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02x15 - Darkness Dawns

Posted: 04/14/24 17:07
by bunniefuu
[intense music]

[Ghost Gal]
Breaking news Skye,

Playmaker just found
another portal.

But my scans are showing
that it's a fake.

If someone's trying
to trick Playmaker

we gotta help him Ghost Gal!

[Ghost Gal]
Slow down Skye.

First off, don't use
my alias on the phone

you don't know who's listening.

And second, I think I might
know who the individual is

that laid this trap.

And if it's who I think it is,

you don't wanna rush off
without a plan in place.

[intense electronic music]

[Male Voice] What? The
shepard created that portal?

Yeah, it was another one
of his traps to capture us.

But, as a consolation prize,

he caught Soulburner
and Flame instead.

Ah man, then let's find a
way to get them out, pronto!

[Male Voice]
I know Kolter,

but I don't see an
opening anywhere.

What are your scans picking up?

Any weak points we can exploit?

I don't know.

There's a lot of
code to go through.

Then shouldn't you start?

Already did, hang on.

Um, hang on for how long?

'cause we have guests.

See 'em?

I do, more bounty
hunters after us.

Well, that's just great.

If you could speed
things up on your end,

that'd be helpful.

I backed the wrong target.

But since this guy also
has a Ignis, he'll do.

Let me scan his memories
to see if he knows

where the other Ignis are.

[Male Voice]
Let's speak to him

[Other Voice] But why
can't I live at home?

Have to take care of something
that needs taking care of.

Teddy, Teddy!

Come on, wake up!

You are in big trouble.

You missed school for the
second time this week.

Really? I thought
it was three.

Come on, finals are
right around the corner.

Yeah, yeah I know, I
already have all the info

locked up in my noggin.

Are you sure? 'cause
you're grandpa's not.

He's worried about you.

Did he tell you that?

Only about a
few million times.

That's a few million
times too much.

[makes noises in pain]

[dramatic music]

[someone screams]

You okay?


You didn't pay
the toll for this tunnel kid.

I'm sorry, I don't have
any money to give you.

This all sounds like a you
problem and not a me problem.

He he he he he

And you really don't wanna
go and make your problem

our problem.

[Ridley] Hey boss,
we got company.

What are you and
your eyes staring at?

[ Ridley]
Uh, I think
he's staring at you Boss.

If you're looking for
trouble you found it.

Let's go.

Uh uh, you're lucky my
brother's in a forgiving mood.

Hey guys wait up!

Hey hey Tazz, you're not
scared of that guy are ya?

Of course not.

He just aint worth my time.

Uh, thank you ...

I guess.

Ah, he's just
having a weird day.

Theodore, I found you.

What is it Teddy?

You're acting weird.

It's just, well, I
thought I heard a ghost.

A ghost?

Spooky! [laughs]

Look, I know.


Don't you worry Teddy,
ghosts only appear at night,

Just forget it

but I'll hold your
hand if you're scared.

Come on, I don't
have sweaty palms.

[Teddy] I'm home

You're late dear.

Your grandfather has been
waiting for you in the dojo.

Try again

You must focus, or else!

Get up, try again you may
think of giving up on school

but I won't allow you to give
up on yourself, Theodore.

[intense music]

Try again.

[deep breaths]

[running water]

I won't allow you to give
up on yourself Theodore.

I haven't given up, I haven't.

I think you're pushing
him too hard dear,

Theodore has to
find his own way.

Or maybe I'm not
pushing him hard enough.

I doubt that's possible.

Really? Then tell me this,

he could have defeated
me in our match just now

but he didn't follow through.

Of course not,

because that's not how
his parents raised him.

What do you mean?

What I mean is, I'm sure
his parents would frown

if he injured his grandfather's
hip with a judo throw.

It would have held up.

I'm sure it would dear.

I know these years
haven't been easy for him,

but he must realize that
no matter how deep he falls

he must get back up.

He must always get back up.

I just wish he didn't feel
he had to do this alone.

Theo, Theodore, find the
Playmaker [electronic sounds]

Um, you there? Hello?

Ah man, get a grip,
I'm talking to a TV!

I bet I can beat
Playmaker with half a deck.

[Black Uniform
Guy] Yeah right.

That guy took down
the Knight's of Hanoi.

I know, that's why I said
I could beat him half a deck

instead of a quarter of a deck.


What do you know about
this Playmaker guy?

Ah! Not you again, stay
away from me, you hear?

Stay away!

Just answer the question!

The Playmaker's this
duelist who saved Link Vrains

from a bunch of hackers
over in Den City

and then he just
logged out and vanished

and no one's seen him since.

Vanished, huh?

Just great.

Hey! Leave my bro alone.


Hey, you okay or what?

Now that you're here.

What's his beef?
That's like twice now.

We gotta teach that
punk a lesson, real good.

Yeah right, one that
he'll never forget.

[Teddy yawns]

Here's one.

It says that Playmaker
saved Link Vrains,

so that voice was
telling the truth.


Keku, sorry but I think I think
I somehow froze your tablet.

You were supposed to swipe up

to read the rest of the article.

Like this.

The Hanoi, Playmaker had
some health from Blue Angel

and the Gore.

[phone rings]

Hey you, what's up?

Yeah, yeah.

Theodore, the Lost Incident
helped save the world.

[scared cryout]

Hey, what's with you?

Be more careful with my stuff.

Do you know how many
babysitting gigs this cost me?

It talked, it talked.

Duh! Ever heard of a
thing called a speaker?

I thought I muted it.

Computers, am I right?

I'm not nuts, I'm not nuts!

I know what I heard.

[dramatic music]

It said the Lost Incident.

[Duel disk] Yes, I
did. It's about time

you dug your duel disk
out of your closet.

I was starting to
worry you never would.

We can finally
talk face to face.


This is no way to treat a guest!

Aah, I knew it, I totally
knew I wasn't hearing

or seeing things.

You Sir are a ghost.

Ghosts are not real Theodore,

now if we can discuss
this calmly ...


If you cross me,
you'll never know

why you were in
the Lost Incident.

Now if you would please
put down that trunk,

I would feel safer.

So you're saying
that during the Lost Incident

they created you
based off of me?

[Duel disk]

And you weren't the
only test subject.

Yeah, like you've said,
Playmaker two right?

[Duel disk]
And others!

And I was hoping you would
assist me in finding Playmaker

and the other Ignis.

After observing you
these past few days,

I know you're not too busy.

And there's one more
thing I'd like to discuss,

Yeah what's that?

Did you have to throw
me back into the closet?

I find it rather rude.

What? Sorry I can't hear you.

Well then, I'll come
over there, and --

No no, no need,
I can hear you.


Theodore, I know
there's no reason

for you to believe me, but
I also don't see any reason

why you wouldn't believe me.

I'm asking you to help
me find the Ignis,

I'm asking you to help
me find my friends!

And your only lead
is finding Playmaker

and Link Vrains, right?


And if I go to Link
Vrains that means

that I'm gonna have
to duel, right?

Is that a problem?

[dramatic music]

[Computer Voice]
You lose.

[shocking sounds]

Yeah, I'd say it's a problem

'cause I don't duel anymore.

I see, but with my help,

together, we can--
[door knocking]

Theodore, is
someone in there with you?

No, what's up?

Well you have a
visitor downstairs.

They're holding Keku hostage?

And they won't let her go.

Unless you show up alone.

No problem.

Oh, also, they said don't
forget your duel disk.

[dramatic music]

[Keku] Just let
me go you creeps!

[Ridley] Not until
your friend shows up.

Well I'm already here.

[dramatic music]


And I'm here alone,
just like you asked.

And your disk?

Good, then get set to duel.

You can mean mug
us all you want,

but it's about time to let
your cards do the talking.

But I'm not a duelist.

I don't care. [laughs]

You better learn how
to duel quick then.

I guess so.

If you lose you've
gotta be our get us guy.

As in " Hey Bob, get
us whatever we want"

And what if I win?

Then we'll never bother
you or your friend again.

Yeah right, don't
trust him Teddy.

Whether they're lying or
not, you have no choice,

But to duel.

Yeah, you better listen
to your duel disk Teddy.

[growling noise]

[Computer Voice]
You lose.

So what'll it be Teddy?

The night may be long, but
my patience is running short.

I'll give you three
seconds, three, two, one.


Let Keku go!

See ya

Thanks Teddy

He he he

Sorry I got your
wrapped up in this mess.

Why don't you go on home?

What about you?

I'll be fine.

[dramatic music]

By the way, Ridley here
is the regional champ

two years running.

Did we forget
to tell you that?

Our bad, but it's too late

to back out now!

But I was never intending
to back out of this.

Yes, but in the short time
I've been in your world,

I've learned that those words

are part of the bad guy lexicon

and as the good guy,
your optimal response is

how vile your lips expend
you rascally ruffian!

Go on, say it.

Think I'll pass.

[dramatic music]

Let's duel!

I'm gonna go first,
so check this out.

I activate the spell
card, Call of the Mummy.

When I have no
monsters on my field

this spell lets me summon
a zombie type monster

from my hand.

So Plague Wolf's
taken to the field.


Next I summon a second
Plague Wolf to join my pack.


And by activating their
special abilities,

my wolves attack points double.


But there's a side effect,
they'll both be destroyed

at the end of my turn.

How curious, he isn't allowed
to attack on his first turn

so why would he double
their attack points,

knowing they will be destroyed?

I place
one card face down

and end my turn,

that means the two Plague Wolves
on my field are destroyed.


I know he's up to
something, but what?

I activate my spell
Surrounded by Fallen Wolves.

If my zombie type
monsters were destroyed

by a special ability this time,

I can resummon them to
my field in defense mode

meaning my Plague Wolves
are back to hound you.

So then we're back to
square one or square two?

Square three in fact,
because now I'm allowed

to draw a card for every
monster that I resurrected.

[Duel Disk] Ah, so not only
did he maintain his defenses

he also replenished his hand.

Oh I'm quite impressed.

You have your work cut
out for you Theodore.

It's my turn! I draw!

I'll start by
activating my spell card

Majesty of Fire.

When I have no monsters
out on my field,

this spell lets me summon
a fire attribute monster

from my hand that's
level five or higher.

Come out level eight,
Phoenix Gearfried!

[dramatic music]

Come out level eight,
Phoenix Gearfried!

Oh nice, your
monster sure does

have a lot of attack
points, now doesn't he?

You know it!

And it'll have even more when
I equip my Phoenix Gearfried

with Phenix Gear Blade.

This sword increases it's
attack points by 300.

[electronic beeps]

And I'll follow that up by
summoning Valkyrian Knight!


As long as
Valkyrian Knight is on my field

Its ability prevents you

from attacking
Phoenix Gearfried.

However, it won't
get to that point,

because I'm ending
you this turn.

Quite the bold
statement you're tooting.

Let me see you back it up.

Valkyrian Knight!

Dice up his Plague Wolf.


And Gearfried, destroy
his other Plague Wolf.



Not cool,

that guy just got rid of
all of Ridley's monsters.

Hmm, but he didn't succeed

in getting rid of a single
one of my life points.

Not yet, but that
fact is about to change.

When Phoenix Gearfried
destroys a monster,

I can send Phoenix Gear
Blade to the graveyard.

To allow both Phoenix
Gearfried and Valkyrian Knight

to attack again.

Ah no, that's causing

But he only had

That's right, so it's over
no matter how you do the math.

But I don't wanna
lose, I just don't wanna!

Well too bad, here it goes!

Valkyrian Knight attack!

Tazz, ahhh

do something!

I can't Ridley.

Then I guess I will.

Did you really think
that I was in trouble?

Well I wasn't, not when
I have my trap card

Howl of the Fallen Wolf.

When you attack me directly,

I can resurrect two Plague
Wolves from my graveyard

in defense mode.

Come on back.

[loud growls]

Plus, I get to draw one
field spell from my deck.

You still think you're
gonna win this turn?

Well, no, but I can still
clear your field of monsters.


Phoenix Gearfried, go!


That ends my turn.


I activate my field
spell, Edge of Darkness.

[dramatic music]

Wow, lotta purple.

He he he, go
ahead, play it cool.

None of that will
help you because here

at the edge of darkness I
can get a zombie type monster

from my deck in my graveyard
by banishing two copies

of the same monster
from my graveyard.

And this, this will
be your downfall.

Just watch!

I'm watching, I'm watching.

I activate Call of the
Mummies Effect once again!


Like before I can summon
a zombie type monster

from my hand.

In fact, it's the
monster that I just drew.

Teddy, feast your eyes
on despair from the dark.

Theodore, what's
wrong? Theodore?

[eerie laughs]



Please, please stop,

please, stop.

Go away, leave me alone.

[dramatic music]


[eerie growls]

No, anything but this.


[intense dramatic music]