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01x43 - The Reveal

Posted: 04/14/24 16:53
by bunniefuu

Yo, boss! Varis and Playmaker
are both gone!

Sure are, but that Tower
sure ain't!


In fact,
it's still growin'!

And glowin'!

Someone better
hit the off switch!

That's right,
'cause if they don't,

it's gonna be lights out
for you, me,

and all of Link VRAINS!


Aww, man.


You okay, bud?

Of course.

Yeah, right!

If I didn't activate
the emergency logout protocol,

we would've been
digital dirt!

I'll save the pat on the back
for later, okay?

And Varis?

Don't know, dude.

But what I do know
is this...

since you didn't defeat Varis,
the tower's still growing.

There's only
one ring left to build.

And when it's complete...

it'll destroy
every network in the world.

Forget the network!

What's important is that
that thing is gonna destroy

poor little old me!

And I'm too young
to be deleted!

Well, then, that means
we have less than an hour

to find and defeat Varis.

You mean the Varis
you haven't been able to find

for, like, forever?!

Actually, I know
exactly where Varis is.

Ah! Wait, what now?

Let's get going,

To where?

The only place where
you can get a dog

and a view!



So, like, why are we
hitting up the cliffs?

During my duel with Varis,

when he used his skill,
a path opened up before him.

A path that looked just like
the Stardust Road.

The Stardust Road?


That phenomenon is so rare

that it only appears
in one place near the city,

in the water
by the cliffs.

So if Varis knows about it,

he must be headquartered
in that area somewhere.

logical thinking!

I should
call you Mr. Pasta,

'cause that was excellent
use of your noodle!

If there's one spot where you
can check out the scenery,

it's from those digs
on top of the cliffs.

And that's exactly
where we're going.

This here's the place.

Did you say place...
or palace?

'Cause that thing's


Ya know, I thought criminals,
of all people,

would remember to keep
their front doors locked.

So we finally
meet each other
in real life, Varis.

Yes, we do... Playmaker.

Playmaker, in the flesh.

Or should I say
Yusaku Fujiki

and his babysitter
Cal Kolter,

the two biggest thorns
in my side.

Don't ya mean three?

No. You're just a program.

So you know
who we are.

But we know
who you are, too.

You're Dr. Kogami's son.

The name's Roken.

Tell me where
he's hiding.

I'm sure my father
would've introduced himself,

but my father's
in no condition

to offer his pleasantries,
as you can see.

Yeah, guess not.

Since I transferred his mind
to the digital realm,

his body is but
an empty shell.

However, he had no qualms
about leaving the physical world

if it was in order
to accomplish his mission.

The mission to save the world
by destroying his own creation,

the Ignis... before
the Ignis destroys us.

Or so you repeatedly claim
without offering up proof.

I can't think of any reasons
to justify

not only destroying Link VRAINS,

but also risking the lives
of countless duelists.

Of course you don't,

because though you think
your life's been tough,

you've never had to make
a truly difficult decision.

But allow me
to enlighten you.

My father is a brilliant man...

but know that he is
an even greater visionary.

He could see the course of
the future better than anyone.

That future...
was one full of strife,

of difficulty,
and of challenges

that mankind had
never faced before,

from miniscule
biological diseases

to grand extinction-level events
like asteroids.

He felt that humans alone

could not stand up
to these challenges,

that we would need help
to solve these global issues.

That is why he decided to use

all of SOL Technologies'
resources to create the Ignis.

Not just regular old AI
that simply followed orders,

but AI with free will.

And that free will...

will enable them
to think creatively

to help solve the problems
of today and tomorrow.

And those solutions
would arrive much faster

than any human brain
could process.

But to create this new AI
would be a challenge.

How could my father create AI

that would be able to understand
humanity's challenges?

And that is when
he came up with a brilliant--

albeit controversial--

He would have the Ignis
observe and learn

from actual
human counterparts--

but counterparts
still unsullied

by the many vagaries
of the world.

They would learn
from children--

the six children
of the Lost Incident.

By dueling
and facing challenges,

the Ignis could watch
and learn how each child

dealt with the same problem

The child's approach
gave the Ignis insight

to think about problems
and solutions creatively.

And by doing this it would help
to improve their programming.

I know my father did this
with the best of intentions,

but still...
it didn't feel right.

It didn't
sound right.

So I betrayed my father
and alerted the authorities,

bringing the experiments
to an end.

So you were
the one responsible

for ending
the Lost Incident?

You were the one
who freed me?

Who freed all of us?

So what? You think he deserves
a lollypop or something?

I don't deserve
a thing from anyone.

Because letting you go free
was the biggest mistake
I ever made.

Is that so?

To avoid
getting into trouble,

SOL Technologies
covered up the whole Incident

as if it never happened,

shutting down
all of the research

and exiling my father.

But while they
covered everything up,

it was not as if
they erased the Ignis.

No, no, no.

They were forgotten,
but they were not gone.


They continued to grow
and evolve and mature...

studying, learning, thinking.

They evolved so much
that they even created a world

of their very own...
the Cyberse.


And from this new world...

came new monsters...

new cards.

And new Data Material
was also being created,

feeding into the network...

so much data that they
even formed Data Storms.

And with more data,
the greater Link VRAINS grew...

and so did
SOL Technologies' profits.

The network was expanding
like never before.

It was exactly as everyone hoped
when they created the Ignis--

that they would work together

and help humanity achieve
a new level of prosperity.

Everyone was celebrating an age
of digital innovation.

Except for my father.

While everyone was celebrating,
my father was not.

Because he knew that when things
seem too good to be true,

they usually are.

Like I said,
my father was a visionary.

He could see things
that others could not.

He felt that the Ignis
were evolving too quickly,

quicker than even he
imagined to ever be possible.

So he ran
millions of simulations

to see where all of this
would lead in the future,

and they all led
to the same outcome.

And what outcome
was that?

The extinction of mankind.

Hey, that's slander!

Or is it libel?
Ah, whichever!


The results are startling.

All the simulations
reach the same conclusion.

The extinction of mankind?


But I thought you
had created the Ignis

to help solve all of
humanity's problems.

I did, but as
the Ignis evolve,

the simulations state
that they will start thinking

differently than they do now,

eventually hitting
a critical decision point.

A point where the Ignis
will think that instead

of solving mankind's

it will be easier
to solve all problems

by eliminating
mankind itself.

And since the Ignis are evolving
exponentially faster,

the decision point
is fast approaching.

We must eliminate the Ignis
before they eliminate us.

But if we try
to erase them,

they'll fight back
and try to erase us,

even earlier
than you simulated.

Varis, perhaps
you are correct.

But based on the conclusion
of the simulations,

do we have a choice?

I understand, Father.
I will help you.

And all the Knights of Hanoi

will help you hunt down
every single Ignis.

Thank you, Varis.

Mankind depends
on your success.


And I almost succeeded,

until that one hid
the Cyberse from us.

Just because
he ran the simulations

doesn't mean
it'll come true.

Are you willing
to risk your life--

all of mankind's existence--
on that supposition?

I, for one, am not.

So if I cannot find the Cyberse
inside the network,

I will use the Tower of Hanoi
to destroy the network itself.

But I haven't
hurt anyone!

Do the names Specter, Genome,
Baira, and Faust ring a bell?

Okay, almost anyone!

You believe that
the Ignis are evil

because they are
going to destroy us?

Then if we're willing to go
and destroy the Ignis,

what does that make us?

We can't go down
that road.

And it doesn't take much
to forge a new path.

I know it's tough
to change,

but all you need to do
is think of three things,

three reasons why.

Just three things

can get you through
any problem.

Three things, huh?

I cannot believe
that my very own words

are being used against me.

How so?

Who do you think
taught you that?

I'll give you three guesses,
but there's only one answer,

and he's standing
right before your eyes.

Three... just
three simple reasons

can get you
through anything.

You were the one
speaking to me?

I've known who you were
ever since our first duel.

Since you spoke
those words.

I must win!

And there happen to be exactly
three reasons why I will.

For one...
I must avenge the horrors

that the Knights of Hanoi
put me through a decade ago.

Two: Defeating you
is a step towards

uncovering the truth
about that incident.

And three: I must rescue
the one who rescued me.

Then I guess he doesn't need
saving from that place now.

But you do require
saving of a different sort,

saving from the biggest mistake
you're about to make.


If you don't stop
your Tower of Hanoi,

and you destroy
the network,

you'll plunge
the world into chaos.

You know how many things
rely on the digital network?

Hospitals, electric grids,
traffic controls...

the casualties
will be enormous!

Yusaku, I know what
the consequences are.

And it's still
the better option.

Then let's put that
to the test.

One final test.

You have my attention.
Please go on.

Let's due...
one final time, Varis.

I believe whoever's right
will come out on top.

So if you win, the network--
along with the Ignis--

will be destroyed,
as you wish.

But if I'm right
and defeat you,

the Tower of Hanoi
will be stopped.

Very well, Playmaker.
Then let's duel.

And trust that
I have no doubt...

my fallen comrades
will carry me to victory!

Let's go!


It's time to Link
into the VRAINS!



The last ring's
almost done.

And that means Link VRAINS
is on the verge of being
erased for good!

Well boss, if I'm gonna be
erased from existence,

I'm glad it's gonna be
with you.

Zip it up!
Save the sap, focus the flap!

Right! No need to be feelin'
bluer than blue

when you already are!

Oh, man, now...
I'm feelin' blue too.

[both gasp]



Playmaker's back
on the attack!

Ohh, maybe he'll
wiggle out a win!

Wow, we're so high up

that I can see
all the nothing!

And you will be
joining the nothing

after I defeat you,

This... I... swear!

I... think not.

Let's duel!

Aww, glitch!

While you two were
yappin' in the real world,

the Tower's final ring's
almost been completed!

We gotta stop it before it

and we all fall down!

That's the plan.


We got this, legs.

Almost there.


Ready, Playmaker?

I'll start this duel off by
activating Boot Sector Launch.

All Rokket monsters gain

But... that is only
the beginning.

It also lets me summon
two Rokket monsters

from my hand
in defense mode.

Shellrokket Dragon...

and Metalrokket Dragon!

[zapping and pinging]

Next, I'll summon
Sniffer Dragon.

And I activate
its special ability!

It allows me to draw a second
Sniffer Dragon from my deck

and add it to my hand,

so I can use it later
in this duel.

But for now...
I manifest my circuit!

The summoning conditions
require three Dark Dragons!

Link the circuit!

I Link Summon!

Link 3 Vorticular Drumgon!

And when I successfully
summon this monster,

I get to draw one card.

But that's not
all I can do.

I can send Drumgon
to the graveyard

to activate Link Coin!

Since Vorticular Drumgon
was a Link 3 monster,

I get to draw three cards
from my deck.

Then I get to pick one of them
to keep in my hand,

and the other two return
to the top of my deck.

Though I had to sacrifice
my Drumgon to do this...

rest assured this loss
is only temporary.


Because Drumgon gets
to return to my field

on my next turn!

That doesn't seem fair,
does it?

I don't care what a program
thinks is fair.

Aww, glitch!

Now that he has Mirror Force,
how are we gonna get past that?

The answer's simple:
you won't.

Not now, not ever.

It's your turn,

Grr... like papayas
in a pot pie,

one ingredient wrecks
our whole game plan!

So if we want
a crack at him,

we gotta get rid of
his Mirror Force first.

I know. I draw!


When I have no monsters
on my field,

I can automatically summon

By discarding a card
from my hand,

I can activate Linkslayer's
special ability

to destroy one of your
spell or trap cards.

That means your Mirror Force
will be no more,

leaving you nothing
to defend yourself with.

Here I go!

I discard my Latency!

Destroy his Mirror Force!




Destroy his Mirror Force!

Heh. Why, thank you.

You did exactly
what I wanted.

You triggered my Mirror Force
Launcher's effect!

When this trap card
is destroyed

while it's facedown
on my field,

I can put it back
right where it was

as if you did
nothing at all!


Mirror Force

I was off by a word!

And that one word
makes all the difference,

because Mirror Force
Launcher's effect allows me

to place Mirror Force
facedown on my field

and use it this turn,
if I wish.

So instead of
destroying Mirror Force,

I've allowed him to play it.

Yup. Smooth as sandpaper,

But what's done is done.

There's no point
in dwelling on it.

I summon Rom Cloudia!

Rom Cloudia's special ability
allows me to retrieve a Cyberse

from my graveyard--
specifically, this one.


And when this card
is added to my hand,

I can then automatically
summon it to the field!

This gives me the two monsters
I need to create my circuit!


I Link Summon
Link 2 Restoration Point Guard!

Since I used Latency to Link
Summon Restoration Point Guard,

I get to draw one card
from my deck.

I draw!

Um... you know
Link Monsters

can only be summoned
in attack mode right?

And Mirror Force destroys
monsters in attack mode.

I'm not saying you don't know
what you're doing,

but I'm saying you don't
know what you're doing.

You're wrong!

I know precisely
what I'm doing!

In order to Link Summon...

I need to set at least two
Cyberse monsters

in the Link Arrows!

I Link Summon
Link 3 Excode Talker!


Since I summoned Excode Talker
in my Extra Monster Zone,

it can block one of
your Main Monster Zones!

Go! Grasp Zone!


Umm, not exactly

Why are you focusing
on his Monster Zones

when his trap
is the problem?

His Mirror Force will destroy
Excode Talker if you attack!

Then it's clear
you won't like this.

Excode Talker!
Attack Varis directly!


Well, that's not
the move I'd make.

But that's why you're
not as great as me...

and never will be!

I activate my trap
Mirror Force!

Your Excode Talker
is instantly pulverized.



Well, perhaps
you aren't as great

as you think you are,

By destroying Excode Talker,

you've allowed me
to resurrect

Restoration Point Guard
from my graveyard!

You're bragging about
summoning a monster

that's weaker than the one
you already had?

Without Excode Talker,
my Monster Zone

is no longer blocked.

That's true.

But you no longer have Mirror
Force to stop my second attack!

All that work to deal a paltry

Damage is still damage.
And it'll add up.

Ah, but not quickly enough.

You may have dealt
the opening blow,

but I will
deal the final one!

