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02x04 - A Common Cause

Posted: 04/14/24 16:59
by bunniefuu
And this should do it.

[computer beeping]

[Ai groans]
What happened? Where am I?

You're back home, Ai.


Wait, now I remember.

I went to eat up some info but
chowed down on a virus instead!

Which I purged
from your system.

Hey Kolter!
Remember me?


You're kinda hard to forget
even if you want to.

Umm... Thanks...?

But since you're here...

Maybe you can help me
find the guys

who stole my brother's soul.

The big one's called Bohman.

And the lil' one?

Beats me.

But that rugrat's
not gettin'

a free pass
for what happened.

So why do think
they went after Jin?

Don't know.

Tell ya what I do know:

snatching someone's soul
in real life

takes super tech-savviness!
I'm talkin' skills

beyond anything
you could ever scrounge up--

[Ai cries out]


But I'm not scared.

Bohman's gotta pay
for what he's done.


And he will pay.

We're gonna find him,

And I promise you
that we'll rescue Jin.

C'mon, bro,
take a knee.

Did you acquire
Jin Kolter's data?

But it wasn't easy though--

we ran into
a little bit of trouble.

What kind of trouble?

Playmaker trouble.

So... he's returned
to Link VRAINS.


Along with
the Dark Ignis.

They defeated Bohman...

But I think it was a learning
experience for him.

However, that's not
the end of it.


Another Ignis showed
up on the scene.

The Fire Ignis.

[Mysterious Voice]

but not entirely

I ordered Bit and Boot
to go and capture him...

But they messed up.

Patience, Harlin.

Do not mistake a setback
for a failure.

We will find him in time.

hand over Jin Kolter's data.

Go on...

[electronic chirping &

There-- I fulfilled
my end of the deal.

Now it's your turn.

You promised to restore
my memories.

Oh? Did I?

Yes, you did.

[Mysterious Voice]
I remember no such thing.

But don't worry.

You won't remember we ever had
this conversation...

when you go back
to sleep.

[Bohman moans]

[Mysterious Voice]
Let's reset his memories.



Roboppi is happy
that his master is back!

Roboppi was scared that
you forgot about his one

and only BBF--
Best Bot Forever!

What? BBF?

Shh! Not so loud
in front of company.

You heard nothin'.

All that matters is
we're together again.

Our two hearts
beating as one!

Aww, that's so sweet...

but don't you know
to keep it down, you dumb dummy?

Roboppi does not

because Roboppi's

didn't get upgraded
like master promised.

Ohhhh, yeah.

I've been working on it

Why is Roboppi's BBF

acting so BBF-ish
with that sphere?

Oh, you mean Linky?
He's like my pet!

Say hi.

Hi, never-will-be-
my-master's-BBF creature.

Awww, you can feel the
electricity between 'em already.

chattering excitedly]

Boy, Playmaker,

it's been a looong time
since I went to school with ya.

Yet somehow,
still not long enough.

Just keep a low profile.

Like I have choice!

Since you jailed me up
inside your Duel Disk again!

Why'd you do that?


one: I don't want you
running around on your own

creating all sorts of
mischief and trouble.


Except for every weekday
and weekend,

when do I ever do that?

And two: If the enemy
is powerful enough

to locate the Cyberse
and destroy it,

and possibly
the other Ignis--

then it should be more
than abundantly

clear to you, Ai--

that the safest place for you is
to be by my side at all times.


Three: And most crucial is...

You love hangin' with your bud!

I prefer it
when you're locked up.

[Ai sighs]

Why do I gotta
serve hard times

when times are hard?

That's Skye.

Or should I say
Blue Angel?

Wassup Skye...

You gonna make it to
the duel club meeting today?

I'll be there!

But no one else
seems to know that.

Guess I'm not the only one
with a secret ID.


even the man
she's talking to has one.

He's the Brave Battler.

Yeah, but he's not important.

But he is.


Or should I say
the one and only Playmaker.

[Theodore gasps]

Phew-- that was close.

It's like he knew
I was following him.

Because you were
following him!

Why didn't you just
introduce yourself and say hi?


Because I don't want to be
looking like a creeper, Flame.

I do not understand
how you humans communicate.

There's kind of a
ritual you gotta go through.

You have to think of it
like it's a duel.

You need just the right strategy
to start a convo.

Ah, I think I understand.

So what you are saying is

that if the discussion
conditions are correct,

you can summon your courage
to play your topic

and create a chain
of dialogue effects.

Uh-huh, pretty much!

I find this ritual
unnecessarily complicated.

I think it will be easier

if I send a direct message
to the Dark Ignis

indicating your desire
to meet Playmaker.

No, no, no!
Don't do that!

That's the worst way
to kick things off!

Promise me you won't.

Fine, I won't send the message.

Okay good, thanks.

Because I sent
the message

forty five
seconds ago.

[Theodore gasps]

Oh, hi...

Who are you?

How do you know about
my identity?

Well, this is awkward.

I'd say
it's nice to meet you

but we've already met

I'm the one
who helped you out yesterday.

So that means
you're Soulburner.

Or Theodore when I'm out here.

Cool, but maybe
we should get out of here.

Why are you
following me around?

You might not believe it...

But you and I
have a lot in common.

I think you'll understand when
I introduce you to my buddy...


An Ignis?

It's you!

[electronic beeping]

I am.

[electronic beeping]

No one's called me
by my real name in so long,

since it's unpronounceable in
this primitive human language.

But I totally thought

that you liked that
your name was Flame.

I do.

Can't I love both?
They're both spectacular.


[digital sound of Ai's name]
over there--

would you like to know
what his name means?


Just call me Ai,
all right? Ai!

Ai, huh?

Let's play a rhyme game, Ai.

I'm Flame:
The F stands for ferocious.

And I'm Ai:
The A stands for atrocious!

...Wait a sec...

I'm sure that you're not
gonna be at all surprised

when I tell you
that I have an Ignis

because I went through
the Lost Incident.

Just like I did.

But I didn't learn
about it until now.

Right around the time you
destroyed the Tower of Hanoi.

You see, when
you defeated the Hanoi,

the Ignis's troubles
should have been over.

But they weren't over.

In fact,
it only got worse for them.

Their Cyberse was destroyed.

So this lil' fella
came to me for help--

and now I'm coming to you
to ask for yours.

Then I gotta know what went
down in our homeworld, Flame!

And where all
our buddies are at!

I'll tell you what I know.

But not here. You never know
who could be listening...


Everything looks like ants
from up here--

even the ants!

But of all the places to avoid
eavesdroppin', a Ferris wheel?


The gravitation created
from this slow circular rotation

can confuse even the most
technically advanced

listening devices.

No, they can't...

I think you just wanted
to ride a Ferris wheel!

That too.

Why don't you tell them

everything you told me,


It all began
when Ai hid the Cyberse

from the outside world.

Knowing that we were safe

from the humans who were
hunting us,

it finally gave the five of us
a moment to think...

and to discuss.

Discuss what?

Our relationship
with humans.

Whether our two groups
could co-exist or not.

Because though Dr. Kogami--
a human-- gave us life,

these same humans
were trying to eradicate us.

But not every person wants

that to happen to you,

I understand, my friend.

But many do.

Yeah, I know...
It's sad.

Still, some of us felt

that if we could get past
these misunderstandings,

the Ignis and humans
could live in harmony.

Others were not
so idealistic.

They believed that humans

would never stop
trying to destroy us.

Those individuals are scared.

Scared that if
you evolve past us

and become
the superior species,

you will eliminate
those you consider inferior.

Because that's what
humans have done

to other species
throughout history.

But I disagree.

I believe that we are more
than capable

of evolving past conflict.

As do I.

Because we can achieve greater
things by working together

instead of
struggling alone.

And I feel that I could've
convinced the skeptics

to see it my way... if we
weren't rudely interrupted.

Interrupted by who?

By an enemy who knew
our every weakness.

Somebody found the Cyberse?!

But that's impossible!

I hid the Cyberse
from the entire network!

But it wasn't good enough.

No, it was more
than good enough!

I was extra careful,

dotting my t's
and crossing my i's

but the Cyberse
was still destroyed

so I guess I messed up.

So Flame...

Who att*cked the Cyberse?

It could be anyone.


It had to be
the Knights of Hanoi!

I doubt that.

This attack occurred at the same
time you were fighting Varis,

so it couldn't be them.

[Ai sighs]

Then I'm stumped.

But I do have
one bit of good news.


I'll take anything
at this point.

I've ruled you out
as a suspect.


What happened to the
other Ignis, Flame?

We all managed
to escape in time,

but I lost track
of them in the chaos.

So that means
that they're still alive.

Yes, and I would like
your help in finding them.

Yeah, that shouldn't
be too hard.

We only have to search
every nook and cranny

and every nook and cranny's
nook and cranny.

Then we should
start our search immediately,

don't you think?

Just because
something is difficult

doesn't mean
you don't do it.

But I'm preaching to
the wrong Ignis about hard work.

Hey, I work hard!

I work hard at
hardly working!

Playmaker, I believe
this endeavor

will benefit you
as well.

And why do you think
that exactly?

Because the attack
on the Cyberse

and the attack on Jin
are connected.

Connected how?

The one who invaded
the Cyberse

first ambushed us
with a Link Spell.

[expl*si*n roars]

Wait, a Link Spell?

The same Link Spell
that Bohman used against you.

So they're all part
of the same squad.

I believe that
to be true.

So whatever you can
do to help us,

you're helping yourself too.

And vice versa. You in?

I've made my decision, Ai.

Have you?

You mean to put
my life in danger?

It's getting kinda scary how I'm
getting used to doing that.

Whoever is behind
all of this...

Needs to be stopped before
any more damage can be done.

And I believe we will
succeed because we must succeed.

As long as Ai
doesn't spoil it for us.

Hey I'm still right here,
you know!

The final bounty hunter
has arrived, Mr. Zaizen.

Excellent, now the team
is complete.


Scarf-face behind me
is the big bad bounty hunter

we've been wasting our time on?

Yes, Gore.
His name is The Shepherd.

The Shepherd, huh?

This poor fella doesn't look
like he can even herd sheep

without getting trampled
in a half ton of cotton!

I find those who talk too much

are covering up
for their own deficiencies.

And I find those
wearing anaconda scarves

are covering up
for their ugly.

Who wears sunglasses
indoors anyway!

you really expect

this caveman to find

Hey don't you give me
the brush off!

And yeah, I'm the one
who'll hunt him down!

Then I wish you
the best of luck.

As long as you don't get
in my way, that is.

Because if you do,

you'll be the next on my
contract list after Playmaker.

You might call this
a hunch...

But I really don't think those
two are going to get along.

Good. I never
expected them to, Hayami.


[Hayami chuckles nervously]

And I would've
already captured him

if another duelist
hadn't interfered.

Zaizen, that wasn't
one of your hirees

getting in the way,
was it?

It wasn't.

I'm surprised to say that even I
don't know who he is.

Whatever disagreement he has
with Playmaker is his own.

But if you find him,
he may lead us to Playmaker.

Then where's
that glowstick at?

He was last seen
in the Restricted Area.

How'd you know?

I have my ways.

Then that's
where I'm goin'!

Thanks, Kolter.

Nothing to it, man.

Mi food truck
es su food truck.

Yusaku filled me in
on the details--

I gotta say
that's quite the story.

Plus, you know
his secret identity?

That totally
caught me off guard.

More off guard
than the fact

that Yusaku actually
made some friends!


Don't you worry,

We both know how
to keep a secret.

And I'm sorry about
what happened to your brother.

It must be
really tough on you.

Thanks, kid.

Seems life dealt us all
a tough hand...

But the thing is...

As long as you don't fold
and keep on fighting the fight,

we can take all of that pain
and use it do some good.

And you can count on us...

to do everything we can
to help both you and Jin.

I know Theodore
doesn't look like the type

who could fight a mosquito--
much less defeat one--

but his dueling skills
are second to none.

That's not how I'd put it
but thanks.

So Kolter...
have you found any leads?

I've been
tracking and trailing

Bohman's digital

And although I haven't been able
to get an exact location...

I've been able to
narrow it down to this spot.

That's deep in

restricted area--
what's he doing there?

Don't know.

But when I combed
the area

to see if there were
any more clues...

I found something that seemed
to be outta place...

Some fragmented bits and bytes
of a strange program.

Take a look.

Wow, that's, um...

I'm not really a straight
A student.

That's way over my head.

Though it isn't exactly
the same thing...

It looks similar
to one of Ai's programs.


You're right!

It's an Ignis

Whoa, for real?

of a Wind Ignis.

So could that be where
the Wind Ignis is hiding out?

Well, there's only one way
to know for sure.

Kolter, this is the
most promising lead we have.

We need to get to the Restricted
Area as soon as possible.

We may not find
an Ignis or Bohman,

but I'm sure
we'll find something.

Wait here please.

My pleasure, sir.

Skye! Emma.

[Skye gasps]

Hey there, Akira.

Sorry I'm late.

Don't worry about it.

You know how much I enjoy
our secret little rendezvous.

So what is it, Akira?

You sounded kinda nervous
before on the phone.


Yoo hoo!
Security bot up ahead.

I see it.

[electronic chirping]

[electronic chirping]

Status update, Ai.

How strong is our signal?

Full bars!

Anything I'm seeing,
so is Kolter!


How do we get there?

I'm workin' on it
right now, bud.

The route's chock
full of traps and dead ends.

It's never easy.


What's that?

It's a message from
Gore Gal!

Not a message--
it looks more like a map.

For entering
the restricted area.

Why would she help you?

We have an agreement.

Every ten times we help her,
she punches us a freebie.

But that route
she mapped out

still looks crazy
dangerous to me!

But it's looking like
that's the only way through.

It also says there's
a portal at the end

that even SOL Tech
doesn't know about.

Then that's
where we're going.

Okay, but I can't
let you go emptyhanded.

What is this, Kolter?

I took the liberty of

Ghost Gal's map
into your Duel Disk

and also upgraded
the LVSS firmware.

It now has a stealth

which will shield you
against basic traps,

but you still gotta watch out
for top of the line stuff.

I also added an emergency
log out program

to eject you out of LINK
VRAINS if you get into trouble.

But remember this:
you can only use it one time.

So make sure
it's the right time.

Yeah, got it.

Well, good luck.



Activating stealth

[electronic screeching]

[electronic blaring]

We've made it inside...

And so far
I don't see any traps

waiting to be sprung...

Cuz you're looking
in the wrong direction.


Found you, Playmaker!

Aww, glitch!

We have to move now,

Step on it!