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02x13 - Return of the Hanoi

Posted: 04/14/24 17:05
by bunniefuu
[New Guard sighs]

I don't know
why she's in jail,

but she sure
stole my heart...

[Veteran Guard]
You don't know
who she is?


You're swooning over one
of the Knights of Hanoi.

You might not
wanna do that.


She's really
a Knight of Hanoi?


In fact she's one of
the ringleaders of that group.

You remember
The Deleted,

the computer virus
that infected people's minds

and knocked 'em out?

That was all her.

Baira's as dangerous
as they come.


I guess looks
can be deceiving

because she doesn't seem
scary to me at all.

Give her
a computer terminal

and you'll see the damage
she can cause.

There's a reason
she's locked up

in this super-max

because you don't want
hackers like her roamin' free.

Just be thankful
that the Knights of Hanoi

are gone forever.

There's a new Ignis
on the scene.

Along with a new

Yes, Soulburner
and Flame.

I've also learned that
the Cyberse has been destroyed,

and it wasn't by us.

We may have an
unexpected ally

who wants to
eradicate the Ignis

just as badly
as we do.

Perhaps humanity's
coming to their senses.

I doubt that.

If that was truly the case,
we wouldn't have to keep

continuing our work
in secret, Spectre.

They still lay blame
on the Knights of Hanoi

for attempting to destroy

and the entire
digital network.

Of course
they blame us.

Because that is precisely
what we tried to do after all.

To save mankind

from the threat
of the Ignis...

That was a small price
we had to pay.

We know that,

but they don't.

People are like sheep--

we need to herd them
before they run off a cliff.

I've done some digging

and was able to

uncover Soulburner's
true identity.

His name is
Theodore Hamilton.

Then our next move

is quite clear.

We must pay this
Theodore a visit.

Just a visit?

I think it's

the perfect opportunity
to capture him.

Why bother to hunt for him
throughout LINK VRAINS

when he's statistically
less than three bus stops away.

That does
sound easier.

Then what are we
standing around here for?

Once we have Theodore,

we can terminate his Ignis.

And then Playmaker's Ignis
will be next.

We should've done this
from the start.


You fail to see
the bigger picture.

Our mission's not to destroy
one or two Ignis.

Our mission is
to destroy them all!

Do I make myself clear?

Most certainly, sir.

You see,

I only learned of
Soulburner's true identity

by secretly following

So wasn't it right
not to end him?


You're wise as always.

Let's just keep
our eyes on them for now

and see if they lead us
to the other Ignis.

Even though I'd like
nothing more than to wipe

those disgusting smirks
off their faces.

Now then...

Let's rehash
everything we know.

In case we overlooked something
that can help us.

There is this newcomer.

His name's Bohman.

And he certainly knows

how to make a shocking
first impression.

[Jin screams]


Get off him!



Bohman was able to steal

Jin Kolter's concioussness
straight out of his body.

That's similar to how
Baira's virus worked to create

The Deleted.

Except with
greater efficiency.

You should feel
extremely lucky

that Baira's not around
to hear you say that.

I don't think it
wise to comment

on someone who can
amputate your data

with the strike
of a key.

What else do we know
about this man?

Not as much
as we would like.

Well, he did emerge
from a television set

into the real world.

That means his avatar must be
of the highest quality

if it can survive in both
the real and virtual worlds.

So we're dealing with
a highly skilled hacker--

someone comparable
to our level.

And since he specifically
targeted Jin,

he might have some connection
to the Lost Incident as well.

There can't be too many
who fit this criteria.

I'm sure Playmaker cared
about none of that

when he went after him.

All he cared about
was retrieving Jin's soul.


But Bohman had
a new w*apon at his disposal.

My Skill allows me
to activate a Link Spell.

A Link Spell?

I never heard of that!

I activate the Link Spell


Similar to
a Link Monster,

this Link Spell has
Link Arrows of its own.

This opens up
dueling strategies

that never existed before.

It seems like something
SOL Technologies would invent--

do you think
Bohman works for them?

I doubt it.

If Bohman worked for
SOL Technologies.

he and his associate

wouldn't need to breach
their security perimeter.

I'm sure SOL Tech was
none too happy to learn

that their defenses had more
holes than a golf course.

I don't know if he's
friend or foe,

but I can't hate anyone
who gives Sol Tech a hard time.

SOL Tech has taken steps
to control the situation.

They formed a team
of bounty hunters

to take care of trouble,

including tracking
down Playmaker--

they even managed
to recruit Gore.

That must've been
an impressive pitch--

did they offer him
six new fezzes?

Whatever they offered...

They were able to convince
Gore to fight for them.

However, Playmaker wasn't
fighting alone either.

Hey, Gore!

[Gore gasps]

I'm a big fan!

Hey, watch your speedin',
ya crazy schlub!


Isn't that some
kind of bush or something?

If you don't mind,

I'd prefer it if
you called me Soulburner.

I don't care
what you want!

All I care is that
you're interfering

with my business
of capturing an Ignis!

But I have
an Ignis too, Gore.

And a superior one
at that.


You have an Ignis?

Let's Speed Duel!

I use my Skill!

Dinowrestle Revolution!

I get to activate
the Field Spell

from my deck!

With it, every time

attack your monster,
they gain 200 attack points!

Gore already used
his Skill.

Uh-huh. And it's one that
he's never ever used before.

Next, I summon

And with that,
I can mash up my circuit!

I Link Summon!

Link 3


You better watch out!
Cuz here I come!

I use my Skill!

By lowering my life
points to 100,

I can draw a card for
every 1,000 life points

that I sacrificed!

Bring the heat,

You know it!

Go Burning Draw!

I Ritual Summon!



Now go,

Emerald Overload!

Oh no!

[Gore groans]

If Soulburner has
the skills to defeat Gore...

That makes him
a formidable duelist.

Are you sure
we shouldn't delete him?

We may not need to.

Because they went
to the restricted area.

The most dangerous
location in all of LINK VRAINS.

Why would Playmaker go
to the restricted area?

He found a portal there,

which theoretically may lead
beyond the borders

and eventually to Bohman.


What a fool.

Once you take
the teensiest step

into the
restricted area...

your avatar
and account are

immediately targeted
and deleted--

every sane duelist
knows that

there's nothing beyond
the edge of LINK VRAINS.

But what if you and every
sane duelist are wrong?

Think, Spectre.

Wouldn't that make it
the perfect place to hide?

I've analyzed the portal's
digital signature.


it has all the markings
of an Ignis algorithm.

So you think
the Ignis

created that portal?

I don't think it.
I know it.

So this Bohman...

must have some
connection to the Ignis.


Ah, but it seems that
everyone and their grandmother

does these days,
doesn't it?

That's why I'm curious
to learn

what The Shepherd's role
is in all of this.

The world's most successful
bounty hunter

rarely takes a job,

but he did agree
to hunt Playmaker.

I found you, Playmaker.

And this time,
you won't escape

'til I cash in
my bounty.

I Link Summon!

Link 3

His motivations aren't
very mysterious.


Uh, dear--

this car's missing
something pretty important--

like a driver.

[Kenneth chuckles]

Who needs a driver
when you can have

the most advanced AI

do the driving
for you.

Take us to 132 Clairmont
Street please.

Destination acknowledged.


That looks serious.

Collision ahead.
Re-calculating route...

Oh no!
Something's not right.

The AI's malfunctioning.


How do you stop
this thing?!

Brace yourself, Mom!

There's no easy way
to put this.

Your mother is
in very bad shape.

We've done everything
we possibly can for her...

but I'm afraid
she may never fully recover.

I'm sorry.

[Kenneth growls]

[Superior Officer A]
Doesn't this guy ever sleep?

[Superior Officer B]
No, he's been working 25-8

ever since
he joined the squad.

He's tracked and deleted
more rogue AIs

than all the rest of us
put together!

You see...

AIs ruined
The Shepherd's life

so he'll now do everything
possible to ruin theirs.


It seems our interests
are aligned.

If I didn't know
any better,

He sounds... like a member
of the Knights of Hanoi.

Yes... but he's not one
to be trusted.

Maybe not.

Be that as it may,

The Shepherd
failed to stop

Playmaker from entering
the portal.

The portal should be
just up ahead.

Then we'll finally see

what lies beyond
the borders



I didn't know
what to expect,

but it's a lot more blue

than I thought
it would be.

I'm detecting
an anomaly nearby.

Right... there.

Oh, you mean the only
non-blue thing

in this whole place?

Good job.

Whatcha think it is,

Let's find out.

And that was the last time
we heard from them.

See, once they entered
the portal

their signals vanished.

Of course they did.

Because they were
disintegrated the very moment

they entered
the restricted area.

And I'm not as optimistic.

With the destruction
of the original Cyberse,

what if the Ignis
are creating a new Cyberse

hidden beyond
the borders of LINK VRAINS?

You mean a secret homeworld

that no one
will be able to reach?

If the Ignis are
capable of doing that,

their abilities are evolving
must faster than I expected.

Making them more dangerous
than ever.

And it's not
just the Ignis--

Playmaker's skills
are evolving as well.

He's mastering new
dueling techniques as we speak.

Now to try something new...

I activate

my Ritual Spell Card,

He has
a Ritual Spell?

I must tribute
monsters from my hand

or my field whose total Level
equals or exceeds the monster

I intend to summon,

so I tribute

and my Level 3

Together, their Levels
add up to 7!

These two souls
offer their essence

to break the barriers
of reality

and conjure the ultimate
sorcerer to this realm!

I Ritual Summon!



I now activate
the spell card


It allows me to fuse
my three monsters together

into one so that
I may summon a new

Cyberse Fusion


sh**t TALKER


[Shepherd grunts]

You're so done for!

By fusing my monsters,
I merge them into a new,

even more powerful creation!

I Fusion Summon!


No one has managed
to combine Link Summoning

with other summoning
methods until now.

Then let us work
together to stop Playmaker.

But we are missing one
crucial member of our team.

Then let's go remedy
that situation, shall we?

Master Roken.

We're good to go.

They say that no one
has ever escaped

from this state-of-the-art


But they never met anyone
who enjoys escape rooms

as much as I do.

According to
the security logs,

Baira is locked in this cell
on the second floor.

I've already hacked into
all of their security cameras.

I've put them
on an infinite loop

so that they won't see anyone
who comes in or out.

I also shut down
their motion detectors--

we can run around
willy-nilly as we like.

So that takes care
of the inside,

but can't they see our boat
coming to the island?

Yes, they can.

If it wasn't for the fact
that I spoofed their radar

to make us

A minnow will make
a bigger blip than us.

I've rerouted
the guards' patrol routes

so that we won't have
any unexpected run-ins.

Plus all the gates leading
to Baira's cell are unlocked.

You think a girl
as smart as her

could fall for
a guy like me?

They do say
opposites attract.

Our hacks will only last
for twenty more minutes.

That's alright.

That's twenty more minutes
than we need.

[New Guard sighs]
She's even great
at staring contests.

I mean she hasn't even
blinked once

in the past
two minutes.

Well, what took you so long?

I was getting bored.

Charming as ever...

good to see you too.

So what did I miss?

I'm assuming the Ignis
are up to no good?

That's right.

And we most
definitely can use

your assistance,



She's gone!


Sound the alarm!

[alarm blaring]

It's time to remind

the world that
the Knights of Hanoi

are not ever
to be forgotten.

[expl*si*n roars]

Well Playmaker,

all our leads
have gone poof.

Whatta we do now?

The only thing we can do.

Which is for the two of us
to remain patient.

Which I understand is
a difficult concept for you, Ai.

Oh, please.

I can use the R&R

after saving Flame
and you and...

Flame and
Soulburner and...

did I mention Flame?

More than once.

Oh. And I also
saved Flame.

You can call me a coupon cuz
I'm all about the savings, baby!

[electronic beeping]

Kolter's pinging us.

Something must be up.

Let's go.

What about the R&R?

What's up, Kolter?

Check this.
You won't like it.

Baira escaped
from prison.

That isn't good news.

of the century!

You think Varis
broke her out?

Yes. Who else
could it be?

You win, Playmaker...

But know this...

Our w*r is...
not over...

Not until the Ignis
are extinct.

You haven't seen
the last of me, Playmaker!

This means...

the Knights
of Hanoi are back.

Great, as if we didn't have
enough problems already. Sheesh.

First Bohman,

then SOL Tech's
bounty hunters,

and now we're adding
the Knights of Hanoi to the mix?

Man, this really
mucks up the stew.


Our mission
just got tougher.