01x32 - The Tower of Hanoi

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS". Aired: May 10, 2017 – September 25, 2019.*
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In a place known as Den City, thousands of duelists take part in a virtual reality space known as LINK VRAINS, created by SOL Technologies, where users can create unique avatars and participate in games of Duel Monsters with each other.
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01x32 - The Tower of Hanoi

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on
"Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS"...


[Ghost Gal]
If I want to get outta
here with my trove of data--

and in one piece--

I gotta defeat

[Ghost Gal]
I'm assuming you didn't put
that sphere here by mistake.

So what is that thing?

I guess you could say

it's a seed to a new
beginning for humanity.

Hey, buddy.

You're getting close
to the source of the signal.

Super close.

We can't get in!

This duel is over.

Dire Destruction!



Ghost Gal!

I'll get you out!

[Ghost Gal]
Take this.

It's the data I gathered

by analyzing
the sphere.

I'm sure it's the key
to the Hanoi's master plan.


No, Ghost Gal!

One last thing.

If you duel Varis,
be careful.

Even more than before.

He now has
a card that...

This can't be happening!

It's been a while,
hasn't it, Playmaker?

Begin... the Tower of Hanoi.

Activate emergency log out!

Varis, what have you done?




What the glitch is that?!

Looks like that seed
sprouted big time,

but without more intel
that's all I can say.

Maybe this'll help.

Ghost Gal gave me
the data she collected.

Then let's
give it a look.

It's tearing

That ain't good.

gettin' fired.

I can't connect
to the network.

The signal
has dropped out.

It's still growing.

And growing at an
accelerated pace.


Who is responsible
for this nonsense?!

By analyzing
the program's algorithm,

it's clearly written by
the Knights of Hanoi.

It's always them,
isn't it?!

Get rid of it!

Reboot the system
if you have to!

We can't, sir.

We've lost all control


By letting the Hanoi
get the slip on me,

I'm now going
to get the pink slip.

I knew I shouldn't have placed
a nonrefundable deposit

on those solid-gold
nail clippers.

But I may still have an out.



It's even deleting

Just like with Gore Gal.

It's doing worse than
simply erasing their data--

it's absorbing them
into its system.


Help me!


I can't log out.



All of those poor people.

Oh man!

You can't even rage-quit


So the longer this lasts

the more casualties
there will be.


Today's top story:

Sol Technologies just held
an emergency press conference

to announce they will

block access to LINK VRAINS

until they can resolve
"software issues"

with the system.

This is the second recorded
breakdown their network

has experienced recently.

You're absolutely right.

This is most certainly
not a good look

for SOL Technologies.

And believe me
when I say that

I am quite disappointed,

along with legions
of my fellow users.

But my sources are saying
that this a minor bug

that they can
stamp out quickly.

Well, that's a relief.

We'll bring you
further updates

as this story continues
to unfold.

And coming up next...

today's top five memes.

Will the breakdancing

SOL Tech may have
the news peeps bamboozled

that it ain't
a big deal.

But down in the forums...

all the duelists are calling
it the VRAIN-pocalypse.

Okay, the download's done.

Let's hope Ghost Gal's

wasn't for nothin'.



For some form of tower.

A tower, huh?

Like the Tower of Hanoi?

I've had enough
of your games, Varis!

But the games have
only just started.

And the only way
for you to win...

is to defeat me.

the Tower of Hanoi!

This is clearly the Knights
of Hanoi's endgame.

In more ways
than one, Yusaku.

The tower's central shaft
grew straight up

from the data
processing center.

Into a giant antenna

to the global network.

And look at that.

There's your core.

That blob's still around?

And it's gobbling up data

faster than what
a certain AI did

with my collection
of awesome cat videos.

For the last time,
it wasn't me!

That's not what my
empty hard drive says.

There was this cute one

where a bobtail was
playing with a feather

but I'll never
see it again.

Okay, I'm sorry!

Stop trying to make
me feel bad!

If you're done,
we have bigger problems

that need our

What are those rings?

That, my friend, is where
the tower is storing

all of the data.

And it's doing
it fast enough to fill

an entire ring
every hour.

And what happens when
all six rings are full?

The data that's stored
in the rings

is gonna be released
into the global net

in one massive surge.

Straight outta LINK VRAINS?

Yeah, and it'll fry
every computer

that's connected
to the Internet.

Every program, every record
will be wiped.

That'll shut down
the power grid,

the traffic controls.

Think of how everything's
connected to the net now.

Even hospitals.

I'm talking about the total
collapse of civilization

as we know it!

Well, since my Duel Disk

doesn't connect to the net,
at least I'll be safe.

I wouldn't count on it.

Varis certainly would have
taken that into consideration.

After all, he's doing all
this just to erase you.

I feel so special.

Sorry to say it, Ai,
ol' buddy,

but Yusaku's
hit the bull's-eye.

The surge is also designed

to reconfigure
mainframes into EMPs,

which'll emit energy pulses
to destroy any machine

even if they're not
connected to the network.

And that will
include you.


Varis is willing to send
us back to the Stone Age

just to make sure Ai
bites the dust.


I'm Chief Kitamura
of SOL Technologies,

the one in charge

security systems.

I demand to speak
to the leader of the Hanoi!

Um, uh...

Perhaps "demand"
was too strong of a word.

May I humbly request
your presence?

I promise
this isn't a trap!

Not that I'm saying you're not
smart enough to detect a trap.

You most certainly are to elude
arrest for so long--

Enough with your prattling!


Who are you?

You requested to see
the leader of the Hanoi,

so here I am.

This is your chance, Kity.

[clearing throat]

Your Excellency,
may I start out

by saying
it's a privilege--

What do you want?

Or I'll erase you
from existence.

Right to the point.

I respect that.

Let me not waste
your time

because time
is not to be wasting.

I propose a proposal

that I do think will prove
mutually beneficial

to both me
and you both.

Which is?

Before I say,
let's agree to agree

that this conversation

must be kept strictly

What is it?

I shall
take that as a "yes."

I propose the two of us rule
LINK VRAINS together.


No doubt you
currently believe

you would have
little to gain

from such an arrangement.

After all, you're in complete
control of LINK VRAINS

and seem
to hold all the power.

Consider this, however.

Sol Tech will not
allow you to destroy

their greatest asset without
putting up a fight.

But you see,
as the Security Chief

I have the ability
to disable

all of their

giving you a clear
path to victory.

But that piece
of mind only comes

if you agree to share
the power with me.

I see.

Let's do it.

Excellent, Kity.

But... before I agree,

I need to test if you're
worthy of ruling with me.


Good luck.


Good luck with what?!


Ready for your test?


I'm Spectre.

Nice to meet you.

Uh, likewise?

I have been given the honor

of testing
your abilities...

in a Master Duel!

But I'm no duelist!

This place is as empty
as my bank account.


Why's no one here?

Word on the web
is they got erased.

But I figured you'd panic
if I told ya

so I kept it mum.

Because panicking would be
the correct reaction!


Shut your beak!

Real reporters don't
flee from trouble;

they swoop into it!

And, swooping's
natural for a bird.

No it is not!

I may look like a pigeon
on the outside,

but inside I have
the heart of a chicken.

If you ask me,
I think we should

drop the whole thing.


I got you, boss!

Kid, listen to an
ol' vet and relax!

I can't!

A pro tip:

If it was really dangerous

our boss would
tell us to evac.


Who could this be?

It's a message
from our producer.


"Evacuate immediately.

But if you choose to stay,
I'm not giving any bonuses."

Say what?!

So let's log out!

He dares think I'm
in this for the money?!

I'm in this to inform
the public

and for the money!


Someone's on the roof.

Well, get your
video cam rolling.

Aye aye.

Hey, look.

Somebody's still


They're in the middle
of a duel.

That's Kitamura.

Who's the lucky guy who
gets to duel that sleaze?

Well, he seems to be
one of the Hanoi.

Who do I root for

when it's bad guy
versus bad guy?


I root for a meteor
to crash into them.




You've failed to pass
the test, Mr. Kitamura.

But I cannot say
that this came

as much
of a surprise to me.

You were as easy to defeat
as your security system.

Plus, you are a man
without principles.

You would sell out your
own people for power?

I don't
like that at all!

Goodbye, Mr. Kitamura.

Please, wait,
hear me out, 'kay?

Why is someone as great as
you serving under Varis?

You should be
leading all of the Hanoi.

I can provide my service
to take him down.

You speak a certain truth.

You can be
of service to me.


Or at least
your data can.


Wait, I have another

Even the useless
can be useful.

Am I right?


Be advised:

By order
of the Knights of Hanoi,

LINK VRAINS is off-limits.

If you do not heed our

that is your mistake.


I haven't been that scared
since I was a tadpole.

We're gonna have to log out
with no scoop whatsoever.

Too bad I sold your
stash of rare comics

to buy the last
roll of film.


But a digital camera
doesn't use film!

I realize that now!

But, boss!


Face the facts...



I'm logging into

Is my Duel Board ready?

Ready but useless.

With all the data
the tower's swallowing,

there isn't enough
of it to create

Data Storms
for you to ride on.

Looks like you gotta
hoof it, meat bag.


And we have
less than six hours.

Let's go... right now!

I'm linking into the VRAINS!



I got so much
grit in my grill

that I can taste
the silicon.


I can't let my
career end like this!

I'm making my
last sand!

I mean stand!

With a scoop
for the ages!


And there it is!



About time you
showed up, Playmaker.

It's The Gore.

And he's not alone.

What kind of friends
only see each other

when the end
of the world is looming?

What do you mean
by "friends"?

He's got a point
there, Blue Angel.

What are you
doing here?

The last time
I asked you to team up,

you left me hanging like
a cat on a poster.

I don't need to explain
myself to either of you.

However, you both know that

just as much as
anyone in the world.

More than anyone.

And so...
I won't stand by

and watch the Knights of Hanoi
destroy it.

That's what I like to hear.

We finally have
something in common

'cause The Gore's
all about pounding

the Hanoi to a pulp.

Says the guy
on the losing streak.

Watch it, 8-bit,

'cause I can duel
way better than you.

Listen, fezzie,
I do have a name, you know.

It's Ai.

But you can call me
Emperor Ai.

Or Professor Ai.

Ai the Brainiac.


Ai the Egomaniac.

Not what I said!

As much as I enjoy this
scintillating conversation,

I must be going for
three reasons.

One: I must stop the tower

from destroying
the worldwide network.

Two: I must defeat Varis

to wrest control of LINK VRAINS
from the Hanoi.

And three:
I must save Ghost Gal

after she gave up everything
to give me

a sliver
of chance at success.

What do you mean,
save Ghost Gal?

When Ghost Gal battled
and lost against Varis,

her data was absorbed into
the Tower of Hanoi.

Oh no.


You're telling me
that if I lose a duel,

I'm gonna lose my
soul as well?

That is exactly
what I am saying, Gore.

As the tower devours more
and more data,

it gains the power
to destroy the world

and consume all of LINK VRAINS
within six hours.


Six hours?

How is that even

As much it would be
interesting to explain,

I don't think explaining
the mechanism

is the most practical
use of the remaining time.

Okay, fine, then just
answer me this:

How do we
go about stopping it?

By beating Varis.

So the solution's

as long as we
can pull it off.

Not "we."

This mission
is mine alone.



Varis and his army will fight
harder than ever before.

I cannot vouch
for your safety.

I don't need
your vouchin'.

Yeah, me neither.

I'd miss all the fun.

And three sets of eyes

means triple the chance
of finding Varis.

You're the one who said
time's a-wastin', Playmaker.

And this sounds mighty
efficient to me.

That settles it then.

It looks like
you're stuck with us.

Do what you want.

That's how he says
"thank you."

If you do find Varis,

make sure to be
extra careful.

Ghost Gal warned me
of a powerful new card.

All right, see you all
when this party's over.

You can count on it.

Okay, now scram!

We just saw
the ultimate team-up.

And it was all
caught on film

by the ultimate

Our boss said no bonus

but he'll change
his tune

when he sees
this footage.


Calm down!

What's ruffling all
those feathers now?

I forgot
to turn on the camera.

You what the what?!


And we lost track of 'em.

What do you mean, "we"?


You lost
track of 'em!

Find 'em!


I know that
you're watching me.

So why don't ya come on out?


You're the guy
who beat Kitamura.

The name is Spectre.

I'm hurt that
you don't remember me.

From before.

We've met?

Allow me to refresh
your memory, Blue Angel.



You're that crazy creep
who brainwashed me!

Ah, so you do remember.

That truly
warms my heart.

Yeah, whatever.

Now would you mind steppin'
aside to let me pass?

I do mind, actually.

Can't you spare
a brief moment

for your biggest fan?

Uh, what...

Perhaps for even more
than just a passing moment.

What would you say if I were
to humbly request

a full-fledged
duel against you?

I'd say I pass.

Then it's good
it's not a request.

It's actually a demand

and one that you cannot
and will not refuse.

Are you for real?

As real as reality.

Varis ordered me
to stop anyone

who would dare
interfere with our plans.

If you lose...

Well, I think
you already know.


But make no mistake,

I truly am honored
to duel you...

in your
final duel ever.

I am so over this.

As a pro, I learned
that the more trash

a duelist talks, the more
they're covering up

for their own insecurity.

Then let's find out
if I'm all talk!


Let's just see.

Let's duel!

Let's duel!

I shall permit myself
to make the first move.

I'm sure you don't mind.

I'll start by summoning
Sunseed Genius Loci.

And with just this one card,
I am allowed to Link Summon!

He's Link Summoning

Yes already, my dear.

Link Arrows authorized.

For the summoning

I require one
Plant-Type monster.

So I shall set my
Sunseed Genius Loci

in the Link Marker.

I Link Summon!

This concrete jungle
is no match against

the mighty
forces of nature.


Rise up,
Link 1 Sunavalon Dryas!

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