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02x18 - The Beginning

Posted: 04/14/24 17:09
by bunniefuu
Yusaku wait up.

You're heading over to
Kolter's truck right?

Mind if I tag along
with you?

I found something that's
really gonna blow his mind--

Yusaku, Yusaku, Yusaku!

I know you've been
keeping secrets from me.

A big one.

You and me need to have
a little chat, privately.

Sorry, I'm kind of in the
middle of something Shima.


That's too bad.

'Cause I think you'll want
to hear what I have to say

'cause I'm not playing around

and you shouldn't
make me annoyed.

If you catch my drift.

Hey man it's cool.

We can catch up later.

Enjoy your pow wow.

Okay what is it Shima?

We can't talk out here.

It's way too public.

'Cause you don't want
this secret getting out.

Ah this is the life.

While millions of meatbags
are crammed down there like,

well meat in a bag, I got
the whole sky to myself.

Hey Ai!

Get down here a sec.

I have a surprise for ya.

A surprise, for me?

Huh surprise, surprise.

I figured as long as
your flying up there,

you can help me out with
some aerial advertising.

I'm the most sophisticated
AI in the world,

but you're treating
me like a coupon! Huh!

That's Soulburner.

He usually clings
to Playmaker

like a sock that just
came out of the dryer.

So what's he doing
here all alone?

I smell something fishy.

And fish sticks aren't
on Kolter's menu.



Since when did Duel Discs
start falling out of the sky?

Flame is it just me or does
that look like Ai right there?

It's most definitely him.

I'd recognise that lazy
splayed out look anywhere.

I wasn't
splayed out!

I got laid out.

Yes by a flagpole
that you ran into.

But wait, that means
you can fly now?


That's right I can fly.

Get it?

Nice one.

Theodore, this
gives me an idea.

Perhaps it would be

if I had a mode of
transportation as well.

Nothing as silly
as a flying drone

but a 12 cylinder flame mobile.

Think how much you'll save
on bus fare to school.


I would rather
walk to school.

Hey Teddy.

What brings you down here?

Kolter, just the
person I wanted to see.

I know it's a bit late but

I never thanked you for saving
me from the Shepherd's trap.

This isn't much
but I brought you a snack.

Oh yeah?

You didn't
have to go through

all that trouble
on my account.

Yeah and it looks
like he didn't.

A single bag of goodies?

I know you said it wasn't
much and you're right.

Be nice.

This is one more
bag of goodies than

I had this morning,
so that's way awesome.

Thanks bud.

You got my snack
so I got yours.

Take a load off
and I'll sling you a dog.

Speaking of loads,
where's Playmaker?

Is his GPS on the fritz?

Actually he's
still at school.

Ooh did he
get detention?

No, he's meeting with
the one known as Shima.


Oh that would be
worse than detention.

I think we're alone
now, Shima.

Well yeah but you can
never be too careful right?

What do you mean?

What I mean is,
you got careless Yusaku.

Or should I call you

That's right,
I know your secret.

But what I'm gonna do with this

information all depends on you.

Hoo I'm stuffed.

I don't know what's
more amazing Kolter,

your delish
hotdog sandwiches


or all this hacking hardware
that you fit into your van.

They're just tools
I use to get the job done.

The real hacking's done up here.

I can totally see

why you and Playmaker
make up the perfect team.

You, Kolter, are the brains
while Playmaker's the brawn.

As if!


With his spaghetti arms?

Them two were
scrambling like eggs

to get anything done
until I showed up.

Yes with your
spaghetti arms.

But I am curious

what led you to
collaborate with Yusaku?

Well it's, it's a long story.

Those are
the best stories!

Come on, story time,
tell us all the deets.

Leave nothing out.

Except for the boring
parts, skip those.

All right.

I'll tell you how Yusaku and
I started working together.

But I gotta warn you,

if you're looking for a happy
tale, this isn't one of them.

The story begins when
Jin went missing.

I didn't know it at the time
but my little bro got caught up

in the Lost Incident,
just like you and Yusaku.

I see!

I know it was
worse for Jin

but it wasn't easy
for me either.

It was six months man.

Six months of
not knowing.

Searching every day
and finding nothing.

But the one thing I never
did was give up hope.

So when I got the call
that they'd found him,

I thought the worst was over.

But, as it turns out, Jin's

troubles were only
getting started.

Hey Jin, welcome home.

Did you miss me buddy?

'Cause let me tell ya
I really missed you.

We got a lotta
catching up to do.

But first, I got
a treat for you.

The park!

'Cause I know you love
to feed the birds and...



You okay Jin?

Say something bud.


Jin was a friendly outgoing kid

but the Jin that left wasn't
the Jin that came back.

His personality
hadn't just changed,

it was totally gone.

I asked everybody for answers.

The police, the medics but
no one was giving anything

to a 14 year old kid except
for a pat on the head.

And even if they wanted
to tell me something,

they couldn't because,
as we know now,

the entire Lost Incident was

covered up as if
it never happened.

So I made my decision.

If no one's going to save Jin,

then I'll have to do it myself.

And the first step
was to find out

everything I could
about the Lost Incident.

Because the thing
about cover ups

is that the truth's
hidden but not erased.

So I scoured every
text book I could find

to teach myself how to code
because I knew the info

had to be hiding
out there in some

random computer
waiting to be hacked

and that's when
I stumbled across a file

linking the Knights of Hanoi
to the Lost Incident.

Call it being brave
or call it being naive

but I knew I had
to step foot into

Link VRAINS and
track the Hanoi down

and to tell you the truth,
they weren't that hard to find

because they were everywhere,
hunting for Cyberse cards.



You ambushed me.

That wasn't fair.

Fair or not, a loss is a loss

so hand over your Cyberse cards.

Which we'll delete, just
like we'll be deleting you.


Delete me?

[Knight of Hanaoi]

The Hanoi don't ever leave
eye witnesses behind.

Did you actually
think we would let you

get away after you've
seen our faces?

Oh no.

So long.


[Knight Of Hanoi]
Keep up the hunt guys.

Erase every duelist you find.

[Knight Of Hanoi] Like
the one hiding in the alley?

[Knight Of Hanoi]
Oh exactly.

Yeah guy in the red hat,
we're talking about you.

You didn't think we saw you?

[Knight Of Hanoi]
We have a runner.

Come on, get him.

He went that way.

[Knight Of Hanoi]
It's a dead end.

He ain't getting away now.

You down there.

Take my hand.

If you do want my
help, I suggest

you hurry.


[Knight Of Hanoi]
Where'd he go?

We lost him.

[Knight Of Hanoi]
That's impossible.

Maybe he went down
that other alley.

[Yusaku] Are you okay?

Well I am now.

Thank you for the save.

I thought I was
toast back there.

So you got a name bud?

Yes I do.

You feel like
sharing it then?

Not really.

You should stay away from the
Hanoi for your own safety.

Well that's not gonna happen!

Yeah I know those guys
are uber dangerous

but if they're the ones who
are behind the Lost Incident,

I'll track 'em down forever!

The Lost Incident?

[Kolter] Yeah, it's this thing
that messed up my brother

and I can't cure him unless
I find out what happened.

Be that as it may,

Link VRAINS is
a dangerous place.

You can't help your brother
if you yourself are erased.

Wait, hold up!

You had to have heard
something that could help me.


Take my advice, log out
and don't come back.

I may not be around
next time to save you.

But I didn't take his advice

and little did I know,
that'd get me

into a whole world of trouble.

Yusaku warned me to
stop investigating

the Knights of Hanoi
but I didn't listen.

Wow Kolter, we finally
found something in common.

I tune him out
all the time too.

But Yusaku was right.

Fact was, my dueling skills
were no match against the Hanoi.

[Knight Of Hanoi]
You again!

You won't get away this time.

You should've at least
gotten another avatar.


You're not vanishing this time
'cause we got you sandwiched.


You again?

Yeah, me again.

Please don't be mad.

And why would I be mad?

I'm not the one who completely
ignored my warning

and then got
trapped by the Hanoi

and then needed help,
to get rescued again.

You're mad.

No I said
that I wasn't mad.

I'm merely disappointed.

Your face, what's wrong?

I'd rather you be
mad than disappointed.

It would help me if you
would log yourself out

but the Hanoi are
using jamming devices

to prevent you from
being able to do so.

Luckily those devices
aren't very powerful.

If you can get up there,
you'll be out of jamming range.

You better get moving.

I will take care of the Hanoi.

Logging out.

[Knight of Hanoi]
How chivalrous.

So this here is the
trouble maker who's been

constantly going and
interfering with our plans.

He's not what I expected.

Yeah I pictured someone
a lot less scrawny.

He has the muscles
of a kuriboh.

Come on, don't
insult the kuriboh.

But let's see if your
cards have any brawn.

Time to duel.

Time to duel.

I hope he's okay.

There he is.

I'm making the first move.

You ready?

Since I'm such a nice
guy, I'll end you quick.

[Knight of Hanoi]
But not so quick that
I won't have my fun.

I'll start by
summoning Jack Wyvern.

And I'll equip my wyvern
with the spell Big Bang Shot,

to give it 400
extra attack points.

Next I'm gonna place
one card face down

and end my turn.

You're up kid.

Let's see what you can do.

Come on kid, I can't spend
my entire day just on you.

I got a quota to meet.

You said this duel
would end quickly.

And you're right, just not
the way that you expect.

I draw

when there are no
monsters out on my field,

I can summon Photon
Thrasher, go!

Next up, I'm summoning this,
Marauding Captain!

When I successfully
summon Marauding Captain,

I can summon a level four or
lower monster from my hand.

Come on out Exarion Universe!

You may have more
monsters than me

but my one monster is
stronger than all of yours.

Didn't they ever take the time

to teach you quality
over quantity?


It's a lesson I
know quite well.

Say what.

So I will change my
quantity into quality

but creating my circuit,
the summoning conditions

require two or more monsters
so I set Photon Thrasher,

Marauding Captain and Exarion
Universe in the link arrows.

Link the circuit.

I Link Summon, link two
Gaia Sabre the Lightning Shadow.

I Link Summon, link two
Gaia Sabre the Lightning Shadow.

That guy summoned
a Link Monster.

Go Gaia Sabre attack and
destroy his Jack Wyvern.

Yeah right, I activate
the spell, Limiter Removal.

It doubles my Jack
Wyvern's attack points,

so your monster's the one who's
gonna get trashed not mine.

Afraid not because I'm
activating the spell card,

Forbidden Lance from my hand.

Forbidden Lance not only
reduces Jack Wyvern's

attack points by 800
but it also prevents

other spell cards from
affecting your monster.

Rendering your Limiter
Removal useless.

No way!

And since Forbidden Lance
also negates Big Bang Shot,

your wyvern's attack
points drop to 1000.

And you're not the only one who

has Limiter Removal
in their deck.

I use it to double Gaia
Saber's attack points.


That's enough to
end my life points.

Go Gaia Sabre!

Twisting sabre strike.


That's game and
a quick one at that.

I've never seen anyone able
to take the Hanoi that fast.

If I wanna save Jin,
I gotta find a way

to get him on my side.

But the question is, how?

Come on guys, we've still got

this kid outnumbered
five to one.

Yes you're correct.

So who wants to duel first?

Not it.

Hey wait a second,
who said we gotta duel

this guy one on one when
we can g*ng up on him?

[Knight of Hanoi]
I like those odds.

I wouldn't expect anything
less from a Knight of Hanoi.

Fair play's never been
in your dictionary.

Come on!

Let's get him!

[Knight of Hanoi]
You can't run kid.

Well you can,
but it won't help you.

Heads up.

And I mean up.

Since we have a foe in common,
how about we help each other?

Maybe meet up when you get
back to the real world?

But how?

Swing by the hot
dog stand in the park

and say the password.

Hope you enjoy your meal.

Hey there what can I get you?

One sandwich to go please.

Sure thing.

Here you are but
I gotta correct you.

A hot dog--

Isn't a sandwich.

Because while sandwiches
come in many different types

of bread, hot dogs only come
in one, specialised bun.

Maybe next time,
pick a shorter password.

It's really you.

Hey wait hold up!

My names Kolter.

I figured you'd like to
know the name of the guy

who saved you and the
guy who you saved twice

but let's not make this
thing a competition

because we're both
on the same team.

I know you told me to
stay out of Link VRAINS

but you know
I can't do that 'cause

I gotta help
my brother Jin.

Now I'm honest enough
to admit that if I go

to Link VRAINS and
face the Hanoi alone,

I'm not coming back safe and
sound but I still have to go!

And I could sure
use your help.

It's not a one way street,

you watch my back
and I'll watch yours.

I may not be a great
duelist but you won't find

a better hacker or
programmer anywhere.

Whatever info
you need to find,

whatever server you
gotta enter,

I'm your man.

Basically what I'm saying
is whatever your reason

for taking on the Hanoi,
you don't have to do it alone

because I don't wanna
do it alone either.

You're incorrect to think
that I would need any help

but that doesn't mean
I won't appreciate it.

Kolter is it?

My name is Yusaku Fujiki.

Let's get to work.