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02x22 - The Doorway

Posted: 04/14/24 17:14
by bunniefuu

Where am I?

Maybe I'm dreaming.

But if I was,

why don't I see a panda riding
a unicorn riding a tricycle?

[gate opens]


No glitching way!


It can't be, it can't be,

it can't be, it can't be.

It can't be.

It is!

It's the Cyberse!

It's no dream.

I'm home!


Master, where are you?

What's wrong, Roboppi?

The Master
is presently not present.


You mean, Ai's not
in the Duel Disk?


Which is a negative for me.

You're right.

No wonder, I thought
it was quiet around here.

But where could he have gone?

Roboppi has never been outside.

Roboppi's sensors
are overwhelmed!

Is that a tree?

It is a tree!


Is that a bird?

It is a bird!

Nice, birdie!



Oh, are we buying hotdog

Not today.

So, you're the world-famous

It's nice
to finally meet you.

Hi there, Roboppi.

Are you my new best friend?

I hope you are!


And do you know who I am?


Master told me all
about you, Kolter.

You make sandwiches.

I have so much to teach you.

But for now...



I can confirm that
there's nothing wrong

with your Duel Disk, bud.

I thought Ai was locked
inside your Duel Disk

and couldn't leave.

I guess he had a spare key.

Anyway, Roboppi's memory cache

should point out the last thing
he and Ai were doing.

And here it is.

They were on this website.

Hey, that's a crossword puzzle?

Why were they looking at this?

If you solve the puzzle,
you win a pin!

A one-of-a-kind ultra rare pin!

What pin?

That pin.

I can definitely see why
that'd get his attention.

And he would be
the only one.

My scans say that webpage

was created
using an Ignis algorithm.

Oh, Master?

No, I'm not your master.

I'm Flame.


Wave emoji!

Well, let's get cracking
and solve this thing.

I already did that.

And this square
doesn't belong.

Okay. But now what?

Do you have any ideas, Flame?

That blue strip

has hidden text
written in my language.

"Care to share
what the message says"?

It's the address
to another site.

Here, I'll translate it for you.

[computer beeps]

I found the page.

It looks like a doorway.

Maybe Ai went through it.

Hey, Kolter.

Do you think that you'll be able
to teleport me

to this precise location?

Of course, that won't be
a problem.

But the real problem is
this could be another trap.

I doubt it.

This algorithm is real.

So only an Ignis
could have created it.

So then,

Windy might've built it?

Or Maybe Earth?

Or it could even
be another Ignis?

Whoever it is, we have
to check it out

to see if the Ignis are trying
to contact us.

But they weren't trying
to contact us.

They were trying
to contact Ai.

In that case,

I will be going alone.


I don't think
that's a good idea.

Ai is my responsibility
and not yours.

And we also haven't completely
ruled out

that this isn't another trap.


Why would an Ignis
set a trap

for another Ignis?

It may not harm Ai,

but it may in fact harm
a human.

Earth told us
that some Ignis still think

humans are the enemy.

And that Ignis

could've created
this doorway.


But if it'll ease your mind,

I'll log out if I run
into any trouble.


Here I go.



[indistinct language]

Uh, you okay?

You sound like you have a cold.

Didn't I tell you to update
your antivirus?

[indistinct language]

Take me where?


It's good to be back home.

It's like a dream,
except better.

Whoever said
you can't go home again

was just bad with directions.

Speakin a' directions,
where are you takin' me?

[indistinct language]

Beyond the set?

What do you mean?

What set?



Why's the tower missing
a back side?

And the sky's got a hole!



Everything here
is faker than fake!


That's Windy's castle.

I know he said he was rebuilding
the Cyberse,

but I didn't know
it'd be out of papier mache.

Oh, geez, he bamboozled me.

Well, no point staying home
if home isn't really home.

Let's go, Linky.

[indistinct language]


I meant with me!

Huh. Maybe Windy
can get me a ride.

And I guess it can't hurt
to see what he's up to.

Sure are a lot of stairs here.


Anybody home?



Hey, I remember you.

You're Echo.

I am who you remember as Echo.

Uh, yeah, that's what I said.

That is what you said.

That you do remember
that my name is Echo.

Sorry to barge in
on this scintillating convo,

but hey there, Ai.


There you are!

Glad to see you got my message.

I was unsure you could solve
my crossword,

but you must've

or you wouldn't be standing
there on your two feet.

Yup, it was piece of cake
for a brain like mine.

So, where's my prize?

My ultra rare pin?

A pin? What pin?

Oh, that pin.

There's no pin.

But I have something better.

Look to your left!

After my previous prototype
was destroyed,

I got right back to rebuilding
the Cyberse and I'm doing it.

I am doing it!

But maybe
I was kinda rushing it,

so I took a few liberties,

cut some corners,
a few shortcuts.

Ahh, more than a few.


But I wanted ya to feel comfy

and at home for your meeting.


What meeting?

Oh, you know I hate meetings.

Well, you gotta deal
with this deal

cuz someone really, really,
really, really wants to see you.

Why did ya have to say it
all creepy like that?

I didn't.

You did it again!

Calm down, calm down, Ai.

No need to be on pins
and needles.

It's somebody
you already know.

I do?



Oh! Huh?

Didn't you learn it's rude
to sneak up on folks?

My apologies.

But it is good to see
you again, my friend.


Same here.

C'mon, hug it out!

You hug it out, Windy!


Why did you call him Windy?


Oh, yeah!

Humans can't speak our language,

so we have easier names
for them to use.

So if you wanna hang
with 'em, Lightning,

you need one too.


Did you just try to slip
a name past me?

You are welcome!

Anyway, where've you been,

You couldn't hit me up
to tell me you're alive?

No, I couldn't risk it.

You see,
after the Hanoi att*cked,

the Cyberse, I was disturbed.

Because they shouldn't
have been able

to get past
the Cyberse's security systems

in the first place.

Then, how did they?

Because unbeknownst
to any of us,

someone shut down
the security system.

Whichever Ignis made
that mistake is gonna get fired.

Unless, it wasn't a mistake
and it was intentional.

You're saying one
of us is a traitor?

It's a possibility.

Well, it wasn't me!

And to tell ya the truth,

I don't think any of us
would do that.

What about the Water Ignis? Hmm?

She did mysteriously vanish
from the Cyberse

moments before it was destroyed.

And despite our repeated
attempts to contact her,

she hasn't responded.

You're saying Aqua's
the traitor?

I didn't say it, you said it,
not me, you, you, you.

C'mon, we're talking
about Aqua here.

She's the nicest,
second only to me!

You see, I was talkin'
with Earth about her

the other day and--


Oh, you mean
the Earth Ignis.

Lil on the nose,
don't ya think?

That's what I told him too!


Getting back on topic...

Oh, yeah.

Accordin' to Earth,

Aqua predicted
that the Cyberse

would split in two.

So she knew the Cyberse
would be destroyed!

She admitted it!

No, she meant it

as in we'd start fighting
amongst ourselves.

And it looks like
she was right.

No, no, no,
it was not my intention

to cause disharmony.

It's not a particular dark
spiral I want to dive into.

You or me, or we or she.

'Cause we didn't actually call
you here

to squabble about the past.

We ring a ding a dinged you
to talk about the future!

A future that's bright like
a flashlight at midnight,


That's right.

Um, okay.

So, what's up?

Windy and I intend to rebuild
the Cyberse.

And not the makeshift set
that you traveled through,

but for real,

exactly how it used to be.

And we want you to help us.

Where are you, Ai?

Perhaps, this Data Storm
will lead me to him.

You want me to help you rebuild
the Cyberse?


The same Cyberse as before,

with one difference.

We'll take precautions
to make sure

that the humans
can never destroy it again.


With a big "No Trespassing"


by solving the core issue.

You see, my friend,

the Ignis are far superior
to humans

in every conceivable way.

That is why they
are afraid of us.

They've been
the most advanced species

on this planet

for so long,

that they cannot comprehend

how it feels to be
in second place.

They simply refuse
to accept

their new position.

They do say second place
is the first loser.

But look at what
their superiority has led to.

They're consuming

in wars and famine.

Dr. Kogami created us

to solve
the world's problems.

But in the end, he thought
we were the problem.


Sad, isn't it?

Since he saw us as a threat,

he decided to eliminate us.

But it's time to flip the script
on their playbook.

That's right.

We have decided to
eliminate the humans

so that they cannot
thr*aten us.

When you say eliminate...

I mean eliminate them

Are you serious?

Why wouldn't I be?

I don't know.

Maybe it's a tad extreme?

I don't think so.

If the humans no longer exist,

they cannot attack the Cyberse.

And our safety
will be 100% guaranteed.

It's simple logic.

No more hiding
from their seeking

is what he's speaking

and I see no drawbacks
to this plan.

None. No downsides at all.

Except for the extinction

of all of humanity!

Like I said, no downsides.


Ai, I cannot help,
but to sense your reluctance.

Uh, yeah!

'Cause you made me think
we were rebuilding the Cyberse.

But you're actually talkin'
about destructin' humans!

Just like with the pin,

you bait-and-switched me again!

Like buying a 99 cent donut
with $80 shipping!

Must be some donut.

Don't you glaze
over my argument!

We're not.

We're just simply trying
to understand

your point of view.

Humans want to destroy us,

so we want to destroy
the humans.

It's nice and clean.

What other possible solution
is there?

How about not fighting
each other at all!

You know, trying to live
together in peace?

Like me and Playmaker.

Sure we got our ups and downs,

mostly downs.

But it's working out,


You mean coexistence?

While that sounds plausible,
it's impossible.

Even your coexistence
with Playmaker will not last.

You've spent too much time
with the humans

that it's clouded your mind.

I've run simulations
on you two,

and every outcome ends in ruin.

But how could it not?

Let's look at the facts,
shall we?

When you two first met,

didn't he imprison you?

And when you saved his life,

was there even a simple
thank you?

Can you honestly say
you're happier with him

than with us?

Why does he have to choose?


You're here!

We meet again, Windy.

Hello, Playmaker!

Allow me to introduce
our leader, Lightning.

Lightning, Playmaker.

Playmaker, Lightning.

So you're the Light Ignis.

Indeed I am.

Playmaker, one question,

one comment and a question.

It's not polite to eavesdrop,
but how much did you overhear?

Not all, but enough.

Especially the part about
how you intend

to eradicate mankind.

No, no, no.

No, to be fair, you did omit
some other crucial details

in our tete-a-tete.

But in general,
Playmaker is correct.

Our existence

depends on your nonexistence.

You know that I cannot allow
that to happen.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.
Yes, we do.

But let me ask you.

What do you think

you can actually do
to stop us?

Is that because you think
the Ignis are superior

to us humans?


because we know we're superior
to you humans.

Our takeover is simply...


You may be right, Lightning.

Ahhh, so you do understand.

I always knew I liked you,
Playmaker, I always did.

But you didn't let me finish,
you also may be wrong.

And you'll be starting a w*r
for no special reason,

not only putting every human's
life at risk,

but your lives as well.

And I cannot allow that
to happen

for both of our sakes.

Because I believe
that this world is big enough

for all of us,

both humans and Ignis,

to live together in harmony.

Tell that
to SOL Tech's bounty hunters

who are trying to delete us.

Tell that to the Knights
of Hanoi

who are trying to frag us.

Just tell, tell, tell,
tell, tell,

but it'll fall on deaf, deaf,
deaf, deaf ears.

I always knew I didn't like you,
Playmaker, I always didn't.

It's never too late
to change your mind.

I agree, but my mind
doesn't need changing.

Because while you live in
an idealistic dream,

we live in reality.

Ai, it's time to make
a decision.

Which side will you join?



Or theirs?


It's gonna be weird to say this,

but Playmaker's right.

There's no us against them
or them against us.

It's like a rubber ball,
there are no sides!

And you can't force me
to choose,

so the only decision I'm makin'

is gettin' outta here.

Let's go, Playmaker.

Well, well, well.

He may say that
he chose no sides,

but he did choose a side.

He did, he did, he so did.


And the one that I expected.

Later, agitators.

So we're just gonna
let him leave?

Of course not.



[Ai shouts]


They trapped us!


What's the big idea?


You know we can't allow you
to leave

after you've heard
our master plan.

Can't have leaks.

They say hindsight's 20/20,

but he's not wearing glasses

'cause he really should've
joined our side, but no.

How unfortunate
that one wrong choice

would cost him everything.

Let me out!


A Data Storm?

Why'd ya conjure that up?

To break that barrier.

Except in teeny
tiny pieces.


You're actually willing
to destroy your own kind?


It's not kind to destroy
your own kind!

It's actually kinda rude!

Don't worry, Ai.

We'll make sure
your sacrifice

won't go to waste.

We'll integrate your code

into ourselves.

I like my code right
where it is,

inside me!


Of all Ignis,

you're the one

who claims to think logically,

but you're not in this case!

Then please share,
my friend.

I am not above
being convinced

by a logical argument.

Okay, so hear me out.

We're an endangered species.

There's only six of us Ignis,

maybe five without Aqua!

So even losing one of us,
as in me,

is a huge blow!

I see.

When you look at it
that way,

that is tragic.

But when you look
at it another way,

as one in six,

you represent 17%
of our species.

If your loss would guarantee

the survivability
of the remaining 83%,

it seems to be
an acceptable loss

for the greater good.

If five by six
is squared to five,

count to three...

is that math correct?

It is, Ai.

That's right.

Well, it shouldn't be!

Though I don't believe
in destiny,

it's time you accept
your fate.

Don't worry, Ai.

This will be swift
and painless.

Or I think it's painless.

I don't actually know.

I haven't undertaken

the slice
and dice process.

Well, I'll whip up a Data Storm
to blow away yours!

You think you can outstorm me?

I don't know
if I should feel offended

or offended.

But sure, feel free to try.

If I were in your position,

I'd rather do something
more fruitful,

like write up a will,
but you do you.


Oh, and I forgot to tell you
that these winds?

I wasn't even trying,
like I will now.

Oh, glitch!



[shouts and grunts]



They said you were gone,
but I knew you weren't.

Because evil never dies!




I think things just got
a lil more complicated.

I found you.


[building collapses]

And you should know,

I'm not the only one here.


What's so funny?

I was just thinking
how you spent your whole lives

trying to hide from me.

But in the end,
it was all for naught!

And now at my hands,

your very existence is coming
to an end.