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02x37 - Reaching Out

Posted: 04/14/24 17:27
by bunniefuu
[suspenseful music]

- Lights, camera, take 10.

- Let's hope this
one's a keeper.

- Hey ho, it's your boy.

The one who put the fab in dab.

Your host the Brave Battler.

Here with another flash episode

of Link Vrains,
The Road to Glory.

Where I travel
throughout Link Vrains

and reveal all the
hidden secrets and tricks

of becoming a champion like me.

[humming off key]

Secrets are everywhere.


Like there.

Look here.

It's a garbage can.

Now, it may look like
an ordinary garbage can

on the outside,
but in Link Vrains

what you see isn't
always what it seems.

It can be a secret
entrance to a hidden layer

or a rare card shop.

Or in this case it could
be an ordinary garbage can

with a bag of garbage.

- This video is garbage.

- Total garbage.

You're not actually thinking
of airing this, are you?

- What choice do I have?

We haven't seen
Playmaker in weeks

and we gotta air something.

- But Boss, we'd probably
get higher ratings

showing a squirrel dining on
a piece of cheese than him.

- You think I'm not upset too?

The Brave Battler tricked
us, but mostly you

into giving him his own show.

Since I'm Playmaker's
best friend

I can give you total
access to Playmaker.

Aint that flash dabbity dab.

[groaning heavily]

But all he did
was give us access

to the lowest
ratings in history.

- Then I don't get it.

Why do you keep putting the
Battler back on the air?

Why don't you just fire him?

It's not like you
owe him anything.

So why not just cut
our losses, move on

and then we can start
fresh tomorrow, Boss?

- I wish I could, but I signed
him to an exclusive contract.

- So?

- It was for 15 years.

- 15 Years!

- Remember that
exclusive footage we had

of Playmaker versus
the Knights of Hanoi?

That clip was viewed

When our latest episode,
only a thousand!

- Well a thousand
views isn't that bad?

- Yeah, it is.

If you check the logs.

One view was by me to
make sure the clip was up.

Another one was by you

cause you wanted to make
sure the clip was up

and the remaining 998 times
was by the Brave Battler.


- So we are the only
ones who watched it.

So basically we're doing
journalism for no one.

If we don't get some
clicks and get them soon,

we're gonna have to turn off
the lights in this place.

And there sure are a
lot of lights in here.

I bet it's gonna
take you forever

to screw out all
the light bulbs.

- [Frog] What?


- Yeah, cause I can't do it.

I have wings, not
opposable thumbs like you.

- Well you know what,
I oppose that idea

because we're not
going out of business.

- Oh yeah.

- Let's get back to
doing what we do best.

And that's finding
Playmaker on our own.

So go out into Link
Vrains and find him.

Even if it takes you all night.

- You're crushing my feathers!

[dramatic music]

[dramatic music]

[dramatic music]

- Um, Mr. Zaizen.

Shouldn't you get the
Queen's permission

before changing the
security protocols?

- And deal with
all that red tape?

Not when Link Vrains' systems
can be att*cked at any moment.

- [Hayami] att*cked?

By who?

- [Yusaku] The situation
with the Ignis has evolved

and unfortunately I can't
say it's for the better.

- The Ignis declared
w*r on humanity?

- [Ai] Not all of us,
but more than one.

So yeah.

- That's not good.

Like you,

I hoped humans and Ignis
would come together.

An all out w*r between us

is the last thing I
wanted to see happen.

- [Yusaku] We'll do everything
we can to stop Lightning.

In the meantime,

I suggest you beef up
security in Link Vrains.

If the Ignis attack the
destruction could be even worse

than what the
Knights of Hanoi did.

- The Knights of Hanoi destroyed
everything in Link Vrains.

Could the Ignis be
worse than that?

- Beats me.

- Ghost Gal sent us footage
of Earth's final moments.

I'm warning ya.

It's not pretty.

- What's going on?

- Let's get to work, shall we?

[buzzing electricity]

- What's that?

[laser zinging]

[dramatic music]

- Oh, this is awkward.

[dramatic music]

- It's more horrible
than I imagined.

- Afterwards SOL
Technologies put earth's data

into Gore's brain.

- And messed him up too.

- Yes, destroying two
lives in the process.

- [Ai] I'm not gonna say
I'm angry cause I'm furious.

They think it's fine
to treat us like this?

- [Yusaku] No, it's not fine.

It's not fine to hurt
anyone and it still isn't.

- Yusaku.

- [Theodore] You okay, Yusaku?

- Huh?

- You forgot this.

I never heard you yell before.

Well, your version of yelling.

I think your volume went
up by like one, Yusaku.

But I totally get it.

Losing your friends
and allies isn't easy.

I don't know how I'll
deal if I ever lose Flame.

And I know you feel
the same way about Ai.

- Now, before you answer,

it's okay not to answer too.


I'll take your silence as a yes.

You'll miss me.

I'll miss you too buddy.

But even if we wanna hang
out together forever,

not everyone ends up that lucky.

When I gobbled up
some of Gore's data,

I also got some of
Earth's memories.

- The Cyberse is
splitting in two.

There are those who believe

that we can coexist
with the humans

and there are others who don't.

- [Earth] Yes.

- And I don't know if
we can remain neutral.

The time is coming when we
must decide which side to join

the humans or the Ignis.

And that time is soon.

Go to their world

and see what the
humans are really like

before you make your decision.

Because what you choose
won't only affect you,

but the future of us all.

- I've hacked my brain so
that I can calculate moves

faster and better than
any human or Ignis.

Your defeat is only
a matter of time.

- This human has no qualms

about hurting me or Aqua.

It's my turn.

- It's hard to make peace

when we're already at
each other's throats.

- [Ai] Yeah, but
on the bright side,

we can't make peace unless
we are fighting, right?

- You do know how silly
that sounds, don't you?

- [Ai] Yes, I do.

- Well Ai, as much as
I hate to admit it,

it's turning out just
as Varis predicted.

The w*r between the Ignis and
the humans was inevitable.

- It's not just Varis.

Lightning thought
the same thing.

- Humans want to destroy us.

So we want to
destroy the humans.

It's nice and clean.

What other possible
solution is there?

- [Ai] How about not
fighting each other at all?

You know, trying to
live together in peace

like me and Playmaker.

Sure, we got our ups and downs.

Mostly downs, but it's
working out, mostly.

- You mean coexistence?

While that sounds plausible.

It's impossible.

Even your coexistence with
Playmaker will not last.

- Well that doesn't sound good.

- [Ai] Understatement.

And then Varis showed up
and threw oil on the fire.

[dramatic music]

- Varis.

- Are you here to help us?

- Of course not.

You see, I only came
here to do one thing

and that's to destroy the Ignis.

- Quite the introduction.

Then allow me to introduce
myself in return.

- Watch yourself Varis.

[dramatic music]

- Hm, seems he was ready for
your lightning, Lightning.

Didn't even phase
or daze him at all.

- Unlike some other
fool that I know.

I came here prepared

knowing that you try
something underhanded.

- [Ai] Ow, is he
talking about me.

- Who else could it be?

- [Wind] I'm surprised
you made it here.

- You shouldn't be.

The Hanoi have eyes
all over the network.

You can hide from us.

But you can't hide
from us forever.

- No. No, no, no, no, no, no.

I meant that you made it
here past my security detail

since I had Echo standing guard
to ward off all intruders.

- Your so-called security's

not good enough to guard
an empty piggy bank.

My team's mopping
them up as we speak.

- Isn't it crazy, that more
folks wanna fight than not?

- Actually, it isn't that crazy.

As AIs evolve,

humans fear that they
will take over our lives.

And the AIs fear that
we will destroy them

in order to prevent that
reality from happening.

And when we're scared and angry,

we don't always make
the right decisions.

Believe me, I know.

- Huh?

- After the Lost Incident,

the only thing I
desired was revenge

for those who wronged me.

And in the end, all of the
hate that I was filled with,

added up to nothing.

And it cost me years of my life,

which I can never get back.

- Well, I don't intend
on wasting years

or days or even seconds.

Cause remember what you said

when you were about to
face off against Bohman.

- Listen, Bohman,

the piece you're talking about
isn't really peace at all

because you want
to force it on us

instead of letting us choose.

I view things
differently than you.

I believe we can
coexist in peace

because we want to
coexist in peace.

Not by force, but by choice.

- What you speak
of is impossible.

- No.

The impossible is
just the possible that
has yet to be done.

- I'm impressed Ai.

You actually remembered
something worth remembering.

- Yeah.

So keep them challenges coming

and the harder they are,
the better they are.

- Sure.

- [Flame] I appreciate
the enthusiasm, Theodore.

But wouldn't we prefer it if
the challenges weren't so hard?

- Oh yeah, you're right.

[laughs nervously]

- It's fine whether
things are easy or hard.

Our sole objective
is to bring this w*r

to a quick conclusion.

- That's right.
- [Yusaku] And then me and you

will go our separate ways, Ai.

- Uh, come again.

- I said that when the
w*r is finally over,

we will go our separate ways.

- [Ai] Now I heard you,

but I don't think I
heard you correctly.

- It's something that's
been weighing on my mind

for quite some time.

If you stay with me,

then other people will
always try to hunt you down.

You'll never have a
single moment of peace.

But if you rebuild your Cyberse

somewhere where
humans can't reach

somewhere far from Link Vrains

in the infinite of
the digital network

someplace even, I don't know.

So I can't reveal it to anyone,

then you, Flame and the
other Ignis will be safe.

- But doesn't that mean we'll
never see each other again?

- I never said you can't visit

as long as your
visits are occasional

and not all the time.

- Uh oh, he's doing
the mouth thing again.

Still freaks me out.

- Sounds like a plan.

- [Flame] Hmm.

- But all this going away talk
is making me kind of misty.

- [Flame] I haven't
gone away yet, you know?

- Yeah, I know that Flame.

And I know that someday
people will grow up

and learn that humans
and AIs can coexist.

It's just sad that
that day isn't today.

But until that day comes,

the only thing I care
about is that you're safe

and I'll do anything
to keep you safe.

Even if that means
you have to go away.

Cause I know.

That even if we're apart,

we'll always be
friends to the end.

- Yes, friends forever.

- [Ai] Wow.

That was some sunshine wrapped
in a storm cloud tortilla.

- Yes Ai, our future is
comprised of many unknowns,

which can darken its outlook,

but to ensure that
a future exists,

we must never stop
believing in it.

- Elbows loose.

I'm ready to get things rolling,

but where's my camera crew?

- Why did we become
his camera crew?

- Once I saw that your bank
account was unaccounted for?

- Ah?

- What's up?

- What's up is right
up there, Boss.

- Huh?

- Oh.
- Oh.

- Cha-ching, it's Playmaker!

After them ASAP!

- Wait, but what
about Brave Battler?

- Brave who?

Come on, get your rump roasting.

- Coming.

[breathing hard]

- They're too fast, Boss.

Can't catch up.

- Seems like they've
upgraded their duel boosters.

But I got upgrades too.

- What?

[laughing evilly]

- Yeah.

[laughing evilly]

- Nice boss.

This is super fast.

- And it only cost us

your next month's
paycheck to purchase.

But I couldn't
afford the brakes.

- Say what?

[upbeat music]

- Hey, you two.

Why did you call us here?

[loud screaming]

- Who was that?

- When Lightning says
he's smarter than humans,

he may actually have a case.

- So what's up Playmaker?

- Varis sent me a message saying

he wants to meet with us here.

- Huh?

- Varis, for real?

- That's right.

- Huh?

Is that a card?

No, it's too thick to be one.

- [Ghost Gal] He wants
to meet us, for what?

- He didn't share
any information.

- [Ai] Maybe he's holding
a family game night.

Can't play charades solo.

- But how exactly was
Varis able to find you

in the real world?

- Because he knows
Playmaker's secret identity.

Crazy, right?


You thought you were
the only one who knew?

- What, no way.

- Settle down Soulburner.

It's not that surprising
since the Hanoi

were deeply involved
in the Lost Incident,

it's only natural that
he knows the identities

of all the unfortunate victims.

- Yeah, I guess you're right.

- [Ai] But on the flip side,

Playmaker and I know
Varis' identity.

So like the numbers four and
nine and 16 we're all square.

- Well, come on,
tell us who is he?

- Whoa. Whoa.

You can ask him who he is
directly when we meet him

- But should we?

He's made it clear that he
wants to destroy all the Ignis

including us.

- [Ai] Yeah, true.

But I know this is gonna
sound really, really weird

and it's gonna be
really, really,

really weirder for me to say.

But we couldn't have gotten
this far without his help.

- Varis?

- [Ai] What are you doing here?

And when are you leaving?

- I saw that you
let Bohman escape.

- [Ai] We didn't
let him do anything.

- If history is any indicator,

Bohman is sure to come
back stronger than before.

So you need to be prepared.

- [Ai] Whoa.

- And what is this?

- [Varis] Just a
little something.

Consider it a gift.

- [Ai] Looks like
some kind of program.

- [Varis] It'll protect
you from the Ignis' att*cks

in the real world

so you don't end up
mind-controlled like
your friend Jin.

Just load it into
your duel disk.

- Ha, like we'd ever trust you.

No way, we're
running this program.

[vibrating giggle]


- [Yusaku] Well?

- It's the real deal.

- Well then see you around.

- Wait, why are you helping us?

You're like our super villain.

- The enemy of my
enemy is my friend.

Well, at least for now.

- So he's both our
ally and our enemy.

- Yes.

But the question is,
which one is he currently?

An ally or an enemy?

- Who knows?

- What do you think?

- I don't think it
hurts to meet Varis.

And if he gets out of line,
let's put him in his place.

- [Flame] What do
you think Soulburner?

Whatever you decide,
I will follow.

- All right.

It looks like we
caught up to Playmaker.

- Caught up.

We almost got blown up
by buying that rocket.

We almost bought the farm.

You're lucky that I was able
to unstrap myself in time

or we'd be singing
our swan songs.

- Shush!

Stop squawking.

Don't you see, we
hit the jackpot

cause it ain't just
Playmaker going solo.

Ghost Gal and some
turquoise lady's here too.

I know an exclusive
scoop, when I see one.

So get your camera rolling.

- Aye, aye.

- [Ai] Where is Varis anyway?

[dramatic music]

[dramatic music]

- What's this?

- We're trapped inside
some form of barrier.

- Huh?

- Good, you're all here.

- It's Varis.

- What's the big
idea, locking us up?

- No need to worry.

T his barrier's to
prevent outsiders

from snooping in on
our conversation.

- Or so you say.

- [Flame] He's
telling the truth.

My scans say all signals
are being blocked.

- I wish we could hear
what they're talking about.

- Yeah, if we only
had a better mic.

- Varis.

Why did you reach
out and call us here?

- I called you here
for a simple reason.

I request your assistance.

- [Ghost Gal] Hold on a sec.

The Varis is asking
us for a help?

- [Varis] Why would
that surprise you?

Though we are on opposite sides,

we do have the same goal,

which is to defeat
the Light Ignis.

Therefore, our interests
are quite aligned.

So if you help me, you're
helping yourselves as well.

- Is he telling the truth?

- Yes, he's not
trying to trick us.

- I don't buy it cause
the Hanoi I know.

never asks for help,
and I mean never.

- That's where your
wrong Ghost Gal.

Very wrong.

Why just the other day

I tried to get The
Shepherd to join my side.

- You asked my brother?

- Though he didn't
accept my invitation.

I did give him a clue as
to how to defeat the Ignis.

From one hunter to another,

allow me to give you some
professional dueling advice.

Unless you up your
dueling skills,

you'll never defeat an Ignis.

Especially since they
have a powerful new card

known as a Link Spell.

- A Link Spell?

- It's a Spell Card that
has Link Arrows of its own

opening up whole new
dueling strategies.

So unless your game is prepared

to deal with a card
like that, Shepherd.

You have no chance of winning.

But even with that knowledge,

the Light Ignis proved
too much for him.

- Goodbye my friend.

Legatus Legionis, attack
Fortressdrone Beehive

and end this duel.

[loud expl*si*n]

- I've never seen
anything like it.

The Shepherd dueled
close to perfection

and he still lost
against the Light Ignis.

So you want to know why
I'm asking for your help?

Because if the
times are changing,

then I have to change
with the times.

And let's be honest,

you need my help as well.

- So long story short,

the big bad Varis is scared
of the teeny tiny Lightning.

- You can believe
whatever you want.

Because what an Ignis thinks
is no concern of mine.

- [Soulburner] I'll never
team up with you, Varis.

After everything you
did to ruin my life!

- [Old Man] When
you went missing,

your parents went out
to search for you,

but they never returned.

They've gone missing.

I'm so sorry, Theodore.

We've searched and searched,

but we were unable to find them.

- If it wasn't for
your Lost Incident,

my parents would still
be a part of my life.

- Yes, I know.

- [Soulburner] No, you
don't know a thing,

but I do know this.

Now that we're face to face,

I'm gonna defeat you in a duel.

- Soulburner.

- [Soulburner] Sorry everyone,

but this is one of those times

when I gotta do what I gotta do

or my soul will
never be at rest.

I'm about to take you down!

- Very well.

Let's duel.


[dramatic music]