01x42 - Storm Access

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS". Aired: May 10, 2017 – September 25, 2019.*
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In a place known as Den City, thousands of duelists take part in a virtual reality space known as LINK VRAINS, created by SOL Technologies, where users can create unique avatars and participate in games of Duel Monsters with each other.
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01x42 - Storm Access

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on
"Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS"...

Varis, the time
for our rematch has come.

Yes, and only one of us
will be left standing.

And it won't be you!

I knew you were evil...

but I never thought
you were insane.

You'd rather destroy
the network

than allow one single Ignis
to survive?

The Ignis will do far worse
than this!

Which do you
think is worse?

The end of Link VRAINS
or the end of all humanity?

Let's Speed Duel!

I activate the trap
that has vanquished

every foe I've faced--

Mirror Force!

All your monsters
in defense mode

get switched
to attack mode!


Your lack of vigilance
will cost you

as Mirror Force destroys every
single one of your monsters!

[screaming, grunting]

Flash Charge Dragon,
attack Playmaker directly!


Go, blasting cannon


Umm, you okay?

With this final attack,
you're finished!



I will not disappoint you,

I will eradicate the Ignis.


Blast Powder Dragon, attack
Playmaker and end this duel!

That blast lands,

and Playmaker's life points'll
be burnt to a crisp!

If he goes down in flames,
so will Link VRAINS,

and me and you are goi''
along right with it!

I'm too young to roast!

Yusaku, no!

You can't let it end
like this, man.

You willing to let
bygones be bygones

before we both be gone?


I'm activating my spell card
Spool Code!

When I have three Cyberse-Type
monsters in my graveyard,

my spell card not only
stops your attack,

but I also get to summon three
Spool Tokens in defense mode!

I wet my wares.

You may have escaped defeat,

but I... will
bring you one step closer!

Flash Charge Dragon's
special ability

destroys any monster
summoned next to its link,

and deals you 500 points
of damage!

So say good-bye to your tiny
little token!

And with that, I end my turn.

Which means Blast Powder
Dragon's special ability ends,

so Flash Charge Dragon's attack
points drop back down to 2300.

This duel is not over.

It's my turn!

I draw!

And now I'll Link Summon!

To do so, I need to use one
Level 4 or lower Cyberse.

I set a Spool Token
in the Link Arrow!

I Link Summon!

Link 1, Link Disciple!

I follow that up by summoning
Swap Cleric!

And that allows me
to Link Summon again!

Oh, yeah, that's the stuff!

The summoning conditions
require two monsters,

so I set Swap Cleric
and the Spool Token

in the Link Arrows!

I Link Summon!

Link 2, Security Dragon!


If I use Swap Cleric
to Link Summon,

my Dragon loses

but I get to draw a card.

Like this!

And my Dragon has
an ability of its own!

Since Security Dragon
is co-linked

with another Link Monster,

I can return any of your
monsters back to your hand.

So your Flash Charge Dragon
leaves the field!


Don't forget to write.

Hm. You go and make
one or two decent moves

and you think you've turned
this duel around?

Don't kid yourself,


My Flash Charge Dragon lets me
offer up a different monster

to negate Security Dragon's
special ability.

So my weaker Blast Powder Dragon
takes the fall

instead of my more powerful
Flash Charge Dragon!

Well, that shishes our kebobs.

He's got the stronger monster

while our life points don't even
crack a thousand.

Huh, you can use your Skill!

But that means
you gotta fly

straight into that trash tornado
which is way too dangerous.

Oh, I knew it, I knew it,
I knew it, I knew it!

Please, Playmaker, cut it out
before we get cut up!

Do you have
a better option?

Um, just give me a second.

And don't you sense it?

The more intense
the storm,

the stronger the monster
that lives inside.

What crazy told you that?

It doesn't matter
if the monster has
a quadrillion attack points

if you can't get to it!


Then it's a good thing that
I don't share your opinion.


I would have preferred to defeat
you with my own hands.

But alas, farewell.

This is it!

Go, Storm Access!

[painful grunting]


Oh-ho, no!


[painful screaming]

[painful screaming]


Gotcha, Playmaker!

Wha...? Ai...?

Allow me
to give you a hand!

Get it?

I know what
you wanna say--

Thank you, danke, obrigado,
grazie, merci, arigato,

less than three.

But in whatever language,
you are welcome!


You said that you couldn't
leave the Duel Disk.

I never said that.
You did.

Or did I?
Eh, I say a lot of things.

And I'm saying now that I can
boost your board!

I can also form a shield,

but a limited one,
so try not bumping into stuff.

It stings when rocks bam my bod.

I can't make
any promises, Ai.

Can't or won't?

Fine, I'm ready
so step on the gas!

Ow! Ow ow!

Ow ow ow owowowowow!

Step off the gas!

Step off the gas!

You're fine.
I activate my Skill.

Storm Access!

[painful grunting]

Seize the wind, Playmaker.

Oh, I didn't tell ya,

this shield uses up
all my energy.

See ya later, meatbag.

Wait, what?

The Ignis saved me the trouble
of destroying it.

But not from me
destroying you.

I create the ultimate circuit!

Get ready, Varis!

The summoning conditions require
at least two Effect Monsters,

so now I set my Link Disciple
and my Security Dragon

in the Link Arrows!

I Link Summon...

...Link 3, Transcode Talker!


So... that's the new monster
you drew from the storm.

And the one that'll end you!

I activate
Transcode Talker's ability,

allowing me to now resurrect
another Code Talker

from my graveyard!

Decode Talker!

And Decode Talker gains

for every monster it happens
to be linked to!

Power Integration!

And this is only the beginning
of my combo.

When my two Talkers are
co-linked to each other,

Transcode infuses both of them
with 500 extra attack points!

But their strength still
hasn't been maxed out!

I activate Cynet Storm!

Thanks to this Field Spell,

all linked monsters gain

Now, both my Decode
and Transcode Talker

are more powerful than yours!

And now Decode Talker,

attack and destroy
Flash Charge Dragon!

Decode Destruction!

You have nothing left
to protect you!

With this final attack,
you're finished!

And I've been waiting to do this
for over a decade of my life!


Game over, Varis.

Your reign of tyranny
is coming to a close!

Transcode Talker, attack
and finish off this duel!

You'll finish nothing!

I summon Chobham Armor Dragon!

But how?!

Because your
Transcode Talker

att*cked my life points

I am now allowed to summon
this monster in attack mode.

So what?

Your monster has a total
of zero attack points.

I can't believe
you said that!

Has the loss of your Ignis
affected your mind?

Because you of all people know

that attack points
aren't everything!

My Chobham Armor Dragon
not only can't be destroyed

in battle this turn,

but it also cuts the damage
I take in half!

You actually survived.

You aren't the only one
who wants to win this duel.

All I can do is
end my turn.

Aww, you sound so sad.

It's my turn.

I draw!

My aching gigabytes!

Boy, I really thought
I bit the big one.


So you didn't go
and destroy yourself?

Why'd you think that?

Ohh, 'cause I said,
"See you later"?

Well, now is later.

I just needed time
to regenerate.

But I'm back like a vertebrate
to see us get a victory!

Hm, don't you mean to see you
get vanquished?

Because you set me up
to activate my Skill.

But I can't win

unless I am willing
to take a few risks.

Speaking of risks, if you want
to dive into the Data Storm

to retrieve a monster
like Playmaker, go for it!

You're only gonna
fail, fail, fail

'cause you don't have me
to protect you.

You'll crack your cranium
like crunchy crackers!

We shall see.

Storm Access.

The Data Storm's much denser
than I expected.

But there isn't anything that
Playmaker can do that I cannot!


He couldn't break through.

Hate to say
I told ya so,

but told ya, told ya,
told ya, told ya!

That was just a fluke.

I know I can break through
those winds!

He's going to try it again?

If at first
you don't succeed,

just keep failin'!


No way.

Why is everything frozen?

Um, did the server crash?

It's still windy over here,
but it's paused over there.

It's called
the Doppler effect.

Um, if you say so, boss.

Aww, man, what's happening?


Father, is that you?

It's him!

That's Dr. Kogami!
How is that even possible?

Father, you shouldn't
have come.

You know how much
it takes out of you.

Come on, now.

It's not the child's

to worry about
their parents, Roken.


It's the duty of the parent
to worry about their child.

So how could I rest
on the sidelines

when you are here risking
your very existence

in this duel?

How could I do nothing

when you're here
to fix my mistakes,

my error of creating
the Ignis?

So, to win this duel
and fulfill our mission,

whatever energy
I have is yours

to wield as you see fit.

I don't need your strength.

Says the boy
with a missing arm.

Your avatar has clearly seen
better days.

Don't let your ego
get in the way, Roken.

But if you go
through with this,

you may fade from existence.

Maybe so.

But if the Ignis win, no one
in the world will survive.

And I simply cannot allow
that to happen.

Dear, Father.


The Stardust Road.

The Stardust Road
is such a rare event

that I've only seen it
once before...

with my father.

He said those lucky enough
to witness it

would find that destiny would
light their path to prosperity.

Guess they found
the unpause button!


Thank you, Father.

For opening the path
to victory!

Storm Access!


Storm Access!


Let's get back
to the duel.

That's a pretty
big watch.

Too bad we're gonna be
the one's

doin' all the clockin'!

So quick to quip,

but there's nothing
you can do to win this duel.

You're not the first
to say that.

Then I'll be the first one...

to make it stick!

I activate my spell
Link Recovery

to revive a Link Monster
back from my graveyard!

Flash Charge Dragon!

Then if Flash Charge Dragon
has more links

than the number
of monsters on your field,

you get to draw a card equal
to the difference.

Flash Charge Dragon is Link 3

and you have two monsters
on your field.

Therefore, you get to draw
one card to your hand.

You're welcome.

But while you got a card,

I got the monster I need
to manifest my circuit!

Like this!

You ready, Playmaker?

The summoning conditions require
at least two Effect Monsters.

So I set Chobham Armor Dragon

and Flash Charge Dragon
in the Link Arrows!

Link the circuit!

Aww, glitch!

It's gonna be
the new monster

he drew out
of the Data Storm!

I Link Summon!

Link 4!

Topologic Gumblar Dragon!


Ah, that's what
I call not good.


Since I used Chobham Armor
Dragon to Link Summon,

we each can select
one monster in our graveyards

and return them to our hands.

I add Spin-Headed Behemoth
to my hand.

And you?

I retrieve my Backup Secretary
from my graveyard.

[beeping, chirping]

Eh, I never thought I'd have
more important matters

to attend to than this duel.

Say what?

So I must end this duel now!

I summon Drop Draco next to
Topologic Gumblar Dragon's link,

triggering its special ability
to activate!

All cards in both our hands
are destroyed!

Infinite Destruction!

For every card that was sent
to the graveyard,

Drop Draco's special ability
deals 300 points of damage

to both of us!

Since I lost one
and you lost two,

that's a total of 900 points of
damage to both our life points!

But we don't have 900!

And Varis doesn't have


[painful groaning]

This duel ends in a tie?

That means the Tower's gonna
keep sucking up everything!

Including Yusaku!

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