're next,
you just know we're next.

- Run!

- Get ready, Playmaker.


Because now I generate
my optimal circuit.

The summoning conditions
require five Link Monsters

with five different attributes.

- Five?

- Witness the greatest
Link Summoning ever.

[all exclaim]

Link Five Chimera
Hydradrive Draghead.

- Black lynch, a
Link Five monster!

- Chimera Hydradrive Draghead
special ability activates

when it's summoned
from my extra deck,

it gains one Hydradrive Counter.

- There's no way Bohman
should have been able

to summon a Link Five monster.

- I agree that would take
power beyond the capabilities

that any AI can generate.

- You may think it's impossible,

but as you can see
it's clearly not.

So the question is,

how was it able to draw
out so much energy?

- Ah, me and my big mouth,
why'd I have to open it?

Even though I don't have one,

and say that it's impossible
to summon a Link Five monster,

I jinxed it, didn't I Playmaker?

- I don't believe in jinxes,

but if there was such a thing,

then yes Ai you
did go and jinx it.

- What you call a jinx,

I call careful planning,

for I alone did not
possess the power

to summon a Link Five monster,

so I tapped into another source.

- Another source?

- You mean other humans?

- What else would I mean?

- I don't know, a hamster wheel?

- I've said before that
Link VRAINS and I are one,

therefore so is everyone
within Link VRAINS.

My neuron link allows me to
tap into their mental energies

like batteries.

- So that's how you were
able to create a data storm

that big, wow!

You must have tapped into a
ginormous number of noggins.

- That's correct.

One individual is not capable
of generating much energy,

but when there's a source with
millions of minds I can tap


that data storm is only the
beginning of what I can achieve.

You think this Link Five monster
is the apex of my abilities

when I only see it
as the starting line.

- So then that explains
why everyone in Link VRAINS

is being targeted
with mind blasts,

Bohman is draining all
of their brain power.

- And using it to
then fuel his duel.

- The longer this duel goes on,

the more victims there will be.

We have to do something, but
is there anything we can do.

- Bohman, I know you have
a thing against cheaters

and what you're doing here
is prime, AAA grade cheating.

- Cheating? How so?

- You absorbed like a bazillion
and a half minds into you to

power you up, right?

- And your point?

- My point?

My point is that duelling is
supposed to be one versus one.

Not one versus a
bazillion and a half.

- But Ai,

you and Playmaker have been
dueling against me all this time

and that is two on one, and you
did not hear me complaining.

- Well.

- But to address your concern,

let me assure you that
it's more than fair.

The power of their minds
may fuel my strength,

but I'm still the one
making all the decisions.

- That still doesn't
sound fair to me

'cause you just gave yourself a

performance enhancing power
boost in the middle of a duel.

- How is it any different
than the humans?

As humans use food
to nourish them,

I'm using them to nourish
me, there is no difference.

In fact, you can say that
I'm doing them a favor

because now that they
are a part of me,

they can share in the glory
of creating a new world,

a utopia.

- You cannot create a utopia

by destroying the lives
of those around you.

- Yeah!

While we don't want anyone
to be erased anymore,

you're still willing
to add to the count

to get what you want,

and that's why we
don't see eye to eye.

- Obviously, I know that
we don't see eye to eye.

Isn't that the very reason

why we're having
this duel right now?

- Stop being so logical.

- In the end Ai,
whatever we may say,

whatever we may feel,

one side is correct
and the other is not,

and the one who wins this duel

is the one that will be
deemed to be correct.

So if you truly think
that I'm in the wrong,

prove it by defeating me.

But I believe you will
find that this task

is all but impossible.

- I've never been more pumped

to put a program in it's place.

- Stay calm Ai,

don't let your emotions
overwhelm your focus.

It's our turn!

- Ooh, nice draw.

- Yes it is, but I'll
save it for later

and summon Widget Kid.

And due to widget
kid's special ability,

I'm now allowed to summon my
Tuner Monster Cyberse Synchron.

Next I activate
Cyberse Synchron's

special ability to
double Widget Kid's level

from three to six.

- And that gets us
the sauce to allow us

the Syncro Summon moment.

- I tune my level
one Cyberse Synchron

with my level six Widget Kid.

Watch just the flash
of lightning strikes

from the far reaches
of the universe.

I Syncro Summon my
Cyberse Quantum Dragon.

- Your Hydradrive may
have more attack points

than our quantum dragon,

but when our dragon battles,
its special ability kicks in

and sends your monster
back to your deck.

So all your work's
going bye bye.

- Hmm, did you think I
wouldn't be ready for this?

I already have a counter
strategy prepared for you.

I activate my skill again!

- Again?

- Now you will experience
the true and terrible extent

of my power.

[upbeat music]