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02x07 - The Shepherd

Posted: 04/14/24 17:00
by bunniefuu
Previously on Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS.

I ritual summon!


Salamangreat Emerald Eagle!

Oh, no!

Now go, Emerald Overload!


Ugh, I lost.



Watch your back, Soulburner.

We're approaching Kolter's


[The Shepherd]
I found you, Playmaker.

And this time, you won't escape
till cash in my bounty.




That was close!

Are you trying to get blasted?

'Course not.

Well, you
could've fooled me!

I guess it's up to me
to save the day again

by whipping up a data storm
to blow him off his board!

Ya won't weather this storm!


He weathered it!

I can't believe it!

I really can't!

I'm not that surprised, Ai.

Playmaker, I IDed
the guy chasing you.

His name's The Shepherd
and he's bad news.

That bounty hunter
has 101% capture rate.


How can it be over 100?

That's mathematically

'Cause he once captured a guy

and let him go just so he
could capture him again.

That's crazy!

But, you know, respect.

[The Shepherd]

I'll give you until
the count of three.

You either hand over that Ignis
or I'll blast you to bits.

This guy's rude.

He didn't say, "Please
hand over that Ignis

or I'll blast you to bits."

[The Shepherd]

Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever pal.

Keep countin'.


[Playmaker grunts]
[Ai screams]


This guy can't count!


It wasn't three yet.

He knows that.

Then why'd
he fire at two?

So that he wouldn't
expect him to attack us.

That's, you know, smart.

It appears the only thing
we can expect from him

is the unexpected.

This is the quickest way
to the restricted area.

A straight shot down this main
shaft and we're in business.

We just have to get past a few
security bots along the way.

If by a few, you
mean thousands.

That's what
makes it fun.

Shall we?

Wow, your stealth
cloak's amazing.

Those bots really don't see us.

I know.

Anyway, the sooner
we're through this area,

the quicker we can
help my brother.

Aye, aye, captain.

So, what job do you
have for me this time?

Listen, Emma.

I need you to find the
whereabouts of all the Ignis.

I know where two of them are,
with Playmaker and Soulburner.

But as for the remaining four,
that's where you come in.

They could have been
destroyed with the Cyberse

or they couldn't scattered
throughout the network.

Either way, I want to find
out what happened to them.

But why do you need me?

Didn't SOL Tech just hire a
whole bunch of bounty hunters?

I'm sure they could
use a paycheck.


Unless you don't want SOL Tech
knowing what you're doing.

Look at this.


You must have heard
that Playmaker

was att*cked a few days ago
but what you may not have heard

was that his attacker fled
into the restricted area.

But he didn't stop there.

He went beyond the
restricted area,

which we never
thought was possible.

That would make it the
perfect place to hide out

and that sparked another idea.

What if the other Ignis are
hiding in there as well?


So we sent a research team
into the portal yesterday

to find out what's in there,

but we quickly lost
contact with them.

If there's a chance
the Ignis are there,

I am hoping you can
find them for me.

Sounds kinda dangerous, Akira.

I'm not sure your salary can
cover my hazard pay, love.

I will pay you
anything you want, Emma.

Oh, really?

This mission's too important.

I need to know if the Ignis
are a threat to humanity

because if they're not,

there are many who want
to see them eradicated.


Now I get all the secrecy.


'Cause if your bosses at
SOL Tech find the Ignis,

they're the ones who'll be
doing all the eradicating.

And you won't watch that happen.



Always the good boy
scout, aren't ya, Akira?

Maybe I am.

All right then.

You got yourself a deal, hun.

Thank you.

Here, take this.


What is it?

With this program, you can
log out anytime, anywhere.

But be careful, it
only works once.

I had no idea you
were so generous.

Data transfer complete.

Well, then, I'll be sure to
buzz you if I find anything.

Wait, I'm coming with you.


Data transfer complete.

Oh, no.

Babysitting was not in the
job description, Akira.


Stop treating me
like a little kid.

This mission is
way too dangerous.

You don't think
that I know that?

But I won't just
sit on the sidelines

when I know that I
can help you out.

But Skye--
[Emma groans]


Just don't slow me down.

Skye, please promise me
that you'll be extra careful

and do try to avoid danger
as much as possible.

I will.

Whatever happened
to the little girl

who always wanted my help?

She's still here.


Now, once you're in
the restricted area,

you'll be entirely on your own.

I guess there isn't
anything more I can do but

wish you two good luck.

Relax, Akira.

When have I ever failed you?


You ready, Skye?

You bet.

[Both] It's time to
link into the VRAINS!


Um, Ghost Gal, are you sure

these cloaks have enough juice?

What did you say?

Are you questioning my tech?

Because it sounds like
you're questioning my tech.

[Skye] No, that's
not what I meant.

[chuckles] You're cute.

Don't worry, they only have
to last a little longer

until we're through
the security wall

and heading towards
the restricted area.

I've already mapped the
safest route to the portal.

If we hustle, we
should have no problem

catching up to Playmaker.

I'd bet you'd like that,
now wouldn't you, hun?

Um, and why would I like that?

Playing it all innocent, huh?

He'll definitely like that.

Come on, we're here.


We're all clear.

I told ya you had
nothing to worry about.

You can go and turn off
the cloaking field now.


That's better.

Unlike you, blue's
so not my color.



So what's the deal with the
new, updated look there?

I didn't come here
to entertain anymore,

I'm here on a mission.


But without your wings,

you're not really a Blue
Angel anymore, are you?

Yeah, that's true.

What if I call you Blue Gal?


Or what if you don't name
me after your own avatar?

Does that work for you?

Okay, whatever.

[The Shepherd] There's
nowhere to run, Playmaker!

Yes, there is!

But I don't feel like
running anymore, Ai.

Let's duel!

[The Shepherd laughs]

[The Shepherd]
Yes, let's.

Running will only
delay the inevitable.

[Both] Time to Speed Duel!

[The Shepherd]
I'm going first.

I draw.

I'll start by
summoning Drone Pawn.


That drone is weaker
than a decaf latte.

I'd hate to drone on
and on and on and on--

But you are.

[The Shepherd] I place one
card face down and end my turn.

[Ai laughs]


He totally bricked his turn.

We can summon any old monster
to take down that drone.

[Program] That
analysis is incorrect.

When there are no other monsters
on The Shepherd's field,

Drone Pawn cannot be
destroyed in battle.

The opponent's AI must
either be extremely outdated

or full of bugs.

I recommend you
upgrade your duel disk.

[Ai] And you should download
an app called nobody asked!

You can't upgrade perfection!

But your analysis
was incorrect.

[Ai] I know.

[The Shepherd chuckles]

[The Shepherd]
Looks like I have the advantage.

Not necessarily.

Playmaker acquired
a new Link monster

in his most recent duel:
sh**t Talker.

Its special ability
allows it to attack

multiple times in
a single battle.

So if Playmaker manages
to summon that monster,

it can attack Drone
Pawn twice in a row

to deal you extensive damage.


[The Shepherd groans]

[The Shepherd]
Then it was a mistake

to summon my Drone Pawn?

I was right!

I am smarter than you and your
Ai and even your sombrero!

Are you jelly?

[The Shepherd] No.

[Ai] No one's ever jelly.


[Emma] According to my scans,

Playmaker's dueling,
great, The Shepherd.

The Shepherd?

Sounds dangerous.

Blue Gal, you have no idea.


We worked together years ago.

Me, The Shepherd,

and your brother.

We tracked down this hacker on
the world's most wanted list

and let me tell you, he really
didn't want to get captured.

Go away!


Or I'm gonna set off
this digitizer right now!

I mean it!

That cube has the power to
destroy this entire realm.

[Hacker] I don't
see you leaving

and my trigger finger's
getting really itchy.

What do we do?

Not sure.

But we have to
think this through.

[The Shepherd]
I don't feel like thinking.

You two can play peacemaker,

but I'm done wasting
my time on this joker.

[Hacker] Leave me alone!

[The Shepherd]

Instead, we'll give you
until three to surrender.

Or we're coming to get you.


No, I have the power here!

Not you, you hear me?

[The Shepherd]
Oh, I heard you, two.

We have no choice.

Get set.

[The Shepherd]

Let's move.



Take this!

[Emma groans]

Oh, no!




Bye, bye!





I can't believe Shepherd used
us as a distraction.

Watch out, he
activated the digitizer!


Can't get a clear shot!

[The Shepherd]

[Emma gasps]

Move, Emma.
[Emma grunts]

[expl*si*n booming]

[glass shattering]


That was close.

Are you okay?

Bit dusty, but I'll live

Well, Shepherd,
you almost succeeded

in taking out both
your partners.

[The Shepherd]

We're not partners.

We were just hunting the
same target, that's all.

Now be a good boy and
handle the cleanup.

We are not done!

Well, fine, and good riddance.

I hope we never have to
see or hear from him again.

Huh, my brother
was a bounty hunter?

He never talks about those days.

Eh, don't sweat
it, you know him.

He keeps secrets to protect
others from getting in trouble.

Although I think in this case,

Mr. Prim and Proper was
embarrassed to admit

that he can loosen
up his suit and tie.

The Shepherd on the other hand?

Nothing loose about him.

He'd rather risk
everything and everyone

than let his bounty escape.

The path ahead splits in two.

Which way, Kolter?

Give me a sec.

We don't have a sec!

Then you'd better find one!

Okay, take the left.


[Ai yells]

I'm gonna launch my lunch!

[Ai gags]
Now hit a 180.

That'll take you
towards the core.

[Ai yells]


Now let's get this
stinker off our tail!

It's my turn.

I draw!

I summon Clock Wyvern.


My Clock Wyvern's special
ability now activates.

By cutting its attack
points in half,

I can summon a Clock Token.

[electronic whirring]

About time!

And when I have a Cyberse
monster on my field,

I can then summon Backup
Secretary straight from my hand!

Come on out!


That's just what
we need to Link Summon!

The summoning
conditions are two

level three or higher
Cyberse monsters.

I Link Summon Link Two Elphase!


That one-two
punch is gonna

knock this guy to the curb.

Unless his
facedown card can counter us.

No, it cannot be
used against Link Monsters.

[The Shepherd]
Don't tell him.

You heard 'em.

The coast is clear
like a lemon-lime soda,

so let's pop 'em good!

I create the ultimate circuit!

The summoning conditions require

at least two Cyberse monsters.

So I set my Clock Token and
Elphase in the Link Arrows.


I'm Link Summoning.

Link Three, sh**t Talker.



I'm Link Summoning, Link
Three, sh**t Talker!


[Ai cackles]

[Ai] You're in
for it now, Sheppy.

sh**t Talker's
the exact monster

your Duel Disk warned you about.

For every monster
it's linked to,

sh**t Talker
gains one extra attack.

That means it can strike
ya twice this turn.

But when the opponent only
has one monster out like now,

sh**t Talker
is going to lose


When sh**t Talker
att*cks Drone Pawn,

you will take 1300
points of damage.

Ding ding ding!

Then sh**t
Talker can attack again

for 1300 more points of damage,

resulting in a total
loss of 2600 life points.

However, Drone Pawn
has a special ability

that restores all the
damage you receive,

bringing you back
to 4000 life points.


You won't get a chance to
use that special ability,

not when I have Elphase!


Since I used it to Link Summon,

its ability let's me resurrect
a Cyberse from my graveyard.

Rise again, Clock Wyvern!


There is now an
additional monster

linked to sh**t Talker,

allowing it to attack
for a third time

and if Playmaker also att*cks
with his Clock Wyvern,

you will run out of life
points and lose the duel.

[Ai] And I know
you can't stop us

'cause your Duel Disk said
that your facedown card

can't be used against
Link Monsters.

[The Shepherd]
Yes, my Duel Disk did say that,
didn't it?


[The Shepherd]
I activate my facedown card,

Capture Drown!

This trap card prevents
one of your Link Monsters

from attacking or using
its special abilities.

So your sh**t Talker
is rendered less than useless.



[The Shepherd]
I just laid out the welcome mat

and you walked
right into my trap.

Hold it right there!

Your AI said it couldn't
activate that card.

[The Shepherd]
It lied.

It lied?

You programmed your AI to lie?!

[The Shepherd]
Yeah and it wasn't that hard

That's, that's cheating, you
cheating cheater!

[The Shepherd]
No, it's not.


Yes, it is!

[The Shepherd]
No, it's not.

It's your fault for
believing what it said.

You are giving
awesome and honest AIs

like me a bad name!

[The Shepherd]
Come now.

You of all things know that
an AI is not to be trusted.

[Ai gasps]
And for that error,

you will pay the ultimate price.

I place a card
facedown and end my turn.

I draw!

And forge a circuit
to hunt my prey.

The summoning condition
is one drone monster,

so I set Drone Pawn
in the Link Arrow

to Link Summon Link One
Battledrone Sergeant.


[Ai cackles]

You may have chained
up our sh**t Talker,

but your biplane doesn't
have the firepower

to destroy it with
just 800 attack points,

so all your lies still
left you high and dry.

[The Shepherd]
You really are the most
beef-headed AI

that I have ever met.


I don't know what that means,

but it did not sound
like a compliment.

[The Shepherd]
I activate Capture Drone's

For every Link Arrow that
your sh**t Talker has,

I get to summon a drone token.

sh**t Talker
possesses three Link Arrows

so you can summon three tokens.

[The Shepherd]
And this time, my Duel Disk
isn't lying.

Come on out!


Uh oh, with
those three monsters,

he can Link Summon again!

[The Shepherd]

You finally got something right.

The summoning conditions
require at least two drones.


So I set all three drone
tokens in the Link Arrows.

I Link Summon Link Three
Battledrone General.

[electricity crackling]


Aw, glitch!

I thought we had
victory in our sights,

but now I'm seeing
he's got us in his!

