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02x16 - Fearing the Worst

Posted: 04/14/24 17:08
by bunniefuu
Previously on Yu-Gi-Yo! VRAINS

Hey, check this out.

The portal's reappeared,
but in a different location,

way up here among
the Sky Islands.

It's a section of LINK VRAINS
that's still being built,

so not many visitors go there.

Then let's get going.

[alarm faintly buzzes]
Well, well, well.

It's the portal.

This is about to
get interesting.

[dramatic orchestral music]

Wait, the Ignis didn't
create that portal?

It's a trap!


[air blowing]

Woow, wooow!




[air blowing]


Soulburner, what's wrong?

[digital whoosh]

Aw, glitch!

How are we gonna get to him now?

I wish that I knew.

[reverberating bass]

[dramatic synth-pop music]


[electromechanic beeps]

[choir singing]

[logo gleams]

[computer glitches]

The Shepherd never told me

he was the one responsible
for creating the portal.

To fool your enemies, you
must first fool your friends.

That's the saying, right?

though I sincerely doubt

the Shepherd would
consider anyone his friend.

[techno music]

Two on one, that's not fair!

Wait, I'm here, too,
so it's two on two!

But we share a Deck, so
we're back to two on one!

One or two, they both count

to a whole lot of
trouble for us!

Perhaps, but we're not
leaving here without Soulburner.

[sighs] I figured, so
I'll make the math simple.

If the odds aren't even,

I'll even the odds
with a data storm!

[opening combination lock]

The forecast calls
for heavy winds

and a 100% chance
of logging out!

[strong winds crash]


Nailed him!

[grunts angrily] But
I'm still here, chump,

and I'm gonna take you out.

Really, now?

[engine roars]

[Together] It's
time to speed dual!


I'm gonna go first.

I draw!

First I'm gonna
summon Gouki Suprex.


And Suprex's special ability

also lets me summon
Gouki Riscorpio!

[computer sounds]

Goukis huh?

Those are Gore's cards.

So if he passed his
deck down to this guy,

he must have also
passed down his tricks.

Next, by sending
one Gouki monster

in my hand to the graveyard,

I can summon Gouki Headbatt.

[computer sounds]

And Headbatt's
special ability

gives Gouki Suprex

[computer sounds]

Now like Gore, I'll
mash my circuit!

[circuit gleaming]

To Link Summon, I need
at least two Goukis.

And I have three!

[circuit pinging]
[circuit gleaming]

I Link Summon!

Link three, Gouki
The Blade Ogre.


[computer sounds]

Gore never played
that card before.

Since I just sent my three
Goukis to the graveyard,

I can draw three
new Gouki cards.

Including this,

Gouki Rematch!

This spell resurrects
Gouki Suprex and Riscorpio

from my graveyard.

And that triggers my
Blade Ogre's ability!

For every monster
next to its links,

it gains 300
attack points!


I end my turn.

If this guy suped
up Gore's deck,

it's going to be
tough saving our hide.

Yes, and Soulburner's.

Uh, oh, what is this place?

Ah, I remember, the Shepard.

[mixed, faraway voices]

All these memories, but
not the one I'm looking for.


all useless.

[laser firing]
[glass breaking]

The Shepard has accessed
Soulburner's memories.

Unless we stop him, he'll
learn all of our secrets!

Soulburner it's most
urgent that you wake up!


[glass breaking]

What's this?

[monster growling]

Go away, leave me alone!

[monster laughing]


[monster growling]

[frightened gasp]

[monster laughing]


This memory is of
your biggest fear.

It will come in handy.

[glass shatters]

Oh, I implore you Soulburner,

wake up!

[grunting] Where are we?

Stuck inside the
Shepard's trap, unfortunately.


I must give him credit,

a fake portal was ingenious,

both technically and creatively.

Of course, I would
prefer it if we

weren't the ones being trapped,

but [chuckles] alas.

So where's Shepard now, Flame?

[earthquake rumbles]

I believe we have our answer!

I know you can take
the heat, Soulburner,

but not this much heat.

So why don't you and your
Ignis come up here and join me?

[hands slamming]

Why is it taking so long
to access that portal?

Sir, we're having
trouble breaking

through the portal's encryption.

But we're not gonna give up.


The Shepard may work for me,

but he's not the sharing type.

So I won't know what
information he extracts

out of Soulburner,
unless we can see inside.

Keep working!

[Together] Yes sir!

[tense music]

Hey Shepard.

Flame told me you were
hacking into my memories.

I don't know if
you actually care

about invasion of privacy,

but that is so not cool!

You're right, I don't care.

Because if I can learn anything
that gives me the advantage

in our duel, I'll take it.

[Shepard Through Speaker]
Just as easily as I'll take

your Ignis from you.

This is going to be
one interesting duel.

And only I have a VIP ticket.

[laser blasts]

Ugh, or maybe not.

[drums booming]

[Together] Time
to dual!

[computer sounds]

Since this is my
world, I'm going first!

I'll start by summoning
Duplicate Drone.

Next, I activate my Equip
spell, Mirror Coat Unit,

and equip it on my
Duplicate Drone.

Mirror Coat Unit
provides Duplicate Drone

with two effects.

Number one, if Duplicate
Drone battles a monster

that is level four or lower,

the opponent takes the battle
damage, instead of you.

Number two, if Duplicate
Drone would be destroyed

in battle, Mirror Coat
Unit is destroyed instead

and you take no damage.

If you would like to hear
this explanation again,

please say "yes,"

If you would like to hear this
explanation again in Spanish,

please say "si."

No, I'll place these
two cards face-down,

and end my turn.

Sure you're done?

Don't wanna have
your AI ramble on

for another couple of hours?

Maybe share some
more dueling tips?

[Flame] Well I think
it's important to know

what the cards can do.

Yeah, guess you're right.

It's my turn!

I draw!

By discarding Salamangreat
Parro from my hand,

Salamangreat Meer's
ability activates!

And that means it summons
itself directly onto my field!

[computer sounds]

Next up, I summon
Salamangreat Wolvie.

[Wolvie growls]

And with these two, I
can now blaze my circuit!

The summoning conditions

require two fire
effect monsters.

So I set my Salamangreat Meer

and Wolvie in the Link arrows!

[circuit pings]
[circuit gleams]

I Link Summon!

Link two, Salamangreat
Sunlight Wolf!

[Sunlight Wolf growls]

By link summoning
my Sunlight Wolf,

I can automatically
summon Salamangreat Mole

from my hand.

And since I summoned my Mole

next to my Sunlight Wolf's link,

it's ability triggers,

allowing me to retrieve a
Salamangreat from my graveyard!

I now have what I need,

to blaze the circuit that
scorches the path to the future!

The summoning conditions require

at least two fire
effect monsters.

So I set Salamangreat Mole
and Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf

in the Link arrows.

[circuit pings]
[circuit gleams]

I Link Summon!

Link three,
Salamangreat Heatleo!

[Heatleo growls]

I Link Summon!

Link three,
Salamangreat Heatleo!

[Heatleo growls]

When I Link Summon Heatleo,

I can return a spell or
trap card on your field,

back to your deck.

So I'm getting rid of your
Equip spell, Mirror Coat Unit.

Your spell may have two effects,

but neither one of them
can help you anymore.

[card explodes]

Heh, that's fine, because
you've just activated

Mirror Coat Unit's third effect.

That is correct.


Effect number three,

when Mirror Coat Unit
leaves the field,

the equipped monster
returns to your hand,

and you can draw a second
copy of that monster

from your deck.

Wait just a second,

your AI said that
spell had two effects.

Yes, but it never said
it only had two effects.


As much as it
appears as if he is cheating,

he is technically correct.

And he uses these technicalities
to get the advantage

in his duels.

You programmed your AI to lie!

[Shepard] Yeah, and it
wasn't that hard either.

That's, that's cheating,
you cheating cheater!

No it's not.

What, yes it is!

There is nothing in the rule
book that forbids deception.

That's right, and it
works especially well

when my opponent is
as gullible as you.

[Soulburner] Say what?

It's your fault
for believing an AI.

Following every word it says,

you fail to realize, it's far
better to treat them as tools.

Ones you control completely,

because when you trust AIs,

it can only end in pain.

As I know first hand.

Cool story bro.

But nothing you said
changes the fact

that your field's empty

and you're open to attack.

Caution, Soulburner's
speech pattern indicates

a 99% chance of attack.

What? I thought it was 100%.

Maybe it does think it's 100%,

but it's lying!

Easy Flame.

when I activate this trap!

As long as I have Drone
Barricade on my field,

your monsters can't
attack me directly.

Well, that sure is a problem.

Luckily I have a problem solver,

called Salamangreat Sanctuary.

This field spell
lets me offer up

a Salamangreat Link
Monster on my field,

to Link Summon another
copy of that monster.

Blaze the circuit!

[flames roar]

I set Salamangreat Heatleo
in the link arrows!

[flames roar]

Go reincarnation,

Link Summon!

Rise again, from the
valley of flames,

Salamangreat Heatleo!

[flames roar]

What's the point of
resummoning the same monster?

The point is, when Heatleo
is reincarnation Link Summoned,

I can return return a spell
or trap card to your deck.

So I'm tearin down
your Drone Barricade!

And I repeat,
what was the point?

When Drone Barricade is the
target of a special ability,

I can banish it to draw another
Drone Barricade from my deck

and activate it, so everything
you did was pointless.


The Shepard was prepared
for your strategy.

I can only surmise that
he must have studied

your past duels.

Or even your memories.

So your past moves
may not work anymore.

Then all I gotta do
is invent a new strategy

on the fly.

It's your turn Shepard!

Indeed it is.

I draw!

[computer sounds]

I now have what I
need for my victory.

Yeah, yeah, keep lyin.

I assure you I'm not.

Oh yeah?

Yes, I've looked
into your memories

and can strike you
to your very core.

[Soulburner] What
do you mean by that?

Instead of telling you,

let me show you.

When I have three copies

of the same machine
type monster in my hand,

I can activate the trap card,

It lets me summon a
monster from my deck

that's not a machine.

And the monster I choose is,

Despair from the Dark!

[Despair] [evil laugh]



[worried cry]

[evil laugh]

[panicked] No,
anything but this!


Oh no, Shepard is using
Soulburner's greatest fear

against him!

Its my turn!

I draw!

When I have no
monsters on my field,

I'm allowed to
summon Link Slayer!

And next up, I'm going
to summon Storm Cipher.

Two monsters with at
least 2000 attack points

would be impressive.

If my Blade Ogre didn't have

I know, that's why I'm
not using them to fight,

I'm using them
to Link Summon!

The summoning conditions
are two effect monsters.

[circuit pings]
[circuit gleams]

I now Link Summon!

Link two, Pentestag!

Huh? It's got

Why would you go and Link
Summon a monster that's

weaker than the ones you had?

Because by doing so,

I'm allowed to summon
Link Infra-Flier,

next to my Pentastag's link.

So soar on in!

Uh, but that monster doesn't
have any attack points.

[Ai] That's right,
a whole big goose egg.

But what I can do now
is equip my Pentastag

with my spell
Cyberse Annihilation.

While equipped with this spell,

if my Pentastag
battles your monster,

Pentastag's attack
points will then

become the same as yours.

So Pentastag will
double-KO your Blade Ogre!

We'll lose our monster,
but you'll lose yours!

Now go!

Pentastag attack
Gouki Riscorpio.

[Ai] Yeah, I agree, hm?

You're attacking
the wrong monster.

No, I'm not.

With that attack,
this duel is over!

Because when Pentastag is
Linked to Link Infra-Flier

it can still deal you damage,

even if your monster is
placed into defense mode.

So not good! [screams]

And now Cyberse Annihilation's
effect also activates.

So you take damage equal
to the attack points

of the monster that
was just destroyed.

That's 2300 points.

More than my life points!


Hah, he thought
he was a hot tamale,

but he was just
a cold enchilada.

Kolter, any progress on your

Still working on it.

AKA, nope!

I hate to admit it,

but the Shepard sure did
create one beast of a trap.

He even found a
way to manipulate

your Ignis algorithms to
make it totally hack-proof.

[Ai] Are you saying that
you're no match Kolter?

No way!

Just a matter of
raising my game.

I'm going to find a
way to break this trap.

And that's a promise.

Okay, I know you will.


Hey, I thought
I logged him out.

Seems he logged back in.


[frightened gasps]

Why, Soulburner, you seem
frightfully out of sorts.

And things are only going
to get more terrifying.

I summon Duplicate Drone.

And when I have one
Duplicate Drone in play,

I'm allowed to summon
my other two Duplicates

from my hand.

But this is only the start,

once per turn, Duplicate
Drone's ability allows me

to move one monster from
my main monster zone

to my spell and trap cards zone.

And that monster will be,

Despair from the Dark!

And by doing so,

my Duplicate Drones
transform into that monster.

[Duplicate Drone explodes]
[monster growls]

[Duplicate Drone explodes]
[monster growls]

[Duplicate Drone explodes]
[monster growls]

[Monsters Together]
[evil growl]

[frightened gasps]

Soulburner you must
get a hold of yourself.

He can't hear you,
he's too scared.

And now I will collect the
two things I'm here for.

A victory, and an Ignis.

And there's nothing
you can do to stop me.

[frightened gasps]

[reverberating bass]

[dramatic synth-pop music]

[choir singing]

[logo gleams]