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02x09 - A Windy Welcome

Posted: 04/14/24 17:02
by bunniefuu
Previously on Yu-Gi-Oh!

I've been tracking

and trailing
Bohman's digital signature.

And although I haven't been able
to get an exact location...

I've been able to narrow
it down to this spot.

That's deep in the LINK
VRAINS's restricted area--

what's he doing there?

Don't know.

But when I combed the area
to see

if there were
any more clues...

I found some fragmented bits
and bytes of a strange program.

It's an Ignis

Whoa, for real?

of a Wind Ignis.

We need t get to
the restricted area

as soon as possible.

We may not find
an Ignis or Bohman,

but I'm sure
we'll find something.

This is the quickest
way to the Restricted Area.

We just have
to get past

a few security bots
along the way.

Shall we?

The sooner
we're through this area

the quicker we can
help my brother.

Aye, aye, captain.

Heads up, Playmaker!



you actually managed
to get past Gore, huh?

is one way to put it.

"Dominated" is another.

[Ai chuckles]

The portal should be
just up ahead.

Then we'll finally see
what lies beyond the borders



I didn't know
what to expect,

but it's a lot more blue
than I thought it would be.

I'm detecting
an anomaly nearby.

Right... there.

Oh, you mean the only
non-blue thing

in this whole place?

Great job.
Whatcha think it is, Playmaker?

Let's find out.

[Blue Gal]
They went in there.

And we're going in too.

But what's beyond that
that portal could be dangerous.

[Blue Gal]
You want to turn back?

[Ghost Gal]
I didn't say that.

Be careful.

Sol Tech already lost one team
and I can't stand to lose you.

The good thing about corridors
is you can't get lost.

Except for that one time...

And how did you
manage that?

Like a boss!

[Playmaker gasps]

Are you seeing something?

Yes. The exit.

Well it's about ti--

[Ai shouts]

[wind whooshing]

[Soulburner groans]

I knew this trip
would be a whirlwind!

[Ai groans loudly]

I think it would be best
for both of us

if we don't crash
into these walls.

Thanks, bud.

Blue Gal!






[wind whooshing]

[Blue Gal screams]

I'm cutting you loose!

Go for it!


[both panting]

You okay?

Yeah, but let's not
try that again.

Maybe this is why
SOL Tech lost contact

with their research team.

It's going to be hard
to track down

Playmaker in that mess.

Looks like we'll have
to ride out the storm

in this cave
until the winds die down...

That's assuming of course
they die down at all.

[both gasp]

[electronic beeping]

[Blue Gal]
It's a distress beacon

from Sol Tech's team.

good luck to them.

They need our help!


[sighs] Blue Gal,

this is why
I hate babysitting!

Hold on!

I wish I knew
what was going on

on the other side
of the portal.

But it's blocking any
signals from getting in or out,

so I'm as blind
as a bat with a blindfold.

So unless I crack
its algorithm,

I can't do a thing
to help Playmaker.

But I do love a challenge.

Time to get crackin'.

Beats sitting around
talking to myself.

You meatbags are gonna
get us smashed!

Leave this to the Ignis!

Ready, Flame?

Of course.

Data Storm!

I bet I can keep this up
longer than you.

I agree.

You always were
full of hot air.

Using a Data Storm
to keep the winds at bay...

not such a bad idea.

Is that a...

Ooh, my tingles
are tingling!

We're close.

They're around here

what's left of them.

So do you see anything?

[Blue Gal]
No, but I know
they're here.

They've got to be.

Look there!

A cave!

Let's check it out!


It's gonna be okay--
they're still breathing.

But the portal's
preventing them

from being able
to log out of here.

And it's also blocking
their distress beacons.

So no one's coming
for them...

But I can get them out.

Wait, what are you doing?

That log out program
is meant only for emergencies!

I know.

And I would say this fits
the definition to a T.

Ugh, fine.

But you know
there's two of them...

And you only have
one program.

Two, including yours.

And it's mine.

You may be fine

getting stuck in
this world

but I'm not.

When we're done
with our mission,

we can tell Akira
to send another team

to rescue these guys.

No, that won't work.

By the time
we're able to get back,

it may already be
too late for them.


You Zaizens are nothing
but trouble.

You're the best!

[Ghost Gal]
I know.

Mr. Zaizen!

Do you know
the research team

we sent into the portal?

They just came back!

That's great news.

Skye and Emma must have
found them and logged them out.

But that means
they can't log out

if they get into trouble...

Still... Skye--

It was the correct decision.

I just hope I get
to tell you that in person.

[Ghost Gal]
Now that we did
our good deed for the day,

can we get back
to our real mission?

If our heroics prevent us
from finding the Ignis

it's all your fault.

I know that.

But we will.
I just know it!

I'm... so... drained...

Flame... You?

I'm... perfectly... fine.


This isn't good.

Just hang in there
for a little longer, bud.


I'm... out...


The wind's died down.

Actually it feels
more like

someone hit
the off switch.

Stay alert.

We don't know what surprises
may be coming up next.

Speaking of up,
look up there!

Someone or something
went through a lot of trouble

to keep us
from getting there.

Welp, they failed!

Heh, that looks
like a cardio workout.

Good thing I'm not the one
who has to do all the climbing.

Think anyone's here?

Only one way to find out.

Hear that?

Hear what?

Oh, that!

[Playmaker shouts]

[Flame whimpers]

[Monster growls]

Oh no!
Not that monster!

That monster destroyed
the Cyberse!

The Cyberse!?



[Wind Ignis laughs]

I gotcha!
Gotcha good!

You shoulda seen
your faces--

like zero dollars
it was priiiiceless!


No way!
You're alive?

Of course.
Why wouldn't I be?

Well, we finally
found the Ignis!

So you were the one
whipping up all the storms!

[Wind Ignis]
With all the trespassers
and hackers

and blowin' up
of the Cyberse,

you can never be
tooo careful these days.

Echo, lose the mirage!

Echo's my servant--

well not really a servant,
more like a sidekick

but yeah,
he does things for me.

like scaring me--

I-I mean,
scaring Flame.

You even made him cry.

I most certainly did not!

[Wind Ignis]
You most certainly did,

but so did you because I heard
those "Ahhh" noises in stereo

meaning that the screams were
coming from two sets of lips,

not one
but two sets of lips.

Then you're clearly mistaken
because I don't have lips.

[Wind Ignis]
That's neither here
nor there.

But since you're here,
welcome, welcome.

I see you brought guests.

And no need for introductions,
I know who you are.

The world-famous Playmaker

and the not-as-famous-


And you must be
the one known

as the Wind Ignis.

And you must be correct!

The name's Windy!
Windy, not Windy.

Windy like the air,
not windy like the road.

And that's Windy with a "Y"
not an "I" or a double "E"

like a squeegee, but a Y.

Why, you may ask? Why not?
Why ask why when Y is fine?

Not that I've given it
a whole lot of thought,

can't say there was
a whole lot of pondering.

I think we get it, Windy.

And since I haven't found
my human counterpart like you,

I created Echo. Say "hey".

I am Echo.

Human counterpart not found.

So Windy...

Why are you here
in this world?

Why wouldn't I be?

I created this world.
Every rock, pebble, tree, grass,

that little petunia over there--
what you see is all by me.

For a new world,
it looks... damaged?

A design critic, eh?

No worries, it's cuz I haven't
given you the grand tour yet!

It's gonna
change your mind!

After all, this is going to be
your new home too!

Ready for a tour?

Follow us right this way!

No touching!

Nice place, right?

Those lilypads?
My idea.

And the pond?
My idea too!

And the bridge-- all mine.

Windy, you said this
would be our new home too?

Yeah-- well, not
for the two humans with ya

but for you and Ai.

Cuz this world's strictly

Like a special club
with a dress code

except your code
has to be digital.

This place has got
everything you need--

peace, quiet, a gym,
and the main thing-- security!

Ya see, I got to thinking
when the Cyberse was destroyed.

I couldn't mope around, drifting
in the network like a jellyfish.

I had to get crankin'
and create a new Cyberse

just as great
as the last one

but with one major difference...

make it super safe
so it won't be destroyed again!

So I've been building
this new Cyberse

for 7,776,000 seconds

give or take
a few hundred nanos

and then opened
the portal and voila!

You two showed up!

Yeah, straight into
a tornado.

Which almost
destroyed us.


Key word: Almost.
Because it didn't, did it?

That storm's my new
security system

that blows away all intruders
unless they're an Ignis--

or like you two biggies,

Well, work on
its sensors

so they trigger
quicker next time!

I know, I know,
I know, I know,

I know, it wasn't the best
first impression, I get it,

but there's always
room for updates.

Well then, if you want
to put your bags down

and make yourselves

Oh wait, oh wait,
oh wait, oh wait,

I see you don't have
any bags so you're all set--

so without further ado,
welcome to your new home!

As much as we'd like

to accept your invitation,
we cannot.

Yes you can.
Yes you can.

No, no, no, no,
we can't.

At least not until
we finish our mission.

Your mission?

Since when did you
become so responsible?


Uh... thanks?

here's the thing:

We're trying to find
this guy named Bohman

because he, uh...

he stole our friend's soul
through the TV,

it's a long story
even for me.

But by tracking his signal,
it led us straight to a portal.

Your portal.

And we can't hit
the off switch

and relax
until we save our buddy.

Windy, we need to know
if you've seen Bohman.

What's Bohman look like?

I assume he's a man
who carries a bow?

No, no bow.

But he does have
an impressive number of abs.

I'd totally remember someone
like that even without a bow.

Hmm... Nope. Didn't see him.
Rings no bells.


I was sure
he came through the portal.

Windy, are you 100%
positively positive

that we're
the only ones here?


Because no one
can get past my storms.

And I mean no one.

Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope,
nope, nope, nope-- unlesss...


Unless he flew to
the fringes of this world

instead of coming here.


I did sense a weird tinglin'
comin' from over there,

but it was so tiny
that I ignored it.

Well, maybe you shouldn't
ignore it anymore.

And maybe you're right.

Cuz if you don't treat
that teeny-tiny virus

it can erupt into
a whole systems crash.

Can you point us
in the right direction, Windy?

I can.

Then that settles it.

If it's Bohman that's over
there, we're gonna end this,

and we're gonna
end it together!

So lead the way, Windy!

I'll pass.


I said I can point you
in the right direction,

not leeead you
in the right direction.

I still have
too many things to do

to get this world
in tip-top shape

that I can't go on
a wild goose hunt

to hunt a goose
that might not be loose.

Besides, I'm the one who
offered ya rest and relaxation

but you're the one
who turned me down

like a thermostat
in an igloo.

Stop fighting me
with logic!

Hey, hey, hey,
chill, chill, chill.

I didn't say
I wasn't gonna help.

Don't bust a brain cell
when you only got like two--

here's what I'll do.

I'll keep the winds down
in the direction you gotta go,

so it'll at least be smooth
sailing from here to there.

Hmm? Niiice, right?

I guess...

Yes, it's more
than acceptable.

Thank you, Windy.

Yeah. Thanks.

My pleasure.

Well then,
if we're ready,

let's travel to the outskirts
of this realm

and find this Bohman.

[Soulburner chuckles]

Yeah, that's exactly
what I was about to say!

One sec, one sec, one sec,
one sec, one sec, one sec!

While you're on your mission,
if you can do your Windy

a favor,
I'd appreciate it.

What favor?

This favor.

It's Ghost Gal...

and is that Blue Angel?

It sure looks like it.

Now, you know what they say
when you visit a new place.

Number one:
Have a good time.

Number two: Don't leave
a mess and number three:

Don't bring anything
you can't take home with you.

It looks like you dragged
in some stragglers with you

so if you can get them
to bounce on outta here

that'd be a big
thumbs up from me.

See, I can't
let outsiders find me

and these two
just aren't giving up.

I'd usually just smear them
on the canyon walls

like cream cheese

but I know you teamed up
with 'em in the past

so I'm willing to forego that if
you can get them to skedaddle.

Ya know,
defeat 'em in a duel?

Besides, they're on the way
to the fringes

so you won't be
slowing down at all.

I agree that

a peaceful resolution
is best.

Now c'mon,
let's get going.

All right, go break a leg,
metaphorically not literally!

The storm's done.

Look there.


[Ghost Gal]

[Blue Gal]
It's good to see you!

Oh, really?

Uh-huh, we're searching
for a new Ignis.

Have you seen any around?

I can neither confirm
nor deny.

Yeah, We're not really
in any position to help

Blue Angel.

Oh, by the way,
I'm Soulburner. Big fan.

You think she'll
give me an autograph?

You're supposed to ask for one
before you decline to help.

[Soulburner gasps]

So who's
your little buddy there?

This here's the
fire Ignis.

His name's Flame.


The F stands
for fortitude.

And what do the other letters
stand for?

Don't encourage him.

[Ghost Gal]
So what brings you foursome
to this neck of the woods?

A little far from your usual
paper route isn't it?

Someone stole something
from us,

and we think
that he's hiding here.

Ooh, a thief, huh?

We'll help you guys find him.

Actually, I think it would be
better if you didn't help.

In fact, it'd be better if you
leave this world altogether!

Oh, really?

That sounds
incredibly suspicious.

As if you all are hiding
something from me.

It's not like that.

Oh, it's not?

Without going into

we'd just prefer it

if we can carry out
our mission on our own.

That so?

I'm not buying it, hon.

[Ghost Gal]
See, Blue Gal and I
have a mission too.

Blue Gal?

You see, the two of us
are here to capture an Ignis.


We'd preferred if we
didn't have to take yours

but you're leaving us
with no choice.

Ooh, I'm so scared.

[Blue Gal gasps]

Look I know
I'm the new one

in this bunch so there's no
reason to believe me...

But we're asking you two
to leave for your own good.

Cuz if you don't
it's gonna stink for you.

Like sweaty
sneakers stink!

For your own well-being
we need the two of you

to trust us
just this one time.

Trust is a two-way street,

Why can't you trust us with
whatever you're not telling us?

That's hardly fair.

I think we're
going in circles.

Me too.

[Blue Gal]
Okay then, wrap
your heads around this..

I'm not planning on leaving
this place without an Ignis...

And I see one right there
before my eyes.

Well I think
you should look elsewhere.

I don't.

[annoyed sigh]

You go on ahead.

I have a duel
I need to take care of.

My inner fanboy's

I never thought
I'd ever get to duel

Blue Ang--
I mean Blue Gal.

I never thought so

Because I never cared to think
about it in the first place.

C'mon then, Ai.
Let's get going.

Oh, you're not
gettin' away!

Yes, we are!

I really hope we find

Bohman because we're makin'
all our buddies upset.

Listen closely, Blue Gal.

I can promise you
one thing

before this duel
even starts:

You're not getting my

And I can promise you this:

When it comes to dueling,
Blue Gal is no longer an angel!